Produced under the supervision of the US Surgeon General, this short film shows how to check the fit of shoes using the in-store x-ray machines which were common at the time. Indeed these machines, although declining in use in the 50s, were still found in shoe stores as late as 1981. And here is the message for the TSA workers. The United States Government insisted these machines were safe to use, right up to the time when shoe salesmen started dying from cancer caused by these devices. The US Government excused its error (and all those dead workers) by saying that the harmful nature of X-rays had not been fully understood at the time. This is important for the TSA workers to understand because they are in the same position as those shoe store salespeople. The US Government is telling you that those terahertz wave scanners are perfectly safe. But terahertz technology is just as new and unknown right now as X-rays were to those shoe stores. Already there is a growing body of evidence that these ultra small radio waves are triggering chemical changes in the skin, including damage to DNA. That you feel nothing at all from the radiation is of small consolation; those already-dead-while-walking shoe salesmen never felt anything either as they were zapped hour after hour, day after day, week after week, just as you feel nothing when you are zapped hour after hour, day after day, week after week. This photo was published by Gizmodo a few days ago. If genuine, it is clear that the right arm of the TSA operator is visible in the background of the scanner output. If the TSA worker appears in the scan output, then the TSA worker was scanned, once for every passenger that goes through his scanner all day, every day, every week, every month, every year. You, the TSA pervert, are being zapped, hour after hour, day after day, week after week. The terahertz machines are not adequately shielded, based on that Gizmodo photo, just as those shoe store X-ray machines were not adequately shielded. You believe you are safe while operating those machines only because the government tells you are safe while operating those machines. But as you zap and fondle passengers this coming Thanksgiving weekend, consider this. Those machines cost much more than you do, and are a huge profit center for people in the government who have invested in the companies that make them. And, after all, this is the same government that assured us all Saddam had nuclear weapons. Could the government lie to you? Of course they could, and would, and probably do.
So while you get your jollies abusing the tourists, think of all those shoe salesmen who died lingering painful deaths because they too believed when the government said their equipment was safe to use.
As for those forced to endure the harassment of the TSA this holiday weekend, remember the words from Faust; "stipendium peccati mors est", the reward of sin is death. Should history repeat, then those TSA bullies exulting in their tyrannical power over you are all dead men (and women) walking.
The CIA is being forced to produce specific information regarding secret tests conducted on thousands of soldiers over a 25-year period.
In response to a lawsuit filed by three veterans groups and six individual veterans, a federal judge, James Larson, ordered the CIA and other government agencies to turn over documents about testing programs and the substances used on soldiers from 1950 through 1975. The plaintiffs allege that the government used about 7,800 military personnel as human guinea pigs to research biological, chemical and psychological weapons at Edgewood Arsenal and Fort Detrick in Maryland. Webmaster's Commentary:
Let us hope, at least at the moment with an all-volunteer army, that our men and women in uniform are considered singularly less expendable than they were back during the time these experiments were conducted.
A remarkable confluence of recent events has brought unprecedented but very welcome attention to both U.S. monetary policy and the global political economy in general.
First, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke recently announced that the Fed would embark upon another round of monetary easing by purchasing $600 billion worth of U.S. Treasury debt. This amounts to an admission that markets have run out of patience with our profligacy, and therefore our own central bank literally must serve as the buyer of last resort for Treasury debt.
Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke Friday hit back at opponents of US monetary policy at an appearance in Germany, one of the fiercest critics of measures to stimulate the weak American economy. Defending the recent decision to pump an extra 600 billion dollars into the financial system, Bernanke said US policy was not to blame for the current economic imbalances between advanced and developing countries. And the measures served to calm tensions on the markets and should promote growth, he said. Webmaster's Commentary:
Bernanke isn't an idiot: he knows precisely what this alleged "quantitative easing" is going to do. It has and will debase the American dollar into a state of utter worthlessness, causing foreign-owned US assets to shrink in value, while causing massive inflation at home.
IF the Feds' intention is to completely destroy the American economy right now, just to keep the massive Federal debt floating for just a little while longer, then one can honestly say. "mission accomplished!"
On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bill that would give the Attorney General the right to shut down websites with a court order if copyright infringement is deemed “central to the activity” of the site — regardless if the website has actually committed a crime. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) is among the most draconian laws ever considered to combat digital piracy, and contains what some have called the “nuclear option,” which would essentially allow the Attorney General to turn suspected websites “off.” Webmaster's Commentary: Imagine my complete (absence of) surprise.
Amid growing public uproar over invasive airport security procedures and assorted fees tacked onto the price of airline tickets, this Thanksgiving will see the largest share of automobile drivers versus air travelers of any holiday in the past decade, travel experts said. The shift to driving will happen even though gasoline prices will remain high, $3.05 on average for a gallon of unleaded fuel in Illinois, the experts said. Next week, 94 percent of Thanksgiving travelers nationally are expected to drive — up from 86 percent in 2008 and 80 percent in 2000, according surveys conducted by AAA.
UPDATE: Republicans in the House have blocked a bill that would have extended unemployment benefits until the end of February, the Associated Press reports.
The temporary extension of unemployment benefits are set to expire November 30th and nearly two million job-seeking Americans are expected to lose their benefits in December.
If no benefit extension is passed, an additional several hundred thousand unemployed workers are expected to lose their benefits every month thereafter.
Webmaster's Commentary:
By not extending these benefits, Congress will have telegraphed their absolute disdain and contempt for American people who are jobless (because their jobs have been offshored) and homeless, because the job which legitimately qualified them for their mortgage, no longer exists. Homelessness is rising exponentially in this country, including large numbers of homeless families and US veterans. This should not be happening, period, end of discussion.
''On September 16, the Census Bureau reported that US poverty rose to 43.6 million in 2009, an increase of 3.8 million in the past year – the largest total since the first 1959 estimates. It shows one in seven Americans are impoverished, the official 14.3% rate the highest since 1994, by the Bureau’s conservative measures. Black and Hispanic Americans fared much worse at 25.8% and 25.3% respectively.
Child poverty also rose, those under 18 to 20.7% – at least one in five children, but according to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), it’s one in four at yearend 2009. For Blacks it’s well over one in three and for Hispanics nearly the same."
And you have to congratulate Congress on the timing of not extending these benefits, if that is what happens; right before Christmas!
Germany has laid out the stark reality for Afghanistan in stronger terms than before, with its special representative to the conflict-riven country saying on Friday that the war could not be won militarily.
Iran has successfully tested a newly developed air defense missile system during the country's biggest ever air defense drill, the country's military announced Thursday.
Gen. Hamid Arjangi, a spokesman for the five-day exercise, said the system — known as Mersad, or Ambush in Farsi — and Shahin, or Hawk, were developed by Iranian scientists and is capable of identifying and hitting targets at low and medium altitudes. Webmaster's Commentary: Looking at the bubbling animosity directed against Iran from the US and Israel, who can blame the Iranian military for developing weapons like this?!? I abhor the concept of theocracy, no matter what stripe. But having said that, it is important to remember that the Iranian leadership may be many things, but they are not fools.
They have a strong sense of what may be coming, and are doing everything they can to keep their country as safe as possible if there is a US/Israeli attack against it. And remember: just the other day, the US Joint Chief of Staff Mullen and the Israeli Director of Defense Ashkenazi, were meeting about when, potentially, to attack Iran if sanctions "hadn't done the job" of getting Iran to stop its (alleged and non-existent) nuclear missile project soon.
The publication of names and photographs of 200 Israeli soldiers on a website that called them "war criminals" drew condemnation Friday from Israel's military. Webmaster's Commentary:
According to a June 2010 fact sheet on the USAID Internet site, last year American taxpayers funded the paving of 63 kilometers of asphalt roads in the West Bank. It also says completion of a road in the southern part of the West Bank dramatically increased the amount of trade between Dahriya and Beer Sheva.
Monsanto uses overt and covert strategies to accomplish their goals. They don’t leave important matters like “food” to chance. Monsanto counted on our apathy from the beginning. To understand this abnormal behavior, we have to return to the scene of the 2009 crime, when the father of S.510 was introduced into the Congress, HR.875. [2] The activists were out in force trying to stop HR.875, the bill That Will Kill All Farms and Eat Your Babies. The problem was that the opposition to HR.875 wasn’t telling the truth about the bill.
The generosity of the US president’s package, which includes 20 combat aircraft worth $3 billion and backing for Israel’s continued military presence in the Jordan Valley after the declaration of a Palestinian state, has prompted even Thomas Friedman of The New York Times to compare it to a “bribe”.
On the 204th day of the continuing BP’s Oil Spill disaster, BP quietly informed through a teleconference on 10 Nov that the “plug and abandonment of the Macondo 152 well” was completed two days prior. But what was most interesting was the picture they chose to display for the article. Not only was the still image of the “well” outdated by more than 157 days (8 June 2010) it is also the wrong image of the well.
BP has long denied ever drilling more than 1 well at the Macondo 252 prospect. That is a complete lie. Images of 2 different well-heads were published on 11 Nov 2010 to prove this. More images captured by BP’s ROVs are given here to provide the conclusive proof that the third and deepest well (S20BC) did exist. That well was the only well (out of the three) to have reached the oil reservoir at 18,300 ft bml. Images to prove that BP had not ceased chemical spraying despite public denials were published on 13 Nov 2010.
So when Tony Hayward swore to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth before Congress, was he not guilty of perjury?
"This year alone, the use of advanced imaging technology has led to the detection of over 130 prohibited, illegal or dangerous items," TSA spokesman Greg Soule told The TSA would not disclose exactly what those items were, but it said they included weapons like ceramic knives and various drugs -- including a syringe filled with heroin hidden in a passenger’s underwear. This year is almost over. Various drugs may be dangerous (to the user) and are illegal - but they are not a risk to airline safety. ----------------------------------------------
FORGET penicillin, space travel and the silicon chip. Science is on the verge of its greatest discovery - chocolate that's good for you. DNA experts are working with sweet giants Mars to create genetically modified chocolate that fights heart disease and diabetes and won't make you fat. They've already been at it for two years. And they claim that in another five, they could unlock the secret of how to make chocolate healthy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Side note, chocolate doesn't make you fat, the sugar added to chocolate does.
People are getting richer by selling fear. Are airport body scanners really for our security or is it so people like Michael Chertoff, former officials who gained the public's trust, can now rake in the big bucks. The Daily Caller's Mike Riggs weighs in on this growing fear.
Right now the Americans are bribing the psychopaths with even more death-dealing toys to play with if they’ll suspend settlement building for another measly 3 months, what happens after that being left up in the air. Is this what Clegg and his coalition partners are so eager to support?
HONG Kong is scrambling to contain an outbreak of bird flu after recording its first human case of the illness since 2003. A 59-year-old woman now in a serious condition in hospital.
Editor's Note: Could this have to do anything with scientists releasing billions of genetically modified insects into the environment? Associated Press GENEVA – The World Health Organization says countries are not doing enough to detect drug-resistant malaria, which is spreading in Southeast Asia.
How did we get to the point of full body scans at airports, the massive personal intrusion that represents, and the tens of millions spent for machines that irradiate us as a consequence of merely flying from here to there?
You see this has never been just about flying which TSA says is "not a right but a privilege" which they can disallow at will. So if Americans do not stop this continuing molestation and invasion of our fundamental rights: Then very soon there will be no alternative whatsoever to protect people from this virtually unlimited snooping and scanning and molestation that will be carried out by VIPER-Teams all over the country-and it will no longer matter why you will be subjected to these searches-the very fact that you disagree with them will be enough to jail you on the spot.
Israel’s aggressive stance toward its regional neighbors would be a serious liability for NATO, apt to be dragged into wars of Israel’s choosing which are by no means in the interest of Europe.
However, there is one subtle strategic advantage in the Israeli connection which the United States seems to be using… against Russia.
By subscribing to the hysterical “Iranian threat” theory, the United States can continue to claim with a straight face that the planned missile shield is directed against Iran, not Russia. This cannot be expected to convince the Russians. But it can be used to make their protests sound “paranoid” – at least to the ears of the Western faithful. Dear me, what can they be complaining about when we “reset” our relations with Moscow and invite the Russian president to our “Strategic Concept” happy gathering?
Maintaining an open and neutral internet is critical, says the Beeb The BBC has confirmed its commitment to an "open and neutral" Internet and warned ISPs that it would be forced to notify users if its service was being throttled.
After the devastating January 2010 earthquake in Port au Prince, Clinton became co-chair of Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. He is now the country’s neo-colonial overlord. He has betrayed all his humanitarian promises and failed to collect even a fraction of the promised $10 billion for reconstruction. And his reconstruction plan is the same free market plan he has been touting since 2004. He is putting Haiti up for sale to multinational capital. The last thing Haiti needs is more "help" from Bill Clinton and the U.S. Instead, the U.S. and other imperial powers including the U.N. should get out of Haiti and pay reparations so that Haitians can rebuild their country in their own interests.
Quoted in scores of news outlets, appearing on dozens of network news programs and even landing a guest spot on The Late Show with David Letterman, oil spill expert Ed Overton has been a ubiquitous presence in the media throughout the Gulf oil spill disaster.
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science at Louisiana State University, Overton, who has been criticized for downplaying the effects of the worst offshore oil spill in history, has also headed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s chemical hazard assessment team for over 25 years.
(NaturalNews) Scientists at British biotechnology giant Oxitec recently developed a genetically-modified (GM) mosquito that, apart from a specific chemical antibiotic, is unable to successfully repopulate. And the company recently released millions of these GM mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands to see what would happen -- and they did so without proper approval or announcement -- prompting outrage by experts and the public over the unknown consequences of conducting such an irresponsible experiment.
There has been distaste around the world for America in recent years. The last few presidencies have appeared as failures, the national debit is out of sight, skyrocketing into oblivion, and the U.S. dollar is on a staged downhill slide. Our rights and freedoms are currently under attack in the name of our safety and the false war on terror. The bankers have looted us for our tax dollars as the Fed continues to prop up the economy before it reaches the cliff face. The entire world is watching, waiting to make a move, or waiting for someone to put us on track. Our country is ran by not only a bunch of criminals but really what it comes down to it, they unqualified to serve the people of America.
Editors Note: It appears as if Fox News has really been exposing the global elite. The other possibility is that this is a psi op used to push Fox News as a truth media outlet.
A powerful Democratic senator, pointing the finger at cable news for a politically toxic climate in Washington, unleashed a stunning tirade in which he expressed his desire to see the Federal Communications Commission shut down Fox News and MSNBC.
Editors Note: I will be in Seattle to cover this event and will be posting videos and information from the Conference. I will also be doing a sit down interview with Project Gulf Impact that will cover the gulf disaster from the beginning. If you have any questions for them that you would like me to ask please send them here.
Forty five years ago in 1964, Wright Patman had answers and solutions for our banking problems which he left for us in his Congressional Reports, in transcripts of Congressional Hearings, and in his speeches in the Congressional Record.
The shadowy assailants that stormed the Sayedat al-Najat Cathedral and perpetrated the massacre weren’t dressed as private military contractors and actually were private military contractors, employed by one of the agencies aforementioned; or the massacre was the sinister work of Mossad.
Dividing Iraq via partition and driving it into a hell of ethnic cleansing was a Zionist plot that was originally designed in 1982 by Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon (1). The policies for destabilizing Iraq were reestablished in the ‘Clean Break’ papers written for mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu by Zionist spy Richard Perle and several Zionist war criminals
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