Another interesting disclosure was that, despite the vital need to get straight all the facts about Curveball's testimony -- given the stakes involved in launching a pre-emptive strike against another sovereign state -- the Americans never bothered to interview Curveball themselves.
This is the song the caller into the radio show mentioned. It commemorates an incident where union members and their families were celebrating Christmas eve on the second floor of the "Italian Hall" in Calamut, Michigan, December 24th 1913 (the same year that saw the creation of the Federal Reserve and the 16th Amendment allowing income tax). Someone shouted "Fire" from down below and the people rushed down the stairs and found the doors jammed shut. Although there was no actual fire, 73 people, 59 of them children, died of suffocation in the stairwell. Media reports at the time claimed that the doors to the stairs opened inward and it was the crush of the people holding them shut that precipitated the disaster. But subsequent examination of the building plans and contemporary photographs proved that the all the doors in that building opened outward. One witness stated that the man who yelled, "Fire" wore a button from the Citizens Alliance, an anti-union group funded by the owners of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company to oppose organized labor. However nobody was ever charged with the false call of "Fire" or for blocking the doors to the building.

Walker Losing Control and Getting Desperate- Bolting Windows Shut to Starve Out Protesters
On April 20, 1914, Colorado National Guardsmen attacked a tent colony of 1,200 striking miners at Ludlow, Colorado, looting and burning the colony. Twenty-five people were killed. This was the worst of many such skirmishes between the government and the miners in Coal Field War of 1914, which lasted for seven months.
Shocking as it may seem, U.S. government doctors once thought it was fine to experiment on disabled people and prison inmates. Such experiments included a Yale University giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.
Much of this horrific history is 40 to 80 years old, but it is the backdrop for a meeting in Washington this week by a presidential bioethics commission. The meeting was triggered by the government's apology last fall for federal doctors infecting prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala with syphilis 65 years ago.
From now on, whenever you hear the term "the global economy" you should immediately equate it with the destruction of the U.S. middle class. Over the past several decades, the American economy has been slowly but surely merged into the emerging one world economic system. Unfortunately for the middle class, much of the rest of the world does not have the same minimum wage laws and worker protections that we do. Therefore, the massive global corporations that now dominate our economy are able to pay workers in other countries slave labor wages and import the products that they make into the United States to compete with products made by "expensive" American workers. This has resulted in a mass exodus of manufacturing facilities and jobs from the United States.
The U.S. repositioned some naval forces near Libya and threatened Monday that all options remain on the table to protect Libyans threatened by an increasingly isolated and defiant Moammar Gadhafi, including the possible use of warplanes to patrol Libyan skies.
How long will Bill Maher get a pass on his racism and anti-Muslim Islamophobia? Is it acceptable because the targets are Arabs and Muslims and because Maher is a comedian from whom outrageous things are expected?
"Walker Welding Capitol Windows NOW to Keep Workers from Passing Food to Those Inside"
"Breaking News: Gov Walker seems to have lost control of everyone but the welders"
Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern PolicyAIPAC dealings will soon emerge; how Harman and Alberto Gonzalez avoided legal and professional sanction but suffered damaged reputations nonetheless; the down-the-memory-hole scandals of Niger uranium forgeries and the Office of Special Plans; why the juicy tidbits revealed in Steve Rosen’s dismissed lawsuit in Washington, D.C., discusses Jane Harman’s resignation from Congress, amid speculation that more information on her should be enough for a multi-count indictment of AIPAC (Israel Lobby); and the uber-class of people so far beyond the rule of law, they can never be held to account.
(NaturalNews) Most major newspapers and media outlets in the world are owned by a handful of multinational corporate giants, who together control the content of what is distributed to the masses. But a recent report in The Seattle Times questions the influence the world's most powerful foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), has on the media as well.
In an interview with In These Times, Carl Gibson, the founder of US Uncut, which is organizing some of today’s UK-inspired massive demonstrations against tax dodgers, explains that while ordinary Americans are being asked to sacrifice, major corporations continue to use the rigged tax code to avoid paying any federal taxes at all. As he says, if you have “one dollar” in your wallet, you’re paying more than the “combined income tax liability of GE, ExxonMobil, Citibank, and the Bank of America“:
[Gibson] explains, “I have one dollar in my wallet. That’s more than the combined income tax liability of GE, ExxonMobil, Citibank, and the Bank of America. That means somebody is gaming the system.”
Hundreds of people marched in Beirut on Sunday demanding an end to Lebanon’s confessional system, mobilized by a call posted on Facebook.
How convenient that she could get through five times, hence justifying the new DNA full x-ray machines to see into your body now, me thinks.
Europeans left stranded at airports last year as an Icelandic volcano spewed ash across the continent may soon benefit from the power that seethes beneath the remote north Atlantic island.
Iceland is doing a feasibility study into building a 1,170- kilometer (727-mile) power cable to Scotland to send some of its untapped potential 18 terawatt-hours of geothermal and hydropower -- that’s enough for 5 million European homes. The project has the full backing of the government, Industry Minister Katrin Juliusdottir said in an interview.
Scarcely a day goes by without more evidence to show why the Government's obsession with wind turbines, now at the centre of our national energy policy, is one of the greatest political blunders of our time. Under a target agreed with the EU, Britain is committed within ten years — at astronomic expense — to generating nearly a third of its electricity from renewable sources, mainly through building thousands more wind turbines.
But the penny is finally dropping for almost everyone — except our politicians — that to rely on windmills to keep our lights on is a colossal and very dangerous act of self-deception.
The Battle of Madison, in addition to being about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s desire to cripple his state’s public sector unions, is also at least ostensibly about budgetary matters. Walker wants to get those nasty teachers and other government workers to foot more of the bill for their retirements, right? Well … wrong actually. And one of the worst kinds of wrong, a factual error so broadly accepted by the journalists covering the story that it distorts everyone’s understanding of it.
Thom Hartmann asks - Which one of these people can the American people no longer afford to support with their tax dollars? The Wall Street executives and major Republican donors who gambled with OUR money and swindled our nation into a depression? Or the teachers in Wisconsin - minor but not irrelevant Democratic donors - who educate thousands of our children and prep them for jobs in the future?
Administration obeys orders of PNAC neo-cons in exploiting humanitarian crisis to seize control of largest oil producing country in Africa.
Ferguson told Reuters:
“The biggest surprise to me personally and biggest disappointment was that nobody in the Obama administration would speak with me even off the record — including people that I’ve known for many, many years,” Ferguson said backstage.
He believes Americans, who lost homes and jobs in the millions because of shady mortgage lending and bank collapses, are disappointed that “nothing has been done.”
“Unfortunately, I think that the reason is predominantly that the financial industry has become so politically powerful that it is able to inhibit the normal process of justice and law enforcement,” said Ferguson.
To a certain extent, DNA collection already has become part of the fabric of day-to-day life; police in America have had the authority to conduct warrantless searches since 2009 by taking blood and saliva during arrests, even from those not convicted of a crime. This has quickly morphed into DNA being taken through mandatory blood tests at DUI checkpoints in Florida.
It has been argued that DNA extraction is no different than taking fingerprints. This argument is patently absurd, due to the simple fact that fingerprints have no bearing on one's genetic information . . . or manipulation. It is the genetic information of individuals that has been the holy grail of all tyrannies as the endgame for their control grid.
Folk music legend Pete Seeger has come out in support of the growing Palestinian movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel as a program for justice for Palestinians and a route to peace in the Middle East.
If you haven't seen this before, get ready for a treat.
Tehran's ambassador to Damascus says if Egypt and other Muslim countries join forces with Iran and Syria, US dominance and power will diminish.
In a meeting with Iran's Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari on Sunday, Ahmad Mousavi says relations between Tehran and Damascus “have foiled plots hatched by arrogant powers.”
“If Egypt and other Muslim countries stand beside Iran and Syria, the US will be finished,” Mehr News Agency quoted Mousavi as saying.
The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and blockade of Gaza goes on, seemingly without end. Israeli troops continue to kill innocent Palestinians. The United States arms Israel to the tune of $3 billion a year or more. And most progressives talk as if there’s not a thing anyone can do about it.
This sorry state of affairs persists because so many wrong ideas about the conflict are widely held here. Here are eight of the worst distortions in our discourse.
There has been much talk lately, especially since the events in Egypt, of a group known as the Muslim Brotherhood. Not much good was said about them, lumping them in with all of the fictious enemies of Israel and the United States….
But what about a real enemy…. the Jewish Brotherhood. Bet you never heard of them…. read the following to see who and what they are.
The report deals with a situation in the northern Israeli city of Haifa, but it could be any major centre throughout the country….
The administration has submitted a proposed budget for fiscal 2011 that included military assistance increases for Bahrain, Libya, Morocco, Oman and Yemen.
Ever seen a tank sitting on a plane??
Parole Board members are bound to review those facts, but they won't consider the many conspiracy theories floated over the years.
Pepper, a New York-based lawyer who also is a British barrister, is the latest advocate of a second gunman theory. Believers claim 13 shots were fired while Sirhan's gun held only eight bullets and that the fatal shot appeared to come from behind Kennedy while Sirhan faced him.
Pepper also suggests Sirhan was "hypno-programmed," turning him into a virtual "Manchurian Candidate," acting robot-like at the behest of evil forces who then wiped his memory clean. It's the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies, but some believe it is the key.
From David McWilliams' Follow The Money: The Tale of the Merchant of Ennis.
Ireland's Finance Minister, Brian Lenihan learned banking and finance at the kitchen table, two days after Lehman failed. All he knew when he first sat down was that Alan Greenspan was God.
Now that Fine Gael has prevailed in this weekend's elections in Ireland, we're taking a look at one of their most notable campaign promises from just a few weeks ago...
History is in fact the same old tired story over and over – the Machine keeps growing and growing, just like the Borg, until it takes over everything. Why? “Why do you resist us?” complains the Borg Queen. “We only want to improve the quality of your lives.”
As both Aesop and Jesus noticed, all tyrants call themselves benefactors.
But then Verizon doesn’t just throw cash to ultra-right politicians. It throws their corporate weight here and there to oppose freedoms you care about. For instance, Verizon fought hard against net neutrality and went so far as to sue the Federal Communications Commission in January to get rid of the rules to protect an open Internet. Why, unless they’re inherently repressive? Also, Verizon once rejected NARAL Pro-Choice America’s request to send text messages on the Verizon network, saying it had a right to block messages it deemed were “controversial or unsavory.” When did Verizon Wireless start playing Big Brother?
A new level of invasive screening is scheduled for airports this summer: a portable DNA scanner to conduct on-site, real-time genetic testing.
DNA collection is actually nothing new, as the Pentagon has admitted that it currently has a DNA database with 80,000 suspected foreign terrorists on it, and growing daily. However, this collection apparatus has been secretly in place for Americans as well. Lawsuits are pending from families who uncovered a secret program to collect DNA from babies and store it in a military database. However, that was a secret that had to be uncovered. The fact that DNA screening is being rolled out openly marks a new level of blatant tyranny in America.
That's too bad - because now things are going to get bad
Ritholtz says that everyone assumed any indictment would be related to a matter reported on by the New York Times last week: that Ailes allegedly told News Corp. executive Judith Regan to lie to federal investigators who were vetting Bernie Kerik, the New York police commissioner who was nominated to be the first Secretary of Homeland Security. Regan had had an affair with Kerik at a lovenest near Ground Zero; Ailes allegedly wanted to protect the political ambitions of Kerik's boss, Rudy Giuliani. The allegations emerged in a civil lawsuit filed by Regan -- who claimed that she had a phone recording of Ailes talking about the matter -- against News Corp.
As Republicans and Democrats in Congress haggle over the budget, most voters would rather have a partial shutdown of the federal government than keep its spending at current levels.
"Gadaffi and those around him must be held accountable for these acts, which violate international legal obligations and common decency," Clinton said in an address to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, saying nothing was off the table as the international community considers its next steps and as long as the Gaddafi government threatens and kills its civilians. "It is time for Gaddafi to go, now, without further violence or delay," she said.
Meanwhile, the US military was repositioning naval and air forces around Libya, a Pentagon official said on Monday, as the international demands intensify for an end to Gaddafi's decades-long rule.
Just got an alert from the Capitol City Leadership Committee (which is what the protesters who held the building last night have taken to calling themselves). The Capitol Police were supposed to open the building to the public at 8am. Two hours later they are still not letting anyone into the building. It’s particularly cold out in Madison today, with big crowds outside trying to enter. The media relations person for the CCLC, Thomas Bird, told me that one lady, who has been coming to the Capitol from the beginning, has colon cancer, and it took a long time for them to finally persuade the police to get her in.
Crowds outside the Capitol are chanting “Let them in!” as the police block the entrances.
With dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s control over the country ebbing, the United States and its European allies are stepping up their intervention into the Libyan crisis. Their aim is to ensure that any new regime will be equally subservient to their economic and geostrategic interests.
A Libyan military jet bombed a base in eastern Libya on Monday, as embattled leader Moammar Gadhafi fought to hold onto his regime.
The base is about 90 miles south of Benghazi, a stronghold of government opponents. Some bases in the area have fallen into the hands of protesters as more members of the military have abandoned Gadhafi's regime and joined demonstrations.
Several soldiers told CNN they switched their allegiance after refusing to use weapons against peaceful demonstrators.
Petrol rose 5p a litre last night. It won't be long before it's $10 a gallon.
A video of Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) screening passengers at a Savannah, Georgia Amtrak station has been gaining quite a bit of attention and many are wondering why we were screening passengers who had just disembarked from a train.
We were wondering the same thing.
Taliban insurgents claim they have captured an Ontario man who is missing in Afghanistan.
The Taliban published a statement Sunday that claimed a Canadian "spy" had been captured in Ghazni city, in the eastern part of the country.
The Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that Colin Rutherford is missing in Afghanistan. They said he was travelling through the country as a tourist.
Contrary to the image of a dangerous gun nut put out in the media in an effort to justify the burning of the church, official BATF records prove that David Koresch was rather harmless, so much so that the BATF agents invited him to go shooting with them just 9 days before they raided the church. Koresch supplied the ammunition. The BATF agents allowed Koresch to try out their weapons.
Here is the official BATF report.
Click for full size image
And we do not in any way rule out the use of military assets. We must not tolerate this regime using military force against its own people. In that context I have asked the Ministry of Defence and the Chief of the Defence Staff to work with our allies on plans for a military no-fly zone.
In 2010, grave violations continued to be committed against children in the occupied Palestinian territory. Eleven Palestinian children were killed and 360 injured in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. No Israeli children were killed but two were injured. Palestinian children continued to be detained and subjected to ill-treatment, and in some cases torture, during arrest and interrogations by Israeli security forces. In East Jerusalem, search and arrest operations involving children as young as seven years old intensified in the Silwan neighbourhood, and child casualties increased at the end of the year as a result of the confrontations between private armed guards, hired by the Israeli Ministry of Housing to protect Israeli settlers, and local residents (unarmed).
The sanctions call on the ICC to investigate top Libyan officials for their roles in crimes against humanity at the Hague, but the US insisted that an additional clause be inserted that would forbid the ICC from prosecution of people from non-ICC member nations.
The move appears to have centered on long-standing US hostility to the ICC, and the Bush Administration’s concerns that it could be used to prosecute US soldiers and officials over war crimes.
The US and UK are rattling the sabers; desperate to find a reason to invade Libya and install a new puppet ruler. But the opposition leaders have made it very clear they do not want nor will they accept foreign interference. This is a popular uprising against a tyrant, and they do not intend to allow the US or UK (or Israel) to jump in and simply replace one puppet with another. They have been watching that game for 100 years and know all the tricks. Qaddafi will probably not last the week. If his sons are stating they will not leave it means they are already considering it. Personally, I hope the Libyan people get their hands on Qaddafi, and send a message to tyrants everywhere that you do NOT point guns at your own people.
The People who ran WACO are still in our Government Today
There is no getting around it. The U.S. dollar is dying. U.S. government debt continues to grow at a very frightening pace and the Federal Reserve is now buying up most of the new debt that is being issued. At this point there is simply not enough money in the rest of the world to continue to feed the U.S. government's endless thirst for more debt so the Federal Reserve has had to directly intervene in order to keep the Ponzi scheme going. Other nations are rapidly losing faith in the U.S. dollar as they realize that there is simply no way that the U.S. government will be able to service this soaring debt for much longer. Even now we are watching the U.S. dollar rapidly fall against a vast array of hard assets.
Unfortunately, the September 11 attacks have led some to embrace the fallacy that weakening the Constitution will strengthen America."
As a result, civil liberties fast eroded. In 2007, another ACLU report warned about America being six minutes to midnight "as a surveillance society draws near...." Powerful new technologies potentially make total monitoring possible under a president, a compliant Congress and courts that believe national security takes precedence over constitutional freedoms.
As a result, "we confront the possibility of a dark future where our every move," transaction, and communication is "recorded, compiled, and stored away" for ready access for whatever authorities may want.
I do not see the Tea Party trying to start a fight with the Feds. It is the Feds out trying to throw the first punch using coercive force to subdue the population into submission. The Federal government has shown economically and socially are the ones who declared war on our freedoms. Then there will be a collision between two factions. It will be the people wanting to be left alone and the power freaks seeking to lord over them. Not the Tea Party.
With dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s control over the country ebbing, the United States and its European allies are stepping up their intervention into the Libyan crisis. Their aim is to ensure that any new regime will be equally subservient to their economic and geostrategic interests.
Behind the rhetoric about democracy and humanitarian concerns, Washington and the European powers are seeking to exploit the brutality of Gaddafi to condition public opinion to accept a colonial-style intervention and the reassertion of imperialist control over the country’s oil fields.
Pimco and the New York Federal Reserve bank among many other hedge funds and investors of MBS (mortgage backed securities) were demanding their investments back from the fraudulent securities.
Bank of America was fighting it. Well it seems as of the end of 2010 they had paid 46 BILLION back to PIMCO - N.Y. Fed and others and they still have 10.7 BILLION of Claims against their MBS filed! That is HUGE! Also by those big entities demanding all that money, they pretty much know the game is up and the fraud is coming out in all ways. They are wanting out before the complete SHTF when it is disclosed ALL the MBS sold by MERS banks are fraud! One mortgage was put into multiple MBS bonds.
As funny as it may sound, Harry's Place -- the infamous Israeli propaganda website and Neocon outlet that rushed to advocate Blair’s criminal wars -- is now desperately insisting on mounting pressure on venues to stop me from spreading the necessary message about Israel and its lobbies.
Israeli military and political officials should not be forced to assume personal responsibility for the 2002 Gaza assassination of a Hamas strongman which resulted in the death of 13 innocent Palestinians, a panel probing the incident said in its report on Sunday.
The European Union says that Libya's strongman Moammar Gadhafi no longer controls most of oil and gas fields in the country.
Dig this: "U.S. officials have since admitted that the CIA wrongfully imprisoned El-Masri. Though the lawyer who signed off on the decision received a reprimand, the CIA never punished the analyst who pressed for El-Masri's wrongful rendition, despite recommendations from the CIA's inspector general.
"A former CIA official told the Washington Post in 2005 that the analysts 'didn't really know. She just had a hunch' when she made the decision regarding El-Masri."
Where is that agent now? "She now runs the CIA's Global Jihad unit, which leads the U.S. government's counterterrorism efforts against al-Qaida." Surely we want to be certain, not based on a hunch, that we get real-life al-Qaida murderers before they get us.
Lebanon based human rights lawyer Franklin Lamb has been arrested on Wednesday evening by General Security in Lebanon where he was scheduled to board a flight for a trip to South Africa. Lamb had been informed prior to his visit that the American government was trying to control his movements and had threatened to arrest him if he left Lebanon.
At least 115 people have been killed, including at least 49 innocent civilians, in the latest offensive by the self-proclaimed Somali government, which years after moving to the nation is still struggling to control more than a tiny portion of the capital city.
The Wisconsin protests are about much more than budgets and unions. As I observed in "What Conservatives Really Want," the conservative story about budget deficits is a ruse to turn the country conservative in every area. Karl Rove and Shep Smith have made it clear on Fox: If the Wisconsin plan to kill the public employees' unions succeeds, then there will be little union money in the future to support democratic candidates. Conservatives will be effectively unopposed in raising campaign funding in most elections, including the presidential elections. This will mean a thoroughly conservative America in every issue area.
Iraq’s prime minister warned his cabinet on Sunday to shape up within 100 days or face ‘changes’ as a third provincial governor stepped down following massive nationwide demonstrations.
Nuri al-Maliki’s remarks came as protest organisers called for a fresh set of rallies on Friday, March 4, to mark a year since landmark parliamentary elections that led to nine months of political impasse, with several key ministerial posts still unfilled.
Demonstrations across Iraq in recent weeks, the biggest of which were held last Friday, have railed against poor public services, rampant corruption and high unemployment.
In July 2004, Savage displayed his frustration with United States regulators in an e-mail to Hill and Shearon cited in the indictment: "This Iraq situation has companies banging on our door for M16s because we are the only supplier outside the U.S. since the State Department has a lump of granite up their asses with exporting machine guns to anywhere. … I'm not prepared to have bureaucrats in another country tell me how to run my business in the UK, which is incidentally their only reliable ally on the planet."
David Cameron was last night accused of using his Middle East tour to promote Arab democracy as a cover for arms sales. The Prime Minister was branded a ‘disgrace’ after it emerged that he has taken eight defence firms with him on a four-day visit to the region.
The sanctions call on the ICC to investigate top Libyan officials for their roles in crimes against humanity at the Hague, but the US insisted that an additional clause be inserted that would forbid the ICC from prosecution of people from non-ICC member nations.
The move appears to have centered on long-standing US hostility to the ICC, and the Bush Administration’s concerns that it could be used to prosecute US soldiers and officials over war crimes.
Having played a role in the sanctions against the Gadhafi regime yesterday (actually the role of spoiler, as the US ensured the immunity of most of the brutal mercenaries from prosecution), the Obama Administration is mulling a series of additional options on how to meddle in the Libyan Revolution.
The muscled Hawaiian beach boy is photographed wearing a traditional loin cloth and shown standing in the shallows holding his rudimentary board.
Missionaries who went to the island after Captain Cook's death there in 1789 virtually stamped out all surfing in Hawaii because they thought it ungodly.
Though it seems clear that the international community in general and the United States in particular are bound and determined to do “something” about the massive uprising in Libya, the protesters’ leadership is openly spurning those calls and insists it doesn’t need their sort of help.
Hafiz Ghoga, a spokesman for the protesters’ new National Libyan Council, insisted that calls for foreign intervention were entirely unwelcome, adding that the protesters have taken most of the nation and “the rest of Libya will be liberated by the people.”
Four weeks into the Raymond Davis affair, an ongoing and very public spat between the ISI and the CIA threatens to engulf the fraught relationship between Washington and Islamabad.
Partners in the war on militancy, the two spy agencies have never had an easy relationship. But ties hit a new low after the revelation that Davis was part of a clandestine CIA network operating in Pakistani cities.
“We feel betrayed by the CIA operations behind our back,” said an ISI official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
ISI officials claim more than 50 CIA agents are still active in the country and are involved in intensive intelligence gathering without the knowledge of the ISI. “The Davis affair is just a tip of the iceberg,” commented one senor official.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Sunday rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's conditions to discuss the borders of future Palestinian state. Netanyahu told the British daily the Telegraph that there is no basis to discuss the borders of Palestinian state without the Palestinian leadership recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.
[T]he US insisted that the UN resolution was worded so that no one from an outside country that is not a member of the ICC could be prosecuted for their actions in Libya. This means that mercenaries from countries such as Algeria, Ethiopia and Tunisia – which have all been named by rebel Libyan diplomats to the UN as being among the countries involved – would escape prosecution even if they were captured, because their nations are not members of the court.
The move was seen as an attempt to prevent a precedent that could see Americans prosecuted by the ICC for alleged crimes in other conflicts. While the US was once among the signatories to the court, George W. Bush withdrew from it in 2002 and declared that it did not have power over Washington.
Amid vast regional transformations, pressure is mounting for the Palestinian president to reconcile with Hamas and stand up to the Israeli occupation.
Write youtube tell them to bring back Ryantineocons and leave Rys2sense alone. Try to be polite. I am being flagged and censored because of the Political Content and nothing else.
I put up 3 large videos 1 on 911/iraq 1 on WWII/H-word and today one on JFK/RFK all deal with massive Israeli roles.
The Irish people looked back in anger this weekend and then they coldly voted to liquidate the party that plunged their country into liquidation.
After decades of Fianna Fáil dominance, they turned and taught Fianna Fáil a devastating lesson: You call yourselves a national movement? Now, let us show you the real meaning of a national movement . . .
And with that, they emerged from the long grass and gutted the Soldiers of Destiny. Extraordinary.
Unthinkable, once. The general election of 2011 will be remembered as the one which shattered another of the three great pillars of old Ireland. It was always a proud boast of the faithful multitude that they belonged to the Untouchable Trinity of the Catholic Church, Fianna Fáil and the Gaelic Athletic Association.
Pictures have emerged providing the shocking proof that U.S. government doctors once experimented on disabled American citizens and prison inmates.
Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.
Much of this horrific history is 40 to 80 years old, but it is the backdrop for a meeting in Washington this week by a presidential bioethics commission.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Congress faces a looming deadline this week to reach agreement on spending to avoid a federal government shutdown that could have chilling consequences for the US economy.
The current stopgap spending measure -- known as a "continuing resolution" or "CR" -- is valid through midnight Friday, and polarized lawmakers in the Senate and House of Representatives must agree on a compromise to replace it in order to keep funding the federal government.
Handcuffed and marched through Washington's Dulles International Airport in his Muslim clothing, the man with the long, dark beard could only imagine what people were thinking.
That scene unfolded in March 2003, a year and a half after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. One of the four planes hijacked in 2001 took off from Dulles. "I could only assume that they thought I was a terrorist," Abdullah al-Kidd recalled in an interview with The Associated Press.
Al-Kidd called his airport arrest "one of the most, if not the most, humiliating experiences of my life."
The humiliation had only just begun.
The "enhanced" screening procedures now used by the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at the nation's airports has once again been demonstrated as a total failure, this time at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). According to a high-ranking, inside source at TSA, an undercover agent was successfully able to smuggle a handgun through the naked body scanner -- and she did so not only once, but several times.
The US and South Korean militaries Monday launched major annual land, sea and air exercises, amid North Korean threats to turn Seoul into a "sea of flames" in case of any provocation. The US has 28,500 troops based in the South. A US military spokesman said the drills, which began Monday do not involve any extra activities on five frontline islands near the Yellow Sea border.
The 11-day Key Resolve drill focuses on computer-based simulations. The Foal Eagle exercise involves field training that will continue through April 30.
CAIRO — Egypt on Monday slapped a ban on ousted president Hosni Mubarak and his family travelling abroad, and also imposed a freeze on their assets, judicial officials said.
Besides Mubarak, who resigned on February 11 following weeks of protests, the decision also applied for his wife Suzanne, his two sons Ala and Gamal, and their wives, according to the same source. Mubarak stepped down after three decades of iron-fisted rule, handing control over to the army and heading to the Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh. On February 21, Egypt’s prosecutor general Abdel Magid Mahmud requested a freeze on the foreign assets of the former president and his family.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday held an online forum in which he promised to focus on making the lives of ordinary people in China more comfortable and secure.
Just a few hours later, Chinese police unleashed a show of force in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities to clamp down on public gatherings after a second week of overseas Internet-based calls for protests across the country.
The combination of Wen's comments about government efforts to raise living standards, accompanied by a display of China's police state tactics aimed at squelching dissent, neatly laid out in one day's time the Chinese Communist Party's approach to avoiding the kind of unrest seen across the Arab world.
About 150,000 Gmail users have had their accounts deleted, including every email, application, contact and calendar information, Google confirmed today.
The problem first arose late yesterday when thousands logged onto their accounts, only to find all their personal information had been erased. Many found that their accounts had been effectively reset, as they were greeted by the message Google welcomes new users with.
In Tennessee, you can smell the crosses burning from your front porch. But these days, the crosses aren’t burning on the lawns of Black folks. Today, we have a new outsider…they are a paler shade of brown…and they’re customs are strange to those whose towns are not big enough for the both of them.
In this world of mass confusion; millions of labels and never ending hype, the actual meaning of the virtues and archetypes becomes relative to the value systems of the people defining them and most of the time this results in them being compromised, to serve a personal agenda, whose hidden and not so hidden drive, can be hypocrisy and which results in an obscene perversion of the power of whatever angel in hiding within and is the instrument of its delivery.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A Kansas City, Mo., mosque was destroyed and fire investigators are calling the blaze suspicious.
It’s become pretty clear to me how Israeli rule in the West Bank is going to end – through Palestinian people power.
“Forgive me, I must start by pointing out that three years after our horrific financial crisis caused by financial fraud, not a single financial executive has gone to jail, and that’s wrong.”
With those words last evening, Charles Ferguson, the winner of the Academy Award for Best Documentary for his film Inside Job, did a lot more than merely begin an acceptance speech. Ferguson touched the third rail and made a political statement. But did he really? Really? Not in my opinion. Ferguson spoke the truth.
Read more about the Billo's sexcapades and his apparent compulsion to share his sexual history and fantasies with an unwilling, female co-worker here:
The first warnings of what was to come appeared in the form of a briefing paper on the website of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation in December. "Recent bouts of extreme price volatility in global agricultural markets," it said, "portend rising and more frequent threats to world food security. There is emerging consensus that the global food system is becoming more vulnerable and susceptible to episodes of extreme price volatility. As markets are increasingly integrated in the world economy, shocks in the international arena can now transpire and propagate to domestic markets much quicker than before."
Outraged, he rose from his chair and silently turned his back on Clinton. He was immediately seized by police and a security goon and beaten to the floor, dragged out and thrown into jail, bleeding. He has sent me photographs of his injuries. He is 71. During the assault, which was clearly visible to Clinton, she did not pause in her remarks.
Mike Adams Natural News
As if it’s not enough for the TSA to feel you up at the airport, now they’re experimenting with rapid results DNA scanners that can scan and analyze your DNA using just a drop of saliva. Spit at the TSA agent who is molesting you, in other words, and they can use that saliva to scan your DNA and then store it in a government database...
Finally, it should be noted that Libya has refused to obey the IMF and the Wall Street banksters. It’s not just about oil, dictator Gaddafi made a fatal mistake by attacking his own people thus allowing the globalists the opportunity to invade his country.
The people of the Middle East and Libya are pawns in this Anglo-American New World Order of the middle east and are doing their bidding by buying into the protests that are engineered by the U.S. and Britain.
Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan predicted on Sunday that America faces imminent uprisings that mirror those in the Middle East.
“What you are looking at in Tunisia, in Egypt … Libya, in Bahrain … what you see happening there … you’d better prepare because it will be coming to your door,” Farrakhan said in a booming voice, thousands of followers cheering in his wake.
Farrakhan also called on President Barack Obama to allow protesters to march, urging the president not to attack innocent people when they do...
This video and song demands the kind of attention that ‘We Are the World’ was given. While Gaza exists the way it does, and Israel continues with its Apartheid policies, the lies of politicians who said they wanted change should forever dog their footsteps...
-- Anthony Lawson
At home!And Abroad! "The state does not have to cut the collective bargaining rights of the middle class or the lower class in order to repair its budget, what it needs to do is to start taxing corporations, taxing the rich, raising taxes on people who have billions of dollars, and, in addition, we should have long ago realized that the trillions of dollars going towards our overseas military adventures are going to have a profound effect on the US economy," she noted.
"Why don't we cut our defense spending, which is not defensive spending in any case, because we are not fighting defensive wars, we are fighting offensive wars, and ruing, destroying countries overseas with state of the art weaponry, which also has an economic base in the United States,” the American expert emphasized.
The deplorable situation in Libya and the brutal killing of people at the hands of the country's dictator raises a question: Why has the West, including the United States, remained tight-lipped in the face of Muammar Ghaddafi's atrocities?
The US and NATO's possible occupation of Libya will be for them to get their hands on the African nation's oil resources.
Libya's oil reserves are estimated at 42 billion barrels. Libya's oil is of very high quality on the one hand, and the country is located near Europe on the other, making the African nation economically important to the US and Europe.
This unedited video shows Wisconsin citizens waiting for the news about the Capitol building being closed on Sunday evening. As some left the building, they were appreciated with cheers by fellow protesters. It turns out that over 600 protesters were allowed to stay.
At the 2:54 minute mark, the crowd chants "FOX NEWS LIES"
Loving this wake up.
February 27, 2011
There’s a certain irony to my reading this book while waiting at the Food Stamp office. I’m part of an increasing number suffering under the New World Order’s systematic destruction of the planet’s middle classes so as to concentrate wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer families. While global uprisings now threaten global governance under a single currency, scheming rulers have long anticipated this reaction. In The Global Economic Crisis, we learn exactly how a planet-wide military dictatorship plans to enforce its feudal vision.
Neatly organized into five sections comprising 20 essays by fifteen different authors, Global Economic Crisis carefully ties militarization with the planned economic meltdown.
As more cities fall into the hands of the pro-democracy protesters, Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, is hanging on to the capital where security forces loyal to him seem to have a firm hold, even amid reports of sporadic gunfire.
On Sunday, protesters had taken control of the city of Zawiyah, 50km from Tripoli, further shrinking the control of Gaddafi's government after the opposition took over most of the eastern part of the country.
Protest set in Gaza March 4th
180,000 Attend Yemen Pro-Democracy Protests
Thousands clashing with police in Croatia, dozens injured
Libya uprising: Anti-Gaddafi forces control Zawiya
Protesters refuse to leave Wisconsin Capitol even after police close building
Ireland's Prelude to Revolution: IMF Bankster Party Tossed From Power In Crushing Defeat For Bank Bailouts
115, Including Civilians, Killed in Latest Somali Govt Offensive
Hundreds protest Lebanon's 'sectarian' government
Thousands Demand Reforms in Algeria
Israel tried to buy U.S. Intelligence officers and Assets— though she emphatically denies, under any circumstances, ever accepting money from the Israelis herself.
Whether or not other agents within the government did take bribes is unknown at this time.
For the first time on record, it has been revealed that a known Mossad agent tried to bribe a U.S. asset into handing over Iraq’s collection of banking records on Al Qaeda’s financial pipeline by phoning her home in Maryland while she was traveling in Baghdad, and promising to deliver a suitcase full of cash to any city in the world in exchange for the papers.
ARMY leaders in eastern Libya who have turned against the Gaddafi regime are preparing to send a rebel force to Tripoli to support the beleaguered uprising in the capital, according to a top military official.
Brigadier General Ahmed Gatrani said a small force comprising army defectors and rebels had already reached the outskirts of Tripoli, where an attempt to oust Muammar Gaddafi on Friday was crushed by pro-regime paramilitaries and soldiers firing indiscriminately at protesters on the streets.
Hamas movement in Gaza on Sunday accused Israel of releasing false news about Palestinian rocket attacks, stressing that Hamas is in contact with Gaza-based factions to maintain cease-fire with Israel. In a statement, Hamas Interior Ministry said the "false accounts" aim at preparing international mood for a military escalation in the Gaza Strip. They are also meant to cover " Israeli measures to make Jerusalem Jewish and the construction of settlements in the West Bank."
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's
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