Sunday, February 27, 2011

WRH News stories for Saturday, February, 26, 2011 Part 1


Hey goys and girls, are you interested in supporting terrorism, violating international law, stealing other people’s property and being in general a smug narcissistic asshole and getting the US taxpayer to subsidize this behavior? Of course you are, who wouldn’t be? So you will be most interested in a new occasional feature that the tuyuur here at Mantiq al-Tayr have come up with called “Support Your Own Illegal Israeli Settlement”. Once every couple of weeks or so we will choose a nice Israeli settlement built on Palestinian land and we’ll give you some links about it so you can learn about what a great place it is.

Honolulu Rally in Support of Wisconsin Teachers

Letter to the Wisconsin Republicans From a Conservative Prison Guard

Walker excluded Police and Firefighters because they are Public Safety workers. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU CALL MY JOB???? I don't think I get paid a grotesque wage at $40k/yr. It's not the private sector that has complained about my pay or benefits.

It's Walker and you Republicans that have tried to create this division within our state's people. Why????

Will banksters get away with it?

Here are ten of well-planned but flawed factors that help explain the procrastination and rationalisation for inaction. The government is not just to blame either. Several industries working together, through their firms associations, and well-paid operatives, collaborated over years to financialise the economy to their own benefit.

Personalising bad guys makes for good TV without offering a real explanation.

When financial institutions and services became the dominant economic sector, they, effectively, took over the political system to fortify their power. It was a done incrementally, over years, with savvy, foresight and malice.

Sheen On Obama: “A Coward In a Cheap Suit”

Amidst the controversy of his wild interview on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, actor Charlie Sheen wasted little time in confronting President Barack Obama on his failure to answer Sheen’s twenty questions concerning 9/11, calling Obama, “a coward in a cheap suit.”

In September 2009, Sheen produced a special video message in which he addressed Obama, along with a list of questions pertaining to contradictions in the official story of 9/11. Sheen’s argument was centered around the fact that six of the ten 9/11 commissioners have publicly stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11 and that the Pentagon was engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack.

How will America handle the fall of its Middle East empire?

Empires can collapse in the course of a generation. At the end of the 16th century, the Spanish looked dominant. Twenty-five years later, they were on their knees, over-extended, bankrupt, and incapable of coping with the emergent maritime powers of Britain and Holland. The British empire reached its fullest extent in 1930. Twenty years later, it was all over.

Today, it is reasonable to ask whether the United States, seemingly invincible a decade ago, will follow the same trajectory. America has suffered two convulsive blows in the last three years. The first was the financial crisis of 2008, whose consequences are yet to be properly felt. Although the immediate cause was the debacle in the mortgage market, the underlying problem was chronic imbalance in the economy.


If you have the stomach to listen to the likes of Glenn Beck or track the antics of people like Sarah Palin you might get the idea that today’s American political conservatives are a bunch of radicals and extremists. And, as we will see, you would be correct.

FIRST EVER! – Austinites Outbid Police in Gun Buyback Counter-Program

Today in Austin TX – Activists were successful in buying TRUNKS full of usable firearms that would have otherwise been destroyed (or ended up in the hands of “terrorists” – as we have seen before how cops confiscate guns and resell them to cartels…)

About 40 gun buyers, both independent and otherwise, stood in front of the Austin Police Gun Buyback Event offering CASH for the guns they were about to turn in to the city for food cards.

As people rolled up, we approached them with our offers, and paid them hard cash after inspecting the guns to make sure they were operable. (the Police were unbelievably cooperative in the process)

How the bankers take down societies, short break down.

The debt bubble was never intended as a financial system. It is a control system — one that permits the controllers to engage in a radical re-engineering of planetary resource management and governance.

The Wisconsin Lie Exposed – Taxpayers Actually Contribute Nothing To Public Employee Pensions

Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to “contribute more” to their pension and health insurance plans. Accepting Gov. Walker’ s assertions as fact, and failing to check, creates the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not. Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin’ s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers.

Trilateral Commission Roster May 2010

North American Group

Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government; former Special Advisor to the Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan and former Assistant Secretary of Defense under President William Clinton

Richard L. Armitage, President, Armitage International LLC, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State

Zoƫ Baird, President, Markle Foundation, New York, NY

James L. Balsillie, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Research in Motion, Ltd., Waterloo, ON; Chair, Canadian International Council (CIC)

(FULL MOVIE) G20 -CBC The Fifth Estate 'You Should've Stayed at Home'

Lets be clear we all support good police officers and by no means are the conduct of the unlawful acts done by a minority of G20 police officers reflective to the Police as a whole, we are just asking questions and want criminals including the public and G20 police to be held accountable for their actions . This is a G20 Issue on Accountability -Democracy In Canada!

Supreme Court Immunizes Vaccine Makers Against Lawsuits

In a 6-2 decision, the Supreme Court voted to protect pharmaceutical companies from liability when their vaccines cause debilitating injuries and death. The high court majority considers vaccines "unavoidably unsafe" and was worried about drug makers being sued and obligated to compensate their vaccine victims. Instead of opting to protect children, the Supreme Court chose to safeguard the financial interests of the multi-billion dollar vaccine industry.

Jamie Dimon Laughs About Buying Bear Stearns For $2 Bucks Per Share With Taxpayer Help

Arrogant prick...

9/11 is revisited

Forget about conspiracy theories. How can we allow falsifications lapse into history without demanding the truth? It's past time to demand honest answers to the questions generated by the official story. Based on his continuing studies, Griffin compiled 21 reasons to question the official story about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Institutionalized Arab Inequality in Israel

In December 2010, the Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel published a study titled, "Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel," saying:

Affecting Jews as well, it takes many forms, including:

* privileged v. deprived groups;
* Western Jews (Ashkenzim) v. Eastern ones (Mizrakhim);
* men v. women;
* Israeli-born Jews (Sabar) v. immigrant ones (Olim);
* Orthodox v. secular Jews;
* urban v. rural ones;
* progressive v. hardline extremists;
* gay v. straight, and so forth.

Mostly, it represents majority Jews against minority (largely Muslim) Israeli Arabs, indigenous people living in their historic homeland, comprising 20% of the population or about 1.2 million people, excluding East Jerusalem and Golan.

CFR Membership Roster (as of February 26, 2011)

The people who run the world. Starting with A.
David L. Aaron
Steve Abbot
Kimberly M. Abbott
Wilder K. Abbott
A. Robert Abboud
Labeeb M. Abboud
Keith W. Abell
Cara L. Abercrombie
Gina K. Abercrombie-Winstanley
Robert John Abernethy
John P. Abizaid
Mona Aboelnaga Kanaan
David S. Abraham
Michael J. Abramowitz
Morton I. Abramowitz
Elliott Abrams
Stacey Y. Abrams
William M. Abrams

Support Your Own Illegal Israeli Settlement [Satire]

1. Glenn Beck insults radical Islam by comparing it to Reform Judaism and then apologizes not to the Muslims but to the Jews. Shows you it ain't them there Mooselims who control the media.

A False Friend in the White House

Last Friday the United States vetoed a U.N. Security Council Resolution condemning Israel's continued expansion of settlements in the occupied territory of the West Bank. The resolution didn't question Israel's legitimacy, didn't declare that "Zionism is racism," and didn't call for a boycott or sanctions. It just said that the settlements were illegal and that Israel should stop building them, and called for a peaceful, two-state solution with "secure and recognized borders. The measure was backed by over 120 countries, and 14 members of the security council voted in favor. True to form, only the United States voted no.

CRTC ditches bid to allow fake news

Canada's broadcasting regulator has abandoned its attempt to change a regulation that prohibits the dissemination of false or misleading news.

The decision from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission followed a meeting last week of Parliament’s joint committee for the scrutiny of regulations, which ended its 10-year bid to get the regulation to comply with the law.

FLASHBACK - Classic false flag operation: disco La Belle in Berlin?

The Berlin disco bombing was blamed on Libya and used as an excuse for President Reagan's air attack on Libya, on 15 April 1986. At least 60 people, including many children, were killed in the bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi. On 25 August 1998, German TV exposed apparent CIA and Mossad links to the bombing of the disco La Belle.

Obama's CFR AND TRILATERAL Billionaires Club

List of CFR and Trilateral Commission members inside and outside the government.

FLASHBACK - Safe Passage for Terrorists : Secret Deals With Libya by France, Italy Reported

France and Italy made secret deals with Libya during the 1970s to spare their citizens from attack in exchange for freedom for Libyan-sponsored terrorists to travel through Europe, U.S. officials said Thursday.

Why Keep Paying The Bank?

Former Soviet Citizen Challenges Texans to Step Up To Be Free or be a Slave

You, who call yourself a Texan but do nothing for independent Texas, how will you feel when your child or a grandchild asks you later, "Did you do anything for independent Texas?" And your answer will be, "I was enjoying life while some people from different states and countries were fighting for Texas independence."How does that sound to you?Do you like it?

While Food Inspection Suffers, USDA Awards $60 Million For Study Of Climate Change On Farmers

The Federal government will borrow 45 cents of every dollar it spends this year. This story is another example of the obvious frugality that accompanies each and every important budgeting decision reached in Washington. They steal trillions from future generations, and think nothing of spending their stolen loot on pet research projects with the appropriate political backing.

Thou shalt not fight the ethanol lobby.

Overcoming Divide and Conquer Strategies: 99.9% of the US Population Should Support the Public Unions’ Fight Against Occupying Economic Imperialists

Quick Summary: The global bankers, who caused our economic crisis, are attempting to deflect blame and divide the American public by escalating attacks on public-sector workers. The battle in Wisconsin, which is spreading across the entire nation, should be viewed in a global economic context. Do not let the obsolete Republican vs. Democrat charade confuse you. Even if you believe Unions have been corrupted, in this case you have to go with the strategy: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Is Barack Obama About To Order The U.S. Military To Invade Libya?

Is Barack Obama About To Order The U.S. Military To Invade Libya?

As insane as it might sound, the United States may soon be getting involved in another war in the Middle East. According to White House spokesman Jay Carney, “no options” have been taken off the table when it comes to the situation in Libya. By saying that “all options” are being considered, that is basically a way for the Obama administration to threaten Gadhafi without actually coming right out and threatening him. In recent days, news reports have been appearing all over the mainstream media hyping the possibility that we may have to take military action in Libya.

CIA director calls ISI chief in backdrop of tie-threatening Davis issue standoff

US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Leon Panetta telephoned Pakistan's premier spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha in the backdrop of an apparent standoff between the two agencies.

The two intelligence chiefs reportedly discussed the Raymond Davis issue and the status of cooperation between the CIA and the ISI, the Dawn reports.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder if Panetta is offering threats - or bribes - at this point to get Davis out. One also has to wonder just what Davis was really doing in Pakistan which makes him such a high value asset in terms of the US spiriting him out of the country before he talks...kind of like Gene Hasenfus during the time of "Iran Contra".

Of course during that spectacular trial, Hasenfus blabbed everything before the US could get their hands on him and "neutralized" him.

"The Sandinistas, following the example of their Yankee tormentors, coaxed every pint of public relations juice they could from their prisoner, finding him guilty of terrorism, violation of Nicaragua's public security laws and conspiracy. The Reagan administration ridiculed the proceedings before the People's Anti-Somocista Tribunal as a judicial parody. At the time, the court had tried 243 people without a single acquittal. But no court anywhere could have found Hasenfus innocent. At the end of the trial attended by Hasenfus’s wife and brother came the first hints that he would be shown mercy. One of the nine comandantes of the Sandinista leadership, Daniel Ortega’s brother Humberto, called Hasenfus a "father" and "common citizen" who himself was a victim of the "irrational and unjust policy of the U.S. administration."

Some things with the US government appear to never change, no matter which party is in power; and that's one hell of a problem for Americans who believe that US foreign policy should be based on just and fair relations between countries, where trust and cooperation should be honored. This certainly hasn't happened in our relationship with Pakistan.

Charlie, Say It Ain’t So

Alas, the news is that fabulously popular actor Charlie Sheen has been canned or at least suspended from his show Two and a Half Men. Though the show has been CBS and Warner Bros. Television’s top-rated sitcom for the season, Charlie crossed the line: He said something construed as anti-Semitic.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Again, I do not agree with what Charlie said. However, I am wondering what kind of a mental child would willingly destroy the jobs of all those other cast and crew on the show who never did anything wrong at all, just to get back at Charlie!


Webmaster's Commentary:

Note in the above stream of Tweets regarding Israel's latest attack on Gaza, not only are the texts identical but so are the compressed URLs. Only the user ID is changing from tweet to tweet and a spot check of the associated user profiles reveals that the external user pages often do not really exist.

Iraq's largest oil refinery shut by bombing

Militants attacked Iraq's largest oil refinery on Saturday, killing four workers and detonating bombs that touched off a raging fire and shut down the plant in northern Iraq, officials said.

The militants planted explosives at a kerosene and benzene production unit at the northern refinery in the town of Baiji, a former al Qaeda stronghold 112 miles north of Baghdad, the governor of Salahuddin province, Ahmed al-Jubouri, said.

Webmaster's Commentary: More "progress and stabilization" in Iraq, I see.

Israel bombing Gaza again

Israeli warplanes bombed half a dozen targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, wounding a seven-month-old girl and a Palestinian man, medics in the coastal territory said.

ARAB UPRISINGS: Time-Out For Israel Is Over

Regardless of what some observers are saying of a conspiracy theory behind this expanding phenomenon and the alleged covert role of the American CIA or Israeli Mossad in these uprisings, the thing that sounded absolutely ridiculous and rather offending to the young generations steering this heroic uprisings and who have been totally underrated for their abilities to spark a new dawn over the political horizon of the region, these uprisings proved that those same American and Israeli covert policies in their close support and collaboration with most dictatorships in the Arab world are to be partly blamed for lingering and maintaining such regimes in power knowing how much corrupt they have been.

Libya: David Cameron and Barack Obama discuss how to depose Gaddafi

Webmaster's Commentary: Translation: David Cameron and Barak Obama discuss with whom to replace Gaddafi who is both pro-Western and pro-Israel!

NASA chief tech says 'decade' for shuttle replacement

Once the US space shuttle program closes, it will be about a decade before America can make a new vehicle for sending astronauts to space, NASA's chief technologist predicts.

A U.S. recovery built on low-paying jobs

While the unemployment rate dropped to 9 percent in January, from a two-decade peak of 10.1 percent in October 2009, many of the jobs people are now taking don't match the pay, the hours, or the benefits of the 8.75 million positions that vanished in the recession, according to Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics in Toronto.

This may restrain wage and salary growth, limiting gains in consumer spending, which accounts for 70 percent of the U.S. economy. The good jobs that would trigger a solid boost in spending just don't seem to be there.

Webmaster's Commentary: The good jobs have been offshored or eliminated. Between union-busting and offshoring, the middle class in this country have literally been thrown under a bus.

Combat troops to get gay sensitivity training

Webmaster's Commentary:

For some strange reason, this just comes across as really weird to be giving any kind of sensitivity training to a bunch of people dropping white hot flaming death on children.

Valley Community Bank in Illinois closed by regulators

Regulators closed one bank in the U.S. on Friday, bringing to 23 the total number of bank failures in 2011.

Webmaster's Commentary: That's more than a little unsettling; after all, it's only the end of February!

San Francisco could see first significant snowfall in 35 years

U.S. economic growth revised downward to 2.8% in fourth quarter

Webmaster's Commentary: The economy is not in a recovery; it is in a recession.

Yemen Protests: Tens Of Thousands Hold Pro- And Anti-Government

Seventeen people have been killed in the past nine days in a sustained wave of countrywide anti-Saleh protests galvanized by the fall of the Tunisian and Egyptian presidents. Saleh has said he will not give in to "anarchy and killing."

A U.S. ally against the Yemen-based al Qaeda wing that has launched attacks at home and abroad, the Yemeni leader is struggling to end protests flaring across the Arabian Peninsula's poorest state.

Webmaster's Commentary: Another of the US's "great friends"may be close to the end of what has been characterized as "one of the most corrupt governments in the Middle East.

Those in the bowels of power in DC consistently, to the point of pathologically, refuse to factor the following sober truth into their policy considerations: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is almost always inevitable.


The gag order on Rwidy’s case was lifted earlier this week, and the Israeli media reported that four Israeli teenagers — two from Jerusalem and two from illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank — were arrested for his murder. Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz reported that “police suspect that the stabbing had nationalistic motives and the prosecution decided to put them on trial for manslaughter” (“Four teens suspected of stabbing Arab youth to death in Jerusalem,” 23 February 2011).

The family wanted to hold his funeral in a graveyard adjacent to the Haram al-Sharif, or Noble Sanctuary, which is known to Jews as the Temple Mount and is the third holiest site in Islam.


Jesus was a Palestinian under imperial rule. Just as the modern state of Israel and other states in the Middle East were the creation of Western colonialism, so the ancient temple-state in Judea was set up by foreign powers”.

Gates warns against Iraq, Afghanistan-style wars

AFP WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY, New York (AFP) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned Friday against committing the US military to big land wars in Asia or the Middle East, saying anyone proposing otherwise "should have his head examined."...

Libya Protests: Tripoli Residents Say Civilians Being Armed; UN Plans Meeting

The embattled regime of Moammar Gadhafi is arming civilian supporters to set up checkpoints and roving patrols around the Libyan capital to control movement and quash dissent, residents said Saturday. The reports came a day after protesters demanding Gadhafi's ouster came under a hail of bullets when pro-regime militiamen opened fire to stop the first significant anti-government marches in days in the Libyan capital.

The Libyan leader, speaking from the ramparts of a historic Tripoli fort, told supporters to prepare to defend the nation as he faced the biggest challenge to his 42-year rule, with rebels having seized control of about half of the country's coastline.

Webmaster's Commentary: IT will take time for the outcome on this to unfold, but by choosing to assassinate unarmed protestors, Gadhafi has already lost, both domestically and abroad.

Zimbabwe Prof Arrested, Tortured for Watching Viral Vids

Munyaradzi Gwisai, a lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe’s law school, was showing internet videos about the tumult sweeping across North Africa to students and activists last Saturday, when state security agents burst into his office.

The agents seized laptop computers, DVD discs and a video projector before arresting 45 people, including Gwisai, who runs the Labor Law Center at the University of Zimbabwe. All 45 have been charged with treason — which can carry a sentence of life imprisonment or death — for, in essence, watching viral videos.

The narcissism of the iPad imperialists who want to invade Libya

In a modern political sphere that has its fair share of narcissists and ignoramuses, no one is quite as narcissistic or as ignorant as the liberal interventionist. From the comfort of his Home Counties home, possibly to the sound of birds tweeting on the windowsill, the liberal interventionist will write furious, spittle-stained articles about the need to invade faraway countries in order to topple their dictators. As casually and thoughtlessly as the rest of us write shopping lists, he will pen a 10-point plan for the bombing of Yugoslavia or Afghanistan or Iraq and not give a second thought to the potentially disastrous consequences.

Defense Secretary Gates warns against more land wars in Asia

Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned Friday against committing the US military to big land wars in Asia or the Middle East, saying anyone proposing otherwise "should have his head examined."

The odds of repeating another Afghanistan or Iraq -- invading, pacifying, and administering a large third world country -- may be low," Gates said.

Gates, a former CIA director, replaced Donald Rumsfeld in the defense job in 2006 as Iraq was spiraling into civil war and the US military appeared to be facing a historic failure.

The change in leadership and a new strategy executed by General David Petraeus helped salvage the situation, and US forces now appear on schedule to leave the country at the end of this year.

Webmaster's Commentary: Unfortunately for the US and the Iraqis, with the recent rioting by thousands in Iraq, and the shooting of some rioters in cold blood by Iraqi forces, it appears that Petraeus' and Gates' strategies may well be unraveling, and there has been no real salvaging of the situation.

Shoppers wary of GM foods find they're everywhere

You may not want to eat genetically engineered foods. Chances are, you are eating them anyway.

Genetically modified plants grown from seeds engineered in labs now provide much of the food we eat. Most corn, soybean and cotton crops grown in the United States have been genetically modified to resist pesticides or insects, and corn and soy are common food ingredients.

Organic food companies, chefs and consumer groups have stepped up their efforts — so far, unsuccessfully — to get the government to exercise more oversight of engineered foods, arguing the seeds are floating from field to field and contaminating pure crops. The groups have been bolstered by a growing network of consumers who are wary of processed and modified foods.

Map Of U.S. States By Home Foreclosures

Takes approximately 5 seconds to see the madness. Guess which state is by far the worst looking on the map?

Army wants rapid-fire rubber bullets for crowd control

by David Hambling THE US army is planning to field "rubber bullets" for machine guns. Military officials claim the ammunition will allow them to more effectively quell violent protests without loss of life, but human rights campaigners are alarmed by the new weapon.

Netanyahu’s March Offensive

In two recent articles (Israel’s Mubarak being the last one) I claimed Israel may be the next target for a Call for Freedom by its people. Following Tunisia and Egypt, Libya is making a pretty loud such call and probably its people would soon be free of another Western puppet dictator. This is just another reminder of a reality where a Gold-pegged Yuan and a Peso-pegged Dollar are defining a new future where America would not be able to militarily threat the world anymore. No more Hiroshimas, no more a nine-year old Phan Thi Kim Phuc running away from American napalm. No more violent Zionism imposing terror on innocents.

Watchdog says electric cars 'are as dirty as diesel'

Electric cars may portray themselves as 'zero emissions' but the overall pollution they generate can be almost as great as a frugal conventional diesel car, consumer watchdogs said today.

Electric cars are a lot more expensive to buy - though they are generally cheaper to run as they plug in for their power from the domestic mains, say experts at Which?

The amount of carbon dioxide - the so-called 'greenhouse gas' blamed by scientists for global warming - created to generate the electricity powering an electric car, can be just as great as that created by the internal combustion engine, they say.

Obama: We must compromise on budgets, ‘but we can’t sacrifice our future’

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to President Obama: the future of this country has already been scuttled by your and your predecessor's out of control spending, and your failure to deal decisively with the fraudulent actions by the banks and Wall Street.

What you have spent - and suggest we continue spending - on these endless immoral and illegal wars is about to bankrupt this country, yet there is no real discussion of cutting spending on these wars.

It appears, in fact, that you are looking for yet more military misadventures in which you want to see America get involved; Pakistan, North Korea, Libya, and Iran, to name just a few. Unfortunately, spending on military dead-ends money which desperately needs to be spent in other places, like US infrastructure, schools, and hospitals.

The real unemployment rate in the US hovers at around 20% rather than the official rate, and many people - whose jobs have been offshored and who are about to lose their homes as a result - are about to also lose their unemployment benefits.

"Quantitative Easting" (i.e., printing money for which there is absolutely no solid backing) has created a hideous inflation, which destroys Americans' savings and their purchasing power at the stores. The US dollar, which used to be the premiere currency in the world, has been thrown under the proverbial bus, and internationally, there are demands for a new currency, or basket of currencies, with which countries would like to do business; it's only a matter of time before the US dollar collapses.

So please, sir: as a man with a net worth of over 10 million dollars, and a wife and daughter who just hit the slopes in Vale for a very costly vacation a little while ago, do not lecture the American public about "sacrifice"!

The Essence Of Banking...

Israeli Forces Fire on Hundreds in the West Bank

HEBRON (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces fired rubber-coated bullets at protesters in the West Bank city of Hebron on Friday afternoon, where clashes left at least nine people injured, Palestinian medics and the Israeli army said. Four international activists and two Palestinians were detained, organizers said. The military said that only one person was arrested.

The Palestinians injured by rubber-coated bullets were transferred to the Hebron and Al-Ahli hospitals, Red Crescent officials said. The Israeli army also said five border police officers were injured.

BREAKING: Wisconsin Police Have Joined Protest Inside State Capitol

“Police have just announced to the crowds inside the occupied State Capitol of Wisconsin: ‘We have been ordered by the legislature to kick you all out at 4:00 today. But we know what’s right from wrong. We will not be kicking anyone out, in fact, we will be sleeping here with you!’ Unreal.”


Webmaster's Commentary:

No wonder I missed it. They have us located in the wrong state. Actually, they pretty much have us at the wrong end of the entire country! In fact they missed our actual operating location by 6 times zones, roughly 1/4 the way around the globe.

I presume all their other info is just as accurate.

Feb 25, 1862: Legal Tender Act passed

These notes, called "greenbacks," worked much better than expected. It allowed the government to pay its bills and, by increasing the money in circulation, greased the wheels of northern commerce.

Turk - Dollar Ready to Collapse, Silver Squeeze to Continue

With gold higher and silver up almost $1.30, King World News today interviewed James Turk out of Spain. Turk had this rather frightening warning about the dollar, “The dollar right now is hanging on the precipice. If we break below 77 on the dollar index, look out below. I don’t think people really appreciate how scary the dollar chart is here, or how ominous the implications really are. There’s no predicting how far the dollar could plunge if confidence breaks.”

WISCONSIN - Assembly Dems Yell "Shame" After Budget Vote

Hypocrisy Sweeps Middle East - FKN Newz 02/26/2011

Deek at his sarcastic best blasting U.S., British and Israeli hypocrisy in the Middle East.

RAW, Libya, protester shot and killed as he records protest on camera.

Franken says Gov. Walker simply trying to "bust unions"

Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., weighed in

"I think the governor is clear that he's trying to union bust," Franken said after a press conference at the state Capitol. "He's gotten the concessions on salaries and pensions that he wants. If he wants to end this thing, he can -- right away."

As for the prank phone call in which Walker believed he was talking to billionaire David Koch, Franken said it reveals that Walker's agenda is "greater than balancing the budget ... His agenda is nationwide, to bust labor and bust unions." He also called Walker's description during the call comparing his stand to the fall of the Berlin Wall "a little self-aggrandizing."

Sailing into the Mediterranean Sea

Israel has not yet come to the understanding that it cannot issue orders in the region any longer, that the US is not as strong as it used to be in the Middle East, that Washington and Tel Aviv's Arab allies are being gradually superseded by governments, which are very close to their people -- people who have not approved of Israeli actions over the past 60 years. Not only Egypt, but the whole region has changed.

Webmaster's Commentary: No, Israel will keep whacking their thumb with the hammer just to prove the first time was not a mistake.

Irish election: Fianna FƔil government routed, according to exit poll

Ireland's most dominant political party, Fianna FƔil, is on the road to an historic and devastating defeat in the republic's general election. Just months after accepting an EU/IMF bailout, the government is likely to be beaten into third place by a slew of independent candidates.

The scale of Fianna FĆ”il's losses are so great that a number of high-profile ministers, including finance minister Brian Lenihan, who negotiated the bailout, are in danger of losing their seats. His outgoing ministerial colleague Mary Hanafin also faces the possibility of being unseated in her DĆŗn Laoghaire/Rathdown constituency.

How security can be more theatre than reality

Drug-detecting dogs and hi-tech brain scans to spot liars – examples of how we are still buying into the placebo effect.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Mind you, I think having a dog to pat makes waiting at the airport gate a lot more relaxing, but as a bomb detection tool they simply do not work. And the brain scans, like retina and facial profiling, false positives so much it is useless. In other words, more wasted billions for the security-industrial complex!

The fastest way to end terror is to stop fucking around with other peoples' countries.

CIA agent Raymond Davis case sparks uproar - in pictures

Protesters take to the streets over American who shot dead two men in Lahore in January while on assignment, triggering a diplomatic crisis between Pakistan and the US

Pakistan arrests US security contractor as rift with CIA deepens

Pakistani authorities have arrested a US government security contractor amid a worsening spy agency row between the countries, with Pakistani intelligence calling on the Americans to "come clean" about its network of covert operatives in the country.

The arrest came at the start of the murder trial of another American held in Pakistan, the CIA agent Raymond Davis. Peshawar police arrested Aaron DeHaven, a contractor who recently worked for the US embassy in Islamabad, saying that his visa had expired.

Vatican confirms report of sexual abuse and rape of nuns by priests in 23 countries

The Catholic Church in Rome made the extraordinary admission yesterday that it is aware priests from at least 23 countries have been sexually abusing nuns.

The Catholic Church in Rome made the extraordinary admission yesterday that it is aware priests from at least 23 countries have been sexually abusing nuns.

Most of the abuse has occurred in Africa, where priests vowed to celibacy, who previously sought out prostitutes, have preyed on nuns to avoid contracting the Aids virus.

Webmaster's Commentary: And I thought we got a lot of action in the film business!!!!!

Rally in support of WI Teachers Noon tomorrow at Hawaii State Capitol

Saturday, 26 Feb 2011, 12:00 PM
Hawai`i Stands for Progressive Values
State Capitol
415 S. Beretania St.
Honolulu, HI 96813
Directions: At the Hawaii State Capitol building.
Hosted by David Raatz, Shaun Campbell
Description This rally is Hawai`i's chance to show solidarity with those fighting for workers' rights, public services, women's rights, and other progressive values. MoveOn is collaborating with Walk for Choice and other organizations in this historic progressive-unity event. Similar rallies are happening at all 50 state capitols. The people of Wisconsin are not alone!
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Neocon Hawks Take Flight Over Libya

In a distinct echo of the tactics they pursued to encourage U.S. intervention in the Balkans and Iraq, a familiar clutch of neoconservatives appealed Friday for the United States and NATO to "immediately" prepare military action to help bring down the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi and end the violence that is believed to have killed well over a thousand people in the past week.

The appeal, which came in the form of a letter signed by 40 policy analysts, including more than a dozen former senior officials who served under President George W. Bush, was organized and released by the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), a two-year-old neoconservative group that is widely seen as the successor to the more-famous — or infamous — Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

PBS Calculates The True Cost Of The Wall Street Bailout

Make your best guess, and double the number, at least...

Egypt army apologizes for crackdown

"What happened late Friday was the result of unintentional confrontations between the military police and the youth of the revolution," the military said in a statement.

But the apology has failed to satisfy Egyptian activists who are calling for fresh protests to denounce violence by the authorities.

Thousands of Egyptians gathered in Liberation Square on Friday, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, who was appointed by ousted president Hosni Mubarak toward the end of his rule. They also called for an immediate release of the remaining political detainees. But military police surrounded protesters shortly after midnight, beating them with batons and attacking them with tasers.

Adam Savage From Mythbusters TV: "TSA X-Rayed my junk, but they missed two 12-inch industrial razor blades in my coat"

Video - Adam Savage tells an interesting story... Adam Savage gets through the x-ray scanner with 24 inches of razor-sharp steel.

Getting Tougher, Egyptian Troops Beat Protesters

CAIRO -- Egyptian military police beat protesters Saturday to clear them from outside the Cabinet office where they were trying to camp out overnight to press demands for sweeping political reforms and the dismissal of remnants of ousted President Hosni Mubarak's regime.
The clash signaled a tougher line from Egypt's military rulers, who had avoided violently confronting anti-government protesters in the streets while promising to meet their demands for democratic reform and return the country to civilian rule.

Libyans make unlikely allies for Gulf of Mexico drillers

But the rise in oil prices that has followed the bloody crumbling of Colonel Gaddafi's regime, has turned the volume up on calls for deepwater drilling to be resumed off America's southern coast.

The Gulf of Mexico produces roughly the same amount of barrels of oil a day as Libya, according to the International Energy Agency, but the similarities end there. The Gulf is under US control and, until the explosion on BP's Macondo's well last April, had been rapidly expanding.

Trends Journal Predicted Global Anti-Gov’t Protests: What’s Next?

Gerald Celente Trends Research Journal

It is a matter of record! The spate of seething, youth-inspired Middle East uprisings that are toppling governments, reshaping the geopolitical landscape and roiling world markets blindsided the world’s intelligence community...

Clinton: Too much ethanol could spark food riots

Mary Clare Jalonick Yahoo/AP

WASHINGTON – With global food prices rising and more corn being diverted to the production of ethanol fuel, Bill Clinton is warning of food riots in poor nations...

10 Health Insurance Companies Get ObamaCare Waivers -- for Their Own Employees

Fred Lucas CNS News

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has granted waivers to 10 health insurance companies, including giants such as Cigna and Aetna and divisions of Blue Cross Blue Shield, from the requirements of the new health care law, also known as ObamaCare...


ED NOTE: An outstanding interview. Gilad is an exceptionally brave and honest man. May he experience more personal successes than he has, and attract more people to follow his lead in compassion and understanding of those who need…

“We do not need “working class politics” anymore. The old 19Th century clichĆ©s can be dropped — and the sooner the better. In order to explain why our world is falling apart, we just have to be brave enough to say what we think, to admit what we see, to call a spade a spade.” — Gilad Atzmon

Madeleine Albright – The Deaths of 500,000 Iraqi Children was Worth it for Iraq’s Non Existent WMD’s [VIDEO]

Madeleine Albright, chair of the regime-toppling National Democratic Institute, tells a fawning Rachel Maddow how Egypt should transition to democracy. Admonishing the Mubarak regime for its brutality, she says: “Beating people up is not the way to do it.”But back in 1996, condemning 500,000 Iraqi children to a slow and painful death apparently was the way to do it. Of course, it’s not only democracy that Albright, like George Soros, wants to bring to the people of Africa…


Hundreds of people have backed a Facebook campaign calling for a “day of rage” across Saudi Arabia next month to demand an elected ruler, greater freedom for women and release of political prisoners.

Mideast turmoil brings soaring oil prices

Q. How do you double the value of a British car?
A. Put gas in it.

Video of Libya Army troops joining anti-Gaddafi protesters in Benghazi

Protests continue in Libya

*Background info - Gaddafi's sons are more cruel than Gaddafi himself.

Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention?

There is no question that Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi (Al-Qaddafi) is a dictator. He has been the dictator and so-called “qaid” of Libya for about 42 years. Yet, it appears that tensions are being ratcheted up and the flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. This includes earlier statements by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague that Colonel Qaddafi had fled Libya to Venezuela. [1] This statement served to electrify the revolt against Qaddafi and his regime in Libya.

What you won’t read in the mainstream press regarding Iraq’s “National Day of Rage”

Underneath are a few comments and statements I compiled, sent to me by different Iraqi persons. It’s necessary to counter the near total media blackout on Iraqi protests, that have been going on in every major Iraqi town the past weeks. These protests culminate today in a "National Day of Rage", organized by the heroic Iraqi youth. Spread the news. Let the world know what is happening in Iraq.

PAUL BALLES : 9/11 is revisited

The official story about 9/11 is rejected by growing numbers of professors, physicists, architects, engineers, pilots, former military officers and former intelligence officials. — David Ray Griffin Based on Griffin's continuing studies, Balles summarized 21 reasons to question the official story about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,compiled by Griffin.

California National Guard Fraud Report Sparks Probe

The federal agency that oversees funding for the California National Guard said Tuesday it has launched an examination of its nationwide procedures for detecting fraud in recruiting-incentive payments.

February 25, 2011

Matt Taibbi: "Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?" (Complete Interview)

Nobody goes to jail,” "writes Matt Taibbi in his the new issue of Rolling Stone magazine. “This is the mantra of the financial-crisis era, one that saw virtually every major bank and financial company on Wall Street embroiled in obscene criminal scandals that impoverished millions and collectively destroyed hundreds of billions, in fact, trillions of dollars of the world’s wealth." Here is the complete interview from which we played an excerpt on our Feb. 22 show. Taibbi explains how the American people have been defrauded by Wall Street investors and how the financial crisis is connected to the situations in states such as Wisconsin and Ohio.

Mass Grave Sites Across Canada to be Surveyed by International Tribunal

Unanswered Questions as Obama Anoints George HW Bush With Presidential Medal of Freedom

On February 15, President Obama bestowed the Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest award, to a group of people which includes former president George H.W. Bush. Having spent five years researching the elder Bush and discovering a staggering array of secrets to the man’s life—none of them favorable, I was curious why Obama gave Bush the medal.

Officially, it goes to individuals “who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” In fact, it goes to all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. In the case of Bush, it was an obligatory Washington ritual for a former President who is in the last chapter of his life.

Notwithstanding the inevitability of the process, President Obama needed to trot out some explanation or other as to why each recipient was deserving. In remarks at the ceremony, he said that H.W.’s “His life is a testament that public service is a noble calling….his humility and his decency reflects the very best of the American spirit.” And he referred to Mr. Bush’s “extraordinary life of service and of sacrifice.” But...

President Pussy caves to Israel Again

Turk - Dollar Ready to Collapse, Silver Squeeze to Continue

“You’ve got civil breaking out in North Africa and you have rebellions happening in the Middle-East. In this kind of geopolitical situation in the past the US dollar would always rally, but this time it can’t even bounce. You know Eric the other side of this coin is that if the dollar falls off the edge of a cliff, precious metals are going to skyrocket.”

Plague May NOT Have Been What Killed That U.S. Scientist In First Lab Illness In 50 Years

Original post.

Don't believe any source that says the cause of death is certain... his family is not satisfied with the official explanation; details of which Yersinia strain are being withheld; Yersinia's responsibility for the Black Death is, or should be, in question; the strain he was working with, used in vaccines, was so weak it was not given special handling (and if it should have been, more people should be dead); he died right before the outbreak of 'Ukrainian Flu,' that many thought resembled pneumonic plague, of 2009; this flu resembled Spanish Flu (recently exhumed) which itself resembled the Black Death enough to prompt some to consider them one and the same.

US military pulls out of key eastern Afghan valley

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US military has begun pulling soldiers out of the Pech valley in eastern Afghanistan, a location once said to be vital to the war effort in the region, the Pentagon said Friday...


It is inescapable historical reality that leaders of nations will lie to their people to trick them into wars they otherwise would have refused. It is not "conspiracy theory" to suggest that leaders of nations lie to trick their people into wars. It is undeniable fact.

This brings us to the present case. Did the government of the United States lie to the American people, more to the point, did President Bush and his Neocon associates lie to Congress, to initiate a war of conquest in Iraq?

This question has been given currency by a memo leaked from inside the British Government which clearly indicates a decision to go to war followed by the "fixing" of information around that policy. This is, as they say, a smoking gun.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Already the BBC and UPI are leading with a story headlines that Iran is developing military nuclear weapons. Yet if you bother to read the actual body of the story, what has happened is that an unnamed third party source has provided the IAEA with a document which makes a lot of unsubstantiated allegations. But this is enough for the blaring headline to sell war with Iran using the same old tired hoax used to sell war with Iraq.

Fool me once...

U.N.: Iran developing military nukes PROPAGANDA ALERT

The U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency said it has received information indicating Iran was "not engaging with the agency in substance on issues concerning the allegation that Iran is developing a nuclear payload for its missile program," the BBC reported Friday.

Webmaster's Commentary: This is classic propaganda. The headlines blares that Iran is developing military nukes, then when you actually read the story, the facts are the IAEA has been given a report from an unnamed source making unproven allegations. And of course, this is all from the same people who insisted Iraq had 'nookular' weapons as well!

Video: TSA harassing and searching a 9 year old

The only bad thing on our trip was TSA was at the Savannah train station. There were about 14 agents pulling people inside the building and coralling everyone in a roped area AFTER you got OFF THE TRAIN! This made no sense!!! Poor family in front of us! 9 year old getting patted down and wanded. They groped our people too and were very unprofessional. I am all about security, but when have you ever been harassed and felt up getting OFF a plane? Shouldnt they be doing that getting ON??? And they wonder why so many people are mad at them.

TIM KING : Under the Spell of Israel

As Israel carries out their illegal US funded attacks on civilian populations in Gaza, we look back at the origin of Israel, which is rooted in violence and racism; and the video:

Who Were the First Terrorists in the Middle East?

When Gilad Atzmon sent this video across from London today I watched it and shook my head...

Homeward Bound – Water As A Weapon

Driving up to the pumps, I have a distinct experience of entering “No Man’s Land.” Gas is up over three bucks in Oregon and shows no sign of ever coming down.

It strikes me that this feels like an affront, a virtual assault —that the price of gas is actually attacking my ever-diminishing financial reserves, and laying waste that green stuff which constitutes my nest egg. A confluence of forces are amassing at this point in time, which are keeping folks home much more than in past years. One is the price of gas. Another is the plunge of the dollar, world-wide. My intended trip to Jerusalem and points beyond will be deferred to a later date, for this reason alone.

The Iraq War Was NOT Started Over Oil or the Global War On Terrorism

The corporate media has repeatedly told the American people that we went to war with Iraq to fight terrorism, while some in the alternative community believe it was over Iraq’s extensive oil fields. This could not have been further from the truth. Multiple U.S. assets secured deals that would have brought America billions of dollars without killing anyone.

White House pushes Congress to avert shutdown

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - The White House on Friday warned that a looming US government shutdown "would be bad for the economy" as it urged feuding lawmakers to reach a budget compromise by a March 4 deadline...

It's even worse than we thought: Economic downturn at the end of 2010 was the biggest drop in GDP in two years

The economic downturn at the end of last year was the largest GDP fall in two years, revised figures revealed today. Questions remain about the strength of the economic recovery with news that GDP shrank by 0.6% in the final three months of 2010 - down from an original estimate of a 0.5% decline.

I am Israel

A 6 and a half minute video..

As the global money-supply shrinks back into its waiting coffin; which could not come at a worse time for the N.W.O., people everywhere are just beginning to find their long-silent voices that ironically without much force (so-far) are beginning to do what no-one even tried to do over the last 40 plus years: To TAKE BACK THEIR COUNTRIES, from everywhere that either USI or Zionism have repeatedly targeted the defenseless, the poor and the staving around the world. The one constant CRIME that transcends everything that has happened throughout the last 62 plus years is this amazing video that Amerrikans must answer for: I Am Israel

Jim Kirwan

"It's A Weapon, And That Weapon Isn't Supposed To Be Used On Our Own People, Let Alone U.S. Senators"

Video - Rolling Stone executive editor on illegal Psy-Ops story - Feb. 24, 2011 Also appearing is Bing West, the former Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan, marine combat veteran, and author, who delivers an intelligent advocacy for ending the war in Afghanistan.

John McLaughlin: "Freedom Is Most Overrated; When People Are Scared They Want The Nanny State"

Video - McLaughlin Group

McLaughlin is wrong. When people are scared and angry, they correctly attack groups they know to be getting a free, cushioned ride. Hello, Wall Street. Monica Crowley gets it right.

Wisconsin police Announce they are Supposed to kick people out of the capitol at 4pm, but are Refusing!

UK public sector workers could see their 'gold-plated' pensions halved

Gerri Peev Daily Mail

Public sector workers could see their ‘gold-plated’ pensions slashed to make it easier to transfer services to private firms and charities...

Mich.-Based Company Flags Package In Terror Case

Authorities said 20-year-old Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari ordered the package from Carolina Biological Supply of Burlington, N.C. They say he was moved by 9/11 and Osama bin Laden speeches, and his targets included New York City and former President George W. Bush's home.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I note they do not actually say what was in the box he ordered. As a science student myself, I ordered lots of things through the mail. All of them could be viewed with suspicion by paranoid government types trying to justify their paychecks, but none were ever used for anything other than science projects!

US Republicans float short-term spending plan

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama's Republican foes in the US Congress challenged Democrats Friday to embrace a short-term spending bill they said was designed to avert a looming government shutdown...

US to impose sanctions on Libya, close embassy

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States said on Friday it was imposing unilateral and multilateral sanctions on Libya in a bid to halt and punish Moamer Kadhafi's crackdown on protests...

Making Hash of the TSA

"We have posted signs on our doors basically saying that [employees of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)] aren’t allowed to come into our business," says a woman calling herself KC McLawson who works at "a cafe near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport." She and her boss, the policy’s author, became instant heroes after KC contacted "consumer advocate and journalist" Christopher Elliott and pseudonymously discussed the restaurant’s resolve: "Their kind aren’t welcomed in our establishment."

Webmaster's Commentary:

I wouldn't let the TSA wash my dog. And she died a few years back!


Taking Pinkwashing to a whole new level, one of Israel’s very very good friends– gay male pornographer Michael Lucas– is boasting that he single-handedly got NY’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trans Community Center to not only cancel a “Party to End Apartheid” fundraiser to cover costs for Israel Awareness Week, but to ban the group from ever renting there again. How? You know, the usual calls from supporters and threats to withhold major donations (according to Lucas).

Gaddafi funds frozen, new dictators will be as corrupt as the old ones'

Charlie Sheen: I'm Not an Anti-Semite

While Charlie spilled his guts to TMZ yesterday about his hatred for Chuck Lorre, he referred to the "Two and a Half Men" creator as Chaim Levine -- the Hebrew translation of CL's birth name -- which many people felt Charlie used in a mean-spirited attempt to denigrate the Jews.

Now Charlie tells TMZ ... "I was referring to Chuck by his real name, because I wanted to address the man, not the bulls**t TV persona."

FYI -- Chuck's birth name is Charles Levine ... and his Hebrew name is Chaim.

Charlie added, "So you're telling me, anytime someone calls me Carlos Estevez, I can claim they are anti-Latino?"

Thousands Slain in Libya Crackdown

The base figure, of course, is the “only 300? protesters massacred number provided by the Gadhafi regime a couple of days ago, but most experts agree the toll is well into the thousands, and reports on the ground in the liberated portions of the nation providing some clues.

One French doctor working on the ground in Benghazi has reported that 2,000 people were killed in that city alone. Surely Benghazi is the major site of violence in East Libya, but with estimates of another 1,000 dead in Tripoli and tolls in the dozens or scores slain in several other cities across the nation.

2007: Barack Obama promised to "walk on that picket line" if workers are denied the right to bargain

"And understand this: If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I’m in the White House, I will put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I’ll will walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States of America.
Because workers deserve to know that somebody is standing in their corner." Senator Obama 2007

Start mailing your old shoes to the White House, because I do not see Obama down there with the protesters in Wisconsin who are having their collective bargaining rights taken away in highly dubious legislative hanky-panky! Apparently President Pussy is too busy doing Israel bidding in Libya!

Baghdad wants U.S. to pay $1 billion for damage to city

Iraq's capital wants the United States to apologize and pay $1 billion for the damage done to the city not by bombs but by blast walls and Humvees since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein.

The heavy blast walls have damaged sewer and water systems, pavement and parks, said Hakeem Abdul Zahra, the city spokesman.

U.S. military Humvees, driven on street medians and through gardens, have also caused major damage, he said.

CHART Update: The Real Unemployment Rate Is 22%

Chart courtesy of Shadow Government Statistics

Iraq's PM Maliki warns Iraqis to stay away from Friday protests, claims they being organized by supporters of Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida

Iraq's prime minister warned his people to boycott an anti-government protest planned for Friday, saying it was being organized by supporters of the ousted Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave no proof for his assertion in a nationally televised speech Thursday, which echoed similar blanket statements he has made before blaming terrorists and Saddam loyalists for an array of problems in the country.

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki: what part of "this is really not going to work" are you having difficulty in understanding?!?

4.5 Million Orphans in Iraq: Protests Over Food and Shelter

Fadel Mohammad Ra'ad, 10, is one of thousands of children who have lost their parents to the endless violence that has been gripping Iraq since the 2003 US-led invasion.

"My parents were killed in an explosion at the center of Baghdad last year, leaving me and my sister to no one," the kid told in a Baghdad orphanage.

"I have relatives but all of them have refused to take us in," he added choking at the memory.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs estimate that around 4,5 million children are orphans. Nearly 70 percent of them lost their parents since the invasion and the ensuing violence.

Webmaster's Commentary: More "progress" in Iraq, I see.

Syria clamps down on dissent with beatings and arrests

Nervous regime breaks up protests and sends intelligence agents round to warn civil rights activists against taking action.

Tensions are mounting in the Syrian capital, Damascus, after the third peaceful demonstration in three weeks was violently dispersed on Wednesday. There are increasing reports of intimidation and blocking of communications by secret services in the wake of violent unrest in neighbouring Arab countries.

Fourteen people were arrested and several people beaten by uniformed and plainclothes police on Tuesday after about 200 staged a peaceful sit-in outside the Libyan embassy to show support for Libya's protesters.

Witnesses said at least two women were among those beaten.

Webmaster's Commentary: Bashar Assad is probably sweating bullets by now, given the developments around that world and in neighboring countries. Let us hope he veers away from more violence against his own people.

CBS Reprises Iraq "Stolen Incubator" story to sell war with Libya?

A resident of the increasingly violent Libyan capital of Tripoli told CBS Radio News Thursday that armed supporters of Muammar Qaddafi, the country's longtime leader, have stormed into hospitals to shoot wounded demonstrators and take dead bodies to an unknown location.

Webmaster's Commentary: I do not trust this story.

First off, we know the United States has decided to use the revolution in Libya as an excuse to take over the place militarily. All they need is a means to sell the "necessity" of the war to an already war-weary public. This hospital story frankly reeks of the infamous Iraqi stolen incubator story, a product of Hill & Knowlton Public Relations (professional liars and deceivers), to sell America on Desert Storm.

So, would Qaddafi storm the hospitals and shoot the wounded? Maybe, if he had unlimited men and ammunition. But Qaddafi's forces are limited. Soldiers and officers both are joining the protesters. The remaining loyalist are already fighting an uphill battle dealing with the people in the streets. the wounded people in the hospitals are already out of action. They pose no direct immediate threat. Nobody is going to waste precious resources killing them, especially as live but wounded protesters requiring medical care impose a harder workload on the revolution than already dead protesters. This is why military weapons are designed to wound rather than kill. So this story about killing patients in hospitals does not make much sense. I think it is propaganda to sell a US invasion of Libya.

USA: Wisconsin Unions Preparing a General Strike

After more than a week, demonstrations by public sector workers defending their pay, benefits and their right to union representation continue to grow. The struggle in Wisconsin is rapidly becoming a nation-wide struggle, a kind of American "Tahrir Square," a point of reference for workers under attack around the country.

Wisconsin unions are now preparing for a state-wide general strike if Governor Walker’s bill is passed by the state legislature. While this struggle has only just begun and is far from finished, it marks an important turning point in the U.S. -- the class struggle is back!

Webmaster's Commentary: I would characterize this less as a "class struggle" then as a struggle on the part of the monied interests to destroy the middle class in America.

"A Banking Banana Republic": Wall Street's Record $130 Billion Bonus - Michael Lewis & Dylan Ratigan

The real unemployment rate hovers above 22%, new job creation is stagnant, but Wall Street pay is up 5.7% this year to $130 billion.

All thanks to you, Mr. Taxpayer.

“We The Forgotten People Of The United States ...”

And without remorse, they have rewritten the Constitution:

“We the Neo-Con Cabal working in the Obama administration in 2011, in order to form an exclusive club of faithful AIPAC owned contributors and Zionists United in the state of Israel, establish a clandestine corrupt government, the purpose of which is to undermine justice, create domestic instability through fear, provide our military industrial complex with billions of tax dollars to promote our own welfare, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the Liberty that comes with totalitarian indifference to all others by crushing them by coercion, threat, imprisonment, or death, and so ordain and establish this new Constitution to protect us from their wrath and their Courts of Justice.”

Politicians Slash Budget of Watchdog Agencies ... Guaranteeing that Financial Fraud Won't Be Investigated or Prosecuted

As I noted last year, you can tell how interested Congress and the White House are in uncovering the truth by looking at how much money is actually budgeted for investigation:

The government spent $175 million investigating the Challenger space shuttle disaster.
It spent $152 million on the the Columbia disaster investigation.

It spent $30 million investigating the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

The government only authorized $15 million for the 9/11 Commission.

And how much has the government authorized for the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission? You know, the commission charged with getting to the bottom of what caused the financial crisis?

Just $8 million. Webmaster's Commentary:

The US Government spent more money investigating Bill Clinton's blow job than Wall Street crimes!

Seattle restaurant puts TSA workers on no-eat list

A restaurant near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is so tired of the way the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been treating their customers that they've actually banned agents from eating at the establishment.

"We have posted signs on our doors basically saying that they aren’t allowed to come into our business," she said. "We have the right to refuse service to anyone."

"My boss flies quite a bit and he has an amazing ability to remember faces. If he sees a TSA agent come in we turn our backs and completely ignore them, and tell them to leave."

"Their kind aren't welcomed in our establishment," McLawson continued. "A large majority of our customers -- over 90 percent -- agree with our stance and stand by our decision."

"We even have the police on our side and they have helped us escort TSA agents out of our cafe. Until TSA agents start treating us with the respect and dignity that we deserve, then things will change for them in the private sector."

Tallahassee Rally to Save the American Dream

Back of the State Capitol, Duval St. by the dolphin sculpture
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Saturday, February 26th, 12:00 PM

US Seeks Backing for Libya Intervention

US diplomats are looking to drum up international support while the military is said to be looking at “all options” available for a possible military intervention into the Libyan Revolution, which at this point appears to be on the verge of ousting dictator Moammar Gadhafi.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"We must take a stand now and teach those uppity slaves that they will accept and obey their US puppet rulers just as we ourselves accept and obey our Israeli masters! That is the natural order of things! Besides, we need a good bloody war to distract the suckers from worrying about how we took their jobs so banks could take their homes to pay for the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities buy-back, and Libya is as good a place as Iran or Korea for that kind of thing." -- Official White Horse Souse.

Putin warns West on North Africa democracy-building

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin cautioned the West Thursday that attempts to meddle in the rebellions of the Arab world may sweep extremists to power.

"You have to give people the chance to choose their own fates and their own futures," Putin said at a press conference with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.

"Give them the opportunity to determine their own fate through natural means and not with any kind of outside interference," he said.

Putin warned that previous attempts to "impose democracy" had fostered Iran's Islamic revolution and triggered election victories for radicals that the West is now fighting to contain.

Webmaster's Commentary: Putin is absolutely right on this issue.

However,I would suggest that many times (as happened in Iran) what the US managed to do, rather than "imposing democracy" was imposing a US-friendly thug, as in the case of the Shah, who lived a life of private luxury and political corruption, while his people lived in poverty and in fear of the deadly Savak, the Iranian Secret Police.

Peaceful revolution was impossible; therefore, violent revolution was inevitable.

NH House votes to repeal cap-and-trade program

Garrity, R-Atkinson, argued lawmakers adopted RGGI based on unproven science about greenhouse gases.

"Three years ago when RGGI was approved, the rallying cry was that we must join RGGI or the planet will dry up. Here we are three years later ... and the rallying cry is we can't lose RGGI or the money will dry up," he said.

Garrity also said the current law is a stealth tax on electric users.


Few Americans remember Operation Cast Lead. Jews in America were told Israel had to finish off Hamas in order to protect itself. We can’t get into exactly how fanciful and utterly false everything American Jews are told or even the childishly ignorant statements President Obama and Secretary Clinton make on a regular basis. They make me cringe. They should make all of us here in America ashamed, Jews and non-Jews alike.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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