Sunday, February 13, 2011

WRH News stories for Saturday, February 12, 2011 Part 2


MERS and its partners made the decision to create and operate under a business model that was designed in large part to avoid the requirements of the traditional mortgage recording process. This Court does not accept the argument that because MERS may be involved with 50% of all residential mortgages in the country, that is reason enough for this Court to turn a blind eye to the fact that this process does not comply with the law.

Control and The love of money is behind the global catastrophe. The Usury story has got me labeled 'anti-Semitic' for ten years. This storyteller finally gets the truth across very well indeed.

Global Warming Fraud Continually Exposed!!!

Thirty two states are involved in unconstitutional alliances to implement global warming laws that directly affect energy production and transportation. Northeastern states are already engaged in a carbon trading scam and California’s plan is to permanently break its economy by imposing a cap-and-trade scheme and implementing outrageously invasive restrictions on individuals and businesses.

County Regulations

All American counties have ‘sustainability’ programs that limit land use, direct the educational system and and deploy technological techniques to monitor and control human activity.

Egypt Today, Thailand Tomorrow

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Egypt is still reeling in the midst of a foreign-backed color revolution. The protests led by International Crisis Group trustee Mohamed ElBaradei and his "National Front for Change," have been assembling their forces and building up an opposition for over a year. ElBaradei's April 6 Movement had actually been in the US in 2008 to attend the US State Department and corporate sponsored Alliance for Youth Movements inaugural summit, before beginning their campaign and protests for ElBaradei. There are also the independent labor unions, organized and supported by the US National Endowment for Democracy(NED) funded NGO, the Solidarity Center joining ElBaradei's calls for "change."...

"Less Than A 3 Percent Drop In Asset Values Could Wipe Out EVERY Bank On Wall Street" - Crisis Panel Says In Final Report

In case you missed this story from the FCIC report last week.

And if you were curious, this is why Congress pressured FASB last year to change the accounting rules so banks DON'T have to show losses anymore. You can look it up - It's called FASB 157.

On the wrong side of history: Obama’s wavering on Egypt

Uri Avnery argues that US President Barack Obama should have trusted his instinct and placed the US on the right side of history by supporting the people’s revolution in Egypt, rather than give in to the “small people” – politicians, generals, “security experts”, diplomats, pundits, lobbyists, business leaders and. the hugely powerful Israel lobby.

Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC -- Again

For the second year in a row, Ron Paul won the presidential straw poll at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, earning 30 percent of the vote.

Egyptian Protesters Did in 2 1/2 Weeks What the American Military Could Not Do in 9 Years of War ... Bring Democracy to the Middle East

I've previously noted that the Egyptian revolution shows that the us-versus-them narrative of the war on terror is false.

The events in Egypt also prove that democracy does not come from the barrel of a gun.

The fact that the Egyptian protesters have made more strides away from tyranny and towards democracy in 2 and 1/2 weeks than the American military has been able to do in 9 years if Afghanistan and 7 years in Iraq proves it.

Anti-Muslim brainwashing

Paul J. Balles looks at how key opinion formers in the United States, from the media to politicians, are brainwashing the public into anti-Muslim hysteria by labelling as “Muslim or Islamic extremists” anything or anyone who refuses to cow-tow to Israel, America or their stooges.

Lessons in Manliness from the Egyptian Revolution

If you’ve been watching the news, I’m sure you know that the Egyptian people have rocked the Middle East in their effort for self-rule and democracy. As I sit typing this, the newly appointed Vice President issued a statement of Hosni Mubarak’s resignation and his appointment of the Armed Forces Supreme Council to take power. It is the dawn of a new era. No delays, no lies, no half-solutions. We wanted our freedom. The temple of Corruption had to be toppled. No matter who supported it, be it the Army, thugs, the West, the East or even the planet Mars, the regime that has humiliated us and stole our rights and freedoms had to go. Period.

Something is Hidden in the Remote Places of the World.

Don’t ask me why or how, because I don’t know, but I think Pakistan is the powder keg or the goal. Something there is about Pakistan. It’s certainly not about terrorists. It certainly isn’t about intimidation and the killing of innocents, who don’t have two sticks to rub together much of the time. I suppose the argument can be made about threatening Russia and China, failing that, I don’t see what the tactical value is. You can’t hold on to these areas. They can’t hold on to Afghanistan and the parts of Pakistan that they are attacking are even harder to contain and there’s nothing and hardly anyone to contain there. There must be something more going on, only I can’t see it.

Giving voters the option of recalling all elected officials at any level of government

State Rep. John Bradley, D-Marion, has signed on to a bill that would give voters the option of recalling all elected officials at any level of government if they're not meeting expectations.

Bradley is a co-sponsor of House Bill 97, introduced by state Rep. Karen May, D-Highwood, which would allow voters to recall any elected official who has at least 18 months left on their term in office. The process would require at least 20 percent of all registered voters in the official's jurisdiction to sign a petition to get a recall question placed on the ballot. Petitions would need to be filed within 61 days of the next regularly scheduled election to be effective.

VIDEO - Algeria Is NEXT

Video and photos from today's protests in Algeria.

And a clip from demonstrations in Yemen is also included.

Ron Paul's Full Speech at CPAC 2011: The Brushfires of Freedom Are Burning!

This is Ron Paul's amazing speech at CPAC 2011

Ron Paul to U.S. Government: Stop Propping Up Dictators!

Ron Paul speaks with Wolf Blitzer on Egypt and the GOP nomination during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Protests rock Algeria and Yemen

Summary: Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Algeria's capital and other main cities demanding the government's ouster, mirroring protests in fellow North African countries Egypt and Tunisia.

Emergency food convoys in Devon

Emergency food convoys in Devon
Published: 11 Feb 2011
A charity that normally helps starving orphans in Romania and Bulgaria is on a relief mercy mission in Okehampton after the town's two biggest employers closed.
People queued down the street outside a food distribution centre yesterday.
Local councillor Christine Marsh said: "This is a dire emergency. Families don't have any food or money to buy food."

Taliban strike at Kandahar police headquarters, killing 19

Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan —
A team of Taliban gunmen and bombers launched a brazen strike Saturday on the provincial police headquarters in the southern city of Kandahar, killing at least 19 people, injuring scores of others and demonstrating a continued ability to mount complex attacks in a metropolis that has been a principal focus of Western military efforts over the last year.

The chaotic battle killed at least 15 Afghan policemen, two Afghan army soldiers and two civilians, Kandahar's governor, Toryalai Wesa, told reporters. Civilians, including nine children, made up nearly half of the 49 injured. Four of the assailants were killed and one was captured, Wesa said.

Iraqi forces guard Green Zone from protest

BAGHDAD, Feb. 11 (UPI) -- Iraqi security forces stopped demonstrators from entering the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, sources said.

Waves of political unrest are sweeping across the Arab world in the wake of the revolution in Tunisia and the ongoing demonstrations in Egypt, which were largely peaceful Friday.

Protesters in Baghdad told the Voices of Iraq news agency that they wanted more jobs, improved social services and a less corrupt government. Many Iraqis are without jobs and electricity more than seven years after the U.S.-led invasion.

Algeria shuts down internet and Facebook as protest mounts

Internet providers were shut down and Facebook accounts deleted across Algeria on Saturday as thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators were arrested in violent street demonstrations.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Cairo proved that internet shut downs will not work, and just piss the people off.

Bolivian President Evo Morales flees town ahead of speech after angry miners throw dynamite in protest at food shortages

Bolivian President Evo Morales has abruptly abandoned a mining town after protesters angered by rising prices booed him and set off dynamite.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The revolt goes global!

Its all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. It's just exactly what every American needs to know about the power of the central bank."

Egypt uprising weakens ailing Saudi king

The already-ailing Saudi Arabian King's health condition has reportedly deteriorated seriously due to his efforts to prevent the ouster of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Egypt army vows to respect treaties

One day after the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, Egypt's military authorities have said that they will respect all international treaties.

Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces says Cairo will remain committed to all its regional and international treaties.

Experts have interpreted this as Cairo implying its peace treaty with Israel will remain intact.

This "revolution" was a waste of time, if these people can't get out from under the yolk of these "treaties"

Port Officer Says Nukes Have Been Found In Or Near San Diego

Al Hallor, the assistant port director and an officer with Customs and Border Protection has openly admitted that an unnamed government agency has found a nuclear weapon or weapon of mass effect at a U.S. port in the last year!

That’s right, an assistant port director has spilled the beans on a possible major government cover up.

During the conversation the port authority press agent continually interrupted the officer in an attempt to get him to shut up.

Now revolution takes hold in Algeria: Hundreds arrested as '30,000' riot police try to quell democracy march inspired by downfall of Hosni Mubarak

* Estimated police figures outnumber demonstrators by three to one
* Human rights activist says more than 400 arrested
* Government cuts food prices and promises end of state of emergency to mollify demonstrators

Thousands of riot police arrested hundreds of demonstrators in the Algerian capital today as they tried to stop a banned pro-democracy rally a day after Egypt's authoritarian leader was toppled.

Armed police blocked off streets in Algiers and set up security barricades at strategic points along the march route and outside the city to try to stop busloads of demonstrators from reaching the capital.

Armed police were also posted near newspaper headquarters.

ONE LOVE: We are ALL Egyptians Now!

As the dawn breaks over a new Egypt, the former protesters, now proud citizens of a burgeoning democratic Egypt are collectively cleaning up Tahrir Square and getting ready to begin the amazing and determined task to build a government for the people and by the people.

The revolution continues after Mubarak’s fall

The PA’s leaders are as dead to the just cause and aspirations for liberation of the Palestinian people for which so much has been sacrificed, as Mubarak was to the Egyptian people’s rights and hopes. No wonder the PA relies more and more on the thuggery and police state tactics so reminiscent of Mubarak and Ben Ali.

How the Lincoln Myth Was Hatched

Anyone who has read The Real Lincoln (or scanned the "King Lincoln Archive" at would not be surprised at all to hear that Lincoln was hated and reviled by most of the "great men" (and the Northern masses) of his time. As Tagg hesitantly admits in his Introduction, Lincoln was widely criticized in the North as a "bloody tyrant" and a "dictator" for his "arbitrary arrests, the suspension of habeas corpus, and the suppression of newspapers . .

How Should We Deal With Egypt? Do Nothing!

The only policy move we should have with Egypt is recognizing the new government the Egyptian people decide to have. The only policy and public statement that should only be declared is the new Egyptian government is a sovereign nation free to make treaties,trade and form alliances.We have no business getting into their internal affairs in how they govern. If they decide to have an Islamic republic or a secular government. That is none of our business.The right of the people of Egypt to self govern as they see fit is not our affair to stick our nose into.

Not So Honest Abe's Birthday Today

President Lincoln love him or hate him. His actions has set the precedent for a all too powerful Federal government that is way out of control we have to today. I hope over time the people who get the whole story about President Lincoln and not the white washed version we were taught all these years.

VIDEO - CBO Chief Testifying To Congress That "Obamacare Will Kill 800,000 Jobs"

Video - CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf before Congress - Feb. 10, 2011

Clip runs 1 minute - Transcript is included

Lingering Military "Widows' Tax" Angers Wives

WASHINGTON - Tens of thousands of the nation's war widows find it perplexing and downright disrespectful to their late military husbands: In order to fully collect on insurance their husbands bought for them when alive, they must marry another man.

And to qualify, the widows must remarry when they are 57 or older. Those who remarry earlier miss out, as do widows who never remarry.

At the heart of the issue is a government policy known as the "widows' tax." It says a military spouse whose loved one dies from a service-related cause can't collect both survivor's benefits and the full annuity benefits from insurance the couple bought from the Defense Department at retirement. Instead, the amount of the annuity payment is reduced by the amount of the monthly survivor benefit.

Time after time, members of Congress have promised to help the 55,000 affected widows, but laws passed to help them have only created a more complicated system that's left many of them confused and angry.

VIDEO - The Revolution Will NOT Be Hannitized: Ron Paul Rocks The House At CPAC - Complete Speech

"The brushfires of freedom are burning..."

Video - Ron Paul at CPAC 2011 - Yesterday

C'mon, whom would you choose among Sarah Pailn, Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, and Dr. Ron Paul? It's really not a fair fight. And we almost forgot about TARP lover Mitt Romney and his insensitivity to 80-pound medical patients in wheelchairs (link provided in story). Paul destroyed Romney in last year's straw poll.

And the crowd goes wild. This is an awesome speech.

Quote of the Week: BBC’s ugliest moment yet

Hat tip to several readers who have pointed out Michael Buerk’s comments on the BBC Radio 4 show, the Moral Maze:

“not long ago, to question multiculturalism…risked being branded racist and pushed into the loathesome corner with paedophiles and climate change deniers“

I will not respond in kind to this kind of thing. It looks to me like a calculated attempt to provoke a violent reaction. What it really does is to show that Buerk and the BBC are devoid of any integrity. They condemn themselves out of their own mouths.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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