Saturday, November 20, 2010

News stories for Saturday, November 20, 2010 Part 3

Nissan Xterra actually made in Tennessee, which explains a lot!

Webmaster's Commentary:

Long time readers will recall the nightmare I have gone through since purchasing a Nissan Xterra, which I bought because of a very positive experience I had with previous Nissans made in Japan. The Xterra is a "disappointment", with numerous electrical problems, the ceiling cloth falling off as the glue dissolves, and most recently an engine that fell victim to a manufacturing defect that kept the car at the local dealership repair facility over a month while the extended warranty people argued over who was going to pay for all of this.

So, about 3 weeks back we finally got the Xterra back with the new engine, and have been driving it carefully during the run-in period for the new engine, only to have a head gasket failure yesterday just as we reached 317 miles!

Needless to say I am very angry at the crap this vehicle and its replacement parts turned out to be and I was wondering just how the formerly great Japanese auto manufacturing industry could have sunk so far and so quickly. But after doing a little digging I discovered that this particular vehicle was not made in Japan but in Tennessee, using the finest non-skilled American labor, which explains why it is as crappy as GM, Ford, etc.

Apparently part of the government's plan to make sure we all support the US auto industry is to make it impossible to actually buy a well-built car from another country!

Sorcha Faal punks CNN iReport to push China missile hoax

The Death Of John Kennedy The Media helped sell the lie of the lone assasin.

The Death Of John Kennedy - Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.

Nixon resigned over an obstruction of justice charge (with some of the legal groundwork prepared by a young Hillary Rodham). Nixon resigned gracefully, the media declared the incident over and Gerald Ford declared that it was time to "put the whole affair behind us and move forward". This was done because the last thing anyone wanted in Washington D.C. was an impeachment trial. Even Nixon's worst enemies dared not allow it. The reasoning was simple. Sooner or later, someone would ask the following question. "Why, when Nixon's re-election was a study in foregone conclusions, was it necessary to break into the DNC headquarters at the Watergate?"

Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report fictionalized

Thirty-three years ago, Gerald R. Ford took pen in hand and changed - ever so slightly - the Warren Commission's key sentence on the place where a bullet entered John F. Kennedy's body when he was killed in Dallas. The effect of Ford's change was to strengthen the commission's conclusion that a single bullet passed through Kennedy and severely wounded Texas Gov. John Connally - a crucial element in its finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole gunman.

Pentagon digs in deeper

The construction projects are sprouting like mushrooms: walled complexes, high-strength weapons vaults, and underground bunkers with command and control capacities - and they're being planned and funded by a military force intent on embedding itself ever more deeply in the Middle East. If Iran were building these facilities, it would be front-page news and American hawks would be talking war, but that country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps aren't behind this building boom, nor are the Syrians, Lebanon's Hezbollah, or some set of al-Qaeda affiliates. It's the US military that's digging in, hardening, improving, and expanding its garrisons in and around the Persian Gulf at the very moment when it is officially in a draw-down phase in Iraq.

JFK - Memo surfaces linking Oswald to CIA

Jack Ruby worked for Richard Nixon

The Death Of John Kennedy

There have been two official investigations. One concluded Oswald acted alone, the other that there was a conspiracy. After forty four years, many of the key documents which could tell the whole story remain classified. John F. Kennedy's brain is still missing from the National Archives. Why, if it is an open and shut case? Why the secrecy, if Oswald was just a "crazed lone gunman"?

Exposed: Michael Chertoff's junk - If it looks like a Nazi and acts like a Nazi...

Standing Up to the TSA

Almost overnight, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has gone from national joke to national nightmare. Passengers used to laugh when screeners so inept they missed 60—75% of the fake bombs undercover investigators smuggled past them nonetheless proclaimed themselves gods. No one's laughing now, though, as the TSA ogles us with carcinogenic technology and sexually assaults anyone who objects.


AIPAC claims that Rosen, who was director of foreign policy issues at the lobby and one of its most senior and well-known employees, had engaged in viewing pornography on AIPAC computers at the lobby’s Washington offices. Partial transcripts of the lengthy videotaped deposition of Rosen, which were made public as part of AIPAC’s motion, show Rosen admitted to surfing pornographic websites from work.


When a project mixes the feel-good words of jobs, economic development and Israeli- Palestinian cooperation, how can anyone complain? These things are some of what the international community has been promising to deliver through the construction of industrial free trade zones in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.


The Palestinians themselves have expressed outrage in private over reports of the US offer, saying it was a bribe to get Israel to fulfil basic international obligations.

Pollard's father: He's served too long

Pressure in the United States to release jailed Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard continues to mount – The Washington Post on Saturday published an article written by Pollard's father, Professor Morris Pollard, in which he calls for his son's release. Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Professor Pollard: your son was a traitor to his country, caused an absolute world of hurt to American intelligence assets, and you and Israel should simply be grateful that the US didn't execute him for his crimes!!

New TSA Bumper Stickers [We Handle More Packages Than the USPS]

Sarkozy: Missile threat comes from Iran

On the backdrop of an extensive Iranian military exercise to thwart aerial strikes on the country's nuclear facilities, French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Saturday said the ballistic missile threat on Europe comes from the Islamic Republic.Sarkozy added that Iran poses the main threat of the type of rogue attack that NATO's planned anti-missile defense shield is designed to foil. Webmaster's Commentary: Forgive me, but has French President Sarkozy gone absolutely barking mad, to make such a statement in public?!? The current leadership of Iran may be many things, but it is not collectively stupid.

Iranian leaders understand, quite clearly, that any attack against Europe would be met with a counter-attack which would leave the entire country a puddle of green glass.

Former Gov. Ventura Will No Longer Fly Due to Abuse He’s Endured at Hands of TSA

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, the former governor of Minnesota and host of the popular TruTV show, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, announced he will no longer use commercial airlines due to the egregious abuses of the TSA and the government.

FLASHBACK - Israel killed JFK,says Vanunu

In a startling accusation, nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu has alleged that Jerusalem was behind the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, who was exerting pressure on the then Israeli head of state to shed light on the Dimona nuclear plant. In defiance of a ban on talking to the media and meeting with foreigners, Vanunu is said to have made the accusation in an interview to London-based Al-Hayat newspaper.

NATO, U.S. Offer Different Views Over Afghan Combat Exit

NATO nations formally agree to start reducing troop levels in Afghanistan next year and hand over control of security to them in 2014 — but the U.S. and its allies appear to take conflicting views on when NATO combat operations would end. Webmaster's Commentary:

Obama is about to hold a press conference to inform us all why NATO should be ignored and the US pour yet more money and childrens' lives into Afghanistan to kill Muslims for Israel.

Pot growers portrayed as terror threat

What were they smoking? Federal, state and local officials carrying out a counter-terrorism drill in Northern California Wednesday played out a scenario in which local marijuana growers set off bombs and took over the Shasta Dam, the nation’s second largest, to free an imprisoned comrade.

Three Potentially Disastrous Outcomes From Ben Bernanke's QE 2 Wager

Ben Bernanke has made a very dangerous bet.The Fed’s Quantitative Easing 2 announcement of $600 billion in additional Treasury purchases is literally a “bet the farm” move.The three biggest problems with QE 2 are:

1. 1) The potential for a US Dollar break-down
2. 2) Treasuries falling and pushing interest rates UP
3. 3) China retaliating.

Of these, #3 is the most worrisome for the global financial markets.

MSNBC suspends Joe Scarborough for political donations

MSNBC on Friday said it has suspended "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough for two days after he acknowledged making political donations during his time at the network, Politico reported. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Burn the heretic! Burn the heretic!" -- ABCNNBBCBSFOX

Anti-UN protests spread as Haitians die without aid

The immediate trigger for the upheavals is the growing conviction that cholera was introduced into Haiti by a battalion of UN troops brought from Nepal shortly before the first cases were reported. The Nepalese troops were based on the Artibonite River, whose contaminated waters have been determined as the source of the outbreak. It was also revealed that faulty sanitary facilities at the base were dumping sewage into the river.

UN officials have dismissed accusations that the Nepalese unit brought the disease into the country, claiming that none of the troops tested positive for cholera. Webmaster's Commentary: Right now, the Haitian people have every possible reason to be thoroughly distrustful of UN "peacekeepers".

No, Mr. Netanyahu, you and yours are responsible for the “demonization” of Israel

The truth and the tragedy in the making is the opposite of what Netanyahu was implying. The only way for American and European Jews to best protect their own interests is by distancing themselves from Zionism’s monster child.

Encircling Russia, Targeting China, NATO'S True Role in US Grand Strategy

In its “global web of specialized institutions”, which of course includes NATO, the United States exercises power through “continuous bargaining, dialogue, diffusion, and quest for formal consensus, even though that power originates ultimately from a single source, namely, Washington, D.C.”

The description perfectly fits the Lisbon “Strategic Concept” conference. Last week, NATO’s Danish secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, announced that “we are pretty close to a consensus”. And this consensus, according to the New York Times, “will probably follow President Barack Obama’s own formulation: to work toward a non-nuclear world while maintaining a nuclear deterrent”.

US Mint Reports Soaring November Month-To-Date Silver Coin Sales Surpass 2010 High Following Massive Rush Into Precious Metal

Is Max Keiser's attempt to put JP Morgan out of business working following the mother of all silver physical squeezes? The price of silver has been stable in the past few days, but if the US official precious metal seller is to be trusted, this will not last long. According to the US Mint, sales of 1-ounce American Eagle silver coins are headed for the strongest month since at least May, Bloomberg reports. And according to our update, the May total has not only been passed, but the November MTD total is already the highest in 2010.

UN urges full US torture investigation

The United Nations has called on the United States to conduct a full investigation into torture under the administration of former US President George W. Bush. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Yes, it was torture. So?" -- Official White Horse Souse

America In Decline: A Society In Denial

During the 1950s and 1960s, the United States was the richest and most envied country in the world. It was also unrivaled as the world's manufacturing powerhouse. Americans proudly regarded their country is a model, and many people around the world agreed. Today, the US is still the world's largest economy and pre-eminent military power, and it's still a country of great resources and wealth. But things have changed tremendously over the past half century.

San Francisco plans tolls between Peninsula and the city

Peninsula residents are upset about a proposal to charge commuters $6 each weekday to enter and exit San Francisco to the south, calling the plan "a slap in the face," "a crazy idea" and "ridiculous."

For Cluster Bomb Survivors, War Far From Over

Three years ago, Phongsavath stumbled onto a small, metallic sphere buried in the ground near his school. He had heard stories about the planes that rumbled overhead decades before, dropping fire from the sky. But he had never before seen a bomb, or held one in his hands. "I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t think it would be dangerous. So I tried to open it," Phongsavath recalled.

That decision changed his life forever. Phongsavath remembers only seeing a flash of light before his world fell dark. When he awoke in a hospital, he was blind. The bomb had robbed him of his eyesight and ripped away both his hands. Webmaster's Commentary:

Neither the US nor Israel will sign the anti-cluster bomb treaty because these weapons kill and maim so brilliantly, particularly in the case of children.

US unemployment may rise: Fed chief

Webmaster's Commentary:

Gee, ya think?!?

Top 12 Things to Say to Your Transportation Sexual Assaulter

I've got some baggage in my pants that's been left attended!

Fliers Liken Pat-Downs To Sexual Assault

Transportation Sexual Assault Agency says critics are exaggerating intrusiveness of their sexual assaults!

Oregon Senator Wyden Effectively Kills Internet Censorship Bill

It's too early to say for sure, but Oregon Senator Ron Wyden could very well go down in the history books as the man who saved the Internet.
A bill that critics say would have given the government power to censor the Internet will not pass this year thanks to the Oregon Democrat, who announced his opposition during a recent committee hearing. Individual Senators can place holds on pending legislation, in this case meaning proponents of the bill will be forced to reintroduce the measure and will not be able to proceed until the next Congress convenes.

Palm Beach Sheriff's Department to Assist TSA in Sexual Assaults on Airline Passengers

The people edown there need to toss this guy out of office next election!

The Cowardice of America at War

"We were making inroads," said Capt. Nick Stout, Meari’s company commander.

No we weren’t. We were occupying their country—and they hate us. I was not crying for Meari, though God knows, he and his family deserve our tears. I was crying for my country, for the cowardice of our leaders who continue to send the same brave young men out again and again to die rather than admit they have no chance as strangers in a strange land. Webmaster's Commentary: As was the case in Viet Nam, the US government appears pathologically incapable of learning from its mistakes. There will be a "Saigon Moment" in Kabul: it is only a question of when.

Don't Touch My Junk (the TSA Hustle) song + video by Michael Adams

Travelers should have this playing on their cell ones and MP3 players as they slide that basket through!

Obama Administration Denies Request for Fort Hood Report That Could Aid Suspect

A key intelligence report that could aid accused Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan's defense is being withheld by the Obama administration, according to a letter obtained by Fox News as part of its ongoing investigation of a radical American cleric.Intelligence officials do not deny that the report contains information about the cleric, Anwar Al-Awlaki, who is the first American on the CIA’s kill or capture list. Webmaster's Commentary:

What is the White House so terrified this report will reveal?

U.S. bars Palestinian statehood moves in U.N. agencies

Away from the headlines, Palestinians have been trying to advance their statehood agenda in small but symbolic ways in United Nations agencies that fall off the radar for most people.But even on the outer reaches of the sprawling U.N. system, their efforts are seen to have been blocked by a United States seemingly resolved not to display any tilt toward Palestinians as it tries to broker peace talks with Israel. Webmaster's Commentary: The US is completely disingenuous in its stance toward the potential establishment of a Palestinian state.

So what we are about to see happen here is a brisk Israeli annexation of the West Bank and Jerusalem, coupled with forcible expulsions of Palestinians who have lived in their ancestral homes for generations; it's just a question of when.

Vintern tågar in tidigt i år - Väder - Skå (Winter arrived early this year)

NYC subway signal inspections falsified, shocking investigation finds

It’s a disaster waiting to happen. NYC Transit supervisors falsified thousands of vital signal inspections across the subway system for years, leaving straphangers at risk for deadly collisions like the one that killed nine people in Washington, D.C., The Post has learned.

BP Controlling University Research, and Professor Who Downplayed Oil Spill Called a "Shill" By Fellow Professor

LSU professor and oil spill expert Ed Overton has been all over the news saying that fears of the BP oil spill were overblown. But as Raw Story reports, Overton has been a lead NOAA consultant for decades, and a fellow LSU professor calls him a "shill":

TSA: Travelers Who Refuse Scanning Can’t Leave, Will Be Fined

Faced with the prospect of large numbers of people refusing the invasive “screening” measures they’ve implemented this holiday season, the TSA is hoping to fight back with threats of fine and arrest.“Once a person submits to the screening process, they can not just decide to leave” warned Sari Koshetz, a TSA spokesperson. TSA officials say that anyone refusing both the “full body scanners” and the “enhanced pat down” procedures will be taken into custody. Webmaster's Commentary: The answer here is simple: just refuse to fly, period, end of discussion.

Iraq war vet murdered student he abducted in her car by shooting her in the back as she tried to flee naked

Webmaster's Commentary:

Note that we have to go to the British Press to find this out.

Pakistan says US seeking to expand drone strikes

A senior Pakistani intelligence official said Saturday the U.S. is seeking to expand the areas where American missiles can target Taliban and al-Qaida operatives but that Pakistan has refused the request because of domestic opposition to the strikes. Webmaster's Commentary: Pakistani leadership had better get used to the concept that once they allowed US to target alleged militants with these drone strikes, they gave up all pretense of being a sovereign nation.The US is, most likely, going to ignore what the Pakistani government wants in this case, and will simply escalate the drone attacks in the border areas with or without the government's approval.

Cholera strain may last years in Haiti

Not only do Haitians have little or no immunity to fight a disease that has been absent from Haiti for at least 50 years, "this strain of cholera seems to be more virulent than normal strains", US official Thomas Adams told reporters. Manoj Menon, the Center for Disease Control liaison for the US cholera response, said health officials could not rule out rumours that poor sanitation at a UN peacekeeping compound caused the outbreak. With more than 1100 Haitians now dead and more than 18,000 taken ill, it is difficult to know how many more people will die from or contract the disease, Menon added.

"We will likely never know where this came from," he said, pointing out the difficulties in pinpointing the source of the disease. Webmaster's Commentary: The water, and water systems (never in great shape to begin with) were devastated by the earthquake in January. Clean water and sanitation prevent cholera from ever taking root. One has to wonder why this wasn't a bigger priority for aid agencies early on after the quake.

TSA: Travelers Who Refuse Scanning Can’t Leave, Will Be Fined

Faced with the prospect of large numbers of people refusing the invasive “screening” measures they’ve implemented this holiday season, the TSA is hoping to fight back with threats of fine and arrest. Webmaster's Commentary:

"You will help Michael Chertoff get rich AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!!!" -- Tits, Slits & Ass


Especially in light of airport websites that incorrectly inform passengers regarding the presence of these scanners, forcing someone to go through them after they reach the gate and discover these hazardous machines is a violation of the 4th Amendment.

Obama's car tsar faces 'life ban' over bribes scandal

Officials at the New York state employees' pension fund have pleaded guilty to funnelling money to managers who agreed to pay kickbacks, and Mr Rattner is accused of funding the distribution of a low-budget movie made by the brothers of the fund's chief investment officer.

According to yesterday's lawsuits, he also paid $1m in "sham fees" to a placement agent working on behalf of the fund and the New York state comptroller, Alan Hevesi, as well as contributing to Mr Hevesi's re-election campaign. In return, Quadrangle, Mr Rattner's former fund, was given a $150m investment from the pension fund. Webmaster's Commentary: One does have to wonder about the people President Obama seems to be perfectly comfortable keeping around him, by way of his appointments.

Climategate is Still the Issue (Climate Change is a eugenics lie)

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