Thursday, February 10, 2011

WRH News stories for Thursday, February 10, 2011 Part 1

CHART: Fed Surpasses China In U.S. Treasury Holdings

CHART - Fed Passes China in Treasury Holdings Source - Financial Times

The Federal Reserve has surpassed China as the leading holder of US Treasury securities even though it has yet to reach the halfway mark in its latest round of quantitative easing, according to official figures.

Unconfirmed Report Going Around That Saudi King Abdullah Has Died

King Abdullah talked with Obama about the situation in Egypt over the phone yesterday. Obama and the King got into a heated debate about their opinions of what Hosni Mubarak should do. After the phone call sources stated that King Abdullah was furious and then suffered a sudden heart attack.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Saudi government is denying this, which doesn't mean anything, so we will just wait and see.

The Lessons of the Egyptian Revolution for People Throughout the World

The courage of the Egyptian protesters - even in the face of extreme police brutality - is obviously a large part of why the Egyptians succeeded in kicking Mubarak out of office.

Indeed, I think that the Egyptians adopted the tactics of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., to great effect. They were peaceful in the face of murder and brutality by Mubarak's thugs, which discredited Mubarak in the eyes of the world.

Had the protesters fought back, the regime would have successfully used that as an excuse to crack down and brutally break up the protest movement. The world would have just averted its eyes, and all would have been lost.

D.A. prosecuting Israeli critics says ADL "represents the O.C. law enforcement"

Nearly one year after students voiced political dissent at a speech given by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, the Orange County District Attorney has pressed 'conspiracy' charges against 11 of them.
Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas issued a press release Feb. 4th outling the charges.

WikiLeaks Defector Defends Site’s Crippling

Introducing his new book Inside WikiLeaks, being released simultaneously today in 14 countries, WikiLeaks’ most prominent defector confirmed that he and other disaffected volunteers had taken the site’s software-based secure submission platform when they left the project, leaving the site technically unable to receive new material. The software was the intellectual property of one of the departing volunteers, he said.

Mubarak Leaving, Suleiman Assassination Attempt

Reports received from senior intelligence officials in the Middle East indicate that President Mubarak of Egypt will leave the country within 48 hours. Diplomats from embassies throughout the region have been notified as has the United States, Israel and Russia.

Mubarak claims to be suffering from an illness requiring medical care. We are told that “care” will be given in Germany. The official announcement will be made in minutes.


Vice President Suleiman, chosen by Israel and the United States to take control of the interim government was attacked last night. Two of his body guards were killed.

This has been confirmed. More information as it becomes available. End of article..

Let’s Go to Plan B

Albert Einstein is often quoted as saying that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is a definition of insanity. He might have been describing the foreign policy of the United States of America. In the past week we long suffering citizens have seen our government stand by the dictator in Egypt, then call on him to go, and most recently support his staying on while at the same time publicly demanding that some transition start immediately. All of which is not doing the same thing over and over except when one considers that the US Department of State and White House have followed precisely the same dysfunctional pattern when dealing with other client states throughout the Middle East and in Central Asia.

Mubarak to Decide `Within Hours' on Whether to Go, Cabinet Spokesman Says

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will decide “within hours” whether he will step down or not, according to cabinet spokesman Magdy Rady.

“The decision was not taken yet,” Rady said when asked if the president plans to step down today. “The decision will be taken within hours by the governing bodies of the country and by the authorities of the country and by the president of the country. He has to decide himself whether he leaves or not.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

This sounds a lot like the final hours of Nixon's presidency, when he kept flipping back and forth over whether he would resign or face an impeachment trial. In the case of Mubarak, like I said earlier in the day, we won't know that he is going until he is gone. The latest from Egypt's information minister is that Mubarak will stay. But with all of Egypt celebrating his departure, an announcement by Mubarak that he is staying will ignite a bloody civil war. This is the sort of thing you get when leaders are thinking only of themselves and not of their country.

My prediction is that Mubarak will be pried out of his office with a crowbar and it will take a week to sand the fingernail gouges out of the desk and door frame, upon which it will be announced that it was an orderly transition of power.

Egyptian Intifada: In Tahrir Square, Muslims, Christians speak with one voice

CAIRO, Feb 9 (IPS) — In recent years, Egypt has witnessed mounting tension between its Muslim majority and its sizeable Coptic Christian minority. But in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the site of ongoing mass protests against the ruling regime, members of both faiths chant in unison: “Muslim, Christian, doesn’t matter; We’re all in this boat together!”

If Stocks Are Right, The Economy's in Trouble

Let's assume for the moment that equity investors know what they're doing and can correctly anticipate the future (admittedly, both are very big assumptions). Based on the following graph, which compares the ISM's manufacturing index (a proxy for the U.S. economy as a whole) to the swings in share prices that occurred six months earlier, it's a good bet that the already tepid recovery is poised to end.

Webmaster's Commentary: I haven't seen anything that I could begin to describe as a "recovery", except for the large financial houses. What I see, goaded by bad crop outcomes, (coupled with Geithner's "quantitative easing"), is massive inflation, particularly in the area of food. If you can do this, it might not be a bad time to stock up on canned fruits and vegetables right now, because these items may well be going through the roof in the not too distant future, as speculators take advantage of crop failures from the hard winter, to feed their money addiction.

Top Federal Union Boss: “You’re Mentally Retarded” If You Want to Cut Government Spending

U.S. Housing ‘Vicious Circle’ Worsens

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. For three years, two successive U.S. administrations have made “fixing the housing sector” explicitly a top priority. Since that time, we have been assured by a plethora of politicians, housing “experts”, and media talking-heads that the U.S. housing sector had “bottomed”, and (like the U.S. economy itself) had begun a “recovery”.

It was all fiction. New numbers show that roughly 27% of all U.S. mortgages are currently “underwater”, worse than the (supposed) “bottom” of the original collapse, when that number soared to a previous record of 25%. This single number exposes a multitude of myths.

Get ready for higher food prices

David Hendee

Warnings of higher food prices headed for American supermarkets and restaurants were swallowed easily across much of farm country Wednesday...

McChrystal Stumps for National Slavery

McChrystal’s solution to such humble and peaceable preoccupations is “national service” — though he waits until the fourth paragraph to name it. And for good reason: despots from Stalin to Mao to Kennedy to Obama have prized this tired old statist scheme. They’ve disguised it with a multitude of euphemisms and aliases: the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, Hitler Youth, the Komsomoi, the Communist Youth League of China, Israeli Defense Forces. By whatever designation, national service enslaves people to the State, sometimes by outright force (Israel requires all citizens to enroll in its army) and sometimes with bribes or by playing on idealism, à la the Peace Corps.

Webmaster's Commentary: Please remember: even as I type this, H.R. 5471, sponsored by Senator Charles Rangel, is still being examined in the House Committee on Armed Services and the Subcommittee on Military Personnel. Also, please remember that the outrageously dubbed "Patriot Act" was floating about in committee until just the right time emerged to send it to Congress for a vote... right after 9/11 Should there be some major "false flag" happening in the not too distant future, I would not bet against this bill being passed as a "response" to such an event.

This is the body of the bill:

"To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes."

What we have here is a compulsory draft, without it being called a draft.

The Revolt in Egypt is Coming Home

In Washington and London, the regimes are fragile and barely democratic. Having long burned down societies abroad, they are now doing something similar at home, with lies and without a mandate. To their victims, the resistance in Cairo’s Liberation Square must seem an inspiration. "We won’t stop," said the young Egyptian woman on TV, "we won’t go home." Try kettling a million people in the center of London, bent on civil disobedience, and try imagining it could not happen.

When pro-U.S. tyrants topple

As Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s regime teeters, Beltway speculation on what could follow shifts almost daily “Only he knows what he’s going to do,” President Barack Obama said of Mubarak on Sunday.

Optimists express cautious hope that a truly democratic successor government, one also friendly to the West, will emerge from the turmoil. Pessimists fear that Egypt in 2011 will instead be distressingly similar to Iran in 1979, with the Muslim Brotherhood pushing aside more secular factions and creating a staunchly Islamic, anti-U.S. state.

Webmaster's Commentary: Since becoming an Islamic Republic, who, precisely, has Iran invaded?!? Short answer: NOT ONE COUNTRY!!!

Who and what have both Israel and the US invaded since 1979?!?

It's a really long list, folks; so it may not be the worse thing in the world if Egypt does become an Islamic republic. But what current events in Egypt indicate is a factor to which those in the bowels of power in Washington appear to be pathologically blind, and that is the reality that ultimately, when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.

The GOP's Israel primary

A stop in the Jewish state is becoming as critical to a would-be president’s political resume as an early trip to Iowa or New Hampshire, a sort of global two-fer. Get some early foreign policy street-cred and play a little dog-whistle politics with Christian conservatives who are deeply invested in Israel’s fate - some because they view it as critical to the Biblical vision of the end of days.

Not only that, you get to look presidential by having your picture taken with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has played host to no less than three Republican contenders in recent weeks. Particularly for governors – who always face the question of whether they’re ready for the foreign policy part of the job — you can’t buy an ad that good.

Webmaster's Commentary: Supporting Israel, no matter how wildly belligerently it behaves, and no matter how much it costs the American people in money and blood, is an act of treason, and should be understood by every voter as such. No person can serve two masters: the politicians cannot serve the interests of the American people when they put the interests of Israel first, second, and third in their considerations, particularly when it comes to foreign policy, and the inordinate amount of military and financial aid the US gives Israel annually.


Congratulations to our brothers and sisters in Egypt! Next?

VIDEO - Paul Ryan Faces Off Against Bernanke: "There Is Nothing More Insidious That A Country Can Do To Its Citizens Than Debase Its Currency"

Summary Clip - Bernanke testifies before Paul Ryan and House Budget - Feb. 09, 2011

Israel urges U.S. to reaffirm support in light of Egypt unrest

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday stressed the importance of U.S. support for Israeli security in light of the political unrest in Egypt, while Ambassador Michael Oren urged the Obama administration to reaffirm its commitment to that regard.

Barak met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and National Security Advisor Tom Donilon at the White House on Wednesday evening, to discuss the tense situation in Egypt.

Webmaster's Commentary: As though the US hasn't been doing Israel's bidding throughout the recent events in Egypt?!? And I am certain the current turn of events isn't to Israel's liking, with it appearing that the Egyptian Army has taken over, and Mubarak is possibly on the brink of stepping down.

But short of a full-on invasion of Egypt (which Israel may well be contemplating), what are they going to do?!? And if the Israeli government were hubristically foolish enough to attempt to invade the Sinai, the Egyptian people would be absolutely united behind their military at this time.

Egyptians Take Their Country Back One Government Building At Time

Egypt army to shoot commanders?

An Egyptian activist says several Egyptian army officers and soldiers have warned the military that they will no longer shoot protesters, instead they will shoot the commanders.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is why Mubarak fell. The rank and file in the Army would not obey an order to shoot the people.

And right about now, I expect that Obama is re-evaluating his plans to put down a rebellion here in the United States in light of the revelations about poor medical care for veterans, the over-charging on military family mortgages and fraudulent foreclosures by J. P. Morgan, the much-rumored mutinees on US military bases, and the huge US homeless population, 1/3 of which are veterans.

Fact Off: Gaffes galore as US big hitters grapple with geography

One American asked me if I could "pop over" to Berlin, from London. I had to explain the "English Channel"...
My lilo isn't up to it.

Of Course They Will! US to ensure Israel security amid Egypt unrest

AFP/Activist Post WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States will work to ensure that turmoil in Egypt does not create "new dangers for Israel or the region," a top US diplomat said in prepared testimony to a key congressional committee.

"One constant in a changing region is our unwavering support for Israel's security," Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg said in a written statement to the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.

Mosad Agent Mike Harari Named As 9/11 Organizer

I have been fortunate to be in contact with Dimitri Khalezov, whose blockbuster revelations about 9-11 are about to change our perception of reality for the better just as profoundly as 9-11 changed them for the worse. He has revealed from first-hand knowledge that Mike Harari organized the 9-11 massacre. First-hand means in this case, Mike Harari told him. Dimitri Khalezov says that Harari told him in Bangkok that he had organized the 9-11 massacre.

Dimitri will be a guest on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad radio show on Thursday February 10, 9-10AM, the first of no doubt many interviews to come.

Terror Threat 'Most Heightened' Since 9/11, Napolitano Says

Webmaster's Commentary: It is obvious, though her statements, that Napolitano is desperately attempting to sow fear into the hearts and minds of Americans. Fear keeps people from thinking rationally. But I would suggest to Secretary Napolitano that fear only works for so long, because it is a very exhausting emotion with which to have to live on a continual basis. And of course, Napolitano is attempting to justify all the money, waste and utter arrogance we see today demonstrated by the Department of Homeland Security.

And I have a thought for Secretary Napolitano and indeed the entire US government: the most rapid way to stop anyone from wishing Americans any harm whatsoever is to stop mucking about in other peoples' countries.


The Occidental zionist speaks loudly but carries a small stick today. I overheard one saying not too long ago “I would never allow my son to attend a one year programme at an Israeli university, I couldn’t cope if he decided to move there”. That simple sentence says it all and says it for many. Yet, if you pass by any of their public gatherings you see and hear the following;


White House to Cut Energy Assistance for the Poor

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Poor people should just die and get it over with!!" - Official White House Souse.

'Mubarak will step down tonight'

Egypt's Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq has reportedly confirmed the possibility that President Hosni Mubarak may step down and leave the country amid continued protests.

Webmaster's Commentary:

All these reports talk about "possibility" and "might" and "maybe." Count Mubarak gone only when he is really gone. Until then this might be another attempt to bluff the protesters into going home.

Even if Mubarak leaves, for Sulieman to retain power means the Mubarak government machine remains at least partly in place, with all existing policies, including obeisance to Israel and the US. But the new military government may see Sulieman as a concession to the image of continuity and smooth transition, and his real role in the new government may not be as he imagined it.

The good news is that this is a major political defeat and loss of face for every world leader who supported Mubarak. In the case of Barack Obama, the world watched him toss the founding principles of the United States into a shredder in order to obey Israel's desire for Mubarak to remain, and of course in hindsight, did so to no real purpose. All downside, little upside. Obama committed treason against the soul of the United States and did it for nothing.

Hawaiian Legislature Seek “Time-Out” 5 Month Moratorium On Foreclosures

Egypt protests: Hosni Mubarak 'may be stepping down'

A senior member of Egypt's governing party has told the BBC he "hopes" that President Hosni Mubarak will transfer power to Vice-President Omar Suleiman. Hossan Badrawi, secretary general of the National Democratic Party (NDP), said Mr Mubarak would "most probably" speak to the nation on Thurday evening.

"Ireland Needs The IMF Like Children Need The Vatican"

Brilliant IMF Protest Song written by an Irish musician...

Media Tells a Half Truth About Possible Link Between Diet Sodas and Strokes Among Younger People

The age of ignorance is over. If we can expose the truth about aspartame like we are winning with the vaccines. This is an unique opportunity we need to take hold of if we want to be rid of aspartame.

Napolitano issues highest terror alert after Congress votes down Patriot Act - How Arrogantly Obvious

The terrorism threat level within the United States is the highest it's been since the September 11, 2001 attacks, claims Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano,

Napolitano informed the U.S. House of Representatives of the heightened threat on Wednesday morning. She told Congressman from both political parties that the terrorist threat facing the U.S. homeland is significantly higher.

The United States faces threats from groups inspired by al-Qaeda that are already inside the country, and attacks, including acts of sabotage and suicide bombings, could be carried out without notice, Napolitano stated.

TSA Chief Pistole helped train Mubarak's thugs

The cable details SSIS chief Hassan Abdul Rahman describing Egypt’s political rivals as “terrorists, not political oppositionists.” The FBI’s deputy director John Pistole appears to have been at the center of training, and was praised for his “excellent and strong” cooperation with the SSIS.

Leader of Egypt's National Democratic Party says demands of protesters have been met. "They won," he told CNN.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Oh? Is Mubarak and his government gone? Or is this more BS to bluff the protesters into going home?

Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - CNN reporting protester damns have been met - probably BS

Webmaster's Commentary: The above feed is cutting in and out here in Hawaii, but the AlJazeera iPhone app still works fine.

How the Fed Fuels Unemployment

The Fed has been generating boom-and-bust cycles from its inception in January of 1914. Total bank deposits more than doubled from 1914 to 1920 (partly because the Fed financed part of the American involvement in World War I) and created a false boom that turned to a bust with the Depression of 1920. GDP fell by 24% from 1920–1921, and the number of unemployed more than doubled, from 2.1 million to 4.9 million (See Richard Vedder and Lowell Galloway, Out of Work: Unemployment and Government in Twentieth-Century America). This was a more severe economic decline than was the first year of the Great Depression.

Al Gore's Incredibly Shrinking Credibility

No, it is not President Barack Obama who rescued General Motors from bankruptcy in order to require that it begin building obscenely expensive electric cars that will get you anywhere you want to go so long it’s not farther away than forty miles. It is, of course, Al Gore and you can read more of his insane ravings in “Earth in the Balance”, published initially just prior to serving as the 45th Vice President of the United States during Bill Clinton’s two terms from 1993 to 2001. In 2000 he was the Democratic Party candidate for President, losing to George W. Bush after an election so close the Supreme Court had to make the final call.

28 hours in the dark heart of Egypt's torture machine

The Intent of the U.S. Ruling Class Is Total Tyranny: We Must Stop It!

The U.S. is headed toward total tyranny in my opinion. I don’t think this is arguable. The government and its controlling partners are in perpetual war with those who never attacked or threatened to attack us. The military power structure is entrenched in most all countries around the world. We are now a people that are spied upon, groped, x-rayed, harassed, and stolen from on a daily basis. The United States while considered the freest country on earth, has the highest incarceration rate in the world. With less than 5% of the world’s population, the U.S. houses over 23% of the world’s prison population. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1 in every 32 adults, or 3.1% of the population was either on probation, in jail or prison, or on parole in 2009.

Stock Exchanges Battle for Dominance Through Consolidation

AFP/Activist Post

NEW YORK (AFP) - The battle for supremacy among stock exchange operators heated up in a salvo of announcements: a merger between London and Toronto, and advanced talks by NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Boerse. Within hours, the global landscape of exchanges shifted.

Michael Moore turns on Weinstein partners over 'missing Fahrenheit 9/11 profits'

Michael Moore, the campaigning anti-capitalist film-maker, has turned on his own partners accusing them of the sort of rapacious financial tactics he has pilloried on the big screen.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Oh, this is rich! The Weinstiens and Moore's manager, Ari Emanuel (Rahm Emanuel’s younger brother), used Moore and his film to try to pin the blame for 9-11 on the Saudis, then turn around and cheat him on the proceeds of the film!

Mike; time for "9-11: The Final Revelation!"

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building

Liberals Surprised and Outraged by Sale of Huffington Post to AOL

Once again, liberals and Democrats demonstrate they are clueless about how establishment politics work in America. Once again, they display their ignorance of the false right-left paradigm that controls the corporate media political realm, including the supposedly sterling liberal reputation of the Huffington Post.

“Socialite Arianna Huffington built a blog-empire on the backs of thousands of citizen journalists,” a post at the liberal site Adbusters complains. “She exploited our idealism and let us labor under the illusion that the Huffington Post was different, independent and leftist. Now she’s cashed in and three thousand indie bloggers find themselves working for a megacorp.”

Latest scam to disarm the people ahead of a revolution: sex toys for guns

Egypt regime threatens military crackdown

Anti-government demonstrators in Egypt are planning to take their protest out of Cairo's Tahrir Square despite warnings from the regime that this may result in a military crackdown or even a coup. Webmaster's Commentary:

There can be no turning back. Mubarak will never "forgive and forget." Standing together is the only thing keeping the protesters alive. If they disband, Mubarak will hunt them down one by one. The hard reality is that the people of Egypt stand a better chance of surviving if they stay together and see this through to the end. To surrender is to die.

1 dead, 5 missing after massive Pa. gas blast

Webmaster's Commentary: More crumbling infrastructure.

You Should Have a Gun

It is not an oversight that the amendment was written this way. The founders of the United States were rebels and revolutionaries. Access to weapons is what allowed them to defend their country from the theft and oppression of George III.

It’s important to note here that monarchy was a very long-standing form of government as of the late 18th century. The founders were educated people who were facing massive disillusionment with a system that had been in place from time immemorial. The Second Amendment is a recognition that even the most trusted, powerful institutions around us can turn out be destructive elements that need to be stood down. They knew it could happen even in this well-considered arrangement they had created themselves.



3 counties seek agricultural disaster declaration for snow-damaged farms

Three counties north of Albany are seeking a federal agricultural disaster declaration to free up funding for farmers who suffered property damage from heavy snow.

Over the last week, 18 barns and sheds have partially or completely collapsed on 14 farms in Washington County.

President Obama: Israel, Please Tell Me What To Do About Egypt

"Goyim (Non-Jews) were born only to serve us (Jews). Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the People of Israel,…Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We (Jews) will sit like an effendi (Turkish term for high rank) and eat."
"Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews", Jerusalem Post, 10/18/2010

EGYPT: "I KNOW I Was Targeted By Police" Wael Ghonim

U.S. has to Support a Dictator and Lift up Mubarak, due to threats from King of Saudi Arabia! So U.S. supports Dictators After All?

It seems the U.S. can go around the world saying all people should have Human Rights and Freedom and they support Democratic governments, but they don't walk the talk.

Cornell University - Censorship in Academia

I've been a Cornell Staff member for about thirty years, and pretty much every work day, I work with metal. Mostly machining, but also, bending, shearing, welding, annealing, heating, heat treating, etc.. One thing I've learned through my experience, is that gradually heated steel loses its strength gradually, not instantly. Since WTC7's free fall and symmetric drop displayed all the characteristics of a controlled demolition, and none of a fire induced collapse, I've always been skeptical of the government's "explanation" - that gradual heating of parts of the steel frame due to limited office fires caused WTC7's drop.

Now that free fall acceleration has been well documented and finally acknowledged by government hired researchers at the NIST, this explanation also seems to be at odds with the findings of Sir Isaac Newton,. With that in mind, for the past year or so, I've been trying to solicit opinions regarding WTC7's free fall and symmetric drop from professors in Cornell's engineering department. All of my initial email inquiries were ignored, and followup inquiries produced only one response, which was limited to a few words of condescension and sarcasm.

Retired Greeks pushed to breadline by crisis

When governments cannot borrow, hyperinflation is frequently the result.

The Lessons of History Economist Philip Cogen defines hyperinflation as a non-annualized inflation rate of 50% or more in a single month. This rare occurrence should not be confused with the inflation the U.S. went through in the 1970s, which was moderate, almost normal, by comparison.

Ultimate Electronics Will Liquidate All 46 Stores

...The chain is the latest retail casualty of the depression, which claimed Circuit City, Linens 'N Things, B. Dalton and other national chains. The closings would affect the already high retail vacancy rate of 8.2 percent in the metro area, said Joe Hollman, senior research associate at Cushman & Wakefield of Minnesota...

Iran's Global Security Threat

Iran became an Islamic State in 1979 and have never attacked or invaded anyone. None, Nada... zip... bugger all.

Egypt tanks lie in ambush for protesters

The Egyptian military has sent large column of tanks, supported by 30,000-strong-mechanized infantry to the streets in Cairo, preparing for massive crackdown on Friday's "Day of Massive Protest March."

Three Provisions of the PATRIOT Act Extension Fails, For Now...

* Section 215 of the Patriot Act authorizes the government to obtain “any tangible thing” relevant to a terrorism investigation, even if there is no showing that the “thing” pertains to suspected terrorists or terrorist activities. This provision is contrary to traditional notions of search and seizure, which require the government to show reasonable suspicion or probable cause before undertaking an investigation that infringes upon a person’s privacy. Congress must ensure that things collected with this power have a meaningful nexus to suspected terrorist activity or it should be allowed to expire.

* Section 206 of the Patriot Act, also known as “roving John Doe wiretap” provision, permits the government to obtain intelligence surveillance orders that identify neither the person nor the facility to be tapped. This provision is contrary to traditional notions of search and seizure, which require government to state with particularity what it seeks to search or seize. Section 206 should be amended to mirror similar and longstanding criminal laws that permit roving wiretaps, but require the naming of a specific target. Otherwise, it should expire.

* Section 6001 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, or the so-called “Lone Wolf” provision, permits secret intelligence surveillance of non-US persons who are not affiliated with a foreign organization. Such an authorization, granted only in secret courts is subject to abuse and threatens our longtime understandings of the limits of the government’s investigatory powers within the borders of the United States. This provision has never been used and should be allowed to expire outright.

Good for business, bad for America - RT

How long is a severed head conscious for?

In 1905 a French doctor wanted to see how long consciousness remained in a severed head and so did a rather morbid experiment at the execution of a beheaded prisoner. The remarkable report is linked from the Wikipedia page on the guillotine.

The observations were apparently made by a Dr Beaurieux who watched the execution of a prisoner named Henri Languille and immediately tried to get the attention of the severed head to see how it would react. Here, then, is what I was able to note immediately after the decapitation:

LowKey on Egyptian revolution - RT

Israel openly opposes democracy in ME

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's second-in-command has strictly rejected the establishment of democracy in Egypt, alleging it could have dire consequences.

Police use guns against Egypt protesters

An eye witness, who has escaped from southern Egypt to Cairo, says the police use live bullets to disperse protesters instead of tear gas. Mohammad Abdo has escaped from Kharga and brought to Cairo videos of the police clamp down on the protesters there. Abdo told Press TV on Wednesday that since Kharga is a small town, the police do not have equipment such as tear gas and therefore use live bullets to disperse the protesters. Egyptian security forces killed and wounded hundreds of anti-government protesters in Kharga on Wednesday.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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