We received the following email from Charlie Veitch’s girlfriend. Veitch, who many of you will know as the leader of the Love Police activist group, has been arrested by British police in a pre-crime raid on charges of “conspiracy to cause a public nuisance” at tomorrow’s Royal Wedding. Veitch was in contact with police before the arrest, reassuring them that his plans were completely peaceful and merely centered around voicing his free speech, which evidently no longer exists as a human right in the United Kingdom.
Please call the number listed in the email below and politely demand that Veitch be released. Veitch is being held at Cambridge Parkside Station.
Consumer confidence is, well ... in somewhat of a depression.
Reuters reports today:
The April 20-23 Gallup survey of 1,013 U.S. adults found that only 27 percent said the economy is growing. Twenty-nine percent said the economy is in a depression and 26 percent said it is in a recession, with another 16 percent saying it is "slowing down," Gallup said.
Tyler Durden notes:
That means that more Americans think the country is in a Depression, let alone recession, than growing.
Airing Date April 28, 2011, Ron Paul Money Bomb http://debateday.com/
Will it get on TV? don't hold your breath.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama will Thursday unveil new military and diplomatic commanders for the increasingly unpopular US Afghan war effort, in a sweeping reshuffle of his national security team.
Obama will use a White House Rose Garden event to nominate a new defense secretary, ambassador to Kabul and top war commander, engineering a shake-up permitted by the June retirement of powerful Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
The president will recall talismanic General David Petraeus from Afghanistan to head the CIA in place of veteran Washington bureaucrat Leon Panetta, who will be nominated as defense secretary as Obama seeks Pentagon spending cuts...
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (CBS 2) — Angry over the high cost of college, a group of Rutgers University students have been protesting inside the administration offices for more than 24 hours – and they said they’re not leaving until the school president does something about the skyrocketing tuition.
Last week, the co-authors of the United Nations Gaza report, known as the Goldstone Report, issued a statement vigorously defending their report and rejecting Richard Goldstone and Israel’s repudiation of their 2009 accusations against Israel and Hamas of war crimes and “possibly crimes against humanity”.
The three co-members of the UN Human Rights Council’s Fact Finding Mission, Hina Jilani, Pakistani human rights lawyer, Colonel Desmond Travers, former Irish peace-keeper, and Christine Chinkin, professor of international law at the London School of Economics, said they stood by the conclusions of their report since neither Israel nor Hamas had provided any new evidence that invalidated them.
I really despise people who demand I be arrested and be sent to prison. Don’t they realize the bankers own their government? I never met Eric Holder, the Attorney General, but he has done a good job spiking those investigations and indictments at the Department of Justice. I never met Janet Napolitano over at DHS but she is doing an excellent job and has a special list of men and women who have demanded bankers be arrested.
Just wait until 2012. Then you will learn what I really think about you, I despise you, your family and your damn friends. Get this through your head. You do not matter. Your family does not matter. Your friends do not matter. You are not a banker. You were born to pay me fees and interest. When you can no longer pay the vigorish, you will be of no use to anyone.
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill talks about the performance of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the outlook for congressional action on raising the federal debt ceiling. O'Neill speaks with Margaret Brennan on Bloomberg Television's "InBusiness." (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)
Acme Markets said Thursday it will cut 900 part-time workers “to align its work force with sales volume.”
Malvern, Pa.-based Acme said the plan “does not change Acme’s overall commitment to the Delaware Valley,” where it is No. 1 with 18 percent of the market...
Reports this week marked the dollar’s continued slide – it reached a 16-month low against the euro and slid to a historic low against the Swiss franc on Tuesday – while at the same time predicting something we’ve been telling you for years now, namely that the dollar is on its way out as the world’s reserve currency.
Jack Cafferty:This is not the first time Ron Paul, a physician, has thought about being president. He won the Libertarian Party nomination in 1988. In 2008, he ran in the Republican primaries but never won more than 10% of the vote. But things could be different this time.
Straight talking! Even Simon Cowell would run from this bloke.
Sometimes things work out so perfectly, there is absolutely no need to comment.
Chrysler says it will take out bank loans and sell debt later this quarter to repay $6.6 billion in bailout loans from the U.S. and Canadian governments.
It appears every gadget in your possession is tracking your location. First it was the iPhone, then Android phones and now it's your bleedin' sat-nav. TomTom, perhaps in a pre-emptive strike against its own user-tracking scandal, has admitted its sat-navs can track users and inform third parties about how fast they're going.
The sat-navs in TomTom's Live range all feature built-in 3G data cards, which feed location and route information back to a central server, which allows TomTom to create a map of congestion hotspots. It's now emerged that this data, however, along with a user's speed, is being made available to local governments and authorities.
An activist group on Wednesday urged the Jackson County prosecutor to launch a grand jury investigation into what it called priest sex crimes and cover-ups in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
“Though 18 current and ex-priests are accused by 80 victims (in the diocese), no one has been prosecuted,” said David Clohessy, executive director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, at a news conference in front of the Jackson County Courthouse in Kansas City.
“Something must change if children are to be better protected."
The world's largest publicly traded company said today that higher oil prices boosted profits 69 percent from a year ago. The result was Exxon's best since earning a record $14.83 billion in 2008's third quarter.
Wall Street had been expecting sharply higher earnings for oil companies. Oil prices rose 17 percent in the quarter. But huge oil profits will aggravate drivers with gasoline prices averaging $3.89 per gallon nationally.
Efforts by the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign (SeaMAC) to call attention to injustices against the Palestinian people have once again been censored.
Just days after several billboards went up in the Seattle area with the slogan “EQUAL RIGHTS FOR PALESTINIANS – Stop Funding the Israeli Military”, Clear Channel Outdoor, the billboard company, announced that it was canceling the contract and taking the billboards down.
“It seems clear that even a call for equal rights for Palestinians is a message that the Israel Lobby in this country cannot tolerate,” said Rod Such, volunteer with SeaMAC.
While we’re busy debating which parts of the birth certificate have been altered, whether Kenya was actually called Kenya in 1963, or whether Obama’s father being Kenyan proves Obama’s not a natural born citizen and therefore ineligible to be President, the dollar continues to crumble, the national debt grows, the jobs are shipped overseas, and the wars continue to rage.
The fact is that Obama already has been President for the past 2 and a half years and it’s his record during that time which we should be focusing on as the election nears.
Their explanation for the daily series of macabre pictures on Syrian state TV lacks conviction.
It’s easy to be cynical about these pictures and the gloss put on their deaths. Shooting at funerals, after all, has hitherto been the prerogative of the government’s armed cops rather than “armed gangs”. And Syrian tv has shown not a single dead civilian or civilian funeral after the death of perhaps 320 demonstrators in more than a month.
By Robert Fisk
Nokia will axe 7,000 jobs and outsource its Symbian software development unit to cut 1 billion euros ($1.46 billion) in costs as it struggles to compete in the smartphone market...
Is going to college a worthwhile investment? Is the education that our young people are receiving at our colleges and universities really worth all of the time, money and effort that is required? Decades ago, a college education was quite inexpensive and it was almost an automatic ticket to the middle class. But today all of that has changed. At this point, college education is a big business. There are currently more than 18 million students enrolled at the nearly 5,000 colleges and universities currently in operation throughout the United States. There are quite a few "institutions of higher learning" that now charge $40,000 or even $50,000 a year for tuition. That does not even count room and board and other living expenses.
Aside from the horrible nature of this move in putting a blatantly political operator into a highly visible position from which he can consolidate his credentials for an eventual presidential campaign (see Spencer Ackerman for a very different take on this aspect), this move can be seen as finally completing Dick Cheney’s dream of moving virtually all intelligence functions into the Pentagon. Back when Michael Hayden was nominated to head CIA, the ongoing Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)-CIA turf war was noted:
decided on Thursday to halt premium petrol exports and switch the flow to the home market to fight shortages and a price rise that is coinciding with growing voter discontent.
The Israeli Human Rights group, Gush Shalom, issued a press statement on Thursday welcoming the reconciliation agreement between the two Palestinian rival groups Hamas and Fatah in Cairo on Wednesday.
Former Knesset Member Avnery, Gush Shalom activist, said “I wholeheartedly welcome the agreement reached by the Palestinians in Cairo. Palestinian unity, overcoming the malignant split, are not a threat to Israel, but a top Israeli interest. “
“The State of Israel can and must reach a peace agreement with the entire Palestinian people, with all its factions, through a Palestinian Unity Government which represents them all. ” Avnery added.
Japan is not evacuating areas where forecasts show cumulative radiation doses over the course of the next year will far exceed annual legal radiation exposure limits.
The Japanese government has also announced they are eliminating annual radiation exposure limits for nuclear workers altogether.
This piece discusses the importance of the Great Man River Project and its effects on the water supply of the country.
A Canadian based company called Pure Technologies helps to monitor and maintain the infrastructure using its innovative technology.
This video has been pulled out by Youtube, Anthony Lawson has uploaded with Vimeo.
It was Gaddafi’s Libya that offered all of Africa its first revolution in modern times – connecting the entire continent by telephone, television, radio broadcasting and several other technological applications such as telemedicine and distance teaching. And thanks to the WMAX radio bridge, a low cost connection was made available across the continent, including in rural areas.
Cantor is the top recipient of campaign money from “pro-Israel” groups in the U.S. House of Representatives, having taken in over $200,000. These groups, most of them affiliated with AIPAC, dump tens of millions of dollars into U.S. elections each cycle. And they certainly appear to get what they pay for.
The "news" that iPhones and iPads keep track of where you go has been known in forensic circles for some time.
By popularizing drone terrorism in Pakistan, Obama is eager to enter the history books as the top Afro-American fascist who ruled the USA and ruined the Islamic world.
Hopes of seeing Palestinian Unity have reached a new level this week as can be seen in the following reports…..
Fatah, Hamas in unity govt ‘understanding’
Fatah and Hamas sign reconciliation deal
Questions about “Hamas-Fatah reconciliation”
Needless to say, the zionists are downplaying the situation….
PA Unity Deal is Cosmetic, Bogus
BUT ….. the most interesting views come from the ‘Good Ole USA’ ….. If they don’t like it, I LOVE IT!
Authorities in Ecuador closed schools and evacuated residents in areas near a volcano Tuesday after ashes spewing from its crater fell on homes and farms, state media reported.
Ashes from Tungurahua -- which means "throat of fire" in the native Quechua language -- rose more than 7 kilometers (4 miles) into the air Tuesday, the government news agency said.
Authorities issued an alert as monitors detected six eruptions, ranging from moderate to large, and a significant ash cloud Tuesday, state media said.
Union says 57-year-old who set himself alight in Merignac had struggled with frequently having to change jobs.
While Americans are robbed at the gas pump, Exxon Mobil will this week report a 60% increase in its quarterly net profits to a cool $10 billion. Royal Dutch/Shell will report a 30% increase.
In 1975 British writer Anthony Sampson penned The Seven Sisters, bestowing a collective name on a shadowy oil cartel, which throughout its history has sought to eliminate competitors and control the world’s oil resource. Sampson’s “Seven Sisters” name came from independent Italian oil man Enrico Mattei.
The federal agency overseeing offshore drilling in Alaska says the worst-case scenario for a blowout in the Chukchi Sea lease could result in a spill of more than 58 million gallons of oil into Arctic waters.
That's about a quarter of the Deepwater Horizon spill, which put 206 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. But it's far more than Shell Oil — the major leaseholder in waters off Alaska's northwest coast — says it could handle under its current response plan.
A bill that mandates a sentence of up to life in prison for converting marijuana or marijuana oil into hashish is heading to Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin's (R) desk after being passed by the state Legislature on Monday.
Life for smokin flowers. A good indicator of how truly insane the so-called ruling class is!
That we Americans have put up with this crap for 80 years does not speak well of us as a people!
Mac Slavo
Do you have enough larder to feed your family and some friends if grocery stores ran out of food? How about several assault rifles and a few thousand rounds of ammo? Solar panels, a water filter, medical kits, bug-out bags, fire starters, tents, sleeping bags, some junk silver and reserve gasoline?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
It’s becoming apparent to many Americans that depending on our local, state and federal governments in the event of an emergency, catastrophic societal collapse or widespread disaster will not be sufficient to meet the needs of your family. Residents in Colorado (and likely the other 49 states) are stockpiling in droves and preparing to live off the grid if it comes to that:
United Continental Holdings Inc. (UAL), Delta Air Lines Inc. (DAL) and rival U.S. carriers added a record $420 in fuel surcharges to round-trip European fares as soaring oil prices propelled first-quarter losses.
Across the industry, surcharges are as much as 50 percent greater than those put in place when fuel prices reached a record three years ago, according to air-travel website BestFares.com.
India’s Defense Ministry has favored the purchase of European rather than American warplanes for an $11 billion order despite lobbying by President Barack Obama, the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi said.
The U.S. is “deeply disappointed” after India told it yesterday that Boeing Co. (BA) and Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT) “were not selected for procurement” in the world’s biggest fighter-jet order in 15 years, the embassy said in a statement citing Ambassador Timothy Roemer. India’s Defense Ministry plans to issue a statement on news reports that it has shortlisted aircraft made by France’s Dassault Aviation SA (AM) and the European Aeronautic, Defense & Space Co., ministry spokesman Sitanshu Kar said by phone.
That billions of US taxpayer dollars are going to Israel at a time when programs like Medicare and Social Security are facing cuts is absolutely indefensible.
Early-stage investors and employees are worried the bubble might be about to burst.
A group of shareholders want to offload $1billion of Facebook shares on the secondary market in a sale that would value the company at more than $70 billion.
It would be one of the largest Facebook share transactions to date and show concern that the social networking site’s growth cannot keep pace with its market valuation.
There are hundreds of men and women in prison right now in a number of European and other nations who are in jail for simply exercising their basic human rights of free speech and conscience.
na laid out plans for its future in space yesterday, unveiling details of an ambitious new space station to be built in orbit within a decade.
The project, which one Nasa adviser describes as a "potent political symbol", is the latest phase in China's rapidly developing space programme. It is less than a decade since China put a human into orbit for the first time, and three years since its first spacewalk.
The space station will weigh around 60 tonnes and consist of a core module with two laboratory units for experiments, according to the state news agency, Xinhua.
U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, said that she is “proud of my support for the incredibly important alliance between the United States and Israel, first of all because it is the right thing to do, and also because it is very important strategically.”
Palestinian Minister for Captives Affairs Ataollah Abu Sabah warned about the Zionist regime’s savage behavior towards female Palestinian prisoners, saying that the women inmates are experiencing harsh sexual harassment in Israeli jails.
What makes anti-Muslim racism so lethal is that unlike populisms of the past, Islamophobia has broad appeal across the political spectrum, from the far left to the far right and irrespective of class or educational level. Where it manifests itself in electoral parties, such as in France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria and now even Sweden and Finland, its advocates fare much better than old-school far-right parties ever did, with their vulgar anti-Semitism and expansionist fantasies.
While the US economy is in the drain due to US-Israeli wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya – the Israel’s economy is booming.
America's push for democracy in the Arab states could see events spiral out of Washington's control. Groups with radical Islamic links are lining up to fill the power vacuums which are emerging. And, as RT's Paula Slier reports, the ramifications for America's closest Middle East ally could be huge.
Lorimer Wilson
Back on February 18th I wrote an editorial showing that Silver could rocket up to $52 to $56 by mid-year. At the time of the writing Silver was sitting a little above $32 on the price chart. The original chart work was based off of the fractal chart work I do with Silver from previous fractal time periods...
Mike Adams
Natural News
CDC researcher Poul Thorsen, who famously headed up the "Denmark Study" that many claim disproved any link between autism and vaccines, has been indicted in Atlanta by a federal grand jury on charges of wire fraud, money laundering and defrauding research institutions of grant money...
It was literally a red letter weather day in North Alabama with the severe weather outbreak that moved through yesterday. The death toll in Alabama alone is 128 with more still missing. This death toll actually breaks the old record from the April 1974 Tornado Outbreak in North Alabama. It’s believed that because the power was knocked out so early in the morning from the first wave of storms that by the time the really bad stuff arrived there were numerous people that had no way of getting the tornado warnings.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US economic growth slowed sharply in the first quarter to a 1.8 percent pace as governments slashed spending, the Commerce Department said Thursday.
After the growth hummed at a 3.1 percent pace in the fourth quarter of 2010, the department's first estimate for the January-March period showed weakness in the recovery from the 2008-2009 recession.
A 7.9 percent cut in federal government spending, and a 3.3 percent cut in spending by local authorities, were factors in the slowdown...
Eccentric Perspective
What if I told you in absolute sincerity and seriousness that there was a way to get rid of the I.R.S. easily and quietly overnight without anyone getting hurt in the process?
Sound too good to be true? It’s not! But we can’t get there if you want to sit on the sidelines hoping someone else is going to do all the work for you. That means you will have to at least get briefly involved; but I promise it only requires a very small bit of time and action on your part. Does that still sound like too much effort and responsibility?
It’s fair to say that Bernanke’s first press conference pleased neither conservatives or liberals.
The Fed watchers who should be most disappointed after Bernanke’s press conference are those who had hopes the Fed would use all its available tools to lessen the recession despite the risk of inflation.
This position of course won’t accommodate Bernanke’s conservative critics who claim that the inflation situation is more significant because of commodity prices and who wanted to see an immediate tightening or even a pre-emptive ending of QE2.
When asked why he would not do further easing even though he believes QE2 was effective, Bernanke returned to the inflation concerns of the dual mandate.
Is going to college a worthwhile investment? Is the education that our young people are receiving at our colleges and universities really worth all of the time, money and effort that is required? Decades ago, a college education was quite inexpensive and it was almost an automatic ticket to the middle class. But today all of that has changed. At this point, college education is a big business. There are currently more than 18 million students enrolled at the nearly 5,000 colleges and universities currently in operation throughout the United States. There are quite a few "institutions of higher learning" that now charge $40,000 or even $50,000 a year for tuition. That does not even count room and board and other living expenses.
Some 200 members of Syria's ruling Baath party are reported to have resigned over the violent crackdown against pro-democracy demonstrations.
The resignations were centred on the southern city of Deraa, a focal point of violence that has allegedly killed 450 people in six weeks.
Shooting was heard in Deraa overnight, where the government this week sent tanks and troops to regain control.
Meanwhile, the UN failed to agree on a statement condemning the crackdown.
A draft proposed by France, Britain, Germany and Portugal was opposed by several states within the 15-member Security Council, with Russia insisting events in Syria were not a threat to international peace.
Says Reliable Numbers Will Come Once Troops Are 'On the Ground'
Speaking today at the State Department, US Ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz said he had seen various estimates of the overall death toll of the violence in Libya, and that the toll could be as high as 30,000. The figure is dramatically higher than rebel estimates, which put the toll at 8,000 as of mid-March.
Perhaps more interesting, Cretz said that he didn’t think the US could get an accurate number “until we really get more hands-on experience on the ground.” The administration has repeatedly denied plans to send ground troops to Libya.
MARK REGEV: We are concerned that the Palestinian authority made a strategic decision here. I mean they could have chosen the path of reconciliation with Israel, of negotiation and they can choose the path of Hamas, which is the path of rejectionism and violence and conflict and they have chosen apparently, they have chosen the path of violence and Hamas and you can't have them both.
How can you have peace with Israel and have peace with Hamas at the same time. It is impossible.
SIMON SANTOW: Palestinian Liberation Organisation MP, Hanan Ashrawi told Radio National that a sturdy robust democracy for Palestinians will serve the region well.
British troops could be deployed to the Libyan border to guard refugees fleeing the Gaddafi regime, Liam Fox signalled yesterday.
Trump, France, Obama, Japan, Birthers, Ron Paul, Wall Street, Afghanistan, jail, libya, gaza, and more
Probably no single issue damages the reputation of the climate science community more than the refusal to show the data that supports their work, even under an FOI request. The public believes that scientists who purport to be concerned about the future of the planet should not place their own financial interests, including future grants, ahead of this concern, particularly when their research has been done with public funds.
Centralise data and you've created a honeypot for hackers.
WASHINGTON — In an about-face on the day President Barack Obama announced his re-election bid, Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday ordered that confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other alleged co-plotters stand trial before a military commission at Guantanamo rather than in a civilian court.
It was an embarrassing reversal nearly a year and a half after Holder announced with much fanfare that the five men, who'd been held for years in secret CIA custody before being transferred to the Guantanamo military prison in 2006, would face justice in a courtroom in lower Manhattan.
Holder blamed the decision on Congress for prohibiting the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to the U.S., even for trial.
Cape Fear Business
In an effort to enhance online security and privacy, the Obama administration has proposed Americans obtain a single ID for all Internet sales and banking activity. But a new Rasmussen Reports poll finds most Americans want nothing to do with such an ID if the government is the one to issue it and hold the information.
The Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 13% of American Adults favor the issuing of a secure government credential to replace all traditional password protection systems for online sales and banking activities. Sixty percent (60%) oppose such a credential. Twenty-seven percent (27%) are not sure...
Amanda M. Fairbanks
Huffington Post
NEW YORK -- Hardly a day goes by where Ashley Angello doesn’t fret about her student loan debt.
Angello thinks about it at night, when packing tomorrow's lunch means a few saved dollars. And she worries about it the next morning when deciding what to wear to work, since she hasn’t been able to afford any new clothes since starting her job...
Cullman County Alabama has been devastated. This now being labeled one of the largest tornado outbreaks in American history. At 31 people have died.
The Weather Channel is reporting that mass fatality trailers are being brought to Alabama. Massive devastation with debris falling up to a 100 miles away.
As the violence spread, billions of dollars of cartel cash began to seep into the global financial system. But a special investigation by the Observer reveals how the increasingly frantic warnings of one London whistleblower were ignored...
...During a 22-month investigation by agents from the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and others, it emerged that the cocaine smugglers had bought the plane with money they had laundered through one of the biggest banks in the United States: Wachovia, now part of the giant Wells Fargo.
In a time when very few experts speak out against the official line, nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen has been an outspoken critic of the cover up of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Speaking to Russia Today, Gundersen was quoted as saying that Japanese officials have taken part in a gross miscarriage of radiation science by not evacuating children and pregnant mothers from areas that have been clearly devastated by the high levels of radiation released from the tsunami stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Arnie also stated that the plan to cover the reactors in a protective shield will not work due to the fact that a lot of the radiation is leaking down into the ground water. Putting a cap on the reactors will not stop the radiation that is seeping downwards.
US government doctors who cared for the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay deliberately concealed or ignored evidence that their patients were being tortured, the first official study of its kind has found.
An invasive TSA pat-down at the Dallas airport left former Miss U.S.A Susie Castillo in tears. She said the search left her feeling violated, and she likened it to molestation.
Castillo made an emotional video shortly after the incident on April 21.
“I’m sure this woman was just doing her job. But she…I mean she actually…felt…touched my vagina,” she said. “And so I think that’s why I’m crying; that’s what I’m so emotional, because I’m already so upset that they’re making me go – making me do this. Making me choose to either get molested, because that’s what I feel like and, or, or, go through this machine that’s completely unhealthy and dangerous. I don’t want to go through it, and here I am crying.”
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, a supposed government oversight agency that is actually funded by the nuclear industry itself, has started a special investigation into high levels of radiation reported at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in Ohio.
The Plant was evacuated on April 22nd after radiation levels rose when the plant was shutting down for a refueling outage.
Officials have been quiet on details, opting instead to force the public to believe an agency with a long history of cover ups.
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