Sunday, December 26, 2010

WRH News stories for Sunday, December 26, 2010 Part 1

Lieberman Says Turkey Ought to Apologize, Not Israel

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman vowed on Sunday that Israel would not apologize to Turkey for a deadly commando raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship that killed nine Turkish activists.
Speaking in Jerusalem at a meeting of Israel's ambassadors, Lieberman said Ankara's demand for an apology before normalizing relations between was "a cheek."

"The ones who have to apologize are the government of Turkey for supporting terror," he said. "There will be no apology" from Israel, he added.

Webmaster's Commentary: Israel is beyond redemption.

State Of Emergency in North Carolina, NJ and Mass. National Guard Called In

North Carolina leaders have declared a State of Emergency for the entire state as winter weather is expected to bring significant snowfall to the Triangle region. A State of Emergency declaration enables the governor or lieutenant governor to mobilize resources to respond to storm related issues 34 soldiers reported on Christmas evening to armories in Butner, Rocky Mount, Elizabeth City, Winterville and Mount Olive, North Carolina. They are set to provide transportation, recovery or other missions in the emergency response.

Yep, That's Snow Inside The Subway Stations

Think you can escape the blizzard (and thundersnow!) underground? Think again.

Vikings-Eagles postponed to Tuesday night

(*When The hell does the NFL ever cancel a game , especially a nationally broadcasted prime time game ?)

Blizzard unleashing fury on New York, New England

A blizzard bearing down on the northeastern United States on Sunday led officials to declare weather emergencies, forced the postponement of a scheduled National Football League game in Philadelphia and grounded tens of thousands of homeward-bound Christmas travelers.

Al Gore "Santa's house is in Danger"

Feds Sneaking Around Congress to Regulate Firearms

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or ATF, has a long history of excess and overreaching … and they’re at it again. Using exaggerated reports of gun smuggling from the U.S. into Mexico as their justification, the agency has filed for an emergency regulation requiring gun dealers to keep track of their customers and file special reports to ATF whenever a customer purchases more than one semi-automatic rifle within any 5-day period. Such special reporting is already required for multiple sales of handguns and has proven to be thoroughly useless as a law enforcement tool.

Brian Aitken – New Jersey Man Freed by Governor Chris Christie After Corrupt Judge Denies Jury Right To Hear Law

The Judge in this case denied the jury the right to hear the law. This is an OUTRIGHT attack on the 2nd amendment and freedom as a whole. How is it legal for a judge to hold a bias against a defendent which is turn almost cost him seven years in jail?

US national image and its contradictions

Lawrence Davidson analyses the reasons behind the widening gulf between the US national self-image as "the world’s prime purveyor of good government, stability and progress" and the reality of imperial power, hypocrisy and double standards.

WikiLeaks: The 9/11 of the Internet

If the State Department really felt that the WikiLeaks operation was a serious threat to national security, or even a serious embarrassment politically, they could have shut it down at any time. They have their ways. And they could have ‘gotten to’ Assange in one way or another, as they got to David Kelly, who really was a threat, with his testimony that WMDs [in Iraq] did not exist, testimony that was never heard about again, after he ‘committed suicide’.

Wiki of the Damned

Introduction: The first of two programs deal ing with Wik iLeaks, this broadcast examines an intelligence–connected mind control cult with which WikiLeaks kingpin Julian Assange appears to be affiliated. As well connected as it is ruthless and criminal, the Santiniketan Park Association of Anne Hamilton-Byrne conditioned children with drugs, sensory depri vation, sleep deprivation, torture and ritual sexual abuse in order to produce subjects who bent to the will of the group’s leader.

Why Attacking Helen Thomas is Antisemitism

Part of our continuing series, “Everything You Think You Know You Learned From A Liar,” we are going to talk a bit, a short talk as it is the holiday season, about Semites. Semites are people from the Middle East, not a race, but a language group. There is no Semite or Semitic race and never has been. There are Semites, however, They are people who speak Semitic languages or, if we want to apply a more modern and inaccurate definition, folks from areas where those languages, Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge’ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre andTigrinya and several others were spoken.

The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich -- FREE ONLINE

"I myself was to experience how easily one is taken in by a lying and censored press and radio in a totalitarian state. Though unlike most Germans I had daily access to foreign newspapers, especially those of London, Paris and Zurich, which arrived the day after publication, and though I listened regularly to the BBC and other foreign broadcasts, my job necessitate the spending of many hours a day in combing the German press, checking the German radio, conferring with Nazi officials and going to party meetings." ~ William Shirer History repeats!

(*Boston)State of Emergency Declared in Advance of Storm

Gov. Patrick: 'We are ready,' for massive snowfall.
"We expect blizzard conditions," said Patrick. "We are ready."

Flights out of Logan International Airport have been cancelled, so Christmas weekend travelers are being urged to check with their airlines before heading to the airport.

"The snow will be wet and heavy, the temperatures will be at or below freezing, and winds will be high," said Patrick. "These are conditions that pose a substantial risk of power outages."

The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers

Prognosticators who wrote the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, global warming report in 2007 predicted an inevitable, century-long rise in global temperatures of two degrees or more. Only higher temperatures were foreseen. Moderate or even lower temperatures, as we're experiencing now, weren't even listed as a possibility. Since at least 1998, however, no significant warming trend has been noticeable. Unfortunately, none of the 24 models used by the IPCC views that as possible. They are at odds with reality.

"Christmas Day One Year Later" (underwear bomber)

If we accept what I have stated so far, we must dig a little deeper. The U.S. Government has now been shown to be staging "terrorist" plots with individuals who likely would be unknown without its help. We now must go a little further and question whether there have been any legitimate terrorist attacks ever. I am not well informed enough to answer that question, but in pondering that question you must consider, as uncomfortable as it may be, that the U.S. Government also staged the attacks on September 11, 2001. I will not discuss that further in this post other than to say that the only difference between the attacks on September 11, 2001 and flight 253 is a fast acting flight attendant with a fire extinguisher. Without that flight attendant, flight 253 burns to the ground due to a "deranged terrorist from Yemen."

Next, I would like to address why the U.S. Government would continue to stage such plots.

New York Times claims global warming creates the record cold weather!

The not-so-obvious short answer is that the overall warming of the atmosphere is actually creating cold-weather extremes.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This op-ed did not have a place for comments (big shock there). Here is the letter I just sent to the New York Times, which they probably will not print, but you should post anywhere you see more of this warm = cold nonsense.


I hope the New York Times is smart enough to understand that this claim that global warming makes cold weather is not science, but science fiction; a plot device lifted from the science fiction movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, and interestingly enough the same film Al Gore stole computer-generated ice cracking from for his so-called “documentary”.

The global warming cult and its financial arm, the “Carbonazis”, have invested a huge amount of time and money and political capital selling the need for a carbon tax to the world, to fund the new global environmental authority as a step towards global government. But three harsh winters in a row have sounded the death knell for the warmista predictions, and this “hot climate makes cold weather” nonsense is a Hail Mary pass to save the agenda in the face of harsh winter reality setting in, by claiming that the cold weather is what the theory of global warming predicted.

Yet we know this is nonsense. Back in 2000 the Hadley CRU (the institution at the heart of the Climategate email and software scandal) stated “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”.

In 2008, scientists were claiming there would be no ice at the North Pole.

Also in 2008, the warmistas were claiming that winter as a whole no longer existed!

And only last October, the UK Met Office declared that global warming would result in a very mild winter this year.

Interesting fact: the Chairman of the Met Office board, Robert Napier, is or has been:
* Chairman of the Green Fiscal Trust*
* Chairman of the trustees of the World Centre of Monitoring of Conservation
* a director of the Carbon Disclosure Project
* a director of the Carbon Group
* Chief executive of the World Wildlife Fund UK
He is also a member of the Green Alliance.

Entire careers and funding have been built on the theory that the Earth is getting warmer, and people like JUDAH COHEN, whose blurb indicates is part of the global warming establishment, are writing now that heat causes freezing in an effort not to lose their jobs and funding despite having totally blown predicting what was going to happen.

There is more at stake here than just academic tenure and scientific funding. Around the world, local governments struggling with the harsh economy have heard the constant proclamations of warmer winters and have slashed their budgets for winter preparations, secure in the knowledge they would not need as much road grit, ploughs, or fuel oil as previous winters.

The result is that the disaster of these last three winters has been magnified by lack of adequate preparation. Already Britain has sold out of standard snow tires and is running out of road grit. Budgets for winter contingencies are already exhausted across Europe, and most tragic of all, the millions of people made homeless by the Wall Street excesses of the last ten years are freezing to death as heating fuel for shelters and warming centers runs out. Dozens have died just in Santa Barbara California.

The blood of all those dying in winter accidents on unprepared roads, or freezing to death, is on the hands of those academics, media pundits, and scientists, who all signed onto the global warming agenda because it was fashionable and trendy and the source of vast amounts of research grants, together with the investors who planned to do to the entire world with carbon what Enron had done to California with electricity; force people to buy a carbon credit, a mythical commodity literally created out of thin air that was planned to fuel the next great Wall Street bubble.

The New York Times does itself and its readers a grave disservice when it runs op-ed pieces by environmentalists with clear conflicts of interest, especially when said op-ed ignored a decade of predictions of warmer winters to claim that record cold is what their pet science-fiction theory actually predicted, and that one can make ice by heating a pan of water on the stove.

Shame on the New York Times for not exercising due diligence in vetting these global warming propaganda pieces. One would almost think the Times has reverted to those pre-Titanic days when you reported that intelligent life was building the canals on Mars!

Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
War is Peace
Warming is Cooling
(Apologies to George Orwell)

Michael Rivero

Snow storm bears down on Mid-Atlantic, Northeast

Atlanta’s First White Christmas Since 1882

Ron Paul: Competing Currencies Can 'End the Fed' Softly

Activist Post Ron Paul on the House floor introducing his bill for legalizing competing currencies -- the HR 4248 Free Competition in Currency Act of 2009.

Pollard:.. The Unthinkable Implication... WW III ?

The “unthinkable implication” is that the USA has been set up, intentionally, for sudden complete destruction via nuclear war and that Jonathan Pollard was just one of a multitude of players in making this ultimate Zionist Dream come true. After all “they” can’t have their New World Order with the USA or Russia in existence in any significant way. The big bonus for “them” if our Zionist friends manage to manipulate the USA and Russia into nuking each other out of existence is that “they” (meaning Israel) will be THE nuclear superpower.

Serbia: UN covered up organ trafficking

Reports say Serbia has called on the international war crimes court to investigate a former UN chief in Kosovo for whitewashing a report on organ trafficking.

Snuggly the Wiretap Friendly Bear

Osama bin Laden is dead

Al Qaeda wants America and the world to believe bin Laden is still alive. His image is a specter of the horrors of Sept. 11, helping build public support for everything from troop surges a globe away to warrantless wiretaps at home. But the image of bin Laden is getting moldy, and there's little reason for his ghost to scare anyone anymore. If al Qaeda wants America to believe bin Laden is alive, it should put up or shut up. Here's a challenge to al Qaeda: Send a new video that can be analyzed properly. Otherwise, we'll take it all as a big scam, al Qaeda's version of "Saturday Night Live." Otherwise, you betcha, he's dead.

First ever encyclopedia documenting the Gaza war released Sunday

The encyclopedia, dubbed “the Gaza Holocaust”, is the product of drawn out efforts by the foundation's strategic research and studies center, said foundation head Mohammed al-Madhoun. “More than 120 of the foundation's field researchers contributed to this remarkable work, as well as many more from research centers, rights foundations, and ministries.”

The idea, sparked at the time of Israel's aggression, was to document the suffering and crimes that occurred during the war. “The encyclopedia contributes to the decay of Israel's legitimacy in the framework of a battle that stripped Israel of its moral and humanitarian legitimacy.”

Hours after going viral, 'Police State' crossbow video yanked from youtube

A compelling video of an altercation involving twenty or more police outside a Lincoln, Nebraska mobile home was mysteriously removed from youtube after being featured on several libertarian websites. On December 24th, people discussing the video at the and Reditt noted that the video was gone. "Removed by user? yeah right" one commenter cynically noted. The video had 304 views before the Examiner article was published; The view count at time of removal is unknown.

For the No Brains no Plane hit the Pentagon kooks/parrots

The green hijack of the Met Office is crippling Britain

The real question, however, is why has the Met Office become so astonishingly bad at doing the job for which it is paid nearly £200 million a year – in a way which has become so stupendously damaging to our country? The answer is that in the past 20 years, as can be seen from its website, the Met Office has been hijacked from its proper role to become wholly subservient to its obsession with global warming. (At one time it even changed its name to the Met Office “for Weather and Climate Change”.) This all began when its then-director John Houghton became one of the world’s most influential promoters of the warmist gospel. He, more than anyone else, was responsible for setting up the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and remained at the top of it for 13 years.

3,149 UK Wind Turbines – Produced Less Than 0.5% Of UK’s Electricity Needs

South Korea to hold naval firing drills

South Korea plans to hold a fresh round of naval firing drills at 23 locations around the Korean Peninsula, excluding areas near the disputed sea border with North Korea.

"This is part of a regular practice involving army, naval and air forces... and the state-run Agency for Defense Development will also conduct ammunition tests off the west coast," a spokesman for the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff told AFP on Sunday. The drills will be held around the Korean peninsula from December 27 to 31, the report added.

Most patients believe their doctors are in league with Big Pharma

A new Consumer Reports survey has found that the vast majority of patients on prescription drug medications believe that drug companies have too much influence over their doctors. Roughly half of those interviewed believe that their doctors are so influenced by Big Pharma that they would deliberately write a drug prescription even if a better, safer, non-drug option was available.

Eastern US braced for winter storm

A swathe of the US eastern seaboard is braced for an intensifying winter storm that is dumping heavy snow as it sweeps north. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled and severe weather warnings are in place from Georgia to Vermont as temperatures continue to plummet. Blizzards dropping up to 1ft (31cm) of snow are expected to hit New York and parts of New England. South Carolina had its first Christmas snow since records began in 1887.

Who cares? relax, everything will be just fine.

This might be more blog post material than a news story, but this 3 minute video, from someone unknown to me, does a really great job explaining what is going on. This video might be a good video to send to the sheeple that are just beginning to wake up a bit...

Julian Assange Gets Another Payday

What a reluctant hero that Julian Assange is, huh? How noble of him to make the ultimate sacrifice by allowing a globalist publication firm to pay him 1.5 million dollars for attaching his name to a ghost written biography. Will this guy’s heroic actions never cease?

Here’s a partial list of other authors that Julian’s publishing house has deals with..

Thomas Kean co-chair 9/11 Commision Report

Lee H. Hamilton co-chair 9/11 Commision Report

Bill Clinton


Cambridge University Refuses to Censor Student's Thesis on Chip-and-PIN Vulnerabilities

Cambridge University Refuses to Censor Student's Thesis on Chip-and-PIN Vulnerabilities

Santa Claus brings rubber bullets, tear gas, and arrests

Santa Claus had brought only more tear gas and rubber bullets for the villagers of An Nabi Saleh. Merry Christmas!



The landscapers of evil can be reassured: The seeds of racism and hatred are sprouting well and even bearing nice fruit. Following the heartwarming rabbis’ letter, which called on the faithful not to rent or sell apartments to Arab citizens, we saw an anti-Arab protest in the city of Bat Yam earlier this week. It was a classic horror show, with the role of monsters played by the Ismaelites (who have the chutzpa to possess Israeli ID cards.) They walk our streets, shop at our malls, and try to woo our women, thereby apparently tainting our race.

Israel spies on the USA

Snow continues in wide area of Japan

In the Aizu region in Fukushima Prefecture, north of Tokyo, at least 300 cars are stranded after a large truck skidded and blocked a road on Saturday night. Many cars slid or could not go up the slope.

BP partners ‘manipulating’ oil spill evidence, chemical board says

The federal agency charged with investigating industrial chemical accidents has accused two BP partners of "hands-on manipulation" of evidence in the Gulf oil spill. The US Chemical Safety Board has asked for a halt to testing of the blowout preventer involved in the Deepwater Horizon explosion, saying that employees of Cameron International and Transocean have been permitted "hands-on manipulation" of the device.

Paraguay to recognize Palestinian state in 2011

Paraguay plans to recognize an independent Palestinian state next year, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) said Sunday. Paraguay's Foreign Minister Hector Lacognata told the Palestinian ambassador to Paraguay that his country will recognize the Palestinian state on the lands that Israel has occupied in 1967 in the spring, the Palestinian foreign ministry said in a statement.

Palestinians slam U.S. for not recognizing a state, say no talks with Israel yet

Palestinian officials have on Saturday slammed the United States for refusing to recognize the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the territories occupied by Israel in 1967 and for saying that it is still premature to recognize the Palestinian state. Ahmed Majdalani, a member of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee told Xinhua that the Palestinian leadership "is extremely regretting the recent American position, which rejected the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on 1967 borders of territories."

Cops' Use of Illegal Steroids a 'Big Problem'

The badge and a steroid-filled syringe -- it's not the typical image most have for the abuse of performance-enhancing drugs. But as more within law enforcement get nabbed in steroid investigations nationwide, observers say that usage levels among police officers could rival the seediest patches of the pro sports landscape.

Obama’s Executive Order Should Scare the Hell Out of People

President Obama proposal to create a special new legal system by Executive Order is an extremely dangerous end run around Congress and the Judiciary.

Encirclement of Pakistan

Jeff Gates, a renowned american writer has been writing since long that Pakistan is being profiled as the next evil doer. The field based warfare is on, every act of false flag operation thats being staged at different places in the world are being associated with Pakistan. Now the implication of ISI's Chief is yet another attempt in that direction.

'Mossad to come clean on Mabhouh hit'

Israel is reportedly ready to acknowledge that it was behind the assassination of senior Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in the United Arab Emirates in January 2010. The incoming chief of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad will personally apologize for the use of fake British passports in the assassination, Britain's Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday.


During the massacre, one Israeli soldier commented, “That’s what is so nice, supposedly, about Gaza: You see a person on a road, walking along a path. He doesn’t have to be with a weapon, you don’t have to identify him with anything and you can just shoot him.”

Coldest December in Sweden in 110 years

This means that several parts of Sweden, including the southern region Götaland and eastern Svealand, will have experienced the coldest December in at least 110 years.

Bartlett: Cooking the Books -- The 2010 Deficit Was $2.1 (Not $1.3) Trillion

If corporate accountants used government rules for their financial statements, they’d be jailed. That’s why we rarely see the real number of the federal deficit—a terrifying $2.1 trillion last year. ... In principle, changes in the cost of long-term commitments should be included in the budget, as they would under accrual accounting. The Financial Report takes a stab at doing so and finds that it would have almost doubled last year’s budget deficit from $1.3 trillion to $2.1 trillion.

The Fat Cats Want You to Think It's Complicated

Economics and finance seem like complicated topics, and so many people "leave it to the experts". However, these topics are actually simple, and if people hear a clear explanation, they will be able to form an opinion about our current economy and the government's response to economic challenges. It will be easy to understand the economy if we think of money as water. Links showing that the analogy holds true with the economy are provided for convenience.

Responding to the prison planet white wash of 911

All four airports had Israeli security none of them have footage of the alleged hijackers getting on the planes. Atta conveniently had a list in his bag which miraculously was left unchecked at the airport, the buildings destroyed were owned by American Jewish billionaires with strong ties to Israel, on the day of 911 a tape of dancing Palestinians was played on the air, yet the dancing Israelis who were filming the fucking event before it happened and the subsequent spy-ring was yanked from the air and classified and to top all of THAT off the Israelis in a moving van for Israeli intelligence that was LIVING NEXT DOOR to the said lead hijacker was busted on the George Washington bridge on 911 packed with explosives.

Wikileaks – the Mossad-Connection

In April, WikiLeaks released a classified US military video („Collateral Murder') depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad, including two Reuters news staff [1]. In July WikiLeaks published nearly 90,000 logs from Afghanistan [2]. In October followed 391,832 logs from the Iraq-war [3]. Trust in WikiLeaks (among informed observers) vanished almost overnight in July, both with the inclusion of the long dead Osama Bin Laden in the leaked Afghan logs, and Julian Assange's open disdain for the 9-11 truth movement [4].

Missouri Guard to train inmates for emergencies

The Missouri National Guard plans to start training some of the state's prison inmates to help it during natural disasters and other emergencies. Missouri Guard spokeswoman Maj. Tammy Spicer said Thursday that under the proposal, the prison inmates would become a more formalized part of the Guard's disaster response. She said it would give the Guard a larger and better trained pool of workers to respond to emergencies. The training would focus on skills such as filling and stacking sandbags and removing debris. civilian slaves for soldiers?...

Corporate controlled media continues to pimp Julian Assange.

The founder of the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has signed $1.5 million contracts with publishers to pen his autobiography, the Sunday Times said.

Webmaster's Commentary: This is his payoff.

Dangerous Blizzard to Slam Philadelphia to Boston

A storm system off the Northeast Coast will unleash a paralyzing blizzard along a vast swath of the I-95 corridor today. The storm is no joke and threatens to shut down major highways in the region and could close some major airports, creating a nightmare for those souls heading home after the Christmas holiday. People will get stranded on highways and at airports in this storm.

Webmaster's Commentary:

We are under a thunderstorm as I type these words, our fourth in a week. This is an unusually high incidence of such storms which means there is a greater amount of ice in the upper atmosphere, a requirement for the creation of lightning.

2011: U.S. And NATO To Extend And Expand Afghan War

The war being waged by the United States and the Western military alliance it controls, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is well into its tenth year and is already the longest war in the history of the U.S., Afghanistan and NATO alike. In fact it is NATO's first ground war and its first armed conflict in Asia.

It has now graduated into a broader war, having engulfed neighboring Pakistan with a population of 170 million and a nuclear arsenal.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In Afghan fields the poppies grow.
Between the crosses.
Row on row.

Homeland Security chief defends airport security

Associated Press WASHINGTON — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the use of full-body scanners and invasive pat-downs at airports around the country will not change for the "foreseeable future."...

See Something, Say Something - Unless It’s About The Government

Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

While Department of Homeland Security is ramping up the Nation’s See something, say Something program, expanding into Walmarts and other venues, we warn our readers to be cautious of what you see, what you say, and to whom you say it, as evidenced by recent backlash from the government for an airline pilot’s personal exposĂ© on airport security:

Export of Mass Destruction: Afghan addicts drowning in drug flood

Lawmakers seek cash during key votes

Carol D. Leonnig and T.W. Farnam Washington Post

Numerous times this year, members of Congress have held fundraisers and collected big checks while they are taking critical steps to write new laws, despite warnings that such actions could create ethics problems. The campaign donations often came from contributors with major stakes riding on the lawmakers' actions...

Fading optimism in “new normal” America

Bernd Debusmann, Op-Ed Reuters

Optimism is so deeply embedded in the American national psyche that it withstood the Great Depression in the 1930s and a string of recessions since then. But in the era some economists call “the new normal” in America, optimism is fading.

Some Google employees defect, then rebel

Mark Milian CNN

Many computer engineers consider a job offer from Google as the golden ticket. Outdoor volleyball courts, free gourmet food, on-site haircuts, massages and laundry are among the perks Google has offered its employees at its main campus in Mountain View, California. But some of the people who do leave are challenging the company in the best way an engineer knows how: by developing programs that could detract from Google's core business...

Obama's Liberty Problem: Why Indefinite Detention by Executive Order Should Scare the Hell Out of People

The proposal to create a special new legal system by Executive Order is an extremely dangerous end run around Congress and the Judiciary.

Vince Warren and Bill QuiglyAlternet

The right to liberty is one of the foundation rights of a free people. The idea that any US President can bypass Congress and bypass the Courts by issuing an Executive Order setting up a new legal system for indefinite detention of people should rightfully scare the hell out of the American people.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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