When scientists speak of radiation, they speak not only of single doses but also of cumulative doses.
See for example, this research from the University of Iowa showing that “cumulative radon exposure is a significant risk factor for lung cancer in women".
"We are thinking of putting in nitrogen gas to prevent a hydrogen explosion, to reduce such a risk," a Tokyo Electric ("Tepco") spokesman told Dow Jones Newswires, adding that there was a possibility that hydrogen gas may be accumulating in the No.1 reactor.
He added that this would be the first time to use such a measure to tackle the ongoing crisis at the plant.
Most local fishery cooperatives in Ibaraki Prefecture are suspending all fishing activities, after small fish caught in waters off its coast were found to contain radioactive cesium above the legal limit.
US officials have confirmed today that the attack against a convoy of trucks in Sudan was in fact carried out by Israeli warplanes. The attack destroyed the entire convoy, killing 39 people. Israeli officials had declined to confirm the attack, though Prime Minister Olmert used the report to underscore Israel’s ability to launch attacks on targets “anywhere.”
Among the new threats that were cited in the assessment, dated March 26, are the mounting stresses placed on the containment structures as they fill with radioactive cooling water, making them more vulnerable to rupture in one of the aftershocks rattling the site after the earthquake and tsunami of March 11. The document also cites the possibility of explosions inside the containment structures due to the release of hydrogen and oxygen from seawater pumped into the reactors, and offers new details on how semimolten fuel rods and salt buildup are impeding the flow of fresh water meant to cool the nuclear cores.
House Republicans announced a far-reaching vision for a leaner federal government on Tuesday, presenting a 2012 budget blueprint that would privatize Medicare for future retirees, cut spending on Medicaid and other domestic programs, and offer sharply lower tax rates to corporations and the wealthy.
This is a clip of Norman Finkelstein's two appearances in Yoav Shamir's documentary "Defamation". Also featured is Abraham Foxman, chairman of the Anti-Defamation League.
An unidentified plane bombed a car near the airport in Sudan's main port city of Port Sudan on Tuesday, killing two people, a state government official told Reuters.
The aircraft flew in from the Red Sea but it was not clear to whom it belonged, Ahmed Tahir, the speaker of parliament in the Red Sea state where the port city is located, told Reuters.
Fukushima Units 5 & 6 flooded,risk of losing their cooling systems. Watch the face of the TEPCO official.
Video - Dylan Ratigan with John Mauldin
"Guess who goes bankrupt next? The U.S. government."
Congressional Clip - Erskine Bowles - April 4, 2011
“I'm really concerned. I think we face the most predictable economic crisis in history. A lot of us sitting in this room didn't see this last crisis as it came upon us. But this one is really easy to see. The fiscal path we are on today is simply not sustainable."
Complete transcript is included - Runs 1 Minute
U.S. grain firm Gavilon Grain said on Thursday it will buy Union Elevator and Warehouse's 16 grain elevators in the Pacific Northwest, the company's second big purchase of U.S. grain facilities in the last six months.
Supporting all alternative media
Folks - we are going into the Third World War. Did you hear me? Did you? This means your kids are going. Yeah. YOUR kids - because the war-mongers are going to need lots and lots of people to fight this mess. They are going after China - once and for all - after all there is no way to control the planet if China isn't dominated.
The total cost of the operation for the entire US military was estimated at $500 million on March 28.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The war in Libya is costing the US Air Force $4 million a day but the cost likely will drop now that American fighter jets pulled out of the operation, the air force secretary said Tuesday...
He must have gone to school here
Kenneth Schortgen Jr
The Federal government is trying to establish bartering private currency of any type as an illegal enterprise in a false interpretation of the court's recent conviction of Liberty Dollar's owner Bernard Von NotHaus...
The top 5 reasons why we keep getting into foolish fights.
Stephen M. Walt
Foreign Policy
The United States started out as 13 small and vulnerable colonies clinging to the east coast of North America. Over the next century, those original 13 states expanded all the way across the continent, subjugating or exterminating the native population and wresting Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California from Mexico. It fought a bitter civil war, acquired a modest set of overseas colonies, and came late to both world wars. But since becoming a great power around 1900, it has fought nearly a dozen genuine wars and engaged in countless military interventions...
Last week Japan nuclear radiation was found in California tap water.
This week the radioactive contamination has been found in drinking water in Idaho, Washington and Canada.
Multiple mainstream media outlets have picked up the Norwegian Air Institutes simulation showing radiation on the west coast.
While the scientist who was quoted downplays the possibility, the article does admit that the group of scientists who put together the simulation ARE credible.
“The animation was put together by scientists at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research. It’s a credible group that studies atmospheric patterns. Mynorthwest.com had University of Washington atmospheric science professor Dr. Dan Jaffe take a look at it. He’s considered one of the best at understanding trans-Pacific air patterns,” reported King 5.
Protests break out worldwide as global citizens suspect government coverups in the wake of Japan nuclear radiation spreading throughout Asia.
Anti-nuclear rallies are breaking out in Japan, China, The US, Germany, The UK and throughout Europe with people across the globe saying their governments are covering up the dangers of Japan nuclear fallout.
The staff of the Batumi port has been evacuated after the experts confirmed radiation in the scrap metal in the port. The brigades of the emergency service are working in the port, the additional groups of experts have been sent from Tbilisi to Batumi. The port has been closed and people are prohibited to enter its territory.
The harbor has been also closed and people evacuated from the territory.
I wonder where THIS radiation came from?
The representatives of the emergency service abstain from releasing information about the radioactive metals, which were discovered in the freight railway wagon. The type of the radioactive substance is supposed to cesium-137, which the experts assert is not dangerous for health.
Fortunately we have a medical diagnosis of the situation from a doctor who knows something about iodine and the necessity of taking more of it now.
Dr. David Brownstein, author of Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, is a friend and a great author of honest medical books. If I could scream with a megaton of force it would be a scream at the orthodox medical establishment to listen to Dr. Brownstein about iodine.
You have to understand, screaming would be required for they are very hard of hearing over there at the FDA and CDC. Even hearing aids don’t do much good for the higher officials in these organizations.
Japan and TEPCO covered up radiation levels 7.5 million times above legal limits in the seawater.
Sadly these were levels measured before they dumped 3 million gallons of radioactive water into the ocean.
Just think about all it really means if the elections are being rigged on a massive scale.
It means that the contract between ruler and ruled is broken. The government does not govern with the consent of the governed, it rules by treachery and deception. The crown it wears is a stolen one, usurped from the people by three voting machine companies and one media owned results-announcer totally beyond review and reproach.
So, now we come back to the issue of government debt and who is really responsible for it. If, as appears to be the case, our elections are routinely being rigged, then it cannot be argued that We The People either chose, or approved of, those officials who borrowed trillions of dollars without our permission and sought to enslave us to that debt.
Let us imagine for a moment that you go to a restaurant, and you place an order for a hamburger. The proprietor of the restaurant tells you the cost is $10 for the hamburger, and you pay $10 for the hamburger. You get your food. No problems. Well worth the money you paid for it. No complaints.
The newest video from Bankrupting America...
This is excellent if you haven't already seen it.
The details of this story are simply astonishing.
With gold and silver strong as of late, the Godfather of newsletter writers Richard Russell had this to say in his latest commentary, “(Bill) Gross warns that 75% of the US budget is nondiscretionary and is entitlement-based. With Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, notes Gross, we are seeing $1 trillion deficits as far out as the eye can see. These three entitlements amount to 44% of Federal spending and their share is steadily rising.”
Jonathan Cook considers what judge Richard Goldstone may or may not have retracted from his original report on Israel's attack on Gaza in 2008, the validity of his apparent retractions and what may lay behind his rethink.
Could The Real Summer of Rage be Coming Soon when we suffer and Wall Street lives well
Prisoners of a White God
A documentary film about mountain ethnic groups in South East Asia, and how international development systematically destroys societies around the world.
This excellent documentary received the Grand Prixes at RAFF Film Festival
You really should watch this.
The Center for Public Integrity reports that a senior journalist at ABC News served as a confidential informant to the FBI in the mid-1990?s.
In the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, ABC News received a tip that Iraq was behind the terrorist attack. The FBI got the ABC reporter to reveal their source, and proceeded to add them to the bureau’s informant database.
It may be time to ready those orange jumpsuits after all. Although a settlement is already being worked out between banks and state attorneys general over the institutions' failures to follow proper procedures in processing foreclosures, money and concessions might not be enough. A recent segment on 60 Minutes certainly makes the case that some bank officers should serve some jail time.
Radioactive iodine-131 readings taken from seawater near the water intake of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant's No. 2 reactor reached 7.5 million times the legal limit, Tokyo Electric Power Co. admitted Tuesday.
The sample that yielded the high reading was taken Saturday, before Tepco announced Monday it would start releasing radioactive water into the sea, and experts fear the contamination may spread well beyond Japan's shores to affect seafood overseas.
This paper examines the evidence that government regulators have been captured by the Big 4 accounting firms.
All evidence suggests that reports of large, blue-chip companies having difficulty funding operations can be attributed to one company: GE.
Documentary - Dead In The Water
Documentary show that was on in the UK with a really interesting story showing a deliberate attack by Israel against a US naval vessel and the subsequent US cover up
How high is the radiation from Japan's leaking Fukushima Daiichi complex?
As I noted on March 29th, radioactive cesium from Japan already rivals Chernobyl.
With the help of a go-between – an Israeli friend he had met online, who benefited from greater mobility than he – Ayman obtained a Spanish student visa. Once his papers were in order, he booked a flight for 1 February 2010. However, like several hundred other scholarship students, he was prevented from leaving Gaza. The Master’s degree programme began without him.
In a nuclear crisis that is becoming increasingly serious, Japan’s Nuclear Safety Agency confirmed that radioactive iodine-131 in seawater samples taken near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex that was seriously damaged by the recent tsunami off the coast of Japan is 4,385 times the level permitted by law.
Airborne radiation near the plant has been measured at 4-times government limits.
Tokyo Electric Power Company, the company that operates the crippled plant, has begun releasing more than 11,000 tons of radioactive water that was used to cool the fuel rods into the ocean while it attempts to find the source of radioactive leaks. The water being released is about 100 times more radioactive than legal limits.
I apologize to my readers for my felt need to communicate the humanitarian disaster being staged in the Libyan desert by NATO troops using depleted-uranium weaponry.
Having heard that DU weapons are being used by NATO to take out Mouammar Gaddafi’s tanks, I cannot and will not remain silent.
I am reminded of why Afghanis have come to hate their American "rescuers" with a loathing not reserved for Russian invaders.
When their babies were born deformed, the Afghani population woke up to the damage caused by depleted uranium.
Small fish caught in waters off the coast of Ibaraki have been found to contain radioactive cesium above the legal limit.
Ibaraki is south of Fukushima prefecture, where the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is located.
Trace levels of radioactive isotope cesium-137 and -134 were detected in the air of 17 of the Chinese mainland's 31 provincial-level regions on Tuesday, up from 13 regions on Monday, according to China's National Nuclear Emergency Coordination Committee.
Cesium-137 and -134 were detected in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan and Ningxia on Tuesday.
"Extremely low levels" of radioactive iodine-131 were detected in the air over some areas of 29 provincial-level regions, with Guangxi and Guizhou being exempted from the list.
Kopp Online, Xander News and other non-English news agencies are reporting that the EU implemented a secret “emergency” order without informing the public which increases the amount of radiation in food by up to 20 times previous food standards.
Suppressing free and open discussion on any subject is as bad as telling lies, and knowingly suppressing the truth is the biggest lie of all, because it is based, not on a mistake or a genuine error, but on a deliberate intention to deceive.
Having been tortured, Rudolf Höss, who was the commander of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943, almost certainly lied to save the lives of his wife and children. Even if torture and duress cannot not be proven, the overwhelming reason for recognizing the utter falsity of the Höss confession is that the gassing method he described was not scientifically plausible.
The Israeli army awaits the improvement of weather conditions to resume its assassinations operations targeted at leaders and activists affiliated with Hamas military wing. In a report published by the Hebrew version of Ynet Monday, a military commentator, Ron Bin Yeshay, said that the resumption of assassinations comes in an effort to excursive deterrence in confronting Palestinian factions two years after the bloody war launched on the Gaza Strip.
Bin Yeshay, indicated that the decision to take these operations to the next level was made recently in a small ministerial meeting presided over by Benjamin Netanyahu. Also at the meeting were leaders of Israel's security organs.
I am going to toss out a theory here; a theory that explains why even though Obama was born here in Hawaii why there has been obfuscation over the birth certificate. The theory involves a minor scandal Obama needed hidden, yet was too trivial to be of use to either Hillary Clinton or John McCain during the 2008 campaign.
That is the real issue here. If there was anything at all to this claim that Obama is not a natural born citizen, both Hillary and McCain would not have hesitated to use it to remove Obama and win the White House. So there must be another explanation.
Today it seems like no better time to remind ourselves to “never forget” the mistakes in Vietnam, and if it requires cutting through the message managing and taking photographs from our soldiers’ iPhones seriously, maybe enough to demand real answers about why we are fighting and for how long we are going to send our men and women over there to do it, then so be it. In a world where we’re so used to being hand-held by authority and the corporate media culture, let’s hope that is still possible.
Fukushima is measuring radiation levels at all elementary and junior high schools and child care centers in the prefecture.
The operator of the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says 7.5 million times the legal limit of radioactive iodine 131 has been detected from samples of seawater near the plant.
Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, found on Saturday that contaminated water was leaking from a cracked concrete pit near the No. 2 reactor.
Experts say this makes it clear that highly radioactive substances from the reactor are flowing into the sea, and that the leak must be stopped as soon as possible.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- For the fourth time in six months, China's central bank is hiking interest rates to combat rising inflation in the country.
The People's Bank of China said Tuesday that it will raise its one-year lending rate to 6.31% from 6.06%, effective Wednesday.
China has raised interest rates incrementally over the last six months in an ongoing effort to tame rapidly rising prices there. Consumer prices surged 4.9% over the 12 months ending in February -- a rate far outpacing price increases in the United States and Europe.
A group of 25 hedge fund executives in 2010 managed to earn a combined $22.1 billion — an amount equivalent to 441,400 American households each making $50,000 a year (roughly the current average).
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Any analysis of the Middle East would be remiss without factoring in Israel. Israel has been playing a rather muted role in the unfolding globalist gambit -- mainly because any Israeli involvement in supporting these staged revolutions would instantly taint them and ultimately derail them. Interestingly enough, the limited role Israel has been playing includes using this phenomenon, a political "touch of death," to target the various national oligarchies being swept from power...
Humanity mourns. We are shocked. Juliano Mer-Khamis, a friend and fellow peace activist, was murdered in Jenin. The masked killer/s whoever they were were cowards whose madness will not deter those of us who continue to work for justice and peace for all. If they thought they could kill coexistence and love in the holy land by killing a symbol and a great activist, they are mistaken. Juliano symbolizes what many of us have worked for: a transformation of our homeland into a pluralistic democratic state where every human being regardless of his religion (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) would be treated with dignity and respect. Fundamentalist notions of superiority were at odds with this message. His killers will not get their way and justice will prevail.
Theater students released a statement on Tuesday morning, saying “Juliano, your mother’s children have passed away, your mother Arna has passed away and so did you – but your children are going to stay, following your path on the way to the freedom battle, and we will go on with your revolution’s promise, the Jasmine revolution.
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.
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