Monday, January 17, 2011

WRH News stories for Monday, January 17, 2011 Part 1

FLASHBACK - "Isn't That The Shah's Flag?"

File Not Found: The Record Industry's Digital Storage Crisis

Last year, the Beggars Banquet label unearthed the multitrack master recordings of the Cult's classic 1985 album, Love, for a planned deluxe edition. The LP was an early digital recording, and to the label's shock, one master was unplayable; the other contained only 80 percent of the album. "That's the problem with digital," says Steve Webbon, head archivist of the Beggars Group. "When it goes, it's just blank. It's gone."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Babylonian clay tablets can still be read after 4000 years, but CD-ROMs from just 5 years ago erase themselves. Have we created a blank spot future historians will be unable to fill in?

Avi Shlaim on the Neoconservative Middle East War Agenda

The neocons maintained that it was the removal of not only Saddam, but most “non-democratic” regimes in the Middle East, which was necessary to bring about a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian issue. However, the “peace” the neocons had in mind was one dictated by Israel.

Fraud At The Heart Of The Social Security Trust Fund: It's Actually $76B In The Hole THIS YEAR After Being Pillaged By Congress For Decades

Analysis by Charles Hugh Smith

All claims that Social Security is "secure for decades" are based on bogus, fantasy estimates, as are claims that the Trust Fund is anything but a carefully contrived fraud of taxpayers and contributors...

Quick Read - Don't Skip This One


Indicated at left is the actual window of the rooming house from which the government maintains that James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King. A line has been drawn from the rooming house window back to the balcony on which the pointing witnesses were photographed. Note the end of the line near the fire extinguisher and the intersection of the line with the top of the pale blue door. Using the fire extinguisher and the top of the door as landmarks, a line is drawn on a detail of the photo taken just moment after the shooting, indicating the direction back to the window of the rooming house.

Optional Banner: WRH breaking

Martin Luther King assassinated by US government: MLK civil trial decision

*hyperlinks and 6-minute video to explain the trial evidence live at source*

Martin Luther King’s family and his attorney, William F. Pepper, won a civil trial that found US government agencies guilty in the wrongful death of Martin Luther King. The 1999 trial, King Family versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators, is the only trial ever conducted on the assassination of Dr. King. The King family’s attempts for a criminal trial were denied, as suspect James Ray’s recant of what he claimed was a false confession was denied.

For comparison, please consider the concentrated media coverage of O.J. Simpson’s trials.

The Martin Luther King Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis

According to a Memphis jury's verdict on December 8, 1999, in the wrongful death lawsuit of the King family versus Loyd Jowers "and other unknown co-conspirators," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a conspiracy that included agencies of his own government. Almost 32 years after King's murder at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis on April 4, 1968, a court extended the circle of responsibility for the assassination beyond the late scapegoat James Earl Ray to the United States government. I can hardly believe the fact that, apart from the courtroom participants, only Memphis TV reporter Wendell Stacy and I attended from beginning to end this historic three-and-one-half week trial.

Man Faces Charges for Defying TSA Agents

This man was initially charged because he wouldn’t SHOW his id. Isn’t this what we were so against when we went to war with Nazi Germany? This is arresting American Citizens because they wont show their id! A Seattle man’s trial in Albuquerque on charges of making trouble at an airport security checkpoint is getting attention from civil liberties groups all over the country. Phil Mocek was arrested at the Albuquerque Sunport in November of 2009 after he refused to show I.D. to TSA officers at the security checkpoint. Police say Mocek became disruptive. They arrested him and charged him with disorderly conduct, refusing to obey an officer, criminal trespassing, and concealing his identity.

How Much of Your Money Wasted on ‘Climate Change’? Try $10.6 Million a Day

This year, your government will spend in the neighborhood of $4 billion on global warming research, despite the fact that there has been no global warming since 1998, and despite all of the billions that have been spent so far yielding no conclusive evidence that using fossil fuels to make energy has any significant effect on Earth’s temperature.

Strange Days and Strange Dreams on the Frontier

I should add a disclaimer. I’m not the sort of person who seeks out astrologers or other predictive analysts (hey; a new title for an old job!). However, I’ve felt something coming in a large, pervasive and transformative sense these last several years and the astrologers just sort of showed up at the same time.

Bankruptcy Filings, by State

Webmaster's Commentary:

My email to the Star-Advertiser (which they will probably ignore again)

I hate to say I told you so, but indeed I did tell you so. The failure of the Hawaii State Government to stand up and defend our tourism against the abuses of the Transportation Safety Administration has brought down the state’s economy. Bankruptcies are up almost 30% over last year. Even the post 9-11 downturn was not that severe. Think about it. TSA has done more damage to Hawaii’s economy than 9-11!

TSA exists not to make anyone safer but to make money for the “Security Industrial Complex”, the latest bastard mutation of the “Military Industrial Complex” President Eisenhower warned us all about; a machine that serves no purpose other than to wave hobgoblins at us all, whether communists or terrorists, in order to make the purveyors of security systems rich, and the rest of us poor.

I did warn you. Repeatedly. So did Eisenhower.

Michael Rivero
Talk Radio, Peace Activism, & Visual FX during the slow season!
Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem

Riots spread as global food shortage worsens

The food riots began in Algeria more than a week ago, and they are going to spread. During the last global food shortage, in 2008, there was serious rioting in Mexico, Indonesia and Egypt. We may expect to see that again, only more widespread.

Webmaster's Commentary:

We have been hit with a double-whammy. As seen by he United States, in which Wall Street bankers chow down on $150 hamburgers while the homeless eat dead birds from the streets, the money-addicts are willing to starve the masses to satisfy their own gluttony. Second, the money addicts in Washington DC, eager to swindle us all out of carbon taxes, created a propaganda impression of mild winters, leaving farmers wholly unprepared for the killing cold even now destroying critical bumper crops.

Thanks a lot, money-addicts. You did a really great job of screwing the planet.

Must See Video - Fake Gold Bars In Fort Knox - Bob Chapman Implicates Robert Rubin & Larry Summers

The legendary investor Bob Chapman drops a Tungsten plated gold bomb, and it nails Rubin & Summers... Runs just 2 minutes...

J.P. Morgan Chase fucks our troops.

One of the nation's biggest banks — JP Morgan Chase — admits it has overcharged several thousand military families for their mortgages, including families of troops fighting in Afghanistan. The bank also tells NBC News that it improperly foreclosed on more than a dozen military families.

Webmaster's Commentary: Just when you think the bankers cannot sink any lower ...

The Entire Gold Paper Scheme Will Go Down Like a Controlled Demolition

SGTbull07’s most recent micro-documentary details the recent news that the CFTC has allowed large banks like JP Morgan to make bets in the gold and silver paper markets without limits. Eventually, that paper Ponzi, like all which have come before it, will collapse quickly and without warning:

Video: Testing For FAKE Gold With Ultrasound

Watch how a gold bar is tested and scanned with ultrasound.

And it's also happening with Fake Silver Bars

Interesting clip - Runs just 2 minutes

Hezbollah’s Nasrallah could be right

It’s not impossible that Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah was right when he described the tribunal investigating the assassination of Lebanon’s Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005 as “an American and Israeli tool”. Though I myself see Israel’s military and political leaders as those with most to gain - I mean thinking they have most to gain - from a successful attempt to pin the blame on Hezbollah.

The brutal truth about Tunisia

The end of the age of dictators in the Arab world? Certainly they are shaking in their boots across the Middle East, the well-heeled sheiks and emirs, and the kings, including one very old one in Saudi Arabia and a young one in Jordan, and presidents – another very old one in Egypt and a young one in Syria – because Tunisia wasn't meant to happen. Food price riots in Algeria, too, and demonstrations against price increases in Amman. Not to mention scores more dead in Tunisia, whose own despot sought refuge in Riyadh – exactly the same city to which a man called Idi Amin once fled.

If it can happen in the holiday destination Tunisia, it can happen anywhere, can't it?

Webmaster's Commentary:
... and not just the Arab world. Remember Iceland?

British undercover agent led attack on Irish police at rally

An undercover British agent encouraged protesters to attack Irish police officers at an EU summit in Dublin, the Guardian newspaper has reported.

Captain Israel- A Sickening Hasbara Magazine For Jewish Diaspora Youngsters

It has become pretty obvious that that Israelis and Zionists do not try to disguise their morbidity anymore. Zionism is clearly a threat to humanity and humanism. Airplanes and tanks, decorated with Jewish symbols, are consigned to spread death and carnage in the name of the Jewish people. Captain Israel, a kosher superman, is holding a Menorah torch. He is there to set the entire region on fire.

Weather Channel still pushing Carbonazi propaganda

(They even use bikinis to make sure you pay attention! )

Webmaster's Commentary:

See Met Office Pattern Matching Quiz

There is a non-published feedback button at the very bottom of the Weather Channel page where you may feel free to tell them they are full of shit.

Common antibiotics and blood pressure medication may result in hospitalization

Mixing commonly used antibiotics with common blood pressure medications may cause hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure) and induce shock in older patients, requiring hospitalization, according to a study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) (pre-embargo link only)

This study was conducted among Ontarians 66 years and older who were treated with a calcium-channel blocker (drugs often used to treat high blood pressure) between 1994 and 2009. The researchers then identified those who were hospitalized for low blood pressure and, in that group, whether or not a macrolide antibiotic had been prescribed shortly beforehand.

Webmaster's Commentary: Please, if you are on any medication, and your doctor puts you on an antibiotic, please ask that doctor to check that combination against the PDR (physician's desk reference) to see if there can be any side-effects from that combination. Remember: physicians generally only know about the drugs they prescribe from those very slick pamphlets they get from the drug company sales people, and next to nothing about nutrition.

Israel’s Orthodox Rabbis: ‘Palestinians to the Ovens!’

Thanks to Cicero for pointing me to a shocking passage in an Israeli Orthodox "family magazine," Fountains of Salvation, which suggests that Israel will create death camps for Palestinians in order to wipe them out like Amalek. The article attacks Israeli rabbis who dispute the letter recently circulated from pro-settler extremist rabbis which urged that no Israeli Jew rent apartments or homes to Israeli Palestinians. It chided them for being "politically correct" and refusing to do their jobs and educate the populace in the true path of Torah (which is presumably to hate Palestinians). The last paragraph (page 4 of the original) though is the whopper:

USA Today viciously libels all white Americans.

An article in USA Today claims that “both blacks and Hispanics were twice as likely as whites to have performed heroic deeds.” The source for the claim is a Philip Zimbardo, a professor emeritus at Stanford University.

Webmaster's Commentary: I do not recall a lot of blacks or Hispanics at Lexington and Concord.


On January 11, 2011 we made a post titled ‘In Defense of Uruknet’. This blog post was made in the hope of getting enough people to sign onto Uruknets group page on Facebook to apply pressure to reinstate Uruknet’s profile page, which had been deactivated/revoked by Facebook without notice that day. Today we are happy to tell you that Facebook has reinstated Uruknet’s profile page and has also apologized for the incident!

Israeli rabbis call for creation of 'death camps' for Palestinians

A magazine issued by religious Zionists in Israel called for the creation of 'death camps’ for Palestinians. In a report Saturday, Israeli news site Ynet brought to attention a weekly magazine, distributed in synagogues across Israel, which published a religious decree. The diktat, signed by major rabbis, called for the creation of such death camps, citing religious duty.

The magazine indicated that the creation of these camps would be the duty of all devote Jews.

Webmaster's Commentary: There should be no real shock in learning that the "religious" in Israel support this; after all, the State of Israel has had its own "Final Solution" for Palestinians in effect for years now, including

-not allowing sick Gazans to leave for treatment
-The starvation of Gazans through the siege
-The shooting down of peaceful protestors at the separation walls.
-The IDF doing nothing when settlers destroy Palestinian farmlands.
-The use of the separation fences to separate Palestinians from their farms
-The abduction and torture of Palestinian children
-The brisk Israeli expropriation of Palestinian homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem

It is truly sad, and bitterly ironic that Israelis, in general, have come to represent the face of one of the most wretchedly apartheid theocracies on the face of this earth.


We arrive in Yafa and go first to the sea. One friend has not seen it since she was a child – except as a reminder from the hills of Nablus on a clear day – and her eyes immediately fill with tears. She thanks me. I am speechless. The last thing I want at that moment is to be thanked for bringing a friend to her own land.


I think the empire’s hold on the Arab World has begun to unravel and I think we see in Tunisia the first spark of a revolution that will reshape the Arab world for the better and spell the end of repression.

The Worm in Iran's Nuclear Program: Made in Israel?

No one was laughing, however, at the report in Sunday's New York Times, a 2,800-word assessment of Israeli involvement in Stuxnet, the computer worm that wreaked havoc with Iran's nuclear program, sending centrifuges into wild gyrations that brought down perhaps 1,000 of the contraptions whose spinning enriches uranium that Israel fears will end up in atomic weapons that would be pointed its way. The newspaper said Israel, in cooperation with Washington, tested the worm on the exact same centrifuge model, known as P-1, that Israeli intelligence had set up at its own Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev Desert in the country's south. (Is the Mossad targeting Iran's scientists?)

Webmaster's Commentary: I suppose the possibility that sabotaging Iran's power station might trigger a Chernobyl-like radiation disaster across the Middle East is not a concern for Israel.

Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld accused of torture

The US-based human rights group stated that under the Constitution and international law, torture is strictly prohibited and commanders are obliged to act when they know or should have known of such abuses.

The ACLU argued that the 78-year-old Rumsfeld and other military officials were repeatedly notified of abuse and torture at detention facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan by the International Red Cross and other reports as well as complaints by human rights organizations, thus they are directly responsible for the abuses.

Webmaster's Commentary: Only when Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, et al, are tried in a court of law by a jury of their peers for the crime of torture will the US get its moral compass back, if ever.

In the words of the American poet Emily Dickinson, "I dwell in possibility!" :-)

10000 Foreclosures TOSSED OUT in ONE Ruling in Maryland - Fraud Notary!

The University of Maryland, stopped talking and took action to SUE GMAC and their foreclosures due to Robo Signing Notary! The judge TOSSED OUT ALL THE FORECLOSURES!

Peace Corps Gang Rape: Volunteer Says U.S. Agency Ignored Warnings

More than 1,000 young American women have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last decade while serving as Peace Corps volunteers in foreign countries, an ABC News 20/20 investigation has found.

Webmaster's Commentary: The "Piece" Corps?????

Prepping Minds for War Against China

This propaganda assault is multi-faceted, taking aim from all directions. Any China-related issue -- military, economic, and social -- is open for attack. For example, the head of the U.S. Department of Defense, Robert Gates, recently visited Asia and focused much of his trip talking about China as a "military threat.”

What is this threat? Gates answers that China has shown a "rapid buildup of military capability,” proven by its production of a "stealth fighter.” The U.S. media had a field day with this news, intending to sow terror in the psyche of the American public.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Please, folks, don't drink the koolaid on this issue; and trust me, this koolaid is fully loaded with strychnine!

China cannot be blamed for the US's economic woes; it is US governmental policies which have put the US economy in its current predicament.

As insane as it may sound, there are many in the bowels of power in DC who think this is a perfectly grand idea. They believe it will distract US citizens from the misery in which Federal governmental policies have placed them (it won't, really, but that is the justification).

The second reason is, the US government cannot possibly pay back the money it has borrowed from China to pursue its immoral and illegal wars without end, and they understand that US citizens are tapped out, with no more to give. Winning such a war means that the US won't have to pay China back.

The Rafik Hariri Assassination: Was Israel Involved?

All the conflicts rocking the Middle East today crystallize around the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). Peace hinges on it, and so does war. For some, the STL should bring about the dissolution of the Hezbollah, quell the Resistance and establish a Pax Americana. Others consider that the STL is flouting the law and subverting the truth to ensure the takeover of a new colonial order in the region.

Webmaster's Commentary: The US government loves the outcomes of "international law" when such is going to give the US what it wants, and not when it doesn't (such as various international lawsuits against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al for torture and war crimes).

Airport Security Molest Non-English Speaking Elderly Woman In A Wheelchair

Financial trends of the new American economy

Higher educated workforce with harder time finding and keeping jobs, median retirement account for Americans at $2,000, global stock market growth, and housing bust covering up inflation in other areas.

Mossad Zeros in on Tehran's Nuclear Program

An unexplained fire, disappearing scientists and attacks on prominent Iranian nuclear experts: The Israeli secret service Mossad seems to be waging a shadowy war on Tehran's nuclear program. Will it be enough to stop Iran's alleged drive to develop atomic weapons?

Webmaster's Commentary: Or, given that there is no evidence for a nuclear weapons program in Iran, might Israel's tinkering trigger a Chernobyl-like radiation disaster across the middle east for no good purpose at all?

Stuxnet attacks on Iran creating a backlash

For years the US has been stating that it does not know the origins of the Stuxnet virus, which has attacked companies throughout the world though 60% of cases have been in Iran. However there are new reports that the US had admitted to creating the virus. According to the New York Times, Israel and the US have duplicated the Iranian Nuclear reactor in Dimona, Israel and created viruses which have destroyed many though not all of Iranian centrifuges.

Webmaster's Commentary: Apparently, the US and Israel could care less if their tinkering with other people's nuclear power station causes a Chernobyl-like radiation disaster across the Middle East.

Bank earnings could give sector another boost

U.S. bank stocks are flying high, and this week's earnings could give investors more reason to be optimistic about the sector.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Unemployment: Still the same.

National Debt : On the rise.

Bank Customers: Paying more fee to banks charged to their accounts.

Bank bonuses for the greedy banksters: Way up.

Elected Officials Flunk Constitution Quiz

Elected officials at many levels of government, not just the federal government, swear an oath to "uphold and protect" the U.S. Constitution. But those elected officials who took the test scored an average 5 percentage points lower than the national average (49 percent vs. 54 percent), with ordinary citizens outscoring these elected officials on each constitutional question.

Speech Pathology: Rain Puddles in Heaven, Hellfire on Earth

As President Barack Obama consoled the nation Wednesday with talk of "rain puddles in heaven," his agents were murdering four more people in his illegal war in Pakistan. The incongruity was excruciating; you could almost feel your neck snapping from the moral whiplash induced by the contrast between word and deed.

Stuxnet virus attack: Russia warns of ‘Iranian Chernobyl'

Russian nuclear scientists are providing technical assistance to Iran's attempts activate the country's first nuclear power plant at the Gulf port. But they have raised serious concerns about the extensive damage caused to the plant's computer systems by the mysterious Stuxnet virus, which was discovered last year and is widely believed to have been the result of a sophisticated joint US-Israeli cyber attack.

According to Western intelligence reports, Russian scientists warned the Kremlin that they could be facing "another Chernobyl" if they were forced to comply with Iran's tight deadline to activate the complex this summer.

Webmaster's Commentary: One has to wonder if such an horrific accident was the design intent of the creators of this computer virus all along.

Hezbollah Blames US as Lebanon Appears Stalemated

Following US “outrage” at Hezbollah for withdrawing from the government, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah insisted that the US was responsible for the collapse, as they were the reason why Prime Minister Saad Hariri rejected a compromise deal.

Webmaster's Commentary: It is very interesting that both the US and Israel love the "internationalization" of the inquiry on the death of Rafiq Harari, by way of a UN tribunal, if it appears to get them what they want, and eschews any notion of international justice like kryptonite when it doesn't (like the Goldstone report).

And for US officials "...insisting that Hezbollah’s withdrawal from the coalition was a slight against the very concept of justice." is enough to make me just shake my head.

As reported on Feb 15, 2005 at:

"We can only conclude that there must be some kind of agreement between world nations that, even when it is patantly obvious, one nation will never expose the activities of anothers' intelligence agency. What other reason can there be for the fact that Iran and Syria were the only two countries to even hint at Israel as being behind the murder of Rafik Hariri on Valentine's day 2005?

Indeed, one of the strongest indications of an Israeli involvement in the murder of Hariri is the fact that not ONE mainstream news source is even mentioning the possibility of Israeli involvement, when it is painfully clear that Israel has the most to gain from his death."

Forget The Charade - Bernanke No Longer Denies That The Purpose Of QE2 Is To Drive Stock Prices Higher

Bernanke pulls a QE2 bait and switch...

Video: Counterfeit 100 Ounce Silver Bars

In Late September, 2010 we received our first of several reports of suspicious Engelhard 100oz silver bars. They were underweight, and it at first appeared that they were real Engelhard bars that were shaved (where someone would cut off a small amount from the sides of the bar). However, upon receiving a sample, it turned out not to be made of silver, and is most likely lead.

The Holocaust what censors won't allow you to discuss

House Armed Services Chair: Smaller Increases in Pentagon Budget ‘Dangerous’

Speaking today with “This Week in Defense News,” Rep. Buck McKeon (R – CA), the new House Armed Services Committee Chairman, slammed Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’ trivial cuts in the planned increases in the already record military budgets. But unlike many Republicans, who are worried about the record military spending and the spiraling deficit, the hawkish McKeon expressed anger that it was being cut at all, terming the move “drastic and dangerous.”

Rep. McKeon insisted that with the US still in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the “things that China’s doing” he wanted to keep the US on a “war footing” and fighting against any cuts in the increase of spending.

Webmaster's Commentary: Apparently, McKeon has received his marching orders from the DOD-related companies in his district which support him, and he is behaving accordingly.

2010 tied for 'hottest' year?! Relax, it is 'purely a political statement' -- Even NASA's Hansen admits it is 'not particularly important'

There they go again. The global warming establishment and the media are crowing about 2010 being in a tie for the “hottest year" ever. Everyone from Senator John Kerry to Joe Romm are screaming that this is “proof” the planet is burning up in a Co2 induced hell -- and it's your fault!

It is time for Climate Depot to do a point-by-point rebuttal to the latest round of temperature data nonsense. Let's begin:

Political earthquake in Israel as defense minister, Labor chief bolts party

Israel's Defense Minister and Labor Party Chairman Ehud Barak announced Monday morning that he decided to quit his lifelong political connection with the Labor Party, to create a new faction, the "Independence Party." Barak takes with him four other Labor parliament members, leaving the party with eight Knesset members. With the new Independence Party's five Knesset members, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition is still able to keep a majority in the parliament with 61 members.

Webmaster's Commentary: Although Netanyahu may still have a majority in the Knesset at the moment, but one has to wonder just how long it can hold.

Netanyahu: Tunisia turmoil shows instability of entire Mideast

The civil unrest which resulted in the ousting of Tunisia's long-time president displays an instability prevalent in the entire Middle East, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday, adding that the situation highlighted the need for security assurances in a future Mideast peace deal.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Before Netanyahu goes on a similar rant in public, would one of his assistants please hand him a map?!?

In fact, here you go, Mr. Prime Minister:

Because the last time I checked,
Tunisia is in Africa, not in the Middle East!

FDA System Approves Nonexistent Product from Nonexistent Company for Human Testing

The FDA farms out drug and medical device testing. It’s in the hands of the companies hoping to gain approval for their products, but they must first get approval before doing tests on humans. Even here, though, there’s a catch. The FDA doesn’t review the testing plans. That’s done by more for-profit companies, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). But it gets worse. The IRBs are paid by the companies hoping to gain FDA approval for their products. So, it’s a conflict of interest on top of a conflict of interest.


The precious metals paper ponzi will collapse suddenly and with little warning.

Sick Gulf Residents Beg Officials for Help

In an emotionally charged meeting this week sponsored by the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, fishermen, Gulf residents and community leaders vented their increasingly grave concerns about the widespread health issues brought on by the three-month-long disaster.

"Today I'm talking to you about my life," Cherri Foytlin told the two commissioners present at the Jan. 12 meeting. "My ethylbenzene levels are 2.5 times the 95th percentile, and there's a very good chance now that I won't get to see my grandbabies…What I'm asking you to do now, if possible, is to amend [your report]. Because we have got to get some health care."

Webmaster's Commentary: These people should not be having to beg for care: BP should be taking responsibility for the nightmare they created for these people by not having conformed to safe practices in their drilling procedures, and the US government should have been enforcing those procedures. It is both BP's - and the Federal Government's - responsibility to take care of these people, period, end of discussion.

These are real people suffering here, and should not be considered "expendable"; unfortunately, however, because no one wants to take responsibility for what happened here, they may just well be expendable to both the Federal Government and PB. In the perception of both, perhaps slow, painful, lingering deaths for Gulf workers and their families are infinitely preferable to corporate or governmental embarrassment.

Lebanon summons US ambassador

Lebanon's Foreign Ministry has summoned US Ambassador to Beirut Maura Connelly over interfering in the country's domestic affairs.

Lebanon is in a political standoff after Prime Minister Saad Hariri's government collapsed on Wednesday when 11 Hezbollah-affiliated ministers resigned in a dispute over the US-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). The STL is probing the assassination of former Lebanese Premier Rafiq Hariri in 2005. The US-sponsored tribunal is reportedly about to indict some Hezbollah members in the Hariri murder case -- an allegation which has been vehemently rejected by the Lebanese resistance movement.

Israeli settlement on annexed land nears approval

A plan to build 1,400 new homes for Jews on Israeli-annexed land in the West Bank could be approved as early as next week by Israel's Jerusalem municipality, a city council member said on Sunday.

EU Spying Scandal of 2003 Points to Mossad

Belgium’s Standing Intelligence Agencies Review Committee has in a fresh report out on Tuesday (11 January) revealed details of a 2003 EU bugging scandal and named Israeli secret services as a potential culprit. The report, completed in late 2010, is available on the committee’s website in Flemish and French.

Committee member Peter de Smet on Tuesday told EUobserver the report says that two people suspected of planting listening devices in the EU member states’ headquarters, the Justus Lipsius building, when it was constructed back in the mid-1990s had been trained by the Israeli telecommunications company Comverse, which has known links to the Mossad, the Israeli spy agency.

Venezuela Says Oil Reserves Surpass Saudi Arabia's

Venezuela has overtaken Saudi Arabia as the world leader in oil reserves with certified deposits leaping to 297 billion barrels at the end of 2010, President Hugo Chavez's government said Saturday. Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez told Reuters that the new reserves, which pushed the total 41 percent higher than the previous year, were booked in the South American OPEC member's vast Orinoco extra heavy crude belt. A jubilant Chavez told parliament that Venezuela's reserves now surpassed those of Saudi Arabia.

Webmaster's Commentary: "INVADE.....INVADE!!!" - official White House Souse.

Sea level may drop in 2010

Based on the most current data it appears that 2010 is going to show the largest drop in global sea level ever recorded in the modern era. Since many followers of global warming believe that the rate of sea level rise is increasing, a significant drop in the global sea level highlights serious flaws in the IPCC projections. The oceans are truly the best indicator of climate. The oceans drive the world’s weather patterns. A drop in the ocean levels in a year that is being cited as proof that the global warming has arrived shows that there is still much to learned. If the ocean levels dropped in 2010, then there is something very wrong with the IPCC projections.

US sends first ambassador to Syria since 2005 rift

Robert Ford, the first US ambassador to Syria since 2005, arrived Sunday in Damascus on a challenging mission to re-engage the two countries which disagree on a raft of important issues.

Washington wants Syria to drop its support for the Islamist Hamas movement which controls the Gaza Strip as well as for Hezbollah, and to distance itself from its long-time ally Iran.

Webmaster's Commentary:I do not envy Ambassador Ford; he has been put into a "Mission Impossible" situation by the US State Department, and - unlike in the film series - this mission most likely will be impossible.

I seriously doubt, particularly with the US/Israeli sponsored Special Tribunal for Lebanon about to smear Hizbullah for Rafiq Harari's death, that Syria's government will either pull away from Iran, or its support of Hizbullah at this moment. Remember: Iran and Syria have a mutual defense pact. Also, Ford will have utterly no luck in getting Israel to let go of the portion of the Golan Heights it captured in the 1967 war. In fact, Israel will use any unrest in Lebanon as their "justification" to reinvade Lebanon, and this time they will go all the way to the Litani River, because they so desperately need the water.

Met Office Pattern Matching Quiz

One of these press releases doesn’t fit with the others. Can you spot it?

Yoshi Blade - is this what the TSA is really worried about?

# Ceramic knife that’s guaranteed to stay sharp
# Won’t rust or pit
# Made of natural eco-friendly ceramic materials

Webmaster's Commentary:

I got my wife one of these knives, and before we get into the TSA's crapping their drawers over this, I want to point out that this knife is everything the ads say it is in terms of slicing, however there is a huge list of "don't"s that go with this knife. Don't put in the dishwasher, don't use on bones, don't use on hard cheese, don't cut on anything but wood or plastic chopping boards and do not use to twist or pry. It is ceramic (think of it as glass) and acts like it. The edge is very sharp, but the blade will shatter if mishandled. Overall, very useful as long as you follow the rules. Certainly worth the $20.

Now the bad news.

Yoshi blade costs just $20. Previous versions of ceramic cooking knives, such as those made by Kyocera, were costly, often hundreds of dollars for a single blade; clearly a rich man's cooking toy. Yoshi blades are the first mass-produced cost effective ceramic knives, available to anyone, and to the point, impossible to detect with a metal detector. With the handle removed, they are flat and easy to conceal. I think this is why the TSA is willing to give Americans (and their own workers) cancer with airport X-rays, why the body pat-downs are so intrusive, and why there is a rush to get X-ray scanners into bus stations, shopping malls, and most importantly, government buildings and courthouses. These knives are everywhere. They are a sign that modern technology is quickly outstripping the TSA's ability to detect potential weapons, and TSA is institutionally focused on means and methods to deal with the previous threat anyway.

But this intense focus on groping and 'cancerizing' Americans betrays a fact of life. The US Government is not afraid of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Deadforawhile. The US Government is terrified of you, the American people. They are trying to compensate for that fear by being a bully and trying to make you afraid of them, but I think when you look at the situation objectively, you see a government as afraid of their own people as, for example, the Icelandic government before their fall, or the Greek government today. The US Government is afraid of 300 million Americans, driven to the point of insanity by repression, understanding that the banks and government have created their starvation, homelessness, and privations, able to walk into banks, courts, government buildings, and tax offices, armed with ceramic knives that cannot be detected by current technology. So the checkpoints are going up, and therein lies the eventual doom of the government.

Tourism here in Hawaii sets the model. When you scan and grope people everywhere they go, soon they start moving. Eventually they cannot move. Travel, and more important commerce, grinds to a halt. People stop traveling, they stop shopping, they stop taking their money to the bank. It becomes much easier to delink from the system when the system becomes this abusive.

States with intense internal controls on their people cannot compete economically with nations whose governments trust their population. That was one reason the USSR was never able to compete with the USA of that era. It is why the USA of today is rapidly falling behind other nations.

That our leaders would gladly accept a decline in the nation's productivity in exchange for the illusion of protection from a cheap ceramic cooking knife underscores what I have been saying for some time. Money addicts, like any other type of addict, do not care what damage their addiction inflicts on others around them, or their community, or their nation. All they see is their addiction; the next puff, the next pill, the next snort, the next car, the next mansion, the next $130,000 wrist watch, the next $150 hamburger.

DHS and TSA are intentionally destroying this nation, because a nation under lock-down is a nation that cannot function, and cannot compete in a free world. The US Government has already lost. They are doomed, not from some mythical terror threat or from the American people, but by their own hand and their own greed and ineptitude. They simply refuse to see it. Addicts are like that.

Have patience. Time is on the side of the people.

The 2nd Amendment Has Been Made Clear

Anyone who needs it made plain need only go back in time.

"What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." (Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Dec. 20, 1787, in Papers of Jefferson, ed. Boyd et al.)

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined" (Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836)

Court Rules Government Can Keep Naked Body Scanner Images Secret

A federal judge has ruled that the Department of Homeland Security can keep images produced by x-ray body scanners out of the public domain, in a blow to privacy group The Electronic Privacy Information Center’ s (EPIC) efforts to release more than 2000 of the images that show intimate details of airport travelers’ bodies.

Medical research is a "damned lie."

Much of what medical researchers conclude in their studies is misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. So why are doctors—to a striking extent—still drawing upon misinformation in their everyday practice? Dr. John Ioannidis has spent his career challenging his peers by exposing their bad science. H Greek doctor (Harvard graduate) tells how medical research is a "damned lie." He says bad science is manipulated to skew data favorably toward drug manufacturers who fund the research. Up to half of all medical research is untrustworthy. The Atlantic

Australian govt is considering renaming 'climate change' to 'climate challenges'.

Australia: Government is considering re-naming 'climate change' (already changed from 'global warming') to 'climate challenges'. This is because most people no longer think that climate change is man-made, so the myth makers must find a more appealing phrase. [No matter how they sell it, at its core it is junk science leading to carbon tax.]
The Australian 2011 Jan 9

Inherent Autonomy: Protect Government Officials at all costs

SARTRE, Contributing Writer Activist Post

Much of the coverage, about the tragic killings in Tucson, Arizona centers upon the deranged shooter, Jared Loughner. What is gradually coming out about this strange gunman is now very different from the initial reporting...

The Logic of Imperial Insanity, Road to World War III

Andrew Gavin Marshall Global Research Defining the Imperial Stratagem

In the late 1990s Brzezinski wrote up the design for America’s imperial project in the 21st century in his book, “The Grand Chessboard.” He stated bluntly that, “it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America,” and then made clear the imperial nature of his strategy:

Dangerous loners hard to catch before they act

Eileen Sullivan Associated Press WASHINGTON – The gunman accused of trying to assassinate Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killing six others, Jared Lee Loughner, was not on any government watch list that might have warned someone not to sell him a gun or caused police to investigate his unstable behavior...

Man faces charges for defying TSA agents

KOB News 4 A Seattle man’s trial in Albuquerque on charges of making trouble at an airport security checkpoint is getting attention from civil liberties groups all over the country...

"Police Forces Should NOT Be Investigating Police Forces!" Police Brutality Protest Kelowna Canada


Human rights organizations have constantly condemned and exposed the brutality of the Ben Ali regime but that has not led America and European leaders to intervene or put pressure on the regime to stop the brutality./strong>

All News and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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