[Over 20] years after the world?s [2nd] worst nuclear power accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, some 400 British farms are still being monitored for radioactive contamination.
SHEEP in Scotland still carry traces of radiation from Chernobyl – over 20 years since the catastrophic explosion.
A huge cloud of radioactivity spread across Europe after the nuclear reactor in the Ukraine overheated and blew up – and five farms across Scotland are still suffering from the mistakes made in 1986.
The affected farms are in Stirling and Ayrshire and are thought to cover around 7000 hectares of land.
Almost 3000 sheep are still contaminated by the radiation, and are subject to restrictions from the Food Standard Agency (FSA).
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's special envoy to Libya said Monday the conflict in the North African country appears to be continuing indefinitely.
But back to food. Make no mistake about this – radiation can be taken in not only through breathing it in but also ingesting it. Whatever is out in the fields when the winds in the atmosphere hit the West Coast will be contaminated and I think we should all take the position that given the state budgets and the people in power, no one out there is going to stand over the farmers and orchardists with firearms and cans of gasoline to make sure everything in the fields is destroyed so that none of it gets into the food chain.(You’re especially screwed if you like broccoli)
A good friend of the site and veteran budget watcher spotted something very interesting in the budget bill, which appears to be a dramatic expansion of executive power at the expense of the Ohio legislature (not unlike the provision allowing the securitization of liquor revenue without competitive bidding or Controlling Board approval).
At the Republican Jewish Coalition's winter leadership retreat here, it was the absence of certain likely candidates for president that had the crowd most excited.
“In a little more than a year the United States flew $12 billion in cash to Iraq, much of it in $100 bills, shrink wrapped and loaded onto pallets. Vanity Fair reported in 2004 that ‘at least $9 billion’ of the cash had ‘gone missing, unaccounted for.’ $9 billion.
The earliest evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 was actually revealed in the news on the very day of the terror attacks and shortly thereafter, but never followed up in the mainstream media.
The new levels coupled with reports that radiation was building up in fish led the government to create an acceptable radiation standard for fish for the first time, and officials said it could change depending on circumstances.
Though they don’t want you to know about it, the billionaire Koch brothers are bankrolling a massive campaign to roll back progressive achievements, and today, labor, civil rights, and climate activists turned out at dozens of rallies across the country to demonstrate against the Koch’s secretive influence in American politics and to stand up for labor and civil rights.
Will the undisclosed plan bring to life the CFR’s vision for a North American Border Pass requiring biometric data & security clearance to cross borders?
Forty-seven percent of Germans are of the opinion that Israel is exterminating the Palestinians according to a poll undertaken by the University of Bielefeld for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, affiliated with the German Social Democratic Party. These findings raise fundamental questions about the future of German society and not only about those Germans who falsely accuse Israelis of behaving like their own totalitarian or murderous ancestors.
Israel is on the threshold of facing the third Palestinian intifada (rebellion). This is the opinion of Amos Gilad, retired general, now head of the diplomacy and security bureau under the Israeli government, the Tenth Channel of Israeli TV reports.
“If the United Nations Organisation recognises Palestine as an independent state in September this year, Israel will find itself in international isolation, which will be tantamount to a war,” Gilad said. “The Palestinian leaders unleashed a political war against Israel in the international arena.”
The new president of Germany's 105,000-member Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann, launched on Monday a withering attack on German companies, the Merkel Administration and the country's central bank (Bundesbank) for their continued business deals with an Iranian regime that denies the Holocaust and supports terror movements.
For more than three years, the FBI had been trolling for corruption in one of the nation’s most corrupt states. And the bait this time was an undercover informant, a failed real estate mogul named Solomon Dwek, mired in bankruptcy and facing 30 years in jail for a $50 million bank fraud.
Wearing a hidden wire, Dwek took on a fake identify, calling himself David Esenbach, a fast-talking, seemingly reckless guy with a loose wallet who was willing to pay off anyone to get jobs fast-tracked. Someone with a plan to put up impossibly big, luxury high-rises on what turned out to be toxic waste sites. Incredibly, no one ever questioned why.
Economists with the International Monetary Fund say Americans will have to pay more taxes and accept less government-funded health care if the country is to have financial stability.
"The longer Congress fails to act, the more we risk that investors here and around the world will lose confidence in our ability to meet our commitments and our obligations," Geithner said in a letter to congressional leaders.
"Default by the United States is unthinkable."
Papaya fruit postharvest losses up to 75% have been reported to Hawaii shippers by mainland USA wholesalers and retailers.
Your opinions, your feelings and your lives do not matter in the New America. You do not own a bank.
Following the decision by the British government not to invite Russia to an international conference in London on Libya – whose participants, including the United States and other Western powers, reaffirmed support for Nato’s military action in the North African country – Russian intransigence increased when the Kremlin’s top diplomat said that the conference should “start a probe into alleged civilian casualties caused by Nato bombings in Libya”.
Radioactive iodine-131 readings taken from seawater near the water intake of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant's No. 2 reactor reached 7.5 million times the legal limit, Tokyo Electric Power Co. admitted Tuesday.
The sample that yielded the high reading was taken Saturday, before Tepco announced Monday it would start releasing radioactive water into the sea, and experts fear the contamination may spread well beyond Japan's shores to affect seafood overseas.
Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important.
The operator of Japan's crippled nuclear power plant said on Tuesday it had found water with 5 million times the legal limit of radioactivity inside a reactor as it struggles for a fourth week to contain the world's biggest nuclear disaster in quarter of a century.
Underlining the concern over spreading radiation, the government said it was considering imposing radioactivity restrictions on seafood for the first time in the crisis after contaminated fish were found in seas well south of the damaged nuclear reactors.
House Republicans will Tuesday unveil a long-term budget plan that essentially privatizes Medicare, a move that is sure to draw ire from progressives on Capitol Hill.
The proposal, authored by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), aims to cut $4 trillion in federal spending over ten years, in part by ending Medicare as we know it for Americans who are currently under the age of 55.
"There is nobody saying that Medicare can stay in its current path," Ryan said on Fox News Sunday. "We should not be measuring ourselves against some mythical future of Medicare that isn't sustainable.
Editor's Note: "Ryan's plan would privatize the Medicare health program for older Americans, giving beneficiaries vouchers to pay for care." Of course it will. Using a "crisis" to transfer more taxpayer funds to private cartels.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama's Republican foes, warning the debt-heavy US economy is headed for collapse, unveiled a plan on Tuesday to slash government spending by $6 trillion over the next decade.
The Heath Service Executive (HSE) will remove all stocks of the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix from GPs' surgeries, the Sunday Independent has learned.
The vaccine has been linked to the disabling sleep disorder, narcolepsy.
In recent weeks an escalation in violence between Israel and Palestinian resistance factions in the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip has claimed the lives of more than a dozen Palestinians, the youngest of them 10-year-old Mahmoud Jalal al-Hilu.
Does this escalation increase the likelihood of another large-scale assault on Gaza similar to “Operation Cast Lead” in winter 2008-2009 that killed more than 1,400 Palestinians? There are worrying signs Israel — by its words and deeds — could be laying the ground for an attack.
Speaking to Russia Today, West explained that in his view, Obama has morphed into “a centrist leaning toward the right” who acts as “a puppet of big business” at home and promotes “liberal neoconservatism” in lands abroad.
Gen. Avi Benayahu, the Israeli military’s chief spokesman, said on Israel Radio that he would like to invite Mr. Goldstone to Israel, show him around and enlist him in the state’s future public relations needs.
eneral David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, is expected to leave that job by early fall. And the question has been, where does he go from there?
Several sources, including government officials, say Petraeus is being seriously considered for CIA director, and would take the job if offered.
The current spy chief, Leon Panetta, is currently seen as the top replacement for Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who says he will step down this year.
White House and Pentagon officials say they will not comment on any personnel changes.
J Street, the pro-peace, pro-Israel lobbying group, is circulating a petition calling on President Barack Obama to go to Israel in the very near future. In my view, it is absolutely right. Such a trip is absolutely essential for two reasons.
The first is to reassure Israel of America's support in difficult times. Fairly or not, many Israelis do not trust Obama in the same way they did his two predecessors, Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
Two types of consumer eh?
In their zeal to cut government spending, Republicans in Congress have been quoting the Constitution and hacking away at funds for National Public Radio, which saved $5 million.
But if those same Republicans had seriously honored the Constitution 10 years ago, they might have saved $5-6 trillion.
Yesterday, the Associated Press included this absolute statement in their article titled Japan Frantically Tries To Trace Radioactive Water In Pacific Ocean:
Radioactivity is quickly diluted in the ocean, and government officials said the dump should not affect the safety of seafood in the area.
Today, they hedged their bold statement slightly...
9/11 was a master plot, concocted by a handfull of Israelis and dual passport Americans and carried out by the resources of the Mossad.
Video - Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk - Apr. 4, 2011
Complete transcript is included.
Dov Zakheim. Not many Americans know who he is, but they ignore him at their own peril. If for no other reason, a dual Israeli-American citizen as Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the United States Dept. of Defense should raise some eyebrows. He was also President Bush's senior foreign policy advisor during the 2000 campaign.
He was (is?) Corporate VP1 at System Planning Corporation, a major player in the "Homeland Security" industry. One of the products that SysPlan sells is the Command Transmitter System, a remote control system for planes, boats, missiles and other vehicles2 . It's highly customable and configurable to interface with an almost limitless number of vehicle types.
The remote control theory of 9/11 looks a little better every day.
There are great storms at sea these days. These storms have a purpose. They drive the waves and they can make shorelines appear as well. They are not what you should be focusing on. Your best bet is to try to sense the oceans intention for you and you can’t do that when you are being motivated by intentions of your own, unless that is your intention.
Written story included for those who can't watch videos at work.
By Nobel Prize Winner Joseph Stiglitz
Americans have been watching global protests against oppressive regimes that concentrate massive wealth in the hands of an elite few. Yet in our own democracy, 1 percent of the people take nearly a quarter of the nation’s income—an inequality even the wealthy will come to regret.
As we have explained before, Seven Mountains dominionism seeks to place Christians in control over the seven forces that shape and control our culture: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion. The reason for this, as Lance Wallnau, the leading advocate for Seven Mountains theology, explained is that Jesus "doesn't come back until He's accomplished the dominion of nations." And the way "dominion of nations" is accomplished is by having Christians gain control of these "seven mountains" in order to install a "virtual theocracy" overseen by "true apostles" who will fight Satan and his Antichrist agenda.
Last week, as if to justify his Libyan crusade, President Obama echoed the prevailing “peak oil” myth, stating that “we must accept the new reality that from here on out, demand for oil will always exceed supply”. It was music to the ears of the Rockefeller/Rothschild energy cartel and tax-dodger oil traders in Zug, Switzerland alike. Both know full well that oil companies pay around $18/barrel to get crude out of the ground.
Activist Post
George W. Bush was clearly a mentally-challenged puppet of the military/banking/oil elite. The policies put it in place at breakneck speed after 9/11 were provably predetermined by think tanks well in advance. Not that other presidents were any less controlled by this hidden agenda, but there was a noticeable in-your-face quickening of corporate-government tyranny under Bush.
These policies like wars of aggression, illegal surveillance of Americans, torture of detainees indefinitely held without formal charges, unfair "free trade" agreements, and bank bailouts rightfully enraged many progressives during the Bush years. Yet, not only have these policies accelerated under Obama, even more of the draconian playbook is unfolding.
It will be recalled that after the September, 2009 issuance of the Goldstone Report suggesting that Israel might be guilty of war crimes, Judge Richard Goldstone was barred from attending grandson’s bar mitzvah. That is how much resentment was produced by the critical report that bares his name. Well, Richard Goldstone has just assured himself access to all future family celebrations. He has accomplished this by calling into doubt his offending investigatory work.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The FBI is questioning Libyans living in the United States in a bid to identify spies or agents, and obtain information useful for the allied campaign, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday...FBI agents, who began their interviews this week, are initially focusing on people with personal or professional ties to Libya, it added, noting early estimates put the number of potential interviewees in the thousands...
A portrait of Dick Cheney:
"What Cheney says is more fiction than fact. What he does, is aimed at money and power."
It seems that the world in which we live in, a world of impunity for the favoured Israeli state, is set to continue. Unless of course we the people decide enough is enough.
In the aftermath of Cast Lead, Justice Richard Goldstone, a Zionist Jew, was commissioned by the United Nations to write a report on the alleged war crimes. Although the report did not go nearly far enough in exposing the brutality of all the crimes committed, crimes committed by the fourth largest military in the world against a essentially defenceless and captive population, it did allege that Israel (and Hamas) was almost undoubtedly guilty of war crimes and possibly, crimes against humanity.
Me = Sibel Edmonds, F.L. = Foundation Lady
Me: Let’s talk straight. Are you telling me you and others who pledged support will withdraw their pledge if I have a Clinton-Democrat era whistleblower?
F.L.: I am not saying that, but I am asking you to be a bit more tactful and diplomatic. Why would you cut your funding channel for one guy? Getting him off the list won’t hurt anyone. It won’t damage your cause…
Me: I think it does. Contributing to NSWBC as foundation donors doesn’t come with management and decision-making entitlement. At least not as far as NSWBC is concerned,
F.L.: Then I think you won’t be getting funds from any foundations.
Me: I guess not. I’d rather shut down my organization than make it a tool for partisanship, agenda and interests…
Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas and apply them to manipulating the masses.
Bernays showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires. Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from celebrity endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the motorcar.
Government and unrestricted immigration into the UK?
A government document released today reveals that officials made it clear that the public were against relaxing border controls, but ministers were urged to ignore those ‘racist’ views and go ahead with secret policies to encourage the flood of people coming into the UK. I am not racist, I’m kind of an immigrant myself and members of my family are coloured, but why do put with a political leaders who deliberately ignore us, lie to us, and consider our views
PARIS — The photograph shows a French Rafale warplane at the Mitiga air base outside Tripoli. A small crowd of men, women and children mill around the fighter jet, its tail fin lit up by the North African sun.
Taken at an air show in October 2009, the picture is one of several grabbed by military aviation photographers from Dutch website scramble.nl that highlight one of the ironies in the West's enforcement of a no-fly zone over Libya. To take out Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses, Western powers such as France and Italy are using the very aircraft and weapons that only months ago they were showing off to the Libyan leader.
April 4, 2011
Radiation measurements have exceeded levels at which people are advised to stay indoors in a town outside the 30-kilometer radius of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
The science ministry continues to monitor radiation levels in areas where residents have not been advised by the government to evacuate or stay indoors.
The agency inputs observation data sent from the IAEA--such as the time when radioactive substances are first released, the duration of the release and how high the substances reach--into the agency's supercomputer, adding the agency's observation data, including wind directions and other data. The supercomputer then calculates the direction in which the radioactive substances will go and how much they will spread.
However, the agency has only been reporting the forecasts to the IAEA and not releasing them to the public at home.
Fukushima is a kind of global “kill shot,” make no mistake about that. The situation is dire in the extreme. The global nuclear industry is trying to kill you, and Fukushima is their latest broadside, aimed at the whole planet. The entire nuclear complex, from uranium mining, to nuclear weapons (including depleted uranium munitions), to nuclear electrical generating plants, to research reactors, to so-called “nuclear medicine,” has to go.
Look at the photos of the Fukushima plant at this link:
Does any rational person seriously think that such total destruction can be fixed or repaired? That it is only a question of reconnecting the electricity and turning the pumps back on?
Japan's chief government spokesman said Tuesday that the decision to release radioactive water from a stricken nuclear power plant into the sea was a regrettable, but inevitable.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said the decision by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501) was the least bad option available to secure space to contain higher-level radioactive water at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The Japanese Meteorological Agency has been withholding forecasts on dispersal of radioactive substances from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant despite making the forecasts every day, it was learned Monday (April 4).
Meteorological institutions in some European countries such as Germany and Norway have been publishing their own radiation dispersal forecasts on their Web sites based on their own meteorological observations.
Nuclear experts at home and abroad are criticising the Japanese government for not releasing its own forecasts, raising new questions about the government's handling of information on the nuclear crisis.
The government ordered the Meteorological Agency on Monday to disclose its projections on how radioactive emissions will spread from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station after it was found to be withholding U.N. data from the public since the crisis began.
As for legal exposure, Deane Dray, an analyst at Citigroup Global Markets, noted recently that "equipment suppliers such as GE are not liable for financial damages, based on longstanding channeling laws which have been in effect since the early 1960s in multiple countries, including Japan."
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Curbs on produce to be changed
Kyodo News
The government decided Monday to alter the way it restricts farm produce tainted by radioactive fallout from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant.
Airplanes could be taken over by remote control and forced to crash with the use of newly invented computer software, according to an expert cited by The Courier-Mail on Monday.
TOKYO—The head of General Electric Co. insisted Monday that the nuclear industry has had a "safe track record" without directly answering a question from reporters in Tokyo about GE's potential liability as a manufacturer of three of the six reactors at Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi power plant.
"This is an industry that's had an extremely safe track record for more then 40 years," Jeffrey Immelt, chairman and chief executive officer of the U.S. conglomerate, told reporters at Japan's industry ...
Toyota Motor Co (NYSE:TM) announced earlier today that they will have to close down all of their North American factories by the end of this month due to a parts shortage caused by the damage from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.
First of all let me explain, the Japanese news coverage for Fukushima has been like pulling teeth, only admitting things slowly as they become forced to by foreign and alternative media. Here is something that quite literally flew under the radar. Further South of Fukushima's nuclear hot spots there seems to be another reactor in trouble. If you were paying attention to the radiation grid, you may have notices a sudden sharp spikes in radiation out of Ibaraki. The Tokia region of Ibaraki is was home to Japan's first reactor. Replacement reactos have been plagued with troubles.
If you're a customer of Walgreens, Best Buy, Citigroup or one of several other major U.S. companies, you might want to put your email inbox on high alert.
Over the weekend, those retailers were the latest on a growing list of big-name businesses to warn customers that computer hackers may have accessed their email addresses and names. All of the companies work with the Dallas-based online marketing firm Epsilon, which said Friday that its system had been breached, potentially exposing it's corporate clients' customer information.
Alternative health practitioners in North Carolina (NC) and their patients need your help to defeat a stealth bill that flew under the radar of most everyone in the natural health community. Senate Bill 31, which clarifies the penalties for the "unauthorized practice of medicine," essentially criminalizes the practice of unlicensed forms of medicine, which includes the work of many naturopaths, homeopaths, herbalists, aromatherapists, and even some midwives in the state. The bill was adopted by a judiciary committee in early March, and it recently passed the NC Senate. Now, the NC House is set to vote on the bill tonight, and unless NC governor Bev Perdue vetoes it, the practice of natural medicine for many in NC may soon become a more severe criminal offense.
The United Nations flag with the grid over the globe is an important clue for those who monitor world affairs. They are tightening their grip on the earth and laying out their control grid piece by piece. The previous Earth Summit in 1993 produced an insidious action plan entitled Agenda 21.
This plan was carried out and allowed the United Nations to acquire and control resources from around the globe and coerce local, state and federal governments to do their bidding for the sake of the earth.
In 2012, they meet again in Rio but the media campaign has already kicked off. Initial recommendations have been released by participating working groups and they are comprehensive enough to give Eco-Zealots wet dreams.
alestinian militants‘….. perhaps they are right.
This picture was a press release from Israeli sources purported to show Palestinian terrorists. However one of the suspected terrorists forgot to take off his star of David before being photographed. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE FUNNY, THIS IS TO SHOW YOU HOW FALSE FLAGS ARE RAISED BY THE ZIONISTS.
Every once in a while, establishment control of the mainstream media cracks for a moment. In an effort to achieve higher ratings, mainstream news programs will invite guests on that promise to be “interesting”, but then they will say something that is not part of the script and the entire system will go into a state of chaos for a moment. One example of this happened recently when two CNN “infobabes” interviewed former CIA officer Michael Scheuer about the situation on the ground in Libya. They asked Scheuer some questions regarding the role of the CIA in Libya, but the interview rapidly moved in some directions that the “infobabes” were not anticipating.
"Default would cause a financial crisis potentially more severe than the crisis from which we are only now starting to recover," Geithner said. He warned that military pay, social assistance payments and tax refunds could be among the first things to be blocked.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States is likely to hit its $14.29 trillion debt limit sooner than thought, the Treasury Department said Monday, pressuring lawmakers to raise the ceiling or face a possible government default.
According to the National Academy of Sciences, there are no safe doses of radiation. Decades of research show clearly that any dose of radiation increases an individual’s risk for the development of cancer.
“There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources. Period,” said Jeff Patterson, DO, immediate past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Exposure to radionuclides, such as iodine-131 and cesium-137, increases the incidence of cancer. For this reason, every effort must be taken to minimize the radionuclide content in food and water.”
Editor's Note: Thank goodness for the government turning the justice system upside-down for our safety. "For the sake of the safety and security of the American people, I’m glad the president reconsidered his position on how and where to try these detainees," says Mitch McConnell.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - In a major about-face, the Obama administration said on Monday that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators will be tried by a military tribunal at Guantanamo rather than a civilian court in New York.
Attorney General Eric Holder announced the U-turn, saying that the accused 9/11 plotters could have been successfully prosecuted in a federal court, but blamed Congress for approving restrictions blocking trials of Guantanamo inmates in the United States.
Video - From last night's 60 Minutes
As more and more Americans face mortgage foreclosure, banks' crucial ownership documents for the properties are often unclear and are sometimes even bogus, a condition that's causing lawsuits and hampering an already weak housing market.
Transcript is included for those who can't watch videos at work.
This is from an interview in 1988, explosive information that nobody listened to then and nobody will listen to now.
In 1992, residents at an apartment in Taipei were found to have been exposed to excessive radiation for years without knowing, as the building was constructed with rebar made of scrap metal that contained radioactive cobalt-60, according to the Atomic Energy Council.
April 4th: George Orwell Day!
In a response to a lawsuit filed by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), the FDA has articulated its belief that there is no such thing as a right to health or to purchase or consume any given food.
The FTCLDF has sued the FDA for banning the interstate shipment or sale of raw milk products, alleging that the policy deprives consumers and a food buying group owner “of their fundamental and inalienable rights of (a) traveling across State lines with raw dairy products legally obtained and possessed; (b) providing for the care and well being of themselves and their families, including their children; and (c) producing, obtaining and consuming the foods of choice for themselves and their families, including their children.”
The efforts at Fukushima are at best many months away from stabilization and years away from any sort of a final resolution. This crisis is going to be with all of us for a very long time with radioactive material continuing to escape from the complex into the environment adding a staggering amount of nuclear pollution into the world.
Things seem relatively calm at the moment with no more explosions to report but the headlines constantly stress the “risk of uncontrolled radiation” and this morning’s headline was, “Search for radiation leak turns desperate in Japan.” One of the chief concerns is that things might take a turn for the worse whereby radiation spikes to levels that prevent humans from getting close enough to perform meaningful operations and work at the nuclear site.
Following my recent appearance on the Alex Jones Show, we get to witness first hand the government engaging in its two most fundamental activities: The real time manipulation of social media and the fulfillment of the duties outline for The Ministry of Truth.
Indeed it is a spectacular phenomenon to watch as the government kill two birds with one stone. Personally, I would rather get two birds stone with one bowl, but on with the story.
Before proceeding, for those who aren't familiar with the content of the links in this post, my source articles and the meaning of the Ministry of Truth, Doublespeak, and Newspeak, you may not understand this story. I encourage you to educate yourself on these topics.
Federal prosecutors on Monday tried to take a hoard of silver "Liberty Dollars" worth about $7 million that authorities say was invented by an Indiana man to compete with U.S. currency.
Bernard von NotHaus, 67, was convicted last month in federal court in Statesville on conspiracy and counterfeiting charges for making and selling the currency, which he promoted as inflation-proof competition for the U.S. dollar.
His Charlotte-based lawyer, Aaron Michel, is appealing that verdict. He wrote in a motion filed Thursday that von NotHaus did nothing wrong because he didn't try to pass the Liberty Dollars off as U.S. dollars.
So what if there's a government shutdown? What are they doing to promote safety?
Radio Show Host Hisham Tillawi has exposed the Zionist infiltration of the US and EU while explaining the Arab revolutions, and who is really to benefit from them.
By last week it had led one of America's most senior officers, General Carter Ham, head of US Africa command, to warn publicly for the first time of what Washington, London and Paris regard as the nightmare scenario. "I do see a situation where that could be the case," he said. "I could see accomplishing the military mission which has been assigned to me, and the current leader would remain the current leader."
He said: 'I heard a loud bang from the back. It sounded like a bomb - very hard. I never heard something like that before.'
His brother, Marc Mastronardi, told the Post: 'He was an amazing and loving father and we’ll really miss him.'
Mr Mastronardi studied at the University of Chicago and was head of exotic derivatives at the India-based firm Vyapar Capital Market Partners.
Just in his mid-20s, Brian Deschane has no college degree, very little management experience and two drunken-driving convictions.
Yet he has landed an $81,500-per-year job in Gov. Scott Walker's administration overseeing environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees at the Department of Commerce. Even though Walker says the state is broke and public employees are overpaid, Deschane already has earned a promotion and a 26% pay raise in just two months with the state.
How did Deschane score his plum assignment with the Walker team?
It's all in the family.
I think when we are young, or at least when I was younger in the pre-internet days, many important questions are framed under false linear dichotomies. Within these poorly framed questions come simplified opposing sides with troubling associations. As a young man, the position of peace was presented to me with associations to the naïve, to weaklings, drugged out hippies, to people who spit on soldiers and called them baby killers, and to parasitical groups of ungrateful people who enjoyed the freedoms that others brought them through fighting, but who were unwilling to fight themselves.
Eric Ruder reports on Israel's new attacks on Gaza--and the threat of worse.
Three more Southwest Airlines jetliners have small, subsurface cracks that are similar to the cracks suspected of playing a role in the fuselage tear of a Boeing 737-300, causing the aircraft to lose pressure and forcing a frightening emergency landing, officials said.
Editor's Note: We are republishing this story in the wake of this news:
NTSB: Cracks found in 3 more Southwest planes
The U.S. Defense Department, which has been trying to terminate the alternate engine for five years, issued a stop-work order to GE and its British partner Rolls Royce (RR.L) on Thursday, calling it "a waste of taxpayer money that can be used to fund higher Departmental priorities."
The Pentagon has tried to kill the program since 2007, but Republican and Democratic lawmakers have repeatedly added it back into the budget, citing concerns about associated jobs and use of one engine design to power thousands of the fighters.
Must See Video
Take Back the Land - Rochester engages in an eviction defense of the Lennon-Griffin family home. Six members are arrested, as is an elderly neighbor who dared complain about the police overkill.
The bulldozer driver has testified that he could not see Corrie, who had positioned herself in front of his blade, because of the lumbering vehicle's restricted field of vision. Corrie's family charges that the Israeli military either intentionally killed her or failed to take appropriate and necessary measures to protect Rachel's life, according to a press release from the family. They are seeking a token $1 in damages and legal expenses.
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