Monday, November 29, 2010

News stories for Monday, November 29, 2010 Part 1

The Environmental Impact Of War

The earth’s environment is battered by war, its preparation, practice and aftermath. It is destroyed as an act of war; it is used as a weapon of war; and its destruction is expensive and sometimes irreversible. Its integral involvement with war is often secret, widely ignored, and easily forgotten – until now.

International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian people

On the occasion of the Palestinian Partition Plan and the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian people, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi calls for recognition of a Palestinian state after years of struggle.

Rest of Asia UN faces new battle over North Korea sanctions

A UN sanctions committee will on Monday discuss a new report on efforts to stop North Korea trading in nuclear weapons material, with the atmosphere made more tense by the North's artillery attack on the rival South. China stopped the last sanctions committee report being sent to the UN Security Council for several months. A new battle is expected over the latest assessment by Security Council-mandated experts. Stiff financial and trade sanctions imposed after the North's nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009 have not halted the secretive regime's dabbling in banned nuclear and arms trading, according to the last report, which was only published this month.

Webmaster's Commentary: Note the timing of the release of this report; in the month where a South Korean military provocation created a retaliation by the North.

Escalating sanctions to the point where there is some kind of naval blockade of North Korea will simply lead to war between North and South Korea, dragging China and the US into the fray. To logical people, such action, followed by the almost inevitable outcome, would be completely counterproductive. North and South Korea need to be led to the conference table by the US and China, kicking and screaming, if need be, and there needs to be a permanent peace agreement to replace the cease-fire status which has existed between these two nations for over half a century. There need to be guarantees in place that military hostilities will end, and trade will be allowed to take place. Trade trumps war any day, in terms of opening a country up to growth, and social and political progress.

McCain: Time to discuss `regime change' in NKorea

Sen. John McCain said Sunday it was time to discuss "regime change" in North Korea, but the former Navy combat pilot didn't say how he advocates changing the government in the repressive and secretive dictatorship. Webmaster's Commentary:

I think we need a regime change right here at home to get rid of the current repressive and secretive dictatorship.

Israel satisfied as WikiLeaks shows 'consistency' on Iran

Israel expressed satisfaction on Monday after the mass release of US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks, saying it proved Israel's position on Iran was consistent -- in public and in private.

Webmaster's Commentary:

And if you believe that one, I have some of Saddam's 'nookular' bombs to sell you!

Seoul vows naval, air strikes on NK

Outgoing Defense Minister Kim Tae-young said Monday that fighter jets and warships of South Korean and U.S. forces will immediately strike North Korean targets should the North launch an attack on the South’s soil again. Kim’s remarks at a parliamentary session came as the allies were conducting high-profile naval and air strike drills in waters off Taean, about 170 kilometers southwest of Seoul, on the second day of a four-day joint exercise. “Once the rules of engagement are revised, the Navy and Air Force will be allowed to conduct strikes (on North Korean targets),” Kim said at the National Assembly’s Budget and Account Committee meeting.

U.S. Applies Pressure In China Currency Feud

Trade tensions seem to intensify daily, especially between the United States and China. Congress not too long ago upped the ante, labeling China a "currency manipulator." Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner also has taken a hard line.

As Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao rejected American pressure outright, Japan has taken advantage of the tension to seek its own advantage, intervening in currency markets for the first time in years. Even Brazil has threatened its own, self-interested currency interventions. These are dangerous trends, threatening adverse economic and market effects-significant risks that recommend a less heavy-handed, bullying approach.

Webmaster's Commentary: The problem with currency and trade wars is that these wars frequently escalate into real shooting wars.

This country is seriously broke, and the Obama administration is desperate for something with which to attempt to distract a large portion of the American public from the financial misery in which they are mired. Also, historically, the US has gotten out of economic depressions by going to war. But because the US has offshored most of their manufacturing, the US no longer has the capability to keep up a sustained war, because we no longer manufacture the items with which to sustain it. Labeling China as a currency manipulator, and blaming this for the US's financial woes, when it has been Tim Geithner and the Fed which has poured huge amounts of liquidity into capital markets through the Fed's "QE2 program", is not the answer.

Cutting taxes across the board, and incentivizing companies to build and invest in factories here at home would contribute to turning this country around, economically. Additionally, ending the funding for these immoral and illegal wars without end, would help. Of course, these steps are logical. Unfortunately, logic and Federal governmental policies are rarely on the same side when it actually comes to actually bettering the lot of We the People.

Hidden Intelligence Operation Behind the Wikileaks Release of "Secret" Documents?

Notable for Mr Assange’s blunt denial of any sinister 9/11 conspiracy is the statement in a BBC interview by former US Senator, Bob Graham, who chaired the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence when it performed its Joint Inquiry into 9/11. Graham told BBC, "I can just state that within 9/11 there are too many secrets, that is information that has not been made available to the public for which there are specific tangible credible answers and that the withholding of those secrets has eroded public confidence in their government as it relates to their own security." BBC narrator: "Senator Graham found that the cover-up led to the heart of the administration." Bob Graham: "I called the White House and talked with Ms.

Tick Off Israel and Wikileaks Will Call You a Terrorist

Turkey has been pissed off at Israel because the IDF illegally boarded some of their vessels in international waters that were attempting to bring humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza and they killed some 9 Turkish citizens in the process. So of course, Wikileaks calls the Turks “terrorists”. This of course after Wikileaks released some “secrets” that claimed the US has only indirectly caused the deaths of a mere 15,000 Iraqi civilians over and above the “official” number and that Iran is also “supporting the terrorists” in Iraq.

Big freeze will go on 'for weeks'

The predication came as more severe weather warnings were issued and parts of Scotland and North East England were hit by up to 16 ins of snow.

Less Than a Tenth of Bank Of America's Assets Comes From Traditional Banking Deposits

Some very smart people say that the big banks aren't really focusing as much on the lending business as smaller banks. Specifically since Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999, the giant banks have made much of their money in trading assets, securities, derivatives and other speculative bets, the banks' own paper and securities, and in other money-making activities which have nothing to do with traditional depository functions. Now that the economy has crashed, the big banks are making very few loans to consumers or small businesses because they still have trillions in bad derivatives gambling debts to pay off, and so they are only loaning to the biggest players and those who don't really need credit in the first place.

Mayhem Monday: Commuter chaos as temperatures are expected to hit -20C after coldest November for 25 years

Forecasters warned that the mercury will plunge even lower - to minus 20C - as the severe weather continues until next week, with snow due to hit London and the Home Counties tonight.

Boat engine causes oil to rise from seafloor -- "Just dead, everything's dead"

Al Qaeduh, in light of wiki claiming Osama is alive and out to get you

Iran blames Israel after nuclear scientist killed

Assailants on motorcycles attached magnetized bombs to the cars of two nuclear scientists as they were driving to work in Tehran on Monday, killing one and wounding the other, Iranian officials said. The president accused Israel and the West of being behind the attacks.


It’s OK for Israel to spy on the United States but the reverse is forbidden? Assuming the following allegations are true, for once, the United States is justified in its actions…

More WikiLeaks propaganda; world leaders agree with Israel!

Had WikiLeaks didn’t exist, Israel would have had to invent it. The massive leak of US diplomatic documents produces a clear, unequivocal picture: The whole world, and not only Israel, is terrified by the Iranian nuclear threat. Webmaster's Commentary:

I think Israel did invent WikiLeaks. After all, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange insists there is no 9-11 conspiracy, and not a single criticism of Israel appears anywhere in this latest dump; an impossibility in the wake of the lethal Israeli attack on the aid flotilla last May!

Iran dismisses Wikileaks release

Iran's president has dismissed as propaganda the leaking of US cables detailing Arab calls for Washington to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the release by the Wikileaks website of thousands of extracts from US diplomatic messages was simply psychological warfare against Iran. He said the release would not affect Iran's relations with other countries.


The increasingly fragile American Empire has been built on a foundation of lies. Lies we tell ourselves and Big lies spread by our government. The shit is so deep you can stir it with a stick. As we enter another holiday season the mainstream corporate mass media will relegate you to the status of consumer. This is a disgusting term that dehumanizes all Americans. You are nothing but a blot to corporations and advertisers selling you electronic doohickeys that they convince you that you must have.

Commissar Napolitano Seizes Control of Mail

Janet Napolitano has issued a decree—so it is written, so it shall be done—barring all packages mailed from Japan that weigh more than .9 pounds, are not sent by a commercial enterprise, and do not have the receiver’s SS# written on the package. Mike Rogers says this is big news in the Japanese press.


Tim King The feds sound like they took this guy by the hand and somehow became the "terrorists" he was working with. In fact from the various media accounts, there doesn't seem to be proof that this man ever talked to any actual "terrorists" except the FBI.

'Firm sold Israel torture instruments'

A Danish-British security company has sold torture instruments to the Israeli prisons, holding Palestinians inmates, a Danish newspaper has written. PressTV There are around 9,000 Palestinians in Israeli detention. The families have for long been calling on human rights organizations and groups to intervene in order to secure the release of their loved ones, many of whom have been incarcerated without charge, trial and sentence . . .

Next Spain?


Germany Faces An Awful Choice

Although no one anywhere has yet dared to openly say it, Germany must now contemplate doing for the whole of the EU what it did for its own volk in East Germany over 20 years ago or watch its strategic investment in, and the very fabric of, the postwar order of Europe collapse with a bang, and in hideous acrimony. Michael's solem declaration - that WW-III between China and the US has already begun in the Yellow Sea - may need to be retracted. For WW-III may yet start not in Korea but rather where both WW-I and WW-II did. Tough call. Very tough call!

If Ireland Doesn’t Take The Bailout . . .

So a week ago as I write this, the Irish formally asked for a bailout from the European Union, acting in concert with the International Monetary Fund and the British government.

And now, a week after that request, the EU finance ministers just approved the bailout of the Republic of Ireland—

—however . . . However, in those seven days in between, a serious shitstorm broke out in Ireland—it has been one hell of a week, over there in the Emerald Isle. And though the bailout has been approved by the EU finance drones, we still do not have an approval from the most important player of them all: The Irish people.

Government Lies about Airport Security

The federal government is absolutely lying about the need for and effectiveness of full-body x-rays and molestation by officials at airports for "security." They have much better and much cheaper means to detect explosives - and they use them for their OWN protection.

Welcome to the Food Wars: Patriot Act for Food

Need a good laugh? Check out the bizarre reasoning offered in support of the Patriot Act for Food (S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act), which the U.S. Senate will vote on shortly (likely Monday). From a need to stop food smuggling, to the law is too old, to the terrorists are gonna get us, elites sure are shy on brains when it comes to credible propaganda. They must be drinking fluoridated water and smoking Monsanto marijuana, or hoping you are.

Pistole As Puffball

Irish Pension reserve funds to be spent on banks

UP to €15 billion from the National Pensions Reserve Fund, set aside when the Celtic Tiger was still roaring, is likely to be used to recapitalise three of the country’s banks.

Gaza Photo Exhibition Attacked by the Jewish Defense League in Paris

US-South Korea Drill Off Due To Bad Weather, Journalists Prevented From Filming

Why were journalists prevented from filming if the drill was simply called off due to bad weather? This looks like a clear attempt by certain people within our government to start a possible world war. Joint South Korean and US landing exercises on Mallipo beach were cancelled on Monday with military officials blaming bad weather for the cancellation

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer of Able Danger on WikiLeaks Self Promotion

Shaffer - "Let me state again - and be clear here - I do not believe WiliLeaks is a legitimate whistle-blowing organization - they seems more focused on being disruptive, than working to enhance oversight of/or resolution of key military and diplomatic issues, as an objective."

WikiLeaks: Iran 'obtains North Korea missiles which can strike Europe'

WikiLeaks: Iran 'obtains North Korea missiles which can strike Europe'

Iran has obtained ballistic missiles from North Korea that could be used to strike Western Europe, the leaked files suggest. (pic) In leaked documents from German newspaper Der Spiegel President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is referred to as 'Hitler' By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent 7:30AM GMT 29 Nov 2010 Secret American intelligence assessments conclude that Iran has obtained a stock of 19 advanced missiles, based on a Russian design. The missiles could give Iran the capacity to strike at capitals in Western Europe as close as Berlin, or Moscow. They could also use the missile technology to develop even more powerful inter-continental ballistic missiles, the cable warns.

FLASHBACK*** Wikileaks claims WMDs found in Iraq

Navy's Trident Nuclear Warheads Hit the Highway, Bound for Texas

Hundreds of nuclear warheads are secretly being trucked between Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor and the Texas panhandle to have their lives extended. So much for the secret.

Oregon mosque burned after sting operation on bomber

Okay. Let's set this young Somali guy up and we have a home-grown terrorist. Whoops! Now the rest of Muslims, who really did not do anything, get their mosque burned down. I cannot even think of anything else to say but that this is a sad, sad day in US history.

TSA thanks you for allowing them to violate your rights and to assault you

Such a Well Behaved Herd of Sheep
TSA thanks you for allowing them to violate your rights and to assault you
By Marti Oakley
November 26, 2010 "PPJ Gazette" -- If ever there was an indicator of just how apathetic and well trained the American public truly is, it must be this situation with TSA. Like a herd of bedraggled sheep, thousands of you forfeited your 4th and 5th amendment rights and allowed the government to irradiate you and view your virtually naked body, or allowed yourself to be subjected to an enhanced pat-down…nothing short of a sexual can take an ordinary everyday, individual... slap a government badge on them and they suddenly become a psychopath with no morals, no ethics and no sense of decency.

A Rodeo Clown Is Running the American Economy

Obama’s Mother worked for Tim Geithner’s Dad, who headed micro financing in Asia, when she started micro financing in Asia for the Ford Foundation. So Geithner will be at the Treasury as long as he wants to be. Hank Paulson, not a deep thinker, rarely noticed the money supply, but paid close attention to his own and his friends’ immediate bonuses. Bernanke made sure that the amount of fresh money printed was equal to expected Wall Street bonuses. Arrogant and ignorant, Bernanke says the best thing about his job is not having to go through airline security like the rest of us. These members of the power elites may default on all federal debt. Or, more likely, Bernanke will burn up the presses printing debased dollars while he fearlessly fulfills his hyperinflation mission.

The Big Lie: Governments Have to Save the Big Banks

Many of the world's top economists and financial experts have said that the too big to fail banks are destroying the world economy, that they must be broken up in order to restore stability, and that small banks will take care of all of the lending which anyone needs. See this, this and this. And yet many people still believe the myth that the giant banks have to be saved at all costs. How could that be? Well, as Adolph Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf:

S Korea Earmarks US$1.23bil for Major Arms Purchase

S Korea Earmarks US$1.23bil for Major Arms Purchase
SEOUL, 26 NOVEMBER, 2010: South Korea has earmarked around 1.4 trillion won (US$1.23 billion) to buy weapons such as K-9 self-propelled howitzers and F-15K fighter jets next year, but the spending is expected to increase following North Korea's deadly artillery attack on a southern border island, South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted government officials as saying Friday. South Korea's defense ministry is seeking a near 6 percent budget increase for 2011 to beef up its military capacity after a March deadly sinking of a warship blamed on North Korea. The officials said the defense ministry submitted a bill to the National Assembly seeking an extra budget following the North's attack on Yeonpyeong Island.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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