Monday, December 27, 2010

WRH News stories for Monday, December 27, 2010 Part 2

Mocked Meteorologist Gets Last Laugh

VIDEO - Santa's Business Is Getting Sleighed

Runs 1 Minute - This Is Excellent - Funny & Well Produced Created By Bankrupting America

Romney On Defense After Obama Health Care Provision Ruled Unconstitutional

Sam Stein Huffington Post

A Virginia judge's ruling earlier this month that a key provision of President Barack Obama's health care law is unconstitutional was hailed as a major breakthrough for all segments of the Republican Party save, perhaps, one...

FCC Can’t Force Net Neutrality, Court Rules

S.T. Karnick The American Culture

A federal appeals court struck a blow against the desire of the Federal Communications Commission to enforce net neutrality rules on the Internet, ruling the FCC must first get Congress to approve such a sweeping expansion of its regulatory power...

Not Just A High

Cannabis vs. Cancer


A large number of Israeli troops and border guards were deployed in Silwan district on Saturday morning as a prelude to expelling the Jerusalemite family of Abdullah Abu Nab from its home in Battn Al-Hawa neighborhood and bringing Jewish settlers to live in its place.

Hypocrisy - U.S. Approved Business With Blacklisted Nations: Still Doing Billions in Business with Iran

Despite sanctions and trade embargoes, over the past decade the United States government has allowed American companies to do billions of dollars in business with Iran and other countries blacklisted as state sponsors of terrorism, an examination by The New York Times has found.

« Lehman Auditors Charged With Fraud »

The lawsuit was filed by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. People close to Cuomo said one factor in bringing the case was that he knows that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission already is investigating former Lehman chief Richard Fuld and other former top Lehman executives. Cuomo "wants to go after the one party he knows isn't being sued," said John Coffee, a professor of corporate law at Columbia University.

A Plane Hit the Pentagon, baby steps for the parrots of loose change etc, by Ryan Dawson

Cool facts about Israel | Refuted


Veterans Today has been informed by sources within the ADL that, in coordination with Julian Assange’s announcement, they were “tasked” by the Tel Aviv government to begin operations against journalists and online publications that had let to Wikileaks being discredited as an Israeli intelligence operation. Sources indicate that Tel Aviv values Wikileaks as a vital asset in molding public opinion and providing cover for high risk operations. ADL’s website is loading up with warnings and attacks, all defending Wikileaks and Julian Assange and attacking news sources that print materials either critical of Julian Assange or citing Israel’s involvement in Wikileak’s agreement to allow material critical of Israel to be censored.

Paul Sheridan: 9/11 - Demand For Wikileaks Retraction and Apology

Demand that Julian Assange of Wikileaks Offer a Full Retraction and Apology - “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies like 9/11…” How was it arranged that the avowed Zionist Rupert Mudoch would offer this Swede safe haven? What led to this cozy relationship between Assange and Murdoch a well-established and notorious propagandist? In an exclusive interview of December 27, 2010, The Sunday Times of London, another Murdoch rag, announced that Assange agreed to a $1.5 million autobiography deal. Presumably Murdoch’s promotion of the new book will also occur.

Is BP STILL Spraying Corexit? Evidence Shows Spraying Contiues

Is dispersant still being sprayed in the gulf? Kari Huus writes: This photo and laboratory tests indicating that this foamy substance is dispersed oil have raised questions about the government’s assurances that the toxic chemical was not sprayed after the Deepwater Horizon well was capped. Kari Huus writes:The use of chemical dispersants in the wake of the massive BP oil spill ended on July 15, when the broken Deepwater Horizon well was capped, with only one exception four days later, according to federal agencies. But photos and chemical lab results obtained by suggest that the controversial chemicals have been sprayed much more recently than that.

Putin’s Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers

WHEN PUTIN WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT of Russia in 2000, Russia was bankrupt. The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars.

But Putin took advantage of the current boom in world oil prices by redirecting a portion of the profits of Russia’s largest oil producer Gazprom so as to pay off the country’s debt. The continual surge in oil prices greatly accelerated Russia’s capacity to restore financial sovereignty.

The Rise and Rise of Super Fascism

Mention fascism and most peoples’ minds turn to Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco’s Spain, Salazar’s Portugal, Japanese Fascism, Papadopoulos’ Greece and South Africa’s Apartheid regime. However, most people are blissfully unaware of a rising form of fascism, more virulent than all past fascist regimes combined. Its aim is to subjugate the entire planet and its resources to U.S. corporate interests.

CPS Nurse: All Parents Lie

A senior nurse at Starship hospital’s child protection unit told a conference of medical professionals that “all parents are liars until proved otherwise”, doctors who attended say. The revelation comes after a Sunday Star-Times investigation into practices at the unit, Te Puaruruhau, revealed concern it is being run like a police station, with staff treating parents as guilty until proven innocent over unexplained injuries.

Three Ashley stores in Montana to close

Three Ashley Furniture HomeStores here and in Helena and Missoula, Mont., will close, the Great Falls Tribune is reporting. One of the owners of the Ashley franchise, Jed Heggen, told the newspaper the stores are closing. The franchise group closed stores in Kalispell and Bozeman, Mont., earlier this year...


Of all the criminals involved with the 2008 Gaza war, an Israeli leftist will be going to jail for riding his bike against the war in Tel Aviv.

Webmaster's Commentary: How can Israel justify itself as a land created for the safety of the Jews, when the government of Israel treats Jews this way?

Council on Foreign Relations A Part of The State Department?

Adrian Salbuchi has put forth some very interesting information. Salbuchi, who has exposed the globalists in many different books has the documents to prove it! The State Department apparently merged with the CFR! This is not surprising. Salbuchi has also exposed the Israeli agenda and how it connects to the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderberg Group.

Feds Target Airline Pilot for Exposing TSA Security Sham on YouTube

The TSA is back to its thuggish ways now with an armed raid on an airline pilot who criticized the agency in a YouTube video. The message is clear: If you criticize the TSA, you will be terrorized by its agents!

Crops Absorb Pharmaceuticals From Human Sewage Sludge Spread on Farmlands

Here's a scary story: Did you know that most of the "black gold" soils spread on farms are actually recycled human sewage sludge laced with toxic Big Pharma drugs? New research shows many of those drugs are absorbed by the crops and end up on your dinner table! Mmmm! More please!

Grocery Stores Erect Fake "Farmer's Markets" in Parking Lots To Trick Shoppers

Watch out for "fake farmers' markets" that are sprouting up in grocery store parking lots all across the country

Nomads No More: Arabs lose land in fight against Israeli desert demolition

Obama’s Liberty Problem Why Indefinite Detention by Executive Order Should Scare the Hell Out of People

Advisors in the Obama administration have floated the idea of creating a special new legal system to indefinitely detain people by Executive Order. Why? To do something with the people wrongfully imprisoned in Guantanamo. Why not follow the law and try them? The government knows it will not be able to win prosecutions against them because they were tortured by the US.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The institutionalization of both torture and indefinite detention by both the Bush and Obama administrations demonstrates just where this country is headed; and right now, that direction is off a very high cliff, in terms of civil liberties and the protections of rights afforded American citizens by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This Executive Order should never be put into place, because:

1. Those inmates in Guantanamo should either be released immediately, or tried under the laws of the United States.

2. The next group of people potentially subject to indefinite detention and possibly torture, will be peaceful, logical citizens of this country who have any kind of difference of opinion at all with their government: that makes such an Executive Order so morally dangerous for this administration.

3. A country which tortures and indefinitely detains is not a country which respects human dignity, and human rights under the law: is this the kind of country we have become?!?

Europe protests justified, demands in streets key to mankind's future - RT and Tony Benn MP!

Tony Benn MP - RT interview

George Galloway - visiting the US in January 2011

George Galloway in the US. He's on his way back in January 2011.

George Galloway - goes to Canada

George Galloway takes on Canada's right wing pro Israeli governement.

The drums of war are heard again in Israel

The drums of war are heard again in Israel and they are sounded because once more Israel's invincibility in is question. Despite the triumphant rhetoric in the various media commemorative reports, two years after 'Cast Lead', the sense is that that campaign was as much of a failure as was the second Lebanon war of 2006. What is needed now is for the noble but totally futile energy invested by the Israeli peace camp and its like in the west in the concept of 'co-existence' and the projects of 'dialogue' to be reinvested in the attempt to prevent another genocidal chapter in the history of Israel's war against the Palestinians, before it is too late.

Egypt uncovers 'Israeli spy ring'

Egyptian officials have charged a local businessman and two Israelis with recruiting agents to spy for Israel. State prosecutor Hisham Badawi said Tareq Hassan was charged with harming Egypt's national interests. The two Israelis were charged in absentia. It comes a day after Egyptian sources said an alleged spy cell, with four Egyptians and two Israelis, had plotted to kidnap tourists in the Sinai area.

No Recovery Under Rule of Bankers

There will be no economic recovery for the masses of people in the United States. A real recovery, with decent jobs at decent wages under secure terms of employment, is now impossible absent a social upheaval such as the United States has never experienced. The reason is structural, and in some ways, simple. Wall Street has effectively captured the apparatus of government, and is methodically stripping the country of both its assets and the nation’s ability to pull out of the death spiral.

Webmaster's Commentary: And trust me, the US government has been preparing for "social upheaval" As reported on 16 March, 2010 at:

"Excerpt: "A bill entitled the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645) was introduced in the US Congress in January. It calls for the establishment of six national emergency centers in major regions in the US to be located on existing military installations.

The stated purpose of the "national emergency centers" is to provide "temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster." In actuality, what we are dealing with are FEMA internment camps. HR 645 states that the camps can be used to "meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security." There has been virtually no press coverage of HR 645. These "civilian facilities" on US military bases are to be established in cooperation with the US Military. Modeled on Guantanamo, what we are dealing with is the militarization of FEMA internment facilities. Once a person is arrested and interned in a FEMA camp located on a military base, that person would in all likelihood, under a national emergency, fall under the de facto jurisdiction of the Military: civilian justice and law enforcement including habeas corpus would no longer apply.

HR 645 bears a direct relationship to the economic crisis and the likelihood of mass protests across America. It constitutes a further move to militarize civilian law enforcement, repealing the Posse Comitatus Act."

As last updated on 24 December 2010 at:

This bill has not yet been passed by Congress. However, like so many others (such as the horrendous and disingenuously labeled "Patriot Act"), it will be in committee, waiting for the "right moment" for this administration to trot it out as "right remedy" for public unrest fueled by public outrage.

Global Warming Hysteria: We Knew Arctic Cold Would be Caused by Global Warming!

But this is what most people see: If it’s an arctic freeze, it’s global warming. If it’s unseasonably mild, it’s global warming. If it rains harder than normal, why that is exactly what we would expect with global warming! Drought? Ditto. Heat wave–well of course, the earth is warming! Neither rain, nor snow, nor hail, nor sleet, nor baking sun, nor hurricanes, nor lack of hurricanes–or for that matter, any unusual weather pattern or condition–can stop some some global warming scientists from blaming global warming. Whatever it is. Wherever it is. Whenever it is. And that, is precisely why fewer and fewer people are paying attention.

Mother Nature to Alarmists: Chill Out!

Apparently, Mother Nature (or Gaia, or Ixchel the bloodthirsty Mayan jaguar goddess to whom prayers were offered at the opening of the UN's Cancun summit) is coming to the rescue. Perhaps she heard the prayers of anguish and nostalgia. Or perhaps she has grown tired of all the hot air emissions from the global warming histrionics and is sending a message: Chill out!

News of The World unique user numbers collapse behind paywall

The News of the World website has recorded a 59 per cent decrease in unique users to its website in November -it’s first full month behind a paywall – compared to September 2010 - its last free-to-air month, according to comScore data supplied to the Beehive. In November 2010, attracted just 643,000 unique users, decreasing from 960,000 in October, half of which was spent behind the paywall which went live on October 14th. In September 2010, the website recorded 1.562 million unique users.

Gaza: Two years later, still in ruins largely due to the reluctance of the international community to stand up to the bully.

In 22 days of relentless air and land attacks, more than 1400 Gazans, mostly civilians, were killed in what the United Nations ?Goldstone Report? described as war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Obama Year Two: Continued Betrayal and Failure

Webmaster's Commentary: Under the watch of Obama's administration, "hope and change" morphed into "shock and awe" faster than the speed of light.

Bailed-Out Banks Slip Toward Failure

Nearly 100 U.S. banks that got bailout funds from the federal government show signs they are in jeopardy of failing.

Webmaster's Commentary:

A very wise whistleblower, I forget exactly who (but I know it was not Julian Assange), once described the US economy as as a boat with ten holes in the bottom and only 9 corks, and the bailouts as a politician yanking a cork from one hole and pounding it into another in full view of the press cameras while screaming hysterically, "I am doing something about the problem!"


Webmaster's Commentary: I'm not kidding. Check out the guys' eyes!

After two years, war looming in Gaza

Today, we mark the second anniversary of the first strike of Israel's most recent war on Gaza. It was 27 December 2008 when 80 Israeli warplanes blazed over Gaza skies and pummeled our 365-square-kilometer land with missiles. The 1.5 million residents of this, the most densely packed area on earth saw towers razed in seconds and were terrified. That 22-day nightmare came to an end and Gaza remained steadfast. Two years later the people of Gaza are wondering: will Israel bring that nightmare back upon us? One political analyst, Wisam Afifa, says yes, and believes that Israel is maneuvering and exploring the capabilities of the Palestinian resistance.

Webmaster's Commentary: Unfortunately, it is not a question of "if" Israel will launch another major offensive on Gaza, but "when". And the "when" will be before any more countries recognize a Palestinian state for which Israel goes back to its 1967 borders.

One wonders if this time, the Israeli government will employ the tactic of "Kill them all, God will find his own"; frankly, at this point, I wouldn't put it past them, given the sociopathic and wretchedly apartheid attitude of Israeli government officials toward Palestinians. The Israeli government perceives the people of Gaza as the ultimate enemy of Israel, because they have refused to surrender to either the siege, or this horrendous bombardment, and other bombings which followed. When the next attack against Gaza happens, world leadership will again stand silent, say nothing, and do nothing, because they know they are dealing with a self-proclaimed theocracy with nukes.

9 killed, 40 wounded in twin suicide bombings in western Iraq

Nine people were killed and some 40 others were wounded in twin suicide bomb attacks outside government buildings in the city of Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's western Anbar province on Monday, a provincial police source said.

"Our latest report said that nine people including five policemen, were killed and 40 people, nine policemen among them, were wounded by the coordinated suicide bomb attacks in Anbar's capital city of Ramadi," the source from Anbar's operations command told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. Webmaster's Commentary: More "progress" in Iraq, I see!

US Arrogance and The Conflict of Geography

It is time to admit that the resistance to US occupation in Afghanistan is as much indigenous as it was during the British Afghan Wars and the Soviet Invasion. It is not led by the Taliban alone but also comprises politically and ethnically diverse groups such as Younis Khalis, Gulbadin Hikmatyar and Haqqanis. As the resistance increases, in Kanduz and northern Afghanistan, it also indicates that despite a decade, the fire of Afghan pride is conflagrating. If USA does not resort to engagement methods other than the long war, it assures that it will meet its biggest defeats at the hand of rag tags for the second time after Viet Nam. It is high time the US Policy Makers realise; once bitten, twice shy.

Responding to the prison planet white wash of 911

You've been lied to and you have become a sucker if you continue to parrot this disinformation. You make 911 truth look like a crazy conspiracy cult which part of it seems to really be.

TSA and Big Sis Coming to a Mall Or Hotel Near You, 1984 is Here

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (Big Sis) announced today that security will be tightened at so called “soft targets” around the country. Unfortunately for law abiding Americans, this means that low IQ security officials will not only bother and sometimes molest you at airports, they will also be in your local mall or hotel. TSA officials have a long history of tyranny which has become mainstream in the last few months as DHS has ramped up its security measures to ”counter” the non existent threat of Al Qaeda.


So here is the deal. Some of the people walking around Palestine, Gaza, and the West Bank are blood relatives of Jesus. Distant blood relatives, but still blood relatives. Given 2000 years, it is possible that the vast majority of present day Palestinians are remote relatives of Jesus.

Israel is killing them. And YOU are paying for it, which means you share the guilt. YOU are paying for the weapons used to kill the modern day family of Jesus. The moment you sign that 1040 form, you sign a confession, admitting before all the world that you are an accessory in the murder. Think you are going to get into heaven after an insult like that?

Optional Banner: WRH Exclusive

Peace deal unrealistic, says Israeli Foreign Minister

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said a peace agreement with the Palestinians under current conditions is not possible and any attempts to reach a deal in the coming year are ''unrealistic''.

''Even if we offered the Palestinians Tel Aviv,'' they would find a way not to accept a peace deal with Israel, Mr Lieberman told an Israeli diplomatic gathering in remarks later broadcast on television.

The Foreign Minister also said Israel would not apologise to Turkey for its naval raid on a Gaza Strip-bound flotilla on May 31 during which nine of its citizens were killed, and criticised the ''lies'' of the Turkish government.

Webmaster's Commentary: The Israeli government does not want peace; it simply wants territory, by any means necessary, as evidenced by the massive building in the West Bank, coupled with forced expulsions of Palestinians who have lived in their homes for decades. And as for the Israeli government's hubris in never apologizing for anything they have done wrong(including the murder, in cold blood, of one unarmed American aid worker on the Mari Marava); ultimately, hubris brings its own set of unintended consequences, sooner or later.

The new Abu Ghraib

Former CIA director calls homegrown terror threat 'a witch's brew'

A former director of the CIA described the greater likelihood that terror attacks on U.S. soil would come from an American resident as "a witch's brew."

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to Michael Hayden: the real "witch's brew" in this equation is the continuous attempt by this government to create a state of fear in the minds of its citizens to keep them from logically analyzing what is going on in government. But I would very much like to remind you and your cohorts who seem desperately anxious to see a true police state come to power in this country that there inevitably comes a point of "fear fatigue" where the effects wear off, and people start thinking critically again. And it is at that point when people see the truth for what it is; and it will be at that point where you will see just what form public fury will take at having been so lied to for so long.


What can I say; here we go again! I hardly need to go down the list of lies used to start US wars. We have been though that over and over again.
Nor do I need to elucidate on the many reasons why the US Government is in desperate need for yet another war with which to scare the American people into acceptance of more takes and fewer rights and freedoms. Anyone with half a brain realizes that the US Government, unable to gain support for an invasion of Iran, has changed gears and decided that North Korea will be the next step towards World War III. Here is the big lie...

2nd Korean War? South admits firing first shells in row with North Korea

Flotilla Protest Ship Greeted By Thousands In Turkey

Thousands of pro-Palestinian activists on Sunday welcomed back to Istanbul the ship that was the scene of bloodshed during an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in May. Activists meanwhile, promised to send more ships in an effort to break the Gaza blockade.

Speaking at the welcoming ceremony, Ahmet Dogan, the father of the American-Turkish teenager who died, Furkan Dogan, said the victims' families wanted more than an apology and compensation from Israel.

"If they want to ease the pain of the families of the martyrs, the embargo and blockade (of Gaza) must be lifted," Dogan said. "All those in the Israeli (military) command chain involved in the incident must be punished."

Webmaster's Commentary: Please note that Ahmet Dogan did not call for violence or retribution with which to avenge his son, murdered in cold blood by Israeli military. He simply asked for the entire siege to be lifted, and those responsible for the murders of unarmed aid workers to be punished.

CHART SHOCK: Consumer Debt To GDP - UGLY Would Be An Understatement - Much More Deleveraging Ahead

One glance at this beauty shows that consumers have barely begun the process of deleveraging. It's going to be several more years before household balance sheets are repaired and ready to assume more debt. Hello, Tokyo. Important Chart - Takes 5 Seconds

The Wall Street Heist Of 2010 - The Biggest Bank Robbery In The History Of The World

Video - Dylan Ratigan - The Biggest Bank Robbery in History Truly Awesome Clip - Runs 2 Minutes - Don't Skip This One

Santa Claus brings rubber bullets, tear gas, and arrests

Yesterday’s demonstration was met by excessive violence on behalf of the Israeli military. Several people were injured; three Israeli activists and one Palestinian member of the community got arrested. Even before the demonstration began, at about 9:00am, several Israeli jeeps entered the village. A 16 year old Palestinian encountering them alone got shot by 12 rubber coated steel bullets, aimed from close range directly at his chest area. He was brought to the hospital in Ramallah, but did not suffer severe injuries.

Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to "normal" for Palestinians protesting illegal Israeli settlements. So this is what Israel has become in the 21st century; a wretchedly apartheid self-declared theocracy with nukes which will not define its borders because it craves territory by any means necessary.

‘Homeland’ security coming to hotels, malls

The United States is stepping up security at "soft targets" like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat, a top official said Sunday. A year after a foiled plot to bomb a US-bound passenger plane, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told CNN's "State of the Union" program that other places and modes of transportation must now be scrutinized.

"We look at so-called soft targets -- the hotels, shopping malls, for example -- all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees," Napolitano said.

Webmaster's Commentary: After having damaged US tourism beyond recognition, DHS and TSA, in their infinite wisdom, are now looking to destroy the hospitality and retail industries in the same way.

As a thinking,peaceful human being who understands that any attempts at terrorism against the US will stop when the US stops mucking about in other people's countries, I, for one, will never accept their "new normal", even if it means I will never set foot in a mall or utilise any mode of public transport again.

Report: Israel Tracking Aid Ship Headed From Asia to Gaza

Israel is reportedly tracking an Asian aid ship docked in Syria and has announced plans to sail to the Gaza Strip to break the sea blockade over the Palestinian territory. The Jerusalem Post, citing press reports, said the Asia 1 ship, which is carrying roughly 160 activists, is awaiting approval from the Egyptian government to sail to the port of El Arish en route to Gaza. The ship is reportedly carrying $1 million worth of supplies, including a sizable medical donation from the Iranian Red Crescent.

Conservative chorus calling for states’ right to declare bankruptcy

A chorus of conservative pundits are calling for bankruptcy laws to be changed so that all 50 US state governments might have the chance to restructure their debts, an ability currently limited to corporations, municipal entities, and private citizens.

"Many states, including those with the country’s largest population centers, are now on a path to insolvency," Grover Norquist. anti-tax activist, wrote in a recent Politico editorial.

Crooks and Liars' karoli noted, however, that California's "promiscuous" lawmaker - Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzennegger - has refused to use other tools at his disposal to raise state revenues.

karoli said that the conservative call to give states the power to declare bankruptcy is merely a new attempt to destroy public employee unions.

Webmaster's Commentary: States' capabilities to restructure their debts would mean that public employee unions would have to be more reasonable in their demands from the states. But it should also mean that large corporations do pay their fair share of the tax burdens. There is another area this article doesn't touch, and should have; that is the area of unfunded mandates for care for illegal aliens, in terms of health care, education, and welfare. This has been a huge sinkhole of cash for border states like California and Texas. Unfortunately, until the illegal immigration problem is solved with a robust, consistent policy, this issue is going to challenge the financial solvency of these states.


Gaza: Two Years after the Horror

This week marks the second anniversary of the horror inflicted on the people of the Gaza Strip. Nothing has changed! Gaza has returned to its pre-invasion state of siege, confronted with the usual international indifference. Two years after the Israeli assault that lasted 22 long days and dark nights, during which its brave people were left alone to face one of the strongest armies in the world, Gaza no longer makes the news. Its people die slowly, its children are malnourished, its water contaminated, and yet it is deprived even of a word of sympathy from the President the United States and the leaders of Europe.

AIPAC: 'Thou shalt not recognize Palestine State'

AIPAC: 'Thou shalt not recognize Palestine State'

“Israelis and Palestinians need an “honest broker,” but that is not the role the Obama administration has decided to play. (Check out any speech on the Middle East by Vice President Joseph Biden, who always says, over and over, that there must be “no daylight, no daylight” between US and Israeli positions. Some honest broker!)”, wrote Rosenberg.

Former GOP congressman predicts new Sedition Act

Desire to stop secrets outlet WikiLeaks from disclosing more US documents could lead to a new Sedition Act, according to former Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA). Try as they might, US officials will not be able to convict WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange under current laws and will resort to passing new draconian measures, Barr explained in a recent column. Signed into law in 1798 by President John Adams, the Sedition Act made it a crime to publish "false, scandalous, and malicious writing" against the government.

Webmaster's Commentary: WickiLeaks is simply a setup engineered to establish legislation through which to punish people who use the net to tell the truth.

Sweden deploys vintage trains to battle snow

The trains, old DA locomotives normally resident in the Swedish Railway Museum in Gävle in northern Sweden, have been dusted off and put back into service to clear the tracks of snow between Mjölby and Alvesta in southern Sweden.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"But, but, but, Al Gore told us there would be LESS snow, and so we decided we didn't need to buy new equipment...."

Fireworks selling out fast; never to be sold again

Webmaster's Commentary:

My wife and I honeymooned on Kauai New Years 1994, and one of the fond memories we have is celebrating our marriage with a string of 5000 firecrackers on the beach (and yes, we did clean up the debris afterward). Later, when we moved to Hawaii to work on Final Fantasy, one of the things we looked forward to was fireworks on the fourth of July and New Years.

Sadly, over the years, the same fascist dictatorship that strip searches our tourists at the airports has become so terrified of their own people that even a sparkler in the hands of a child is now considered a threat to National Security. If we saw such over-reaching paranoia in other nations, we would laugh. Seeing it before our eyes, we can only cry.

two years after Gaza war, Israel not held accountable

Payday Lenders Go Hunting (legalized loan sharking?)

North India reels under severe cold wave

The First 10 Major Cities That Will Run Out Of Pension Fund Money


Now, just for a moment imagine that instead of declaring immediate war on those who attacked Americans, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had rushed over to the League of Nations to explain why Japan's attack on Americans was really no big deal, and that Japan had good reason to attack and kill Americans! Imagine if Roosevelt, instead of the "Day of Infamy" speech, had made countless excuses why Japan was perfectly right to attack and kill Americans. Imagine that the US Congress, instead of voting war against the nation that attacked Americans decided to punish those who criticized the nation that attacked Americans? Quite an amazing fantasy isn't it? Yet this is exactly what we have seen the present government do over the last few months ever since Israel's attack on the aid flotilla!

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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