Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WRH IMPORTANT News stories for Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Part 1

Japanese Red Cross Quake Relief Fund

Level 6 Event – Radiation Levels Soar As Radioactive Winds Sweep Toward Tokyo

According to our sources this is now a Level 6 event and readings will be fluctuating and rising rapidly.

At this time it is openly admitted that readings are 400 mR/hr at 20 miles out from the source.

It is now openly admitted that radioactivity has reached dangerous levels in the area. There is now a 20 mile diameter perimeter (HIGH-RAD AREA) established around the Fukushima reactor.

Japan suspends work at stricken nuclear plant

Japan suspended operations to prevent a stricken nuclear plant from melting down Wednesday after a surge in radiation made it too dangerous for workers to remain at the facility.

Breaking - Nuclear Plant Operations Suspended; Workers Evacuated Due To High Levels of Radiation

Latest updates out of Japan via Rush Transcripts from live press conference on NHK.


FUKUSHIMA, Japan — Workers at a quake-damaged atomic power plant suspended operations and evacuated Wednesday after a surge in radiation made it too dangerous to remain there, dealing a setback to Japan’s frantic efforts to stem a nuclear crisis.

URGENT: Fuel rods damage at Fukushima's 2 reactors estimated at 70%, 33%

An estimated 70 percent of the nuclear fuel rods have been damaged at the troubled No. 1 reactor of the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant and 33 percent at the No. 2 reactor, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday.

The reactors' cores are believed to have partially melted with their cooling functions lost after Friday's magnitude 9.0 earthquake rocked Fukushima Prefecture and other areas in northeastern and eastern Japan.

Webmaster's Commentary:

And what about those thousands of spent fuel rods loaded into the cooling pools, including the cooling pools right over the reactors themselves! That stuff didn't just vanish.

Fukushima nuke plant situation 'worsened considerably': think tank

The situation at the quake-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant in northeastern Japan ''has worsened considerably,'' the Institute for Science and International Security said in a statement released Tuesday.

Referring to fresh explosions that occurred earlier in the day at the site and problems in a pool storing spent nuclear fuel rods, the Washington-based think tank said, ''This accident can no longer be viewed as a level 4 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Events scale that ranks events from 1 to 7.''

Noting that a level 4 incident involves ''only local radiological consequences,'' it said the ongoing crisis is ''now closer to a level 6, and it may unfortunately reach a level 7'' -- a worst case scenario with extensive health and environmental consequences.

Fire at Japan nuclear reactor heightens radiation threat

Another fire broke out on Wednesday at an earthquake-crippled Japanese nuclear plant that has sent low levels of radiation wafting into Tokyo and triggered international alarm, suggesting that the crisis may be slipping out of control.

Academics and nuclear experts agree that the solutions being proposed to contain damage to the Daiichi reactors at Fukushima, 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, are last-ditch efforts to stem what could well be remembered as one of the world's worst industrial disasters.

While public broadcaster NHK said flames were no longer visible at the building housing the No.4 reactor of the plant, Japanese TV pictures showed smoke rising from the facility at mid-morning (1000 local, 0100 GMT).

Fukushima: Mark 1 Nuclear Reactor Design Caused GE Scientist To Quit In Protest

Thirty-five years ago, Dale G. Bridenbaugh and two of his colleagues at General Electric resigned from their jobs after becoming increasingly convinced that the nuclear reactor design they were reviewing -- the Mark 1 -- was so flawed it could lead to a devastating accident.

Questions persisted for decades about the ability of the Mark 1 to handle the immense pressures that would result if the reactor lost cooling power, and today that design is being put to the ultimate test in Japan. Five of the six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, which has been wracked since Friday's earthquake with explosions and radiation leaks, are Mark 1s.

CNBC's Jim Cramer: Japan not a crisis. No Chernobyl. Go back to buying stocks!

Stocks closed off the lows on Tuesday, as buyers stepped into the market despite the threat of an escalating nuclear crisis in Japan. Had Japan endured a nuclear meltdown, Cramer thinks the markets would have sold-off, but the "Mad Money" host said a Chernobyl situation was never really on the table.

Japan's nuclear plants have fail-safe that make a Chernobyl-like explosion unlikely, Cramer explained. There are multiple safeguards that would prevent an event of that magnitude, he added.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Of course, setting aside that CNBC is owned by General Electric, which means Cramer works for the company that designed those exploding reactors, Jim Cramer is the guy who told us all that Bear Sterns was fine ... just 1 week before it collapsed.

Libya: world leaders reject military intervention

World leaders on Tuesday refused all forms of military intervention in Libya, abandoning Col Muammar Gaddafi's fleeing opposition to its fate.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel backs Qaddafi, and sure enough,m the rest of the world stands down and let's Israel crush freedom and democracy.

Bunch o' pussies!

Henry Kissinger; a Loathsome Toad.

Henry Kissinger is a loathsome toad. I think that pretty much covers everything that need be said. He is the protégé of Nelson Rockefeller, another one of the most evil men of the last century. He and his brother David are book-ending demons on one of the shelves in Hell’s library, where those so inclined go to read for a few hours of torment. Henry probably was a regular there. It’s where he came from.

Tokyo streets and shops empty – and the air is heavy with fear

After the earthquake, nerves are beginning to fray in Japan's capital following the tsunami and nuclear crisis

Justin McCurry

The dimmed lights in the normally effervescent neighbourhood of Tokyo were eerily appropriate given the mood on Monday, three days into the greatest test of Japan's resilience as a nation since the second world war...

Japan Nuclear Situation "Out of Control"

The European Union's energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger said today that the Japanese nuclear disaster is a lot worse than what Japan is declaring. In fact, he believes it could be an apocalypse:

There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen [...] I hope that it doesn't happen, but we can't rule out that the worst case scenario [a complete meltdown a la Chernobyl] happens in the next few hours or days.

The European view on the subject is way darker than what the IAEA, the Japan government and most of the United States' media is portraying.

Japan's Nuclear Crisis Is "Completely Out Of Control!"

New fire breaks out at Japan nuclear plant

Hopes that Japan’s nuclear crisis was stabilizing were dealt a blow on Wednesday after another fire broke out at the No. 4 reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeast Japan.

Press report: Itamar culprit an Asian worker

An Asian worker is suspected of the murder of the Fogel family, a settler family from Itamar settlement near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, according to Palestinian press sources.

Quds Net news quoted local residents fro at infuriated with an Israeli settler for not paying him his wages carried out the killing of the settler's family in Itamar, Palestinian press sources reported.

Quds Net news agency on Monday quoted a Palestinian family from Awarta village next to the settlement as saying that Mr. Fogel refused to pay 10,000 shekels in wages which he owed an Asian worker he hired. The worker threatened to kill the settler and his family.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is the murder that Netanyahu used to justify authorizing the stealing of more Palestinian lands, even though there was no evidence that a Palestinian had committed the crime. Now the truth seems to be coming out, although official ignored by Israel which can never admit error. The Settler family stiffed the Asian worker on wages they owed him, a chronic problem in Israel. The Asian worker was, naturally, very angry. That was the motive for the murder. But Israel's government really does not care about the actual facts or who really killed the Settler family. To Israel, it is just another event to be blamed on Palestinians, and taken advantage of to justify more land theft.


Those Bastards at GE

It is becoming apparent that GE, rather than "bringing good things to life", has a unique ability to cozy up to government, massage regulations and bring dangerous toxins into our lives---and I mean seriously dangerous.

NYT now tells us about the containment vessels at the damaged nuclear power plants in Japan are manufactured by GE:

...the type of containment vessel and pressure suppression system used in the failing reactors at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant — and in 23 American reactors at 16 plants — is physically less robust, and it has long been thought to be more susceptible to failure in an emergency than competing designs.

Webmaster's Commentary:

GE is also heavily involved with the new CFL light bulbs we will all be forced to buy starting in 2014. According to a footnote to a Tim Carney piece on GE, and do note that this type footnote means GE corporates got to Carney, or his paper, to tone down what was in Carney's column. But look at the dirt that was left in the "tone down":

The original version of this article stated that GE "lobbied to kill the incandescent bulb." This was imprecise. In 2007 GE opposed proposals to explicitly outlaw incandescents. Instead, the company advocated simply setting efficiency standards for all bulbs, regardless of what type of bulb. This had the known effect of outlawing all traditional incandescents, but leaving open the possibility of high-efficiency incandescents.

Bottom line: Setting aside the weasel words that GE likely demanded be amended to the column, GE for all practical purposes was for the new CFL bulbs (which they manufacture) that killed the incandescents.

So what is the big deal about the new bulbs, aside from the fact that they are more expensive and some question whether they really are more efficient? According to Congressman Ted Poe, the EPA requires you to evacuate children and everyone else from a room where you break one of these light bulbs, then open windows to ventilate the room for 15 minutes, and leave the room yourself. You see these wonderful new bulbs contain the very poisonous element mercury.

Concerns about mercury's toxicity have led to mercury thermometers and sphygmomanometers being largely phased out in clinical environments. Yet, the bastards at GE advocated "efficiency standards" that will result in us all having these mercury micro-dirty bombs in all rooms of our houses.

AT&T to cap users’ Internet access, impose fees for too much information

The move will see AT&T broadband users forced into a tiered Internet that would limit accounts to a paltry 150 gigabytes a month. Users who download too much information on AT&T's broadband network will be subject to an additional $10 fee for every 50 gigabytes. Fees on the first three overages will be waived, according to DSLReports.com.

In layman's terms, if you're used to watching Netflix, playing online video games or using your computer to share files with your friends or engage in other bandwidth-intensive activity, get ready to be slammed with additional fees.

Webmaster's Commentary: Greedy bastards!

What he didn’t say was that he and his government have the situation under control. Because they don’t.

When Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan addressed his country Tuesday, he acknowledged the country was facing a dangerous nuclear crisis, and urged Japanese to “act calmly,” as they mostly have despite a string of catastrophes in recent days.

What he didn’t say was that he and his government have the situation under control. Because they don’t.

Japan’s nuclear crisis has steadily worsened since a magnitude-9.0 earthquake on Friday that shook the region around the Fukushima nuclear plant – 260 kilometres northeast of Tokyo – and set in motion a dangerous chain of events that by some measures already ranks as one of the worst nuclear accidents ever.

Cocaine scandal engulfs NASA workers

On Monday, an engineer who worked for a company that contracts with NASA fell to his death while working at the Kennedy Space Centre launch pad where the shuttle Endeavour is set for lift-off next month.

Asked if there was believed to be any link between the two events, Ms Juhans said: "No comment."


Webmaster's Commentary:

I stand corrected.

As this schematic shows, in addition to the ground level common spent fuel rod storage at Fukushima, there are tanks inside the roof of each reactor building, holding the spent rods in cooling solutions of Boric acid. Each “reactor top” pool holds 3450 fuel rod assemblies. The common pool holds 6291 fuel rod assemblies. [The common pool has windows on one wall which were almost certainly destroyed by the tsunami.] Each assembly holds sixty-three fuel rods. This means the Fukushima Daiichi plant may contain over 600,000 spent fuel rods. This explains why the exlosion at one of the reactors ...

... showed the yellow-brown color of plutonium oxide.

This also explains why the USA was sending "coolant" to Japan; not for the reactors, but for those spent fuel rods tanks!

UPDATE: NHK is reporting that the cooling pools in thew roofs of reactors 5 and 6 are now starting to heat yup from the spent fuel rods.

Panicked residents start to flee Tokyo as radiation levels rise after THIRD blast at stricken nuclear power plant

* Radiation leaking directly into the air from stricken Fukushima nuclear plant
* Power station has now suffered three reactor explosions and one fire
* One reactor core 'exposed to the atmosphere' through crack in containment wall

Global unpopularity wearing down Israeli government

Admitted Japanese Nuclear Meltdown Now Means Detrimental Health Effects Worldwide

After repeated denials by the Japanese Government insisting that radiation leakage from their nuclear power plants was a non-issue, recent video and reported evidence confirms the horrific truth. Japan is now preparing for the worst case scenario evacuating hundreds of thousands of people. The radioactive release may soon reach Canada and the United States and exposure may last months.

Scroll down to end of article for section on "How Does Potassium Iodide Work?" - Potassium iodide (also called KI) is a salt of stable (not radioactive) iodine. Stable iodine is an important chemical needed by the body to make thyroid hormones. Most of the stable iodine in our bodies comes from the food we eat. KI is stable iodine in a medicine form.

Congress, AIPAC-Israel and 9/11

WE KNOW THEY KNOW BUT THEY DON’T CARE - This week, most members of congress, 100% of the new “Tea Party,” swore allegiance to the State of Israel. To those of us at Veterans Today, we have a problem with this. We have never been all that enthusiastic about Congress in the first place. They are a gutless bunch who feather their own nests, finance their campaigns with laundered drug money and have turned Washington into a modern day Gomorrah, a city of rent boys and call girls.
We have a few issues to pick with Israel.

Greg Palast Reveals Faked Nuclear Plant Safety Test

"Dear Folks, I know you have all heard of a mythical term called ‘oversight’. The context most familiar to you could be anything from the Federal Reserve, defense contracting overruns, to the Pentagon’s black operations. But Greg Palast is going to introduce us to the nuclear unicorn today."
But I must say I was surprise to read below that mythical oversight extended to nuclear plant safety testing. I now learn that our government and regulatory people has taken the industry’s testimony at face value that safety tests had been done and actually worked. Silly me, I would have figured that independent monitors would be validating every step of any safety testing issues. Yes, suspicious Jim is embarrassed. I bad."

Republican opposition to C02 regulations gain steam

WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama's Republican foes on Tuesday rejected a measure that would accept global warming as "unequivocal" and allow regulation of greenhouse gas emissions.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee sank the amendment along party lines, while Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell introduced an amendment in the other chamber that would also put the brakes on Environmental Protection Agency rules.

US House approves 3-week spending bill

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US House of Representatives, held by President Barack Obama's Republican foes, approved a three-week stopgap spending bill on Tuesday that cuts some $6 billion in government funds.

With a current temporary spending bill due to expire at midnight on Friday, lawmakers voted 271-158 in favor of the Republican-crafted measure, which headed to the US Senate where it was expected to pass.

Libya: UK, France and Lebanon table no-fly zone plan

Britain, France and Lebanon have tabled a draft United Nations resolution which would impose a no-fly zone on Libya.

The draft resolution would also ban commercial flights from bringing arms and mercenaries into Libya.

Britain and France have led moves to prevent air attacks on rebels by pro-Gaddafi forces - Germany and Russia are said to oppose plans.

The Arab League has backed the idea but a meeting of G8 foreign ministers in Paris earlier failed to do so. The issue was also discussed by Nato defence ministers last week, who agreed a clear UN mandate would be needed should Nato be involved.

New fire hits Japan nuclear plant - BBC News

There has been a fresh fire at the quake-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northern Japan.

The new blaze began at reactor four. The plant has already been hit by four explosions, triggering radiation leaks and sparking health concerns.

More than 3,000 have been confirmed dead and thousands are missing following Friday's 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami in north-east Japan.

The disaster has damaged the nuclear plant's cooling functions.

Officials have warned people within 20-30km of the site to either leave the area or stay indoors.

The Tokyo Electric Power Co, which operates the Fukushima plant, said on Wednesday that efforts were under way to put out the latest fire.

Youtube Removes PressTV Video of Saudi Troops Firing on Bahraini Demonstrators

The footage posted on the website on Tuesday afternoon was removed hours later, reportedly under Saudi Arabia's pressure.

The removal seems to be aimed at forestalling further outrage against Riyadh, which has dispatched 1,000 military forces to Bahrain.

The Saudi contingent was deployed along with hundreds of army forces from member states of the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council to help Manama crackdown on protesters who are seeking a constitutional monarchy and greater liberties...

Logical Assessment of Japan’s Nuke Disaster – FAQ

There has been a lot of speculation about Japan’s ongoing, and ever widening Nuclear Reactor Disaster. Maybe to put your mind at ease, or to give some hope for those who might be effected by this event… We have put together some best and worst case scenarios, and in doing so hope to answer questions that the Media has either forgotten to address, or is outright avoiding.

Breaking: 4th Japan Nuclear Reactor Explosion Kills 2 - Holes in Containment Structure Confirmed

Another explosion at nuclear reactor #4 kills 2 and cracks the reactor roof.

NHK is reporting holes in the containment structure have now been confirmed in reactor #1 and reactor #4 following the explosion.

Revolt: War is illegal

*hyperlinks live at source*

Because war law is so clear in letter and intent, and US "reasons" for current wars not even close to lawful and now uncontested as lies known to be lies as they were told, we can rationally and confidently conclude that "leadership" from both parties and corporate media are complicit in War Crimes.

It takes about an hour to read and understand the uncontested evidence linked above in order to see for yourself that the claim of unlawful US wars is "emperor has no clothes" obvious once one looks at the facts.

The rational conclusion of Americans is to revolt from lawless US political "leadership," and view US corporated media as propagandists in the key policy areas of power and money.

Here is David's excerpt, also reprinted at Global Research:

Al Franken: ‘They’re coming after the Internet’

Sen. Al Franken claimed Monday that big corporations are “hoping to destroy” the Internet and issued a call to arms to several hundred tech-savvy South by Southwest attendees to preserve net neutrality.

“I came here to warn you, the party may be over,” Franken said. “They’re coming after the Internet hoping to destroy the very thing that makes it such an important [medium] for independent artists and entrepreneurs: its openness and freedom.”

US Radiation Network

Welcome to RadiationNetwork.com, home of the National Radiation Map, depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every minute. This is the first web site where the average citizen (or anyone in the world) can see what radiation levels are anywhere in the USA at any time.

Click to see map.

App. C: A Homemade Fallout Meter, the KFM

How to Make and Use It

The complete KFM instructions include patterns to be cut out and used to construct the fallout meter. At the end of the instructions are extra patterns on 4 unnumbered pages. The reader is urged to use these extra patterns to make KFM's in normal peacetime and to keep the complete instructions intact for use during a recognized crisis period.

"Report Of Radiation Being Detected In Russia"

The Gathering Storm

“Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” – Winston Churchill - The Second World War

Prepare to Stock Up on Food in Case Radioactive Fallout Reaches the United States

Do not Trust the Media and their Experts to say Everything is OK.We must take responsibility to prepare for the worst while we still have the chance.

Israelis And Friends Ask Facebook To Pull Intifada Page

"Apparently a bunch of Palestinian activists are using Facebook to set up a "third Intifada" page, modelled closely on similar pages that were used to organize the protests in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Libya, etc.

Now (see link below), we have a bunch of American Likudniks, demanding that the (Jewish) owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, censor the "third Intifada" page, on the grounds that it's nothing but "anti-Semitic agitation by 'militant extremists'".

So, the moral of this story is :

Potassium Iodide protects thyroid and glandular system from radiation damage

In the aftermath of Japan's nuclear catastrophe and the fear that winds could blow radiation into the west coast of North America, there has been a sudden rush on potassium iodide, which helps protect your glandular system from radiation poisoning if you're exposed. The Japanese government is handing out this supplement in huge quantities to the survivors north of Tokyo, and here at NaturalNews, we've received a flurry of requests from people wanting to know where they can find available supplies of potassium iodide.

These "radiation pills" are being sold out everywhere. NukePills.com says they were completely sold out over the weekend.


“We want democratic representation first and foremost and then move to nonviolently challenging the occupation in the same sense that Martin Luther King Challenged segregation in the south, and in the same sense that Gandhi challenged British colonialism in India.” “We’re trying to move toward that goal. March 15th is seen not as an end in itself but the beginning of a new generation of struggle.”

Official: Japan's nuclear situation nearing severity of Chernobyl

The explosion Tuesday at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has elevated the situation there to a "serious accident" on a level just below Chernobyl, a French nuclear official said, referring to an international scale that rates the severity of such incidents.

FORECLOSURE FRAUD - How Many DIFFERENT Signatures Can One Robo-Signing Notary Have? - Calling The Real Linda Green

For anyone who missed this bit of grand larceny the first time around.

Japan quake live blog: Crew abandons control room at nuclear plant

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Afghan war isn’t worth fighting

Cue scary "bin Laden" tape

Is the Japan disaster being downplayed to save the US stock market?

Chernobyl clean-up expert slams Japan, IAEA

Greed in the nuclear industry and corporate influence over the U.N. watchdog for atomic energy may doom Japan to a spreading nuclear disaster, one of the men brought in to clean up Chernobyl said on Tuesday.

Slamming the Japanese response at Fukushima, Russian nuclear accident specialist Iouli Andreev accused corporations and the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of willfully ignoring lessons from the world's worst nuclear accident 25 years ago to protect the industry's expansion.

Leaked cable: Japanese lawmaker pointed to cover-up of nuclear accidents

As engineers and scientists struggle to control six Japanese nuclear reactors, three of which are in near-meltdown status, the world watches with horror.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Government and corporate secrecy are a threat to all life on Earth.


Radiation Level Soar As Radio Active Winds Sweep Toward Tokyo

It is now openly admitted that radio activity has reached dangerous levels in the area. There is now a 20 mile diameter perimeter (HIGH-RAD- AREA) established around the Fukushima reactor.

Local weather patterns are reported to have now changed course to a southerly direction sweeping nuclear winds toward Tokyo as locals fear radiation poisoning.

Moscow has reported a spike in sales of gieger counters and iodine pills are reportedly hard to get as prices rise.

Thank You, Mr. Science

After I wrote here on Saturday – not to minimize the tragedy nor the nightmare of Japan and particularly the psychologically destabilizing crises at the various atomic energy facilities there – but that this was the death knell of American Nuclear Power, I actually got two snarky, condescending tweets.

One chided me for being a ‘typical liberal who tried to turn tragedy into politics.’ The other dismissed our risk of something similar to the fact that ‘flyover country was safe from earthquakes and tsunamis so cares about the coasts?’

Naomi Klein: "Shock Doctrine" Unleashed by Right-Wingers in Wisconsin and Throughout the Country

As a wave of anti-union bills are introduced across the country in the wake of the Great Recession, many analysts are picking up on the theory that award-winning journalist and author Naomi Klein first argued in her bestselling book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. In it, she reveals how those in power use times of crisis to push through undemocratic, radical, free market economic policies.


In 2003, U.S. Spurned Iran's Offer of Dialogue

Just after the lightning takeover of Baghdad by U.S. forces three years ago, an unusual two-page document spewed out of a fax machine at the Near East bureau of the State Department. It was a proposal from Iran for a broad dialogue with the United States, and the fax suggested everything was on the table -- including full cooperation on nuclear programs, acceptance of Israel and the termination of Iranian support for Palestinian militant groups.

But top Bush administration officials, convinced the Iranian government was on the verge of collapse, belittled the initiative.


Shortwave radio broadcast from NHK WORLD / Radio Japan this morning 05 UTC Tuesday 15 March.

During first 15 minutes...

Explosion at Fukushima #2 reactor, #1 plant 06:10 JT Tuesday 15 March.

Suppression Pool Breached - Fuel rods exposed to half their length

Radioactivity leaking

400 Milli Sieverts / Hour = 400.000 Micro Sieverts / Hour
(White blood corpuscles at risk at this level)

Normal NATURAL yearly dose is 100 Milli Sieverts or 100,000 Micro Sieverts / YEAR(!).

Northerly winds, i.e. blowing southward toward Tokyo at 15 kmh.

Workshy to be forced to clean up the streets in bid to get them into good habits

Chris Grayling: Is worried by people 'losing focus' in their search for a job
Workshy benefit claimants will be forced to do compulsory work in exchange for welfare under radical rules imposed in Parliament today.

The unemployed could be instructed to do ‘Mandatory Work Activity’ under a controversial new programme outlined by Work and Pensions Minister Chris Grayling.

Candidates will only be referred for a compulsory work placement if a Jobcentre Plus adviser believes they are deliberately avoiding trying to get a job or would benefit from getting into the ‘habits and routines’ of getting up every morning.

NEW DETAILS - SEC Employees Watching Porn At Work Were Making Over $200K Per Year

They were 'counselled and disciplined for accessing pornography', but not one was sacked, according to the lawyer who exposed their behaviour.

Censored reports of workers deserting Fukushima?

Translation of Italian live report: Correspondent:

Possibly The Last Time To Get Out Of The Dollar

Simon Black Sovereign Man

It's no secret that the United States government owes a pretty penny to foreigners. Certainly, what America owes to foreigners pales in comparison to what it owes to Ben Bernanke... but still, $4.45 trillion is no small number, even in these crazy times when terms like "kajillion bajillion" are more appropriate to quantify debt and entitlements...

Japanese PM says blast at stricken plant causes radiation leak, radiation detected in Tokyo

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Tuesday that radioactive levels have become high around an earthquake-stricken nuclear power plant following a hydrogen explosion at the site and there was a high risk of radiation leaking into the atmosphere.

In a nationally televised address to the public, the prime minister urged people within 30 kilometers of the facility, located about 220 kilometers north of Tokyo, to remain indoors, not to collect washings hanging outside and to switch off air- conditioners to avoid air exchange with airborne radioactive substances.

Welcome to the New Fascist Feudal System: Take It or Leave It – Slavery or Starvation!

By Neil Foster – The Sovereign Independent -
The article below from The Dail Mail is nothing more than a sound bite to those lucky enough to still have a job which still pays for their standard of living at present.

Lehman Probe Stalls; Chance of No Charges

The U.S. government's investigation into the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. has hit daunting hurdles that could result in no civil or criminal charges ever being filed against the company's former executives, people familiar with the situation said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"But if you ever DARE talk back to the TSA guy fondling your daughter, you WILL GO TO JAIL!!!!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Scott Walker's real agenda in Wisconsin

The Republican governor's budget plan would open the state up to a corporate asset-grab not seen since robber baron capitalism

Brutal attacks' alleged in Bahrain - AJ English

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! http://whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz1Gk51nfin

EVIDENCE Nerve gas used on Bahrain protesters - YT Censorship underway

Running battle with YT censorship underway. Watch this while you can.

WI Repub lives outside district with mistress, says wife

Protesters who marched at the home of Wisconsin state senator Randy Hopper (R-Fond du Lac) were met with something of a surprise on Saturday. Mrs. Hopper appeared at the door and informed them that Sen. Hopper was no longer in residence at this address, but now lives in Madison, WI with his 25-year-old mistress.

Another false-flag to make Israel look good and Iran look bad.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Fool me once ... I KILL you! :) (Apologies to Jeff Dunham)

Portugal protests: Revolt of the Generations

Portuguese society took to the streets in eleven cities on Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of thousands of people of all ages and political leanings came together to send a clear message to Portugal's political class to start implementing policies which create a future for the country's youth. How many all over Europe are feeling the same frustration?

30km no-fly zone over Fukushima, meltdown fears as radiation leak confirmed

TSA Cooked The Books For Years On Costs, Federal Vs Private Screening

March 14, 2011 – The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a letter to Transportation Committee Chairman John L. Mica (R-FL) that confirms the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has used faulty data and withheld information when evaluating and comparing the costs of the all-federal screening model and an alternative federal-private screening program.


Remember the hate on the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv? Well… it’s now also in the streets of Brooklyn.

YouTube can remove the truth about hate from its site…. but not from reality.

Martial law declared in Bahrain

Following the deployment of armed mercenaries, confirmed use of nerve gas, and the compliance by al-Khalifa to allow Saudi and GCC troops and tanks to enter Bahrain in order to supposedly restore order, the Bahraini government has declared Martial law.


Hiding in the cemetery where her parents are buried, Hakma al-Turi, an Israeli citizen, has watched bulldozers demolish her village — al-Araqib — more than 20 times. The Israel Land Administration first demolished the 45 structures on this patch of land in the Negev desert eight months ago. When the 300 Israeli Bedouin who lived here defiantly rebuilt tarp-covered shacks, the Israel Land Administration demolished them again and again, the last time on March 7.


Mega Bear Chart - Nikkei Vs. Dow Collapse

Huge chart at the bottom of the text...

WI Unions Will Destroy Walker-Loving Bank By Pulling $1 Billion

M&I Bank is Wisconsin’s biggest, and it gave a ton of money to union-busting kochsucker Scott Walker. Now the unions are targeting both M&I and the Canadian banking giant in the process of acquiring it. A couple of firemen stomped in on Saturday and withdrew $192,000 on Saturday, in the branch across from the state capitol, and now the WI unions are deciding how to best leverage the $1 billion in pension funds held by the Walker-lovin’ bank.

Webmaster's Commentary:

With the Japan reactor scare being the straw that broke the already-weak Wall Street back, who will notice?

'US to lose Fifth Fleet in a few weeks'

The United States will lose its Fifth Fleet base in Bahrain in a few weeks following its support for the embattled monarchy in Manama, a political analyst in Middle East affairs says.

REVEALED: Timeline Of Insider Trading Case Against Goldman Sachs Director

Rajat Gupta - Bigger Than Madoff?

This is disgusting, and beyond blatant...

America on radiation alert: Japan faces world's worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl as experts warn fallout may reach U.S.

Fears that America could be hit by the nuclear fallout from the Japan earthquake have dramatically increased as workers prepared to abandon a reactor crippled by the earthquake and tsunami last night in the face of what is set to become the world's second worst nuclear disaster - topped only by Chernobyl.

Damage at the number two reactor at the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power complex is worse than thought, the Japanese government admitted tonight, sparking fears for human health both in Japan and the U.S.

Potassium Iodide Works: Rare Agreement Between Alternative Health and the FDA

Brandon Turbeville Activist Post

With the tragedy in Japan continuing to unfold as we speak, most news coverage has focused on the death toll resulting from the earthquake and tsunami. Some coverage has also been given to the meltdown of the Japanese nuclear reactors. However, there has been very little discussion in the mainstream media of the attempted cover-up of problems at seventeen reactors that malfunctioned in 2003, or that the radioactive particles from the latest full-blown catastrophe could soon be reaching the western United States as early as March 25th.

crash!!!!! Rule 48 Invoked

Webmaster's Commentary: Rule 48 halts the requirement for market makers to send pre-opening indications, or bid and ask prices created in auctions used to determine a stock’s opening price. The regulation is used only when the “potential for extremely high market-wide volatility would likely impair floor-wide operations at the exchange,” NYSE Euronext said.

A new academic paper by economists from MIT and the NY Fed proves that credit markets were NOT "frozen" during the crisis

The Unbearable Lightness Of TARP Reporting

Not so fast Czar Zimbabwe and MSM sycophants. FED whitewash exposed.

Norwegian union votes to support Israel boycott

-The congress of the Electrician and IT workers union in Norway unanimously voted in favor of a resolution calling for boycott of Israeli goods, a ban on Norwegian arms trade with the Israeli military, and end to all research cooperation.

Norway's Network One news said in a report that union members also urged the country to push for international sanctions against Israel through the UN.

Germany shutting down seven nuclear reactors

Germany announced Tuesday it would temporary shut down the oldest seven of its 17 nuclear reactors pending a safety review in light of Japan's atomic emergency.

Watch Live Geiger Counter From Tokyo - Live Stream NHK TV From Japan

Radiation levels in Saitama near Tokyo 40 times normal levels.

Kyodo quoting local government.


Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! http://whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz1Gk3APYMA

Powerful quake hits Shizuoka

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.0 jolted central Japan on Tuesday night.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This quake struck just to the west of Mt. Fuji. Will life imitate Akira Kurosawa's art?

China US bond purchases decline for 3rd month

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - China's holding's of US debt fell for the third month in January, while buying from Japan and Britain picked up, the Treasury Department said Tuesday.

Chinese holdings of Treasury securities fell $5.4 billion, or less than half a percent, to $1.15 trillion in January from December...


An Asian worker is suspected of the murder of the Fogel family, a settler family from Itamar settlement near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, according to Palestinian press sources.

Quds Net news quoted local residents from the area that he was infuriated with an Israeli settler for not paying him his wages carried out the killing of the settler’s family in Itamar, Palestinian press sources reported.

Quds Net news agency on Monday quoted a Palestinian family from Awarta village next to the settlement as saying that Mr. Fogel refused to pay 10,000 shekels in wages which he owed an Asian worker he hired. The worker threatened to kill the settler and his family.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is the murder that Netanyahu used to justify authorizing the stealing of more Palestinian lands, even though there was no evidence that a Palestinian had committed the crime. Now the truth seems to be coming out, although official ignored by Israel which can never admit error. The Settler family stiffed the Asian worker on wages they owed him, a chronic problem in Israel. The Asian worker was, naturally, very angry. That was the motive for the murder. But Israel's government really does not care about the actual facts or who really killed the Settler family. To Israel, it is just another event to be blamed on Palestinians, and taken advantage of to justify more land theft.

Second nuclear plant blast - VIDEO AT LINK

Webmaster's Commentary:

The news keeps repeating that this is a Hydrogen explosion. But Hydrogen, when it burns, burns with a clear blue flame, almost invisible. Note the orange flash at the moment of the blast. Hydrogen, when it burns, produces water vapor, or steam. The combustion products emerging from the ruined reactor do not look like a steam blast. Burning hydrogen is not high-velocity, so pulverized concrete does not account for the color. As a side note, burned Plutonium, Pu4+, is yellow brown.

Gaddafi forces rout rebels in eastern Libya

Rebels driven out of town of Brega under heavy bombardment as pro-regime forces advance towards Benghazi


In Palestine, in the attack on the aid flotilla, and now with Israel's mercenaries in Libya, Israel shows its true face to the world. The nation once claimed to be the only Democracy in the Middle East is now working to crush Democracy everywhere across the globe through covert action, subversion, and outright intervention; to bring the world into a global dictatorship to serve the hellish doctrine that one group of people has a God-given right to all of life's blessings and everyone else should be forced to live on the scraps that drop from Israel's table.

We see Israel for what it truly is.

Do not let Israel get away with hiding behind the tragedy of the quake and tsunami, Please link the above video everywhere it being reported that Qaddafi is defeating the Democracy movement in Libya, because Qaddafi isn't doing it; Israel is, and Qaddafi in the aftermath will be as much a slave to Israel as the US Government.

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! http://whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz1Gk1o0Hq5

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.

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