Tuesday, November 16, 2010

News stories for Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Part 2

People don't like Uwe Boll's Holocaust movie for some reason

Unfortunately, everyone just wants to forget about the Holocaust, we guess, because the reaction to the below teaser trailer (which first debuted in early September) has now resulted in "outrage," “widespread revulsion” and several open condemnations by critics. We’re not sure why: It just has Uwe Boll in a Nazi uniform, hanging outside a gas chamber while various prisoners are suffocated, have their teeth pulled, and babies are fed into ovens. It’s not like he stuck a fat female superhero in there for kicks.


FLASHBACK - Liquid Bombers Prove: “They Hate Our Freedoms!”

Muslims were planning to blow up a bunch of jetliners enroute from London to America – or so say George Bush and Tony Blair. Muslims without tickets. Muslims without passports. Muslims without bombs. Muslims without a clue … and they aren’t the only ones, it turns out. Without a clue, that is. Webmaster's Commentary:

Relinked because with TSA under fire and the billions of dollars currently flowing into the "Security Industrial Complex" at risk, we can pretty much guarantee a lame-ass staged "terror" attack to scare us all back into taking our clothes off and allowing ourselves to be molested by the seminary rejects over at TSA!

Netanyahu’s False Flag on Iran

aking this into consideration, Netanyahu’s misleading statement of the last week looks different. It is yet another attempt to prepare the ground for an American attack on Iran. “Prepare the ground” is the key issue. No words uttered by the weak Zionist leader could launch the attack. For this to happen, a dramatic event must occur. Would Israel launch a false flag attack on US forces so that Iran could be blamed and attacked by the USA? In the Six Days War, Israel attacked and destroyed the USS Liberty.

Why America will come to regret the craven deal Obama is offering Netanyahu

Yishai recently delighted the Diaspora by saying that only those Jews who converted via the Orthodox route could carry “the Jewish gene.” Atias has expressed alarm about the tendency of Israeli Arab citizens to try to live where they please—or “spread,” as he phrases it—and has advocated a policy of segregation in housing within Israel proper.

Webmaster's Commentary:

So, religion alters DNA?

Early version of the TSA

One in 7 US households hit by hunger issues in 2009

*Emergency food pantry use up sharply in recent years

*Food stamps used by 15 million families a month in 2009

WASHINGTON, Nov 15 (Reuters) - The number of U.S. households that reported getting emergency food from a food pantry almost doubled between 2007 and 2009 ...

Danger Identity theft Just waiting to happen

Google's Gingerbread Aims to Replace Credit Cards
Danger Identity theft Just waiting to happen, and you thought someone stealing your credit card was bad, wait till they call your phone and download your identity and copy it to a disposable phone! and no one the wiser till u see your bill with 100's maybe 1000's of dollars worth of charges on it !!!!!!!

this is a disaster waiting to happen for millions of Americans!

Why Last week Will Go Down in History as America No Longer Is at Turning Point But a Burning Point

The rape pillage and plunder of everything and everyone is "a fait accompli", meaning an irreversible action which is completed before those affected by it, are in a position to reverse it! Consider the physical strip searches by the TSA and the following "perverse molestation" of little children which would bring a child molestation charge if it were done by any body other then the "officials". Any man, father, brother or guardian, worth his salt, would STOP at all cost a person doing this to a child.

TSA screener terrorizes 3-year-old girl

The girl's father, Steve Simon, works as a reporter for CW-39 from Houston, Texas, and managed to capture the encounter on his cell phone camera.

In the video, the girl is clearly traumatized as the TSA screener attempts to search her.

But the question remains - what is the TSA doing screening toddlers like this? Do they honestly think the little girl is concealing a bomb in her stuffed toy?

Webmaster's Commentary:

We can see where this "terrorist" hysteria is headed. There is big money in hunting terrorism, just was there was big money in hunting witches a few hundred years ago. And as we learned to our horror in that previous atrocity, when one is paid to see things that are not there, one will gladly claim to see things that are not there whether it is a witch high in the sky on her broom or bombs in a child's teddy bear. And, as the need to demonstrate the "reality" of the mass hallucination becomes more dire,. the methods employed to "prove" the existence of witches or terrorists become more extreme. Torture is a method used by both the witch hunters and the terror hunters to extract convenient confessions. And while at present the TSA searches stop at our most intimate skin, based on the historical precedent, they will eventually demand to go further!

Because one never actually found a witch riding a broom or even wearing a pointed cap, there was a need to find a way to identify witches before a crowd of doubters, and so the practice of "Pricking" was devised. In this practice, suspected witches (and eventually people selected at random) would be pricked with special tools devised for the task.

The propaganda told to the public was that if the suspect was pricked but did not bleed, they were a witch, wherupon their property was confiscated and the suspect sent to the torture dungeons for further suffering.

Waterboarding, in the time of the Inquisition!

Because a steady flow of "real" witches was needed, the pricks were often fakes, in which the prick would slide back into the handle. But the public believed that pricking was a reliable tool, just as we are taught biometrics are a reliable tool, and the practice is even mentioned in Shakespeare's Macbeth! "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes!" -- Second Witch, Act IV scene 1.

Of course, the prickers themselves came with instruction manuals.

Witch hunters, like the TSA, were clearly obsessed with breasts. I am sure Freud would have something to say about that, but it is beyond the scope of this commentary.

Suffice it to say that the groping of our genitals and the viewing of us naked has a long pedigree.

Naked body scanning, in the time of the Inquisition!

The trend is clear. Unless We The People stand up and oppose the inquisitors, more innocent victims will suffer in the name of a steady profit to the hands of the inquisitors such as the Chertoff group. Not satisfied with simply seeing us naked and molesting us sexually, count on the witch/terror hunters to try to scare us with lurid tales of Osama bin Voldemort and a few rather shabby hoaxes to force us into accepting complete penetration of our bodies in the name of saving us all from ghosties and ghoulies and long legged beasties and things that go bump in the night!

You have been warned.

China Fuels Early Slide on Wall Street

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Blame them! Blame them! Forget about the repeal of Glass-Steagal, and TARP, and bailouts, and the mortgage backed securities fraud, and foreclosuregate.. This is all China's fault! Hate them! Hate them!" -- Official White Horse Souse

EU says survival at risk as ministers face Irish crisis

The European Union raised the stakes over the Irish debt crisis on Tuesday, saying the future of the eurozone and EU are at risk as ministers head for talks on an increasingly probable rescue.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Probable Rescue" = Sink the European pe3ople further into debt-slavery!

The central bank system is designed to fail. It is, as I have said before, a boat with ten holes and only five corks, and the only thing the leaders of the nations enslaved by such a system can do is yank a cork from one hole and pound it into another in front of the press cameras while proclaiming they are doing something about the problem.

This is not rocket science, and I wonder why the people of the world cannot see the simplicity of the trap or the ease of the final solution.

Is Kinect Reporting What It Sees To Advertisers?

Speaking at an investor's conference on Thursday, a Microsoft executive offered that Kinect not only knows how many are in the room when an ad's shown, but what kind of team colors they might be wearing. Uh-oh.

Nuclear Testing

Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project's "Trinity" test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan's nuclear tests in May of 1998.

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