The UK and the Netherlands are set to sue Iceland after voters there rejected a debt repayment plan over collapsed bank Icesave.
British and Dutch depositors were bailed out by their governments, which are now demanding the $3.5bn back.
Rory Challands reports from Reykjavic, Iceland's capital.
An APD officer isn't in jail tonight -- even after a grand jury indicted him for the murder of his wife. in fact-- his lawyer told us tonight-- Officer Levi Chavez is at home with his new wife and two kids. heather mills is here with why officer Levi Chavez is still a free man-- and still on the force--- it's tonight's big story. Levi Chavez may not be on the force for much longer---- the chief of police says Chavez has been put on paid administrative leave-- and could be fired within 10 days. since 2007 -- Levi Chavez has been on and off administrative leave.. working at the city's anil shelter. now he's once again on administrative leave-- until his hearing with chief ray Schultz where Chavez could be fired.
From company gossip about the negotiations, which he doesn't attend, he said that the cable companies say "there is no market". But the negotiators then show that AJ viewership in the US, online and on community access cable, has grown 25-fold in recent months. So there is a market, alongside the cooking channels. The cable companies then say that AJ is "too controversial." The AJ negotiators then show video of Hilary Clinton praising AJ. Still the cable companies won't budge. Something is keeping them from embracing AJ.
Speaking of Monsanto, it turns out they are playing a role in Iowa's proposed anti-whistleblower bill -- a bill focused primarily on agriculture. Should the bill pass, it will become illegal to produce undercover videos at various types of agricultural facilities (as well as to get a job at a facility with the express intent of producing a video). Sarah Damian of the Government Accountability Project, a "whistleblower advocacy organization," observes over at the Food Integrity Campaign's blog that Monsanto has been throwing lobbying dollars behind Iowa's effort to draw a steel curtain around food production.
Prime minister says the 'worst option was chosen' after 60% of voters in referendum oppose £3bn repayment.
“Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor, I’ll piss on em, that’s what the Statue of Bigotry says
Your poor huddled masses, let’s club em to death, get it over with and dump them on the boulevard” -- Lou Reed
Scott Creighton
American Everyman
There is no question anymore as to why the Obama administration is attempting to impose a change of the regime of Libya.
On March 17th I wrote about the invasion of Libya being about two main objectives: privatizing the national oil company and the state-owned central banking system...
Recently, Judy Dugan, a petroleum market commentator for Consumer Watchdog, noted that the shares of oil refiners jumped in price last month "on bets that Japan would soon have to import a lot more heating oil and gasoline because of refinery fires and quake/tsunami damage."
Dugan noted that the biggest gain was posted by one Texas-based refiner, Valero Energy Corp., whose stock price jumped 6 percent in one day. She explained that the company's refineries "are all in the U.S West Coast region, and it is most able to get gasoline, diesel and heating oil onto tankers headed to Asia."
Yesterday’s march and rally was a success by any measure. The numbers are in dispute – the organizers said there were between 12,000 and 15,000 participants. There were many young people and families and, for the first time that we can remember, many Muslim participants. This was a peace demonstration, not exclusively a Muslim issue, but there was very substantial participation from that community. Many issues were involved and the participants probably agreed on all of them but the 2 strongest issues were peace and Palestine. The Palestine contingent was a strong one but very many people carried their signs and flags and walked chanting, “Free, Free Palestine.”
Footage from a Lakewood restaurant proved the prominent businessman and former school board member was enjoying dinner with his daughter about the time Cleveland police say he and his SUV struck an off-duty police sergeant directing traffic outside a downtown Cleveland parking garage.
And another video from the garage itself is said to have caught the altercation and shows obvious differences between the Geiger vehicle and the true suspect's SUV.
But the Geigers and those close to them say Cleveland police conducted little to no investigation before arresting Geiger, 59, and his wife, Patricia, 58, at their Kenneth Avenue home the night of March 1.
Reports about these false alarms have revealed extraordinary circumstances around some of the incidents and bizarre explanations for how they arose. For example, it has been claimed that the pilots of one foreign aircraft approaching the U.S. set their plane's transponder to transmit a code signaling they had been hijacked simply to show authorities that they were aware of what had been taking place in America that morning. [1] Another aircraft reported as transmitting a distress signal while approaching the U.S. was subsequently found to have been canceled, and still at the airport. [2]
Skeptics doubt Israel’s claim of an attack from Gaza, citing Israel’s propensity for fabricating threats and the bizarre choice of weapons. From an American intelligence source who has worked with Israel for decades:
Hamas has mortars but they also have thousands of RPGs. That’s the weapon used to go after a vehicle. Saying someone shot a mortar at a bus is simply idiotic. If Gaza has the weapons Israel claims, Russian Kornet and RPG 29s which are capable of destroying Israel’s Merkava tanks quite readily, as Hizbollah proved, the “school bus” story is even more fictional.
(Reuters) - The "no" vote was ahead in early returns on Sunday in Iceland's referendum on a plan to repay Britain and the Netherlands $5 billion (£3.05 billion) from a bank crash, a deal that is seen as key to Iceland's swift economic recovery.
With around 36,000 votes counted, official figures showed the 'no' camp in the lead with 56.8 pct of the vote compared with 43.2 pct in favour of the accord, state television said.
Iceland has 230,000 voters but a turnout figure was not immediately available.
"These are disappointing numbers. It looks like the 'no' side will have it," Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir told Iceland's state television.
Baby foods used to wean infants off milk have been found to contain "alarming" levels of toxic contaminants including arsenic, lead and cadmium.
Richard Gray and Alastair Jamieson
Last night there were calls for urgent new safety rules to control the presence of the poisons in foods intended for young children...
Editor's Note: Our bailout tax dollars at work. Long live the too-big-to-fail cartels. Death to democracy!
Image source
Daily Mail
He has piloted America's second biggest bank through the financial crisis and come out the other side relatively unscathed.
And now Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co, is being extremely well rewarded for his efforts...
Tell me it isn't because of the money.
Tell me it isn't because of the money.
Tell me it isn't because of the money.
Richard William Posner
Activist Post
For my part, I will say this; I do not accept that human morality, for the vast majority, is based on hate, envy, greed or self-interest. In fact, quite to the contrary, the basic benevolence and cooperative nature of most people is what has allowed a very small, depraved and abhorrent group to prey upon the majority of the species for millennia.
German and Austrian scientists knew in the early 1930s that an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) could be successfully treated by bathing patients in water containing minute amounts of fluoride. They had discovered nearly a century ago that fluoride blocked thyroid function. For the US government, long partnered with the pharmaceutical industry, to then force this same treatment on a nation of people with healthy thyroids under the lie that fluoride "prevents cavities in children," is unconscionable. The Nuremberg Code of ethics pertaining to human experimentation labels it an act of crime, stating, "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential." ...
Excerpt from the FBI Files - A 'Zionist Organization of America' 1943 memo with Dr Heller being Chairman of the Zionist Organization of America.

Higher Prices and Emergency Preparedness.
12160 Survival & Health Groups
Fukushima Gov. Yuhei Sato has expressed anger at the central government and Tokyo Electric Power Co., saying both "betrayed" the people of Fukushima Prefecture with repeated assurances about the safety of nuclear power plants.
"We feel we were betrayed [by the central government and TEPCO]," Sato said during an interview with The Yomiuri Shimbun on Thursday, nearly a month after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami and the outbreak of a series of accidents at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant.
TEPCO, the Japanese government, and other organizations have been getting more open with data, but many important documents are not being translated quickly and there is little effort to bring the findings together in an easily understood way. See here for TEPCO’s analysis of the radioactive water in the No. 3 reactor building. Satoko Norimatsu has provided English translations of the compounds being measured.
Cobalt 60
Technetium 99m
Iodine 131
Cesium 134
Cesium 136
Cesium 137
Barium 137
Lanthanum 140
Cerium 144
This clip came from the movie "Wag the Dog" but it is more truth than fiction.
For all practical purposes, there are no Libyan rebels.
As much as a whack job as Gaddafi is (and he is), for an Arab dictator he treats his people pretty well and they mostly tolerate him.
So where are the rebels coming from?
The news media/CIA.
Some undeniable evidence:
1. LOOK at the pictures
What do you see?
Two or three guys standing around with AKs cheering...a guy sitting in a pick up truck with a large caliber machine gun attached...a close cropped picture of a guy sitting it what might be a tank...shaky footage that at the end of the day shows nothing.
And that's it.
The crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has spurred the government to restrict rice planting in soil with more than 5,000 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium, the first time maximum radiation levels have been set for soil.
Radioactive cesium levels exceeding 5,000 becquerels per kilogram have been detected in farmland close to the nuclear plant and farmers in these areas will likely be barred from growing rice this season, government sources said.
About 17,500 people gathered Sunday for two rallies held in Tokyo against nuclear power plants amid the prolonged crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station some 220 kilometers to the northeast.
Around the JR Koenji Station in Suginami Ward, some 15,000 people took part in a demonstration march organized by local shop owners and reported online as a call for joining the event had spread on Twitter, organizers said.
''I learned of the event on Twitter. Now is the time to stop nuclear plants,'' said Takashi Kamiyama, who took part with his 2- and 6-year-old children among participants. ''I want to do what I can do for these kids.''
Why is the Federal Reserve Propping Up the Bank of Libya?
John Nichols | March 31, 2011
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders [1] has for months been leading the charge to expose the sweetheart deals the Federal Reserve has worked out for multinational banks and corporations at the same time that working Americans, small businesses, local governments and schools boards struggle to stay afloat financially.
Sanders has tried to make the point that it is simply absurd for the Fed to bail out foreign firms and bad banks and to provide them with low-interest loans at the same time that they are reaping massive profits – and at the same time that federal, state and local governments are supposedly broke.
Companies dispatching workers to the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant are refusing to enforce the government's raised limit on radiation exposure, saying it would not be accepted by their workers, it was learned Saturday.
The limit was increased from 100 millisieverts to 250 millisieverts in a March 15 announcement by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.
I receive emails daily from a broad spectrum of Left and Progressive organisations. I always found it odd however when I receive such mails from a group or individual describing themselves as ‘Progressive zionist’. I find that term to be an oxymoron.
“His scandalous vindication of Israel is unethical, affronting and unacceptable. But above all, I am worried that it might encourage and embolden Israel to murder many more Palestinians,” said Ghassan Khatib, head of the Government Press Office in Ramallah. “From now on, Israel will understand that whatever crimes its army may commit against innocent civilians, it will never be incriminated.”
A study of soil samples has revealed that as much as 400 times the normal levels of radiation could remain in communities beyond a 30-kilometer radius from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, where explosions spewed radioactive materials into the atmosphere.
The study was conducted by a team of experts from Kyoto University and Hiroshima University.
“ Just when the Palestinians in Gaza thought they were facing this new Israeli attacks alone and with their backs against the wall, they found out they forgot, over the years, that they had brothers in Egypt who are willing not only to accompany them in their struggle against Israel but to protect their backs as well”
"Fukushima is now synonymous with one thing only: nuclear accident," says Tadanori Miura, who chose to remain in his home in Minamisoma, 25 km from the Fukushima No. 1 plant, operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co., despite the danger warnings. "I feel angry and deceived. I'd like to throttle the Tepco president," he adds.
Another resident, who requested he not be named, said he had heard of several local farmers who have already thrown in the towel. One, a producer of cabbages in Sukagawa, took his own life last week.
"He had spent years tending to his land so that he could grow his produce organically," my anonymous informant explained. "It's such bad luck."
Since another AshkeNazi, false history holiday is coming up, it stands to reason that Israel will launch another Palestinian bloodbath and hope someone else interferes too, because they get points in Hell for body count and ‘points in Hell’, when you are headed there directly, are of great importance. Of course, whoever the King of Hell may be, he’s not going to honor anything, because that’s what Hell is all about but... for those on the blind-believing other end, it’s what they think at the time that counts, in terms of actions taken.
The missile defense system intercepted nine rockets from Gaza over the weekend, and the US will fund more batteries.
China has officially announced it will launch a program to develop a thorium-fueled molten-salt nuclear reactor, taking a crucial step towards shifting to nuclear power as a primary energy source.
Eric Blair
Activist Post
It has become nearly impossible to determine the "truth" in our increasingly chaotic world. Reality is seemingly being twisted and flipped on its head in this rapid unfolding of multi-front crises. The world is facing a new world war in the Arab world, nuclear holocaust from the Fukushima meltdown, total economic collapse/takeover, and a stunning rise in the cost of essential commodities...
The corporate funded exploitation of freedom, democracy, and human rights.
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Bangkok, Thailand April 10, 2011 - The colorful maps of press freedom, democracy, and other metrics we are told are indicative of a free and prosperous society are the products of wholly corporate funded special interest lobbying groups like "Reporters Without Borders," "Transparency International," and the fraudulent "Human Rights Watch." In giving us a clear picture of freedom, prosperity, and human rights throughout the world, they are about as accurate and as useful as divining rods are at finding water...
Dirty Cajuns
On April 20th a series of concerts will be held in communities across the Gulf Coast on the one year memorial of the worst man made disaster in our nation’s history. Countless artist are giving their time and talents to honor the 11 men that lost their lives and address the long term environmental and health impacts to the region...
This panel will address the US media's tendency to look away from major stories of all kinds by dismissing them as mere "conspiracy theories." First will be a discussion the press's silence on the strange collapse of Building 7, and the panelists will move on from there to discuss other mysteries or scandals that, although they merit serious investigation, are either laughed off or ignored. Among these forbidden stories are the "OctoberSurprise"of1980, the fate of TWA Flight 800,the CIA's reported drug dealing in America's innercities, theOklahoma City bombing and the epidemic of widespread election fraud since 2000.
KABUL (AFP) - General David Petraeus, US commander of foreign forces in Afghanistan, admitted he had held talks about his future Saturday while batting away questions about whether he could be the next CIA director...
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US prosecutors compiled lots of evidence against the five men accused of having organized the September 11 attacks on the United States, but not until this week have details been fully revealed.
The indictment charging self-professed mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others was unsealed when US Attorney General Eric Holder referred the case to the Defense Department for military trials instead of trials at a US federal court in New York...
Hamas said on Saturday it would escalate its attacks against Israel to include a wider range of targets if Israel failed to halt its aerial assaults on the Gaza Strip.
Dozens of rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel on Saturday, as the IDF launched several strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, killing at least four Hamas operatives, one of them a senior commander.
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri blamed Israel for an escalation in violence. "If the Israeli escalation continues, amid international silence and complicity, the reactions by resistance factions will broaden," he told Reuters, saying such actions would be necessary to protect Palestinians in Gaza.
Two senior Special Forces officers suspected of leaking details of highly sensitive covert operations have been arrested under the Official Secrets Act, the Daily Mail can reveal.
The unprecedented arrests came as members of the SAS and SBS were deployed in Libya in preparation for airstrikes and to liaise with rebels and identify stranded British oil workers for rescue.
It was unclear last night what the officers are suspected of leaking, but it is understood it involves attempts to pass it to a major broadcaster.
The investigation is focused primarily on information relating to the war in Afghanistan against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. But it is also looking at secret information the men had access to about Libya and other countries where Special Forces have been operating.
Under the terms of the rejected deal, Iceland would have paid the money back with 3.3% interest to the UK, and 3% to the Netherlands, over 30 years between 2016 and 2046.
Under the previous proposal, the money was to be paid back with 5.5% interest between 2016 and 2024.
Icelanders queue to vote in Reykjavik The issue may now have to go to the courts
The actual cost to the state is expected to be much less than the 4bn euros owed, as the government says most of the repayment will come from selling the assets of Landsbanki.
I examined the mountain runoff wells and six locations in the surrounding Kesennuma This is detected arsenic exceeding water quality standards for drinking water in three places, where the highest per liter amount to 24 times the standard was 0.24 per milligram. According to public health and Kesennuma, but I heard that the concentration there is no problem even with washing and cleaning, community poured sediment is due to the perennial current attention as there is that people are using drinking water is calling. Management of the parent company Nippon Oil Nippon Mining & Metals depositional JX ", so that the inconvenience, and ready to return to earth as soon as possible to collect relief," I said.
Sidney Lumet R.I.P.
June 25, 1924 - April 9, 2011 (aged 86)
Ffrom the pen of Dr Mazin Qumsiyeh
My kind old mother laments
Decades of memory that transcends
Fake Gods and fake peace offers
who bless nichsayon** and slaughter
our eyes fail to see or just lament
blood of a child licked off a pavement.
A county clerk discovered 14,000 unrecorded votes, which just happened to turn the election for the man she once worked for.
"Human error," as she claims, or something more nefarious?
Before Ms. Nickolaus announced her mistake, Ms. Kloppenburg seemed headed for victory. She had a 204-vote lead out of 1.5 million votes cast and a recount was in the works.
Hardline Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr mobilized tens of thousands of followers Saturday, using the anniversary of the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime to issue a warning to American civilians as well as soldiers that it was time to go.
Far from Baghdad's Firdous Square, where US Marines helped Iraqis bring down Saddam Hussein’s statue in 2003, the cleric’s supporters marched from Sadr City to Mustansiriya Square, near a major university in northeast Baghdad. Black smoke rose from the square from the burning American flags, and protesters set up a grisly display of Americans in business suits being burned in cages.
“We are time bombs,” the protesters chanted between a choreographed wave of young men dressed in the satin colors of Iraq's flag.
It’s the end of an era: Glenn Beck is leaving his daily talk show on Fox News later this year, he and Fox announced Wednesday. The show, called “Glenn Beck,” had seen a precipitous decline in ratings over the last year, and Mr. Beck’s departure was not unexpected.
Not long ago, the populist rabble-rouser of the right and self-described “rodeo clown” was flying high.
What went wrong? Analysts suggest that Beck’s antics got to be too much – the tears, the conspiracy theories, the “Obama is a socialist” drumbeat.
“In recent months, it seems, Beck’s theories became so outlandish that even conservatives – both viewers and media personalities – were having a hard time stomaching them,” writes TNR’s James Downie.
Israel is in panic mode that the revitalized Arab's will show comradeship with the Gazan's. Are the brutal killings by the Israeli's and the brutal friendly fire by NATO just cogs in tandem with behind the scenes negotiations?
That NATO managed to hit an oil refinery in rebel held territory adds credibility to the argument that this is a war against a religion, not a war for resources. It is pretty hard to mistake an oil installation for a combatant.
Independent scientists find radiation levels beyond Japan evacuation zone are 4 times higher than Chernobyl levels beyond the 30km evacuation zone and higher than official government reported numbers.
Washington state's only nuclear power plant briefly evacuated about 25 workers after a small amount of hydrogen sprang from a pipe and ignited in a six-inch (15.5 cm) flash, plant officials said on Friday.
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat: Demands: Embassy Closure and Withdrawal from The Camp David Accords in Wake of Renewed Attacks on Gaza
“ Just when the Palestinians in Gaza thought they were facing this new Israeli attacks alone and with their backs against the wall, they found out they forgot, over the years, that they had brothers in Egypt who are willing not only to accompany them in their struggle against Israel but to protect their backs as well.”
Barry Minkow to help U.S. investigators as part of plea deal
Barry Minkow acknowledges participating in a fraud and will help federal prosecutors investigate a developer who allegedly hired him to spread lies about home builder Lennar Corp. In a plea bargain, former carpet-cleaning tycoon Barry Minkow has agreed to help federal prosecutors investigate a developer who allegedly hired him to spread lies about giant home builder Lennar Corp. with negative …
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The last-minute budget agreement that Republicans and Democrats reached may have averted a Saturday US government shutdown, but it's a mere skirmish in a looming war over the debt ceiling and the 2012 federal budget.
The agreement, reached after weeks of hard bargaining just before midnight Friday, funds the government for the rest of the fiscal year ending September 30, while making what President Barack Obama described as the deepest annual spending cuts in US history.
“First, the level of iodine[-131] is not decreasing; it is increasing. Iodine[-131]‘s half life is 8 days. It has been more than 3 weeks since the accident, so the level of iodine[-131] should be about 1/10 of the initial level measured. Second, the presence of chlorine-38 was detected from the contaminated water in the turbine building [he doesn't say which one].” …
“Well, if chlorine-38 was detected [according to TEPCO], and that can only mean “recriticality”. …
"TEPCO used the term 'beyond our expectations' [to describe the natural disaster], but they can't establish effective policies for nuclear energy safety unless they take into account things that are beyond their expectations," Sato said.
Sato pointed out that more than 100,000 evacuees remain in a state of high anxiety, worrying about radiation exposure every day. "I want to cry out: 'Do the government and TEPCO understand our feelings?'"
Asked about a plan to build a seventh and eighth reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 plant, Sato flatly rejected the idea, saying even to suggest it was "unforgivable."
Aside from very large and obvious tumors, Victoria also observed a wide range of other adverse effects in her aspartame-fed rats, including:
Neurological effects: difficulty walking, falling over
Torticollis (also known as wryneck: neck stiffness associated with muscle spasms, resulting in tilting your head to one side)
Symptoms of cerebral palsy
Eye disorders: infected eyes, bleeding, blindness, bulging eyes
Skin disorders: lesions, thinning and yellowing of fur
Interestingly, she also found evidence suggesting genetic damage.
7 April 2011
Anti-US sentiment is 'rife' in Afghanistan and Pakistan
"Whatever the circumstances, there is no doubt that anti-US feeling is growing in the country after a series of appalling incidents.
Pakistani PM Yousuf Raza Gilani (R) shakes hands with US Special Envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan, Marc Grossman Frequent visits by US officials to Pakistan have not diluted anti-American rage
Afghan civilians have been repeatedly killed in night raids by US special forces and mis-targeted bombings by US aircraft while a handful of US soldiers have been charged with deliberately killing Afghans and committing other atrocities."
The invisible division: US soldiers are seven times as likely as UK troops to develop post-traumatic stress
By Ethan Watters
Friday, 8 April 2011
Something is happening at the end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that mental health experts are finding hard to explain: British and American soldiers appear to be having markedly different reactions to the stress of combat. In America, there has been a sharp increase in the number experiencing mental-health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Between 2006 and 2007 alone, there was a 50 per cent jump in cases of combat stress among soldiers and suicides more than doubled. Why the precipitous rise? And why hasn't there been an accompanying rise in these symptoms among British troops?
It has always been about gaining control of the central banking system in Libya. Oil is just a profitable side issue like every other state asset that is waiting in Libya to be privatized and sold off to multinational corporations like Bechtel, GE, and Goldman Sachs. Oil is important and it is certainly a target but it isn’t the driving force behind these global wars for profit. Banking is.
Once the Coalition Provisional Authority took over in Iraq, the second thing they did, after signing a law banning the Baathists and disbanding the military, was to sign over the state-owned central banking system to privately held banking interests, bringing Iraq online with the web of private central banks. That took place the very first day of the CPA’s control of Iraq.
It has always been about gaining control of the central banking system in Libya. Oil is just a profitable side issue like every other state asset that is waiting in Libya to be privatized and sold off to multinational corporations like Bechtel, GE, and Goldman Sachs. Oil is important and it is certainly a target but it isn’t the driving force behind these global wars for profit. Banking is.
Don’t be fooled by the spin: radiation is bad, Sydney Morning Herald, April 8, 2011:
Dr Peter Karamoskos is a nuclear radiologist and a public representative on the radiation health committee of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
… There seems to be a never-ending cabal of paid industry scientific ”consultants” who are more than willing to state the fringe view that low doses of ionising radiation do not cause cancer and, indeed, that low doses are actually good for you and lessen the incidence of cancer. …
The plantation workers were shot in cold blood by a 16-man patrol of Scots Guards in December 1948. Many of the victims' bodies were found to have been mutilated and their village of Batang Kali was burned to the ground. No weapons were found when the village was searched during a military operation against Chinese communists in the post-second world war Malayan emergency.
The mourning period for Juliano Mer-Khamis will end soon, but what he dedicated his life to and symbolised will never end. It matters not to me who actually pulled the trigger on the gun that killed Juliano. In reality, he was killed by the occupation that he so despised. An occupation that is responsible for the creation of monsters on both sides of the wall, monsters so full of hatred and venom that any one of them could be the guilty party. A part of all of us was murdered that afternoon in Jenin by that monster.
I am back in Palestine after a long 40 day book tour in which I visited 3 countries, 16 US states, gave talks 67 times and interviewed on TV and Radio extensively. Over 3000 wonderful contacts were made. I thank all who helped make this possible and all who attended my talks. My apologies for my poor name-face association with older age. Yet, the sweet home coming occurred on 9 April, 2011 the anniversary of the massacre at Deir Yassin and, just in the past three days, 18 Palestinians were murdered in Gaza by the same occupation army; including a man and his grand-daughter. I penned a poem along the way:
April 9, 1948 to April 9, 2011: Deir Yassin to Gaza
(by Mazin Qumsiyeh, Written on the way back home, dedicated to Juliano*)
Dr. Alexander Mashkevich announces plan to form pro-Israel international news network.
Protesters have packed Cairo's Tahrir Square, piling pressure on the ruling military council to meet demands including the prosecution of Hosni Mubarak in one of the biggest demonstrations since he was ousted. By early afternoon the protest had swollen to more than 100,000. Thousands waved red, white and black Egyptian flags in scenes reminiscent of the height of the protests that toppled Mubarak and helped ignite revolts in other Arab countries.
While there has been wide coverage in US media about the protests in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and elsewhere, less has been reported on the uprisings by ordinary people in Iraq who are protesting the ongoing US occupation and the corrupt regime it supports. As in other countries, Iraqi protesters have been met with violent crack-downs from the US-backed government, but protesters vow to continue until their demands are met.
Our friends at the War Resisters League have been following events closely there and share this report and call to action.
Today's Daily doublespeak column comes from a Japanese reader, Saidani out of Japan.
Saidani points out the US and Japan governments doublespeak over the radiation evacuation zone with the US now saying it overestimated the needed evacuation zone.
Meanwhile reports from the Japanese media showed that Japan actually has been covering up high levels of radiation outside of the evacuation zone.
Once Japan's leaky nuclear complex stops spewing radiation and its reactors cool down, making the site safe and removing the ruined equipment is going to be a messy ordeal that could take decades and cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
Radiation has covered the area around the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant and blanketed parts of the complex, making the job of "decommissioning" the plant - rendering it safe so it doesn't threaten public health and the environment - a bigger task than usual.
Fears of radiation spread to rice as the planting season began in Japan, prompting the government to ban its cultivation in contaminated soil as fallout leaking from a tsunami-damaged nuclear plant dealt another blow to the national diet.
Vegetables and milk were the first foods that sparked concerns about the safety of Japanese agriculture after the March 11 tsunami flooded the nuclear plant and its reactors began to overheat and spew radiation. But those worries intensified when highly radioactive water was spotted gushing from the complex into the Pacific and contaminated fish showed up in catches.
President Barack Obama’s historical distinction is now guaranteed. He is America’s first black president to invade Africa. His assault on Libya is run by the US Africa Command, which was set up in 2007 to secure the continent’s lucrative natural resources from Africa’s impoverished people and the rapidly spreading commercial influence of China. Libya, along with Angola and Nigeria, is China’s principal source of oil. As American, British and French planes currently incinerate both “bad” and “good” Libyans, the evacuation of 30,000 Chinese workers is under way, perhaps permanently. Statements by western officials and media that a “deranged and criminal Colonel Gaddafi” is planning “genocide” against his own people still await evidence.
A massive Russian cargo plane roared into Atlanta on Friday to pick up one of the world's largest concrete pumps, which has been retrofitted to pour water on the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
The personal and the political are today in perfect alignment. Virtually all U.S. senators, and most...[House] representatives...are members of the top 1 percent....are kept in office by money from the top 1 percent, and know that if they serve the top 1 percent well they will be rewarded by the top 1 percent when they leave office. By and large, the key executive-branch policymakers on trade and economic policy also come from the top 1 percent. When pharmaceutical companies receive a trillion-dollar gift--through legislation prohibiting the government...from bargaining over price--it should not come as cause for wonder....Given the power of the top 1 percent, this is the way you would expect the system to work.
Workers trying to stabilize the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant Saturday started installing an offshore enclosure behind the facility to prevent radioactive runoff produced by emergency cooling operations from further contaminating the Pacific Ocean.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. plans to enclose the seawater intake for reactor 2 with seven steel sheets and to deploy three 120-meter-wide "silt fences" near it and two other places to contain the toxic water being created by the emergency reactor-cooling strategy.
Speaking of Monsanto, it turns out they are playing a role in Iowa's proposed anti-whistleblower bill -- a bill focused primarily on agriculture. Should the bill pass, it will become illegal to produce undercover videos at various types of agricultural facilities (as well as to get a job at a facility with the express intent of producing a video). Sarah Damian of the Government Accountability Project, a "whistleblower advocacy organization," observes over at the Food Integrity Campaign's blog that Monsanto has been throwing lobbying dollars behind Iowa's effort to draw a steel curtain around food production. And not without reason.
On March 23, Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom told Israel Radio that another large-scale attack may be launched to topple Hamas. Speaking for his government, he blamed Hamas for escalating violence, distorting truth to conceal its own agenda - completing unfinished business to destroy all resistance.
As a result, perhaps Cast Lead 2 is planned. Haaretz writer Gideon Levy thinks so, pointing fingers in his April 7 article headlined, "Goldstone has paved the path for a second Gaza war," saying:
He gave Israel a PR victory, "caus(ing) rejoicing here, a Goldstone party, the likes of which we haven't seen for some time." He's now reaped the whirlwind, giving Israel "a green light for Operation Cast Lead 2.
Radiation from Japan has been detected in drinking water in 13 more American cities, and cesium-137 has been found in American milk—in Montpelier, Vermont—for the first time since the Japan nuclear disaster began, according to data released by the Environmental Protection Agency late Friday.
Milk samples from Phoenix and Los Angeles contained iodine-131 at levels roughly equal to the maximum contaminant level permitted by EPA, the data shows. The Phoenix sample contained 3.2 picoCuries per liter of iodine-131. The Los Angeles sample contained 2.9. The EPA maximum contaminant level is 3.0, but this is a conservative standard designed to minimize exposure over a lifetime, so EPA does not consider these levels to pose a health threat.
The NATO war in Libya is continuing apace with no end in sight. Despite this, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen reiterated today that there “is no military solution” in the nation.
Rasmussen insisted that a “political solution” was needed instead, which is noteworthy primarily because NATO appears to be making absolutely no effort toward such a solution, but is rather content to keep dropping bombs.
Nickolaus says repeatedly that she imported the data into Access, but through a process of "human error", she "forgot to save". Then come the tears, repeatedly, throughout her presser.
Here's the problem. Microsoft Access (any version) doesn't ask you to save. When you enter data into a table, it automatically updates the underlying database. If you close the database accidentally, the data you entered (or imported, in the case of Nickolaus) remains. If you stop to take a phone call from your buddy the governor (for example), your data will still automatically save.
For further proof, I asked my 8 year old daughter to try to enter data in my little Access voting system mock up, and not save it. She couldn't do it. She tried all sorts of things, and the votes still saved.
The EPA has finally released some of the radiation data it has been collecting:
- Los Angeles milk radiation was above federal drinking water standards
- Radiation found in Phoenix milk was almost at the federal drinking water standard.
- Radioactive Iodine in Boise Idaho rainwater was 130 times above Federal Drinking Water standards.
- Radioactive Caesium was 13.66 times above federal limit for Caesium-134, 2 year half-life
- Radioactive Caesium was 12 times federal limit for Caesium-137, 30 year half-life
- Tennessee drinking water was detected with radiation above 1/2 the federal maximum
Libya risks degenerating into chaos similar to that in Somalia, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, who didn’t rule out Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi being able to defeat the rebels fighting his forces.
“The worst-case scenario -- I think it wouldn’t be realized but it’s theoretically possible -- is that Libya might turn into another Somalia,” Ivanov said in an interview yesterday in Miami, two days after meeting U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington. “Nobody wants that, but who knows?”
The conflict in Libya pitting the eastern-based opposition against Qaddafi’s regime has become a “tribal war,” Ivanov said
Researchers have traced oil found on dead dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico to the BP Deepwater Horizon spill but say it's not yet clear whether the oil caused their deaths.
Hundreds of bottlenose dolphins have washed up dead in the Gulf in the past year, an unexplained rise in deaths that has scientists concerned. Oil on six of the dolphins has been directly linked to BP's blown-out well, but researchers say it's too soon to conclude whether or not the oil was responsible or if their demise was caused by something entirely unrelated, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.
Apparently Prosser has hired recount attorney Ben Ginsberg, of Bush v. Gore infamy, who also presided over the 2008 Norm Coleman/Al Franken recount in Minnesota. In other words, he's the man when it comes to conservatives seeking a recount. As ThinkProgress puts it, Ginsberg is bringing his "cavalier attitude towards the Constitution and voting rights to bear in order to ensure that Justice Prosser is still empowered to decide equal protection and voting rights cases for the many Wisconsin residents who will bring cases before his court."
Regulators on Friday shut down small banks in Illinois and Nevada, lifting the number of U.S. bank failures so far this year to 28 after 157 succumbed in 2010 to the gutted economy and mounting bad loans.
Israeli apache helicopters open fire at Palestinian houses in the heavily populated neighbourhood of Shuja’eya east of Gaza. There are also reports of Israeli military boats firing at houses. Palestinian sources say that an ambulance was hit in one of the strikes. Five people have been killed, one a man of 50 by an Israel tank shell and the latest victim is Saleh Tarabin (38). Some 30-40 people have been wounded.
Israeli warplanes are opening fire on Khan Younis city, south of Gaza, but so far no casualties have been reported.
Heavy shelling in Rafah and tunnels being targeted. Bo,bs falling on the border between Gaza and Egypt. F-16s over Gaza City now.
US authorities fined cosmetics and drugs giant Johnson & Johnson $70 million on Friday for bribing doctors in Europe and paying kickbacks for contracts under a UN relief program in Iraq.
Pressed by McCain on whether the situation was either a stalemate or an “emerging stalemate,” Ham said, “Senator, I would agree with that at present on the ground.” A stalemate appeared “more likely” today than it did at the outset of the air campaign on March 19, he said.
McCain wants the US to drop the pretence that the direct aim of the air war is not regime-change. In his testimony, Ham said that the ousting of Gaddafi did not fall within the remit of the UN-mandated mission to protect civilians under Security Council Resolution 1973. The US wanted to rely on diplomatic and other means to force him to step down, he insisted.
This week Dr Piotr Setkiewicz, the head historian at Auschwitz, said that he did not believe Mr Avey’s story of the swap. He said that his fear was the story could provide ammunition for Holocaust deniers who are keen to exploit implausible memoirs in order to ‘prove’ that the Holocaust did not take place.
The International Atomic Energy Agency views the accident in Japan as one more serious than the partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island, but says it's nowhere near the scale of the disaster that occurred in Ukraine twenty-five years ago. Yet each day, tests detect more contamination. Low levels of iodine-131 and cesium-137 in the drinking water of several prefectures, albeit "at levels far below those that would initiate recommendations for restrictions of drinking water," are high enough to prompt warnings for infants. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare has detected very low-level contamination in spinach, leafy vegetables, and some meat.
Kentucky has seen a surge in people carrying guns into the Capitol, a legal activity here and in at least 10 other states, but one that is worrisome to critics.
More than 50 people brought guns into Kentucky's Capitol over the past three months, at a time when the legislature was involved in heated debates on a variety of emotional issues, including proposed new restrictions on illegal immigrants and on mountaintop removal coal mining, both of which resulted in angry demonstrations.
Gun rights proponents consider it no big deal that people can stroll through the Capitol armed. But critics believe they should have to leave their weapons at home.
NATO holds its fire as Moammar Gadhafi's forces advance 100 miles into rebel territory. It then blasts a rebel tank, saying it didn't know the rebels had any – even though footage of rebels with tanks had been on YouTube for weeks.
President Barack Obama sternly rebuked Syria on Friday about violence there in which sources said 22 pro-democracy protesters died.
"I strongly condemn the abhorrent violence committed against peaceful protesters by the Syrian government today and over the past few weeks. I also condemn any use of violence by protesters," the president said in a statement.
US authorities fined cosmetics and drugs giant Johnson & Johnson $70 million on Friday for bribing doctors in Europe and paying kickbacks for contracts under a UN relief program in Iraq.
The Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission said since 1998 the firm had paid doctors and hospital administrators in Greece, Poland and Romania for contracts and to promote its drugs and medical devices.
Definition of VAMPIRE
1: the reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep
2 a : one who lives by preying on others
A truce declared by Palestinian armed groups unravelled even before it could take hold as they fired dozens of mortar rounds and rockets into southern Israel.
This has been a recurring pattern on Wall St. for years. Firms like Goldman and JP Morgan break various laws all the time, but then they lobby to have the laws changed retroactively (yes, this law will change – and the talk now is to make it look like they are weighing some issues other than the massive kickback in cash they’ll get to change this law). This is obviously a complete breakdown in the concept of the rule of law. BusinessInsider shamefully carries the headline that insiders will have to wait for an IPO – instead of covering the fact that there’s been a miscarriage of justice. Any wonder Americans are becoming poorer? The average American can’t make up laws and rules to suit their personal net worth interests, but they are forced to compete with banks like Goldman that do.
ALPHEN AAN DEN RIJN, Netherlands – A gunman opened fire with an automatic weapon at a crowded shopping mall outside Amsterdam on Saturday, leaving at least six people dead and wounding 11 others, Dutch officials said.
The attacker was among the dead after fatally shooting himself at the Ridderhof mall in Alphen aan den Rijn, Mayor Bas Eenhoorn said. The suburb is less than 15 miles (25 kilometers) southwest of Amsterdam.
Four of the wounded were in critical condition, five were in serious condition and at least two others were slightly wounded, Eenhoorn said.
It’s Official: Ostensibly, the reason for the nuclear reactors in Japan going into meltdown mode was an earthquake followed by a tsunami. No such dangers exist in Germany, yet they are shutting down their reactors–Do they know something the rest of us don’t, perhaps dealing with a computer worm known as Stuxnet designed to destroy reactors such as these?
According to a recent decision issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Gasper soon learned that a Montreal firm was making illicit copies of the movies and selling them to wholesalers. The primary client of the Montreal bootlegger was a New York-based company called Direct Distributors, Inc., run by a young Israeli named Ben Zion Suky.
Suky, now a real estate developer, isn’t just another businessman involved in two litigious industries. He’s also the right-hand man to a powerful Sephardic kabbalist rabbi with growing influence among Israel’s political and business elite and in the American Jewish community.
Massive floating rubbish islands almost 70 miles in length from the Japanese tsunami are causing chaos in the shipping lanes of the Pacific Ocean as they head for the west coast of the United States
In this edition of the Reality Report, Gary turns up the heat on Delaware State Trooper Jennifer Griffin for her attack on property rights in The Rant. In our Headlines, Angie discusses the debut of, Sen. Rand Paul’s visit to Iowa, the rising price of oil, a former CIA officer setting CNN straight, and the radiation leak in Japan.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US House of Representatives voted on Friday to overturn "net neutrality" rules aimed at ensuring an open Internet, setting the stage for a clash with the Senate and President Barack Obama...
Glamour is possibly one of the most insidious forces on Earth. Look at the things we glamorize. I don’t think I have to itemize. It’s one of the major hypnotics on the planet, along with money, power and fame. Glamour is intimately connected to all of them. The given purpose of cosmetics is to enhance beauty but its actual result is to obscure it.
It seems that Senators Corker and Alexander believe that the federal government shall be the final arbiter of its powers. They have voted to supercede the Constitution to their own judgement of the needs of our national security state.
Real actual military dictatorship has just appeared on the horizon and Tennessee has done nothing to help this country since the days of J.K. Polk. Go figure.
These "senators" work for a foreign power, not America. They work for Israel. Does anyone care to disagree?
Paul Wolfowitz (right) in 1991 was apparently pleased with the
outcome of Desert Storm. He believed that the time was ripe
to seize global hegemony before another world power rose to
challenge the Anglo-American establishment.
“ Just when the Palestinians in Gaza thought they were facing this new Israeli attacks alone and with their backs against the wall, they found out they forgot, over the years, that they had brothers in Egypt who are willing not only to accompany them in their struggle against Israel but to protect their backs as well”
The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has stepped up its effort to remove highly radioactive water that is hampering restoration of reactor cooling systems.
Tokyo Electric Power Company says contaminated water in a concrete tunnel of the Number 2 reactor has risen 10 centimeters since leakage of the water into the ocean stopped on Wednesday.
"Investigation has determined that Items found in and around the mechanism are linked to an individual by the name of Ron Hirsch, identified as a transient," the statement said. "Hirsch is known to frequent synagogues and Jewish community centers seeking charity from patrons. Hirsch is considered extremely dangerous."
Terrence P. Jeffrey
CNS News
The federal debt increased $54.1 billion in the eight days preceding the deal made by President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R.-Ohio) to cut $38.5 billion in federal spending for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, which runs through September.
The debt was $14.2101 trillion on March 30, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and $14.2642 on April 7.
Since the beginning of the fiscal year on Oct. 1, 2010, the national debt has increase by $653.4 billion.
I am wondering if anyone else has noticed that the Environmental Protection Agency Radnet website is not showing us just how much Beta radiation we might be getting from Japan. The data page for Honolulu seems to be perpetually unavailable due to mechanical issues. It says however:
“To-date, levels recorded at this monitor have been thousands of times below any conservative level of concern.”
Yet for some reason the Gross beta data is unavailable which would make one wonder how they know the levels are thousands of times below conservative levels of concern. As they say on the next line below the quote above:
“Gross beta counts are temporarily unavailable due to mechanical issues. See gamma counts below.”
In light of the "school bus bombing"
Well Israel was already busted just two weeks ago blaming a knifing of Settlers (holy-racial colonist)on Palestine and then a bombing that they did themselves and now suddenly a school bus is blown up. You can't make better theater. If there was a Hamas that was an actual opposition to Israel, blowing up a school bus would be the dumbest god damn thing they could do. The only party that benefits form that is Israel. Palestinians too will reject to blowing up a school bus. Hamas exist to undermine the PLO.
Even Ron Paul a US congressman has said Israel created Hamas
Home construction in the United States is all but coming to a halt.
Laptops and Other Electronics May Be Seized on Entry to US
... ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit last week is the second in less than a year that allows the U.S. government to conduct offsite searches of digital devices
Russian specialists are planning to build a base for cosmonauts training and rehabilitation in South Ossetia.
There are probably better locations within Georgia - and what better way to try and fix relations than for Georgia to offer one as an olive branch to the Russians.
Lisa Shoreland
Activist Post
After reading about the Open Source Ecology project, I decided to do a little research and see if there were any other groups out there trying to attempt the same thing. What I found is that the majority of the small-scale, self-sufficient community projects are being funded either by universities or government grants...
Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post
Long before the verified lies of Qaddafi's "door-to-door" genocide and even before the media cleverly tagged the engineered destabilization of the Middle East the "Arab Spring," Libya was already marked for destabilization and regime change. For nearly thirty years the US and UK have funded groups both inside Libya and beyond its borders in various attempts to remove Qaddafi from power. The current administration's feigned ignorance over the nature of the rebels in Libya is nothing short of absolute deception. The CIA and MI6 are on record for decades following, and in many cases supporting, these very groups.
Below is a partial time line covering Western efforts to implement regime change in Libya...
Ian Fletcher
Activist Post
There’s a nice new academic paper just out by an MIT economist and his friends that gives some hard data to back up everyone’s suspicion that the U.S. is losing jobs to China. It’s entitled The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States, by David Autor, which can be downloaded if you are curious.
The bottom line here probably won’t be all that surprising to most ordinary Americans, though it will annoy the living daylights out of most academic economists and our political establishment. In the authors' own words:
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Treasury Department on Friday said it would delay a report that could label China a currency manipulator until at least May, after a series of top level meetings...
April 08, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- While we send our love and support to those so horribly impacted by the earthquake and tsunami, we must not allow this shock to divert us from the tsunami headed our way. Our business and political leaders will try to use this terrible catastrophe as a diversion to hoodwink us into budgetary reductions that will fatten their wallets and leave us and our children devastated.
It does not matter on what side of the political fence you sit during the current budget debates. The fact is that if our leaders are not willing to take into account our over-dependence on a militarized economy and change it, we will never balance the budget. Our progeny will face an endless struggle to clean up the debris.
Then I started hearing that there were a lot of people from the electric utility industry who were insulting us and our work. They were saying our cancer calculations from radiation were ridiculous, that they were poorly based scientifically, that there was plenty of evidence that we were wrong. Things like that. So I wondered what was going on there. At that point--January 1970--I hadn't said anything about nuclear power itself. In fact, I hadn't even thought about it. It was stupid not to have thought about it. I just wondered, Why is the electric utility industry attacking us?
What is the difference between Republican Henry Kissinger and Obama`s Nobel prizes?
Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize for a written speech.
Kissinger got the Noel Peace Prize for a written speech
Having lived in Thailand for the last two years I have experienced their military coup of 2006 as well and their path back to democracy. The coup was bloodless and the only person I am aware of getting hurt was a taxi driver who rammed a tank park in the street because he was frustrated with it being in his way. The Thai people’s path back to democracy was well planned and quite structured by the military who was governing Thailand after the coup. Initially a new constitution was written that afforded more protection
Fukushima, Japan - The Japanese government has issued the evacuation order on March 12 for the residents living within the 20 kilometer radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Since then, residents have left their homes, and the "no man land" has been out of touch with the rest of the world.
A Japanese journalist, Tetsuo Jimbo, ventured through the evacuation zone last Sunday, and filed the following video report.
Every now and then I wake up at 3 AM, wide-awake - and I watch these fine lawyers explain to the nation that we have psychopaths and murderers in the executive branch that need bars in front of them to prevent them from murdering more people and.....nothing. More TV..... more talk.....more nothing.
What wakes me up is the realization that ...
More isle troops headed overseas
By William Cole, Apr 06, 2011
As the nation’s military and civilian leaders debate the size of a drawdown expected to start in Afghanistan in July, record numbers of Hawaii-based troops are projected to serve in the country for years to come.
"Marine officials said another Hawaii unit, the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, had its deployment moved up by about three weeks, and those 1,000 Marines will start deploying this week to Garmsir district 20 miles south of Nawa on the main route from Pakistan into Helmand.
"“Really, what we’re looking at, it’s an IED (improvised explosive device) environment,” Executive Officer Maj. John W. Black said of Garmsir. There are few firefights, but on average, 21 IEDs are found daily, he said.
Both sides agreed on plan that cuts $39 billion in federal spending - a mammoth amount, but far less than the $61 billion that Tea Party Republicans had been demanding.
President Obama, who rode herd on the negotiations, hailed the agreement.
Over one million Egyptian protesters in Cairo's Liberation square have demanded their military rulers to abandon Israel and lift the blockade on the besieged Gaza strip.
"Friday's Day of Trial and Cleansing" saw the largest turn out of Egyptians protesting in Tahrir square since the former Egyptian President Mubarak was forced to step down 8 weeks ago.
"When legislatures become ceremonial assemblies only and have no real control over law making, their community rates low on the power scale."
This is how America rates.
800,000 federal employees face a temporary lay-off, front line soldiers face a delay in being paid and museums and national parks are on the verge of closure.
A row between Democrats and Republicans over the funding over spending in the 2011-2012 budget needed to be resolved by midnight to avoid the closure of all non-essential federal services.
You'd think there was enough real news happening -- civil war in Libya, radiation fears in Japan, and the looming possibility of a government shutdown here in the U.S. -- that Fox & Friends wouldn't have to resort to bizarre, semi-offensive attacks on the "political correctness" of crayon companies.
I wish these were available when I was growing-up. It was always confusing to me which crayons to use to color people.
Plutonium Carries Serious Risks to Public Health and the Environment
WASHINGTON - March 30 - The release of plutonium from at least one of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactors carries serious risks to public health and the environment, according to Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). Inhalation of a plutonium particle the size of a speck of dust can lead to lung cancer and death. The particle’s extensive half-life also means it will impact the environment for thousands of years if released into the soil, air or sea.
The House of Representatives voted on Friday to reject Internet "neutrality" rules that were adopted last year to keep big Internet service providers from blocking certain traffic
WASHINGTON – In the event of a government shutdown, the Pentagon would have to delay payments of the $100,000 death benefit that families receive if a military service member dies in the line of duty, a senior defense official said Friday,
Families would get the money eventually after the government re-opens, but they could have problems paying expenses, including for the funerals, the official said, adding that the Pentagon will reach out to various military aid agencies to help those who need it.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel details, said as many as 150 death benefits are paid out every month.
WAIKELE, Hawaii — At least four people are dead and one person was critically injured after an explosion at a bunker holding fireworks at the Waikele Business Center, sources told KITV4.
Notwithstanding the machine translation, you had to see this.
From Yoshimi Takashi Hikosaka's blog, from the human beings bearing the brunt of this environmental catastrophe, comes this request, entreating the government of Japan and, I think, governments everywhere:
...Nuclear power plant disaster occurred two weeks, fear and confusion we have, to be losing their home and life In sorrow and anger, looking for a way to survive. ... Please evacuate as soon as possible to achieve for children and pregnant women. The most serious effects of radiation received is the growing fetus and children. Responsible for future To protect the health and lives....Currently, the refuge area has been limited to within 20 kilometers, 50 kilometers from the city already Hukushima Are confirmed and 400 times the normal dose, but radioactive contamination has spread significantly....
Amid nuclear crisis, Japan’s Tepco planned new reactors
By Andrew Higgins, Wednesday, April 6, 12:45 AM
FUKUSHIMA, JAPAN — Even as it struggled to contain the world’s worst nuclear disaster in a quarter-century, Tokyo Electric Power Co. late last month quietly set out big plans for the future: It proposed building two new nuclear reactors at its radiation-spewing Fukushima Daiichi power plant.
Stuart Littlewood explains why judge Richard Goldstone was the wrong person to head the UN fact-finding mission into the conflict in Gaza in the first place, and argues that Goldstone’s latest “wobble” could be the prelude to a new Israeli aggression against the people of Gaza.
As computers that harbor Stuxnet do not operate strangely, the virus can be transferred to a memory stick inadvertently.
According to the security company, the virus is designed to target a German-made program often used in systems managing water, gas and oil pipelines. The program is used at public utilities around the world, including in Japan.
The virus could cause such systems to act erratically, and it could take months to restore them to normal.
The 63 infected computers found in Japan were likely infected sometime after June.
Communications Minister Ed Vaizey has held talks behind closed doors with rights holders and ISPs about introducing web blocking for sites that breach copyright
Computer Active
The Government is considering forcing internet service providers (ISPs) to block websites that make it possible for people to illegally share copyrighted material...
Fight Back News
St. Paul, MN – Minnesota Republicans are pushing legislation that would make it a crime for people on public assistance to have more $20 in cash in their pockets any given month. This represents a change from their initial proposal, which banned them from having any money at all...
The United States is moving backwards… fast. State budget cuts are decimating essential health and social services; public education is being destroyed; the social safety net is in tatters.
Obama’s Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, has been particularly busy promoting the future cutbacks, repeating that “the country must live within its means” “deficits must be brought down dramatically” — something that will “require very hard choices.”
As reported live last night on the Intel Hub radio show and again today on The Alexander Higgins Show, Japan nuclear radiation including i-131, Caesium 134 and Caesium 137 are now being detected in a wide variety of foods being bought on store shelves in California.
In the first food chain tests made public radioactive contamination was found in spinach, strawberries, topsoil, grass, and milk.
Of the isotopes detected, radioactive iodine has a half-life of 8 days outside of the human body and 100 days inside of the body. The C-134 ha a half-life of 2.0652 years and the c-137 has a half-life of 30.17. C-135 with a half-life of over 2.3 million years is not reported as detected.
It’s understandable that people want to know where the precious metals market is headed next. And not just because big fluctuations can be nerve-wracking, but because it makes a big difference how you’d invest today if, for instance, you think there’s a big correction ahead (save cash to buy cheaper) or not (load up and ride the wave).
But the reality is that I don’t know. Nobody knows what will happen next.
That’s why it’s called speculation.
Further, you can be right about the trend and still get wiped out if your timing is wrong. That’s why it’s easier to say what is likely to happen than what is likely to happen next.
This page is an adaptation of this piece which I put together back in 2009 proving Zionist Jews are responsible for the 9/11 atrocity and its subsequent cover-up. For a more indepth look at the attacks I recommend you read Chris Bollyn's book Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed the World, or have a look at this piece entitled Stranger Than Fiction.
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