Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WRH News stories for Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Part 2

The Fatherland Protection Racket

By now all reasonable people in the world know that the Bush administration (with almost no opposition from Democrats) used 9/11 as a pretense to invade and occupy an oil-rich Middle Eastern country that posed no threat to America. Even President Bush has admitted in a press conference that there were never any WMDs in Iraq. But the war has been very profitable for some, as war always is, as it has drained American taxpayers of hundreds of billions of dollars. It has also ballooned the warfare state, the military-industrial complex, and the conservative anti-civil liberties lobby. (On the day of this writing the talking heads on the FOX War Channel were all but dancing in the streets of Manhattan in celebration of a bill passed by the U.S.

BOOGA BOOGA! Iraq: Al Qaeda Planning Holiday Attacks in West

Webmaster's Commentary:

The desperation by the US Government to start a new war is palpable!

The Illusion of Economic Recovery in America

According to a recent CNN poll, three out of four Americans believe the recession is not over. Unemployment has not been this high for this long in most Americans’ lifetime. By every measure, the U.S. economy is failing to recover from the Great Recession. Every measure except one.

Economic Crisis in America: Mounting Household Debts, Threat to Pension Funds and Social Security

The experts’ keep telling us how great shopping is this Christmas Season when only 17% of shoppers are using credit cards. That is a drop of 50% from last year, and the lowest usage in 27 years.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Look, if you don't max out those credit cards, the terrorists will have won!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Apartheid Israel-style: Law to keep Jews and Arabs apart

The pretty two-storey home with a red-tiled roof built by Adel and Iman Kaadan looks no different from the rows of other houses in Katzir, a small hilltop community in northern Israel close to the West Bank. But, unlike the other residents of Katzir, the Kaadans moved into their dream home this month only after a 12-year battle through the Israeli courts. The small victory for the Kaadans, who belong to Israel's Palestinian Arab minority, dealt a big blow to a state policy that for decades has reserved most of the country's land for Jews.


Report of FBI back door roils OpenBSD community

Allegations that the FBI surreptitiously placed a back door into the OpenBSD operating system have alarmed the computer security community, prompting calls for an audit of the source code and claims that the charges must be a hoax.

The report surfaced in e-mail made public yesterday from a former government contractor, who alleged that he worked with the FBI to implement "a number of back doors" in OpenBSD, which has a reputation for high security and is used in some commercial products.

Ireland passes bailout package despite opposition

Ireland's parliament approved a multi-billion euro EU/IMF bailout package on Wednesday in the face of opposition threats to renegotiate the deal to force losses on some senior bondholders in Irish banks.


BREAKING! Justice Dept Files Lawsuit Against BP For Oil Rig Explosion

Boeing 'In Massive Safety Cover-Up': Report

This report just surfaced today. Two whistleblowers from Boeing have stepped forward.

This does not look good for Boeing OR the U.S. Government, who may be involved.

Iraq: Al Qaeda Planning Holiday Attacks in West

Iraqi Authorities Say Two Captured Insurgents Admit to Planned Suicide Attacks in U.S., Europe during Christmas Season

Associated Press Iraqi authorities have obtained confessions from captured insurgents who claim al Qaeda is planning suicide attacks in the United States and Europe during the Christmas season, two senior officials said Wednesday . . .

Is the Fed Robbing Us Blind?

The Patriot Report Tad Lumpkin appeared on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano on Tuesday night to discuss his new movie – The American Dream Film . . .

German city pares budget deficit with "sex tax"

Challenged with a 100 million euro ($133 million) deficit, one western German city has introduced a day tax on prostitutes to help whittle down its budget gap.

Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth

What kind of whistle-blower gives his leaks to Zionist-owned, corporate, elitist newspapers and then writes an editorial for one? What kind of hero of the oppressed people hires a Zionist lawyer that defends the torture of Palestinians and the institutions that cover it up? What kind of freedom fighter accepts an award from the Rothschild family, one of the greatest causes of the destruction of peace and justice throughout the world? What kind of revolutionary is inspired by Zionist liars like the Murdoch family and offers his praise to filthy war criminals like Benjamin Netanyahu?

Warrant needed to snoop on your emails, court finally rules

After many years of legal uncertainty, a federal appeals court has finally declared that emails have the same Fourth Amendment protections as regular mail and telephone calls.

"Given the fundamental similarities between email and traditional forms of communication, it would defy common sense to afford emails lesser Fourth Amendment protection," the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled (PDF). If the ruling is not overturned by the Supreme Court, it will put an end to the practice of law enforcement agents using court orders, rather than warrants, to gain access to emails. Court orders require a much lower standard than warrants.

UK Police may ban future marches to prevent disorder

Police may ban anti-Government marches through central London to prevent further disorder and strain on officer numbers. Martin Beckford, Heidi Blake and Steven Swinford
Telegraph The Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, said that outlawing the demonstations was an option for the authorities but conceded it could anger protestors further.

MUST SEE - Fire, Horses, Blood, Sweat & Tears - The UK Student Riots - Photo Slideshow

The UK kids know how to riot, that's for sure.

31 Excellent Photos of the London Mayhem



How to Dress Like a Bankster: The 44-Page UBS Dresscode

Defend Jennifer Peto, a Brave Canadian Critic of Zionism

When the University of Toronto recently accepted a Master’s thesis critical of Jewish privilege, the Lobby, the media, and politicians, immediately condemned it as ‘hate’. Some of these legislators declared the University should not have awarded the M.A. to Sociology and Equity Studies student Jennifer Peto, an unprecedented interference of the government in academic freedom. When a Jewish anti-Zionist like Peto is physically threatened by Zionists and denounced by politicians, the first thing is obviously to defend her and her freedom of speech.

Anti-Austerity Protest in Greece Turns Violent

Thousands of Greeks took to the streets of the capital on Wednesday for a protest against a fresh wave of austerity measures which was marred by violence as a general strike brought international travel and public services to a standstill. The walkout — Greece’s seventh general strike this year — grounded flights, kept ferries in ports, halted train services and shut down government offices and schools while leaving hospitals to operate on emergency staffing and causing a news blackout as journalists joined the action.

Workers jump to their deaths as fire engulfs factory making clothes for Gap

Dozens of workers jumped to their deaths and more than 100 were injured when a fire swept through a Bangladeshi factory that makes clothes for high street retailer Gap today. Witnesses said the blaze – at the factory just outside Dhaka – engulfed the multistorey building, forcing some of those trapped inside to leap from the windows. The fire comes after repeated warnings about fire safety at factories making clothes for western retailers.

REALITY REPORT #74: Killing Obamacare

In this edition of the Reality Report Gary Franchi reviews a landmark Supreme Court decision and reveals the silver bullet to kill Obamacare. Sheriff Richard Mack returns to the show to give his firsthand account of a courtroom in Fresno, California where the Constitution is prohibited. Speakers from the 2010 Boston Tea Party present their feedback on the historic event and Nina delivers the news. Her stories include the shocking results of twins who were vaccinated in India, the Swedish Military's prior knowledge of the recent terrorist bombing, Ron Paul's plans to end the Federal Reserve, and the details about the revelation that Obamacare is unconstitutional. The viewers share their thoughts on whether or not Wikileaks' Julian Assange is a hero or villain and an unlikely application makes its way into the hall of shame as this weeks "Enemy of the State."

Genetic Mutation Cures AIDS, Raises Questions (with fulltext links)

Original post - hat tip to Mr. Corporanon.

That's the same rare mutation for which the historical record shows an increase in frequency, suddenly, from around one in 40,000 to one in five. That was no typo: CCR5-delta32 went from one quarter of a thousandth of a per cent to 20 per cent. When? Why the middle ages of course. Where? Northern Europe. Why? Natural selection. Everyone without the mutation died.

From the Black Death.

The mutation that confers immunity to the plague just so happens to protect against AIDS.

What a coincidence! Which reminds me (and this ought to really cook your noodle):

It protects against H1N1 as well.


OK. Let’s say that’s the case. So what? Does that put Julian Assange in the clear? Unfortunately, no. Even if you accept the most benign explanation for every issue I’ve raised so far, Wikileaks still poses problems.

NO COLA increase for 2011 Social Security recipients

this equals a tax of 19.4% on the poor! and the republicans want to cut it even more! Read more in my blog (my blog on WRH) of this story

heres the story: Information About 2011 Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment

Under existing law, there can be no COLA in 2011. Why? As determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is no increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) from the third quarter of 2008, the last year a COLA was determined, to the third quarter of 2010.

The Path to American Renewal

Here is a brief explanation of a path forward in the current Trials we face as Americans. with a Link to a short essay about Renewal Groups. How do we render our will while politricks in general is trying to divide us ..

Israel's propagandists desperately try to cling to "Victim" status

DDoS attacks as a legitimate form of protest?

Webmaster's Commentary:

Freedom of speech means dialogue. Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to deny it to others.

This is an engraved invitation for the government to impose "security" controls on the internet.

Mainstream Media Ignore Greek Protests

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Might give those uppity sheeple bad ideas!!!"-- Official White Horse Souse

Snitch City Incorporated

Making a list
and checking it twice,
gonna find out
Who's been naughty or nice?"

Which brings us back to that Declaration of Independence FROM Israel that has begun to make the rounds on a lot of very different sites. The problem it seems, is that people want to know how the signing of this simple document could ever change anything; especially now when there really is no "law" anymore, at least not for the filthy rich or their protected moles and spies that hold dual-citizenship passports and just happen to work for the current government simultaneously. (1)

It seems the answer to this problem can be found in a recent news release concerning Wal-Mart of all places.

Allegations of FBI-inserted backdoors into OpenBSD

I have received a mail regarding the early development of the OpenBSD IPSEC stack. It is alleged that some ex-developers (and the company they worked for) accepted US government money to put backdoors into our network stack, in particular the IPSEC stack. Around 2000-2001.

See The $9 Billion Dollar Check That Saved Morgan Stanley's Ass (PHOTO)

According to the author, perhaps the LARGEST physical check ever written...


Clay Duke - Well, what the hell did you expect?

What we do know is that Clay Duke's story of how he reached a point of walking into an official room and shooting at officials is all too common these days. A man has his job taken away and sent overseas by US Government tax policy. His unemployment runs out. The his wife loses her job at the school.

So how did you expect Clay Duke to react?

Webmaster's Commentary:

Action video of Greece riots as fire bombs, stones fly in Athens

Athens Anarchy: Fresh fierce clashes in Greece over govt cuts

Poor Julian, he's not Time's Person of the Year

He tried so hard but was only a runner up, just like the 'Tea Party' and Hamid Karzai. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is the big winner. That should help solidify Facebook's place as a 'legitimate' social phenomenon. It should also make the CIA happy

Ron Paul: "Bernanke Is The Greatest Counterfeiter In The History Of The World"


Mullen Expresses Impatience With Pakistan on Visit

America’s top military officer visited Pakistan’s capital on Tuesday, carrying what he called a strong sense of “strategic impatience” with the government here over its failure to clear insurgents from border havens where they prepare lethal attacks against American and allied forces in Afghanistan.

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to Admiral Mullen: unless the fundamental structural problems in Pakistan are fixed, the real likelihood of getting rid of the insurgency is slim to none.

When people have corruption in government, lack of substantive education, health care, and access to jobs which pay a living wage, you have the "perfect storm" for making insurgency look attractive to some. This is the case in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. The "aid" we have given Pakistan appears to be essentially paying off certain individuals in the government and military handsomely to look the other way while the US drops drones on Pakistan's citizens, many times killing or maiming innocent non-combatants in the process. No aid appears to be getting to the people of Pakistan, who desperately need help after the horrendous floods earlier this year. This "all carrot, no stick" approach, not only with Pakistan, but also with places like dictator-led Yemen, almost absolutely guarantees that those left standing after US attacks will turn to the waiting embrace of the insurgents, fanning the flames of that insurgency into an ever widening cycle of violence.

Somehow, I have a very difficult time believing that this is the design outcome you intended for US military intervention to create here, unless the real outcome desired is a perpetual war in this region of the world.

Moody's Threatens To Cut US AAA Rating On Tax Bill

Very LITTLE mention of this story from yesterday in the financial press, but this is how sovereign bond routs begin... This is a HUGE DEAL and bears watching...

Holbrooke's Last Words On Afghanistan Clarified As Being Part Of A Humorous Exchange By Obama Administration

The Obama administration said Tuesday that the reported last words of veteran diplomat Richard Holbrooke, its point person on Afghanistan and Pakistan who passed away this week, were meant as humor.

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to the Obama White House: dying men have absolutely no reason to lie or to make jokes; not when they're in that much pain.

Slouching Towards Tyranny

The United States was founded on the idea that the individual was the center of the nation's universe; and, that freedom was the rule and government restraints grudging exceptions. The right to be left alone was cherished above all others. The national purpose was not to build an Empire by projecting military force throughout the planet, but to revere due process and the blessings of liberty at home. These ennobling ideas have been abandoned for the juvenile thrill of domination for the sake of domination and a quest for absolute safety that elevates vassalage to the summum bonum.

Webmaster's Commentary: Those in control of this country have eviscerated the Constitution and Bill of Rights by people who are ardently pushing for the concept of Code Napoleon Law, where ordinary citizens are always considered guilty until proven innocent.

They will see no reason to change the direction they are moving legislatively until We the People push back!!

Red Cross says Afghan conditions worst in 30 years

Violence in Afghanistan is at its worst since the Taliban were overthrown more than nine years ago, with record casualties on all sides of the conflict. Almost 700 foreign troops have died in 2010 alone, by far the bloodiest year of the war. The ICRC has also reported a spike this year in the number of patients with war wounds admitted at the main hospital it supports in southern Kandahar. More than 2,650 patients with weapons-related injuries were admitted to Mirwais Hospital in 2010 compared to 2,110 in 2009, the ICRC says. A further 1,000 war wounded were treated but not admitted at the hospital over the past two years.

Webmaster's Commentary: It looks as though the US and NATO have declared "war without end" on the Afghan people; these numbers cited by the ICRC bear witness to what this war has done to the lives of ordinary Afghan citizens.

NATO Air Strike Destroys Afghan School, Kills 30 ‘Suspects’

In a series of air strikes launched yesterday in the Baghlan Province in northern Afghanistan, the NATO forces destroyed a public school as well as killing 30 “suspected Taliban militants,” according to the provincial governor.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder how many of the 'suspects' were actually just kids, desperately attempting to get something of an education in a war zone.

And WAY TO GO, NATO, in winning the hearts and minds of local Afghan citizens by destroying their school and very probably murdering some of their children!!


We are outraged to learn that Rep. Howard Berman, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is trying to push through Congress today a resolution “condemning unilateral declarations of a Palestinian state.”

Webmaster's Commentary:


Obama ‘Pleased’ With Afghan War

Gibbs termed President Obama ‘pleased’ with the war, and insisted that he hopes to “strengthen capacity inside of Afghanistan” going forward. President Obama was said to have met with advisors earlier today regarding the war.

Webmaster's Commentary: So Obama is 'pleased' with this war, almost one decade in its bloody unfolding?!? Is this man that delusional?!?

The only people "winning" this war are the drug lords, and the defense contractors, and by now, every thinking American understands this.


These flashmob actions have become a popular form of protest these days and are a lot of ‘fun’ to participate in. This one took place at a Best Buy in St. Louis yesterday. The elderly woman is Hedy Epstein, an 87 year old holocaust survivor.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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