It might seem mildly entertaining that the media's warmist groupies, led by the BBC, have been so eager to report the latest claims of James Hansen and Phil Jones – of Climategate fame – that 2010 is the hottest year in history, while inches of "global warming" cover Britain with its most extensive November snowfall in 17 years, heralding what promises to be our fourth unusually cold winter in a row. The explanation for the recent renewed spate of warmist scare stories lies, of course, in the fact that several thousand politicians, officials and lobbyists from all over the world are today arriving in the Mexican holiday resort of Cancun, where they hope to salvage a binding UN treaty from the wreckage of last December's fiasco in Copenhagen.
Let’s begin with one fact. We are using expensive, dangerous and illegal scanners in our airports for one reason. A year ago, single “terrorist,” really a moronic dupe with a defective bomb in his crotch was escorted onto a plane for Detroit, no search, no passport, not even a ticket, placed on a plane by an airport security officer who is a former IDF “commando.”
Police say a Grand Blanc has been charged with exposing himself to an 11-year-old girl at a Brandon Township campground. Brandon Township police say 43-year-old Curtis Burkhardt took a group of neighborhood kids to the Clearwater Campground in August without prior approval from their parents.
Though some American firms are bringing overseas work back home, evidence is growing that companies are moving more jobs than ever to China and other countries - a trend that could exacerbate efforts to bring down the nation's stubbornly high unemployment rate. Webmaster's Commentary:
Obama has had two years to change the tax codes to encourage job creation here in the USA and he has not done it.
Over 100,000 Courageous Irish braved the cold weather to protest the Austerity Plans being supported by Irish Government and initiated by MASSIVE Banker Bailouts proposed by the European Union and provided by the IMF.The IRISH have something to say about this – NÁ AR MO Féach What we are witnessing is a GLOBAL REVOLUTION in Opposition of Banker Bailouts generated by speculative losses by these banks – to Socialize Debt and further Plunge the World into Economic and Social Destruction.
Imagine that you have been selected and agreed to participate with other noted scientists in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to assess climate science and policy options related to global climate change, with a major event set for late November 2010 in Cancun where the world would be watching. Now, you are four months away from COP 16, to be held from Nov. 29 to Dec. 10 in Cancun and you receive a letter from the IPCC advising you to keep your distance from the media. The directions: refer questions to group leaders or the Secretariat. Do you feel stupid – your expertise, education and credentials not valued? Is IPCC afraid of new issues surfacing? What are they hiding?
INCLUDES MUST SEE PHOTO OF BUSH WITH WAR-BURN VICTIM Anyone needing any more proof regarding the ingrained power of the military-industrial complex is advised to contact the Bushes in Crawford, Texas.
Global warming is now such a serious threat to mankind that climate change experts are calling for Second World War-style rationing in rich countries to bring down carbon emissions.
Louise Gray -- The Telegraph In a series of papers published by the Royal Society, physicists and chemists from some of world’s most respected scientific institutions, including Oxford University and the Met Office, agreed that current plans to tackle global warming are not enough . . .
The UN has refused access to the Cancun Climate Change Conference to Phelim McAleer, who is well known for asking scientists and politicians difficult questions about Global Warming orthodoxy. McAleer was notified of the UN's refusal to accredit him just days before the international conference opening today. McAleer produced and directed Not Evil Just Wrong, a documentary on Global Warming. His reports from Copenhagen Climate Change Conference went viral on youtube, so much for that this time around.
WMR has learned from Asian intelligence sources that there is a strong belief in some Asian countries, particularly China and Thailand, that the website Wikileaks, which purports to publish classified and sensitive documents while guaranteeing anonymity to the providers, is linked to U.S. cyber-warfare and computer espionage operations, as well as to Mossad’s own cyber-warfare activities.
As economists such as William Black and James Galbraith have repeatedly said, we cannot solve the economic crisis unless we throw the criminals who committed fraud in jail. Webmaster's Commentary: And keep them there permanently.
Smells of Minority Report - It's one minute to midnight...
Here's what Fatherland Security has planned for its next step if they are not stopped now. Share this video like your life depended on it because it does! Gee, I wonder why the "angry" media haven't reported on this one yet.
The skirmish began when Pyongyang warned the South to halt military drills in the area, according to South Korean officials. When Seoul refused and began firing artillery into disputed waters, albeit away from the North Korean shore, the North retaliated by bombarding the small island of Yeonpyeong, which houses South Korean military installations and a small civilian population. Webmaster's Commentary:
70,000 SOUTH Korean troops plus some U.S. "advisers" were taking part in an Invade NORTH Korea drill at the time.
The United States won World War 1 and 2 primarily because the USA was a manufacturing powerhouse. Sadly, that is no longer true. The mighty steelworks and factories that provided the material support for the allied armies are rusted ghosts of their former glory, not easy to resurrect. For that reason and the current economic reality that no nation will loan the US Government more money to fight a losing war, I forecast, I warn, that the United States will lose the next World War it will create. Before the final surrender, the US will use their nuclear arsenal.
Israel is in it’s full glory today because of the latest Wikileaks ‘leaks’. As was said in a previous post, Had WikiLeaks didn’t exist, Israel would have had to invent it. It appears that in reality, it was.
Over 100,000 Courageous Irish braved the cold weather to protest the Austerity Plans being supported by Irish Government and initiated by MASSIVE Banker Bailouts proposed by the European Union and provided by the IMF. The IRISH have something to say about this – NÁ AR MO Féach What we are witnessing is a GLOBAL REVOLUTION in Opposition of Banker Bailouts generated by speculative losses by these banks – to Socialize Debt and further Plunge the World into Economic and Social Destruction.
South Korea's President, Lee Myung-bak, has taken responsibility for failing to protect the country and said the South would abandon its longstanding policy of not responding militarily to the North's hostile acts.
The CIA is notorious for its Cold War-era experiments with LSD and other chemicals on unwitting citizens and soldiers. Details have emerged in books and articles beginning more than 30 years ago. But if military veterans have their way in a California law suit, the spy agency’s quest to turn humans into robot-like assassins via electrodes planted in their brains will get far more exposure than the drugs the CIA tested on subjects ranging from soldiers to unwitting bar patrons and the clients of prostitutes. It’s not just science fiction -- or the imaginings of the mentally ill.
It does not surprise me that the Obama Administration responds to the backlash against the unconstitutional fourth amendment violating TSA screening measures by blacklisting air travelers who object to the over reaching intrusive searches at the airports. They are trying to send a chilling effect not to protest the TSA groping and body scanners that has the public in an uproar. Webmaster's Commentary:
"You will get naked for me, slaves" -- Official White Horse Souse
Seems all over the world countries are grabbing their People's Pension and Retirement accounts, they pass the laws very fast and spring the surprise on their people. France has just joined the fray of taking their people's retirement accounts to give to the banks and buy the countries bonds. They have taken 36 Billion of people's Pension and retirement accounts.
Surely readers will recall Times reporter Andrew Revkin's inspiring statement of principle: "The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won't be posted here." Interested readers may want to compare and contrast Revkin's statement of principle with the editorial note posted by the Times on the WikiLeaks documents this afternoon. Today the Times cites the availability of the documents elsewhere and the pubic interest in their revelations as supporting their publication by the Times. Both factors applied in roughly equal measure to the Climategate emails. Webmaster's Commentary:
If one needs further proof that today's WikiLeaks document dump is really a propaganda operation, one need only contrast how the media is treating these documents compared to other genuine leaks in the past.
The Climategate emails were a real leak, one which exposed the reality that the push for carbon taxes and a global environmental authority was built on a massive fraud, one that is rather obvious as we head into our second record setting winter in a row. But the New York Times refused to cover that story on the grounds that the source documents were illegally obtained. Even at the time this seemed a strange editorial position to take, since the New York Times had not hesitated to report on the Pentagon Papers, even though they too were leaked.
And here we are today with the New York Times excerpting and interpreting sections of this WikiLeaks document dump, even though the government maintains that these are illegally obtained, provided by an organization which maintains there was no 9-11 conspiracy, that Osama bin Laden is still alive and running Al Qaeda, and that WMDs were actually found in Iraq!
This isn't news; it is a sales job. The New York Times is trying to sell you a load of propaganda disguised as a leak in the hopes that claims you would discard as obvious lies in the corporate media might be more successful if presented as coming from an organization hostile to the US Government. But again, with WikiLeaks supporting the official stories of 9-11, Osama, and WMDs, it is clear that the hostility between WikiLeaks and Government is about as genuine as that seen on pro wrestling!
And I note that despite the diplomatic crisis triggered by Israel's attack on the aid flotilla last May, not one document critical of Israel appears anywhere in the millions of cables WikiLeaks is feeding you all.
The Israeli District Police in the Occupied West Bank exonerated an Israeli Army officer who shot an American peace activist in her eye during a protest at the Qalandia terminal, north of Jerusalem, six months ago. On May 31, the 21-year old American Art student, Emily Henochowicz, was hit in her eye with a tear gas canister fired by an Israeli soldier during a nonviolent protest. Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to "justice", Israeli style.
"Camden, New Jersey, stands as a warning of what huge pockets of America could turn into," The Nation magazine reports in its Nov. 22nd issue. In fact, it has already happened, it is happening all over, and there is no signal on the horizon that poverty and blight will not continue to spread. It is not that Americans are lazy and shiftless; rather, they are reeling from betrayal---for they have been betrayed both by their employers, who have shown not an ounce of loyalty to their work forces, and they have been betrayed by their Federal government, which has lied the nation into costly criminal wars. Webmaster's Commentary: Typically, all functional opposition to governmental policies has come from the middle class: this is why the middle class is being systematically destroyed in this country.
Facebook is littered with a worm, seemingly the same one under different names, created by randomly generated developers, which is spreading links all over the site. Applications like S22BZ5 created by randomly assigned pseudonym ‘Jackson Lasseter’ has nearly 300 people under the grips of the worm. Others, such as replicated application B5DA8G, 9IHJ35 and AU0ZVE have just under 1,000 people inadvertently spreading the worm.
The plutocrats controlling our government with campaign contributions and slick lobbyists oppose extending benefits to unemployed people. They fight to keep their unjust tax cuts and sit on the billions in bailout cash they received that we were told would save the economy and create jobs for poor and unemployed people. U. S. companies reported after-tax profits of $1.22 trillion last quarter, the highest on record dating back to 1947, according to the Department of Commerce. Webmaster's Commentary: A short memo to thinking people with skills (particularly if you have children); get out of this country now, while you still can.
The American government only has resources for wars of aggression, police state intrusions, and bailouts of rich banksters. The American citizen has become a mere subject to be bled for the ruling oligarchies. The police state attitude of the TSA toward airline travelers is a clear indication that Americans are no longer citizens with rights but subjects without rights. Perhaps the day will come when oppressed Americans will take to the streets like the French, the Greeks, the Irish, and the British.
Despite providing no new evidence to the contrary, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen says he “doesn’t believe for a second” that Iran’s nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, and reiterated that the US is considering attacking Iran over it. Timing the threat like this may suggest the talks aren’t going to amount to much. Webmaster's Commentary: The US and Israel are going to do everything in their power to insure that these talks don't have a successful outcome, then use the lack of a successful outcome as the "justification" for a military attack. But there are a couple of issues which I hope that those in the bowels of power in DC and Tel Aviv take into consideration.
1. Unless the US is able to do this with an absolute blitzkrieg attack, the US is incapable of victory, because the manufacturing necessary to support a sustained war has pretty much been offshored.
2. The governments of China and Russia, two of Iran's main trading partners, are hardly likely to sit still and do nothing, should such an attack take place, and both countries are nuclear armed.
3. Such an attack will make American military personnel deployed anywhere in the Middle East sitting ducks for a savage counter-attack.
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's
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