Sunday, January 16, 2011

WRH News stories for Sunday, January 16, 2011 Part 2

hang cousin nim-nim mâ

I hope you have good speakers!

Hu calls currency system 'product of the past'

Breitbart China's President Hu Jintao said Sunday the international currency system was "a product of the past," but it would be a long time before the yuan is accepted as an international currency...

Strong Indications of Gold & Silver Shortages

Since reaching new highs at the end of 2010 gold and silver have been sold off, and the selling has been particularly intense in the last few days. The news on the economy is almost exclusively bullish for the precious metals. From the price action one might be falsely led to believe that investment demand for the precious metals is waning. On the contrary the data analysis I will show in this article reveals strong indications of growing shortages and furthermore that the gold and silver markets are approaching “tipping points” that will lead to an acceleration of price appreciation.

Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?

Grocery Stores Begin To Close in Southern California

EPA Mandated Home Inspections has Begun in the Keystone State.Here Comes the Green Police?

This is why state and local elections are more important than the Federal. We need people at our local state elected post to have the government function within its means and not be out looking for handouts from Washington DC. Who will keep the Feds out. The reason why the EPA mandates home inspections is because some politician sold out for a Federal grant. Now the People of Pennsylvania now will have to pay the price because they failed to look at who they really voted in on the local level. Now their rights have been sold out in the name of a Federal grant because of their apathy.

Food Riots 2011 – Here We Go

The stunningly violent food riots in Tunisia and Algeria show just how quickly things can change. Just a few months ago, these two northern Africa nations were considered to be very stable, very peaceful and without any major problems. But now protesters are openly squaring off with police in the streets. Many of the protesters are throwing “fire bombs” or are shooting fireworks at the authorities, and the police are responding with a tremendous amount of violence themselves. In Algeria, several protesters have been killed by police and several others have actually set themselves on fire to protest the economic conditions.

RTR: Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Political Syndicate

Who is Rahm Emanuel? How did he get into politics? The Emanuel family; just how powerful are they? What influence do they have on lobbying, and power politics? His workings with the Chicago Democratic Machine, how did he get started, is there a shady past he is trying to hide? Is Rahm being blackmailed because of his past with Obama on Chicago's North Side? The Blago trial; why was he and others never questioned about Obama, Valerie Jarret, and Jesse Jackson Jr. What role did he play in the attempt to bring the Olympics to Chicago? What is the connection to key players in Chicago and Washington DC winding up dead? Are there secret video tapes waiting to surface? If he is Mayor, what will the city of Chicago look like? Could he become another Rudy Giuliani? In this exclusive Special Investigation the Reality Report goes deep and digs up the dirt that no Chicago media outlet would dare to report. This is a must see expose for anyone who has questions about Rahm Emanuel but just didn't know who to ask.

Ex-dictator 'Baby Doc' returns to Haiti

Ousted strongman Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier returned to Haiti on Sunday after some 25 years in exile as the country wrestled with a post-election crisis.

Webmaster's Commentary: A massive quake, a US invasion, Cholera, and now the US puppet tyrant returns. Those poor Haitians!

BUSTED: Robert Khuzami SEC Enforcement Chief

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s internal watchdog is reviewing an allegation that Robert Khuzami, the agency’s top enforcement official, gave preferential treatment to Citigroup Inc. executives in the agency’s $75 million settlement with the firm in July.

Do NOT skip this story...the bankster corruption never ends... Details inside...

Fed Officials Led By Greenspan Saw Housing Bubble In 2005, Didn't Alter Policy - Newly Released FOMC Minutes Show

“It was a major mistake by Greenspan,” said Goodfriend, who attended some of the meetings as a policy adviser to the Richmond Fed. “It gave markets a sense that the Fed was on top of everything to a degree that wasn’t the case.

Too bad it took 5 years for the FOMC minutes to be released - So much for Fed transparency... Click for more details...

Latest From Ron Paul: "We Are STILL In The Dark On So Much Of What The Fed Has Done..." - VIDEO

Video - The latest Texas Straight Talk from Dr. Ron Paul - Jan. 10, 2011

"The problems the Fed was originally created to solve now look miniscule compared to the problems it has created."

"Forcing the entire country to use a medium of exchange that is subject to the whims of elite bankers and their cronies on Wall Street is not sanity." Inside, I also put together a huge collection of Ron Paul - Bernanke clips from congressional testimony through the years. There are some excellent moments. Transcript is included - Runs just 3 minutes

Police recommend charges against RCMP officer after arrest caught on video

An outside police force recommended an assault charge Sunday against a British Columbia RCMP officer after a violent arrest that was caught on tape, announcing the decision about an hour before several hundred people rallied against "police brutality" in Kelowna.

The video showing a Mountie kicking Buddy Tavares in the face during an arrest on Jan. 7 in Kelowna has been fuelling anti-police sentiment in the city, prompting about 300 people to march from a local park to the RCMP detachment Sunday afternoon.

Fiddling (With It's P.R. Campaign) While Rome Burns

With everything from the financial crisis to the Gulf oil spill, the government didn't actually help so much as launch a campaign to convince Americans that things aren't really that bad!

Is Tunisia a Zionist coup to take full control of the oil, gas of Algeria, Libya

Tunisia may be the first nation to be overthrown with Wikileaks playing an active part, this time in support of Israel, the CIA and a group claiming to be Al Qaeda.

Webmaster's Commentary:

There is a lot of contradictory information being floated regarding events in Tunisia, but in the end, this is a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation. If this is another Israeli/US overthrow, like the failed attempt in Iran last year, then Israel and the US are once again the bad guys screwing around with other peoples' nations. If the Tunisian revolt is the genuine expression of an outraged people, then the US still loses because the world sees this as a continuation of the momentum started by Iceland and Europe towards a global rejection of the US/Israeli financial system.

Israeli PM: Tunisia reflects regional instability

Israel's prime minister said Sunday that the unrest in Tunisia over the weekend shows why Israel must be cautious as it pursues peace with the Palestinians.

Is Prime Minister Putin Russia's Modern Day Andrew Jackson?

As an American. I may sound like I am pro Russian.I am not and that is not the point.I am an American who loves his republic.I also love the Russian people and the country. There are great people to have as friends. I just do not have that false sense of superiority that is being sold about America.There is nothing proud about being in illegal wars for Israel plundering other nations resources. I love my country. But I have to face facts too and swallow the hard truth of reality if we are going to find our way back. That is the only way we can fix what is broken. What the Russian leader did is what our leaders should be doing and are not. Our leadership is beholden to the bankers and no longer following the will of the people.

Flashback: 9/11 investigation spawns whistleblower movement

9/11 investigation spawns whistleblower movement
By Chris Strohm September 13, 2004
"The silent recommendation of the 9/11 commission really is: end the silence," he said. "Secrecy enforced by repression is a severe threat to national security because it sustains bureaucratic negligence that leaves us vulnerable to tragedies."
He acknowledged, however, that many whistleblowers are ostracized or lose their jobs. "If 2002 was the year of the whistleblower, 2004 is the year of the gag," he said.

Lead 100 Ounce Silver Bars

In Late September, 2010 we received our first of several reports of some suspicious Engelhard 100oz silver bars. They were underweight, and it at first appeared that they were real Engelhard bars that were shaved (where someone would cut off a small amount from the sides of the bar).

However, upon receiving a sample, it turned out not to be made of silver, and is most likely lead.

Webmaster's Commentary: I think we may have discovered how COMEX and J. P. Morgan escaped their naked short positions!

Iraqi soldier shoots dead US troops

The incident is at least the second time in four months that US troops have come under fire from Iraqi soldiers in the north of the country. On September 7, two US soldiers were killed and nine others wounded

Gunfire reported in Tunisia cities

Tunisian authorities are struggling to restore order and stop surging violence while politicians seek to cobble together a unity government, in the wake of the toppling of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's government.

A gun battle erupted on Sunday around the presidential palace in Carthage on the Mediterranean shore, while in the capital, Tunis, at least two major firefights erutped - one close to the central bank building, the other near the headquarters of the main opposition party, the Progressive Democratic Party (PDP). In a statement, the PDP said that police and military stopped a car carrying of armed men, who it described as foreigners, after which shots were fired.


Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivers a speech on Al-Manar TV to tackle the recent developments in Lebanon and draw a picture of the course of events “because it is the right of all the Lebanese to know and because facts can always uncover the schemes being prepared for our country.”

Jim Rogers: "The World Doesn't Have Enough Trees For Bernanke To Print His Way Out Of The Problem, Gold Could Exceed $2,000" (VIDEO)

Video - Jim Rogers with Maria Bartiromo from last Fall... Bernanke takedown. Jimmy starts out hot. "They can't quintuple the national debt, again."

Daily Bell Interview: Ellen Brown on the Efficiencies of the State and the Progress of Her Public Banking Vision

Daily Bell: For those new to this subject, what is Web of Debt's main thesis?

Ellen Brown: The thesis is that the power to create money has been usurped by a private international banking cartel, which issues our money as debt and lends it back to us at interest. The cartel makes it appear that governments are creating our money, and governments get blamed when things go wrong; but they are actually just pawns of the cartel. We the people can get back our government and our republic only by reclaiming the power to create our own money. We can use the same credit system that private banks use, but administered as a public utility, monitored and overseen by public servants on the model of libraries and courts. To be a sustainable system, profits need to be returned to the community rather than siphoned off into private coffers.

Could The Federal Reserve Go Broke?

Could the U.S. central bank go broke?

(Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve's journey to the outer limits of monetary policy is raising concerns about how hard it will be to withdraw trillions of dollars in stimulus from the banking system when the time is right.

While that day seems distant now, some economists and market analysts have even begun pondering the unthinkable: could the vaunted Fed, the world's most powerful central bank, become insolvent?

Click to

Tunesia: German , Swedish and French mercenaries arrested

Tunisia, Masked Special Forces & The Muslim Brotherhood

People in Tunis have reported groups "prowling through neighbourhoods setting fire to buildings and attacking people and property." Witnesses have spoken to Al Jazeera about "masked special forces" and "foreign militias." In an interview with Al Jazeera, caretaker president Mohamed Ghannouchi said that "Gangs are indulging in looting, wreaking havoc and destruction and spreading fear among citizens." Tunisia, under Ben Ali, was prosperous. Tunisia boasts a GDP per capita of roughly $8,000, among the highest in Africa, and education levels that outrank much of the developing world.

Israel’s Orthodox Rabbis: ‘Palestinians to the Ovens!’

Back in the days of the Shoah, one of the slogans of the Jew haters was: "Jews to the Ovens." Now, it causes me anguish to say, we have Israeli Orthodox rabbis saying the same about the Palestinians.

Webmaster's Commentary: After all the murders and abuses of Jews during the 3rd Reich,one would have imagined the the children and grandchildren of those survivors who established Israel would become the poster children for moral behavior, social justice, and human rights.

Sadly, the situation in contemporary Israel has morphed into absolutely the opposite direction. Even Bishop Desmond Tutu, the very brilliant freedom fighter from South Africa, has characterized the Israeli state as "apartheid" in its nature; and if anyone knows about anything about "apartheid", it surely is Bishop Tutu!

Fallujah: City of no children

It was recently reported that doctors had advised women in Fallujah not to give birth. There are many medical reasons for infertility which might shatter the dreams of a young woman. It is not difficult to imagine how heartbreaking it must be for a woman who is advised that she can never bear children. But for the young women of an entire city – tens of thousands of them – to be advised not to give birth, how can one imagine such collective pain? But perhaps it does not matter – one life is a tragedy, a million a statistic?

Webmaster's Commentary: Your tax dollars at work in Fallujah and Basra, folks.

China To Send Troops to N Korea: Report

China and North Korea are reportedly discussing details of a plan allowing Chinese army forces to be deployed in the communist country for the first time in about two decades. Citing an anonymous official at the presidential Blue House, the South Korean Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported on Saturday that the troops “would protect Chinese port facilities” in the Rason special economic zone near the Sea of Japan (East Sea).

Video: IDF fires live ammunition at civilians in Nabi Saleh

The village was sealed by the army at all entrances at 09h00. Once the demonstration began marching to the confiscated land of the village at 12h30, the army simply opened fire on the unarmed demonstrators. One activist who was present on the ground said that "from that moment forward there were always 50-60 soldiers in the village; patrolling and taking over houses."

Webmaster's Commentary: Welcome to 21st century Israel; a wretchedly apartheid, self-proclaimed theocracy with nukes!

JPM Conference Call - Jamie Dimon On Mortgage Putbacks: "It’s Going To Be A Long Ugly Mess; We Will Be Talking About This Every Quarter For The Next Three Years"

I found this gem buried within JP Morgan's conference call Friday...

Click for more details...There's MUCH more to this story...

Preparing for War with Russia? Washington To Rearm Georgia For New Conflicts

Recent reports in the Russian news media have detailed plans by the U.S. to provide the Mikheil Saakashvili government in Georgia with tens of millions of dollars worth of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. The Russian government's Itar-Tass news agency and Voice of Russia have confirmed the arms package with officials from the Russian special services and the Joint Staff of the armed forces.

Webmaster's Commentary: Forgive me again, those of you in the bowels of power in DC, but...why have you approved the sale of "...tens of millions of dollars worth of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons" to Georgia, while we have homeless Vets sleeping in our streets and our infrastructure is crumbling?!?

This demonstrates, unequivocally, a very powerful, almost pathological, disconnect between your actions, and the real needs and concerns of We the People. Is it any wonder, with decisions like this, that many ordinary, hard working citizens have come to the inevitable conclusion that the Congress, Administration, and Pentagon have collectively turned their backs on the very people they are supposed to represent and protect?!?!?

What If The Wall Street PIGS Gorged On A Record $144 Billion In Bonuses And No One Noticed - Must See Video

This is how the rest of the world sees the Wall Street bailout. This is a brilliant clip.

The US-Israeli coup in Beirut

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton preemptively torpedoed negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Syria by telling "Saudi King Abdullah and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri that the U.S. would reject any settlement at the expense of the UN tribunal." (Tehran Times) Clinton knew that the Saudi-Syria team was close to a "breakthrough" that would have resolved contentious issues related to the investigation of the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. She could not allow that to happen because it would derail the US/Israeli plan for regime change and another Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Webmaster's Commentary: Hizbullah is supported by both Iran and Syria. Syria and Iran do have a mutual defense pact.

This may well be Israel's ploy; to attack Lebanon, have Hizbullah counter-attack, bring in Syria and Iran, and then the US has to strike Iran and Syria due to our defense treaties with Israel. However, there is one issue that seems to get no real coverage in Israeli or US news outlets, and that is the following: Russia and China may well join the fray on the side of Iran, and both countries, and both countries are nuclear armed.

Chicago man pleads guilty in Israel-American tax fraud ring

A Chicago man who authorities say led an Israeli-American crime ring specializing in tax fraud and money laundering has pleaded guilty to conspiracy and mail fraud charges. The Chicago Tribune reports that 64-year-old Marvin Berkowitz entered the plea Friday as part of an agreement weeks before his trial was to begin in federal court in Chicago.

Prosecutors say Berkowitz stole the identities of dead people and federal prisoners to file for tax refunds in 28 states. He fled to Jerusalem to avoid charges in a 2003 tax fraud case and was arrested there in August 2009 in operation codenamed "American Pie."

Prosecutors say the scam was worth about $54 million. Berkowitz's son, David Berkowitz of Hollywood, Calif., has already pleaded guilty. Charges are pending against two other relatives.

South Sudan ends independence vote, awaits statehood

South Sudan's polling centers closed their doors on Saturday after a week-long vote on independence from the north that could end a vicious cycle of civil war with the creation of the world's newest state. Former President Jimmy Carter, leading a mission observing the vote, said turnout could reach 90 percent and that it seemed likely the south had voted for independence.

Webmaster's Commentary: One would hope that peace here will bring the kind of developmentwhich will give back to the South Sudanese people, creating a better quality of life for them.

J&J Recalls More Medicines From Pennsylvania Plant

Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest maker of health-care products, expanded its recall of over-the-counter drugs made at a shuttered Pennsylvania plant after records showed equipment wasn’t cleaned properly.

The recall affects Tylenol 8-Hour, Arthritis and upper respiratory products, as well as lots of Benadryl, Sudafed PE and Sinutab products distributed in the U.S., Brazil and the Caribbean, New Brunswick, New Jersey-based J&J said today in a statement. Some lots of Rolaids Multi-Symptom berry-flavored tablets were also recalled because of incorrect labeling.

---Comment---This story stinks. Medicinal production plants sighted for cleanliness violations are fined, not recalled. What is the real story here? - kdtroxel

Major chunk of funds for poor spent on security

The major chunk of funds earmarked for the poor has been consumed on improvement of law and order situation in the country during the first quarter (July-September) of the ongoing fiscal year 2010-11.

According to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) expenditure summary report released by the Finance Ministry on Saturday, the government had spent Rs 34.526 billion to improve the law and order situation, showing an increase of Rs 29.463 billion or 17.18 percent during the same period of FY 2009-10.

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to the Zardari government: the poor cannot eat bullets or rifles. They need food, transparency in government, education, health care, and something approximating hope for the future. Without these things for people who have nothing left to lose, there is only a point up to where repression works, and after that, repression makes insurgency look attractive. If peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is ultimately inevitable.

Latest In-Depth Tree Ring Analysis Refutes The Infamous Mann/IPCC 'Hockey Stick'

The IPCC and Climategate scientists, such as Michael Mann, teamed up to rid the world of the Medieval Warming Period and the Little Ice Age in an effort to convince the world's politicians and mainstream press that the modern warming was "unprecedented." Literally, Mann and his colleges presented a temperature history that had erased the warming and cooling extremes prior to the modern era.

The result of that effort was two fold: one, the infamous 'hockey stick' portrayal of historical temperatures as being a time of little temperature variation was blatantly contrary to known history and evidence; and two, the recognition by other scientists and a minority of the public that climate science had become the complete victim of the governing elites' political agenda.

FBI Issues Death Threat in U.S. Citizen Interrogation

An FBI agent reportedly issued a death threat against a U.S. citizen traveling abroad, according to the January 13 New York Times. The American, 19-year-old Gulet Mohamed, also alleges beatings and sleep deprivation in his interrogations since his arrest by Kuwaiti authorities in late December.

After he was detained by Kuwaiti authorities, "Mr. Mohamed said the agents began yelling the name 'Anwar al-Awlaki' at him," the Times reported, "prompting Kuwaiti officials to intervene and request that the agents end the interrogation." New Mexico-born Anwar al-Awlaki is an American citizen and Islamic cleric who has emigrated to Yemen and advocated jihad against America, and President Obama has reputedly put him on an assassination list of U.S. citizens for when he is found.

Webmaster's Commentary: This institutionalization of extrajudicial assassination is a moral cliff this Administration seems perfectly comfortable jumping off.

But what it means, now, practically, is that any citizen of the US, for simply having a peaceful, reasoned, difference of opinion with the leadership of this country (and I do have many peaceful, reasoned, differences of opinion from that of the leadership of this country) can potentially now be put on a hit list, by Presidential directive, and simply "disappear", wind up in a trash bin, blow up in a garage, or die in a small plane crash.

Old News but worth remembering: Bill Moyers: Israeli Commandos on U.S. Soil during Katrina

Try moving the slider to a little past the halfway point if you don't have timing displayed on your player

Climate change no longer scares Europe

The fight against the delusion of dangerous man-made global warming remains an uphill struggle. For decades, the climate debate has been obfuscated by cherry-picking, spin-doctoring and scaremongering by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other climate alarmists, including the environmental movement and mainstream media. Their massive campaign to overstate the threat of man-made warming has left its imprint on public opinion.

William Connolley, now “climate topic banned” at Wikipedia

In a vote of 7-0, The most prolific climate revisionist editor ever at Wikipedia, with over 5400 article revisions has been banned from making any edits about climate related articles for six months. Webmaster's Commentary:

William Connolley (or associates using his login credentials) altered and in some cases deleted entirely articles that challenged the orthodoxy of human-caused global warming. Typical examples were editing articles on the Roman and Medieval warm periods to downplay the positive benefits warmer temperatures had, and any articles that suggested increased CO2 would result in faster plant growth and more food for a starving world.

People are still wondering why there is so much political power behind this push to sell global warming. More than mere money is at stake, as seen by the fact that the warmistas were able to wrangle both a Nobel Peace prize and an Oscar for a "documentary" ruled by the British Courts as containing numerous lies and misrepresentations.

Beyond the money to be made from a carbon bubble, the push for a global government and for the implementation of Agenda 21 itself rests on the public being convinced their present lifestyles are a threat to the planet, in order to persuade the people to accept a reduced standard of living so that the Wall Street barons can upgrade to $250,000 wrist watches and $500 hamburgers.

If the dire prediction of global warming fizzles, as it clearly has after three harsh winters in a row, the credibility of the other doomsday claims craters right alongside it, and Agenda 21 / Global Government stands revealed for what they are; just another world power grab by sociopathic money-addicts intent on standing atop pyramids built to there everlasting glory and screaming, "I am the king of the world! Gaze on my works ye mighty and despair!".

Peace Now at Tel Aviv rally: Lieberman threat greater than Iran

Thousands of activists from left-wing movements and human rights organizations marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday in protest of the Knesset's decision to set up a committee of inquiry to probe the funding sources of leftist groups.

The protest march, under the headline "Demonstration (since it's still possible) for democracy", left from Tel Aviv's Meir Park toward the plaza in front of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, where a rally took place in which Knesset members from Kadima, Meretz, and Hadash as well as officials from Peace Now and human rights groups delivered speeches.

Webmaster's Commentary: It is remarkable to me that the Israeli on-line press consistently describes human rights/peace groups as "leftists".Peace and human rights, as moral values to be accomplished, are neither "left" nor "right"!

Zardari’s mysterious meetings with Obama, CIA chief

The meeting between President Barack Obama and President Asif Ali Zardari has taken place without a formal agenda and no official brief account of the bilateral ties was readily available to the visiting president that could help him in the talks.

The Foreign Office was kept in dark about the meeting. President Zardari spoke to the four political leaders on phone about his trip just before his departure for the United States, but without dropping any hint about the one-to-one scheduled encounter with the US president.

This he did because he could claim that he took the political leadership into confidence about the meetings. Webmaster's Commentary: Pakistan is imploding, largely due to corruption, poverty, and of course the actions its military has been forced to take, due to US pressure. Zardari's future is uncertain, and Pakistan has a history of military coups.

One has to wonder just what Zardari has promised Obama, and how much more the Pakistani government, and military, are going to be paid to continue to look the other way while US drones continue killing innocent Pakistanis.


It is written in the Old Testament that if the mother of a child is Jewish, so is the child. That has been the premise of ‘who’s a Jew’ for centuries. New interpretations devised by those involved in Jewish Satanic thinking have asserted that a Jewish woman is forbidden to conceive a child with the sperm of a Gentile (especially an Arab).

This has gotten much press coverage in Israel as part of the general racist attitudes towards Arabs as viewed by the right wing rabbinical ‘lawmakers’ of the day. This latest round of Talmudic jibberish was covered on this blog in the following post BELOW THE BELT RACISM ~~ NON-KOSHER SPERM.


NO ….. I don’t mean Jonathan Pollard! I’m talking about Jonathan Pollak, one of the first (Jewish) victims of Israeli fascism. Riding a bike through the streets of Tel Aviv in protest against the atrocities being committed in Gaza is the ‘crime’ he is guilty of…. see BIKE RIDE AGAINST GAZA WAR ENDS IN PRISON.


It may surprise people to know that Palestinians read Dr. King’s words and call his name and study the American civil rights movement, among other histories of other peoples, for ways to bring to the attention of the world the fact that little by little, their land is disappearing along with their rights. The center of this effort now is in small West Bank villages like Ni’lin and Bil’in, where non-violent demonstrations have taken place weekly — for years. Yet these non-violent demonstrations of civilians are met with Israeli armed might.

"The Fed No Longer Even Denies that the Purpose of Its Latest Blast of Bond Purchases ... Is To Drive Up Wall Street"

So the Fed Chairman seems non-plussed that Treasury yields have shot up and that the mortgage rates and car loan rates have done likewise, even though he said this back in early November in his op-ed piece in the Washington Post, regarding the need for lower long-term yields: “For example, lower mortgage rates will make housing more affordable and allow more homeowners to refinance. Lower corporate bond rates will encourage investment.”

But the Fed Chairman is at least getting what he wants in the equity market. Recall what he said back then — “higher stock prices will boost consumer wealth and help increase confidence, which can also spur spending. Increased spending will lead to higher incomes and profits that, in a virtuous circle, will further support economic expansion.”

Wall Street's Secret Society Elects New Members

This weekend a tight-lipped group of power brokers elected two new members into Kappa Beta Phi, Wall Street's secret society founded in 1929, Bloomberg reported. The organization, dubbed "Wall Street's Frat" by the WSJ elected Barclays M&A chief Paul Parker and Leon Black, a senior managing director at buyout firm the Apollo Group, in a posh ceremony at Manhattan's St. Regis Hotel.

Gates: US Needs Troops in Japan ‘Long-Term’ to Target China, North Korea

In a speech today at Keio University in Tokyo, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates insisted the US needed to keep its 47,000 troops in Japan “long-term” and that the presence is “more necessary, more relevant and more important than ever.”

In the end, the claims of grave threats that warrant such a presence ring extremely hollow. China is an ally, and economic ties ensure that far more than the threat of US attacks. North Korea, on the other hand, is teetering on the brink of collapse, with South Korea openly talking about annexation. Neither seems a major “threat” to either the US or Japan.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder about the timing of this rhetoric on the part of Sec Def Gates, in light of the fact that Hu Jintao is visiting Washington on a series of issues regarding trade and economy next week. Also, apparently Sec State Clinton made remarks denigrating China's human rights record in the wake of the jailing of dissident Liu Xiabo, who won the Nobel Prize. Both of these, put together, do not augur well for any substantive progress with China on any of the issues to be discussed next week.

Israel's right-wing future

Lawrence Davidson analyses the growth of fascism in Israel, arguing that this process "did not begin ... with 1967 and the taking of the occupied territories. It did not even begin in 1917 and the Balfour Declaration. It began with the very inception of Zionism."

China’s military leaps forward to catch up with US

China is sending a strong message to the US and countries in the region that China’s military modernisation is unstoppable, and China is determined to become this region’s dominant actor

BY quietly building up its stash of high-tech weaponry, China is threatening US military supremacy in the Pacific, worrying its neighbours and contributing to a renewed arms race in Asia, analysts say.

Just days before Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to Washington and as US Defence Secretary Robert Gates was in Beijing this week to patch up frayed defence ties, China’s military sent its first stealth fighter into the skies.

Webmaster's Commentary: One can hardly blame China for beefing up its offensive capabilities, in light of the actions of the US in the Pacific and beyond in the last decade. It's been interesting to compare and contrast how China has been going about securing its energy requirements with the way the US has gone about it. China has been playing "let's make a deal", working with other countries in developing oil and natural gas reserves; the US has been waging war to achieve its goals in this area.

It is therefore absolutely no accident that the Chinese government is flush with cash, while the US government is flat-out broke, with a deficit of around 14 trillion dollars from its borrowing to sustain these wars.

Riots spread as global food shortage worsens

The food riots began in Algeria more than a week ago, and they are going to spread. During the last global food shortage, in 2008, there was serious rioting in Mexico, Indonesia and Egypt. We may expect to see that again, only more widespread.

Most people in these countries live in a cash economy and a large proportion live in cities. They buy their food, they don't grow it. That makes them vulnerable, because they have to eat almost as much as people in rich countries do but their incomes are much lower.

The poor, urban multitudes in these countries (including China and India) spend up to half of their entire income on food, compared with only about 10 per cent in rich countries.

Webmaster's Commentary: Logical people in this country are growing what they can, and are learning about preserving what they have grown; they are also, particularly when they go to the "big box" stores, picking up drygoods and staples, rotating their shelves and stock, and making sure that they have enough to sustain them should there be some disruption which interrupts deliveries of food. This is not being "chicken little"; this is being prudent.

Elected Officials Flunk Constitution Quiz

When the Republican House leadership decided to start the 112th Congress with a reading of the U.S. Constitution, the decision raised complaints in some quarters that it was little more than a political stunt. The New York Times even called it a "presumptuous and self-righteous act."

That might be true, if you could be sure that elected officials actually know something about the Constitution. But it turns out that many don't. In fact, elected officials tend to know even less about key provisions of the Constitution than the general public.

Webmaster's Commentary: "What do you mean they have a right to freedom of speech? here the fuck does it say that?!?" -- Official White Horse Souse

Obama urges Americans to stay united after AZ shooting

President Barack Obama urged Americans on Saturday to maintain the "spirit of common cause" that arose from grieving over the Arizona shootings and use it to solve the nation's problems.

Legislative work in Washington came to a halt this week while lawmakers and citizens from both parties mourned the victims of a gunman who went on a rampage in Arizona on January 8, killing six people and wounding 14, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Dear President Obama: It is very difficult to maintain any kind of a "common cause" with a Federal government which appears to have lost all common sense.

And please understand that in making this characterization, I am not being vitriolic; only logical and factual.

We are still mired in two wars which are both going spectacularly badly. Yet amazingly, some in the bowels of government in DC are considering a 3rd to deflect the very genuine anger many Americans are feeling at how badly the country is being managed, in terms of economic, foreign, and domestic policies

The Federal government has borrowed to the point where it is 14 trillion dollars in debt, and appears to be ready to raise the debt ceiling yet again.

Jobs that once allowed people to proudly own their own homes have been allowed to be outsourced, leaving people either underemployed, or homeless.

The use of food stamps has soared under these conditions, and the number of people living in poverty has steadily risen.

Banks have been allowed to foreclose illegally to have the properties on their books as assets because they have had to buy back the fraudulent mortgage backed securities.

The Fed has been allowed to do a second round of "quantitative easing", which only hits the American people as inflation, and drives down the value of any savings or investments they might have.

Sir, Americans are - legitimately - angry at the lack of "common cause" between the American people and our Federal legislature. Congress members appear to simply be "acquisitions" of the major corporations which (overtly and covertly) support their campaigns. So what we are left with, in this portion of the 21st century, is a process of "election" which has very little to do with the representation of the concerns and needs of the electorate.

This is why when legislation gets passed at the Federal level, it is almost always great for the corporations, and lousy for We the People. There appears to be a colossal disconnect between Congress, and what real people are dealing with in this country right now.

I would also like to point out that you - and far too many of your colleagues in Congress - have never had to make payroll, or make the morally and emotionally charged decision about laying someone off. Mr. President, this country is hurting big-time right now.
There are far too many unemployed;far too many homeless; far too many Vets coming home, wounded both physically and psychologically, with absolutely no support system for them. Unless you and Congress are intent on seeing the US collapse and balkanize (a potential result of the US defaulting its financial obligations), the "change" you promised in your campaign speeches had better start coming about, and very rapidly. Empty rhetoric cannot save this Republic.

Tenth Year of Torture: Guantanamo still violating Cuba's sovereignty

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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