Friday, February 4, 2011

WRH News stories for Friday, February 4, 2011 Part 2

Blankfein Says To Paulson: "Ok, Now What?"

During the week of September 15, 2008, the week the federal government decided to bail out insurance giant AIG, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson spoke to the CEO of his former firm Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, more than 24 times.

Janet Tavakoli tells a version of the world's funniest joke based on this information...

How Goldman Sachs Created 'Shitty' CDOs, Sold Them To AIG, Forced AIG Into Bankruptcy, Got A $20 Billion Bailout, Paid Themselves Billions In Bonuses, And Watched As Tim Geithner Covered It All Up

Is this a great country or what?

BBC Documentary Ultra Zionists

In their own words listen to the religious bigotry of psychopaths.

21st Century Inquisition

Dr. Mark Sircus IMVA

Medical viciousness, which flows like a river out of doctor’s arrogance and ignorance, drags many people to death’s door ... It has to do with a strict control of information that can be deadly to patients...

Swapping a Dictator for a Torturer in Egypt

As things now stand, the United States appears ready to have Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak tossed out in exchange for his newly-named Vice President, Omar Suleiman, the Egyptian spy master. That is, maintain the status quo by swapping one dictator for another.

Of course, Israel must sign off on this deal aimed at assuring that Egypt can remain as America’s main base in the region, straddling as it does North Africa and the Middle East. Without that status quo, the U.S. would have to rethink its entire neo-colonial policies in the region.

I’ll Never Learn to Love My Servitude Mr. Huxley! Slavery is NOT an Option!

Who gave these people the right to have such control over the currency of any country and what level of intellect does it take to come to the conclusion that this isn’t such a good idea? Well, quite frankly, it obviously has nothing to do with intellect as it’s such a ludicrous concept whereby you give control of your whole economy, as well as the control of your citizen’s standard of living, over to PRIVATE interests who care nothing of either and only have their own vested interests to concern them. And let’s make no mistake here, this is complete control!

Egypt youth to announce formation of 25-person negotiating body, including Baradei, Zewail and Moussa

Members of the coalition of youth movements, which triggered the 25 April popular uprising and have since provided field leadership to the occupation of Tahrir Sq have agreed on mandating a 25-person committee of public and political figures to negotiate on behalf of the pro-democracy protesters, lawyer Ziad El-Eleimy, a leading member of one of the youth movements and a close associate of Mohamed El-Baradei, revealed to Ahram Online.

Azerbaijan considers sacking ministers?

A report published in the Azeri newspaper Yeni Musavat on Friday said Baku is well aware of the severity of the people's dissatisfaction with the ruling establishment in the former soviet republic, an IRIB correspondent reported.

The Azeri government is therefore considering a 'plan B' to sack Prime Minister Artur Rasizade and dismiss his cabinet or even hold a snap parliamentary election, the paper added.

In neighboring Kazakhstan, President Nursultan Nazarbayev has pledged elections after two decades. Panah Hussein, who leads Azerbaijan's Public Chamber Movement, said regarding the latest developments in the world, Baku would have to announce early general elections.

Shut Up! Be Happy.

Obey all orders without question; the comfort you've demanded is now mandatory.

Meet The Fed’s QE2 Traders, Buying Bonds By The Billions

NYT profile that includes a photo of the Fed's trading room, that is shockingly devoid of anything even resembling technology built after 1998. The Helicoper (Bernanke) needs to drop some cash for some new computers.

This is pathetic.


Meanwhile in the prison called Palestine, where the West killed off democracy because it was the wrong ‘flavour’

Fury Builds Over Blackouts Caused By Deindustrialization of America

Fury is building over rolling nationwide blackouts triggered by the Obama administration’s deliberate agenda to block the construction of new coal-fired plants, as local energy companies struggle to meet Americans’ power demands amidst some of the coldest weather seen in decades. - As we reported yesterday, four hospitals in Texas reacted furiously after they were hit with planned outages despite being promised they would be spared even as power to Super Bowl venues remains uninterrupted.

Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Egyptian Police Arrest Al Jazeera Bureau Chief!

Webmaster's Commentary: The above feed is cutting in and out here in Hawaii, but the AlJazeera iPhone app still works fine.

The Real Rogue Nuclear State

The Real Nuclear Rogue, Terrorist State is, of course, Israel !

Even Donald Trump Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming

In a shocking new interview, Donald Trump has gone farther than he ever has before in discussing a potential economic collapse in America. Using phrases such as "you’re going to pay $25 for a loaf of bread pretty soon" and "we could end up being another Egypt", Trump explained to Newsmax that he is incredibly concerned about the direction our economy is headed. Whatever you may think of Donald Trump on a personal level, it is undeniable that he has been extremely successful in business. As one of the most prominent businessmen in America, he is absolutely horrified about what is happening to this nation.

Snow Chaos Just One More Sign of Crumbling US Infrastructure


Americas debt stands at 15 trillion dollars, all but less than one trillion run up during the “Reaganomic” years of tax cuts to the rich, giveaways to the bankers and America’s decline into third world debtor status, a petty police state with phony elections, a controlled press and a military of economic hostages fighting wars for Israel while doped up on anti-depressants and mood stabilizers. Why mince words. This is the simple truth, deal with it.

America: 'So much snow there's almost nowhere to put it'

AMERICA'S midwest is shivering in -30C temperatures after being blasted by the same weather system which is affecting Scotland. An enormous winter storm brought two feet of snow, crippled airports and stranded drivers in downtown Chicago.

Ron Paul: Patriot Act Update - Republicans Move to Make PATRIOT Act Permanent

Understanding the Unemployment Deception

Mac Slavo SHTF

Yahoo! reports, and the mainstream media parrots, that the “unemployment rate is sinking at the fastest pace in half a century because a surprisingly large number of people say they’re finding work.”

Report: 50,000 protest in Egyptian Rafah

Al-Jazeera network reports tens of thousands join nationwide protests against Egyptian President Mubarak near Gaza border. EU leaders issue statement saying 'transition process must start now'

Webmaster's Commentary: Cities of Rafah, Al-Arish, are bordering Gaza. Ismailia is not far from the Suez Canal..that will give Bibi Netanyahu an ulcer.

US lawmakers clash on Patriot Act measures

AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON (AFP) - US lawmakers clashed Friday over how long to extend key provisions of a controversial surveillance law, designed to help authorities thwart terrorist plots, before they expire at month's end...

A Wake Up Call.The States Must Take Action Against the Lawless EPA

The several states must do what it takes to counter this lawless government out of Washington. It will take more than joint resolutions in the sate legislators. It must be backed up with force if necessary arresting these federal agents breaking state laws. There is no options for half measures by the states anymore. The states must do what it takes not only to defeat them. They must not let them hang around anymore to fight another day.

11 Women Found Murdered in Albuquerque Desert -- Why Was This Not Treated As a National Tragedy?

But when these women were found dead, President Obama did not come to town. There was no jam-packed memorial to mourn their lives cut short. What we had instead were devastated families whose greatest fear had been realized when their daughter’s remains were discovered on the mesa.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Jeff Skilling's kid dies of a self-induced drug overdose and it is headline news. 11 prostitutes are brutally murdered, buried in the desert, and ABCNNBBCBS doesn't seem to give a damn.

Global Food Prices Hit Record High

Problem is set to worsen after a massive snowstorm in the United States and floods in Australia.

World food prices have hit their highest level on record in January, the United Nations has said. It said on Thursday that its Food and Agriculture Organisation Food Price Index rose for the seventh month in a row to reach 231, topping the peak of 224.1 last seen in June 2008. It is the highest level the index has reached since records began in 1990.


In other words, the American people were looted to make good on the fraud perpetrated by Wall Street not only against American financial institutions, but bankers in the Eurozone as well.

The Wall Street Fraudsters should have gone to jail. But they walk free and clear, saved from the FDIC and prison, heading into a wonderful holiday with record-setting bonuses to spend while ordinary Americans have been made jobless, homeless, and hungry to keep the criminals out of prison.

The Mortgage Backed Securities fraud is the biggest fraud in the history of the United States, and as today's revelations make clear, we still do not know the full scale of the financial rape this nation has suffered.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This sort of corruption is why the Egyptian people are in the streets right now!

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"Our children will not know snow"

"Um, make that NEXT year." - Al Gore

Egypt: Preview of America in 2015, Says National Inflation Association

The rioting and looting currently taking place in Egypt is primarily a result of massive food inflation and shows what all major cities in the United States will likely look like come year 2015 due to the Federal Reserve's zero percent interest rates and quantitative easing to infinity. On December 16th, 2009, NIA named Time Magazine's 2009 'Person of the Year' Ben Bernanke our 'Villain of the Year', saying he created "unprecedented amounts of inflation in unprecedented ways" and "When it costs $20 for a gallon of milk in a few years, Americans will have nobody to thank more than Bernanke."

John's Boner is a GOP Guidon, Flying at Half Mast.

The first thing I noticed about John Boner was that, despite being a traditionalist, as in traditional hypocrite and traditional sanctimonious, talking out of both sides of his mouth; “I am above all laws both moral and otherwise”, is his breaking from tradition. Generally Republicans are attracted to young boys or male prostitutes, seasoned with drugs, they’ve made illegal for the rest of us. Boner is actually, at least in this case(s) attracted to women, plural, or so we hear. Not only that, but the main pump is a lobbyist, so he gets to screw the country at the same time as he is screwing her. Don’t look for this to be reported in the main stream, neo-Pharisee media, because I couldn’t find it at MSNBC or Fox News. You’d think this would be a big deal.

The BBC is so biased why do I even bother? - Telegraph (Delingpole)

“Never fight a battle on terrain of the enemy’s choosing”, advises Sun Tzu in the Art of War. In which case I definitely shouldn’t be on the BBC Any Questions panel tonight in Wrexham, North Wales.
So, basically, if you want to be on TV and get a political view across, your choices are to appear either on a channel which is grotesquely, hideously, institutionally left (BBC, Channel 4) or really quite surprisingly left given that it’s owned by the same people who own Fox (Sky). In other words, Hobson’s Choice.

This leaves you with only two options: do these programmes when you’re asked to appear on them; or don’t do them. I still haven’t made up my mind what the sensible course is.

How BBC warmists abuse the science - Telegraph
Sir Paul Nurse, president of the Royal Society, is an expert in genetics, not climatology, writes Christopher Booker.

Far from it being “science” which is under attack from all those experts who dispute the orthodoxy on global warming, the truth is the very reverse. It is the dissenters who are trying to speak for genuine science, against those who misuse its prestige to promote a cause which has too often betrayed the very essence of proper scientific method.

Snow chaos just one more sign of crumbling US infrastructure

The monster snow storm hitting the United States this week may be a random act of nature, but the resulting gridlock will likely unleash a more predictable stream of criticism over downed power lines, airport closures and a lack of snow ploughs.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"What crumbling infrastructure? What about those brand new beautiful Jews-only roads we built in the occupied West Bank with your tax dollars? I mean, just look how pretty those are!" -- Official White Horse Souse.

Israeli, U.S. generals taking control in Egypt

Two senior Israeli officers and three U.S. generals have arrived in Cairo to take control of the military command in Egypt, an anonymous source has told the Tehran Times. The command council is headed by a general named Sisson, the source said. One of the options that the generals are weighing is staging a military coup in Egypt. The decision shows that the United States and Israel are seriously worried about the fate of Hosni Mubarak’s regime as unprecedented protests have gripped Egypt.

Israel has officially announced that it is “anxiously monitoring” developments in Egypt.

"Look for a False Flag. Look for Something to Rally the People Around the President. They'll do Another One ... Remember the Maine"

Webmaster's Commentary: Remember the Super Bowl

Toxic Snow Makes It Into Waterways

Looks as if toxic snow from road debris, salt, oil antifreeze and other chemicals is now being dumped into our water ways due to the severe weather conditions. Although this is an emergency weather situation this could pose an environmental and human heath risk.

The EPA does not directly regulate the dumping of snow; but the EPA does recommend that snow be dumped into water. Dumping this type debris in the water is risky.

"The Egyptian Tinderbox: How Banks and Investors Are Starving the Third World."

Underlying the sudden, volatile uprising in Egypt and
Tunisia is a growing global crisis sparked by soaring food prices and unemployment. The Associated Press reports
that roughly 40 percent of Egyptians struggle along at
the World Bank-set poverty level of under $2 per day.

Record January snow adds to cloudy US jobs market

AFP/Activist Post

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US job creation slowed to a halt in January as winter storms gripped broad swaths of the country, according to official data published Friday...

WSJ: What Could Bernanke & The NY Fed Be Hiding?

WSJ - Why were bank bondholders made whole, while taxpayers got shafted? Bernanke has never answered publicly. Any doubts about fair play on Fed transparency will evaporate as you read the following...

Some very excellent questions (and answers) from the Wall Street Journal.

Poor Old Anti-Israel Jimmy Carter Sued by Dual Citizens and Jewish Lawyers For His Book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid"

Carter's status just went up several notches. The lawsuit may very well solidify him as the best U.S. president in the post Kennedy era, for what that may be worth.The $5 million plus lawsuit can be read here. It's a class action for all who bought the book and want to join in. There is the demand for a jury trial.Yes, 2 of the 5 named plaintiffs are admitted U.S./Israel dual citizens. They don't mind bragging about it.

The FBI Has Been Violating Your Liberties in Ways That May Shock You

Last week, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-VT, introduced legislation to extend the Patriot Act past its February 28 expiration date to December 2013. Though the extension once again saves some of the most nefarious, First-Amendment trampling provisions of the act — roving wiretaps, secret access to third-party records, the hunting of targets unafilliated with foreign powers — Leahy released a statement assuring us that the new extension will increase citizen protections.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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