Wednesday, December 29, 2010

WRH News stories for Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Part 1

Showdown In New Jersey Over Foreclosure Fraud

Among the measures, Rabner is requiring the nation's six largest mortgage lenders, including Ally Financial's GMAC, Citigroup, OneWest Bank and Wells Fargo, to prove their procedures are up to par at a hearing set for Jan. 19 -- or risk having their foreclosure activities SUSPENDED in the state. Includes Video - Alan Grayson - Banks Are Foreclosure Fraud Factories

US drone attacks are no laughing matter, Mr Obama

The innocent victims of America's secret drone war have become "unpeople", in the words of the historian Mark Curtis – those whose lives are seen as expendable in the pursuit of the west's foreign policy goals. Killed via remote control, they remain unseen and unremembered. Forgive me, Mr President, for not seeing the funny side. Webmaster's Commentary: The only thing these drone attacks can do, apart from indiscriminately killing non-combatants, is push those left standing into the waiting embrace of the insurgency. And when you have, as you do in Pakistan, that "perfect storm" of political corruption, poverty, joblessness and lack of education for the many, insurgency can start looking attractive to those with nothing to lose.

NEWSMAX still wagging the birth certificate disytraction.

Even MSNBC’s pro-Obama host Chris Matthews has joined the crowd calling on the president to release his long-form birth certificate to settle the controversy surrounding his birthplace once and for all, saying “if it exists, why not put it out?”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Obama the love child?

I am going to toss out a theory here; a theory that explains why even though Obama was born here in Hawaii why there has been obfuscation over the birth certificate. The theory involves a minor scandal Obama needed hidden, yet was too trivial to be of use to either Hillary Clinton or John McCain during the 2008 campaign.

The theory is that the true original birth certificate for Barack Obama has a different name for the father than Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. The theory is that the original birth certificate lists one Frank Marshall Davis as the father and that the young Obama was born out of wedlock (a common enough occurrence during the 60s).

If true, this connects all the facts together in a reasonable manner.

Obama grew up pretending that the man married to his mother was his biological father, and took the Obama name into politics. The revelation that mom had had an affair and that Obama was illegitimate is an embarrassment, and in a tightly contested election race a liability. But given that Davis was from Chicago, there is no question that Obama, in this scenario, is still a naturally born US citizen. McCain and Hillary could not have used the scandal without making Obama look like a victim of dirty politics. After all, Obama can hardly be blamed for the circumstances of his conception. But his deception is intentional on Obama's part and reason enough for Kagen to block the birther lawsuits to keep the original certificate hidden.

This scenario also explains the statement Obama made in the video about how his father served in WW2, because while Obama Sr. and later Soetero were too young to serve in WW2, the far older Frank Marshall Davis did in fact serve in WW2.

This seems to make the most sense to me.

Now, we may have a lot of reasons not to like Obama, but his being a "love child" from the 60s shouldn't be one of them.

Spoils of Oil: Mapping Khodorkovsky's Scheme

Russia extending jail sentence for oil Tycoon who embezzled 6 billion dollars (going for 14 years sentence).

Mayor Issue: Cashcow probe for ex-city boss

Russia attempting to prosecute it's bankers. When we will jail our bankers?

Damn! It's The MSG! Stop Poisoning Me!

The problem is, I'm a TV reporter and on I'm on the road a lot. Yesterday, I was very hungry and stopped at Vietnamese restaurant in Aiea (Oahu) for lunch. I ordered stir fried vegetables with some tofu (GMO, what can I say?) and rice. A few minutes after consuming this food, I started feeling anxious. A good, healthy meal should not make you feel like you just drank 10 cups of coffee or took a hit of crystal meth. Something was wrong. My heart started racing and a horrible anxiety came over me. My feet and legs got numb and my hands started tingling. It felt like I was losing motor control of the muscles of my extremities. I felt like I was about to have a seizure. My tongue went numb and felt swollen and dry. (Classic MSG symptom.) I had difficulty swallowing.

Webmaster's Commentary: When you're putting food in your basket at the market, please read the labels. Refuse to put anything in your basket with MSG in it. When you are at a restaurant, it's perfectly OK to ask if they put any MSG (monosodium glutamate) in the dish you want to order. This stuff is absolute poison to your system.

When scientists want to create obesity in rats or mice, they add MSG to their food to make them want - and eat - more than they naturally would.

US war addiction needle hits on health & kids

BREAKING NEWS - Dozens of puppies die in kennel fire at Puppy Paradise in N.C.

Webmaster's Commentary: But no mention of Israel's renewed attacks on Gaza over the last several days on ABCNNBBCBS. Maybe this is why!

The Economic Crisis: Worse than the Great Depression?

Even though the government's spending on the "war" on the economic crisis dwarfs the amount spent on the New Deal, our economy is still stuck in the mud. Given that the government has done so much, but we are still mired in a situation which in many ways is comparable to the Great Depression, it is not a very radical statement to say that the government is doing the wrong things to address the downturn.


Webmaster's Commentary: At 1:10 With a sterling recommendation like that, how can we refuse?

Adding Fuel to the Financial Fire. Deepening Crisis. Bogus Economic Statistics Used as a Coverup

Mr. Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, a private corporation, would have us believe that, quantitative easing is the only way to save the US economy and to reverse the unemployment problem. If Mr. Bernanke had taken time to have his minions do the research, he would have found that U3 at the peak of the “Great Depression” was 25.2% and U6 was 37.6%. As we write U3 is 9.8% and U6 is 17%. If you strip out the bogus birth/death ratio, real unemployment on a U6 basis is probably close to 22-3/8%, as yet, considerably less than in the 1930s, but impressively unacceptable. What Mr. Bernanke has done is add fuel to the fire, which has given us one of the greatest financial scams of all time.

Webmaster's Commentary: What is of great concern to me, reading this, is the very clear understanding that traditionally, the US has moved itself out of economic depression by going to war. With all sorts of "hot zones" around the world, many largely courtesy of US foreign policy, one has to wonder just where the US government may be intent on striking next, to generate the war which will- theoretically - lift the US out of this depression. However, there are several significant factors which might well mitigate against a US success in such a military confrontation.

1. The US military is stretched to the breaking point, where even multiple deployments of our troops can barely keep up the necessary troop strength to the level it is needed for commitments in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and other places where the US military stationed.

2. The US is incapable of keeping up a sustained military confrontation because the US has offshored nearly all of its manufacturing. It's got to be a blitzkrieg (read: tactical nukes), or nothing.

3. The world is appearing to separate into two geopolitical camps, if you will; the first is the US and NATO and their sphere of influence;the second is China and Russia and their sphere of influence. If the US decides to attack - say - Iran, it is highly unlikely that Russia and China will stand idly by and let this happen. We may well see Russia and China jump into such a fray on the side of Iran; and both countries are nuclear armed.

2011 Predictions: It Doesn't Look Pretty

Bruce Krasting Oh boy is 2011 going to be an exciting year! Some things that I think might happen:-Volatility is going up across the board. If you have the stomach for the swings that are coming across all markets there is a ton of money to be made; balls and timing are all that are necessary. The markets will create dozens of opportunities to make and lose...

16 U.S. Cities Could Face Bankruptcy in 2011

2011 will be the year of the municipal default. At least that's what analysts like Meredith Whitney predict, as do bond investors that have been fleeing the muni market.There are many reasons to be worried. First, the expiration of Build America Bonds will make it harder for cities to raise funds. Second, city revenues are crashing and keep getting worse. Property taxes haven't reflected the total damage from the housing crash. High joblessness is cutting into city revenues, while increasing costs for services. Webmaster's Commentary: This trend may well accelerate wildly in the coming year.

Bibi snubs Obama but wants to free spy

Israel may have refused U.S. President Barack Obama's request to freeze settlements construction in the occupied West Bank but it is still pushing him to free Jonathan Jay Pollard, Israel's most notorious spy. But U.S. officials say that even with Netanyahu's imprimatur on the Pollard case, it is highly unlikely the spy will be released, in part because of continued Israeli espionage in the United States. Pollard's betrayal still rankles with many intelligence people in Washington and the establishment remains adamantly opposed to his release. The damage he inflicted on U.S. national security was so profound that top-level figures in the U.S. intelligence establishment threatened to resign if the government buckles to Israeli pressure to pardon Pollard.

Webmaster's Commentary: In spite of the fact that Netanyahu and the Israeli government should be heaving a collective sigh of relief for the fact that the US didn't execute this traitor to his country, in light of the reality that Obama has completely capitulated to Israel on nearly everything else they have wanted from his administration, Netanyahu may think that this is his best chance to secure Pollard's release. Unfortunately, he may well be right.

Richardson: the Killing of 500,000 iraqi kids was the right thing to do

The naked truth about scanners

“It’s not an explosive detector; it’s an anomaly detector,” Clark Ervin, who runs the Homeland Security Program at the Aspen Institute, told the Post. “Someone has to notice that there’s something out of order.” The machines cost $130,000 to $170,000 each, and by 2014, the federal government will have spent $234 million to $300 million for them. Which would be a bargain if they actually did something besides embarrass people. The solution for passengers? Get used to it.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to hand it to Napolitano and her minions at TSA: these folks have unilaterally removed the 4th Amendment to the Constitution against unreasonable search and seizure with nary so much as a whiff of dissent from Congressional Representatives (who do not, by the way, have to suffer this kind of indignity when they travel!)

Europol Arrests More Than 100 In Carbon Trading Fraud

Norway, Switzerland and the EU countries Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic and Portugal are all among the countries trying to identify the network of criminals behind this massive fraud – a fraud with links to criminal networks operating outside the EU and in other continents, like the Middle East.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Notice how they name the actual nations involved in the scam ... until they get to the middle east ... then the naming of actual countries suddenly stops ...

Heaviest December snow in NYC in 6 decades – 5th largest ever – hundreds of other snow records set around the nation

Hoekstra Receives CIA’s Bootlicking Award

On December 21, the Central Intelligence Agency gave its Agency Seal Medal to Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee. Hoekstra has labored almost ceaselessly to assure that the CIA can break federal laws with impunity.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to ask: why does the United States need to torture in order to remain "informed and safe", when we know, from the times of the Catholic Inquisition, that torture only gets the tortured person to say exactly what the torturer wants to hear in order for the torture to stop?!? This question, both at its moral and political level, needs to be answered with a resounding "No!!" at every level of this government, if we are to ever be a people of moral character again.

Report rips NJ foreclosure robo-signing notary

The face of New Jersey's robo-signing scandal may be a Pennsylvania notary public who signed thousands of foreclosure documents in the Garden State even though he wasn't licensed there.

Israel Represses Israelis, and Congress Approves

It’s been two years since Israel initiated the Operation Cast Lead military assault on the besieged Gaza Strip. Since then, the right-wing Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has launched an unprecedented wave of intimidation against Israeli peace and human rights groups. These groups say they are “working in an increasingly hostile environment,” according to a New York Times report, and that Israeli government leaders are fostering “an atmosphere of harassment” by turning “human rights criticism into an existential threat.” However, Congress has chosen to look the other way – and wants the executive branch to do the same.

Webmaster's Commentary: As the government of Israel turns ever more fascistic in its dealings with its own Jewish people, you can almost always count on the "usual suspects" in Congress to support the repression of dissent in Israel as "the right thing to do." Similarly, and unfortunately, as the US government becomes ever more fascistic against its own people, you can most always count on these people, and their cohorts, to do all in their power to suppress peaceful, logical dissent on the part of the American people.

And if you don't think that American Congressional Representatives aren't frightfully eager to suppress peaceful dissent here at home, please think again: I give you (as reported on 19 March, 2010 at:

S.3081 - The Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010", which was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

As the article reports:

"The bill outlines the process by which Americans may be held indefinitely, without notice of their Miranda Rights, and without ever being charged with a crime. Worse, detainment of an individual according to the legislation is authorized by mere suspicion that the individual did or seeks to harm any asset of the United States government or any civilian target."

To the best of my understanding, the bill is still floating in Committee; but if there is some kind of "civil unrest" or domestic "false flag" in the future, I would not bet against this legislation getting voted into law faster than the speed of light.

Banks Had A Plan To Create The Housing Bubble and Foreclosuregate

I believe that the banks had a plan to operate with less capital with Fannie and Freddie guaranteeing all manner of subprime loans. We know that they did not guarantee jumbos and many alt a loans, but subprime they did guarantee. So Fannie and Freddie were essential to kick-starting the scam. We have seen how their monstrous child, MERS, has attempted to run around state governments in corrupting the recording of proper documents and notes. So who were the main players in the scam?

1. the central banks like the Fed and the European Central Bank,

2. the mother bank of those central banks which is the Bank of International Settlements,

3. investment banks like Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers,

Been to Israel/Palestine lately? The FBI may come knocking

American Democracy and civil liberties will have to suffer for the needs of the holy state of Israel

Fire, Blood, Sweat & Tears - The UK Student Riots

STOP - CHECK THESE OUT Excellent Photo Slideshow - About 30 pics Important Note - CLICK The Photos To See Them In LARGEST Size

US: No Way to Seal Afghan Border With Pakistan

Speaking to the media today, a top US military commander in charge of securing the vast, mountainous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan admitted that there was literally no way for the US to actually accomplish this. The commander, Col. Viet Luong, insisted that it would require more resources than the force has at its disposal to secure the border and that it would require far more cooperation from the tribes inside Pakistan than they have ever been able to secure.

Webmaster's Commentary: This does not bode well for the ultimate construction of the Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan pipeline, scheduled to begin construction in 2012, and to be completed in 2014 (one of the two real reasons the US is in Afghanistan at all). Remember SecDef Gates making that observation that "The US will be in Afghanistan until at least 2014?!?

Now, you know why.

Home foreclosures jump in 3rd quarter: regulators

U.S. home foreclosures jumped in the third quarter and banks' efforts to keep borrowers in their homes dropped as the housing market continues to struggle, U.S. bank regulators said on Wednesday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Okay, one more time.

The bankers do not WANT you to stay in your home. A monthly payment stretching 20 years into the future does not help the bankers. They need to grab the entire value of your home as an asset on their balance sheet, to offset the losses form the forced repurchase of the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities. Otherwise they go to prison for fraud.

This is forced wealth confiscation, done in a way to trick the American people into thinking it is their own fault they lost everything.

Incriminating Iran in Chile by Zionists?

For many reasons there is possibility of a future false-flag terrorist attack as the one of Argentina in the 1990s that they can blame on the Islamic Republic.There are many reasons to concern over an intense campaign escalating in Chile to frame the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Shia Muslims of Chile for supposed death threats and/or attacks received by members of the Jewish Community of Chile.

Feed Me, Obama, Feed Me: The Plan for Food Dependency

What does any would-be tyrant need in order to gain control over the lives of citizens? Three things come to mind: martial law, socialized medicine, and food dependency. In at least two of these categories, President Obama has already succeeded.


The following is satirical humour ….. but very true if you read it carefully. The demonisation of Islam, as all of racism, is based on ignorance…. this piece proves that.

UK Wind Turbines Consume More Energy Than They Produce

Webmaster's Commentary:

Those 3000 high-tech and very expensive wind turbines provide 1.6% of Great Britain's electricity ... not counting the larger amount of electricity needed to keep them from freezing.

Another classic example of how the carbonazis don't think these things all the way through. It's like all those cities that spent millions of taxpayer dollars replacing old=fashioned tungsten traffic lights because they would use electricity and because they would not have to send out work crews to change blown bulbs. Only now they are realizing that the heat from those tungsten bulbs is what kept those traffic lights clear of ice and snow during winter, so now the crews are headed back out anyway ... to add inefficient electrical heaters to those efficient traffic lights!

US worried joint-military drills with South Korea will worsen Korean peninsula situation

The US is reportedly worried that its joint-military drills with Seoul and the recent threat of war by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak to the North could lead to problematic situation in the peninsula. According to The Washington Post, although several U.S. officials defended Seoul's plans, Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman James Cartwright worried that the artillery drills could set off a "chain reaction," in which U.S. and South Korean forces might "lose control of the escalation."

Webmaster's Commentary: OK, if the US military and State Department are "worried" about the North Korean government's response to South Korean live fire exercises, why in Sam Hill is the US government even contemplating sending in another carrier?!?

As reported on 27 December 2010 at:

"Last week, South Korea's media had reported that the US decided to send another nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, to East Asia. If true, this will be the third US aircraft carrier deployed in the area, in addition to the USS George Washington, which earlier took part in Washington's joint military drills with Seoul and Tokyo, and the USS Carl Vinson, which just arrived at Guam in the western Pacific." Forgive me, but being "worried" about the effect of these South Korean live fire drills, coupled with sending another US carrier group into the region, may well appear to be sending mixed signals to North Korea; and that is something the US should be avoiding like the plague in this situation. These mixed signals are almost guaranteed to exacerbate the situation, not contribute toward resolving it.

Palestinians' UN Settlement Battle To Begin

The Palestinians will ask the U.N. Security Council in the coming days to condemn Israeli settlement construction, a senior Palestinian official said Wednesday, part of a growing Palestinian campaign to rally international pressure against Israel with peace efforts deadlocked. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said that shortly after the New Year the Palestinians' Arab allies would present a resolution that will "declare that the Israeli settlement building is illegal and must be stopped immediately."

Webmaster's Commentary: Unfortunately, as it has done with all UN resolutions condemning its actions, Israel will simply ignore this, and go on building.

VIDEO - Dylan Ratigan: The Great TARP Lie

Number Of Uninsured Americans Soars To Over 50 Million

As the Great Recession has sown unemployment and downgraded work even for those people who have held on to their jobs, the number of Americans lacking healthcare has swelled beyond 50 million, according to a sobering new report from the Kaiser Foundation. Among the report's most troubling findings: The number of Americans without any health care coverage grew by more than four million in 2009. That left almost one-fifth of non-elderly people uninsured. Among those between 19 and 29 years old, nearly one-third lacked coverage.

Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to Ameristan, courtesy of the last and current administrations!

Under Obamacare, one has to wonder what the the current administration intends to do with those who absolutely do not have the money to pay for private medical insurance; jail them? Fine them?

VIDEO - Max Keiser: "Goldman Sachs & Bank Of America Are Financial Terrorists; Shut Them Down!"

December 2010 Blizzard Timelapse

VIDEO - Chris Whalen: "We Understand Bank Of America's Problem; They Are Completely INSOLVENT!"

Important Clip - Quotes Transcribed Hear the TRUTH from the best banking analyst in the U.S.

40,000 Left Without Water in Northern Ireland

Anger is mounting in Northern Ireland where some 40,000 people have been left without running water for up to eight days after pipes shattered following a deep freeze and a rapid thaw.

2011: A Brave New Dystopia

The two greatest visions of a future dystopia were George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.” The debate, between those who watched our descent towards corporate totalitarianism, was who was right. Would we be, as Orwell wrote, dominated by a repressive surveillance and security state that used crude and violent forms of control? Or would we be, as Huxley envisioned, entranced by entertainment and spectacle, captivated by technology and seduced by profligate consumption to embrace our own oppression? It turns out Orwell and Huxley were both right. Huxley saw the first stage of our enslavement. Orwell saw the second.


Despite a year of prop­aganda from their government informing them that the beleaguered European currency is good for them, 49 per cent of ­Germans still wish they had the mighty mark in their pockets. This is one of the highest proportions of Germans wanting its return since polls in the 1990s showed close to 70 per cent of them wanted to retain the mark, the currency of their “economic miracle”.

South Korea: Nuclear talks should be revived

South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak called Wednesday for new international talks with North Korea on shutting down its nuclear programme, apparently softening his stance towards the negotiations. Webmaster's Commentary: This is at least a step in the right direction, one which China and the US should immediately endorse.

We oppose the EU by more than two-to-one; Europhiles claim we favour it 'in practice'

The Fabian Society has commissioned a survey of British attitudes to the EU. On his blog, the amiable Sunder Katwala summarises the findings as follows: “The British public are sceptical of the EU as an idea, yet rather in favour of having more of it in practice”. What? According to the survey, 45 per cent of us say EU membership has been bad for Britain, as against 22 per cent who say it has been good – a finding in line with recent polls. In what sense, then, do we want “more of it in practice”?

Big freeze presents old problem for modern boilers

British Gas records 100,000 broken boiler call-outs as extreme cold stalls even most modern condensing boilers

In the middle of Europe, a democracy introduces press censorship

Hungary's recently elected right-wing government has introduced a law demanding -- under threat of fines and even shut-down -- that news sources be "fair and balanced," to borrow a phrase from a US news network. The move has critics fearing that it could lead to a silencing of critical media outlets. Under the new Law on Media and the Freedom of Press, national TV channels whose news coverage is found to be "unbalanced or offensive to human dignity or common morals" could be fined the equivalent of almost $1 million, reports the New York Times, while daily newspaper and Internet news sites could face fines of up to $120,000. Weeklies and magazines could see fines of almost $50,000.

Webmaster's Commentary: We may well see similar draconian legislation presented and passed here when Congress returns as the official "response" to the Wickileaks setup. The law here will be just as vague, to allow the maximum pressure on those who are critical of the Federal government in any way.


Veterans Today has been informed by sources within the ADL that, in coordination with Julian Assange’s announcement, they were “tasked” by the Tel Aviv government to begin operations against journalists and online publications that had let to Wikileaks being discredited as an Israeli intelligence operation. Sources indicate that Tel Aviv values Wikileaks as a vital asset in molding public opinion and providing cover for high risk operations. ADL’s website is loading up with warnings and attacks, all defending Wikileaks and Julian Assange and attacking news sources that print materials either critical of Julian Assange or citing Israel’s involvement in Wikileak’s agreement to allow material critical of Israel to be censored. Webmaster's Commentary:


How much public influence does a pro-Palestinian Israeli have?
Left-wing activist Jonathan Pollak is sentenced to three months in jail for taking part in an illegal demonstration against the blockade of Gaza.


Prominent Rabbis’ Wives Tell Fellow Jewish Women Not To Date Arabs

Pope Benny: Fugheddabout the molested kiddies; we got HOLY VISIONS FOR YOU!!!!!

Lawrence Murphy was an evil man. He was a Wisconsin priest who molested over 200 boys, and just to make the story particularly deplorable, they were deaf children. Preying on the weakest and most vulnerable was apparently his life's mission. Furthermore, this was the scandalous case that was reported directly to then Cardinal Ratzinger in his role as the Vatican enforcer; his enforcement involved shuffling the guilty around to hide their crimes and give them fresh opportunities in new hunting grounds. Well, the Vatican has finally found it in its black (but gold-plated!) and shriveled husk of a heart to do something for Wisconsin: they've blessed a ghost sighting as genuine. Woo hoo! That'll fix everything right up!

Pope: Child rape is cool! Trust me!

The Pope had a Christmas message for the world this year: we should forgive Catholic priests for raping children because everyone else was doing it. He invented a peculiar history that bears no resemblance to the late 20th century I lived in.

Snowpocalypse: New York digs itself out of the snow, but travel delays continue (28 Pics)

More travel chaos is expected in the US northeast after hundreds of flights were cancelled and the region dug out from what what some are calling "Snowpocalypse." The frustration for travellers remains after one of the biggest blizzards in years. The system, packing enormous snowfalls and gales, left piles of snow as deep as 80 centimetres (32 inches). Airlines have resumed limited service, but some 800 flights were cancelled on Tuesday, mostly in the New York area. Many streets remain unploughed in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn


Israeli have known now for years what to do in the West Bank – colonize, ethnically cleanse and bisect the area to death, while remaining publicly loyal to the futile discourse of peace or rather the ‘peace process’. The end result is expected to be a docile Palestinian Authority within a heavily Judaized West Bank.

The Western World's Murder of Logic and Reason.

Does anyone still not know that 9/11 was done by Mossad and the CIA, along with various parties in certain government agencies and sundry? Most of us are not hackers and we don’t deal with secret cables leaked by whistleblowers ‘or’ deliberately leaked after being sanitized in order to give the appearance of veracity. You would think that someone who is involved in intelligence information would have the intelligence and information to work out the obvious. I did it years ago, though the details are still fleshing themselves out, the names of the ones behind the attacks haven’t changed and aren’t likely to. I measure a person’s truthfulness and intelligence according to the way they define what happened on 9/11.


THE ISRAELI navy is closely monitoring a vessel carrying medical supplies and Asian activists poised to set sail from the Syrian port of Latakia for el-Arish in Egypt. The first Asian land and sea caravan attempting to break the Israeli siege of Gaza set off from India early this month and proceeded to Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Syria, picking up activists and donations en route.

Underneath the Happy Talk, Is This As Bad as the Great Depression?

So even though the government's spending on the "war" on the economic crisis dwarfs the amount spent on the New Deal, our economy is still stuck in the mud. Given that the government has done so much, but we are still mired in a situation which in many ways is comparable to the Great Depression, it is not a very radical statement to say that the government is doing the wrong things to address the downturn. I hope that the economy recovers. But the above comparisons are worrisome, indeed.

U.S. Multinationals Bring Home Cash, Dodge $25 Billion/Year in Repatriation Taxes

At the White House on Dec. 15, business executives asked President Obama for a tax holiday that would help them tap more than $1 trillion of offshore earnings, much of it sitting in island tax havens.

The money -- including hundreds of billions in profits that U.S. companies attribute to overseas subsidiaries to avoid taxes -- is supposed to be taxed at up to 35% when it’s brought home, or “repatriated.” Executives including John T. Chambers of Cisco Systems Inc. say a tax break would return a flood of cash and boost the economy.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It is hypocritical of John T. Chambers to say that freeing them form the tax would help the US economy. If executives like John T. Chambers had not offshored US jobs to those foreign nations in the first place, the US economy would not be in the terrible shape that it is in.

And selling the idea of another tax break for the rich is not going to go over too well while middle and working class Americans are about to get hit with the biggest tax increase in US history.

Fed Can’t Prop Up Stock Market Forever

Greg Hunter USAWatchdog From the very beginning of QE2, it was no secret the Federal Reserve wanted the stock market to rise. The Fed got its wish. Many people see the stock market increase of nearly 20% in a few short months as a sign things are turning around...

Let's Reclaim History As We Go Into 2011, And The Unknown Future

Saman Mohammadi Truth Excavator We're led to believe that the United States government is a positive force in the world but this is not true. I'm not saying it couldn't be in the future, in fact, once there is a regime change in Washington, America will become the greatest country in the world again, but as it is now, the deceitful and manipulative leaders in the CIA, the Federal Reserve, the White House, the State Department, and the Pentagon are the most destructive force in the world, and pose the greatest existential threat to human civilization, and world peace...

So Young and So Many Pills

More than 25% of Kids and Teens in the U.S. Take Prescriptions on a Regular Basis Anna Wilde Mathews Wall Street Journal Gage Martindale, who is 8 years old, has been taking a blood-pressure drug since he was a toddler. "I want to be healthy, and I don't want things in my heart to go wrong," he says. And, of course, his mom is always there to check Gage's blood pressure regularly with a home monitor, and to make sure the second-grader doesn't skip a dose of his once-a-day enalapril...

Israel Demolishes 5 Homes, 4 Animal Shelters in East Jerusalem, Bethlehem Area

The Jerusalem Municipality demolished a home in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sur Baher yesterday (22 December), displacing a family of 6 – of whom 4 are children.

President White House Plans to Push Global Warming Policy, GOP Vows Fight

Kimberly Schwandt FOX News HONOLULU, Hawaii -- After failing to get climate-change legislation through Congress, the Obama administration plans on pushing through its environmental policies through other means, and Republicans are ready to put up a fight...

Just 21% Want FCC to Regulate Internet, Most Fear Regulation Would Promote Political Agenda

American voters believe free market competition will protect Internet users more than government regulation and fear that regulation will be used to push a political agenda.

Ivory Coast Crisis is About Oil

An unprecedented disinformation campaign is being orchestrated to justify foreign intervention in the Ivory Coast to unseat the Preseident Laurent Gbagbo and replace him with Alassane Dramane Ouattara, a stooge totally devoted to the interests of multinationals.

19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Make You Weep

The United States is rapidly becoming the very first "post-industrial" nation on the globe

US Refuses Cooperation With Poland’s CIA ‘Black Site’ Probe

The U.S. Department of Justice has reje
cted a request from prosecutors in Warsaw for assistance in the investigation into the
alleged CIA prisons in Poland, where captives claim they were tortured.

Gulf Activists Harassed By TSA Agents Who Claim Filming Is Illegal

As anger against the TSA has mounted, many have wondered if activists will be specifically targeted in an attempt to scare and intimidate them. No subject has been bigger than the gulf disaster and it looks as one of the groups who exposed the extensive use of Corexit9500 in the gulf have fallen victim to TSA tyranny. When Matt Smith, Gavin Garrison, and Heather Rally of Project Gulf Impact arrived at Ontario Airport in California Tuesday evening to board a plane headed back to the Gulf of Mexico, all three of them were pulled aside by TSA agents and patted down. Coincidentally, they were the only three people pulled out of the security lines.

“TSA doesn’t want stuff like this to end up on youtube”

More than 25% of Kids and Teens in the U.S. Take Prescriptions on a Regular Basis

These days, the medicine cabinet is truly a family affair. More than a quarter of U.S. kids and teens are taking a medication on a chronic basis, according to Medco Health Solutions Inc., the biggest U.S. pharmacy-benefit manager with around 65 million members. Nearly 7% are on two or more such drugs, based on the company's database figures for 2009.

Doctors and parents warn that prescribing medications to children can be problematic. There is limited research available about many drugs' effects in kids. And health-care providers and families need to be vigilant to assess the medicines' impact, both intended and not. Although the effects of some medications, like cholesterol-lowering statins, have been extensively researched in adults, the consequences of using such drugs for the bulk of a patient's lifespan are little understood. Still, a growing number of studies have been done under a Food and Drug Administration program that rewards drug companies for testing medications in children. In more than a third of these studies, there have been surprising side effects, or results that suggested a smaller or larger dose was needed than had been expected, Dr. Benjamin says. Those findings underscore that children's reactions to medicines can be very different than those of adults. Long-term effects of drugs in kids are almost never known, since pediatric studies, like those in adults, tend to be relatively short.

City of Houston Shuts Down Two Radioactive Water Wells

HOUSTON — A radioactive water well that is controlled by the City of Houston, and that serves residents of Jersey Village, is no longer being used, according to the communications director for Houston Mayor Annise Parker.

KHOU-TV has actively attempted to obtain maps which would allow us to tell you, for each of the eight wells listed above, exactly which neighborhoods and which streets are affected by the wells identified above, or any amount of radiation. We believe you have a basic right to know if you live in an area served by a radioactive well. The information is something you might use to protect yourself, in the event you believe your health may be at risk from drinking water with radioactive contaminants. KHOU filed a public information request to obtain these maps from the city. They are maps that officials showed KHOU briefly during a meeting at City Hall, prior to our reporting on radiation in Houston’s water supply. While we requested copies of those maps, so we could examine them closer and share them with you, city officials are now actively fighting our attempts to get these maps. They claim that “terrorists” could use them to harm you.

Ron Paul Competing Currencies Can 'End the Fed' Softly

NOAA Weather Warnings Map- Interactive

Take a look at all the winter storm warnings in the west. Look out people in the east.

Why we write: End Orwellian US economics to unleash trillions of our dollars

*hyperlinks and video live at source*

The central economic solution to unleash trillions of dollars for the US economy is simple:

1.Our Robber Baron-era monetary system must be recognized as a national “debt supply” that only profits the banks that create the debt.
2.This Orwellian opposite of a national money supply must be ended. In addition, shocking as it is for most Americans to discover, we’ve already overpaid in tax totals in the several trillions of dollars as revealed in collective governments’ published Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs). We need this ended and transformed to maximize the benefits of that money to the American people.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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