Thursday, February 24, 2011

WRH News stories for Thursday, February 24, 2011 Part 1

It's Not an Arab Revolution ... It's a GLOBAL Revolution

While the revolution in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and other North African countries may seem like an "Arab revolt", it's actually worldwide.

Protests involving thousands of protesters have recently been held in:

* Greece

* India

* North Korea

* China

* Halabja, Kut, Sulaimaniya and other Iraqi towns

The Push of Conscience and Secretary Clinton

The experience gave me personal confirmation of the impression that I had reluctantly drawn from watching her behavior and its consequences over the past decade. The incident was a kind of metaphor of the much worse violence that Secretary Clinton has coolly countenanced against others.

Again and again, Hillary Clinton – both as a U.S. senator and as Secretary of State – has demonstrated a nonchalant readiness to unleash the vast destructiveness of American military power. The charitable explanation, I suppose, is that she knows nothing of war from direct personal experience.

FLASHBACK - Libya seeking arms deals with Ukraine - Qaddafi

Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi said on Thursday his country was considering buying Ukrainian-made weaponry for defense purposes.

Qaddafi arrived in Kiev on Tuesday for talks with President Viktor Yushchenko and top government officials. The three-day state visit to the former Soviet republic is his first since the collapse of the U.S.S.R., and comes as the third leg of a tour that started in Moscow and continued in Minsk.

U.S., Pakistan military chiefs hold secret talks in Oman

Several of the most senior leaders of the U.S. military, the Afghanistan War, and the Pakistani armed forces held a daylong secret meeting Wednesday at a secluded luxury beach resort.

One U.S. official in attendance described the meeting as “very candid and cordial, and very productive discussions.”

“I was very grateful for General Kayani’s time and the opportunity to continue the dialogue and the relationship at this very critical time in the effort,” Mullen told reporters traveling with him.

Webmaster's Commentary: Translation: the US is desperately trying to get accused murderer Raymond Davis (allegedly attempting to get nuclear and biological weapons in the hands of "faux" terrorists to use in the US) out of Pakistan in a way which doesn't inflame the Pakistani public against the US any more than they already are now.

UPDATE: EU May Deploy Military In Libya For Evacuation -Official

-The European Union is preparing contingency plans for the use of military assets in Libya for humanitarian purposes or to evacuate its citizens, a senior European Union official said Thursday.

Officials had said earlier the EU was making contingency plans for some kind of military intervention. However the official later clarified that the planning was only for humanitarian or evacuation operations of the type the EU also performed in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.

Webmaster's Commentary: If one is bringing "military assets" to the table, such an alleged "humanitarian" project can morph very quickly into a combat military engagement, if that is truly the objective.

What Vikram Pandit Knew, and When He Knew It

Bloomberg's Jonathan Weil delivers bombshell evidence this morning that Citi CEO Vikram Pandit violated Sarbanes-Oxley and other securities regulations.

This is yet one more instance in which a few intrepid reporters and bloggers have more on the ball than the SEC, FINRA, and the Department of Justice combined.

Big Brother at Wyoming schools? Legislature considers filming teachers.

Teachers in Wyoming might someday have to add an extra step to their lesson plans: Smile for the camera.

State lawmakers have proposed installing video cameras and taping lessons to help evaluate teachers’ performance.

The occasional videotaped class has long been a tool for training and self-reflection. But the notion of tying recorded lessons to high-stakes evaluations raises a host of thorny issues.

Schools would have to consider who would be evaluating the taped lessons, what criteria they’d use, and how student and teacher privacy would be respected.

Foreclosures make up 26% of home sales

Of all home sold in the U.S. last year, 26 percent were foreclosures and short sales, according to a RealtyTrac report released on Thursday. That’s down slightly from 2009, but a jump compared to 2008.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder what the numbers are going to look like for foreclosures in 2011.

Newspaper: Ukrainian mercenaries flying Libya air force planes

Mercenary pilots from Ukraine are flying Libyan air force planes supporting the regime of embattled Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi, a major newspaper reported Thursday.

Stratfor, a private firm that does political analysis, reported on Tuesday that Ukrainian mercenaries piloted planes that had bombed hundreds of protesters near the Libyan capital Tripoli. A spokesman at Ukraine's embassy in Tripoli denied that report.

A Ukrainian aircraft repair and overhaul facility reportedly has provided maintenance support for Libyan air force aircraft since 2008.

Ukrainian military professionals fighting on other nations' behalf have landed the former Soviet republic in hot water repeatedly.

Webmaster's Commentary: IF these reports are true, and it is the Ukrainian military which is flying bombing runs on innocent Libyan protestors, this is a very black mark against the Ukrainian government.

Satellite images reveal 'uranium plant' in Syria

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel is so full of shit these days! That is an orchard to the right. Anyone wanna guess that the buildings Israel is claiming are a weapons plant is an agricultural processing facility? Remember when Israel claimed the Osirik Power station was a weapons factory(like Dimona) and bombed it, only to have post invasion inspections reveal it was just a power station? Arrows and labels on a photo of white blobs do not a compelling argument make, especially coming from the 21st Century's great war criminals! And note that the larger image is dated from 2008, and only now Israel is screaming it is a nuclear plant?

Stagflation 2011: Why It Is Here And Why It Is Going To Be Very Painful

Are you ready for an economy that has high inflation and high unemployment at the same time? Well, welcome to "Stagflation 2011". Stagflation exists when inflation and unemployment are both at high levels at the same time. Of course we all know about the high unemployment situation already. Gallup's daily tracking poll says that the U.S. unemployment rate has been hovering around 10 percent all year so far. But now thanks to rapidly rising food prices and the exploding price of oil, rampant inflation is being added to the equation. Normally inflation is a sign of increased economic activity, but when the basic commodities that we depend on to run our economy (such as oil) go up in price it actually causes a slowdown in economy activity.

Florida Sen. Rubio warns of U.S. debt 'death spiral

Florida’s biggest Republican star, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, returned to the state Capitol Wednesday to give a pep talk to the House Republican caucus and warn that the American dream is in danger of drowning in debt.

“The math is straightforward. The federal government this year, in order to operate, will have to borrow one-and-a-half trillion dollars. – trillion dollars,” Rubio said.

“Medicare and Social Security as they currently are structured, is unsustainable,” he said to applause. “They will bankrupt themselves and ultimately bankrupt our country.”

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to Florida Senator Rubio: the funding of these immoral and illegal wars without end make the Federal Government's finances "unsustainable".

And as for your wanting to throw whatever scraps of money still left in social security and medicare under the bus, I do have a modest proposal: euthanasia for everyone over 65 - WOW, I can just see the ad campaign now!

Can you imagine how wonderful that would be; that the Federal government would never have to keep its promises to the people from whose paychecks were deducted those sums for medicare and social security over all those years. Sorry, suckers: you lose!

What a magnificent "Soylent Green" moment for for you and your chums in Congress.

"Quick! Set up another fake terrorist we can wave at the poepe to remind them they really need our tyranny to stay safe!!!!"

Webmaster's Commentary:

If at first you don't succeed, lie lie again.

This is an obvious PR stunt to demonize Muslims before more Americans start supporting the revolutions against US puppet rulers across Africa and the Mideast.

Sent emails to himself filled with incriminating evidence? Does anyone at CIA understand how stupid that sounds?!?

Not since the magic explosion-proof passports of 9-11 has deception been this obvious.

Counsel for MERS calls Dan Pennell of Naked Capitalism - Says administration has to make MERS legal. READ what else he implies "Banks Will Walk away from loans of those who Stand Up and Sue"

The legal counsel for MERS called Daniel Pennell of Naked Capitalism yesterday. What Richard Anderson of MERS told him, is so typical of the big banks and what they believe will or will not happen! It shows they believe they are ABOVE the law and the White House will twist the laws to make MERS foreclosure FRAUD legal!

Webmaster's Commentary:

Nearly 20% of U.S. dams could COLLAPSE, says report

The U.S. could be set for a catastrophic flood in the near future after 4,400 of the country's dams were declared susceptible to failure.

Nearly 20 per cent of the nation’s 85,000 dams could give way and need to be repaired, according to the Association of State Dam Safety Officials.

However, with costs of repairs running into billions of dollars, a fix is unlikely any time soon considering the current economic climate.

US Sanctions Iranian Officials for Crushing Protests

State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley said the action shows the United States' commitment to Iranians seeking to exercise basic rights and solidarity with victims of torture and persecution, even though the sanctions might have limited affect.

"It’s a significant statement," said P.J. Crowley. "I can’t tell you how often they travel or what their level of personal riches are. All I can tell is that we have the authority to do this, and we have done this. And hopefully, it will complicate their lives."

Webmaster's Commentary:

One can almost taste the irony here; the US condemns the use of torture and persecution against Iranian demonstrators, while the US government itself has introduced, and under Obama's watch, institutionalized torture for prisoners of war in US captivity!


On the evening of February 22nd in NYC about 70 people from Adalah-NY, Jews Say No !, War Resistors League, Al-Awda-NY and several other organizations held a protest across the street from Carnegie Hall where the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) was about to perform. As concert goers arrived, many coming in limos wearing formal evening attire, sparkling in gems, and dripping in fur, they were noticeably astonished to see and hear the tumult going on across the street. They stopped on the curb to read the placards and hear the chants and songs. Some took photos.


Once the media blackout was lifted, select Israeli media outlets covered the story as a “drunken brawl turned bad.”

Did Israeli media sideline racist motives in killing of Arab youth in Jerusalem?


We at “”, wanted to let you know that we featured your blog in one of our recent articles on our own blog. (40 Best Blogs for Following the Middle East), is linked below and could be a fun way to share this announcement with your readers.


Either way, I hope you continue putting out great content through your blog. It has been a sincere pleasure to read.

Obama condemns Gaddafi's crackdown, sends Clinton for talks on Libya

Webmaster's Commentary: The US appears very much behind the proverbial 8 ball on these developments. And a short memo to President Obama; just as with Egypt, you cannot have this uprising in Libya both ways. Either you support the democracy/human rights movement here, or you support the butcher Gadaffi.

There is no middle ground here, Mr. President, as there will be no middle ground with future revolts in the region and beyond.

The Looming Economic Crisis, the Price of Oil, and Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve

The events in Libya, more out of fear and distorted trading on the exchanges have pushed the price of oil to levels that are threatening the economic recovery worldwide even though our market is amply supplied. Yet, importantly, because of the current schism in the price of oil (WTI vs Brent) we are in a position to do something about it.

We have a Strategic Petroleum Reserve holding some 750 million barrels of oil -- available to the nation in case of national emergency. The looming economic crises caused by the massive jump in oil prices must certainly be classified a national emergency.

Webmaster's Commentary: The fact that the US is still stuck on oil as a primary fuel in the 21st century is unacceptable. One has to wonder; had the 14 trillion dollars used to save the banks and Wall Street been poured into research, what we would have been able to come up with to make oil (and the wars fought to control it) a thing of the past?!?

Rand Paul "I Won't Vote To Go To War Unless I would Send My Kids There Or Go Myself"

Libya Protests: Gaddafi Forces Strike Back At Revolt Near Tripoli

Leader Moammar Gadhafi says al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden is behind the uprising in Libya and al-Qaida followers give young Libyans hallucinogenic pills in their coffee to get them to revolt.

Webmaster's Commentary: This is desperation on the cusp of madness, particularly Gadaffi's invoking "Osama bin dead for quite a while." But the Libyan people have gone too far to give up now. They are sensing that if they can hang on, this may well turn in their favor.

But one thing is certain: Libyans have absolutely let go of their fear of this man. And once the fear is gone, it is almost all over for the tyrant except what country will provide them a safe haven.

After what Gaddafi has done, there might well no country on planet earth which will accept him.


Thousands of people have protested the bill for nine straight days, with hundreds spending the night on the Capitol's hard marble floor as the debate was broadcast on monitors in the rotunda. Many still were sleeping when the deal to only debate 38 more amendments, for no more than 10 minutes each, was announced shortly after 6 a.m. The timing of the agreement means the vote could come as soon as noon Thursday.

"We will strongly make our points, but understand you are limiting the voice of the public as you do this," said Democratic state Rep. Mark Pocan of Madison. "You can't dictate democracy. You are limiting the people's voice with this agreement this morning."

Webmaster's Commentary: Should this legislation be passed, it will be a Pyrrhic victory for Governor Walker. One has to wonder if the next step on the part of state workers will be a general strike, and what steps Walker will take to counter this.


Webmaster's Commentary:

I posted this news clip for two reasons. The first is to underscore the fact that while the Wall Street bankers get richer, our children are going hungry. That alone is just cause for protests. But second, I am still being flooded with emails from a very obvious public relations campaign to demonize teachers which insist that teachers are paid way too much. (I know these losers are paid public relations shills because I did not hear a peep from any of them when the Wall Street CEOs announced their pay raises and bonuses.) And I just wanted to point out that 61% of teachers are using their own money to feed those children who come to their classes hungry every morning. So if you want to cut teachers' pay, you have to starve more children to do it.

Monsanto Shifts ALL Liability to Farmers

Farmers like genetically modified (GM) crops because they can plant them, spray them with herbicide and then there is very little maintenance until harvest. Farmers who plant Monsanto's GM crops probably don't realize what they bargain for when they sign the Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement contract. One farmer reportedly 'went crazy' when he discovered the scope of the contract because it transfers ALL liability to the farmer or grower.

Webmaster's Commentary: Unflipping believeable, but perfectly predictable ffrom this company.

Gov. Christie Brags About State Layoffs: ‘Unions Are Trying To Break The Middle Class’

Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), for instance, proposed a budget yesterday that holds property tax rebates for seniors hostage to benefit cuts for public employees: if public sector workers don’t agree to the cuts, property tax rebates don’t go out. And of course, Christie has rhetorically bashed teachers’ unions since he came into office, in order to score political points. During an appearance on MSNBC today, Christie actually bragged that his state leads the nation in terms of public sector layoffs, claiming that “unions are trying to break the middle class”:

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to New Jersey Governor Christie: it is not the unions attempting to break the middle class; it is the Federal government, having bailed out the banks and Wall Street to the tune of 14 trillions dollars, which is close to breaking the middle class.

Thinking people, particularly if you have kids, now might not be a bad time to investigate other countries which are taking better and smarter care of their finances and their people.

Through funding these illegal and immoral wars without end, the Federal government is about to collapse under the weight of the colossal debt it has created, which it can never pay back.

This nation is coming close to a tipping point which cannot be avoided.

Banks Boosts CEO Pay by 34% as Bailout Loans Go Unpaid

Brooklyn rabbi charged in sex abuse case

A prominent Brooklyn rabbi was charged yesterday with molesting a 12-year-old girl over three years, authorities said.

Nechemya Weberman, 52, of Williamsburg, pleaded innocent at his arraignment last night. Authorities said the shocking sex abuse, took place from 2007 until 2010.

Webmaster's Commentary: Posted for those who complain I only pick on the Catholics.

CIA contract agent Davis was caught supplying nuclear material to terrorists for false flag operations

Using the Bank - a 1947 Public Domain Film

This is one of the propaganda films I was talking about that were shown to students back when I was in grade school. It's purpose was to brainwash people into thinking that banks exist to serve the people and to prevent them from seeing the real machinery of legalized counterfeiting and imposed debt-slavery.

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." -- Henry Ford


Webmaster's Commentary:

With the stories about severed oil pipes, the revival of the already-debunked claim that Gaddafi ordered the Lockerbie bombing, and now this desperate attempt by Gaddafi to blame Osama bin Laden for the revolution in his country, it is clear that the PR stage is being set to sell America a direct military intervention in Libya.

The reason is obvious. Unlike Egypt, where CIA torturer Omar Suleiman was a ready US asset able to step in to hijack the revolution to suit US policies, the US lacks a significant player in the upper Libyan government. Libya could become a nation uninterested in cooperating with the US. So, a direct military intervention is no doubt being considered, and all they are looking for is a sales tool. So let us all remember that Osama bin Laden (aka CIA's Tim Osman) has been dead for 9 years.

Full devastating effects of Gulf oil disaster could take a decade to emerge, says scientist

The full extent of the damage caused by the BP oil disaster last April may not become apparent for at least another decade, says Samantha Joye, a professor in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Georgia. Contrary to claims made by BP's compensation fund that the Gulf will fully recover by 2012, Joye says that 2012 will more than likely mark the point at which some of the more serious Gulf damage begins to come to light.

AUSTERITY in America: Providence plans to pink slip all teachers

PROVIDENCE — The school district plans to send out dismissal notices to every one of its 1,926 teachers, an unprecedented move that has union leaders up in arms.

Bin Laden to blame for Libya’s revolt: Gaddafi

The Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has given an extraordinary interview by phone with Libyan state television blaming the revolt against his rule on al Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden.

Bin Laden, he said, was the real criminal.

Webmaster's Commentary:

We might chuckle and dismiss this pathetic spin as the product of a delusional mind, were it not for the fact that the US does not have an asset in the Libyan government ready to hijack the revolution to suit US purposes. So the probability is high for a direct US military intervention, and they are looking for any excuse the American people will buy into, including wagging the dead guy one more time!

German Politicians Under Fire for Criticizing Israel

A dispute is brewing in the German-Israeli Association over a fundamental question: How openly should German politicians be allowed to criticize the policies of the Jewish state?

Dirk Niebel, a member of Germany's pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP), isn't known for his reticence. But when it comes to criticizing Israel, Niebel, who spent a year living in a kibbutz as a young man, has always been cautious. As a sign of his solidarity, he became vice-president of the German-Israeli Association (DIG), a staunchly pro-Israeli group, in 2000. It was a close relationship, at least until last year.

Gaddafi blames unrest on "the toilet"

Webmaster's Commentary: Desperation on the cusp of madness!

Bernie Sanders: A Real Jaw Dropper At The Federal Reserve

Video - Senator Bernie Sanders with Dylan Ratigan

Video of a TSA Pat Down AFTER a Mother and Sons got OFF a Train in Savannah, Ga! What right do they have to do that?!

This is so mind boggling to me! I am still trying to figure out within WHAT law or right would the TSA have to pat down people AFTER they got OFF a train in Savannah, Ga.?

Where is the sense in patting down people when they have gotten to their destination?

But, more importantly what RIGHT OR LAW allows TSA to pat down people riding on trains?

“Use Live Ammunition”

On Saturday, February 19, 2011, Indiana Deputy Attorney General Jeff Cox brought his career to a screeching halt with the three words, “Use live ammunition,” published via Twitter for all to see.

Cox was referring to the massive protests happening in Wisconsin, but his words have more significance than a ripple in state politics. There are uprisings happening in several countries now, and live ammunition is being used. People are being killed in the streets for vocalizing discontent with their governments.

V for Victory...The Answer to 1984 is 1776

Welcome to

TrutherToys is dedicated to exposing the truth on many crucial topics using whatever methods possible including dark unorthodox humor. These toys are Photoshop concepts only and are not currently commercially available, but hopeful they will be someday soon.

Webmaster's Commentary:

That one sorta left of center.... I think I have one of those around here somewhere!

Phoenix Rally to Support The Freedom Movements in the Middle East

Government Infiltrates Terror Cells Time and Again ... But Fails to Stop Attacks

Webmaster's Commentary:

The obvious conclusion is that government infiltrates Terror Cells to CAUSE attacks! Like the situation unfolding in Pakistan where CIA contract agent Davis was discovered trying to give nuclear and biological weapons materials to terrorists.

Troubled banks rise to highest level in 18 years

The number of banks at risk of failing made up nearly 12 percent of all federally insured banks in the final three months of 2010, the highest level in 18 years.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said Wednesday that the number of banks on its confidential "problem" list rose to 884 in the October-December quarter, up from 860 in the previous quarter. Those are banks rated by examiners as having very low capital cushions against risk.

The first declaration of human rights in Ancient Persia

On this great event, Cyrus issued a declaration, inscribed on a clay barrel known as Cyrus’s inscription cylinder. It was discovered in 1879 by Hormoz Rassam in Babylon and today is kept in the British Museum. Many historians have reviewed it as the first declaration of human rights.

Saudi King rushes home; announces $10.7b new benefits

The steps include funding to offset high inflation and to aid young unemployed people and Saudi citizens studying abroad, as well the writing off some loans, media reports said.

The move comes as governments in the region scramble to deal with pro-democracy uprisings sparked by youth unemployment and political repression.

Webmaster's Commentary:


Israeli pipeline peril

Natural gas supplies shuttered by Egypt

Feds seek new ways to bypass encryption

Now, after keystroke-logging spyware has become commonplace, even being marketed to parents as a way to monitor kids' activities, there's less reason for secrecy. "There are times when the government tries to use keystroke loggers," Van Buren acknowledged.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If you are using a wireless keyboard and mouse, you are broadcasting everything you type to the outside world. With a sensitive enough antenna, the Feds can pick up those signals to see what you are typing, and also the electronic noise from your computer display, in order to reconstruct what you are seeing.


Hundreds of repossessed homes and idle cranes go for auction in Ireland

Apartments that until a few years ago sold for $205,000 in the Celtic Tiger economy are now on the market at discounts as low as $34,167 during Ireland's first ever mass auction of repossessed homes.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Take from the people to give to the bankers. How wonderful that whole European Central Bank thing worked out, right? Should have looked at what the Federal Reserve did to the US. I mean, in an honest money system, if one party loans money to another party, half the population should be in debt and the other half in profits. But look around. Everybody is in debt! The system is not in balance. Where did all that money go? The truth is, it never existed. We are all brainwashed into thinking that banks loan money their depositors put in. I remember seeing those propaganda films in grade school selling us that image of banking., But real banking does not work like that. Private Central Banks, whether the EU or the Fed, are licensed counterfeiters. They simply create the cash out of thin air, then loan it at full face value plus interest. Such a system is DESIGNED to plunge a nation into permanent and unpayable debt-slavery. And such an enslavement system is allowed to exist only with the connivance of the civil government willing to sell their citizens into such slavery in exchange for their thirty pieces of silver.

Just when Israel needs an excuse to pound Gaza, a missile arrives!

Webmaster's Commentary:

Note how a single missile in the headline magically transforms to multiple rockets in the body of the story. Did it reproduce in flight?

Pakistan's intelligence ready to split with CIA

Pakistan's ISI spy agency is ready to split with the CIA because of frustration over what it calls heavy-handed pressure and its anger over what it believes is a covert U.S. operation involving hundreds of contract spies, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press and interviews with U.S. and Pakistani officials.

Such a move could seriously damage the U.S war effort in Afghanistan, limit a program targeting al-Qaida insurgents along the Pakistan frontier, and restrict Washington's access to information in the nuclear-armed country.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Go ahead, ISI; blow the lid off the nuclear false flag Davis was trying to set up. I dare you!

OK, forget the global warming thing; the revolutions are caused by the arrival of the Messiah! (Honest!)

Webmaster's Commentary:

...the mentally unhinged are all crawling out the woodwork....

Thousands protest against high food prices in Delhi

Thousands of people have gathered in the Indian capital, Delhi, to take part in a rally to protest against rising food prices and unemployment.

Webmaster's Commentary: The global revolution is on the move!

Homeless man jailed for a week for begging in Belfast

A homeless man who admitted begging in Belfast has been jailed for a week after being unable to pay a fine.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." -- Jacques Anatole Francois

Petraeus and Lieberman sing the Arias of Hell.

Without even thinking about it, I can list, off the top of my head, more people than I could cover in a year of posting at this blog, maybe more, which are cold-blooded anti-life, bad serpents that get up in the morning thinking about what harm they can do that day and go to sleep reflecting on what they’ve done and visualizing what they may, or will do, on the following day. If I were to try to do that with people who are in the same relationship with good, I have to really concentrate to find very many at all. It’s because of the times, the coming… summing… up and the effect of the negative whirlpool in relationship to the positive whirlpool. People are being sucked away in one of two directions and we don’t collectively have the character of salmon.

U.S. Fears Tripoli May Deploy Gas As Chaos Mounts

The government of Col. Moammar Gadhafi hasn't destroyed significant stockpiles of mustard gas and other chemical-weapons agents, raising fears in Washington about what could happen to them—and whether they may be used—as Libya slides further into chaos.

Webmaster's Commentary:

You mean like the mustard gas and other chemical-weapons agents we were told Iraq had that justified the invasion, only then we found out there wasn't any? That stuff? And does the Libyan stuff have "Made in USA" printed on it like the gas deployed against the Egyptian people? Is THAT why DC is getting nervous about Gadhafi using it?

Offshoring American Jobs: An Ongoing Economic Catastrophe

We were told that we were entering a new economy that had nothing to do with manufacturing. The offshoring was part of the "maturation of our economy." And so we were handed a promissory note that read as follows:

"Dear American: We don't like unions or high-paying union jobs, so we're sending manufacturing jobs offshore. We're not going to support the communities that this will disastrously impact when all those jobs are lost. We're going to do little or nothing to retrain the individuals who have lost those jobs due to offshoring. But don't worry. The stock market will do better, and trickle-down theory tells us that someday, somehow, good jobs, different jobs, will come back to America.

Mr. Nobody"

Webmaster's Commentary:

The government took your jobs to make it easy for the banks to take your homes, to save themselves from going to prison for the mortgage-backed securities fraud!

Obama refused to stop the flow of American jobs to other countries

Larry Summers has helped destroy the American economy from both the financial end (Wall St. deregulation) and the trade end (read below and accompanying article). Is he in jail? Has he been deported? Forced to apply for work at McDonalds or Wal-Mart? No! He's back to being a Harvard economics professor.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In hindsight we know why Obama accelerated the job loss initiated by his predecessor. The only way to save the banks from collapsing under the losses from the forced repurchase of the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities was to take away Americans' high paying jobs to make it easy for the banks to confiscate their homes ... which is exactly what happened!


As cash left the nations financial system to cover the repurchase of the fraudulent mortgage backed securities, banks found their balance sheets slipping into the red. The banks were being driven into insolvency making good on the bad paper and this is what triggered the epidemic of fraudulent foreclosures. Banks needed real assets on their balance sheets as quickly as they could to get their balance in the black and their banks out of insolvency. So shortcuts were taken which became known as "foreclosuregate".

Optional Banner: WRH Exclusive

Army of Fake Social Media Friends to Promote Propaganda

Does a code of ethics still exist in Intelligence firms? Does it disappear behind closed doors, dirty deeds done in the dark and used against the American people who are supposed to be free to express themselves?

Darlene Storm PC World

It's recently been revealed that the U.S. government contracted HBGary Federal for the development of software which could create multiple fake social media profiles to manipulate and sway public opinion on controversial issues by promoting propaganda...

Obama Administration Pushing For A Global, $20 Billion Settlement To End Foreclosuregate

The Obama administration wants to push through a massive settlement over mortgage-servicing breakdowns that could force the nation's biggest lenders to shell out more than $20 billion in fines, or to at least fund the same amount in loan modifications for troubled borrowers, the WSJ reports.

The White House hopes such a deal would allow the foreclosure process to start ramping up again.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"The White House hopes such a deal would allow the foreclosure process to start ramping up again."
Do you get it yet? The US Government knew the mortgage system was in trouble all the way back in 2004. When the fraudulent mortgage-backed securities collapsed, and foreign banks demanded Wall Street start buying them back, Obama ACCELERATED the tax credits that encouraged American corporations to offshore jobs, then had the nerve to state that fears about job offshoring were "outdated" and we shouldn't worry our little heads about it.

So what is going on here?

Damon Silvers, a member of the independent Congressional Oversight Panel, put it like this.

"We are faced with a choice here.

"We can either have a rational resolution to the foreclosure crisis or we can preserve the capital structure of the banks. We can't do both.

Which shall we do?"

The choice has been made and it is obvious what the US Government policy is and continues to be. In order to protect the banks from collapsing under the losses resulting from the forced repurchase of the fraudulent mortgage backed securities, the US Government has taken away the high paying jobs of Americans, to make it easier for the banks to confiscate homes to put on the balance sheets. But the banks forgot this was supposed to be a clandestine wealth confiscation. The public were supposed to be bamboozled into thinking it was their own fault they were losing their homes to the banks, and it would have worked but for a shortcut called MERS, and a lot of reckless mistakes. That led to "Foreclosuregate."

So, the foreclosures have ground to a halt and Wall Street is crying that if Obama doesn't find some way to crank the wealth confiscation machine back up to rock and roll full-tilt boogie warp drive soon, the banks, unable to confiscate more homes for their balance sheets, will start failing in record numbers.

So Obama's solution is to slap the mortgage industry with a token fine that is really just a tiny fraction of the trillions stolen from the American people, declare the problem is solved, retroactively legalize the thefts so the banks cannot be sued, and let them go back to doing what they were doing before. Obama's agenda is clear from that line quoted from the original story. "The White House hopes such a deal would allow the foreclosure process to start ramping up again." Obama's priority is Wall Street, not Main Street. If Wall Street cannot go back to stealing your homes, the economy will fail. They are not even bothering to hide what they are doing! Obama is going to save Wall Street by making more Americans homeless!

Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators

Michael Hastings Rolling Stone

The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in "psychological operations" to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned – and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators...

'ME fights battle of true independence'

Press TV: Yesterday the United Nations Security Council held a meeting on Libya. What makes Libya so different from Egypt and Tunisia as well as Bahrain, Yemen etc. for the UN Security Council to be playing such a role?

Bakach : The fear here is, since the Western colonial powers do not have a viable political alternative to have a controlled transition of power like what happened in Egypt and Tunisia, the UN Security Council steps in to possibly create justification for a later intervention in the pretext of safeguarding oil interest, stability and so on. We know after all that the UN Security Council is no more than a convenient tool for the West to use as a fig leave to cover their imperial agenda. When it suits them, they use it. When they do not need it, they bypass it.

Gaza in Plain Language—Revisited. Honoring the March to Gaza. Now on March 4th, 2011

The Very Best video of what Israel did to Gaza on Operation Cast lead..
Honoring and inviting everyone to come to this global event.

Is the West Bank next?

If Binyamin Netanyahu's govenment, and its lobby in Washington, were rational they would be rushing to plan Israel's evacuation from the occupied territories, and encouraging the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

That is because they would understand that the Arab revolution will not stop at the gates of the West Bank, especially when it is the occupation that unites virtually all Arabs and Muslims in common fury.

Egypt 2011 Full Story

How Walker's Wisconsin Plan Allows For the Selling of Energy Assets With No Bids.

The fight in Wisconsin is over Governor Walker's 144-page Budget Repair Bill. The parts everyone is focusing on have to do with the right to collectively bargain being stripped from public sector unions (except for the unions that supported Walker running for Governor). Focusing on this misses a large part of what the bill would do.

The bill would allow for the selling of state-owned heating/cooling/power plants without bids and without concern for the legally-defined public interest.

First, the private banksters and their lackeys steal our money. Now, they're going for our assets on the cheap.

Virginia State Legislature Considers Alternative to Federal Reserve Notes

Offered January 12, 2011
Prefiled January 5, 2011

Establishing a joint subcommittee to study whether the Commonwealth should adopt a currency to serve as an alternative to the currency distributed by the Federal Reserve System in the event of a major breakdown of the Federal Reserve System.

WHEREAS, the present monetary and banking systems of the United States, centered around the Federal Reserve System, have come under ever-increasing strain during the last several years, and will be exposed to ever-increasing and predictably debilitating strain in the years to come; and

WHEREAS, many widely recognized experts predict the inevitable destruction of the Federal Reserve System’s currency through hyperinflation in the foreseeable future; and

WHEREAS, in the event of hyperinflation, depression, or other economic calamity related to the breakdown of the Federal Reserve System, for which the Commonwealth is not prepared, the Commonwealth’s governmental finances and Virginia’s private economy will be thrown into chaos, with gravely detrimental effects upon the lives, health, and property of Virginia’s citizens, and with consequences fatal to the preservation of good order throughout the Commonwealth; and...

Organ-transplant System Considering Rules That Would Benefit Younger, Healthier People - Think "Repo Men" the Film

"The nation’s organ-transplant network is considering giving younger, healthier people preference over older, sicker patients for the best kidneys. The new rules would do away with the current system of giving priority primarily to patients who have been on the waiting list longest, as part of the most comprehensive overhaul of the transplant system in 25 years."

Take the Post's title in stride. I think they mean choosing younger people to extend their lives for our debt based economy of workers, those enslaved from birth to fund the Federal Reserve system of banking with their lives. Why would they want to extend an older person's life who has no work value and is only going to take money from the social security system?


Muammar Gaddafi would often gloat that he is the "king of kings in North Africa" and "dean of Arab kings and presidents". Arab leaders were never too fond of him, because of his eccentric behavior, humoring him early into his regime, because he was a protege of Nasser.

Total War and the H word. Break the myth break the justification. Thus break the myth go to jail.

I assure you these videos are even shorter than the first one, they were rejected because of the CONTENT not their length.
go here watch the whole thing on Vimoe

Regardless of what one thinks about the H word, not allowing people to speak freely about it only adds suspicion to it.

LISTEN TO THE FAMOUS KOCH PRANK CALL: Listen As Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Thinks He's Talking To Billionaire David Koch

Complete transcript is included for those who can't watch youtube clips.

DEA to legalize marijuana only for ‘Big Pharma,’ NORML claims

Eric W. Dolan Raw Story

A Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) proposal to reclassify the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana as a Schedule III substance would allow pharmaceutical companies to market the drug while still penalizing common recreational use, according to marijuana law reform advocates...


This is our present multiple realities mess. And, it is going to take more than UN resolutions to bring everyone concerned into the same world. The key group here is not the Palestinian politicos nor even the American politicians. The key group is the Israelis. It is their ideologically driven reality that has to reconstructed.

Lawyer Accuses Nevada Supreme Court Of 'Predetermining' Foreclosure Cases In Favor Of Banks

Source - Las Vegas Review Journal

A lawyer accuses Nevada District Judge Donald Mosley and other judges, including the Nevada Supreme Court, of predetermining the outcome in foreclosure disputes in favor of lenders, according to court papers filed last week.

Patrick reaches out to unions

Compared with the standoff in Wisconsin, Massachusetts is a relative haven for organized labor, a fact underscored yesterday when Patrick showed up at a giant union rally on the steps of the State House and loudly protested Walker’s plan.

“I’m here to deliver one very simple message, which is we don’t need to attack public sector workers to make change for the people of the Commonwealth,’’ the governor told about 1,000 union workers on Beacon Street, as they waved signs, cheering and blocking traffic.

Patrick acknowledged that he has had a sometimes tense alliance with labor.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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