The men's design has the fig leaf, while the one for women comes in the shape of clasped hands. It's unclear whether wearing the underwear would lead to an automatic, more intrusive inspection by federal Transportation Security Administration officials.
Officials have warned that American citizens who opt out of the naked body scanners and intrusive patdowns will be arrested. Basically if you do not wish to have your genitals molested by a LOW IQ TSA goon than you will be thrown into jail. Welcome to the new world order. Deputies may detain Palm Beach International Airport travelers who refuse to submit to a full-body scanner or a pat down, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Friday.
and International Monetary Fund. It's the second emergency rescue package organized by the Eurozone, after similar measures were taken for Greece. RT talks to Sam Bowman, head of research at the Adam Smith Institute in London.
I appreciate what Jessie Ventura and Alex Jones are bringing to the table and we've reposted their work from time to time, even though Alex is a touch self-absorbed and won't touch the third rail, USrael, which would end his funding stream. So it was with great anticipation that I watched the installment of Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" episode about concentration camps in the US. A good portion of the last half of the program was devoted to a "mystery" facility in Texas, billed as a "residential center", occupied by children, and surround by barbed wire. Neither Ventura nor Jones seemed to be able to penetrate its dark secrets. They should have looked here for the video...
A huge unmanned rocket carrying a secret new spy satellite for the United States roared into space Sunday (Nov. 21) to deliver what one reconnaissance official has touted as "the largest satellite in the world" into orbit. ? Webmaster's Commentary:
And here I thought the space station was the largest satellite in orbit!
The House rejected this bill that would have extended federal funding to states for long-term unemployment benefits. A two-thirds majority, or 275 votes, was needed to pass the bill under suspension. The future of the measure is unknown at this time.
Since the world was introduced to Israel, the entire world has been upended. In the case before the world today of TSA's outrageous behavior, that flies in the face of all-humanity, we can easily see that this tyranny will lead directly to the enslavement of the American public if these policies are not brought to complete halt.
There is rising concern as the busy holiday travel season approaches that new airport security procedures are going to slow things down. Some people are so annoyed by new scanners and pat-downs, they plan to avoid the airport. Webmaster's Commentary:
Which means, if you factor in the higher risk of a fatal accident in the highways, that Americans are dying in order to avoid the TSA. Which means the TSA is killing more Americans than Osama bin Laden!
Full body checks have been routine at the Israeli airport for years. Racial profiling is the norm. Anyone suspected of anything suspicious can be detained for hours, often causing them to miss their flight. In those cases, no compensation is offered and new arrangements are at the expense of the traveler.
Most of the research has been devoted to what one more perceptive critic described as "a consuming preoccupation [with] the microanalytic searching for facts of how the assassination was accomplished," while at the same time, he points out "there has been almost no systematic thinking on why President Kennedy was killed." So while people have focused on how many assassins were involved, and how many shots they fired at JFK and where the shots came from and where the bullets hit, the real question of who was ultimately responsible for the assassination—not who fired the bullets, but who sponsored the assassins who fired those bullets—has been ignored.
But don't just opt out for the holidays. Opt out every time you have the option. Opt out with a smile and a leer and groan when they slide over your sensitive parts.
Someone has. In fact, many someones have come forward with evidence of the conspiracy to kill the President and cover up the crime. Here are just a few of their stories.
Top AIPAC officials visited prostitutes, regularly watched porn at work: claim Is US’s most influential advocate for Israel about to implode? A former foreign policy chief for the largest Israeli lobby in the US is threatening to provide evidence members of the organization regularly trafficked in classified US government information. The claim comes in the midst of an increasingly ugly lawsuit in which parties have alleged or admitted to mass viewing of pornography among senior staffers at AIPAC as well as extra-marital affairs.
I've seen so many questions about why the TSA is doing this or that and it just misses the real point entirely. They are training the brownshirts (TSA) and they are training us to accept more and more personal incursions on our liberty. I know everyone who has traveled in the last few years has seen the increasingly abusive behavior by the TSA. Incremental steps and I promise you if you look back over the last 20 years or so, you'll see so many places where TPTB have encroached on our persons and have been allowed to. The only thing interesting here is the miscalculation. They've taken it one step too far a little too fast and we have screamed.
This is what happens if you refuse to walk through a radiation-emitting scanning machine at your local airport. The United States government is obsessed with people having hidden bombs on their bodies going so far as to even screen little children. Only under considerable pressure the Federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced this past week that it will no longer screen children under 12. They are still worried though that our teenagers could be terrorists in disguise.
When I was invited to attend Project Gulf Impact’s conference at Seattle University I jumped at the opportunity. Not only was I able to finally meet PGI, I was able to speak to numerous fisherman who have literally had their lives destroyed by BP and their toxic dispersant. Little did I know that the event was actually put together by student activists at the university who were so deeply touched by the disaster that they invited PGI to speak at their school.
While I was touched by all the speakers, one stood out in particular. No human being should have to go through what this man and thousands of others have been put through at the hands of an international oil company.
A passenger at the San Diego airport was arrested after he stripped down to his undershorts rather than submit to a frisking by screeners, his lawyer said. Sam Wolanyk faces charges of refusing to complete the airport screening process and attempting to record the incident on his cellphone.
The Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) new procedures for airport security, which include the body scanners (referred to as "porno-scanners" my citizens groups opposed to the machines) and "pat-down" or grope of passengers, continue to infuriate Americans. Stories of TSA agents violating people as they pass through security checkpoints are being amplified, which means the percentage of people who do get the "pat-down" are making certain they register complaints with civil liberties groups, TSA, their congressmen or by posting their experience to websites on the Internet.
The hacked e-mails were damning, but the problems they had handling their own data at CRU are a dagger to the heart of the global warming “theory.” There is a large file of comments by a programmer at CRU called HARRY_READ_ME documenting that their data processing and modeling functions were completely out of control. They fudged so much that NOTHING that came out of CRU can have ANY believability. If the word can be gotten out on this and understood it is the end of the global warming myth. This is much bigger than the e-mails.
Comment of the day, so far: I’ve seen better annotation and tighter routines in virus source code!–Steamboat McGoo.
Over the past several decades, no matter which political party has been in power the government has continued to become a larger part of our lives. These days many people are speaking of the “nanny state” that we have created, but the reality is far worse than that. The truth is that the government has become a gluttonous, out of control behemoth that is gobbling up everything in sight and that is attempting to exert full spectrum dominance over our lives. Today, the government seems to have an insatiable hunger to watch us, track us and control us. Now they even want to feel our private parts before we get on an airplane. No matter what politicians we send to Washington D.C., it just seems to get worse and worse.
"It's the Euro. It's China! It's Iran!! It's everyone who refuses to max out their credit cards for holiday shopping!!! It's anybody but us!!!!!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse
40 Lesser-Known Facts About U.S. Central Banking History - For Example The Current Federal Reserve Is Actually The THIRD Central Bank In U.S. History - The First 2 FAILED. And Jimmy Rogers Says This One Will Fail Too...AWESOME CLIP
Thirsty patients were forced to drink from vases of flowers after they were left on a ward without water, an inquiry heard today. Campaigner Julie Bailey, whose mother Bella died at the scandal-hit Stafford Hospital, said patients were left 'screaming' out in pain on chaotic and under-staffed wards. She said that when she raised the issue of lack of water on the wards with the nurses, she was told they could not leave drinks out for patients during the night because of 'health and safety'.
Members of US Congress Get Richer Despite Sour Economy Did you know members of Congress are able to own shares in companies they may have an influence over on committees they serve on. Republican Jack Berkman says the reason congress can do this is because this is a free country and strategist want successful people in congress so they can lead and teach others how to make money...Read more
If you think the airport scanner fiasco is big now, wait till Thanksgiving. Advanced Imaging Technology People traveling in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and other major cities will have to choose between a revealing body scan and a very thorough pat down. Here are 68 airports with the scanners...
An ABC News employee said she was subject to a "demeaning" search at Newark Liberty International Airport Sunday morning. "The woman who checked me reached her hands inside my underwear and felt her way around," she said. "It was basically worse than going to the gynecologist. It was embarrassing. It was demeaning. It was inappropriate."
That search was against protocols and "never" should have happened, TSA Administrator John Pistole told "Good Morning America" today. Webmaster's Commentary: Translation: what Pistole probably would have liked to say, would have been that it "never have happened".... to an ABC News employee!!For "ordinary people" with no such clout as the association with a corporate news agency, you can probably expect this kind of outrageous behavior on the part of the TSA goons to continue to happen, as long as you continue to fly.
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