Tuesday, February 1, 2011

WRH News stories for Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Part 1

Gandhi would be proud of the people of Egypt.

IMF says ready to help Egypt, others in trouble

The IMF Tuesday said it was ready to help riot-torn Egypt and other nations stricken by chronic unemployment, but told governments to tackle economic strains or risk instability and even "war". International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn also said rising food prices could have "potentially devastating consequences" for poorer nations, and warned that Asia's fast-growing economies risked a "hard landing". Overall, he told an audience in Singapore, widening imbalances across and within countries were sparking tensions that threaten to derail the fragile global economic recovery -- and could even spark armed conflict.

Webmaster's Commentary: The IMF is always ready...to put countries deeper into unsustainable debts by loaning countries money at interest, which has to be paid back, in taxes, by the people of that country.

To our friends around the world: The Events in Egypt

The world has witnessed an unprecedented popular action in the streets of Egypt. Led by Egypt’s youth, with their justified demands for more freedom, more democracy, lower prices for necessities and more employment opportunities. These youths demanded immediate and far-reaching changes. This was met by violent conflicts with the police, who were routed. The army was called in and was welcomed by the demonstrators, but initially their presence was more symbolic than active. Events deteriorated as lawless bands of thugs, and maybe agents provocateurs, appeared and looting began. The young people organized themselves into groups that directed traffic, protected neighborhoods and guarded public buildings of value such as the Egyptian Museum and the Library of Alexandria.

European parliamentarians set to arrive in Israel

Hundreds of European parliamentarians are set to begin arriving in Israel over the next few days ahead of the European Friends of Israel’s 3-day Policy Conference in Jerusalem which starts Saturday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Welcome, our friends. We hope you enjoyed the festivities last night in the company of the young men and women we provided, and just in case you cannot remember what you did, inside the front cover of your copies of "How to loot the Goyim and send the cash to Israel without being caught" you will find several eight by ten glossies to refresh your memories. Now then, down to business. Our keynote speaker will be Mr. Gordon Gekko to remind us all why greed is still good!" -- Tel Aviv

Israel shocked by Obama's "betrayal" of Mubarak

If Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak is toppled, Israel will lose one of its very few friends in a hostile neighborhood and President Barack Obama will bear a large share of the blame, Israeli pundits said on Monday.

Webmaster's Commentary: The US and Israel have brought this situation upon themselves by supporting yet another tinpot dictator in the region. Certainly, in Israel's case, they have done their best to be the worst possible neighbor to all of the countries which surround it.

The Internet Kill Switch – One Of The Favorite New Tools Of Tyrannical Governments All Over The Globe

This past week was a perfect example of how the "Internet kill switch" is rapidly becoming one of the favorite new tools of tyrannical governments all over the globe. Once upon a time, the Internet was a bastion of liberty and freedom, but now nation after nation is cracking down on it. In fact, legislation has been introduced once again in Congress that would give the president of the United States an "Internet kill switch" that he would be able to use in the event of war or emergency.

Gilad Atzmon: Global Intifada

Apparently Jerusalem seeks to convince its allies that it is in the ‘West's interest’ to maintain the stability of the Egyptian regime. In other words, Israel urges the ‘Goyim’ to ‘keep being subservient to Jerusalem’. Jerusalem was foolish enough to admit that Mubarak was there to serve Israeli and ‘Western’ interests.

Webmaster's Commentary:

One reason Israel is working so hard to keep Mubarak in power (including sending banned tear gas to Egypt to use on the protesters) is that when Mubarak falls, it will not only be a major political defeat for Israel, but all the rest of Israel's puppet rulers around the world will wake up to the realization that Israel cannot protect them from a public enraged by decades of looting for Israel's benefit. The fall of Mubarak signals the beginning of the end of Israel's covert rule and plundering of many other nations.

Netanyahu Concerned Islamists May Exploit Egyptian ‘Chaos’

Israeli leaders are concerned that radical Islamic groups will take advantage of popular protests in Egypt and elsewhere in the Muslim world and try to seize government control.

“The sources of the instability, the central source, does not stem from radical Islam, not in Tunisia or Egypt,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said yesterday in Jerusalem at a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “But it is true that in a situation of chaos, an organized Islamist entity can take over a country. It’s happened in Iran and at other places as well.”

Webmaster's Commentary: Memo to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is almost inevitable. For decades now, Israel has supported a tyrannical government which has been consistently tone-deaf to the needs and aspirations of its people.

By having supported this government, as has the US, in the name of "stability", both Israel and the US have created the "perfect storm" for this kind of revolution to be happening. You may well not be able to stop this. But what you might want to consider is doing the best you can to be an honest neighbor and friend to whatever government comes along, after Mubarak has gone. To declare war against Egypt to bring about the "regime change" you might favor would engulf the entire Middle East (and potentially the world) in flames.

Court Rules for 68 home owners stopping the foreclosures in Possible Class Action California suit against (MERS banks) Aurora and Deutsche Bank

Egyptian Hotel And Energy Magnate Discovered In Dubai With $500 Million

Egyptian hotelier and oil giant, Hussein Kamal El Din Salem fled Egypt after riots gained traction last week and was caught discovered in Dubai with $500 million this weekend, according to Israel National News.

Could US abandon Israel too?

Webmaster's Commentary:

One can only hope!
Ynet seems to have forgotten something. The United States is founded in a principle that governments only rule with the consent of the governed. Clearly, the Egyptian people do not consent to Mubarak. Thus, any US politician who stands up to defend Mubarak commits treason against the core values of this nation. Ynet seems to feel that treason against ones own people is a small price to pay to serve Israel's agendas, the very attitude which has led to the unrest in Egypt.

Israel Agrees To Egypt Troops In Sinai

Israeli officials said Monday that they have agreed to let Egypt move several hundred troops into the Sinai peninsula for the first time since the countries reached peace three decades ago.

With street protests threatening the Egyptian regime, the officials say that Israel allowed the Egyptian army to move two battalions – about 800 soldiers – into Sinai on Sunday. The officials said the troops were based in the Sharm el-Sheikh area on Sinai's southern tip, far from Israel.

Webmaster's Commentary: Proof positive that Israel continues to support the dictatorship of Mubarak. But even this measure may not be able to prevent Mubarak from stepping down.

Internet 'Kill Switch' Bill Reintroduced

On the same day that Egypt's Internet went dark, senators Joseph Lieberman and Susan Collins re-introduced a bill granting President Obama the authority to shut down the Internet within the United States.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I think the people of the world should adapt as a policy the Kennedy approach. John F. Kennedy set it as policy of the United States that an attack anywhere in the western Hemisphere would be viewed as an attack on the United States itself, with the appropriate response to follow.

This policy worked to deter an attack.

I therefore conclude that the policy we should declare is that an attack on the internet anywhere in the world is an attack on us all, an attack by the governments against the people. Shutting down the internet is the opening salvo in a war of conquest, and the proper course of action is to acknowledge the government has declared war on the people as of that moment, and to respond in kind.

GOP plan to avoid US default: Pay China before anyone else

Legislation introduced by Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) would force the United States government to make interest payments on the national debt a first priority if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Neal Wolin addressed the proposed legislation in a statement, saying that "while well-intentioned, this idea is unworkable."

"It would not actually prevent default, since it would seek to protect only principal and interest payments, and not other legal obligations of the US, from non-payment," Wolin explained. "Adopting a policy that payments to investors should take precedence over other US legal obligations would merely be default by another name, since the world would recognize it as a failure by the US to stand behind its commitments."

Webmaster's Commentary: If this kind of legislation is being introduced in Congress, it looks as though Congressional representatives are expecting that the Federal government will be defaulting on all of its obligations in the very near future, both foreign and domestic, no matter what it does in the short term.

Israel shocked by Obama's "betrayal" of Mubarak

If Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak is toppled, Israel will lose one of its very few friends in a hostile neighbourhood and U.S. President Barack Obama will bear a large share of the blame, Israeli pundits said on Monday.

Webmaster's Commentary:
Dear President Pussy

I tried to warn you. When dealing with the Israelis, it does not matter how much you do for them, how much American money you send them, how silent you stand by when they murder Americans in international waters; it will never be enough to make them happy.

But you didn't listen, did you?

Feeling the Love in Jerusalem from Joseph Dana on Vimeo.

Feeling the Love in Jerusalem from Joseph Dana on Vimeo.




Kris Petersen-Overton has been rehired at Brooklyn College. Thanks to all of our readers and supporters for coming not only to his defense, but to the defense of Academic Freedom. Proof that if you do nothing, nothing happens!

Webmaster's Commentary: If there is to be a revolution against the forces of tyranny, let it begin here, and let it begin now.

Neocons Attack Egyptian Dissident Mohamed ElBaradei, Again

ElBaradei’s emergence has angered pro-Mubarak neoconservatives, such as Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vide president of the Council of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, which is closely aligned with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. “There is a myth being created that ElBaradei is a human rights activist," Hoenlein told an Orthodox Jewish website on Sunday. “He is a stooge of Iran, and I don't use the term lightly. When he was the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, for which he got a Nobel Peace Prize, he fronted for them, he distorted the reports."

Hysterical rhetoric about ElBaradei is nothing new. The same people who were wrong about Iraq’s nonexistent WMD program are once again trying to distort his work, this time as a prominent dissident in Egypt.

Webmaster's Commentary: These smears against El Baradei are not going to work: thinking people are going to dismiss them, and understand them for precisely what they are.

Al Jazeera English Leads Egypt Coverage, But Most Americans Still Can’t Watch It

While some of the American TV networks are receiving praise for their coverage of the situation in Egypt (ABC News and CNN come to mind) there is little doubt that the one network receiving the most praise from media critics is Al Jazeera English. Even after the Egyptian government revoked its broadcast license, the network continued to broadcast to the rest of the world. This morning six Al Jazeera reporters were detained by the military. They have since been released, but their equipment has been confiscated.

Federal judge rules health care law unconstitutional

A federal judge in Florida ruled Monday that key provisions of President Barack Obama's health care reform law were unconstitutional, and that the entire law must be voided. US District Judge Roger Vinson in Pensacola, Florida, a Reagan appointee, agreed with the 26 states that brought the lawsuit, and said Congress cannot penalize individuals that do not buy insurance by 2014.

"Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void," he declared in the ruling.

Webmaster's Commentary: Healthcare should be accessible and affordable in this country: Obamacare, however, was the absolutely wrong way to go about it. The Swiss have got this right. Everyone is required to buy a basic, bare bones policy, and the insurance companies make their money by selling more elaborate policies to the people who can afford them. Everyone gets care; care is matched to the need, and no one gets turned away.

If the Swiss can figure out a way to make this work equitiably, why can't the US?!?

Jordan's King Abdullah Dissolves Government

AP/FOX News AMMAN, Jordan -- Jordan's King Abdullah II fired his government Tuesday in the wake of street protests and asked an ex-prime minister to form a new Cabinet, ordering him to launch immediate political reforms...

Fidonet and BBSes back in business for Egypt! :).

Rumsfeld to receive ‘Defender of the Constitution Award’ at CPAC

Former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will be honored with the "Defender of the Constitution Award" at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an annual event attended by numerous conservative activists, journalists, and politicians.

WorldNetDaily columnist Brad O'Leary and American Conservative Union chairman David A. Keene will present the former Defense secretary with the award on Feb 10, according to the conference's schedule of events (.pdf).

Webmaster's Commentary: Proof positive if you are a high ranking government official, lying to the American people and looting them for illegal and immoral wars, gets you accolades and money. Rumsfeld is that absolute antithesis of a "Defender of the Constitution".

U.S. Democrats and pro-Israel lobbies slam Republican Senator's call to halt Israel aid

U.S. Democrats and pro-Israel lobbies slammed on Thursday comments made by newly elected Republican Senator and Tea Party representative Rand Paul who suggested that the United States should halt all foreign aid including its financial aid to Israel. In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday Paul said that “Reuters did a poll, and 71 percent of American people agree with me that when we're short of money, where we can't do the things we need to do in our country, we certainly shouldn't be shipping the money overseas.”

Can Israel only make peace with dictators?

So where does this leave us with Mahmoud Abbas? Does he have the authority and capability to bring about an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Any realistic appraisal of his position among the Palestinian population in Judea and Samaria and Gaza leads to the conclusion that he cannot meet this condition. The most obvious indication of this is that he does not speak for the population in Gaza, which is ruled by a "democratically" elected government - Hamas. His position in Judea and Samaria is also tenuous.

Rights NGO claims that Israeli planes carrying crowd dispersal weapons have arrived in Egypt

The International Network for Rights and Development has claimed that Israeli logistical support has been sent to Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to help his regime confront demonstrations demanding that he steps down as head of state. According to reports by the non-governmental organisation, three Israeli planes landed at Cairo's Mina International Airport on Saturday carrying hazardous equipment for use in dispersing and suppressing large crowds.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This information MUST get to the people of Egypt. If you have a satellite phone, ham radio, land line, or carrier pigeons, get the word out.

Israel has initiated war on the people of Egypt, and Mubarak has committed the same crime that cost Charles I his head!

Where is Egypt's Cromwell?

Optional Banner: WRH breaking

Massive Winter Storm Threatens 100 Million in U.S. With Snow, Ice

Midwesterners accustomed to dealing with snow, sleet and ice have readied themselves for a monster winter storm that could be bigger than many cities in the nation's midsection have seen in years. Despite dire warnings of a potentially deadly storm predicted to affect a third of the country -- some 100 million -- people seemed even a little excited at the prospect of dealing with the kind of weather that has pounded the Northeast in one of that region's most brutal winters. Others headed to stores Monday to pick up everything from snow shovels and backup generators to bottled water and bread as the first flakes and freezing rain began to fall on parts of the region.

Hundreds of Thousands Flood Streets of Cairo Calling for Mubarak's Ouster

CAIRO – More than 200,000 people flooded into the heart of Cairo Tuesday, filling the city's main square as a call for a million protesters was answered by the largest demonstration in a week of unceasing demands for President Hosni Mubarak to leave after nearly 30 years in power. Leave it to Fox to lowball the crowd. I have heard estimates of 1.5 million+!

Pakistani Court Blocks Release of American Diplomat Suspect

LAHORE, Pakistan – A Pakistani court ordered the government Tuesday not to release an American official arrested in the shooting deaths of two Pakistanis despite U.S. insistence that he has diplomatic immunity and has been detained illegally. Lahore High Court Chief Justice Ijaz Chaudhry also told the government to place the American on the "exit control list" so that he cannot leave the country. Some legal experts questioned whether the court had the authority to issue such orders, but the rulings could further complicate what has become a serious diplomatic spat between the two countries.

For Egypt: Justice In The Streets by Richard and Linda Thompson, 1979

There's sickness in this land
Hearts have turned to sand
Crushed with an iron hand
There's justice in the streets

(Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah...)

They fooled you for so long
You can't tell right from wrong
They are weak and you are strong
There's justice in the streets

Sometimes it seems a man can't hold his head up
To be just what he is he feels ashamed
They take away his dignity and freedom
But they can never take away the flame

Tired of living in shame
Tired of a ball and chain
Run them down like a train
There's justice in the streets

They've got you chained to a wheel
'Til you don't know how to feel
'Til you can't tell what's real
There's justice in the streets

How can you fight a man without a shadow
How can you fight a face you've never seen

An Open Letter to Egypt

Philip Brennan

Dear Egypt, While our governments in the west have been watching events unfold in your country with some trepidation, We the People have been watching these same events with great interest and hope for you...

Believe it or not - glaciers are growing!

Does anybody need a big belly laugh this morning?
LONDON - There is some good news regarding climate change - glaciers are actually growing!

The reason being that hotter summers may actually slow down the flow of glaciers, according to researchers. Increased melting in the warmer summer is causing the internal drainage system of the ice sheet to accommodate more melt-water, without speeding up the flow of ice toward the oceans, the journal Nature reports. Half of the ice flows in the Karakoram range of mountains are advancing and not retreating, researchers announced in the first major study since a 2007 United Nations report warned the glaciers would melt by 2035, according to the Daily Mail.

Austria Works on Kill Switch

The Austrian government is preparing a Kill Switch American style, for security reasons.

No oil supply crisis over Egypt: IEA

PARIS - The global oil market does not face any emergency, the head of the International Energy Agency said on Tuesday, after crude breached $100 per barrel on unrest in Egypt. “It is not an emergency now,” Nobuo Tanaka told Reuters.

“If a disruption happens, we should act,” he added, referring to both the IEA and the oil producing group OPEC. Even a closure of the Suez canal would only delay, rather than cut, oil supply, Tanaka said. Brent crude hit $100 per barrel for the first time since 2008 on fears instability could spread through the Middle East, which together with North Africa pumps over a third of the world’s oil.

Frank Wisner Sr.

In 1947 Wisner established Operation Mockingbird, a program to influence the domestic and foreign media. In 1952, he became head of the Directorate of Plans, with Richard Helms as his chief of operations. This office had control of 75% of the CIA budget. In this position, he was instrumental in supporting pro-American forces that toppled Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran and Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in Guatemala [7] following the Alfhem affair. This is Ambassador Wisner's Daddy! Just one of the gang!

Ex-US ambassador in Egypt amid turmoil

The United States revealed Monday that its ex-ambassador to Egypt was back in restive Cairo to meet top officials, as it looked past President Hosni Mubarak's rule and urged a political "transition."

Top American spokesmen insisted that it was not up to the United States to call for the Arab strongman's ouster amid mass protests, but their careful choice of language clearly and gingerly envisaged a post-Mubarak Egypt. Frank Wisner, the hugely experienced ex-ambassador to Cairo, will meet senior Egyptian officials and report back to Washington, which is delicately navigating a crisis with deep implications for its Middle Eastern policy.

First Hand News Reports the day Mubarak took Power 30 years ago

God rest my Mom's soul. She past away almost five years ago She collected many newspapers of currents events that meant something to her. This is a first hand account news wire from UPI the day Anwar Sadat was assassinated. There might be come clues who was really behind removing this leader being Slain and the rise of another.Was it the CIA ,British Intel or Israel? You be the judge. The pictures are original newsprint fresh off the printing presses the day after the Egyptian President was killed . These news articles have been scanned for all to read. Please forgive me for the quality and hope you all will be able to under stand

Mubarak's deputy linked to secret CIA program

The man named by President Hosni Mubarak as his first ever deputy, Egyptian spy chief Omar Suleiman, reportedly orchestrated the brutal interrogation of terror suspects abducted by the CIA in a secret program condemned by rights groups. His role in the shadows of the "war on terror" illustrates the ties that bind the United States and the Egyptian regime, as an unprecedented wave of protests against Mubarak present Washington with a difficult dilemma.

With Mubarak's rule in jeopardy, Suleiman was anointed vice president last week and is now offering wide ranging talks with the opposition in a bid to defuse the crisis.

Nothing for free: Egyptians feel the economic pinch of protest

There is no money at the banks. Fuel is scarce. Tourism is evaporating. As a popular uprising to oust President Hosni Mubark enters its second week, Egyptians are feeling the economic pinch.

Banks have been shut since Sunday, and they remained so on Tuesday, the day that protesters hope will see a million-strong demonstration in Cairo to demand an end to Mubarak's regime.

Many automatic teller machines (ATM) in the teeming capital have run out of cash, and those still working were dispensing only a limited number of banknotes.

"I scoured the city in search of an automatic teller and I found only one place -- in a neighbourhood where people do not normally use ATMs," said Mohamed, a driver.

US issues terrorist warning for citizens worldwide

AFP/Breitbart The State Department Monday issued an updated warning on the "continuing threat of terrorist actions" for US citizens worldwide, and a second advisory cautioning travel to Britain...

Police attack praying Egyptians

ew pictures have emerged of last Friday's clashes between protesters and police on the Nile bridge that leads to Cairo's Tahrir square. Some of the footage show people being sprayed with water while praying on the Nile bridge. Al Jazeera's Hazim Sikka reports.

Turkish PM Backs Egypt Protesters

Turkey has finally broken its silence over the Egyptian crisis after major newspapers criticised the government for its inexplicable silence on the issue. Addressing members of his AKP party in parliament, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister, has thrown his weight completely behind the protesters in Egypt.

Erdogan appealed to Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president: "You have to listen to the wishes of the people in order to create security and stability. First you must take steps that are good for Egypt. You must take steps that satisfy the people." Erdogan said on Tuesday that he was putting off a visit to the Egyptian capital of Cairo next week, but would go once Egypt returns to normal. Turkey is hailed as the only democratic country in the Muslim world.

Officials Warn Wall St. About Possible Terror Attacks

Jonathan Dienst CNBC

Security officials are warning the leaders of major Wall Street banks that al Qaeda terrorists in Yemen may be trying to plan attacks against those financial institutions or their leading executives, NBCNewYork has learned...


Protesters Flood Egypt Streets

About 1,000,000 people have gathered for the planned "march of a million" in the Egyptian capital, calling for Hosni Mubarak, the embattled Egyptian president, to step down. Meanwhile, one of Egypt's oldest parties, Wafd, announced on Tuesday that a number of opposition groups have agreed to form "a national front" to deal with the volatile situation there. In a statement, Wafd said that president Mubarak "has lost legitimacy".

Also on Tuesday, the Muslim Brotherhood, an officially banned but tolerated movement, said it will not negotiate with president Mubarak or his government. Earlier, some opposition parties have called for Mubarak to delegate responsibilities to newly appointed vice-president Omar Suleiman, who they are prepared to negotiate with.

A People’s Uprising Against the Empire

Lew Rockwell Those of the young generation, people too young to remember the collapse of Soviet-bloc and other socialist states in 1989 and 1990, are fortunate to be living through another thrilling example of a seemingly impenetrable State edifice reduced to impotence when faced with crowds demanding freedom, peace, and justice...

Kill Switch: Obama Administration Fears Egypt-Style Revolt In U.S.

Obama decries Internet shut-down in Egypt while his own administration prepares to enact same draconian powers to crush dissent during times of political upheaval in America
Paul Joseph Watson The Obama administration is busy attempting to pass legislation that would give the President a kill switch for the Internet in the United States while at the same time decrying Egyptian authorities for shutting down the Internet in a bid to deflate the unfolding revolution against Hosni Mubarak. The reason is simple – the government fears an Egypt-style revolt occurring in the U.S. and wants to block access to the world wide web if and when it happens.

AlJazeera: Jordan's King Abdullah dismisses government, names new PM admit protests

Jordan's King Abdullah has dismissed his government and appointed a new prime minister, AlJazeera reports. The network says the Jordanian government resigned amid protests in the country.


Reports say thousands of protesters will again gather on Cairo’s Tahrir Square and across cities in the country. The protesters are demanding that Mubarak step down after 30 years in power. They have called for a general strike and what they hope will be a “million-men” protest march on February 1.

Egypt Uprising is a Two Minute Warning For Old World Order

Egypt’s current uprising is a two minute warning for the old world order which controlled the populace by force and US military aid but are now being crushed by growing public dissent and a long simmering desire for true change, individual liberty and political freedom ~ the times are a changin’ By Allen L Roland

US army to send aerial backup to Sinai

The US Army's Aviation Regiment has mobilized for deployment to Egypt's Sinai Peninsula to back the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) overseeing the Egypt-Israel peace treaty.

Al Jazeera report from Tahrir Square 8:30am, February 1

Egypt crisis: Army rules out force as Hosni Mubarak clings to power

President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt was clinging to power on Monday night as the army gave a boost to protesters by stating it would not use force against them. On Monday night, Egypt’s last remaining internet service provider went down. Protesters had been using sites such as Twitter to organise themselves.

'Mubarak setting thugs loose on people'

Police out of uniform are employing militia tactics, thugs are hired to loot, and state media are portraying a calm society by distorting reports and images as an attempt to tarnish the reputation of peaceful protesters as looters and thugs. The following is the transcript of Press TV's interview with Jihan Hafez, a journalist currently in Egypt, who tells us what is really happening on the streets in Cairo despite efforts by the government media to distort the image of protesters.

Washington's Plan B: Why Obama Fears Democracy in Egypt

Raising Lazarus from the dead would be easier than reviving the Egyptian President. So Obama is on to plan B. And as it turns out, plan B looks a lot like the status-quo, minus a change of face. The new face is a man handpicked by the U.S., Mohamed ElBaradei, a UN bureaucrat who hasn't lived in Egypt in decades and is virtually unknown by the Egyptian people. Placing ElBaradei in power will take behind the scenes political maneuvering combined with military repression, a plan that will collide with the revolutionary demands of the people.

A Guide: How Not To Say Stupid Stuff About Egypt

The people in Egypt are struggling for human rights, dignity and freedom. Like the rest of us, they want the economic means to care for their families. Break down those closed ideas that dehumanize the Arab and Egyptian people in general. That is all I ask.

Why Do We Just Accept Things?

A couple days ago, I came across the photo below, taken from a wall in New York City. Under it was the caption, “Think about it, if only for a second.” So I did.

SNL: Weekend Update Spoofs Mubarek

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.

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