President Hosni Mubarak should announce a “roadmap” for an interim administration to carry out a transition to democracy following protests throughout Egypt, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.
Mubarak’s leadership has so far failed to give the confidence necessary for “the beginning of a democratic environment,” Erdogan said today during a visit to Kyrgyzstan, according to Turkey’s state-run Anatolia news agency. “It’s necessary to announce a road map and a schedule. If this schedule is announced, those masses will be satisfied,” he said.
IF YOU'RE UNHAPPY with the choice between having the Transportation Security Administration "porno-scanning" you or touching your junk, this might also freak you out: The TSA is trying to read your mind. Since June 2003, it's been monitoring travelers' facial expressions and body language for signs that they might be hiding something. As of March 2010, the TSA's Screening Passengers by Observational Techniques (SPOT) program had 3,000 "behavior detection officers" in more than 150 airports. Their job is to strike up conversations with passengers at security checkpoints, checking for what one TSA official describes as "behaviors that show you're trying to get away with something you shouldn't be doing." People who don't display "normal airport behavior" may be stopped for questioning.
Digital Journal A Predator drone previously used for patrolling North Dakota’s northern border is now being used to patrol at least a 900 mile section of the Canada-US border from the “vicinity” of Spokane, Washington to the Lake-of-the-Woods region of Minnesota...
Warning, this video may induce extreme gag reflex. And they wonder why they are reviled the world over. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair explained Tuesday that the embattled Egyptian president was "immensely courageous and a force for good."
Combine cold temperatures that make steel brittle along with gusty winds, and you have a Titanic recipe for disaster. For those that will argue that I’m being unfair to the promise of wind power, I welcome you to provide photos of any power plant in the USA that has been collapsed due to weather. Downed power poles sure, but power sources?
Virginia state Delegate Robert G. Marshall has introduced legislation to study whether the Commonwealth should make the preparations now to switch suddenly to an alternative currency in the event of an implosion of the Federal Reserve System and the destruction of the dollar.
If Texas had made the same dollar investment in new coal and/or nuclear power plants they would probably be snug and warm tonight. Do we we really want to sacrifice our families’ safety and security along with business productivity during extreme cold for the sake of political correctness?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that "dangerous" imbalances have emerged that threaten to derail global recovery and stoke tensions that may ultimately set off civil wars in deeply unequal countries.
Webmaster's Commentary:
The IMF causes these inequalities by using debt-based money to plunge nations into crushing debt and slavery. The people are fighting back against the bankers.

Baby it's cold outside! Arizona is being hit with extreme cold and it's only going to get colder.
With a daytime high of just 44 degrees, Phoenix recorded its coldest daytime high in more than 25 years and set a daily and monthly record for a cold high temperature. A rare hard freeze warning (widespread temperatures below 28 degrees) is in effect for the Valley from late tonight into Thursday morning. CBS 5 chief meteorologist Chris Dunn says tonight's lows could make it the coldest night in more than 20 years in Phoenix.
For a theory to be scientific, it must be fallible — capable of being proven false. If every weather condition can be used to “prove” global warming simply by being declared “weird,” then it’s not science. It’s a joke. Which is exactly what the environmental movement has become.
In support of the anti government protests the on-line group Anonymous shut down Egyptian Government websites.
Why isn’t the PA supporting the Egypt uprising?
Palestinian leadership has been careful not to support the uprisings, banning demonstrations in solidarity with the Egyptians; Palestinian television has virtually ignored the events in Egypt.
Last week, Blair was asked about the popular uprising in Egypt during an interview on BBC Radio 4. He made clear his distaste for Arab self-determination and revolution, especially if the result doesn’t serve Western and Israeli interests, saying, “When you’re actually looking at how this evolution takes place, you are aware that it’s got to place in a stable way.” Blair also suggested that Arab human rights and freedoms sometimes have to take a backseat to “stability,” since world leaders (like his former self) are all “in the difficult position” of balancing the desire “to see change” in authoritarian regimes supported by the West with having that change “happen in a way that keeps the region together.”
The protesters accused Mubarak's regime of unleashing a force of paid thugs and plainclothes police to crush their unprecedented 9-day-old movement, a day after the 82-year-old president refused to step down. They showed off police ID badges they said were wrested from their attackers. Some government workers said their employers ordered them into the streets.
Peter J. Hussler Coup Media
The Suez Canal is one of the engineering marvels of the modern world. It cuts through 118 miles of Egyptian countryside, connecting the Red Sea with the Mediterranean, thus linking Europe with East Africa and Asia. Initially completed over 140 years ago—after 1.5 million laborers moved more than 1.2 billion cubic feet of soil with picks and shovels—to this day it remains a conduit for roughly 8 percent of global seaborne trade...
A member of Israeli General Staff Reconnaissance Unit, Sayeret Matkal, has been arrested in Egypt amid massive anti-government protests. The unnamed official was detained on Thursday as Egyptian protesters are keeping up the pressure on President Hosni Mubarak to step down, a video obtained by Press TV's website showed.
Cairo: New clashes are heating up again and shots are being fired in the air around Cairo's central Tahrir Square as anti-government protesters push back regime supporters. The two sides are trading volleys of stone-throwing, but government backers are falling back and protesters are swarming onto a highway overpass from which their rivals had pelted them with stones and firebombs overnight.
Arnaud Camu The Epoch Times
French police are supposed to maintain order, enforce the law, and strictly follow instructions. They are also forbidden to strike or protest. Yet that is exactly what they did, forcing the French government to go back on planned reforms...
Timothy P. Carney The Washington Examiner Last month, the Obama EPA began enforcing new rules regulating the greenhouse gas emissions from any new or expanded power plants...
The lawsuit, filed in New York by an Israeli firm, alleges that the book "contained numerous false and knowingly misleading statements intended to promote the author's agenda of anti-Israel propaganda and to deceive the reading public instead of presenting accurate information as advertised."
The five American plaintiffs, two of whom are dual citizens of the US and Israel, seek $5 million in damages over the book (which is being sold for less than $10 on Amazon) on the basis that its criticisms of Israel violated consumer protection safeguards.
It should be remembered that Egypt’s elite of multi-millionaires has benefited enormously from its set of corrupt bargains with the US and Israel and from the maintenance of a martial law regime that deflects labor demands and pesky human rights critiques.
There is no reason to have anymore rolling black outs. Winter comes once a year to Texas and these companies should be prepared for the season. I still think it was over the new EPA rules mandated power companies to shut down plants or pay high fines for going over their limit in green house gases. While the Texas legislator in Austin is now in session. Not only should they draft legislation to dismantle the ERCOT. They should also amend to that law to throw the EPA out of Texas too.
Check out the pic of the anguished Egyptian Army Captain.
According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that "under the Patriot Act" the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make "periodic and unannounced" visits to any bank to open and inspect the contents of "selected safe deposit boxes."
Further, the DHS "shall, at the discretion of the agent supervising the search, remove, photograph or seize as evidence" any of the following items "bar gold, gold coins,
Laura Bassett Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- Homelessness has significantly risen in the U.S. as a result of surging foreclosures and joblessness caused by the recession, but a new federal program designed to nudge people back from the brink of life without shelter is on the brink itself...
Holocaust deniers "should be directed to psychiatrists, not judges," Van Klaveren said.
Very Rare Old US Dollar Bills (22 pics)
Who put bombs in the towers and how? Answered
A 2hr 25min film about the shadow government and shadow economy, how quasi-government and quasi intelligence/private business multinational partnerships create and fiance conflicts for personal profits and power all in the dark. 9/11 is covering up trillions in fraud and securities used from Iran Contra to the Russian Oligarchs. Decades of special finance was physically destroyed, and then the event was used as a catalyst for more overt and covert war, centralization of control, and larger government powers. All War is by Deception.
A former British intelligence officer, who spoke to AMERICAN FREE PRESS on condition of anonymity, felt Mossad had fallen into the trap of thinking it was so superior to its enemies that it did not need to worry about them. In this officer’s view, it failed to recognize that Israel has fewer friends across the globe and therefore the Mossad’s mistakes, which might have been glossed over in the past, are now more likely to make headlines.
Defence secretary at time of Iraq invasion says human, financial and political toll has been worth it to remove Saddam Hussein Guardian/Reuters The former US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld believes the war in Iraq has been worth the cost and remains largely unapologetic about his handling of the conflict, according to his new autobiography...
Prime Minister wants international community to make clear that new leadership must meet a series of conditions similar to those posed by Hamas in order to gain recognition of legitimacy.
In the lawsuit filed in New York, Snyder says that the City Paper has "engaged in an ongoing campaign" to "smear his business and personal reputation," has published more than 50 columns in which he "was the subject of derision, ridicule and/or vilification," and that the November cover story on him "featured an anti-Semitic depiction of Mr. Snyder with horns on his head, bushy eyebrows, and surrounded by dollar signs."
The United States would respond "diplomatically, economically, militarily" to any closure of the Suez Canal, although such an event seems inconceivable, the head of US Central Command said on Tuesday.
Ciudad Juarez mayor Hector Murgia said the temperatures of around minus 13 degrees centigrade (8.6 Fahrenheit) were the lowest recorded in almost 50 years.
The global movement against globalization and American hegemony and Zionism Invites you To participate and contribute to the Global Day of Anger peaceful popular Ahli
The fifth of February 2011 Webmaster's Commentary:
European leaders have called on the Egyptian leadership to effect a faster transition of power to ensure stability in that country.
A vast majority of the injured had been shot by police, he said, adding that others may have been shot by weapons stolen from looted police precincts. "We never see any bullet wounds," Dr. Abolazm said of the hospital, which treats about 22,000 patients a month. "This is...because of the riots." The hospital also received three injured police officers, one of whom was in critical condition after being shot in the head while guarding the Israeli Embassy. The officer, a 21-year-old, is expected to survive, Dr. Abolazm said. Most injured police officers would have been taken to a separate police hospital across the Nile, he added.
The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Mr. Maxwell Gaylard, has publically denounced Israel’s systematic destruction of rainwater collection devices, such as water cisterns, throughout the West Bank.
Mr. Gaylard remarked on 1 February 2011, "It is difficult to understand the reasoning behind the destruction of basic rain water collection systems, some of them very old, which serve marginalized rural and herder Palestinian communities where water is already scarce and where drought is an ever-present threat."
Mobile phone firm Vodafone has accused the Egyptian authorities of using its network to send unattributed text messages supporting the government. Vodafone was told to switch off services last week when protests against President Hosni Mubarak began. But the authorities then ordered Vodafone to switch the network back on, in order to send messages under Egypt's emergency laws, the firm said.
US bankers awarded themselves an inflation-busting pay rise last year - in a move set to widen the rift between Wall Street and Main Street. Staff at America's top 25 financial firms shared a record salary and bonus pool of more than £83bn - up from £79bn in 2009, a survey has found.
The 6pc hike in take-home pay compares with the paltry 1pc increase in revenues across the industry, suggesting that US financiers are pocketing an ever-larger slice of the spoils.
Check out the picture of the Egyptian officer on pic 18. Look at the anguish in his face.
IN MEDIEVAL times, Egypt’s sultans recruited tough guys from the ranks of Cairo’s poorest. These barefoot gangs acted as a second tier police force. In times of social peace the harafeesh, as they were known, could be enlisted to cheer the sultan during his parades. If some rival upstart threatened the ruler’s sleep, he would send in this rabble to wreck their wedding parties or sack their palaces. And if one of the city’s quarters acted rebellious the harafeesh would invade, smash its shops and deliver a good hiding to the inhabitants.
"The people want regime change," protesters shouted as they gathered outside Sana'a University. "No to corruption, no to dictatorship"
Global food prices have hit a new record high, amid fears that the escalating cost of bread and meat is adding to the turmoil in the Middle East. Harry Walop Telegraph
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO) gave warning that the high prices, already above levels in 2008 which sparked riots, were likely to rise further...
It is an exhausting and endless task to keep explaining to people how most issues of conventional wisdom are scientifically implanted in the public consciousness by a thousand media clips per day. In an effort to save time, I would like to provide just a little background on the handling of information in this country. Once the basic principles are illustrated about how our current system of media control arose historically, the reader might be more apt to question any given popular opinion. If everybody believes something, it's probably wrong. We call that Conventional Wisdom. In America, conventional wisdom that has mass acceptance is usually contrived: somebody paid for it.
Millions of Americans face the daunting task of digging out from under mountains of snow as a massive two-day winter storm that had stretched 2,000 miles (3,000 kilometres) makes its way off the East Coast. The storm - one of the largest since the 1950s - has ground travel to a halt, and authorities warn that road conditions remain treacherous.
Three images from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA's Terra satellite were combined to create this image of the storm system. The storm stretched for more than 2,000 miles from Texas and New Mexico to the northeastern state of Maine.
As it braces for the likelihood of a new ruler in Egypt, the U.S. government is rapidly reassessing its tenuous relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an opposition movement whose fundamentalist ideology has long been a source of distrust in Washington. Although the group has played a secondary role in the swelling protests that are threatening to topple President Hosni Mubarak, U.S. officials have acknowledged the political reality that the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to assume at least a share of power should Egypt hold free and fair elections in the coming months. On Monday, in what analysts said was a clear reference to the Brotherhood, the White House said a new government in Egypt should "include a whole host of important non-secular actors."
Egypt evacuees land in Athens The three C-130 military transport planes sent to evacuate Greeks from the Egyptian city of Alexandria landed at Athens International Airport on Tuesday with a total of 184 evacuees on board. The three planes had flown to Alexandria on Tuesday morning to pick up the Greeks wishing to leave the country following the upheaval in the country in recent days.
- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak struck back at his opponents yesterday, unleashing waves of his supporters armed with clubs, rocks, knives, and firebombs in a concerted assault on thousands of antigovernment protesters in Tahrir Square calling for an end to his authoritarian rule.
Tehran, Feb 3, IRNA -- Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said on Thursday that the U.S. authorities must stop meddling in Egypt affairs, adding that the Egyptian people do not want “camel democracy”.
The newly-appointed prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq, on Thursday apologized for the violence and vowed to investigate who had instigated it.
“I offer my apology for everything that happened yesterday because it’s neither logical nor rational,” he said. In the clashes on Wednesday, the Egyptian military did nothing to intervene. But, on Thursday for the first time, a thin line of soldiers appeared to have taken up positions between the combatants and to be urging Mubarak supporters, numbering in the hundreds, to avoid confrontation. For their part, several thousand anti-government protesters, far fewer than in previous days, called for peaceful protest.
Editor’s Note: Following is an exchange between two extraordinary American activists, Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky, who have chosen to use their intellect in support of equality and liberty—pursuits that carry with them risks and indeed guarantee of marginalization in America when directed at the people of Palestine and the region, particularly so when terror is identified as Zionist terror and bigotry, Islamophobia, is challenged.
LAHORE, Pakistan - An American who killed two Pakistani men last week will be held for eight more days to allow for more investigation, a prosecutor said on Thursday, despite U.S. insistence the man has diplomatic immunity. The case of Raymond Davis has become the latest test of ties between the two countries with anti-U.S. Islamist groups demanding the Pakistani government resists U.S. calls to free him. The United States says Davis is a diplomat and has called for his immediate release. He was arrested a week ago after shooting dead two men in the city of Lahore in what Davis says was an act of self-defence during an attempted robbery.
CAIRO — Egypt's prime minister apologized Thursday for attacks by government supporters on protesters after a night of violence in which gunfire was heard in Cairo's Tahrir Square and at least five people were killed. Egyptian army tanks and soldiers cleared away pro-government rioters and deployed between them and the protesters seeking the fall of President Hosni Mubarak. Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq told state TV that the attack on the anti-government protesters which began late Wednesday was a "blatant mistake" and promised to investigate who was behind it.
That leading policymakers are afraid to challenge the billions of dollars flowing to Tel Aviv while US senators line up to sign on to a letter that opposes their own country’s interests is a tragedy of epic proportions. By Philip Giraldi
What has been happening inside Egypt is a wake-up call for the entire world; but it is also something that ought to move any real Americans, to follow what the Egyptian people are now doing to remove state-sponsored tyranny from their lives.
The uprising in Egypt has come out from 'Behind the Sun' to demand real change. US citizens, here, must begin to realize that this country is nothing but a hollowed-out corpse of what it once thought it was. We have no culture of our own, no individual responsibility exists for the things that this country does routinely to the aspirations and the dreams of its own people because all of that has evaporated in the ongoing Zionist Occupation of America.
Mubarak told the people with implied threats and in indirect words during his speech that they should “go screw themselves”, and that he wanted to stay ruling Egypt until the last day of September 2011. He further threatened the Egyptians and offered them to choose between “quite and security under his rule” or chaos without him. It was a clear that Mubarak was threatening the Egyptian nation, all the nation. His speech can only be compared to the message of a crazed Roman Emperor Nero in which he says that he wants to burn down all of Egypt before leaving. His attitude reminds everybody of the crazy Roman Emperor Nero, who chose to burn down Rome before his fall.
Unlike other nations, including the U.S. and Ireland, which injected billions of dollars of capital into their financial institutions to keep them afloat, Iceland placed its biggest lenders in receivership. It chose not to protect creditors of the country’s banks, whose assets had ballooned to $209 billion, 11 times gross domestic product. Krona Devaluation
The crisis almost sank the country. The krona lost 58 percent of its value by the end of November 2008, inflation spiked to 19 percent in January 2009 and GDP contracted by 7 percent that year. Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde resigned after nationwide protests. With the economy projected to grow 3 percent this year, Iceland’s decision to let the banks fail is looking smart -- and may prove to be a model for others.
Thanks to Mike and WRH for some of the pictures in the midle and David for the song. End out occupation and End our Aid to occupations. Protest March 20th DC It is now confirmed that Pro Mubarak thugs were actually paid operatives used to the attack anti government protesters.
In a shocking new interview, Donald Trump has gone farther than he ever has before in discussing a potential economic collapse in America. Using phrases such as “you’re going to pay $25 for a loaf of bread pretty soon” and “we could end up being another Egypt”,
Trump explained to Newsmax that he is incredibly concerned about the direction our economy is headed. Whatever you may think of Donald Trump on a personal level, it is undeniable that he has been extremely successful in business. As one of the most prominent businessmen in America, he is absolutely horrified about what is happening to this nation.
It is supposed to be the nation’s elite police force, working to the highest standards of all. But hundreds of FBI agents each year are in fact having to be disciplined for serious breaches of misconduct, secret files have revealed.
“We are experiencing a storm of historic proportions . . . the likes of which we really haven’t seen in 20 or 30 years,” said Ray Orozco, Mayor Daley’s chief of staff.
Some of the attackers were caught. Their IDs showed them to be policemen dressed in civilians clothes. Others appeared to be state sponsored "baltagiya" (gangs) and government employees. "Instead of uniformed guys trying to stop you from protesting. You've got non-uniformed guys trying to stop you from protesting," Naguib said.
All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's
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