President Obama's status inside the United States may no longer be "rock star" and some say his reputation overseas seems to be suffering since he went to London for his first G20 meeting in April 2009, but Obama says he has strong relationships with world leaders and a "level of understanding and working together" that was not present during his first trip.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Translation: Obama has had a good dose of well-deserved humble force-fed to him.
It appears that the Obama administration is ready to pardon all the securitization deviants by signing this bill into law. This information is corroborated by several people who are in sensitive positions — persons who would be the first to know such proposals.
Unconfirmed but from a reliable source KARL DENNINGER.
The Chinese military’s non-nuclear missiles have “the capability to attack” and close down five of six major U.S. Air Force bases in South Korea and Japan, an unpublished government report says.
China’s improved inventory of short- and medium-range missiles provides a “dramatic increase” in its ability to “inhibit” U.S. military operations in the western Pacific, according to excerpts from the draft of the 2010 annual report by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission scheduled for release on Nov. 17. Webmaster's Commentary: Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how, all of a sudden, China has seemed to become the US's "enemy #1" after the US didn't get what they wanted from China at the G20 regarding a possible revaluing of its currency?Just checking.
Pentagon planners were wary of China’s double-digit military-budget growth rates even before the global economic crisis put the squeeze on America’s own defense investment. Now the Chinese army’s growth continues while America’s flat-lines. That’s got the U.S. military, especially the Navy, scrambling for new ideas. Webmaster's Commentary: Anyone who believes, for one second, that defense spending is going to get cut in the next round of Congressional appropriations, is dreaming.
The United States has reiterated its pledge to send a super carrier to the Yellow Sea for joint naval drills with South Korea without specifying the timing, despite China's objections.
"The only thing I'd answer is those are international waters and they aren't owned by China," Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a media roundtable in Melbourn, Australia, Monday, according to a transcript released by the Pentagon, Tuesday. "They aren't owned by Korea. They're international waters in which we have and many other countries have sailed forever. My expectation is we'll continue to do that."
Webmaster's Commentary:
If this happens, this action is bound to exacerbate the situation with China, rather than resolve it.
Under recently passed amendments to the Foreign Assistance Act governing U.S. War Reserves Stockpiles for Allies (WRSA), the value of U.S. weapons to be prepositioned in Israel will reach $1 billion in 2011, with another $200 million added in 2012, U.S. and Israeli sources say. Once implemented, the amount of U.S.-owned and -controlled materiel available for Israel's emergency use will have jumped threefold from pre-2007 levels of some $400 million.'
Bacteria can distinguish “self” from “other,” and between their relatives and strangers. They can communicate, prey in packs, and have social intelligence.
The MMS action wasn't designed to blow up the Deepwater Horizon, either. But there is no question that design or not, it was the actions (or in this case the inaction) of the government that led to disaster. So I don't care what Obama says the intentions are, history will judge him on that the results actually are, and right now, it is not looking good.
Influential US experts on Friday painted a grim picture of the Afghanistan war, calling on President Barack Obama to consider scaling back the military mission without signs of progress.
The task force of the Council on Foreign Relations largely backed the Obama administration's plan of intensifying military operations against the Taliban and starting a withdrawal in mid-2011.
But the panel -- led by Richard Armitage and Samuel Berger, top aides to presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton -- said the administration needed to take hard decisions after its own highly anticipated war review in December.
Webmaster's Commentary:
There is no possible military solution here, only a political one.
The question is, how much longer do we stay in this immoral, illegal war, and how many more Americans and Afghanis have to die before that political settlement is reached?!?
A more down-to-earth – and non-military – explanation was given by John Pike, director of the US-based security analyst firm
He said: “The local station chopped up the video and so it’s hard to watch it continuously but at one place you can see it has changed course – rockets don’t do that.”
He added it was most likely to be a normal aircraft contrail which appears different in the sun: “It’s an airplane that is heading toward the camera and the contrail is illuminated by the setting sun.”
John Pike, director of the US-based security analyst firm
Verdict: airplane.
Webmaster's Commentary:
John? Rockets do change course. That's how we got to the the Moon and how they hit their intended targets. You know, gyros, sensors, on-board navigation, GPS, movable fins kind of thing?
With Netanyahu in the United States during a hastily announced nuclear national level exercise and nuclear emergencies occurring after his arrival, the readership of my false flag analysis shot up from 322,000 Saturday morning to over 400,000 on Sunday night, according to Google.
The government can't keep the roads paved, can't keep the schools working, can't keep the bridges from collapsing, can't keep the Mississippi from flooding, can't return to the Moon, can't keep Wall Street from screwing the American people, can't keep the oil wells from exploding, can't replace the shuttle, can't revive manufacturing, can't win in Iraq, can't win in Afghanistan, can't hold an honest election, can't decide if the world is warming or headed into a new ice age, but by golly they will justify an aggregate tax rate above 50% by groping our crotches at the airports!
Today, most American students don't even understand what a central bank is, much less that the battle over central banks is one of the most important themes in U.S. history. The truth is that our nation was birthed in the midst of a conflict over taxation and the control of our money. Central banking has played a key role in nearly all of the wars that America has fought. Presidents that resisted the central bankers were shot, while others shamefully caved in to their demands. Our current central bank is called the Federal Reserve and it is about as "federal" as Federal Express is. The truth is that it is a privately-owned financial institution that is designed to ensnare the U.S. government in an endlessly expanding spiral of debt from which there is no escape.
The evidence suggests that Charles Nungesser and François Coli landed their sea-plane, L'Oiseau Blanc, or The White Bird, just off the coast of the French islands of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, near Newfoundland on 11 May. Their plane probably broke up on – or soon after – touching down and both men were killed.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Given that the prize they were all competing for was intended to stimulate cross-Atlantic commercial air travel, I would view dying on landing as a disqualification. But maybe I am just being picky.
The event, organized by the Jewish Agency and the Chess Federation of Israel, was widely reported in the media as "a victory over Iran" – the previous record belonged to an Iranian grandmaster who played against 500 opponents and won 80% of the games.
Webmaster's Commentary:
It's just a @#$%ing board game, and the "prize" is an entry in the Guinness book, and still the Israelis felt they had to cheat! Bernie Madoff-with-the-loot would be proud!
They Calculate True U.S. GDP At $5 Trillion (NOT $14T), And They Downgrade Bernanke From Triple FFF To 'Unmeasurable' On Worries Over His Sanity.
From the WSJ:
"Taking Dagong Credit's downgrade at face value, Uncle Sam is now on the same level as Costco, based on the big box retailer’s Standard & Poor’s rating. The Treasury can take pride, however, in ranking a notch higher than “Government Sachs,” rated only A by S&P."
Leaders of 20 major economies on Friday refused to back a U.S. push to make China boost its currency's value.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Chinese missile subs! Alien UFOs! Stranded cruise ships! Lindsey Lohan! Michael Jackson (Yes, I know he's dead; dig him up anyway)! Osama bin Laden! Osama bin Laden's replacement! Osama bin Laden's nephew! His dog! Something! Anything! I need a distraction!" -- Official White Horse Souse
Why am I all over the map here and what’s the point? Charity is one of the last refuges of the rich, who are generally scoundrels and as you can see by going to the recent lineup of articles on, you can read about all the dark doings that the corporate banking vampires are up to with the mortgage foreclosure action. They’re giving off excuses such as they should be given a pass for stealing hopes with flagrant abuses of the legal system, since the victims would ‘probably’ have lost their house anyway. They’re pushing congress to retroactively change the laws, so that nothing they have done will be illegal in the present, if it no longer is illegal in the past. Wall Street is pouring funds into congress to make this happen.
leading Israeli airport security expert says the Canadian government has wasted millions of dollars to install "useless" imaging machines at airports across the country.
"I don't know why everybody is running to buy these expensive and useless machines. I can overcome the body scanners with enough explosives to bring down a Boeing 747," Rafi Sela told parliamentarians probing the state of aviation safety in Canada.
"That's why we haven't put them in our airport," Sela said, referring to Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport, which has some of the toughest security in the world.
YOKOHAMA, Japan — President Barack Obama claimed a stronger hand on the world stage Friday despite electoral defeats at home, failure to get a free-trade agreement with South Korea and lackluster international support for his get-tough policy with China on trade and currency disputes.
Airline pilots and flight attendants, who pass through this screening on a daily basis, are beginning to push back. "There's a level of anger out there right now amongst the pilots in response to this that I haven't seen since I've been doing this job," American Airlines pilot Sam Mayer, spokesman for the Allied Pilots Association, told The Washington Times. "This is the straw that broke the camel's back. We've taken a lot, and this seems to be the one that's pushed some guys over the edge."
Note to TSA: If a pilot wants to take down an airplane, he doesn't need a bomb. He can just push forward on the controls.
Wall Street STEALS $4B More From Taxpayers as Risky Derivatives BLOW UP
$4 Billion...Just another day at the office.
Borrowers from New York to California are now paying to get out of agreements. Altogether, they have made more than $4 billion of termination payments to firms including New York- based Citigroup Inc., New York-based JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Charlotte, North Carolina-based Bank of America Corp.
Britain is a surreal place to be living right now.
The infamous Ministry of Defense trend report for 2007-35 projects the British middle classes 'becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx's proletariat.'
I should be seeing the start of the ferment.
Our living standards are being attacked: people are losing their jobs, there is fast inflation, taxes are increasing and every year hordes of young people leave university to few job opportunities. And yet there is virtually no anger at all. The conversation between people is as trivial and inane as ever.
Obama made some comments about globalism during his speech in Mumbai, India that were very eye-opening. As he was discussing the new realities of world trade in 2010, Obama warned against "those who see globalization as a threat" and he spoke of the "integrated world" in which we all now live. But is merging the entire globe into a one world economy, a one world financial system and a one world labor market really the best thing for the American people?
Rachel Maddow points out that Bush is still lying. However, being a part of the mainstream media she still infers from her video that she believes that Al Qaeda planned and orchestrated 9/11.
However, her commentary is much more in line with the truth than most other mainstream media commentators.
George Bush is still a pawn of the private central bankers and the oil industry as his father is. The bankers and oilmen have told him to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the public so they can continue to dismantle the United States economy and create a one world economic system and government. In this way, they will finally have total and absolute control.
Former US President George W. Bush has in his book said that by going to war in Iraq, the US has saved British lives as it stopped possible terrorist attacks.
What he did not reveal was that the Iraq war created much terrorism inside the country as many sources say the war has led to the deaths of over a million Iraqi lives.
To discuss the issue, Press TV had an interview with Stephen Lendman, writer and radio host from Chicago, Bill Jones with the Executive Intelligence Review from Washington and Jeff Gates, US attorney and author from California. The following is the transcription of the interview.
The Obama administration has signaled that a pending agreement could extend a Bush-era tax cut that benefits high-income Americans.
President Barack Obama's senior adviser David Axelrod said the agreement would be the only way to ensure that lower tax rates for middle-income Americans continue.
In an interview with the Huffington Post earlier this week, Axelrod emphasized that Obama did not want to “trade away security for the middle class.”
1. Get rid of NWO sell-out Police Chiefs and the political hacks who put them into office 2. Get rid of sadistic, abusive cops and see to it that they can't join another police department anywhere in the nation. 3. Stop recruiting cops from ex-military Special forces and from similar sadistic/brutalizing background training. 4. Stop accepting the federal dollar bribery of the local police force with equipment and training that is designed to turn them into NWO Robo Cops (with no allegiance to community or its citizens, but rather to the larger NWO police state agenda). 5. Get rid of, and declare a permanent BAN on TASER guns.
Alexandrov and co have created a model to investigate how THz fields interact with double-stranded DNA and what they've found is remarkable. They say that although the forces generated are tiny, resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication. That's a jaw dropping conclusion.
And it also explains why the evidence has been so hard to garner. Ordinary resonant effects are not powerful enough to do do this kind of damage but nonlinear resonances can. These nonlinear instabilities are much less likely to form which explains why the character of THz genotoxic effects are probabilistic rather than deterministic, say the team.
Naked body scanners are being readied to go mobile and scan you on the street, at football games and any other event where masses of people are congregated, according to a leaked paper written by Dutch authorities.
The system's unique "drive-by" capability allows...X-ray imaging of suspect vehicles and objects while the ZBV drives past....can also be operated in stationary mode*...producing X-ray images of vehiclesScreening can also be accomplished remotely. as they pass by. .. The system is unobtrusive, as it maintains the outward appearance of an ordinary van.
Pilots and flight attendants are not exempt from the new screening procedures, and unions representing them have begun urging their members to resist. The head of the American Airlines pilots' union stated last week: I recommend that all pilots insist that such screening is performed in an out-of-view area to protect their privacy and dignity.
This situation has already produced a sexual molestation in alarmingly short order. Left unchecked, there's simply no way to predict how far the TSA will overreach in searching and frisking pilots who are, ironically, mere minutes from being in the flight deck. As we all know, it makes no difference what a pilot has on his or her person or in their luggage, because they have control of the aircraft throughout the entire flight.
They left you to bleed to death. They watched as your innocent soul left your little body. They watched as your little loving heart stopped beating. They did nothing to save you. They feared you. They feared the little boy who stood up to their might, stood up to their tyranny, stood up to their killing machine and feared it not. They feared you because you are the generation that should have forgotten Palestine, that should have forgotten Jerusalem
ditors Note: More rhetoric surfacing in the media setting a stage for a false flag attack within the U.S.; as pointed out by Gordon Duff recently. Based on the CNN report North Korea is now implemented in giving Iran nuclear materials. If this is true this is scary to say the least. If it is hype this could signify the possibility of a staged event surfacing sometime in the coming months.For now this is neatly tucked away in a mainstream CNN article, yet right in your face. What else have you overlooked? Have you looked up at the sky lately?
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