TSA airport screeners gone wild in San Diego- again
TSA headquarters has told would-be airline travelers who enter an airport checkpoint process and refuse to undergo the method of inspection designated by TSA they will not be allowed to fly and can face possible charges for disrupting the airport security process. Webmaster's Commentary:
BOYCOTT THE AIRLINES. DRIVE THEM OUT OF BUSINESS. IT IS THE ONLY NON-VIOLENT WAY TO END THIS INSANITY! Do you think George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would have been okay with British soldiers putting their hands down their wives' panties?
Obama Tells Americans: Get in Line and Get Your TSA Gropings
Obama is laughing at you that he does not have to go through TSA screenings, but you DO! Ordinary Americans, you know; the peasantry, have to be groped and fondled and stripped naked. But Obama (and according to other reports,. Boehner and Bernanke and presumably the entire Congress) are exempt. This is a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. If that woman traveling from Corpus Christie to Amerillo gets stripped naked in public view, then so to must Michelle Obama and the two daughters. Let's see if President pansy is an sanguine about the TSA after that! Meanwhile, Obama of course resorts to using the Christmas Crotch bomber as the excuse for these intrusive searches, forgetting that witnesses reported that the suspect Abdulmutallab was escorted AROUND the scanners at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport and put on the Detroit-bound plane without a passport!
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