Saturday, January 1, 2011

WRH News stories for Saturday, January 1, 2011, Part 1

As frustration grows, airports consider ditching TSA

Every spring, private security officers at San Francisco International Airport compete in a workplace "March Madness"-style tournament for cash prizes, some as high as $1,500. The games: finding illegal items and explosives in carry-on bags; successfully picking locks on difficult-to-open luggage; and spotting a would-be terrorist (in this case Covenant Aviation Security's president, Gerald L. Berry) on security videos.

"The bonuses are pretty handsome," Berry said. "We have to be good - equal or better than the feds. So we work at it, and we incentivize."

Some of the nation's biggest airports are responding to recent public outrage over security screening by weighing whether they should hire private firms such as Covenant to replace the Transportation Security Administration. Sixteen airports, including San Francisco and Kansas City International Airport, have made the switch since 2002. One Orlando airport has approved the change but needs to select a contractor, and several others are seriously considering it. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, which governs Dulles International and Reagan National airports, is studying the option, spokeswoman Tara Hamilton said. For airports, the change isn't about money. At issue, airport managers and security experts say, is the unwieldy size and bureaucracy of the federal aviation security system. Private firms may be able to do the job more efficiently and with a personal touch, they argue.

63 Percent of Americans Oppose War In Afghanistan

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Opposition to the war in Afghanistan is at an all-time high, with 63 percent of the public now opposed to U.S. involvement there, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey. Just 35 percent of survey respondents say they still support U.S. involvement. The increase in opposition to U.S. involvement comes as pessimism about how the war is going is rising. According to a poll done Dec. 17-19, 56 percent of the public believes that "things are going badly for the U.S. in Afghanistan."

TEA PARTY: 52 percent favor, 45 percent oppose.

REPUBLICAN: 52 percent favor, 44 percent oppose.

CONSERVATIVE: 49 percent favor, 48 percent oppose.

DEMOCRAT: 24 percent favor, 74 percent oppose.

LIBERAL: 20 percent favor, 80 percent oppose.

INDEPENDENT: 35 percent favor, 63 percent oppose.

MODERATE: 32 percent favor, 66 percent oppose.

The New Orleans fire and the conditions of youth in America

"They were all amazing, beautiful, accomplished people," Audrey Bean, 19, told the local Times-Picayune. Her friend, Gwendolyn Faye, 19, said the group had turned the warehouse—which had no utilities—into a home, with beds and cooking facilities. Rachel Park, 27, said those who died were artists, welders, musicians; some had plans to open a bicycle collective.

The deadly blaze—the worst in New Orleans in almost four decades—was one of six such fires across the metropolitan area that night. It serves as a grim exposure of the worsening plight of the homeless, and of the desperate conditions facing young people in particular.

Webmaster's Commentary: Billions for Israel; billions for wars; and absolutely nothing left over for the American people. What's wrong with this picture?!? EVERYTHING.

Military Resistance 8L 17: Military Kid Drugged to Death

A psychiatrist at Fort Hood’s Darnall Army Medical Center prescribed the antidepressant Celexa. Daniel also saw a psychologist there. Doctors added to and changed Daniel’s drug regimen, but his problems grew worse, said his mother, Tricia Radenz. Daniel started cutting himself and once used his own blood to write “the end” on a bathroom wall at school. One day in band class, he began hallucinating and ran into the hall, where teachers found him crouched and hitting and scratching his face. On June 9, 2009, Daniel hanged himself from a bunk bed in his home.

Webmaster's Commentary: This never should have happened to this kid, or any other child of a military family.

Blind faith in the medical establishment is absolutely foolish, particularly in light of the fact that these medications are generally not prescribed for children.

If your child, or children of people you know and care about, are being prescribed these drugs, immediately ask about side effects, and if the prescribing physician is unwilling, or unable, to tell you, get yourself a PDF - physician's desk reference - which will inform you of the risks. Most generally, physicians only know what the drug salespeople's literature tell them.

"Talking therapy", intelligently coupled with a vetted nutritional approach , can be potentially far safer modalities of dealing with depression than most of the drugs out there.

TV Crew Covering President Claims Mistreatment

The women said police vehicles and up to five officers surrounded the car, demanded IDs and registration without explanation. Then without warning an officer reached into the car and grabbed Jones’ camera.

“He grabbed it out of my hand and then he slammed it on top of the car,” Jones said. She said the camera was damaged – the automatic lens cover no longer worked.

Jones’ fingers were gashed by the sharp edge on the camera mount. She said the officer appeared shaken by what he'd done and courteously showed her how to complain, writing his name and badge number on a card with contact information for the Honolulu Police Commission. Kane said other officers on the scene would not let them make a criminal complaint against the officer who grabbed the camera.

A Million In Bonus For A Billion In Toxic Assets: How A Handful Of Merrill Lynch Bankers Blew Up Their Own Firm

Source - Pro Publica - Reprinted with permission.

How a Handful of Merrill Lynch Bankers Blew Up Their Own Firm

Two years before the financial crisis hit, Merrill Lynch confronted a serious problem. No one, not even the bank's own traders, wanted to buy the supposedly safe portions of the mortgage-backed securities Merrill was creating. Bank executives came up with a fix that had short-term benefits and long-term consequences.

Chris Whalen: BOTH Bank Of America & Wells Fargo Will Need Another Taxpayer Bailout Within 12 Months

Watch This One

Quote: "Foreclosures are going to overwhelm Bank of America and Wells Fargo...2011 will be a year of massive pain and restructuring for big banks."And this time taxpayers won't be so kind to bank executives...


All previous versions of this video showing the collapse straight down of WTC7 began after the cave-in of the Penthouse at the top. This unedited video starts before the Penthouse at the top collapses and very clearly one hears the sound of an explosion initiating the collapse sequence.

Bump back to the top!

Netanyahu: Palestinians evading negotiations with Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that the Palestinians are responsible for the deadlock in peace talks, saying they have been evading negotiations while Israel is striving for peace. Speaking at a conference of Foreign Ministry representatives, Netanyahu referred to the comments made by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman this week, who said the Palestinian Authority is illegitimate and that Israel should not reach an agreement with them

Webmaster's Commentary: Just when you come to the point where you truly believe that Bibi Netanyahu cannot possibly get more Orwellian in his language, he surprises you yet again!

Israel's ex-pres Moshe Katsav guilty of rape

*coughs* Minister of Sex Tourism.

FDIC: 157 Bank Failures In 2010

This year recorded the highest number of bank failures since 1992, according to figures released by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC). As 2010 comes to a close, the nation saw 157 banks fail over the past 12 months, up from 140 in 2009. Furthermore, 860 institutions were on the FDIC's "problem" banks list as of Sept. 30, the highest number since 1993.

Webmaster's Commentary: One cannot begin to speak about the alleged "economic recovery" with a straight face, looking at numbers like these.

Man strips at Va. airport checkpoint in protest

Man strips to his underwear at Va. airport checkpoint; message on chest protests searches Police say a man stripped to his underwear at a Virginia airport checkpoint in a protest against security procedures. Airport police said the man took off his shirt and pants at Richmond International Airport on Thursday. He had scrawled across his chest a reference to the Constitution's 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure.


The teacher was arrested for displaying photos of Lenin and Stalin in a public area. Lenin and Stalin? Or was it Stalin and Trotsky? And if so, why would the two mortal enemies of each other be hanging on the same wall? We learned at an early age that FBI agents were STUPID!

On New Year's Eve, 2010

I don’t have much use for New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. This is one of two holidays when I stay around the home environs. The other holiday is The Fourth of July. Since no one celebrates the fourth where I am these days, I don’t have to concern myself with that period of bumper car mentality. There’s only this amateur night on the highway to contend with. A new year starts every day. People like the symbolism of New Years though. They like the idea of a fresh beginning, despite their certain tendency to repeat themselves according to the patterns of the past.


The year 2011 will bring Americans a larger and more intrusive police state, more unemployment and home foreclosures, no economic recovery, more disregard by the U.S. government of U.S. law, international law, the Constitution, and truth, more suspicion and distrust from allies, more hostility from the rest of the world, and new heights of media sycophancy.

EPA caught lying about global warming.

Oz-some Show: Video of Sidney's spectacular New Year fireworks

Happy New Year Australia!!

75 climate scientists think humans contribute to global warming

How do we know there’s a scientific consensus on climate change? Pundits and the press tell us so. And how do the pundits and the press know? Until recently, they typically pointed to the number 2500 – that’s the number of scientists associated with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Those 2500, the pundits and the press believed, had endorsed the IPCC position. To their embarrassment, most of the pundits and press discovered that they were mistaken – those 2500 scientists hadn’t endorsed the IPCC’s conclusions, they had merely reviewed some part or other of the IPCC’s mammoth studies. To add to their embarrassment, many of those reviewers from within the IPCC establishment actually disagreed with the IPCC’s conclusions, sometimes vehemently.

Iraq Research links rise in Falluja birth defects and cancers to US assault

A study examining the causes of a dramatic spike in birth defects in the Iraqi city of Falluja has for the first time concluded that genetic damage could have been caused by weaponry used in US assaults that took place six years ago. The research, which will be published next week, confirms earlier estimates revealed by the Guardian of a major, unexplained rise in cancers and chronic neural-tube, cardiac and skeletal defects in newborns. The authors found that malformations are close to 11 times higher than normal rates, and rose to unprecedented levels in the first half of this year – a period that had not been surveyed in earlier reports.

Webmaster's Commentary: Your tax dollars at work, folks: doesn't it make you feel proud?!?

And by the way, the level of genetic damage to these kids has been characterized by some researchers as worse than what happened with the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Freezing Brits steamed over new green boilers

Five years ago the global warming crowd and their comrades in the Labour Party mandated the use of new green technology boilers in Great Britain. Government and environmental experts said that the ‘condensing boilers’ would not only greatly reduce the consumer’s carbon footprint, but would also lower their heating bills. Saving money and saving the planet, what could be better? The UK Daily Mail reports that during the recent record cold spell in Great Britain, tens of thousands of people were without heat due to a serious flaw in the new boiler’s design.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This whole global warming hysteria is about selling you things you do not really want, such as carbon credits that are the feedstock for Enron-like scams, global government that is already clearly fascistic, ethanol fuels that provide less power cost more and wreck your car fuel system, windmills that take more power to keep from freezing than they provide, "Green" batteries that cost more while providing less power, and now "green" heating systems that will not actually heat in the middle of a cruel winter the global warming cultists assured us was a thing of the past.

How many more times will you stand for these frauds being foisted at you before you decide enough is enough?

I am beginning to think Elizabeth Báthory had at least one good idea. Let's strip the global warming cultists naked, wet them down, lock them in an iron cage outside in the middle of Cumbria overnight, and ask them the next morning if they think the Earth is getting warmer.

Judge warns of ‘Orwellian state’ in warrantless GPS tracking case

Police in Delaware may soon be unable to use global positioning systems (GPS) to keep tabs on a suspect unless they have a court-signed warrant, thanks to a recent ruling by a superior court judge who cited famed author George Orwell in her decision. In striking down evidence obtained through warrantless GPS tracking, Delaware Judge Jan R. Jurden wrote that "an Orwellian state is now technologically feasible," adding that "without adequate judicial preservation of privacy, there is nothing to protect our citizens from being tracked 24/7."

Webmaster's Commentary: Great for this judge! However, this ruling will definitely be reviewed by the Supreme Court, and I wouldn't bet against the reinstituion of warrantless GPS tracking as a result of that decision, given its current constitution.

Hard freeze expected overnight in Tucson area

Blizzard hits Arizona

Fuel prices, fury soar in Bolivia

The man who 'invented' Global Warming and thinks killing YOU will save the planet!

So is AGW the most serious threat facing the world today, so far as Tickell is concerned? Well, almost. There is one other threat that he sees as even more urgent than AGW – the human race itself. Specifically, those feckless, irresponsible classes and nations that continue to breed at more than the replacement level of 2.1 children (Tickell, it should be noted, has three children. Considerations of overpopulation do not apply to his class, of course (1)). For him, overpopulation is the driving force behind AGW: we are a cancer on the planet. In language which we would normally expect to come from extremists, Tickell lays out his vision of the rest of the world.

Webmaster's Commentary: "Let's get a good old-fashioned world war going to clean out the useless eaters, eh, what?"

The Gulf of Mexico is Dying

It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In order to prove that the Gulf of Mexico is safe and therefore not something voters should concern themselves with, Obama takes a swim with his daughter in water that is really very near the Gulf of Mexico.

FLASHBACK - Global Warming Cultist finds out hard way arctic is just as cold as ever!

Part of the reason Tom’s One Man Epic is taking place now is because of the effect that global warming is having on the polar ice caps… Some scientists have even estimated that the polar ice cap will have entirely melted away by 2014! Webmaster's Commentary:

A case of frostbite and near death later and maybe he is not so certain Al Gore knew what he was talking about.

FLASHBACK - Global warming cultist tries to kayak to North Pole to prove ice is melting.

Webmaster's Commentary: It wasn't, and he didn't.

New Venezuelan Law Makes Foreign Financing of Political Organisations Illegal

On Wednesday morning Venezuela’s National Assembly approved the Defence of Political Sovereignty and National Self Determination Law, making foreign funding of political organisations illegal.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I guess they saw what AIPAC did to the USA and decided to keep that from happening to their country. Smart people, those Venezuelans!

Credit card withdrawal – Banks pull the plug on consumer revolving debt. Credit card debt outstanding contracts from nearly $1 trillion to $800 billion. Bankruptcies on the rise even with tougher bankruptcy laws.

Large majority of Americans see religious influence in decline, poll finds

Church membership tied for all-time low David Edwards Raw Story Most Americans feel that the influence of religion is waning in the US, according to a recent poll. The Gallup organization found that seven in ten Americans think religion is losing influence, one of the highest responses in the 53-year history of the poll...

Denmark robbed blind by a carbon trading scandal

Denmark Gives Away $7B USD, or 2% of GDP to Carbon Credit Traders The Danish tax authority has been robbed blind by a carbon trading scandal that has rocked the market for carbon off sets: while the story saw some press a year ago, significantly higher losses have since been reported and the MSM has ignored the story. Webmaster's Commentary:

And what did Denmark get for 2% of their GDP on carbon credits?



Personally, were I the judge, I would hang the bastards. Slowly. On piano wire. As a deterrent to future Al Gore wannabes.

Water torture: Tankers on standby with supplies for Ulster as families tell of misery

The new German anti-Semitism

More than 57 percent of those polled agreed that Israel is waging “a war of annihilation” against the Palestinians (up from 51 percent in 2009).

Webmaster's Commentary:

While this article (like all Israeli controlled media) is trying to demonize opposition to Israel's policies as "anti-Semitism", the real point here is that in Germany, where holocaust education is mandatory and holocaust questioning a crime, the public are still not buying Israel's status as permanent victim deserving of perpetual financial support. Today's Germans realize they had nothing to do with whatever the Nazis did and they are tired and angry of being treated as if they did.

So, good for the Germans for standing up against this exploitation and I wonder when the Americans will get their heads our of their own butts and look at how Israel has subverted this nation.

The USA helped STOP Hitler. The US was the first nation to recognize the state of Israel. Ever see any gratitude from Israel? No! It is always "do more give more obey more" followed by attacks on our ships, bulldozers running over aid workers, murdering Americans in international waters accompanied by constant lyingm, cheating, stealing, spying, bribesm blackmail, false-flag terror, war-mongering, whining and screeching of "Anti-Semite" at anyone who points out the barbaric behavior.

Israel has become worse monsters than the Nazis ever were.

Ponder the Maunder.....Minimum That Is


He said living standards would have to fall by about 15 per cent in the weaker economies and Government spending slashed if the single currency was to survive.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: "You must make do with less, so that we may have more." This is the same mantra Americans are hearing from the Federal Reserve. "You must make do with less, so that we may have more." "You must make do with less, so that we may have more." "You must make do with less, so that we may have more."

Fuck that shit!

National Snow Analysis- NOAA


Links to Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service Snowfall measuring sites.

Italian suspended for anti-Israel words

The mayor of the Italian capital has suspended an employee of a municipal transportation company for allegedly publishing anti-Israeli statements on social networking websites.

The USDA-Monsanto's Partner In Crime

The USDA co-owns the terminator seed patent with Monsanto. Who do you think USDA is protecting? You…..or bio-pirates?

Dark Ages: 2010 Uprisings just a start, Revolt 2011 coming?

For Europe, it was a year when the cash ran out in some countries. But one thing that wasn't in short supply was the number of angry protestors. As governments severely cut back on budgets, hundreds of thousands of people lashed out in response.

Ohio child cancers confound parents, investigators

John Seewer Associated Press CLYDE, Ohio – Every time his kids cough, Dave Hisey's mind starts to race. Is it cancer? Is it coming back? His oldest daughter, diagnosed with leukemia nearly five years ago when she was 13, is in remission. His 12-year-old son has another year of chemotherapy for a different type of leukemia. And his 9-year-old daughter is scared she'll be next...

"AIPAC Running Spy Org in US that supplies 'WikiLeaks with Carefully Selected Chicken Feed' - Nothing AT ALL that is Damaging to Israel"

Former Marine Found Outside...... Frozen to Death

What happened to this Marine is nothing new. Remember Ira Hayes who was one of the Marine Flag Raisers on Iwo Jima's Mount Suribachi.

The Nintendo 3DS Will Destroy Children's Eyeballs

Remember your parents telling you sitting too close to the TV would make you blind? Well, now when parents tell young kids to turn off the 3D on Nintendo's 3DS 'cause it'll ruin their eyes—they'll actually be right. The machine translation is a little rough, but the gist is clear: Nintendo has issued a warning that kids under six shouldn't use the 3DS's 3D mode because their vision is still "in the development stage," and the way that stereoscopic 3D works, delivering different images to each eyeball, "has a potential impact on the growth of children's eyes."

Area Of Thick Arctic Ice Has Doubled In The Last Two Years

US Navy PIPS data shows that the area of ice greater than 2.5 metres thick – has doubled since the same date in 2008.

The TSA's state-mandated molestation

The ACLU maintains an ever-growing database of these indignities, many so graphic they're illegal to broadcast over public airwaves. Actions that violate FCC standards are embraced by the TSA. "Mary in Texas" reported: The TSA agent used her hands to feel under and between my breasts. She then rammed her hand up into my crotch until it jammed into my pubic bone ... I was touched in the pubic region in between my labia ... She then moved her hand across my pubic region and down the inner part of my upper thigh to the floor. She repeated this procedure on the other side. I was shocked and broke into tears.

Protect Yourself From the Top 10 Frauds and Scams

Unscrupulous schemers and scammers have become trickier and harder to spot than ever, thanks to more sophisticated marketing and the availability of online information. But don’t worry: Your pocket can’t be picked without some participation by you. If you know what to watch out for and how to protect yourself, you can keep your hard-earned money safe. Here, the top ten financial fleecing tricks to watch out for.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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