A source provides details to the American government about the nefarious activities of a Middle Eastern country. That information ends up in scores of secret U.S. government documents. Subsequently, the information winds up on the front pages of major newspapers, and is heralded by war hawks in Washington as a casus belli.
Sound familiar? It should, but perhaps not in the way you’re thinking. Here’s a hint: It’s not 2003, but 2010. This is the story of what happened recently to Iran in the wake of the latest WikiLeaks document release, where US military field reports from Iraq made their way into major national newspapers and painted the Islamic Republic as a force out to murder U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
Would we lie to you? Webmaster's Commentary: "YOU WILL LOVE THE NAKED BODY SCANNERS OR YOU WILL BE SHOT! TWICE! WHERE IT HURTS REALLY BAD!!!!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse
“Recent severe winters like last year’s or the one of 2005/06 do not conflict with the global warming picture but rather supplement it.” Webmaster's Commentary: Desperate attempt by the warminazis to keep selling their carbon tax to you.
Will Congress force accountability for the rapacious companies who forced Americans out of their homes? Don't count on it. Webmaster's Commentary:
Latest word is that Congress will override Obama's veto of HR 3808, giving banks and mortgage companies the legal right to seize homes with just notarized statements, rather than to require the actual note and deed on the home. At the same time, there is word that a "settlement" deal is near for all fifty states' AGs to halt all investigations and prosecutions of the banks in exchange for a suitable piece of the action! Between these two actions, the bankers will be let off the hook for their criminality and the land snatch of Americans' homes will go into warp drive!
And why is this so? In part, at least, it is because of the abject, ongoing failure of our Mainstream Media to report environmental issues with the robust scepticism that ought to be the natural tack of responsible journalists. Too many environmental reporters are still regurgitating press releases handed to them by activist organisations like the WWF, Greenpeace and Friends Of The Earth. In the MSM, as in government, it’s like Climategate never happened.
All just in time for the busy travel season and next week's National Opt Out Day. Because, organizers say, "You should never have to explain to your children, 'Remember that no stranger can touch or see your private area, unless it's a government employee.'" Webmaster's Commentary: But surprisingly, airlines showed profits on their balance sheets lately...but that did not come from profits ' the old fashion way' , it came instead from adding more and more fees to every service airlines offer to passengers.
Yesterday an article published in the Wall Street Journal details how Washington has increased its pressure on Yemen. According to US officials al-Qaeda continues to use Yemeni soil as a safe haven to stage operations directed against the US...
We all probably remember what HR 3808 is. That’s the bill that would allow out-of-state notarizations to be recognized in state and federal courts. It would also allow for e-signatures.
Now, there was a substantial debate when this popped up in October over whether this would actually make it more difficult for public interest lawyers to challenge the underlying documents in foreclosure fraud. That concern was wiped away when the President announced he wouldn’t sign the bill. But when he did, he tried to pull off a little trick. He said he “wouldn’t sign” the bill, making it sound like a pocket veto. But he also said he would return the bill to the House, leaving no doubt that the veto was legitimate. Webmaster's Commentary:
This sounds like a piece of propaganda to assure you all that the passage of HR 3808 is really no big deal that anyone should be angry about.
The Orange County Sanitation District in Southern California has postponed the sale of $160m in Build America bonds. “The bond market has been pretty volatile and flooded with new issues,” said Mike White, the controller. Translation: They can't get the deal done at a reasonable price, if at all.
MUST SEE VIDEO - How Wall Street Raped Main Street - Runs less than 2 minutes - I won't spoil the surprise, but this is NOT your typical video... Don't forget what Bill Black has been making very clear the past few weeks - The payouts are based on fictional FASB accounting, leading to fictional profits, and billions in bonuses for bank executives running the scam.
The following flow chart reverse engineers the mortgage on the Ekstrom family residence. It took Dan over one year to take it this far and it clearly demonstrates what happens when there are too many lawyers being manufactured. Take a look at this chart and then decide how long you think it will take for Barney Frank and Eric Holder to sort everything out.
The sky is black with PIIGS coming home to roost: I was going to write my customary long and boring think piece—but the simmering crisis in the Eurozone just got the heat turned up: Things are boiling over there! So let’s take a break from our regularly scheduled programming, and give you a run-down of this late-breaking news: The bond markets have no faith in Ireland—Greece has been shown up as having lied again about its atrocious fiscal situation—and now Portugal is teetering— —in other words, the PIIGS are screwed. I would venture to guess that we are about to see this slow-boiling European crisis bubble over into a full blown meltdown over the next few days—and it’s going to get messy.
Drugs experts leading an inquiry into the death of Britain's former weapons inspector in Iraq, David Kelly, say his death was “murder” and not suicide.Experts also called on the police to launch a murder inquiry into Dr Kelly's death, casting serious doubt on the official claim the scientist overdosed on painkillers. According to Dr Andrew Watt who is a top clinical pharmacologist, Kelly could have only take a “safe” dose of coproxamol painkiller tablets as there was so little of the substance in his blood after he died. “I reported to the Thames [Valley Police] force that I believe that the death of Dr Kelly may have been murder. I have received an acknowledgement and they have given me an incident number,” Watt said.
The entire European Project is now at risk of disintegration, with strategic and economic consequences that are very hard to predict. In a speech this morning, EU President Herman Van Rompuy (poet, and writer of Japanese and Latin verse) warned that if Europe’s leaders mishandle the current crisis and allow the eurozone to break up, they will destroy the European Union itself. Webmaster's Commentary: Good.
Senator Michael J. Doherty (R- Hunterdon, Warren) and Senator James Beach (D- Camden) announced they will present resolutions to the Senate and Assembly calling on the U.S. Congress to end TSA screening procedures requiring full body scans and pat downs at U.S. airports Their action comes in response to widespread concerns over privacy and radiation, as well as reports of inappropriate conduct by TSA agents during the screening process.
Anyone aware enough to think that Washington's goal is not to "win" the unwinnable AfPak quagmire but to keep playing its bloody infinite war game forever is now eligible for a personal stimulus package (in gold). Let's review the recent evidence. All of a sudden, the White House, the Pentagon and the United States House of Representatives have all embarked on a new narrative: forget major US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2011; let's move the goalpost to 2014.
Darrell Issa on the strange case of Broadway Bank.
Congressman Issa discuss his investigation of the timing of the FDIC's takeover of Illinois' troubled (and politically connected) Broadway Bank. Did the FDIC delay its takeover to help Obama friend, Democrat Senate candidate and bank owner Alexi Giannoulias?
Up to 2 feet of snow WA Cascades - 16 Nov 10 U p to 2 feet of snow possible, WY - 15 Nov 10 Record Snowfall in Minneapolis - St. Paul - 13 Nov10 6 to 10 inches of snow expected, Minnesota - 12 Nov 10
Given that these images are really too blurry to be of any use, and certainly we have already seen other scanner images showing much more clarity, one has to wonder if these images are fakes intended to calm the angry American pubic. If so, they don't; they are in fact insulting to our collective intelligence and just piss me off even more. But on the off chance that these are real from a cheaper scanner, note that in the above example, the TSA worker is also visible in the background of the scan! So the TSA worker is getting scanned with radiation every single time a passenger goes through the scanner, hour after hour after hour, all day, every day, slowly cooking their DNA into amino acid soup. Personally, after the way these arrogant asses treat innocent travelers, I have no sympathy for their coming cancers!
Last week, 17 men were arrested in New York for defrauding Germany out of $42 million in payments to phony holocaust survivors. Tens of thousands of American Jews had filed for pensions from Germany claiming to be concentration camp survivors. All swore they had been in the camps, told stories about gas chambers, human skin lampshades and such but not a single one had been in a camp at all. The state of Israel claims to have, alive today, nearly one million holocaust survivors. As many as 90% of these may well be, not only frauds but many could easily be former concentration camp guards themselves, far more likely than surviving death camps. What better place to hide than Israel?
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