Friday, April 1, 2011

IMPORTANT WRH News stories for Friday, April 01, 2011 Part 1

Shippers Tokyo route as U.S. Says radiation maintain wiped away easily

Shippers Tokyo route as U.S. Says radiation maintain wiped away easily
Five of the six biggest container shippers are maintaining routes to Tokyo and Yokohama after the U.S. Navy said radiation on vessels from the leaking Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant can be scrubbed off with soap and water.
"The U.S. fleet has taken steps to avoid contamination, including trying to keep ships upwind from the Fukushima plant and asking helicopter pilots to fly with windows closed, Davis said. For sailors on some land missions within 50 nautical miles of the power plant, it’s also administering potassium iodide."

And here we thought the reactors might be in bad shape.

CEO pay soars while workers' pay stalls

The heads of the nation’s top companies got the biggest raises in recent memory last year after taking a hiatus during the recession.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Welcome to the Fascist state of America

Reactor Core Was Severely Damaged, U.S. Official Says

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Friday that roughly 70 percent of the core of one reactor at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan had suffered severe damage.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Gee, you think?

We knew that 2 weeks ago, you clueless twit.

Fission Causing the Flashing Blue Lights [Cherenkov Radiation] Above Fukushima Reactors

GREENPEACE Measures EXTREME RADIATION 40KM From Fukushima - Why No Evacuation?

Maximum Annual Dose In Few Days!

Regardless of what anyone thinks about GreenPeace and their stance on fraudulent man made warning, this video clearly shows that levels at least 40km from the plant are EXTREMELY high!

People NEED to be evacuated from the area. The Japanese government is involved in a CRIMINAL cover up that possibly extends to the IAEA and various other governments who are openly lying about the situation.

Nuclear Fuel Pool Has NO WATER, RODS EXPOSED - Plutonium Could Become Volatile

FLASHBACK: Japan’s Nuclear Criticality Accident

When and where did the accident take place?

An inadvertent nuclear chain reaction, or so-called “criticality accident,” began at 10:35 AM local time on Thursday, September 30,1999 at the JCO Co. Ltd. Conversion Test Building at Tokai-mura, Japan, about 75 miles northeast of Tokyo. The chain reaction, which gave off intense heat and radiation, could not be stopped until 18 hours later.

Mr President! How Can You Ruin A Million People's Lives A YEAR For Same Stuff You Did? & SAY NOTHING

Ron Paul: People Need Currency Choices

Congressman Ron Paul talks w/ Kitco News about a bill that aims at establishing competing currency in the U.S. Also discussed is his previous Federal Reserve audit bill, as well as the possibility of running as a Presidential candidate.

Foreign Banks Tapped Fed’s Secret Lifeline Most at Crisis Peak

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s two-year fight to shield crisis-squeezed banks from the stigma of revealing their public loans protected a lender to local governments in Belgium, a Japanese fishing-cooperative financier and a company part-owned by the Central Bank of Libya.

Dexia SA (DEXB), based in Brussels and Paris, borrowed as much as $33.5 billion through its New York branch from the Fed’s “discount window” lending program, according to Fed documents released yesterday in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

Dublin-based Depfa Bank Plc, taken over in 2007 by a German real-estate lender later seized by the German government, drew $24.5 billion.

‘US Orders Media Silence Over Bahrain’

President of Bahrain’s Center for Human Rights Nabeel Rajab says the US media have been ordered not to cover news on the government’s brutal crackdown on Bahraini people.

Reports from the Center’s colleagues in the United States say “In the US some news agencies and TV stations were asked not to report on Bahrain and not to embarrass [President Barack Obama’s administration,” Rajab told Press TV.

He went on to say that the US and the Western governments have chosen to keep silent over ongoing atrocities in Bahrain due to their support for the country’s authoritarian regime.

Flashing Blue Light Seen Above Exploded Nuclear Reactor

Libya-Owned Bank Got 73 Loans From Fed Discount Window Totaling $35 Billion At 0.25% Interest

Arab Banking Corp., the lender part- owned by the Central Bank of Libya, used a New York branch to get 73 loans from the U.S. Federal Reserve in the 18 months after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. collapsed.

FLASHBACK - Libya to buy laptops for all nation's kids

The government of Libya has reached an agreement with an American nonprofit group to provide inexpensive laptop computers for all of the nation's 1.2 million schoolchildren, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Oooooh, evil, evil, EVIL Libya!"

Bernie Sanders Letter To Bernanke: Why Did The Fed Bailout The Central Bank Of Libya?

LIKE A CROCK - How The Hell Did GM Pay Back Its Loans "In Full And Ahead Of Schedule?" Well, It Didn't

GM still owes taxpayers approximately $50 billion, though you would never know that from the lies they've been telling.

How to Get Started in Amateur Radio

Amateur radio also known as Ham radio is a powerful wireless communications medium that has been around since 1901. In the decades since the equipment used for amateur radio has developed along with commercial radio hardware. The creation of the transistor in the late 1950s helped lower the cost of Ham radios which allowed them to become more widely available. Other significant advancements include the creation of repeater networks and the integration of microprocessors into radio equipment.

Many Ham operators use their radios in place of cell phones and land based telephone services. This allows them to save a considerable amount of money on their communication costs.

US Budget Talks Near Agreement on Record Cuts in Social Spending

The leading editorial voice of American liberalism, the Times did not explain why the Democrats, in control of both the Senate and the White House, were prostrate before the Republicans, who control only the House of Representatives. The truth is that both big business parties, and all the spokesmen for the financial aristocracy, including the Times itself, accept the basic framework of the budget debate, that working people must pay for the colossal fiscal deficits now facing the federal government, the product of two wars, massive tax cuts for the wealthy, and the bailout of Wall Street.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Americans are broke, with many already homeless and/or unemployed.

One wonders just what the US government intends to do when the people they can still find who cannot pay their taxes, start asset confiscation to the point of taking everything out of their homes and auctioning it to the highest bidder?!?

I would be willing to bet you that some in the bowels of power in DC are at least thinking about it.

These very publicly funded wars for ultimate private profit are not wanted by We the People, and ultimately have nothing to do with US security: they are wanted by corporations which make profit through wars.

The Conquest of Africa: NATO Wages War On Third Continent

At its summit in Lisbon, Portugal last November the North Atlantic Treaty Organization adopted its first strategic concept for the 21st century, one in keeping with its expansion into not only a pan-European but a self-styled international military force.

Almost all of the approximately 150,000 foreign soldiers in Afghanistan are currently under the command of the NATO-run International Security Assistance Force, which is also conducting deadly helicopter gunship raids and artillery attacks inside neighboring Pakistan.

The war in South Asia is NATO's first armed conflict outside Europe and its first ground war. Its bombing campaign in Bosnia in 1995 and 78-day air war against Yugoslavia four years later were its first hostile military actions.

Webmaster's Commentary:

One has to question the sanity of NATO military commanders, considering just how colossally horrific things are going in Afghanistan, almost one decade on.

"Perpetual hell" of the Palestinian refugee camps

Stuart Littlewood turns the spotlight on the appalling conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon - robbed of their inalienable right to a homeland by the Israeli occupation and denied their civil and human rights by the Lebanese authorities.

Obama Receives Transparency Award at Secret Meeting

On Monday President Obama received an award for transparency, which ironically was given to him during a closed, unannounced meeting. Bestowed upon the President from a group of transparency advocates, the ceremony took place in secret, even though — as of two weeks ago — it was supposed to be open to the press.
According to Politico, the meeting was “inexplicably postponed” and rescheduled without notice for Monday “without disclosing the meeting on [the President's] public schedule or letting photographers or print reporters into the room.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

From....the Department of "You Can't Make This stuff Up", obviously!

46% of Israeli teens: Revoke Arabs' rights

Friedrich Ebert Foundation's Youth Study reveals Israel's teens think greatest threat to state is Jewish-Arab conflict, believe less in democratic values. As for who they trust most - IDF gets 93%

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is a nasty harbinger of things to come for Israel and the Palestinians.

One would think that the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors would be poster children for tolerance, democratic ideals, and for the dignity of every human on the planet.

Unfortunately, the attitudes of the Israeli people appear to have hardened in the absolutely opposite direction.

What we have here is a wretchedly apartheid, self-proclaimed theocracy, with nukes.

Obama to Host Israeli President at White House on Tuesday

President Obama will host Israeli President Shimon Peres at the White House next week for a working lunch, the administration announced late Thursday afternoon.

"The president looks forward to discussing with President Peres the full range of issues of common concern, including U.S.-Israeli security cooperation, recent developments across the Middle East, and the pursuit of peace between Israel and its neighbors," the White House said in its announcement.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Translation: Peres will be giving Obama his "marching orders" on Iran.

Yes, this is a humanitarian war — that is what makes it so deadly

They’re back. Having spent the past 10 years pretending to be anti-war – describing the attack on Iraq as ‘criminal’ and the war in Afghanistan as ‘a trifle ill-judged’ – the liberal and left-wing set that originally invented the idea of ‘humanitarian warfare’ in the 1990s are once more at the forefront of public debate. They’ve cast off the anti-imperialist garb that they temporarily donned to make their disappointment with Blair and their snobbish disdain for Bush appear principled, to reveal that, underneath, there lurk the same old laptop bombardiers keen to visit their moralistic fury upon some wayward nation. This time they have Libya in their sights.

Israel's transport minister pitches artificial island off Gaza

Israel is considering building an artificial island with sea and air ports off blockaded Gaza, as a long-term solution to shipping goods into the Hamas-run Palestinian enclave, the transport minister said.

Yisrael Katz told Army Radio Wednesday he wants an international force to control the island for “at least 100 years” and for unloaded cargo to be brought into Gaza along a 4.5-kilometer-long bridge with a security checkpoint to prevent arms smuggling.

Webmaster's Commentary:

A short memo to Israeli Transportation Minister Katz: forgive me, sir, but have you gone absolutely barking mad to make such a suggestion?!?

The siege of Gaza cannot - and will not - last 100 years.

PM Vows Revenge as Iraq’s Tuesday Toll Rises to 65

The death toll from a Tuesday hostage-taking and siege in Tikrit continued to rise into Thursday, and now stands at 65 dead and over 100 wounded, making it amongst the most high profile incidents in the past year.

The incident has spawned a new round of soul-searching from security analysts in Iraq, who wondered how, after so many escalations of security measures in the past, the attackers were able to easily launch such an attack.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In light of the fact that US forces are scheduled (theoretically) to leave Iraq at the end of this year, one has to wonder who really profits from incidents like this; it is certainly not the Iraqi people.

NATO Threatens Libya Rebels Over Attacks on Civilians

As if the war in Libya weren’t already complicated and ill-defined enough, NATO Commander Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard threatened the rebels on Thursday, saying the NATO warplanes would start attacking them too if they kept killing civilians.

Webmaster's Commentary:

OK, I absolutely give up: whose side is NATO on, please?!?!

U.S. Gunships Will Be ‘on Standby’ in NATO’s Libya War

Most legislators are relieved — if skeptical — to hear that U.S. planes and ships will pull back from strike missions in Libya. Sen. John McCain is appalled. And he got Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen to put a caveat on their pledge that the U.S. will stop its “offensive operations” under the new NATO command.

McCain was practically livid during a Thursday afternoon hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee. With the Libyan rebels getting routed on the ground, “your timing is exquisite,” McCain sarcastically lectured Gates and Mullen. “I’m glad to know that small arms will be effective for them.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

These gunships are valuable and expensive resources; I would sincerely doubt that these gunships have been stationed off Libya if they were not going to be used at some point.

Hizbullah Fortifying South Lebanon

According the the Israel Defense Forces, Hizbullah has built bunkers and underground weapons depots in most southern Lebanese villages as it continues building its army, the Associated Press reports.

A memo from the IDF brass to Israeli embassies on Thursday to Israel details the acceleration of Hizbullah's fortification of the volatile border region since the end of the 2006 Lebanon war.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Understanding the degree to which Israel is just itching to attack Lebanon again (and this time the IDF will go all the way to the Litani River, because they desperately need the water), Hizbullah's leadership would be foolish not to be fortifying Southern Lebanon.

Abbas: Palestinians to ask for UN recognition if peace talks fail

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has been dropping hints that he will leave his post in September should negotiations with Israel not resume by then, and should there be no agreement about the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Palestinian Authority Abbas: sir, You - and Palestinian nationals - do not have until September to get this resolved, and here is why; by September, Israel will have carved out so much land for its own use that if the nation of Palestine comes about, it will be smaller than Lichtenstein!

Corn Gains to One-Month High on Concern Higher Acreage Won't Boost Stocks

Corn rose to the highest price in almost a month in Chicago, extending yesterday’s jump, on concern increased plantings in the U.S. will fail to rebuild global inventories.

U.S. stockpiles on March 1 dropped to 6.52 billion bushels, the lowest for the date since 2007, the Department of Agriculture said yesterday. Higher profits will spur farmers to sow corn on about 92.178 million acres, the second-largest area since 1944, at the same time that increasing food and biofuel demand cuts world inventories, the USDA said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Biofuel production takes away from land which could very easily be used for food production; and this, coupled with the consequences of radiation from Fukujima ultimately entering the food chain in the Pacific Rim, makes for a very nasty future for food production in general.

Israel holds secret talks with Russia in bid to thwart recognition of Palestinian state

Isaac Molho, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s senior adviser and top negotiator on the Palestinian channel, made a secret trip to Moscow on Wednesday and met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The purpose of the visit was to dissuade Russia from supporting the European Union’s intention to present in two weeks’ time a plan for the establishment of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Russia's Foreign Minster Lavrov: I am asking you (and Russia) to please keep up the support for the recognition of a Palestinian state.

Israel does not want peace; it only wants territory, and by any means necessary. This is why we are seeing the brisk annexation of Palestinian lands by Israel, coupled with forcible expulsions for Palestinians from homes in which their families have lived for generations.

Time is not on the side of the Palestinians, Minister Lavrov: please express the courage of your convictions on this issue, and do the right thing here.

Muslamic Ray Guns Being Used in Stealth Jihad

A member of the English Defense League knows he's scared of Muslims, but he can't find the words to tell you why. All we are able to ascertain from his ramblings is that it has something to do with Muslamic ray guns.

We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers

If you want to understand better why so many states—from New York to Wisconsin to California—are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, consider this depressing statistic: Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960, when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government.

It gets worse. More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In the immortal words of Larry the Cable Guy, THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM!!"

GE Fights To Keep Joint Strike Fight Program Alive

General Electric, desperate to keep the second Joint Strike Fighter engine program alive in the face of Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ stop-work order, cannot spend its own money on the engines without government permission.

This may cripple the joint effort by GE and Rolls Royce to keep the F136 program going during the 90-day stop-work period that began March 24. The program had been spending about $1 million a day.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Considering just how badly the reactors in Fukujima were designed by GE (to the point where three top engineers resigned from that project, rather than having it attributed in any way to them), perhaps its a good thing that SecDef Gates issued a stop-work order on this project.

And that this point, one wonders just where that 30 million dollars' cost per month could have been better allocated; perhaps fixing our crumbling infrastructure?!?!?

Dylan Ratigan: Step 1 - Fire Tim Geithner

Editorial from Dylan Ratigan...

Here's Comes April. Don't be a Fool.

We took some steps at The Petri Dish to distance ourselves from the immediate contemplation of churning disinfo and I declare it a success. I’m not a fan of Aleister Crowley but I remember a particular tale about him that is in agreement with the way I understand certain things. Once he was under attack by another magician or collective of them. What he did was to go to a Charlie Chaplin double feature. As his mind was engaged on the comedy, the spell was unable to find him and had to return to its owner. Something like this is good to keep in mind.

SOS from Mayor of Minami Soma City, next to the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, Japan

Kucinich Exposes the Entire Libya Agenda on The House Floor

Activist Post

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) speaks for a powerful hour on the House floor about the illegality of the Libya war. This is a MUST SEE speech as he reveals the entire agenda behind the Libya attack. He connects the dots to the CIA quite convincingly...

12 dengue cases suspected

The possible cases are “scattered around the island,” said Dr. Sarah Park, state epidemiologist. “We’ve increased suspicion out there and that’s good.”

Dengue fever is found only in tropical or subtropical regions, but Park said she doesn’t think Hawaii is the source for the disease.

Afghanistan: 12 killed in protest at UN office

The idiot preacher(IMHO) burned the Korans last month.
KABUL, Afghanistan – Thousands of protesters angry over the burning of a Quran by a Florida pastor stormed a U.N. compound Friday in northern Afghanistan, killing at least 12 people, including eight foreigners. The desecration of the Muslim holy book fueled resentment against the West at a critical moment in the Afghan war.

The demonstration in Mazar-i-Sharif turned violent when some protesters grabbed weapons from the U.N. guards and opened fire, then mobbed buildings and set fires on the compound, officials said. Demonstrators also massed in Kabul and the western city of Herat.

DAILY SHOW: "Quick Disclaimer, Japan’s Unsolicited Poison Steambath, Is Brought To You By The Same Terrific Organization That Brings You This Broadcast Tonight"

Jon Stewart Rips GE-Influenced NBC Reporting On Japan's Nuclear Meltdown:

“Reporting for NBC, I’ve begun to notice, carries with it one extra complication.”

An excellent link is included on the history of GE's Corporate misdeeds.

Sheila Bair On Future Bank Bailouts

Bloomberg Video - Sheila Bair - Mar. 29, 2011

Chairman Sheila Bair discusses the FDIC's meeting today on proposed rules requiring lenders to keep a stake in loans they securitize. Bair, speaking with Margaret Brennan on Bloomberg also discusses a measure that would require "systemically important" firms to draft plans for how their operations can be resolved after a collapse.

YouTube Accused of Censorship of Anti-Israel Video

David Makarewicz

Does YouTube make it too easy to censor a controversial video?

Anthony Lawson, producer of videos covering controversial topics, ranging from 9/11 conspiracies to Israeli treatment of Palestinians, is accusing YouTube of "censorship" after the video-sharing site took down a short documentary questioning certain facts of the Holocaust that he uploaded to his YouTube page. At the bottom of this post is his latest video detailing his charges against YouTube.

Gonna Have To Face It, You’re Addicted To Zionism

They are everywhere, these dangerous intellectual substances that pollute the mind, causing it to mutate from a life-giving/life-sustaining miracle-machine into a weapon of mass destruction. And of all of them out there on the street, the one most responsible for turning God’s green earth into one giant ghetto and that’s caused the most damage–both real and collateral–is the one sitting atop all major world affairs these days and, it is Judaism/Zionism. Truly, as current events are proving now on a daily basis, it is the deadliest of all addictions.

‘GOP conducts Islamophobia campaign’

Far right forces have total control of the Republican Party in the US, which means that ambitious politicians like John McCain and Sarah Palin have to bow to these forces for political survival.

Foreign Banks Tapped Fed's Lifeline Most as Bernanke Kept Borrowers Secret

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s two-year fight to shield crisis-squeezed banks from the stigma of revealing their public loans protected a lender to local governments in Belgium, a Japanese fishing-cooperative financier and a company part-owned by the Central Bank of Libya.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The next obvious question is whether these foreign interests were victims of Wall Street's Mortgage-Backed Securities Fraud and if Bernanke was simply buying back all the bad paper from these foreign interests in order to keep his Wall Street buddies out of prison?

Time to Investigate Israeli Spying in U.S.

If Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) is interested in fighting terrorism and treason, he should not only look at the first source of terrorism against America in the Middle East—the state of Israel—as described in the accompanying story, but he should inquire into the numerous high-level American government policy makers who have already been investigated by the FBI for suspected espionage and illicit influence-peddling on Israel’s behalf.

Apocalypse Now? -- Mark Sircus

Dr. Mark Sircus

The ultimate disaster scenario would see the Tokyo region heavily contaminated by radioactivity following an explosion and radioactive fallout at the Fukushima plant. Such a situation would lead to the creation of an exclusion zone affecting thirty million inhabitants of a city that is at the heart of the flow of global basic necessities. Tokyo is one of the world’s major financial centers, one of the three management hubs of the foreign exchange markets (along with London and New York) and the Japanese economy supplies a quantity of electronic components vital to the global economy...

Customs officer arrested in sexual assaults

A U.S. Customs & Border Protection officer who police suspect of sexually assaulting women in Garden Grove and Long Beach was arrested Thursday at his Fountain Valley home, authorities said.


It was only a matter of time before gungho western audiences and pundits would have to face the harsh reality that overwhelming military power produces. So now, 1,400 air sorties and 700 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles later, the civilian body bags are beginning to mount up. And the political ramifications for the acting war parties in Washington, Britain and Paris are inescapable.

Bernie Sanders: 'Will You Tell The American People Which Banks Got $2.2 Trillion Of Their Dollars?' Bernanke: 'No'

Now that the details are out, another look at this legendary exchange.

This is a must-see if you haven't had the pleasure of catching it before...

More absurd pro-nuclear spin at Fukushima.

As the situation at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant slowly winds down, the salient facts remain the same as they have been throughout: nobody has suffered or will suffer any radiological health consequences.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Repeat after me: Radiation is my friend! Radiation is my friend! Radiation is my friend! Radiation is my friend!"

PROPAGANDA ALERT - Sushi Safe From Japan Radiation as Ocean Dilution Makes Risk `Negligible'

“Eating fish is not something to worry about,” said Gale, a visiting hematology professor at Imperial College London who was in Japan this week to speak to doctors responding to radiation threats. “No one could afford to consume enough sushi to get radiation damage.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

Between Ann Coulter telling you radiation is good for you, the FDA raising the safety limits for exposure to the sky, and now officials deciding there is no need to test food for radioactivity, a terrifying reality comes into view.

Between the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific ocean, and now the meat and dairy animals in Japan and the US/Canada, there is isn't enough uncontaminated food to feed all the humans on planet Earth. The rulers of the world (who we may assume have already secured uncontaminated food stocks for themselves and their families) have decided that the simplest solution to hold off a revolution is to convince everyone that eating oil-soaked and radioactive food is really okay.

"Let them eat cake." -- Pre-revolutionary France

"Let them eat plutonium." -- Pre-revolutionary America

When the Castle Bravo nuclear test was carried out, the Japanese fishing boat Daigo Fukuryū Maru was 70 miles away from the source of the radiation and left the area as quickly as possible. One month later the radio operator died. Because the United States refused to discuss the nature of the weapon tested, the fish on the Daigo Fukuryū Maru and other fishing boats nearby was sold into the Japanese markets, triggering an epidemic of radiation related illnesses and birth defects.

Total amount of nuclear fuel in the Castle Bravo bomb, under 500 Kg. Total amount of nuclear fuel at Fukishima, 1760 metric tons. The bomb was over in an instant. Fukushima will continue to pour out radiation for decades to come, just as Chernobyl has.

Now, stop for a moment and think about the lies about Saddam's nuclear weapons, Iran's nuclear weapons, the assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK, Vince Foster, the economy, the Gulf Oil Disaster, the USS Maine, and on and on and on, lie after lie after lie, endlessly without shame and without remorse. Then ask yourself this one question. Are you willing to bet your life, your life, that the government and media are actually telling you the truth this one time?

From Operation Crossroads: A radioactive surgeonfish makes its own x-ray. Bright area is a meal of fresh algae. The rest of the body has absorbed and distributed enough plutonium to make the scales radioactive. The fish was alive and apparently healthy [and ready to eat] when captured.

Wikileaks Is A Rothschild Operation: Rothschilds Use Wikileaks To Wound Rival Bank, Julian Assange’s Bail Posted By Rothschilds’ Sister-in-law, Many Other Links

After being made famous, Julian Assange’s first task is to wound a rival bank of the Rothschild Bank in Switzerland. The rival is Bank Julius Baer, the top Swiss bank for centuries: the competing Rothschild Bank AG opened in Switzerland in 1968.

Marc Faber - QE3 Is Coming

Radiation spreads to fish off Fukushima

With thousands of boats lost, ruined or damaged by the tsunami Japan's struggling fishing industry is now facing a new disaster - high radiation levels found in the waters off the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant.

The full impact on fish species is still not clear but one reading suggested radioactive iodine levels in seawater 127 times the permitted level.

Already one South Korean retailer has stopped selling Japanese fish because of customer concerns.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Between Ann Coulter telling you radiation is good for you, the FDA raising the safety limits for exposure to the sky, and now officials deciding there is no need to test food for radioactivity, a terrifying reality comes into view.

Between the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific ocean, and now the meat and dairy animals in Japan and the US/Canada, there is isn't enough uncontaminated food to feed all the humans on planet Earth. The rulers of the world (who we may assume have already secured uncontaminated food stocks for themselves and their families) have decided that the simplest solution to hold off a revolution is to convince everyone that eating oil-soaked and radioactive food is really okay.

"Let them eat cake." -- Pre-revolutionary France

"Let them eat plutonium." -- Pre-revolutionary America

The reality is that if the people of the world refuse to eat radioactive and oily food, there is not enough food to feed all the people on planet Earth.

Unless we start eating each other. :)

Daigo Fukury? Maru

Aikichi Kuboyama, the boat's chief radioman, died less than seven months later, on September 23, 1954, suffering from acute radiation syndrome.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Even a hydrogen bomb can take months to kill its victims, and in this case the Daigo Fukuryū Maru was 70 miles away from the source of the radiation, so media claims that Fukushima's leaks are harmless are without foundation.

The amount of fissionable material used in the castle Bravo test was under 500 Kg. (The "Little Boy" bomb used on Nagasaki used 64 Kg but due to the early inefficient design less than 1 Kg actually fissioned.)

The Daiichi complex in Fukushima, Japan had a total of 1760 metric tons of fresh and used nuclear fuel on site as of the last report by TEPCO.

Cracks in Ranks: Gaddafi regime crumbles? - RT

Next story will be Gaddafi buys Buckingham Palace ...

Arab Revolution: Is “American-Israeli-EU Imperial Power” at Crossroad?

Chinese take on Arab Revolutions.
Fires are all over in Arab world. This fire now has spread to most of the Middle Eastern and North Africa region. It seems at the moment non-stoppable or uncontrollable. At the end of last year, when it first started in Tunisia, it looked initially spontaneous. However, it soon became clear it wasn’t the case. It wasn’t a purely innocent revolt only. Neither is it self-initiated or self-reliant only. It wasn’t a solely independent revolt of Arab peoples. It wasn’t the indignant people’s revolt only. There was something else, too. Something is not necessarily very innocent, but instead something very cunning, shrewd, ill-willed and after all imperial!

Canadian Govt Refuses To Test For Radiation In Milk Claiming It's Not Necessary

I wish they would stop comparing the radiation increases to normal exposures. There is nothing "NORMAL" about this!

Libyan rebels lay down terms for ceasefire

Libyan rebels will agree to a ceasefire if Muammar Gaddafi pulls his military forces out of opposition-held cities and allows peaceful protests against his regime, according to an opposition leader.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Anything is better than letting the Americans take over!"

Rachel Corrie - Murdered by Isreali Torture Device: "Th Bulldozer" (42 min)

Documentary on Rachel Corrie, a victim in Isreal's Hollocaust of the defenseless people of Palistine, an American woman who Isreali forces murdered by bulldozer to for the crime of trying to protect a Palestinian Doctor's home in Gaza.

A defenseless American woman murdered by an Isreali bulldozer.

Five Nuclear Accidents That Have Occurred In The U.S.

Stationary Low-Power Reactor Number One (Jan 3, 1961)

Obama Sends Murder Incorporated a/k/a CIA to Libya

The CIA has sent small teams of operatives into Libya, and the White House said Wednesday it was assessing "all types of assistance" for rebels battling Moammar Gadhafi's troops.

CIA's Third World War since 1947

How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries.

Netanyahu asks UN's Ban to help stop Gaza flotilla in May

PM tells UN secretary general that fleet of ships scheduled to arrive in Gaza in May is being organized by "radical Islamists."

PM tells UN secretary general that fleet of ships scheduled to arrive in Gaza in May is being organized by "radical Islamists."
Talkbacks (1)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday spoke with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and asked him to work towards stopping a planned flotilla which is scheduled to arrive in Gaza in May. Netanyahu told Ban that the flotilla is being organized partly by radical Islamists, whose aim is to provoke and cause violence.

'Abducted' Palestinian engineer appears in Israel court

A Palestinian engineer has appeared in an Israeli court after being captured in Ukraine and jailed in Israel.

No charges were laid, but the court extended Dirar Abu Sisi's detention.

Wisconsin Judge Declares Union Law Not In Effect

Wisconsin judge on Thursday did what thousands of pro-union protesters and boycotting Democratic lawmakers couldn't, forcing Republican Gov. Scott Walker to halt plans to implement a law that would strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights and cut their pay.

Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi, who had issued an order intended to block implementation of the law while she considered a challenge to its legitimacy and warned of sanctions for noncompliance, amended her order Thursday to clarify that the law had not taken effect, as Republican leaders argued it had.

"CIA Spy" Davis Was Giving Nuclear Bomb Material to Al-Qaeda, says Report

Double murder-accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him or the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) operating in the region, providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents," according to a report.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Something to keep in mind as we see reports of "Terrorists" (nudge nudge wink wink) claiming to have nuclear weapons inside the United States.

Mossad 'stole' Gaza man from train in Ukraine - RT


All Muslims? Just who do these people think they are speaking for all Muslims?

And when FaceBook DID block the page did they boycott as threatened? NO….. they opened a new page. This ‘game’ has gone from Pac Man to Star Wars…. definitely not something to take seriously and definitely not the sentiments of All Palestinians or All Muslims….. seems more like another Hasbara false flag being raised to discredit the efforts of the real struggle.

Rugby star facing axe murder charges

A former top South African rugby player has allegedly hacked three people to death in a revenge attack after his daughter was reportedly gang-raped and infected with HIV.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Justifiable homicide, IMHO.

Why Did the Fed Bail Out the Bank of Libya?

Sanders also asked why the Libyan-owned bank and two of its branches in New York, N.Y., were exempted from sanctions that the United States this month slapped on other Libyan businesses to pressure Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s government.


Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog

As I look over the news and try to find the one story that I need to comment on, I am overwhelmed...

Irish Banks Fail Stress Tests

Webmaster's Commentary:

"No problem; we'll just take more money from the Irish people and give it to the Irish banks to keep the bankers happy!" -- Irish Money Junkies

U.S. nuclear plant had partial meltdown years before Three Mile Island

The news media took note of Monday's anniversary of the nuclear accident at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island power plant, but a partial meltdown at another U.S. reactor seems to have slipped from the public memory.

Fermi 1, a small nuclear reactor south of Detroit, experienced a loss-of-coolant accident in October 1966.

Hundreds of corpses believed irradiated, inaccessible

Radiation is preventing the retrieval of hundreds of bodies from inside the 20-km evacuation zone around the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, police sources said Thursday.

Based on initial reports after the March 11 catastrophe, the number of bodies is estimated at between a few hundred and 1,000, one of the sources said, adding that high radiation is now hampering full-scale searches.

Banned Fox News Video: 9/11 The Israeli Connection

US-NATO bombings kill civilians in Tripoli

US-NATO air strikes on Tripoli and other Libyan cities have claimed growing numbers of civilian victims, according to the Vatican’s top representative in the Libyan capital.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"But they are free now, and able to vote in elections, just like our dead people do!" -- Official White Horse Souse

TEPCO ordered to stop issuing "too high" radiation numbers.

Japan's nuclear safety agency ordered a review Friday of the latest radiation measurements taken in air, seawater and groundwater samples around a leaking, tsunami-disabled nuclear plant, saying they seemed suspiciously high.

Webmaster's Commentary: Here starts the cover-up.

Judge Napolitano - FED Gave Out Trillions To Banks Secretly

Swiss nuclear lobby hit by bomb

Two people have been injured after a parcel bomb exploded in the offices of the Swiss nuclear lobby in the town of Olten, police said.

The two female employees of Swissnuclear were taken to hospital with superficial burns and hearing damage, a police spokesman said, adding that it was not yet known who sent the parcel.

Webmaster's Commentary: My bet is Swissnuclear.

Israel holds secret talks with Russia in bid to thwart recognition of Palestinian state

France, Germany and the U.K. are pushing for announcing a new international peace initiative which may include setting up two states on the basis of the 1967 borders.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"No, no, no, no, NO! WE have a right to exist. They don't! They never did. They are not even people. They are cattle. God wants Israel to have all the land, and you are all filthy anti-Semites if you don't give it to us! WAAAAAAH!"

Obama vs. Dancing With The Stars

Brandon Turbeville Activist Post

If anyone thought the President’s speech defending the attack on Libya was broadcast a bit earlier than other Presidential speeches in the past, it might surprise you to know that you were right. When scheduling a time for the speech to be televised, the White House consulted with television networks as it normally does.

However, this time around, a conscious decision was made to broadcast before 8pm. Why? Because 8 p.m. is primetime and broadcasting at 8 p.m. would have coincided with “Dancing With the Stars.” I’m not kidding...

Truth, Propaganda and Media Manipulation

The mainstream media is the most obvious in its inherent bias and manipulation. The mainstream media is owned directly by large multinational corporations, and through their boards of directors are connected with a plethora of other major global corporations and elite interests. An example of these connections can be seen through the board of Time Warner.

Time Warner owns Time Magazine, HBO, Warner Bros., and CNN, among many others. The board of directors includes individuals past or presently affiliated with: the Council on Foreign Relations, the IMF, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Warburg Pincus, Phillip Morris, and AMR Corporation, among many others.

IDF prepares for multi-front war in war games

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel's basic strategy is to march Americans into the enemy gunfire until the enemy runs out of bullets, then declare Israeli victory.

Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Danny Ayalon. The only nation actually invading and attacking anyone in the region is Israel. Since Iran became an Islamic state in 1979, they have not invaded any other nation. Israel has attacked Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, etc. etc. etc. etc. Who is the demonstrated threat to peace in the Mideast?

Ruby Ridge Documentary (49 min) - Based on Conspiracy, not Coincidence, point of view

A documentary that claims global events are managed, not the result of coincidence.

This documentary focuses on how the execution of good Americans at Ruby Ridge is an example of what is occurring on a global scale.

Mother Jailed for Taking Vaccine Damaged Daughter Off the Drug Risperdal

Shortly after the vaccines, Ms Godboldo noticed a sudden change in daughters behaviour. Her daughter became easily irritated, suffering severe mood swings with episodes of facial grimacing. Worried about her daughters strange and ‘uncharacteristic behaviour’ she asked the ‘The Children’s Centre’ for help. The centre recommended that her daughter took the controversial anti psychotic drug Risperdal. Instead of improving her daughters behaviour however, the drug made her aggressive and violent.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Soma, Soma, Soma..."


Spokespersons for NATO, European politicians, members of the Obama administration, and the President himself have been out and about seeking to articulate justifications for the ongoing intervention in Libya. For better or worse, their public statements do not always make sense.

Radiation Update 31 March 2011

Okay; human-caused global warming cratered as a means to enslave the world to the NWO. How about space aliens?

Earth must prepare for close encounter with aliens, say scientists

UN should co-ordinate plans for dealing with extraterrestrials – and we can't guarantee that aliens will be friendly

Webmaster's Commentary:

Barack Obama: Losing $84 billion big success

"American taxpayers are now positioned to recover more than my administration invested in GM,” President Obama said, according to a piece in USA Today last November. Steven Rattner, former head of the Treasury's auto task force agreed, telling CNN in November: “Recent progress at GM gives reason for optimism that it may be possible for taxpayers to get every penny back.”

In fact, Investor's Business Daily reported that even the White House’s Director of the National Economic Council remarked that the Treasury Department Department had a good chance in "recovering most, if not all, of its investment in" GM.


Metaphorically speaking, when it comes to the credit business, Canadians have been educated not to see the forest for the trees. A typical mortgage loan and its supporting documentation is so riddled with fraud and other illegalities that we fail to discern the merely unfair from the objectively criminal. Put another way: what is the official procedure for dealing with criminal acts committed as a matter of policy by financial institutions? The answer is that there is none. We then deal with that problem by denying its existence.

[Fukushima Daiichi] Horrifying Radiation Levels Detected 31.03.11

Harmful Effects of Solar Radiation

Webmaster's Commentary:

But four wrecked reactors isn't a problem, right?

Japan nuclear crisis: Fukushima 50 'expect to die'

Mr Sarkozy, on the first trip by a foreign leader to Japan since the devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11, said he would call a meeting of the G20's nuclear power watchdogs to discuss safety regulations. "We must address this anomaly that there are no international safety norms for nuclear matters ... We need international safety standards before the end of the year."

The French president's proposal comes only days after Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, cast doubt over the future of nuclear energy due to the potentially high costs required to standardise safety.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Sarkozy is grandstanding. There are standards; they are just not being followed. We know that three GE scientists quit over their concerns for the design and one Japanese engineer has come forward revealing that at least one of the reactors was known to be substandard in its construction. The problem is not the standards but letting the money junkies make the final choices; as demonstrated by Nick Clegg's comment.

World's largest concrete pump heads for Fukushima

The world's largest concrete pump, deployed at the construction site of the U.S. government's $4.86 billion mixed oxide fuel plant at Savannah River Site, is being moved to Japan in a series of emergency measures to help stabilize the Fukushima reactors.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The plan is to pour concrete all over the top of the ruined reactors, which will not stop the leaking into the ground and ocean, but will look good in the TV reports.

Japan plant radioactivity 10,000 times standard

Contaminated water has been pooling at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power complex since it was damaged by the devastating earthquake and tsunami. It has already leaked into the ocean.

Spokesman Naoyuki Matsumo says the elevated levels of iodine-131 were measured in groundwater 15 meters underneath one of six reactors at the plant. Iodine is a radioactive substance that decays quickly, with half disappearing in eight days.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Try testing for the isotope that takes 24,0000 years to decay.

Crews 'facing 100-year battle' at Fukushima

But one expert says the radiation leaks will be ongoing and it could take 50 to 100 years before the nuclear fuel rods have completely cooled and been removed.

"As the water leaks out, you keep on pouring water in, so this leak will go on for ever," said Dr John Price, a former member of the Safety Policy Unit at the UK's National Nuclear Corporation.

"There has to be some way of dealing with it. The water is connecting in tunnels and concrete-lined pits at the moment and the question is whether they can pump it back.

Libya-Owned Bank Got 73 Loans From Fed Window After Lehman Fell

April 1 (Bloomberg) -- Arab Banking Corp., the lender part- owned by the Central Bank of Libya, used a New York branch to get 73 loans from the U.S. Federal Reserve in the 18 months after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. collapsed.

The bank, then 29 percent-owned by the Libyan state, had aggregate borrowings in that period of $35 billion -- while the largest single loan amount outstanding was $1.2 billion in July 2009, according to Fed data released yesterday. In October 2008, when lending to financial institutions by the central bank’s so- called discount window peaked at $111 billion, Arab Banking took repeated loans totaling more than $2 billion.

Germany's radioactive boars a legacy of Chernobyl

BERLIN — For a look at just how long radioactivity can hang around, consider Germany's wild boars.

A quarter century after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union carried a cloud of radiation across Europe, these animals are radioactive enough that people are urged not to eat them. And the mushrooms the pigs dine on aren't fit for consumption either.

Germany's experience shows what could await Japan - if the problems at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant get any worse.

The German boars roam in forests nearly 950 miles (1,500 kilometers ) from Chernobyl. Yet, the amount of radioactive cesium-137 within their tissue often registers dozens of times beyond the recommended limit for consumption and thousands of times above normal.

Latest super close-up footage of Fukushima wrecked nuclear reactor - RT

All filmed on their one phone - just don't drop the phone lads...


When I went to Gaza in 2010 I thought I had seen the worst that could be seen of the appalling predicament of Palestinians living in conditions which no human being should be expected to endure. But what I saw in the camps in Lebanon is far worse and far more hopeless…..Sir Gerald Kaufman

Seattle: "The Police Are Candidates for This Indictment ."Hershey's Raises Prices Nearly 10%

Chocorats reduced 10 percent . . . double-plus ungood.

Olmert says Gaza war inevitable

Olmert says Gaza war inevitable
Thu Mar 31, 2011
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said that an all-out war against the Gaza Strip is inevitable.
"If there's one thing I regret -- it's that we didn't finish the job back then -- we cannot avoid the need to complete the job," Olmert said on Wednesday, referring to the Gaza war while he was in office.

Israeli Spies Arrested For Egyptian Espionage

Israeli Spies Arrested For Egyptian Espionage
The Mission
The agents’ brief was to gather information on several aspects of current events within the country. At a basic level, they were to report back to Israel with details of military presence on the streets of Cairo and army activity. On the more typical espionage end of things, they were discovered to be recording phone calls made by Egyptian officials which could be of crucial importance to Israel in formulating policy with regard to the ‘new’ Egypt.

Israeli spy cell found in N Iraq

Israeli spy cell found in N Iraq
Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:31PM
A senior Israeli intelligence official has reportedly established a secret operation room in northern Iraq to instigate anti-government protests in Syria in an effort to destabilize the country.
The operation room, equipped with sophisticated surveillance technology, enables Tel Aviv to wiretape and even hijack the Syrian telecommunication networks, a Press TV correspondent reported on Tuesday.
The espionage project was reportedly aimed at destabilizing Syria and creating division among Syrians through developing spy cells operating inside Syria.
The report comes as scores of Syrians have received text messages in recent days calling for anti-government protests to topple the President Bashar al-Assad.

Japan Nuclear Fallout Radiation Found In San Francisco Rainwater 18,100% Above Drinking Water Limits

Despite countless reassurances that no harmful levels of radiation from the Japan nuclear fallout would hit the US from the EPA the University of Berkley in California is now reporting that rainwater in San Francisco water has now been detected at levels 18,100% above federal drinking water standards.

Again, with just about all other news of the radiation hitting the US, the news is once again reported to the public over a week after it was first detected.

Kevin Annett - Canadian Genocide/Crimes Against Humanity! PM Harper Served Summons

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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