Thursday, February 10, 2011

WRH News stories for Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Part 1

Huffington Post to bloggers: Drop Dead!

On the same day the sale was announced, a friend suggested that this columnist could improve the quality of his words if he would spend more time fact-checking and double checking for spelling errors. A good city editor can turn one spelling mistake into a mortifying city room ordeal, but if it takes a goodly amount of time to turn out a contribution to the Internets done in a slap dash fashion, why should any extra time and effort be made? Fox News' personnel (Is Fox a farm club for the stand up comedian circuit?) are backed by a court decision that says they don't have to report news that is "true." If they don't waste time and money on fact checking, then why should a rogue columnist do it?

Bernanke: US close to total economic collapse

Before the House Budget Committee, Bernanke painted a dark picture of unemployment predicting it will remain high for many years.

Egypt: What’s Really Happening? Listen to the Globalists

A great debate is going on amongst honest commentators over what is actually happening in Egypt. The debate stems from the horribly inaccurate information being supplied by the globalist owned mainstream media. A superficial look at AlJazeera, BBC, and CNN reveals that even their concerted efforts to build up public opinion behind the protesters are inconsistent. There is no better example than AlJazeera’s 2 million man march, BBC’s 100?s of thousands man march, and CNN’s tens of thousands man march.

Sign of the Times: REVOLT

Gallup: Obama Approval Rating Hits New Low On Deficit

PHOTO with this story - The President walks like an Egyptian on a tour of the Great Pyramids in 2010. Details and chart from Gallup.

VIDEO - Counterfeit Engelhard 100 Ounce Silver Bars

In Late September, 2010 we received our first of several reports of suspicious Engelhard 100oz silver bars. They were underweight, and it at first appeared that they were real Engelhard bars that were shaved (where someone would cut off a small amount from the sides of the bar). However, upon receiving a sample, it turned out not to be made of silver.

Report: Egypt used Israeli technology to disable state's internet

"Gold Is Now OFFICIAL Currency" Says J.P. Morgan

Gold Game Changer - J.P. Morgan Accepts Bullion as Money

If you read this story, don't miss the cartoon at the very bottom...

Diet Soda: Fewer Calories, Greater Stroke Risk?

New research that links diet soda consumption with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke has doctors urging caution about the controversial and preliminary results.

According to a study of more than 2,500 people presented today as a poster at the American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference in Los Angeles, people who drank diet soda daily had a 61 percent increased risk of cardiovascular events compared to those who drank no soda, even when accounting for smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and calories consumed per day.

But the questionnaire-based study garnered criticism by experts in diet, nutrition and vascular disease. Webmaster's Commentary: From Dr. Besser's comment, I presume that "diet" soft drink companies represent a substantial portion of ABC's advertising revenues.

'Inexcusable' delay on TSA body-scanner safety reports

Despite the reassurance, however, the TSA has yet to release radiation inspection reports for its X-ray equipment — two months after lawmakers called for them to be made public following USA TODAY's requests to review the reports. TSA spokesman Kristin Lee says that the agency is still trying to ensure that the reports don't contain any "sensitive security or privacy-protected information" and that she expects they will be released "within the next few weeks."

Webmaster's Commentary: TSA will try to stall this one into oblivion; because if people really understand the effects of the terraherz radiation to the skin, not one single traveler would ever go through those scanners again.

As reported on 30 October, 2009 at:

"The evidence that terahertz radiation damages biological systems is mixed. "Some studies reported significant genetic damage while others, although similar, showed none," say Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and a few buddies. Now these guys think they know why.

Alexandrov and co have created a model to investigate how THz fields interact with double-stranded DNA and what they've found is remarkable. They say that although the forces generated are tiny, resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication. That's a jaw dropping conclusion."


Veterans Today Staff Writer U.S. Marine Ken O'Keefe at the Scene of Massive Medical Supply Bombing by U.S. Made Israeli Piloted Super Bombers

Egypt protesters fear revenge if Mubarak holds on

After the initial euphoria over their defiance of a state once thought impregnable, protesters are increasingly uneasy that President Hosni Mubarak or leaders he has chosen may hang on to power. If they do, there is a growing fear that the entrenched regime will try to exact revenge in the way it has done so many times before — mass arrests and abuse of detainees.

But this outcome of Mubarak staying is precisely what Israel wants, so that is what Israel may well get. Webmaster's Commentary: Looking at Mubarak's and Suleiman's abominable track record on human rights in Egypt (or, the lack of them), these protestors have every reason to be concerned.

Creative Destruction for a ‘Greater Middle East’?

No one can dispute the genuine grievances motivating millions to take to the streets at risk of life... the atrocities of the Mubarak regime and its torture and repression of dissent... the explosive rise in food prices as Chicago and Wall Street commodity speculators, and the conversion of American farmland to the insane cultivation of corn for ethanol fuel drive grain prices through the roof... yet, the day of the remarkably well-coordinated popular demonstrations demanding Mubarak step down, key members of the Egyptian military command including Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Sami Hafez Enan were all in Washington as guests of the Pentagon.

The Great Super Bowl Fumble

Is history repeating itself? Will America fall like Rome? Do Americans have their eyes turned to games and idols rather than to leaders and policy makers? This week on Reality Report episode 80, we look at the Super Bowl and show you what you may have missed while watching the game. We look at Ron Paul's recent remarks on foreign aid and its impact on America, and Ernest Hancock from Freedom's Phoenix joins us to share how he is exporting freedom to Egypt. We give you the link so you can hop in the van with us to CPAC as we do a live 12 hour experimental broadcast from the road! Also we read your mail, give you the results of last weeks poll and name a new Enemy of the State.

Protesters in Egypt Regain Initiative as Workers Strike

Labor strikes and worker protests that flared across Egypt on Wednesday affected post offices, textile factories and even the government’s flagship newspaper, as protesters recaptured the initiative in their battle for the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak.

Webmaster's Commentary: GO......EGYPTIANS!! Thinking Americans are walking with you in spirit right now.

Obama seeks longer PATRIOT Act extension than Republicans

Faced with a looming vote on a planned one-year extension of special powers authorized in the USA PATRIOT Act, the Obama White House did not object or propose reforms, as the president vowed to do as a candidate. The Obama administration instead asked Congress to grant those powers for an additional three years.

Webmaster's Commentary: The Patriot Act is a nasty piece of legislation, and one which runs completely in opposition to those freedoms and rights guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. With this request, President Obama has demonstrated, incontrovertibly, that he is not on the side of true American justice, which has served this country so well for over two centuries, but on the side of Code Napoleon Law, which surmises that every person in this country is now presumed guilty until proven innocent!

Admitted Pentagon insider still being used to justify "domestic" war on terror

AFP/Activist Post

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US-Yemeni cleric and terror suspect Anwar al-Awlaqi poses "probably the most significant risk" to the United States, the top administration counterterrorism official said Wednesday. Michael Leiter, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told US lawmakers that Awlaqi poses a danger because of his influence on people both within and outside the United States.

Headlines: 25 Tons of Bombs Destroy Afghan Town; President Obama Leads Prayer Breakfast

Think about those two disparate headlines and associated events, and see if you can find some way, any way to make a rational connection between them. Try as I might I simply can't understand how American presidents, including Barack Obama, can seemingly live two dimensional moral lives, i.e., conducting bloody, unjustifiable wars on the one hand and, at the same time, having the audacity to speak about the power of prayer and what it means to be true to one's God. That is an absolute moral conflict of the highest order.

Lawmakers oppose federal bailout for states

Alan Fram AP/Yahoo News

WASHINGTON – The new Republican-led House is showing no appetite for making federal taxpayers help state and local governments cope with widespread budget problems. Even some Democrats are wary, underscoring the impact of Washington's crushing budget deficits.

Egypt and US swap barbs as tension mounts

AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON (AFP) - A top Egyptian minister accused the United States Wednesday of imposing its "will" on its Arab ally, even as the White House warned Cairo had fallen short of a "minimum threshold" for reform. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit lashed out in a television interview on a day when Washington also stiffened its line towards Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman, who has opened a dialogue with opposition groups.

Obama health law foes want Supreme Court action

AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON (AFP) - A group of 28 Republican governors urged President Barack Obama Tuesday to support an expedited US Supreme Court ruling over the constitutionality of his signature health care overhaul. The letter comes a week after a federal judge in Florida became the second to rule that the law's individual mandate was unconstitutional because it exceeds Congress's regulatory powers by requiring Americans to either purchase health insurance by 2014 or pay a fine.

Hundreds killed, injured in Kharga

Hundreds of protesters have been killed and wounded in Kharga in southern Egypt, as the nationwide revolution in the crisis-hit country enters its 16th consecutive day.

Egyptian security forces targeted the anti-government protesters with live bullets on Wednesday, killing at least five protesters and wounding hundreds of others.

Webmaster's Commentary: The government of Egypt just declared war on its own citizens.

You paid for the bullets.

Comedy Central Presents: Bernanke On The Economy

True Conservatives are ANTI-War

A myth has arisen that true conservatives are pro-war, and only "weak-kneed liberals" are anti-war. The truth is very different, however.

Army deploys more tanks in Cairo

Reports say Egyptian armed forces have stationed a large column of tanks and mechanized infantry vehicles in and around Cairo's Liberation Square.

It comes as thousands of protesters are camping outside the parliament as part of their campaign to topple President Hosni Mubarak.

Pro-democracy protesters have also attempted to block the parliament building.

Opposition parties plan a massive march towards the Presidential Palace on Friday.

Egyptian opposition leaders say the revolution will expand and Mubarak's regime has to go.

Opposition leader Ayman Nour has told press TV that the Egyptian revolution will go on until it topples Mubarak and his associates.

Tensions are running high across the country as protests continue for the 16th straight day.

U.S. Wants State Of Emergency In Egypt Lifted Immediately - BBC America

The Muslim Brotherhood: True or False

The Muslim Brotherhood: True or False As the political future of Egypt has been plunged into uncertainty by mass protests that broke out on January 25, commentators and policy makers are expressing concerns about the implications of a greater role for the Muslim Brotherhood in the future government of Egypt.

A major problem with speculations about the future role of the Brotherhood is that they are just that—speculations. This is uncharted territory for Egypt. No one—possibly not even the Brotherhood—knows right now what it might do if it is presented with an opportunity to run openly in free elections. Bold assertions of what they will or will not do should be viewed with skepticism.

Paul Ryan Questions Bernanke

The big bluff: false claims to the Holy Land

Paul J. Balles explains why the 60 million right-wing Christians in the USA who expect a "second coming" of Jesus Christ into the Holy Land are in for a shock.

Palin 2012 Website Closing & Will Endorse Ron Paul

Frankly during the last two years, we have become increasingly concerned about Sarah Palin’s continued dependence on neocon foreign policy advisors and their failing missions of costly military invasions and occupations especially in the Middle East. The long-term strategy of President Clinton, Bush and Obama of empire building and meddling in the affairs of other nations has turned much of the world against the United States. Now we are seeing oil resources and threatened in the Mideast in reaction to our invasions, drone attacks and support of foreign authoritarian regimes. We fear Egypt is just the first of many empire dominos to fall in the region.

WeAreChange New Jersey Releases 100 New 9/11 Videos

Thanks to James Gourley at the International Center for 9/11 Studies, the only individual to successfully sue NIST over a FOIA request for the entirety of the footage that’s been covered up for the past 9 years, we now have overwhelming evidence that disproves the official story of nine-eleven. Of the 5 terrabytes of data released, maybe 25% has been analyzed and posted on YouTube for the world to see. Even Gourley’s organization itself has not had the time to examine and post all of the new evidence and so other 9/11 researchers have taken up the task of downloading the raw data from the “NIST Cumulus Database” and posting the converted videos to YouTube and elsewhere all over the internet. We here at WeAreChangeNewJersey.COM will continue to post this new evidence until it is fully released.

Please help spread this article, write your own, or just share the videos below which have been compiled out of the raw information for your consideration. (NOTE: Nothing has been taken out of context, just abbreviated for easier viewing.)

George III quotes

Once vigorous measures appear to be the only means left of bringing the Americans to a due submission to the mother country, the colonies will submit.”
“A traitor is everyone who does not agree with me.”

Almost a week later the gas is back on

Nearly a week after a statewide natural gas outage left tens of thousands of without heat, during some of the coldest weather to hit the state, service is close to being completely restored. Crews have been working around the clock since late last week to restore service to the nearly 32,000 customers throughout the state prompting Governor Susana Martinez to declare a state of emergency. New Mexico Gas Company officials blamed the outage on the soaring demand in lieu of sub-zero temperatures and a lack of pressure needed to push gas through the pipelines in addition to rolling blackouts in Texas that cut power off to compressors in West Texas that fed gas into New Mexico.

What happened to "This Bud's for you?"

Yachts with champagne showers tempt the world's super-rich to Germany

Fancy an ocean-going super yacht fitted with showers that spray champagne? Or perhaps a giant room-sized freezer so that guests can have snowball fights in the Bahamas?

Webmaster's Commentary: "And I only had to defraud five cities to pay for it!"

Guys? This is just radio? Sheesh!

Governor Patrick headed on trade mission to Israel

Webmaster's Commentary: Translation: He is considering a run for President!

Napolitano: Be afraid of 'heightened' threat of attacks, pass the Patriot Act

AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States is facing "heightened" threats of attacks from extremists, possibly the highest since the attacks of September 11, 2001, the head of US homeland security told lawmakers Wednesday.

"There is no question that we have made many important strides in securing our country from terrorism since 9/11, but the threat continues to evolve," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a congressional panel.

10th Anniversary Ehime Maru Memorial Service

Ten years ago, the Navy submarine, U.S.S. Greenville, accidentally sunk a Japanese fishing vessel, The Ehime Maru, killing nine people, including four high school students. The tragedy rocked Hawaii, our military community and Japanese friends. Ramsay Wharton chats with the Ehime Maru Memorial Association about today's memorial service at the site of the memorial at Kakaako Waterfront Park.

Webmaster's Commentary: Ten years ago I was working on Final Fantasy, right across the street from Aloha Tower, where the Japanese teaching ships would put in. Just before the disaster, during lunch break, we saw the Ehime Maru tied up at the dock while the students were enjoying a day ashore in Honolulu. I recall helping some of them take a group photo.


Everything You Need To Know About The $2 Billion That America Gives To Egypt Each Year

The protests in Egypt have prompted renewed questions about the U.S.’s aid to the country—an issue that the U.S. government has also pledged to reconsider [1]. We’ve taken a step back and tried to answer some basic questions, such as how as much the U.S. has given, who has benefitted, and who gets to decide how its all spent. How much does the U.S. spend on Egypt?

FLASHBACK - Gov. Schwarzenegger Says 'Fuck You' To California Legislature

This is not a joke, that's all I can give away...

This Clip Demonstrates PERFECTLY Why California Will Never EVER Get Its Budget Under Control...

Video - California Treasurer Bill Lockyer eats his own kind... Remarkable clip for the extreme honesty from Lockyer.

Balance the California Budget - You Make The Cuts

Think You Can Eliminate The Red Ink In California's Budget?

Here's your chance courtesy of the LA Times.

Highly detailed interactive infographic - You make the cuts - You raise taxes - It tracks your decisions real time with a budget balancer. This is very cool if you've got a couple minutes.

Omar Suleiman: Egypt’s torturer-in-chief threatens to unleash “dark bats of the night… to terrorize the people”

Under the Bush administration, in the context of “the global war on terror”, US renditions became “extraordinary”, meaning the objective of kidnapping and extra-legal transfer was no longer to bring a suspect to trial – but rather for interrogation to seek actionable intelligence. The extraordinary rendition program landed some people in CIA black sites – and others were turned over for torture-by-proxy to other regimes. Egypt figured large as a torture destination of choice, as did [newly-appointed Vice President, Omar] Suleiman as Egypt’s torturer-in-chief. At least one person extraordinarily rendered by the CIA to Egypt — Egyptian-born Australian citizen Mamdouh Habib — was reportedly tortured by Suleiman himself.

Barbour: Iran biggest threat to global security

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour says Iran is the world's top threat to peace and stability. Barbour, who is a potential 2012 presidential Republican candidate, says world leaders should be judged by their success in responding to Iran's nuclear program and what he says is its support for terrorism and destabilizing governments abroad.

Webmaster's Commentary: Note that he is in Israel to kick off his bid for the US Presidency! No government can serve two masters, etc. You know the rest.

Iran became an Islamic state in 1979 and from that day to this have not invaded anyone. Not one. Nada. Zip. Not even once.

This stands as quite a contrast to the Jewish state, Israel, which attacked Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, along with assassinations like the screw-up in Dubai and attacks on humanitarian aid flotillas in international waters.

Then there is the United States, officially a secular nation but predominantly Christian, which since 1979 has attacked El Salvador (1980), Libya (1981), Sinai (1982), Lebanon (1982 1983), Egypt (1983), Grenada (1983), Honduras (1983), Chad (1983), Persian Gulf (1984), Libya (1986) , Bolivia (1986), Iran (1987), Persian Gulf (1987), Kuwait (1987), Iran (1988), Honduras (1988), Panama (1988), Libya (1989), Panama (1989), Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru (1989), Philippines (1989), Panama (1989-1990), Liberia (1990), Saudi Arabia (1990), Iraq (1991), Zaire (1991), Sierra Leone (1992), Somalia (1992), Bosnia-Herzegovina (1993 to present), Macedonia (1993), Haiti (1994), Macedonia (1994), Bosnia (1995), Liberia (1996), Central African Republic (1996), Albania (1997), Congo/Gabon (1997), Sierra Leon (1997), Cambodia (1997), Iraq (1998), Guinea/Bissau (1998), Kenya/Tanzania (1998 to 1999), Afghanistan/Sudan (1998), Liberia (1998), East Timor (1999), Serbia (1999), Sierra Leon (2000), Yemen (2000), East Timor (2000), Afghanistan (2001 to present), Yemen (2002), Philippines (2002) , Cote d'Ivoire (2002), Iraq (2003 to present), Liberia (2003), Georgia/Djibouti (2003), Haiti (2004), Georgia/Djibouti/Kenya/Ethiopia/Yemen/Eritrea War on Terror (2004), Pakistan drone attacks (2004 to present), Somalia (2007), South Ossetia/Georgia (2008), Syria (2008), Yemen (2009), Haiti (2010), etc. etc. etc. etc.

Who is the threat to global security, Governor?

US terror threat highest since 9/11

The threat of terrorism against the US homeland is in some aspects "at its most heightened state" since the 9/11 attacks, US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Forget all about the economy and the mortgage-backed security fraud, and the fraudclosures, and the homelessness, and the poverty, and starvation, and the FCIC report that said it would all have been avoided if Wall Street played by the rules and the US Government had enforced the rules. And forget all about the gulf oil disaster, which also could have been avoided if the US Government has enforced the rules. And please forget all about how the US Government flat-out lied to you about Saddam's 'nookular' bombs, the level of unemployment, Iran's nuclear power station, global warming, 9-11, TWA 800, JFK, RFK, MLK, OK City and ALL that other stuff. Forget about TSA grabbing your crotch, looting (and breaking) your laptops, and giving you cancer with those scanners and STDs with those gloves. Forget about the reading of your emails, the tapping of your phones, the tracking of your movements and the raids into your computers. Forget all about that stuff; think about TERROR! There are TERRORISTS hiding under your bed and in your closets! They are coming to steal socks out of your dryer and underwear out of your drawers. They are ripping the tags off of your seat cushions. They are planning to cause errors on your 1040 forms! They are planning to fart in elevators! They are going to rig the votes on American Idol. They are coming. Any second they will attack. Any second. Any second now, Really, They are coming, Honest, Any second now. (Someone phone Tel Aviv and ask them what the holdup is.) Ooooooh, scary SCARY terrorists! " -- Official White Horse Souse

Patriot Act fails! - RT


Suleiman: Egypt ‘Not Ready for Democracy’

Hand-Picked Mubarak Successor's Comments Vindicate Opposition Claims

China Bracing for Severe Drought

China was preparing for a "severe, long-lasting drought," according to one official

Gallup: Obama Approval Hits New Low on Deficit

Calgary removing fluoride from water supply

Calgary city council has voted 10-3 in favour of removing fluoride from the city's drinking water.

Two members of council, Mayor Naheed Nenshi and Ald. Brian Pincott, were out of town during Tuesday's vote.

Helen Thomas Does Zion

US appeals to reopen Blackwater case

A US appeals court met behind closed doors Tuesday as the government appealed a judge's decision to clear five former guards with security company Blackwater of killing 14 Iraqi civilians in 2007. The three appeals court judges agreed to a request from all sides for the hearing into the controversial case to be closed to the public. A ruling is not expected for three months.

Charges against the Blackwater employees were dismissed last year, when a judge ruled US prosecutors violated the guards' rights by using incriminating statements they had made under immunity during a State Department probe.

Webmaster's Commentary: Killing civilians with impunity is stock in trade for this organisation: the Feds, who originally hired them for Iraq, understand this. One has to wonder what the motivation is for the Federal government to pursue the reopening of this case, except for possibly forestalling a trial in the case brought against Xe by the Iraqi government.

Top US lawmaker: Aid recipients face sacrifices

Editor's Note: Colonies of the American empire must do what they're told or lose U.S. taxpayer charity. AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON (AFP) - Countries that get US aid, such as Pakistan, will have to shoulder more of the burden for their own growth as Washington eyes deep cuts in overseas assistance, a top US lawmaker warned Wednesday...


President Obama has been caught like a deer in the headlights by Egypt’s internal cry for freedom and justice whereas empty words and rhetoric will no longer assuage a true people’s revolution that demands change and meaningful reform

Inter-Korea military talks collapse: official

Military talks aimed at easing high tensions between North and South Korea collapsed Wednesday when the North's delegation walked out, Seoul's defence ministry said. A ministry spokesman told AFP the North's negotiators crossed the borderline 10 minutes after walking out of the meeting. "They even failed to discuss when to meet again," he said.

Webmaster's Commentary: The talks collapsed because South Korea made it a precondition that North Korea confess to sinking the Cheosan. Given that there is serious doubt North Korea had anything to do with that, the North refused and the talks ended.

Texans Warmed Again of More Rolling Blackouts Because Another Arctic Blast Forecasted in Texes

Texas does not suffer from an energy crisis. It suffers from a leadership crisis. We have people in the State Government from the state legislator to the Governor's mansion who can put a stop to this out of control Federal government without stepping into Federal Court. The State has the legal ammunition and the law on their side to take action to stop the EPA in their tracks without passing a law. The time for talk among politicians about states right must stop. The people of Texas demand results and do not want to hear anymore political rhetoric. They want results because actions speak louder than words.

Israel's Ehud Barak arrives in D.C.

In the afternoon, Barak will meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and National Security Adviser Tom Donilon.

(Clinton's schedule shows a 5:45 PM meeting with Gates and Donilon at the White House -- but the U.S. government is not listing Barak's presence.)

Webmaster's Commentary: And, of course, this is also the week that all 260 US ambassadors are gathered for a secret conference.

Thousands hold sit-in outside parliament

Over 1,000 young men and women began a sit-in outside the People’s Assembly (PA) headquarters in downtown Cairo Tuesday evening demanding the ouster and prosecution of President Hosni Mubarak and his aides. By Wednesday afternoon, they were few thousands.

Most of the protesters do not belong to any political groups or parties.

“We chose this area because of its strategic importance … and to ban the MPs who won seats by vote rigging from entering the parliament building,” Ahmed Abul-Fadl told Daily News Egypt.


New ultra-Orthodox marketing campaign uses scare tactics to prevent community from Web surfing. ‘Internet causes disease, adversity,’ Rabbi Shmuel Wosner writes

The Internet causes draught and terminal disease – so claims a new marketing campaign publicized in the ultra-Orthodox community and aims to curb use of the world wide web.
“Where there is Internet, there are no rains,” read one of the posters that were pasted in central haredi spots. “Let’s remove the idolatry from among us. Hundreds of thousands of cancer patients (suffer) because of the Internet.”

New Year's Eve Church Bombing in Egypt a False Flag?

Had it not been for the remarkable uprising in Egypt this last week and a half, the church bombing that killed 24 in Alexandria last New Year's Eve would easily serve as justification to fear Muslim extremists in the region. Instead, we have learned now that Habib el-Adly, former interior minister of Egypt, is a suspected mastermind in the deadly church attack with the intent to blame it on Islamists, escalate the Egyptian government's crackdown on them, and gain increased western support for the Egyptian regime.

IRS Announces Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative 2.0

The IRS yesterday announced a second special voluntary disclosure initiative (available through Aug. 31, 2011) designed to bring offshore money back into the U.S. tax system and to help people with undisclosed income from hidden offshore accounts get current with their taxes. The new voluntary disclosure initiative will be available through Aug. 31, 2011.

Webmaster's Commentary: Translation: "We have no idea where they stashed their loot!"

Obama Seeks to Double State Unemployment Tax

President Barack Obama is considering seeking aid for state unemployment-insurance programs burdened by debt because of high jobless rates, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

Webmaster's Commentary: Which means businesses will have to let more people go to pay for the increase in tax, thereby accelerating the problem.

The burying of the Financial Crisis Inquiry report

The report is devastating. The commission interviewed over 700 witnesses, held 19 days of public hearings, and investigated millions of documents. Based on this research, it gives a fairly accurate picture of the fraud and criminality that led to the greatest financial catastrophe since the Great Depression.

The report implicates corporate executives, regulators, and politicians in the conversion of the US economy into a Wall Street casino. It ties the unethical, irresponsible, and often blatantly illegal practices of the financiers to the impoverishment and suffering of millions. As significant as its contents, however, is the speed with which the report has been buried by the media and political establishment.

Another blow for families: Fastest rise in prices of staple foods in five years

The prices of a range of basic foods surged at the start of the year, showing the biggest monthly rise in more than five years.

Webmaster's Commentary: You know how the mortgage bubble made the bankers rich and you homeless? Well, there is a new bubble, a food bubble, that is making the bankers richer and you starve. Understand how the world works now? Understand why the Icelanders fired their government and jailed the bankers and Egyptians are trying to do the same?

Omar Suleiman threatens Egyptians with military coup

Egyptian Vice-president Omar Suleiman threatened Egyptian people with military coup d'etat, while hundreds of thousands of people are still in al-Tahrir Square and insist on Mubarak removal of power.

Suleiman said if situation does not return to normalcy, the army will control the situation with a military coup d'etat.

Webmaster's Commentary: Suleiman just admitted that they cannot lie their way out of this situation. War is coming. Reminder; a US attack on the Egyptian Democracy movement is an attack on Democracy itself.

Texas Youth Commionsion Pedophile Ring Trial Going on Now Can Bring Down Former AG Alberto Gonzales in Scandal Cover Up.

We can not just allow the low level operatives take the fall only while the higher ups walk free. We need to see the high level government officials covering up this scandal go to jail too along with these Prison officials and thugs who were the Prison Guards.They all abused their power using the system. Texans must demand and send a message that one is above the law.

Confirmed: FBI Got Warning Day Before OKC Bombing

New documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm that the FBI received a phone call the day before the Oklahoma City bombing warning that the attack was imminent, and that the feds tried to reach a deal with bomber Terry Nichols to take the death penalty off the table if he admitted making the call.

EGYPT: It's not ALL about food, it's more like "How Wall Street Starved Millions and Got Away with It".

"The history of food took an ominous turn in 1991, at a time when no one was paying much attention. That was the year Goldman Sachs decided our daily bread might make an excellent investment..." Ellen Brown.

Webmaster's Commentary: Just as the housing and mortgage bubble made you homeless, the food bubble will make you starve!

IDF says enlisting hackers (to shut down pesky blogs! )

IDF Spokesman Avi Benayahu said Tuesday that the army is currently in the process of enlisting "new media fighters".

Benayahu told a panel on the subject of "the digital medium as strategic weapon" that the army was searching for "little hackers who were born and raised online".

"We screen them with special care and train them to serve the state," the spokesman told the panel, which was part of the Herzliya Conference.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Like Julian Assange, who was arrested for hacking!

CNN - Anderson Cooper - Mubarak and VP Suleiman are tyrants and have Blood on their hands - He pulls no punches in saying they are Lying about Everything!

Anderson Cooper is back in the U.S. and is pulling no punches in what is really going on in Egypt. He says Mubarak and his Vice President Omar Suleiman, have blood on their hands. Omar Suleiman, the Vice President who Mubarak has recently appointed has been Mubarak's henchman and is a tyrant himself. He says they are lying about everything including how many they have killed and their detainment of human rights activist and protesters.

Webmaster's Commentary: I guess slapping Anderson around wasn't such a great idea, was it?

Evil Oceans Produce 16 Times As Much CO2 As Humans

Maybe we can tax the oceans?

The New McCarthyism

They say that history repeats itself, and indeed that is the major thing wrong with history. We are seeing history repeat itself again. We have been down this path before, in the 1940s. Whether the word is "Communist" or "Anti-Semite", Hollywood is making the same mistake all over again. And Hollywood will have to live with that image in the coming decades.

Optional Banner: WRH Exclusive

FLASHBACK - Vanessa Redgrave's 'Zionist Hoodlums' Speech Shocks Hollywood

Webmaster's Commentary: This is a woman of courage. Hollywood to this very day can and will extract a heavy price for those who dare to speak out against Israel. Been there, done that, do not want the T-shirt.

Obamacare Advocate: Make Refusniks Wear Gold Stickers

For example, he says, perhaps if people don’t buy insurance when it is first available, “if you ever try to buy insurance again, you’ll have to pay three times the market price, and we will put a gold sticker on your forehead and say to all hospitals, ‘You do not have to treat this person; this person has forfeited their right to uncompensated care.’

Palestinian human rights center denounces Israeli strikes against medical supplies in Gaza

A Palestinian human right center has denounced the Israeli air raid against a medical warehouse in Gaza earlier in the day.

UK Uprising Video

Montana wants US out of UN

Backstage footage showing apparent victim of BP Oil Disaster having multiple violent seizures

Paul Doomm from Florida traveled to Wilma Subra, MD’s health forum in New Orleans on 2-5. Paul apparently was chemically poisoned by Oil & Dispersants after swimming in the Gulf at Navarre Beach, FL and Eating seafood in July. He has now seen 93 doctors, been to 14 hospitals and has uncontrollable seizures every day. Recent scans show lesions on his brain. Prior to moving to Florida for US Marine training Paul was a healthy young adult male.

PBS Calculates The True Cost Of The Wall Street Bailout

Make your best guess, and double the number, at least...

Protest in Egypt Takes a Turn as Workers Go on Strike

Protesters demanding the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak appeared on Wednesday to have recaptured the initiative in their battle with his government, demonstrating a new ability to mobilize thousands to take over Cairo’s streets beyond Tahrir Square and to spark labor unrest.

In Europe, Fiscal Insanity Erupts As Bankrupt Nations Scramble To Bailout Other Bankrupt Nations

If you haven't seen this before, watch.

The Australian comedy duo Clarke & Dawe explain the problem with bailouts...

At CIA, grave mistakes, then promotions

In December 2003, security forces boarded a bus in Macedonia and snatched a German citizen named Khaled el-Masri. For the next five months, el-Masri was a ghost. Only a select group of CIA officers knew he had been whisked to a secret prison for interrogation in Afghanistan.

But he was the wrong guy. Webmaster's Commentary:

"Whoopsie; our bad! Sorry for all the scars. That nervous tic will vanish in six or seven years. Here's an official CIA coffee mug as a souvenir!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Residents set Port Said Governorate HQ alight

Around 3000 protesters from a settlement in Port Said, north east of Cairo, set the headquarters of the Port Said governorate on fire today after they found a complaint they had submitted to the governor trashed in a garbage can. Protesters and eye witnesses said they saw two motorbikes on fire, while the protesters had burned the 40-meter high glass edifice of the governorate headquarters. Residents of Zerzara had put up tents in front of the headquarters of the governorate, saying they were organizing a sit-in. They blocked the governor's entry to his office after they were not provided the apartments the governorate pledged to give.

Patriot Act Derailed by GOP Freshman(Teapartiers)

In a stunning turn of events, the House of Representatives has narrowly defeated the effort to “fast track” the USA Patriot Act extension for an additional 10 months. The vote needed a two-thirds majority, but managed to only get 277-148.

It had been presumed to be a slam-dunk vote in the Republican dominated Congress, but instead proved to be the first of what could be many examples of the freshmen GOP reps breaking with long-standing party support for the controversial act.

What Do Egyptian Protesters Think Of Obama?

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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