Tuesday, November 16, 2010

News stories for Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Part 3

Before Raising Taxes, Collect $3.3b Taxes Owed by Federal Workers

State AG Robosigning Settlement Brewing

Sources on both sides of the 50-state attorney's general investigation into so-called "robo-signing" foreclosure practices tell me they are nearing a settlement. Webmaster's Commentary:

So, in exchange for a piece of the loot, the state AGs will turn a blind eye to the bankers' criminality and fraud. We knew this was coming when the media started selling the idea that any further investigation into the mortgage-backed-securities fraud would "Threaten the nation's financial stability." Let this serve as an example to those who still believe that the government is interested in protecting the people. You have just been sold out.

CBS steps up to counter Reuter's poll

4 in 5 Support Full-Body Airport Scanners

Webmaster's Commentary:

And of course, you cannot actually vote on the CBS poll; you just have to take their word for it! Personally, I lean towards the Reuter's interactive poll than anything manufactured by CBS. I used to work for CBS.

Cook County to pay $55.3 million to settle jail strip search case

The Cook County Board today approved a $55.3 million settlement in a class-action civil lawsuit alleging that thousands of inmates at the county jail were improperly strip searched.

Webmaster's Commentary:

So, TSA is treating travelers WORSE than prisoners get treated in the jails??????????

Banking Scandal Lurking for Obama in 2011?

Speculation grows as Feds continue to delay releasing Broadway Banking report. Republican Darrell Issa hints at coming Congressional investigation.

Banking Scandal Lurking for Obama in 2011?

Speculation grows as Feds continue to delay releasing Broadway Banking report. Republican Darrell Issa hints at coming Congressional investigation.


We all know how good Netanyahu’s word is…. we know he never lies. But he seems to think the Americans do…. SO…. he is demanding a written guarantee from Obama…. or no settlement freeze! And YOU, the US Taxpayer will be witness to that forthcoming guarantee…

X-ray vans now being deployed at auto-crossings.

Webmaster's Commentary: As mentioned on the radio show today

Shoe Fitting X-Ray Device

Webmaster's Commentary: And they told us these were safe as well! TSA take note.

Welcome to the Age of Permanent Bailouts for the Giant Banks

NY Fed president William Dudley said today, when asked when the Fed would stop quantitative easing: This exit could be several years away. Too bad that quantitative easing won't help Main Street or the average American. It will only help big banks, giant corporations, and big investors.

Dead Drops: When US Cyber Command Pulls the Net

Un-cloud your files in cement! 'Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. Watch, DHS will classify these as USB WMDs and hardware store putty as a new refined fake al Qaeda 'plastique." Stock up while you can, CITIZEN... Starting thinking about creating out new Net.

Bloomberg Calls for Carbon Tax as a Way to Fight Terrorists

Webmaster's Commentary: Now they are just getting silly!

Irish govt slaves to IMF terror machine!

Ireland and Portugal need bailouts.
Will it crash the EU?
China holding Russian/Brazilian currency to avoid the worlds reserve currency - a post US dollar era?

Chinese workers build 15-story hotel in just six days

Webmaster's Commentary: Now available on sale at WalMart!

Yemen: US steps up covert war

The US has stepped up flights by pilotless drones and increased the deployment of special forces and CIA operatives in the Middle Eastern nation of Yemen. The US military and CIA have been covertly operating in Yemen since at least 2002.

Bad China! BAD China! Ooooh really REALLY bad China!

Webmaster's Commentary:

"We are not at war with Iran. Iran is our friend. Iran has always been our friend! We are at war with China! China is our enemy. China has already been our enemy!" -- Big Brother

Obama's Greatest Betrayal: The Coming Sellout To The Super Rich and What it Means To The Rest of Us

I don't consider President Obama a sellout and I am not disappointed in him. He was bought and paid for long ago and is doing exactly what his masters want him to do. By the way, yall think he's goin for the Mussolini look in the pic!

US media gave BP easy ride for $20 billion check'

The US "self regulates"?
Isn't that an Oxymoron?

BP pays stripper not fisherman

"So....take this for what you will. A good friend of mine who works at a credit union here in town said an "employee" of cookies and cream walked in and cashed a $80K check for her claim against BP. She was due to a drop in business. I am so sick at some of these outlandish claims. This is disgusting considering the number of legit claims that are still waiting to be paid."

Why are local, licensed, legitimate commercial fishermen lowest on BP's payment totem pole?

Secretary Of Predation Tim Geithner And The Law Of The Foreclosure Jungle

Brilliant TAKEDOWN of Bank of America by an anonymous hedge fund manager.

Police State: TSA Launches Investigation Into Man Who Refused Groping, Naked Body Scan

According to Aguilar, Tyner is under investigation for leaving the security area without permission. That’s prohibited, among other reasons, to prevent potential terrorists from entering security, gaining information, and leaving.The incoherence and absurdity part is that the TSA authorities, including several "supervisors," told him he had to leave the security area and escorted him out Webmaster's Commentary:

Franz Kafka, white courtesy telephone. Kafka, white phone please!

Furious protesters march on FitzPatrick's home

ANGRY protesters gathered at the home of disgraced former banker Sean FitzPatrick to demand he be thrown in jail. Webmaster's Commentary: Why isn't this Snidely in jail?Good start.

"Don't Criticize Jews and Muslims" Bill Enters Congress"

ADL’s latest “anti-bullying” legislation, HR 6216, which I have dubbed the Don’t Criticize Jews and Muslims Act, was submitted last month to the US House of Representatives by Jewish members of Congress Sen. Arlen Specter and Reps. Brad Sherman and Elliot Engel. Its purpose is to end increasing criticism of Israel on US campuses; it would actually make such criticism, which creates “emotional distress” in Jewish students, illegal.

'Naked' scanners fooled by creased clothing

The public radio station said the trial of the body imaging security scanners has been plagued by serious problems. The units, which have been in use since September, are apparently unable to tell the difference between foreign objects and such things like pleated clothing.The scanners use millimetre-wave technology to produce outline images of bodies, with each scan lasting less than three seconds.While some passengers are being asked to remove thicker clothes such as jumpers, NDR reported that the devices are regularly malfunctioning due to creases in lighter clothes such as blouses and skirts. Although use of the scanners remains optional, every passenger must now also be patted down and pass through a metal detector, whether or not they have been scanned. Webmaster's Commentary:

"But Michael Chertoff and the rest of the Security Industrial Complex are getting rich, so you'll just have to go along with it!" -- Official White Horse Souse

China Scorns U.S. Funny Money

Busted!! - Government/MainStreamMedia Puppet Show Exposed!!

America Flexes It's Muscles In Iran

Bet I had you all goin!

Final Fantasy Spirits Within

Check out the sequence at 2:50 on the video clip, then check out this photo.

Time has caught up with us!

Police State: TSA Launches Investigation Into Man Who Refused Groping, Naked Body Scan

Michael J. Aguilar, chief of the TSA office in San Diego, called a news conference at the airport Monday afternoon to announce the probe. He said the investigation could lead to prosecution and civil penalties of up to $11,000.

TSA agents had told Tyner on Saturday that he could be fined up to $10,000.

It Is Time to Pull the Rug Out From Under JPM, BAC, C, and all Banksters. Foreclosuregate!

It is time that notaries who are notarizing fraudulent documents that allow foreclosures to proceed, be prosecuted. It is time to resolve these banks and kick these banksters out and not allow them to ever do banking in the US again.

U.N. Human Rights Council Urges the Release of Mumia and Peltier

U.N. Human Rights Council Recommends U.S.
"End the unjust incarceration of political prisoners, including
Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu Jamal"

To "Lead by example," U.S. Must Heed Recommendations, Use "Exisitng" or Create Other Mechanisms to Release Imprisoned COINTELPRO/Civil Rights Era Political Activists, Says USHRN Political Prisoner and State Repression Working Group Webmaster's Commentary:

Won't happen. The US Government never admits error when it frames someone. Even though the House Select Committee on Assassinations confirmed there was a conspiracy in the assassination of John F. Kennedy the official US Government position is that Lee Oswald acted alone.

"We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists."

We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is the reason why economic sciences form, etc. Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and the main thing, millionaires, because in substance everything will be settled by the question of figures.

Leahy's Law II and the Sleeping Lion

“Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number; Shake your chains to earth like dew; Which in sleep had fallen on you." Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Call to Freedom (1819) Chris PrattMy film Deceptions and the works of others document the many lies and the hypocrisy that our politicians and government have foisted upon us. However, the public has begun to wake up. They are beginning to realize that 9/11 revelations will be the first of many cascading dominos as conspiracy theory will morph into cover-up, over and over again.

More reasons to hate the TSA

Took out a girl's nipple rings
Force a 16 year old girl to take off her pants
removed a 71 year old's prosthetic knee after de-pantsing him in public.

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward." —- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance (to Israel over America)

November 13, 2010 "Salon" - - Soon-to-be GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor met on Wednesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- the same day when the actual U.S. Secretary of State met with Netanyahu -- and vowed that he and his GOP colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own Government. According to a statement proudly issued by Cantor's own office:Regarding the midterms, Cantor may have given Netanyahu some reason to stand firm against the American administration.

"Eric stressed that the new Republican majority will serve as a check on the Administration and what has been, up until this point, one party rule in Washington," the readout continued. "He made clear that the Republican majority understands the special relationship between Israel and the United States, and that the security of each nation is reliant upon the other."

Jeremy Grantham: "The Fed Has Spent Most of the Last 15, 20 Years Manipulating the Stock Market"

What I worry about most is the Fed's activity and — QE2 is just the latest demonstration of this. The Fed has spent most of the last 15, 20 years— manipulating the stock market whenever they feel the economy needs a bit of a kick. I think they know very well that what they do has no direct effect on the economy. The only weapon they have is the so-called wealth effect. If you can drive the market up 50 percent, people feel richer.


Quitting drinking was the toughest decision I’ve ever made. Those closest to me were begging me to carry on. “Think what you’re doing, George,” they cried. “If you do get sober, you’ll go on to be president and wreck the lives of countless people. Do us all a favour and keep getting legless.” I’m happy to say the only legless people these days are the US servicemen returning from Afghanistan.

Redeeming Role for a Common Virus: Ability to Kill Cancer

A common virus that can cause coughing and mild diarrhea appears to have a major redemptive quality: the ability to kill cancer. Harnessing that power, researchers at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of Georgetown University Medical Center, are conducting a clinical trial to see if the virus can target and kill certain tumor types.

By the age of five, most people have been exposed to the virus, called reovirus. For some, it can trigger brief episodes of coughing or diarrhea while many other don't develop any symptoms. The body simply overpowers the virus. But what scientists have discovered is that the virus grows like gangbusters inside tumor cells with a specific malfunction that leads to tumor growth. That finding led researchers to ask: Is it possible to use the virus as a treatment?


A grand jury, no longer in use anywhere outside the US, is an investigative tool that allows the government to compel citizens to testify even if they are not suspected of any crime.


Physical Attack on Jewish Voice for Peace Indicates Israeli Intimidation of Jewish Dissidents Comes Home

'Robo-Signer' Foreclosure Scandal May Threaten Fundamental Financial Stability, Government Watchdog Warns

"If such problems were to arise on a large scale, the housing market could experience even greater disruptions than have already occurred, resulting in significant harm to major financial institutions," the report states." Webmaster's Commentary:

Read this one carefully, folks. This is the start of a propaganda campaign (already reported to be the tone of NPR's news broadcasts) to sell you the idea that the banks need to be let off the hook for the mortgage backed security fraud, or else the damage will only be worse. In other words, yeah, we caught the bankers screwing us all in the ass, but we better not try to punish them for it, or there will be worse problems. Of course, there will be, for the bankers. But like that executive for J. P. Morgan who walked away clean from a hit and run, bankers believe they should be above the laws, and in true fascist style that the losses from their crimes ought to be paid for by the general public without complaint.

Do any of you agree with the above?

"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out." -- Andrew Jackson

Over 700 allege mining firm poisoned drinking water

More than 700 current and former residents of Rawl, Lick Creek, Sprigg and Merrimac claim their water supply was contaminated after Massey and subsidiary Rawl Sales & Processing pumped 1.4 billion gallons of toxic coal slurry into worked-out underground mines.They believe slurry, the byproduct of washing coal to make it burn more cleanly, then leached into their wells. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Repeat after me: Poisoned wells are not a problem. Poisoned wells are not a problem. Poisoned wells are not a problem. Carbon dioxide is the problem! Carbon dioxide is the problem! You WANT to pay a carbon tax! You WANT to pay a carbon tax! You WANT ... I don't hear anyone. Am I going deaf or something?" -- Official White Horse Souse

Live by the foreclosure, die by the foreclusre!

In a regulatory filing many homeowners may find ironic, a mortgage business run by a Florida lawyer whose "foreclosure mill" is under state investigation says it may close if unable to resolve a default with its lender. DJSP Enterprises Inc. handles the non-legal work for the Plantation law offices of David J. Stern. On Monday, the company said it has not paid its November rent and that its DAL Group LLC unit defaulted on a $15 million line of credit to Bank of America.

Gilad Atzmon: Don't call me an Israeli (very funny clip)

U.S. taxpayers are paying for Israel's West Bank occupation

According to a June 2010 fact sheet on the USAID Internet site, last year American taxpayers funded the paving of 63 kilometers of asphalt roads in the West Bank. Webmaster's Commentary:

So, the US taxpayer foots the bill for Israel's theft of the West Bank, then the US taxpayer foots the bill for Israel's new squadron of F-35s to get them to slow down that same theft of hr West Bank.

Does this sound like good management strategy by the DC bozos to you?

147 pension plans have failed this year!

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. also said it paid $5.6 billion in benefits to participants in company pension plans that failed in fiscal 2010, ended Sept. 30. It noted that 147 pension plans failed, up from 144 a year earlier.

US Hopes to Establish Bases as Yemen Fight Escalates

Webmaster's Commentary:

The fighting in Yemen is escalating because the US in invading, and the reason is clear why this is happening today. The DOW is down about 200, and as a result, many of the financial institutions that helped with plunge protection for the last two administrations and carry huge blocks of stock, on their balance sheets might well be insolvent as of this moment. So, let is return to history.

The US Government got out of the economic crisis of 1907 by getting into WW1. The US Government got out of the economic crisis of 1929 by getting into WW2. Here we are in the economic crisis of 2007 and look how hard the US is trying to start wars with ... everyone.

White House Says Child Soldiers Are Ok, if They Fight Terrorists

Webmaster's Commentary: No comment needed here....

More US households short of food

Almost 15% of US households experienced a food shortage at some point in 2009, a government report has found. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Look, you all need to lose weight anyway. Really, it's for your own good, and I need the money to pay for the next round of F-35s for Israel so they can kill Americans in international waters for efficiently!

US deal would allow Israel some West Bank building

Israel would be allowed to finish hundreds of apartments already under construction in West Bank settlements even if it agrees to a U.S.-drafted deal to renew a freeze on new construction, a diplomat familiar with the details said Monday. Webmaster's Commentary:

So, in exchange for a second squadron of F-35s, costing YOU $3 billion dollars, Israel agrees to a settlement freeze for 90 days, which works out to $33 million of YOUR tax dollars a day, only East Jerusalem isn't part of the deal and Israel can actually go on working on the settlements already started in the West Bank. What idiot thinks this is any kind of a deal?

You want to stop the settlements? I have two suggestions, either or both will work.

1. Stop sending US taxpayer dollars to Israel that pay for the settlements. Halt all money to Israel until they agree to do what the US says to do.

2. Give the F-35s to the Palestinians.

This looks like the US simply giving Israel another batch of flying death machines and needs an excuse to fool the American people into thinking this isn't just another looting of the Americans for Israel; that we actually get something back for all that cash. We don't.Welcome to the Tel Aviv whorehouse, DC franchise. You've just been screwed by Israel.

Israeli Deputy PM: Wall Should Become Official Border For Israel

Verifying the fears that Palestinians have voiced for years (which have constantly been denied by Israel), Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor told an interviewer with Ha'aretz newspaper that Israel plans to use the Wall constructed inside the West Bank as the official border of the state of Israel. Since its creation in 1948, Israel has never declared its borders, and has continually expanded its territory onto Palestinian land. The Annexation Wall that Israel has constructed in the West Bank over the last eight years snakes through the Palestinian Territory, annexing huge swaths of land, including all of the hilltops and 90% of the water supply.

Clues Suggest Stuxnet Virus Was Built for Subtle Nuclear Sabotage

New and important evidence found in the sophisticated “Stuxnet” malware targeting industrial control systems provides strong hints that the code was designed to sabotage nuclear plants, and that it employs a subtle sabotage strategy that involves briefly speeding up and slowing down physical machinery at a plant over a span of weeks. Webmaster's Commentary:

So, someone wanted to wreck the Iranian power station in a way that might not look like actual sabotage. Now, who would have wanted to do a dastardly thing like that!

Rangel Convicted of Ethics Violations

Webmaster's Commentary: Symbolic wrist-slap imminent!

Britain's top soldier: al-Qaeda cannot be beaten

Britain's Chief of the Defence Staff General David Richards speaks on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, in London Nov 14, 2010. The West is fighting a war against al Qaeda in which its forces can contain Islamic militancy but cannot achieve a conventional military victory, Britain's most senior officer was quoted as saying on Sunday. Webmaster's Commentary:

"We cannot beat Al Qaedfa because we bloody well cannot find them! Every time we think we have one of the blighters it turns out to be a phony! I am starting to wonder if there are any real Al Qaeda at all! Actually, can we erase that last part?"

Body scanners have 'mutagenic effects'

A Californian university professor of biochemistry said the Obama administration's claim that full-body scanners pose no health risks to air travellers is in "error". Webmaster's Commentary:

"So who cares if the scanners we forced them to pay for cause cancer! We'll sell them a cancer cure! Or at least something they think is a cancer cure! This stuff is great! Money is just pouring out of the sky on us! Serves them all right for not believing our lies about global warming!" -- Official White Horse Souse

China, Europe Spook Wall Street; Dow Loses 125

Webmaster's Commentary:

As of this posting the DOW is about 200 down. And the corporate media is clearly trying to place the public blame everywhere but where it truly belongs, Wall Street.

Eric Cantor violated the Logan Act.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"But I did it for Israel; doesn't that make it okay????"


Webmaster's Commentary:

All Goldman's horses and all Goldman's men, can't put this one back together again!

Remember that every financial institution involved in plunge protection has vast blocks of stock on their balance sheets. In a major stock drop, these institutions will be instantly insolvent. No doubt Bernanke's phone is ringing off the hook with begs for more "instant cash" (printed at your expense) to prop the charade up for just one more week!

The US$200-Trillion Debt Which Cannot Be Named Thursday, October 28, 2010 – by Staff Report

The scary real U.S. government debt ... Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff says U.S. government debt is not $13.5-trillion (U.S.), which is 60 percent of current gross domestic product, as global investors and American taxpayers think, but rather 14-fold higher: $200-trillion – 840 per cent of current GDP. "Let's get real," Prof. Kotlikoff says. "The U.S. is bankrupt."

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