The outside observer might be under the impression that it is the Palestinians, not the Israelis that have been preventing the establishment of a long lasting, just Peace in the region.
The New York Times has joined those confusing facts with fiction by publishing the following today; JERUSALEM — The pledge by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to push for a new, one-time-only freeze of 90 days on settlement construction in the West Bank represents a bet by the Israelis and the Americans that enough can be accomplished so that the Palestinians will not abandon peace talks even after the freeze ends.
[I]f I were an actual terrorist boarding a flight in any American airport, why would I waste my time trying to fool the TSA and smuggle a 'bomb' on board a plane when I could cause far more havoc by simply taking the same bomb and walking to the busiest local shopping mall, tossing my bomb in a rubbish bin at the food court and walking slowly away.
The 'terrorists' have just made every shopping facility in America a no go area. The greatest hit to a consumer economy ever! Why, if the terrorist threat is so real, are soft targets like shopping malls not blowing up every week? A true terrorist would simply bypass flying and blow up soft civilian targets.
This week, Geraldo Rivera was foiled in his attempt to “contain” the 9/11 movement, something exploding around the world. A Herald Sun poll in Australia the week before, 10,000 respondents, showed 78% support for 9/11 being an “inside job.” A reasonable estimate for Americans is likely to approach the same figure.
Fox News now “owns” 9/11 as much as they own Glen Beck. First, Judge Napolitano “outed” the phony investigation now Geraldo Rivera has taken a strong stand on the ( Building 7 demolition issue. If you put both shows together, they lead to the most frightening coverup in modern history and a clear evidentiary trail, one Fox News has exposed. Why, then, is the door opened and then closed again?
"The art and mystery of banks... is established on the principle that 'private debts are a public blessing.' That the evidences of those private debts, called bank notes, become active capital, and aliment the whole commerce, manufactures, and agriculture of the United States. Here are a set of people, for instance, who have bestowed on us the great blessing of running in our debt about two hundred millions of dollars, without our knowing who they are, where they are, or what property they have to pay this debt when called on."
Growing up in the U.S., I was told that we should be thankful and Thanksgiving is the time for this. School teacher-after-school teacher told their students to “thank God” for what they had. There was never any thought or consideration whether the students did not believe in God. God was always present and had to be thanked once a year.
In the sixth grade, I had the audacity to ask the teacher, “What about poor people? Should they be thankful?” I got my ass reamed for making such a flippant inquiry. “Poor people especially have to be thankful,” I was told. “God works in mysterious ways.” I did not have the nerve to tell her I did not believe in God.
So how many times has your special representative met with regulators over the new Dodd-Frank Financial Regulations Act? Thought so.
If you really want to know why you are going to get screwed when the ink dries on the rulings that regulators will make as part of the mandates in Dodd-Frank, here's the number to keep in mind: 510.
A foreclosure lawyer sent sent this little beauty by email. I had no idea the market was so robust for missing mortgage documents. And apparently there is inflation within the foreclosure fabrication circles. Prices to replace missing documents keep going up...;-)
You wanted concrete proof of widespread lost mortgage documentation? Feast your eyes upon this this little gem...
There are growing signs of a renewed debt crisis in a number of European nations, as bond yields soar to record highs and the continent’s economic growth stagnates.
The heads of leading European countries took the exceptional step of using the Group of 20 meeting in Seoul to announce that the European Union had confidence in the measures undertaken by Irish leaders to address the nation’s budget deficit. At the same time, the leaders of Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom issued a statement declaring that the EU had no plans for an additional bailout of European nations until at least 2013.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has come under criticism for allegedly recruiting a surveillance unit to spy on journalists amid reports of government corruption.
Despite the absurd proclamations of the Supreme Court, money is not free speech, and corporations are not people. Free markets do not exist; they are always manipulated by insiders seeking unfair advantage. History attests that capitalism is kept afloat by raiding the public treasure. The elite adore capitalism because it provides them enormous wealth and political power without having to produce anything of value. It puts them in charge of the global plantation. It makes them masters of working class people because too many of us cannot distinguish between fascism and class-conscious populism.
In this foreclosure struggle, these veterans are given no respect by the foreclosure mills. The Florida Attorney General has found that in thousands of cases involving members of the military, proof of service of process has been falsified. In thousands of other cases, former military families cannot get legal representation because they cannot afford to retain lawyers, but have just enough income to disqualify them for free representation through legal services programs. Without legal representation, they are left on their own to identify bank fraud. They must prove that the documents being presented by the mortgage-backed trusts are fraudulent and that the banks are fabricating evidence to force them out of their homes.
Webmaster's Commentary:
After the revolution, let's let the veterans and their families move into the bankers' homes!
The only potentially enlightening part of the interview came when Roberts asked Pistole why pilots are subjected to the same screening procedures as passengers, and Pistole replied by saying that the TSA does believe that since pilots are “a trusted group in so many ways,” it does make sense to have them go through a “different type of screening.”
Webmaster's Commentary:
This is a small start and one wonders why it took the TSA to realize that if a pilot wanted to crash the plane he does not need to smuggle a bomb on board the plane; he already has his hands on the flight controls! Indeed the fact that the TSA even bothered putting flight crews through the scanners and searches proves that this harassment is all a hoax to sell scanners and keep the unemployment numbers down with rubber gloves.
But this is just the start, and I do not intend to declare victory any more than I intend to listen when the TSA backs off this one abuse and insists they are listening to the people. Nor do I intend to accept at face value the next phony staged terror incident that will be used by Michael Chertoff's sales staff to scream, "You SEE? You SEE? You NEED us! You NEED to buy our new five million dollar scanner for every airport gate in America!". We need to seize on this surrender by TSA to build momentum to push them all the way back and out of the airports entirely.
If you want to end terror stop screwing around with other peoples' countries. Our own nation is a total economic train wreck. WE need the US Government to stop worrying about Israel and start taking care of this country.
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