Thursday, February 3, 2011

WRH news stories for Thursday, February 3, 2011 Part 2

Obama urges Congress to put off Fort Hood probe

President Obama on Saturday urged Congress to hold off on any investigation of the Fort Hood rampage until federal law enforcement and military authorities have completed their probes into the shootings at the Texas Army post, which left 13 people dead.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: "We can't affords another collapsing frame-up, so give us time to make sure we have the patsy buried before we let the public take a peek!" -- Official White Horse Souse

URGENT MESSAGE FROM EGYPT: (re-post if you can)

Amnesty International representatives detained in Cairo

Two Amnesty International representatives have been detained by police in Cairo after the Hisham Mubarak Law Centre was taken over by military police this morning.

The Amnesty International staff members were taken, along with Ahmed Seif Al Islam, Khaled Ali, a delegate from Human Rights Watch and others, to an unknown location in Cairo. Amnesty International does not know their current whereabouts.

“We call for the immediate and safe release of our colleagues and others with them who should be able to monitor the human rights situation in Egypt at this crucial time without fear of harassment or detention,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

Egypt Intense Crackdown Sparks Rights Furor - Press TV

Police brutality increases in US

Warren Buffett's $600 Million INTEREST-FREE Loan From Taxpayers & Many Other Ways The Government HOSES You To HELP The Insanely Rich!

Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Egyptian People getting ready for Mubarak's "Day of Departure"

Webmaster's Commentary: The above feed is cutting in and out here in Hawaii, but the AlJazeera iPhone app still works fine.

US cities face financial collapse

Holocaust Porn, I Know it When I see It.

I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how Dwight Eisenhower, Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle could write tens of thousands of post war memoirs and never mention death camps and crematoriums. I’m waiting for someone to explain how taking over three million from the death count at Auschwitz does not affect the number of six million as the official tally. There are a lot of statistics I would love to have explained to me but no one seems able to. I’m especially interested in how the world population for a certain demographic actually went up during the war years. The census reports a trend that can’t possibly be true but… it has to be. It’s the law.

Another car ploughing into peaceful protesters

Israel sides with its loyal ally in Cairo

Lawrence Davidson considers the partnership in crime that unites Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his loyal ally, Egyptian ruler Hosni Mubarak. He urges the Obama administration to wash its hands off the "Mussolini-style fascists, Nazi-style brown shirts, and Israeli fanatics" in Cairo and Tel Aviv.

Netanyahu and company must be proud of Mubarak and his thugs

Alan Hart views the international condemnation of the tactics used by Hosni Mubarak to quash the pro-freedom protests in Egypt, including unrestrained violence by paid thugs and plain-clothes policemen, but argues that one man will be pleased by Mubarak's conduct: his ally Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

US ammunition used against Egyptians

Democrats warn of US shutdown over debt

Editor's Note: Anyone else having a flashback? AFP/Activist Post

WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats warned Thursday of dire economic consequences if Congress fails to raise the US debt ceiling, saying it could prompt a shutdown of the federal government...

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says he wants to step down now, but can't

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has revealed he wants to leave office, but fears chaos if he resigns. Mubarak told the US ABC Television network that he was "very unhappy" about the scenes of violence in Egypt and did not want to see Egyptians fighting each other.

Webmaster's Commentary:

What a crock! The only violence is from Mubarak's hired thugs and Israeli commandos.

Ireland delays EU deal with Israel on data transfers

Irish objections have delayed an EU deal to allow the transfer to Israel of personal data on EU citizens. The Republic of Ireland linked its move to its concerns about the use of forged Irish passports in the killing of a top Hamas militant in Dubai in January - allegedly by Israeli agents.

A European Commission official told the BBC that objections to the proposed data deal had only come from Ireland. Dublin says Israel must now tighten up its data protection laws. The deal under consideration is known as a "data adequacy" agreement, intended to facilitate commerce between the EU and Israel.

Call to free Al Jazeera journalists

Al Jazeera has demanded that three of its journalists detained by Egyptian security forces be released immediately. In a statement on Thursday, the network said another journalist covering the turmoil in the country has been reported missing.

"All three of our staff should be immediately released," the channel said. "We are concerned for their safety and welfare. We are taking every measure as a priority to obtain their release."

Though Al Jazeera's coverage of the Egyptian uprising has won plaudits from around the world, with its journalists reporting from the heart of the events in the capital Cairo and elsewhere, it has faced constant hindrances within the country.

Fireworks blaze destroys 5-star hotel in China

Webmaster's Commentary: It's going to collapse any second now..... :)



Tank spraying unknown chemical weapon in Cairo

Hawaii is not legally a state!

It is easy to find the courage necessary to support a moral position if that position benefits oneself. True moral courage, however, is proven when one chooses to support that which is morally and ethically right even when such a position is to one's one detriment.

The people of the United States find themselves in such a position right now, forced to choose between a moral and ethical position that carries with it the potential for "inconvenience", or supporting the status quo and having to admit to themselves that they are not the champions of justice they imagine themselves to be. By the end of this article, you will know for yourself which one you are.

Pro Mubarak "Thugs" Paid To Cause Violence, Attack Anti Government Protesters

It is now confirmed that Pro Mubarak thugs were actually paid operatives used to the attack anti government protesters. Regardless of what you think of this so called Egyptian Revolution, this is absolutely unacceptable. The idea that our government would support Mubarak should send a clear message to all Americans.

"Army Tank Seen Turning Turret Towards Mubarak Loyalist"

No plans to halt US military aid to Egypt: Pentagon

AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON - The Pentagon on Thursday said it had no plans to halt weapons deliveries to Egypt in coming months despite a popular revolt against President Hosni Mubarak's rule...

Mubarak supporters threaten journalists near Tahrir sq.

Israel places resources at Suleiman’s disposal “to protect the Egyptian regime”

The Zionist state has offered to place "all its capabilities" at the disposal of General Omar Suleiman, the recently appointed Vice President of Egypt for the "protection of the regime in Egypt".

Mubarak's snipers flee Cairo square

Reports say Egyptian anti-government protesters have forced out thousands of plain clothes police forces and snipers from Cairo's Tahrir Square. This comes as anti-government demonstrators are gathering in Tahrir Square as protests against embattled President Hosni Mubarak continue for a tenth day. Main opposition figures have called for another mass rally on Friday. They say it could be President Hosni Mubarak's day of departure.

Mubarak's Last Gambit - Manufacturing Chaos

"Mubarak despises his people more than they despise him. All he wants now is for his regime to survive and to restore a measure of ‘legitimacy’ and ‘stability’ - just enough to give his American patrons a fig leaf to allow Obama to turn a blind eye to what’s going down in Egypt. He now says he will step down at the end of his term and he promises to use his remaining time in office facilitating an orderly transition. The obvious danger is that he will also use the balance of his tenure to beef up his internal security apparatus, crack down on the opposition and roll out a red carpet for his party and his cronies to allow them to retain control by the time he leaves office....If there is one thing all Egyptians fear more than a tyrant, it is chaos.

Phony CIA Asset Al Quada Threatens Goldman Sachs and Wall Street Bankers

Are the people on Wall Street trying to get public sympathy saying Al Qaeda in Yemen has it sights set on the Wall Street Bankers and Goldman Sachs? I am not for any act of terrorism on US soil. I rather see the people of Goldman Sachs and the other movers and shakers of Wall Street get arrested to face trials. People are angry at Wall Street and Goldman Sachs for what they did to the US economy and the stealing the worlds wealth.

Phony CIA Asset Al Quada Threatens Goldman Sachs and Wall Street Bankers

To say Al Qaeda is threatening the Wall Street Robber Baron means they are trying to silence dissent of the people making everyone suspect. That means the man or woman who had their pension stolen by the Wall Street hustlers might be considered to be with Osama Been Dead Awhile if they are enraged that all they worked for all their lives is gone.

Ham and Eggs Scenario Puts Syria in Greater Danger than Egypt or Jordan

To the impartial observer, Middle Eastern theatrics cloak an even more sinister final objective, the invasion and perpetual occupation of territory in lower Syria. Israel’s government, by supporting Mubarak showed their hand. As history has proven over and again, the calculated reaction of the Egyptian mob will provoke another series of events probably leading to a full blown Arab revolt. The instant Syria acknowledges their status, badabing, Israeli guns promptly point at Assad’s noggin. Bibi hasn’t been secretly grovelling to get the Turks back on side for nothing. It’s a given, bet on it.

200GB to 25GB: Canada gets first, bitter dose of metered Internet

Metered Internet usage (also called "Usage-Based Billing") is coming to Canada, and it's going to cost Internet users. While an advance guard of Canadians are expressing creative outrage at the prospect of having to pay inflated prices for Internet use charged by the gigabyte, the consequences probably haven't set in for most consumers. Now, however, independent Canadian ISPs are publishing their revised data plans, and they aren't pretty.

14 Points To Save America

Simple, concise and correct...

And the photo at the bottom of the story is a must see. Can't spoil the surprise.

Polish FM warns Belarus that without reform -- ur next, punk.

Bahrain’s revolution underway as the Day of Rage announced

Bahrain will be the next in line for a popular revolution. The youth have decided that 14th February would be “The Day of Rage” against the Al Khalifa hereditary dictatorship that has repeatedly failed to make use of the opportunities for a return to civil, pluralistic and representative rule.

Egyptian Intifada reveals Washington’s true Zionist colors

CAIRO, Feb 3, 2011 (Veterans Today) – Fed up with the political repression and economic malaise that have been central features of President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year-rule, the Egyptian people have hit the streets in the hundreds of thousands for the last ten days to demand Mubarak’s removal from power.

After a week of hemming and hawing, the Obama administration on Wednesday declared that Egypt’s transition to a new government “must begin now.” But many of the Egyptians at the forefront of the ongoing protests reject Washington’s stated support for political change, saying that the US — despite its democratic pretensions — has no real desire to see an end of the Israel-friendly regime in Cairo.

U.S. Chickens Come Home to Roost in Egypt

Barack Obama, like his predecessors, has supported Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to the tune of $1.3 billion annually, mostly in military aid. In return, Egypt minds U.S. interests in the Middle East, notably providing a buffer between Israel and the rest of the Arab world. Egypt collaborates with Israel to isolate Gaza with a punishing blockade, to the consternation of Arabs throughout the Middle East. The United States could not have fought its wars in Iraq without Egypt’s logistical support.

Now with a revolution against Mubarak by two million Egyptians, all bets are off about who will replace him and whether the successor government will be friendly to the United States.

Egypt orders mobile companies to send pro-govt text messages

Messages sent via Vodafone networks include a call to a protest on Wednesday in Mostafa Mahmoud square to support President Hosni Mubarak.

Obama fights global warming by letting people freeze!

The rolling blackouts now being implemented in Texas and across the country as record cold weather grips the United States are a direct consequence of the Obama administration’s agenda to lay siege to the coal industry, launch a takeover of infrastructure under the contrived global warming scam, and help usher in the post-industrial collapse of America.

Fed's Bernanke to give rare press conference

AFP/Activist Post

WASHINGTON - The head of the US Federal Reserve will take questions from the press Thursday, a step that experts say is just short of revolutionary for the normally reserved central bank. Instead of delivering an ever-so-carefully manicured speech and then slipping off the dais to the echo of gentle applause, Chairman Ben Bernanke will, unusually, hang around for a few questions from the press before departing.

Egypt won't be 51st US state, we're no banana republic' - RT

Meet Asmaa Mahfouz and the vlog that Helped Spark the Revolution

Great moments in snow removal

With Chicago, New York, and Boston buried, they are trying the best they can to get the city out from under the thick blanket of snow, this well known satirical image of Al Gore using a flamethrower comes to mind....

Bernanke To Senator: Goldman Sachs Is NOT A State

Video - Bernanke testifies before Senate Banking - Jan. 07, 2011

A Senator asks Bernanke: "What would happen if California defaulted..."

News Analysis-Egyptian Revolution; 9th day-02-02-2011-(Part3) - Press TV


After Mubarak’s speech, many TV channels blocked and plain-cloth Egyptian security forces brutally attack demonstrators, killing 6 and injuring 1500


After once uniting to support regime change in Iraq through an American military invasion, neoconservatives are now divided as they face the prospect of a regime change in Egypt driven by popular internal forces out of America’s control.

Egyptian protesters got ran over by the system thugs

Video capturing a police vehicle in Cairo brutally running over protesters.

Rock-throwing battles rage on Tahrir Square on 2nd day of clashes - RT

Clashes continue in Cairo - Al Jazeera

PETA's latest Super Bowl disgrace

And now, capitalizing on the success of its hot 'n' bothered 2009 "Veggie Love" ad featuring that reliable porn standby of girls in panties and an array of vegetables, they're back with a creepy new "casting session" campaign. Purportedly revealing the behind-the-scenes making of "Veggie Love," this time it's bikini girls (and one incredibly dorky guy) going wild on an array of produce, accompanied by PETA's familiar tag line that "Vegetarians Have Better Sex." That may be true, but apparently they're having it with eggplants.

When Israel's protective net of tyranny tears

A machinery of repression depends not only on guns and torture in cellars. As the Soviet-bloc regimes proved, bureaucracy is central to the system. The same is true with us: Far from the barriers of transparency of a proper democratic society, Israel has created a complex and invisible bureaucracy that completely controls Palestinian freedom of movement, and hence freedom of employment, livelihood and studies, the freedom to fall in love and establish a family, to organize and other basic liberties.

Vodafone: Egypt forced us to send text messages

A text message received Sunday by an Associated Press reporter in Egypt appealed to the country's "honest and loyal men to confront the traitors and criminals and protect our people and honor." The sender is identified only as "Vodafone."

Vodafone Group PLC said in a statement that the texts had been scripted by Egyptian authorities. The company said authorities had invoked emergency rules to draft the messages, whose content it said it had no ability to change.

Silver City, New Mexico, United States ten degrees (usually fifty this time of year)

What other dictators does the U.S. support?

There are now reports of anti-American sentiment among the Egyptian protesters, who are angry about U.S. support for Hosni Mubarak over the years and about the Obama administration's hesitance to throw its full support behind the movement. A powerful symbol has emerged in tear gas canisters bearing "Made in the USA" labels that police have fired into the crowds. So this is a good moment to take a look at where else in the world American taxpayer dollars are helping to prop up dictatorships with poor human rights records. The below examples are the most controversial ones, though not a comprehensive accounting.

Webmaster's Commentary: Where peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is almost always inevitable. This is some thing those in the bowels of power in DC seem pathologically unable to fathom. And then when there is a massive, universal revolt against tyranny, those knitters of statescraft here in the US collectively shake their heads and say, "what the *&^&*^?!? We never saw that coming."

How About a Clean Break – with Israel?

Now I will be the first to admit that my narrative presented above reveals my own biases in that I am appalled at what Israel and its supporters have done to my country. But I have to believe that by any objective standard, the relationship with Israel does nothing good for the United States and does, instead, a great deal of damage. That leading policymakers are afraid to challenge the billions of dollars flowing to Tel Aviv while US senators line up to sign on to a letter that opposes their own country’s interests is a tragedy of epic proportions.

Marc Faber: "Bernanke Should Resign"

Video - Faber on Bloomberg TV - Jan. 25, 2011

Faber says the S&P will fall by 10%, and the market is being propped up entirely by the Bernanke money printing dollar bastardization and eradication plan.

Egypt crisis worst disaster since Iran's revolution

Without learning lessons from past, Obama gambles that anti-American Islamist government allied with Iran won’t emerge from the chaos.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Should such a scenario play out (which I severely doubt), the US has only itself to blame for having installed and supported a tinpot dictator for 30 years.

He's looted his country for personal gain, at the expense of the welfare of his people. As reported on on 2 February 2011 at:

"Experts say the wealth of the Mubarak family was built largely from military contracts during his days as an air force officer. He eventually diversified his investments through his family when he became president in 1981. The family's net worth ranges from $40 billion to $70 billion, by some estimates. "

"Amaney Jamal, a political science professor at Princeton, said those estimates are comparable with the vast wealth of leaders in other Gulf countries.

"The business ventures from his military and government service accumulated to his personal wealth," said Jamal. "There was a lot of corruption in this regime and stifling of public resources for personal gain."

Mubarak's government has systematically torture political prisoners.

And lastly, the Egyptian people are tired of a government which appears to be in lock-step approval of the brutality with which the Palestinian people have been treated by successions of Israeli governments, which Israel has brought down on its own head by never really wanting peace, but only territory. who has looted his country, and has been tone-deaf

Latest Round of Wikileaks Docs Hype Manufactured Terror

The corporate media today is chock full of stories about the latest round of supposed diplomatic documents purloined by a low level Army intelligence analyst. According to the documents, the CIA asset al-Qaeda has managed to acquire “workable and efficient” biological and chemical weapons and the West stands on the brink of a “nuclear 9/11.” It is said the documents detail a 2009 NATO meeting where security chiefs briefed member states that al-CIA-duh was readying “dirty radioactive IEDs” to be used against British troops in Afghanistan.

Corporate media sings praise for Assange and his disinfo campaign.

National Enquirer Fingers John Boehner for Extramarital Affair

Webmaster's Commentary:

Oh, gee, a member of congress screwing anything that breathes; what a shocking development that is.

I think Boehner is being shoved out of the speakership to let Israeli stooge Eric Cantor have that job.

Porn Over Ponzi at SEC?

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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