Sunday, November 21, 2010

News stories for Sunday, November 21, 2010 Part 2

TSA airport screeners gone wild in San Diego- again

TSA headquarters has told would-be airline travelers who enter an airport checkpoint process and refuse to undergo the method of inspection designated by TSA they will not be allowed to fly and can face possible charges for disrupting the airport security process. Webmaster's Commentary:


Do you think George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would have been okay with British soldiers putting their hands down their wives' panties?

Israel Killed JFK Says Vanunu

In defiance of a ban on talking to the media and meeting with foreigners, Vanunu is said to have made the accusation in an interview to London-based Al-Hayat newspaper.

Scientists with the University of California at San Francisco were so worried that they wrote a letter to the White House Office of Science and Technology in April, 2010 raising "a number of red flags" on the scanners' safety.

Surveys of the recently deployed backscatter x-ray personnel security screening systems have been performed by an independent party to confirm compliance with the radiation dose-per-screening limits for general-use of the 2009 standard.

TSA policy is to require a survey of x-ray systems annually, after any maintenance that could affect radiation shielding, and after any impacts that could affect radiation shielding.

I figured this scanner thing out! Social Security is broke. If the government forces us all to die of cancer while young, then they are off the hook for the retirement that we already paid for and the money for which was spent to buy F-35s for Israel! :)

It Begins… US Passenger Arrested For Refusing TSA Screening Process Then Paraded Through Airport in His Underwear

In what can only be described as TSA handlers gone wild, the San Diego Harbor Police arrested an area resident for refusal to complete the screening/security process yesterday. This is the same airport that created the TSA security catch phrase “don’t touch my junk.” John Kliner of San Diego started the airport screening firestorm last week as Americans head into the busiest travel week of the year in the United States.

Does anyone really believe this has anything to do with security?

US firms pressure Ireland to tax the people, not corporations

The Irish government has been given a stark warning from some of the biggest American companies in Ireland on the risk of a mass exodus if the country's low corporation tax rate is raised. The warning – from executives at Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Intel – spoke of the "damaging impact" on Ireland's "ability to win and retain investment" should the country's corporation tax rate be increased from 12.5pc.

TSA At The 'Tipping Point': Passenger Anger At Airport Pat-Downs Threatens To Boil Over

How did an agency created to protect the public become the target of so much public scorn?

After nine years of funneling travelers into ever longer lines with orders to have shoes off, sippy cups empty and laptops out for inspection, the most surprising thing about increasingly heated frustration with the federal Transportation Security Administration may be that it took so long to boil over.

Millions to lose unemployment benefits

In eleven days, 800,000 people will lose all their benefits and by the end of the year, 2 million people will join their ranks, a Press TV correspondent reported on Saturday. House Democrats and Republicans blame each other. Party leaders in Congress disagreed over how the $12.5 billion measure would be funded.“This is unprecedented,” US unemployment analyst Scott Lilly says.“We have always gone to extended benefits when we had unemployment above 7 to 7.5 percent. It is 9.5 percent now and we are terminating the program,” he added.

Webmaster's Commentary: What a terrific Christmas gift from Congress to millions of unemployed Americans: a "drop dead" card!!!

Former Manchester United Footballer Ignites Banking Protest

Thousands of French protesters have taken up the former Man United footballer's call for a mass cash withdrawal. As students and public sector workers across Europe prepare for a winter of protests, they have been offered advice from the archetypal football rebel Eric Cantona.

Cantona was once a famous exponent of direct action against adversaries on and off the pitch. In 1995 he was given a nine-month ban after launching a karate kick at a Crystal Palace fan who shouted racist abuse at the former Manchester United star after he was sent off. But while sympathising with the predicament of the protesters in France, the now retired Cantona is urging a more sophisticated approach to dissent.

Welcome to NATOstan

NATO has left Western Europe a long time ago; too small, too provincial. It's already in Central and South Asia as well as Northeast Africa, interlinked with the Pentagon's AFRICOM (only five countries - Eritrea, Libya, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Sudan and Zimbabwe - are not Pentagon-related). Way beyond the Afghan killing fields, NATO is fast becoming a huge "forward operating base" for policing the Middle East, Africa, Asia and even the South Atlantic, where the Pentagon reactivated the Fourth Fleet

Would-be plane bombers post attack details

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is promising more small-scale attacks like its attempts to bomb two U.S.-bound cargo planes, which it likens to bleeding its enemy to death by a thousand cuts, in a special edition of the Yemeni-based group's English on-line magazine, Inspire.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Plus, our stock portfolio is heavily invested in the American Security Industrial Complex, so we figure to goose up the profits a bit!" -- Designated Fake Muslim Terrorist

Obama administration plans to pull back National Guard from much of the border

The Obama Administration plans to withdraw National Guard troops from the Texas, New Mexico and California borders by the end February under a new Southwest security plan, even as turmoil in Mexican border cities grows, according to documents obtained by The Washington Examiner.

A letter sent to various members of the Texas Congressional delegation from Texas' Gov. Rick Perry's office says, "In February, 2011, the Texas, New Mexico, and California National Guard forces that were deployed to the border in September, 2010, under President's Obama's Southwest Border Augmentation Plan, will have 30 days to complete a total draw down of forces." Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to all people who live in the border states with Mexico: the Obama administration has just thrown you under the proverbial bus.

The timing of the National Guard deployment was simply a cynical stunt right before the election, to make it appear as though the Obama administration was actually "doing something" about illegal immigrants and drugs, and the violence which has spilled over into the US.

They had utterly no intention of continuing with a a National Guard presence after the election was over.

PM asks for Pollard’s release as part of freeze deal

‘Post’ told of new bid for jailed agent’s release on 25th anniversary of his arrest, with support of notable American and Israeli officials. Webmaster's Commentary:

Pollard undermined the US nuclear deterrent that your parents paid $5 trillion for (back when a trillion was still a lot of money). Pollard gave US secrets to Israel, our so-called "friend", who in turn traded them to the USSR! Any American official supporting the release of Pollard must be viewed as a traitor, in effect an accessory after-the-fact to aiding the enemy with whom we were at cold) war at the time.

Pollard should have been shot. But it seems Israeli spies get "special" treatment.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Iran Laptop Papers Showed the Wrong Missile Warhead

The most important intelligence documents used to argue that Iran had a covert nuclear weapons research and development programme in 2003 - a set of technical drawings of efforts to fit what appears to be a nuclear payload into the reentry vehicle of Iran's medium-range ballistic missile, the Shahab-3 – turn out to have a fatal flaw: the drawings depict a reentry vehicle that had already been abandoned by the Iranian missile programme in favour of an improved model.

The Murderous U.S. Government Explained

You will obey them -- or else. It is true for the brutalized inhabitants of Afghanistan, of Pakistan, of Iraq, of Yemen, of Somalia -- and now it is increasingly true for the inhabitants of the United States itself.

What the U.S. now does in Afghanistan it has done repeatedly around the world for over a hundred years.

TSA: Travelers Who Refuse Scanning Can’t Leave, Will Be Fined Passengers 'Can Not Just Decide to Leave'

The TSA genital “patdowns” have led to threats from some local prosecutors to charge them with sexual assault, but the TSA has shrugged off public outcry over the measures and seems more intent than ever on cowing the public into submission.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"You will let us grope you!!"

"You will let us see you naked!!"

"You will let us spread all the viruses and germs we picked up from the thousand passengers before you!!"

"Resistance is futile!"

(Ahem) Note that even the pretense that this is all somehow good for us is totally abandoned. It's all about "cowing the public into submission."

"Okay, you can all get on the airplane now. Enjoy your flight!"

I wonder how George Washington and Thomas Jefferson wold have reacted to having British soldiers run their hands down their wives' panties!

Israel troops get suspended sentence on Gaza abuse

An Israeli court-martial handed down suspended prison sentences on Sunday to two former soldiers who forced a Palestinian boy to search for suspected booby-traps during the Gaza Strip war, the military said. The ruling meant the ex-conscripts, who were last month convicted of reckless endangerment and conduct unbecoming, are free but face a minimum 3-month jail term if they commit another crime.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

"Looks like a terrorist to me!"

NATO summit to embrace indefinite Afghan war

The New York Times, having been briefed by administration officials, on November 14 summed up Obama’s perspective: “By the end of 2014, American and NATO combat forces could be withdrawn if conditions warrant, although tens of thousands very likely will remain for training, mentoring and other assistance, just as 50,000 American troops are still in Iraq.”

In other words, Washington plans an indefinite presence of US occupation forces in Afghanistan. Even if “conditions warrant” that foreign troops are not required for direct combat by 2014—a prospect dismissed by virtually all analysts—the Pentagon will assert that an enduring presence is required to provide “training, mentoring and assistance.”

Webmaster's Commentary: If you ever believed,for one millisecond, that the US was ever going to leave Afghanistan, you'd better think again.

The Federal Reserve's Hidden Agenda: Driving the Country into a Second Depression

Ben Bernanke has said that the Fed is trying to promote inflation, increase lending, reduce unemployment, and stimulate the economy. However, the Fed has arguably - to some extent - been working against all of these goals.For example, as I reported in March, the Fed has been paying the big banks high enough interest on the funds which they deposit at the Fed to discourage banks from making loans. Indeed, the Fed has explicitly stated that - in order to prevent inflation - it wants to ensure that the banks don't loan out money into the economy, but instead deposit it at the Fed:

Webmaster's Commentary: QE2 has absolutely nothing to do with assisting the economy of the US, and everything to to with fattening up the already obscenely overfilled coffers of the banks and the Federal Reserve (which is, of course, no more "Federal" than Federal Express!)

Erdogan to be Time's person of the year?

Turkish PM frontrunner in vote, praised by magazine's editors for standing up to Israel, US.

UN worries its troops caused cholera in Haiti

This week, after anti-U.N. riots and inquiries from health experts, the top U.N. representative in Haiti said he is taking the allegations very seriously.

"It is very important to know if it came from (the Nepalese base) or not, and someday I hope we will find out," U.N. envoy Edmond Mulet told The Associated Press.

The answer would have implications for U.N. peacekeeping missions around the world, he said.

The latest Nepalese deployment came in October, after a summer of cholera outbreaks in Nepal. The changeover at the base, which guards the area south of the central plateau town of Mirebalais, was done in three shifts on Oct. 9, 12 and 16.

Webmaster's Commentary: Forgive me, but if the UN is importing "peacekeepers" from an area where there has been a cholera outbreak to a country whose citizens have no immunity to cholera, why would it not be protocol that these soldiers be checked for the disease before being transported to their next tour of duty?!?

This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever: the Haitian people were sitting ducks for this horrendous outbreak.

Offshoring War: How Obama—and Those Moments of Silence—Insult Military Sacrifice

“Honoring those who’ve served,” President Obama said in Seoul two days ago, “is about more than the words we say on Veterans Day or Memorial Day. It’s about how we treat our Veterans every single day of the year.”

Obama Tells Americans: Get in Line and Get Your TSA Gropings

Obama is laughing at you that he does not have to go through TSA screenings, but you DO! Ordinary Americans, you know; the peasantry, have to be groped and fondled and stripped naked. But Obama (and according to other reports,. Boehner and Bernanke and presumably the entire Congress) are exempt. This is a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. If that woman traveling from Corpus Christie to Amerillo gets stripped naked in public view, then so to must Michelle Obama and the two daughters. Let's see if President pansy is an sanguine about the TSA after that!

Meanwhile, Obama of course resorts to using the Christmas Crotch bomber as the excuse for these intrusive searches, forgetting that witnesses reported that the suspect Abdulmutallab was escorted AROUND the scanners at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport and put on the Detroit-bound plane without a passport!

PM asks for Pollard’s release as part of freeze deal

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has asked the US to release Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard as part of a series of gestures made to Israel in an effort to restart peace talks with the Palestinians, sources with knowledge of the talks told The Jerusalem Post over the weekend.

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to Prime Minister Netnanyahu: Pollard was a traitor to his country, and caused a world of hurt to American intelligence assets with what he did. If Obama folds on this, it will be an horrendous day for the United States of America: we will have shown, at the highest level, that this country's government has been totally, thoroughly compromised by Israel.

U.S. alerts Asian capitals to possible North Korean uranium enrichment program

The Obama administration has dispatched a team of experts to Asian capitals to report that North Korea appears to have started a program to enrich uranium, possibly to manufacture more nuclear weapons, a senior U.S. administration official said Saturday. Webmaster's Commentary: IF this is true, after the object lesson the US gave the world about what happens to a country without a nuclear deterrent, as happened with the attack against and current occupation of Iraq, who can really blame the North Koreans for not wanting the same outcome to happen against their country?

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