The US and UK are also scared to death the new Libyan gov will get their hands on the missiles they sold Gadaffi.
Odious debt In international law;
Odious debt is a legal theory which holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation, such as wars of aggression, should not be enforceable. Such debts are thus considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that [are] incurred [by]them and not debts of the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion.
Holiday giants are imposing fuel surcharges that could add £160 to the price of a family sunshine break in response to soaring oil prices.
Lawmakers and residents engaged in heated debate Tuesday over a bill that would make random airport security pat-downs and body scans criminal in New Hampshire.
The bill (HB628-FN) "makes the touching or viewing with a technological device of a person’s breasts or genitals by a government security agent without probable cause a sexual assault," according to the introductory text of the bill.
"Let's put their name on the sex offender registry, and maybe that will tell them New Hampshire means business," said bill co-sponsor Rep. Andrew Manuse, R-Derry.
As America's middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades -- against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News -- fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canada regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada's right wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.
It seems that even in the case of a completely ice-free summer with the sun shining down onto an unprotected Arctic Ocean 24 hours a day (as it does in summer time up there), the heat absorbed by the sea would not be enough to permanently remove the ice cap. It would recover, in fact, within two years: there is no tipping point.
As the great global warming scare continues to crumble, attention focuses on all those groups that have a huge interest in keeping it alive. Governments look on it as an excuse to raise billions of pounds in taxes. Wind farm developers make fortunes from the hidden subsidies we pay through our electricity bills. A vast academic industry receives more billions for concocting the bogus science that underpins the scare. Carbon traders hope to make billions from corrupt schemes based on buying and selling the right to emit CO2. But no financial interest stands to make more from exaggerating the risks of climate change than the re-insurance industry, which charges retail insurers for “catastrophe cover”, paid for by all of us through our premiums.
European customs officers have been ordered to seize shipments of Playstation 3s after LG won a preliminary injunction against Sony in an acrimonious patent battle between the two Asian electronics giants. The ruling by the civil court of justice in the Hague means that all new PS3s have to be confiscated as they are imported into the UK and the rest of Europe for at least 10 days. If the injunction was extended it could mean consoles disappearing from high street shelves.
from the CIA's Washington Post today:
"The California nonprofit organization that operates the Internet's levers has always been a target for such global heavies as Russia and China that prefer the United Nations to be in charge of the Web. But these days, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is fending off attacks from a seemingly unlikely source: the Obama administration."
AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States is likely to hit its $14.29 trillion debt limit a little later than expected, the US Treasury said Tuesday, as lawmakers worked to avert a government shutdown...
"I won't pay" movement spreads across Greece ... They blockade highway toll booths to give drivers free passage. They cover subway ticket machines with plastic bags so commuters can't pay. Even doctors are joining in, preventing patients from paying fees at state hospitals. Some call it civil disobedience. Others a freeloading spirit. Either way, Greece's "I Won't Pay" movement has sparked heated debate in a nation reeling from a debt crisis that's forced the government to take drastic austerity measures – including higher taxes, wage and pension cuts, and price spikes in public services. –
The FRANKLIN SCANDAL is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who used Boys Town as a pedophiliac reservoir, had access to the highest levels of our government, the White House and connections to the CIA. The Cynthia McKinney video of Rumsfeld below is just part of it. These are the same people that work for TSA.
As in every US operation in the region, the driving forces are twofold: a grab for the resources of one of the major oil-producing countries and the pursuit of the broader strategic interests of American imperialism in the Middle East and North Africa. Imperialist military forces on the ground in Libya would be in a position to influence the future course of events in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, all now in turmoil, as well as across the Sahara in Sudan, Chad, Niger and Nigeria.
This ten minute video does not pit the government union people against the private sector people.. This is a good one.
Speaking of Military Coup's...
Ian Fletcher Activist Post
It is sometimes argued that although free trade has some victims, its benefits exceed its costs, so it is possible for its winners to compensate its losers out of their gains, everyone thereby coming out ahead in the end.
This is, in fact, the usual fallback position of mainstream economists once they admit that free trade has drawbacks. (They don't usually admit to civilians there are drawbacks, but press them even moderately hard and they'll usually 'fess up.)
It is sometimes even mischievously argued that if such compensation doesn't happen, any problems are due to society's failure to arrange it, and are therefore not the fault of free trade per se.
But - as Rasmussen notes - Americans are strongly opposed to military or other types of intervention:
As with the recent turmoil in Egypt, most Americans (67%) say the United States should leave the situation in the Arab countries alone. Just 17% say the United States should get more directly involved in the political situation there, but another 17% are not sure
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claims U.S. criticism of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has a clear aim: military invasion.
"Let's not get carried away by the drums of war, because the United States, I am sure that they are exaggerating and distorting things to justify an invasion," Chavez said Monday, according to Venezuelan state media.
as Rasmussen notes - Americans are strongly opposed to military or other types of intervention:
As with the recent turmoil in Egypt, most Americans (67%) say the United States should leave the situation in the Arab countries alone. Just 17% say the United States should get more directly involved in the political situation there, but another 17% are not sure.
As bad as Gaddafi is, it seems the U.S., by pushing out talking memos of false intel to the controlled AIPAC/Gates U.S. media, is trying to demonize Gaddafi along the same lines as the false incubator baby PR scam imposed on Saddam to foment hatred and justification for a U.S. led invasion of Iraq.
The ongoing case of Raymond Davis, the CIA contractor facing murder charges in Lahore for the execution-style slaying of two apparent agents of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, is apparently leading to a roll-back of America’s espionage and Special Operations activities in Pakistan.
A few days ago, Pakistan’s Interior Department, which is reportedly conducting a careful review of the hundreds of private contractors who flooded into Pakistan over the last two years, many with “diplomatic passports,” and many others, like Davis, linked to shady “security” firms, arrested an American security contractor named Aaron DeHaven, a Virginia native who claims to work for a company called Catalyst Services LLC.
The vast majority of Americans do not want their sons and daughters dying in yet another war for oil and Israel, and neither side in Libya wants the US there. So of course Obama sends in the Marines!
The Middle East is erupting in a frenzy of chaos. The locals want to rid themselves of corrupt ruthless dictators, some of whom have been abetted and supported by the USA for decades by means of foreign aide and military protection.
The USA wants their oil, thus wants "stability" in the region -- but the locals want the USA to stop interfering in their affairs because the only ones profiting from the oil are the corrupt ruthless dictators. What goes around, comes around.
In recent days, there has been a call on Internet social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) for a Day of Rage on March 11 all over Saudi Arabia. If this event takes place with a significant number of participants, it will be a major turning point in human history.
Speculations by political experts suggest Azerbaijan could be the next Muslim-majority nation to voice grievances against the US-backed government in Baku.
From Red Ice Radio: We have member of the Icelandic Parliament Birgitta Jonsdottir with us from "the movement" to talk about the financial warfare that has been taking place against the people of Iceland since the Lehman Brothers-AIG world financial panic in September-October 2008. The governments of London, the Hague and the EU with the backing of the IMF is at the heart of this financial blackmail.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Supreme Court Monday ruled that corporations do not enjoy the same rights to privacy as individuals, rejecting claims by AT&T that it should not have to disclose some emails and other documents.
In a unanimous 8-0 decision, the court ruled that the "personal" exception to the Freedom of Information Act, did not apply to corporations, despite being labeled as "persons" under the law. A ninth justice, Elena Kagan, rescused herself from the case.
Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which has governed the nation's affairs since the 11 February ouster of longstanding president Hosni Mubarak, is currently in talks with Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq to discuss the possible replacement of 12 provincial governors, an official military source said on Tuesday.
Bahrain--Eyewitnesses have reported seeing an estimated 30 tanks being transported into Bahrain from Saudi Arabia on Monday night at around 6:45pm local time. The tanks were sighted along the King Fahd causeway, which links the small island-nation of Bahrain to Saudi Arabia.
Commuters traveling along the 25-km causeway were held up due to the presence of “15 tank carriers carrying two tanks each heading towards Bahrain.” Civilian eyewitnesses could not, however, confirm whether the tanks belonged to the Saudi military.
The presence of Saudi military hardware in Bahrain is considered highly unusual.
MADISON, Wis. -- A Dane County judge has ordered Wisconsin officials to open the Capitol to all members of the public during normal business hours.
According to court records, Judge Daniel Moeser has issued a temporary restraining order to reopen the Capitol until a trial court can schedule a hearing. The order says the building must be open to the public during business hours and when "governmental matters, such as hearings, listening sessions, or court arguments are being conducted."
Tweets from reality:
Gov. Walker defies court order. Capitol remains closed. Hearing at 2:15. Advise anyone in Madison to get to Capitol grounds ASAP!
This is the first of many New World Order Reports that we will be releasing.
How is Israel involved in this so called New World Order? Who started eugenics?
WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US warship with hundreds of Marines on board headed towards Libya on Tuesday, defense officials said, as US and European allies sought to pile pressure on embattled leader Moamer Khadafi.
The USS Kearsarge, an amphibious assault ship accompanied by two other naval vessels, was expected to pass through the Suez Canal soon from the Red Sea, two officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya would first require bombing the north African nation's air defense systems, top US commander General James Mattis warned Tuesday. A no-fly zone would require removing "the air defense capability first," Mattis, the head of Central Command, told a Senate hearing.
The activity has garnered national attention and researchers are studying whether there's a possible connection to the region's natural gas drilling industry.
With Democracy breaking out in the Middle East as the 21st Century Facebook Generation of Arab youth topple the 20th Century dictators, American foreign policy in the Middle East is being led by its tail to the future forcing U.S. Think Tanks into hyperdrive.
As it once stood, the argument that Israel is the only free democracy in the region as the cause celeb for our billions in yearly support is becoming a 21st century non-starter.
In fact, A Veterans Today informal phone poll shows that 76% of American Citizens no longer support financial aid to Israel.
Litigation and regulatory actions tied to Goldman Sach's selling of mortgage-backed securities could cost the investment bank an additional $3.4 billion in legal expenses, Goldman's said in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing this week.
The $3.4 billion is a "worst-case scenario" projection and does not reflect the true risk Goldman faces, but rather what could happen if the firm lands on the losing end of all litigation, a spokesman for the firm said.
Goldman landed in the firing line of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission when the group investigated the causes of the 2008 financial meltdown.
The commission weighed heavily into Goldman Sachs for allegedly pushing subprime mortgage-backed securities while simultaneously shorting the same instruments.
The US says Raymond Davis should have immunity in Pakistan. Just another attempt to flout the rule of law outside its borders.
But one thing I can state for certain: Davis (as we will call him for now) is not a diplomat and does not possess diplomatic immunity. There is some doubt as to who he really is, with the charges against him in Pakistan including one that he obtained documents using a false identity.
Watching Barack Obama's presidency has been a stream of bitter disappointments. His endorsement of Davis as "our diplomat" and invocation of the Vienna convention on diplomatic relations was, in its sheer dishonesty, as sad an Obama moment as any.
Despite overwhelming evidence of genocide and knowledge as to its perpetrators, United States officials decided against taking a leading role in confronting the slaughter in Rwanda. Rather, US officials confined themselves to public statements, diplomatic demarches, initiatives for a ceasefire, and attempts to contact both the interim government perpetrating the killing and the RPF. The US did use its influence, however, at the United Nations, but did so to discourage a robust UN response.
Egyptians want it. So do Palestinians, Arabs throughout the region, protesting East and West Europeans, others across the world, and growing numbers in America, especially in Wisconsin - ground zero to save organized labor.
At issue is freedom v. tyranny, what Aaron Russo's 2006 film called "Freedom to Fascism," identifying America's money system as inimical to liberty and justice for all. Along with American-style corporatism, it lets banking giants control money, credit and debt for private self-enrichment, colluding with government for laws favoring them, as well as others destroying democratic principles, fast eroding and disappearing throughout the country.
A NATO airstrike in Kunar province that may have caused as many as 67 civilian casualties has led to renewed tensions between the Afghan government and the U.S. forces. The dispute has been further aggravated by what many saw as offensive remarks by military officials suggesting that Afghan parents may have harmed their own children to inflate the figures.
NATO has denied that civilians were injured in the Ghazi Abad district of Kunar, and insists that their operational footage indicates that only insurgents were in the area.
GlobalPost has learned that U.S. military officials detained two Al Jazeera journalists who were covering the incident, temporarily confiscated their equipment and, according to the journalists, subjected them to humiliating treatment and lengthy interrogations.
The ancient water provision technology can be described as the greatest contribution made by Iranians to hydraulics. This system must have been started at least 5000 years ago in Iran.
You could see that when Television host Bill Maher pressed Taibbi to name the biggest Wall Street crooks, on his weekly political comedy show, he didn’t fully understand what we are really up again.
Here are ten factors that help explain the procrastination and rationalization for inaction. The government is not just to blame either. Several industries working together, through their firms and associations, associates, and well-paid operatives, collaborated over years to financialize the economy to their own benefit.
When financial institutions and services became the dominant economic sector, they, effectively, took over the political system to fortify their power. It was a done incrementally, over years, with savvy, foresight and malice.
The call reportedly arrived from Cairo. Pizza for the protesters, the voice said. It was Saturday, February 20, and by then Ian's Pizza on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin, was overwhelmed. One employee had been assigned the sole task of answering the phone and taking down orders. And in they came, from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, from Morocco, Haiti, Turkey, Belgium, Uganda, China, New Zealand, and even a research station in Antarctica. More than 50 countries around the globe. Ian's couldn't make pizza fast enough, and the generosity of distant strangers with credit cards was paying for it all.
Tariq Ramadan speaking at the sold-out IQ2 event "Turmoil in the Arab world: is the genie of democracy out of the bottle?" at the Royal Geographical Society on 24th February 2011. Full video will be available soon at the address above.
Event information: Is democracy dawning in the Arab world? Or does the fall of Mubarak signal the start of military rule? Do the uprisings in North Africa mark the end of Arab authoritarianism? Or are they merely revolving doors for the next autocracy? Could.... or should... Western governments intervene to help push the democratic agenda?
These are some of the big questions that will be debated and discussed by a distinguished panel of experts at this Tuesday's Intelligence Squared debate.
he United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over.
According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces in several adjoining areas.
A Libyan official who requested not to be identified said that the U.S. and British military gurus were sent on February 23 and 24 night through American and French warships and small naval boats off Libyan ports of Benghazi and Tobruk.
Sherman's famous speech from the House floor...
Running time is 1 minute.
Only half the ambulances available were sent to help victims of the 7/7 bombings, the inquest into the attacks has heard. London Ambulance Service (LAS) also held back crews stationed near the scenes of the atrocities, meaning the injured had to be treated by paramedics who travelled in from outside the capital, the hearing was told.
There were 201 rostered ambulances available to LAS controllers on July 7 2005, but only 101 were deployed to the sites of the terrorist attacks on three Tube trains and a bus.
It was all about saving General Electric, whose CEO Jeff Immelt was on the board of the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
The United States has demanded the United Nations Security Council to remove the provisions of charging mercenaries with war crimes in the killing of Libyan civilians.
Those mortgage-backed securities with multiply-assigned mortgages ARE the "Toxic Assets" Congress was screaming about when they forced the Troubled
Asset Relief Program through Congress in the fall of 2008, despite overwhelming public opposition.
The mortgage bundlers had stuck key financial institutions with fraudulent mortgage-backed securities, and Congress voted to loot the public
to purchase the useless paper and hide it from public scrutiny. Why? Because the members of the US Congress had their own fortunes invested in those
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The banks were being driven into insolvency making good on the bad paper and this is what triggered the epidemic of fraudulent foreclosures. Banks needed real assets on their balance sheets as quickly as they could to get their balance in the black and their banks out of insolvency. So shortcuts were taken which became known as "foreclosuregate". For some banks, it was too late. Hundreds of banks either dragged down by the fraudulent mortgage securities or made insolvent buying back the bad paper, have been shut down. For other major banks and financial institutions, the tactic worked and they stayed afloat, for which making millions of Americans homeless seemed a small price to pay!
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In one of the least-noticed stories of the week, the U.S.-backed government of Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq has resorted to imprisoning 300 journalists, intellectuals and lawyers in order to stop ongoing protests, according to a well-reported Washington Post dispatch from Baghdad.
The Post story reports that about 30 people have been killed -- at least some of them gunned down by government forces seeking to disperse protests. And the imprisoned dissidents are not being treated humanely, according to one journalist who was detained:
The U.S State Department's website says:
Economic conspiracy theories are often based on the false, but popular, idea that powerful individuals are motivated overwhelmingly by their desire for wealth, rather than the wide variety of human motivations we all experience.
Webmaster's Commentary:

Now the US Government is trying to save the Wall Street bankers by claiming the financial crash was caused by Osama bin laden! Yet we have Alan Greenspan on video admitting to the fraud and criminality.
U.S. commanders in Afghanistan are looking to their own country's heavily monitored border with Mexico as part of efforts to stem the flow of Taliban fighters crossing from Pakistan to wage a growing insurgency.
U.S. forces say they are considering employing sensors and radar systems of the kind used on the U.S.-Mexico border to control the insurgent "rat lines" (escape routes) straddling Afghanistan's porous 2,430-kilometre (1,510-mile) border with Pakistan.
The Game is so over for American imperialism and Middle East oppression and with that defeat will come the discovery of its epicenter ~ the Big Lie of the 9/11 cover up and its utilization as a justification for the War on Terror which has now led back to ourselves as the obvious rogue state of global imperialistic designs and terror: Allen L Roland we some of the dangerous free speech chalked onto the slate with surprising revelations...

China's holdings of US bonds reached $1.16 trillion at the end of December, almost $270 billion more than previously estimated, new data showed Monday.
Beijing, which has converted much of a huge trade surplus with the United States over the past two decades into buying up US treasuries and other securities, held 26.1 percent of the total of $4.44 trillion held by foreigners, the Treasury said.
The figures came as the US government recalculated its data on foreign holdings of US securities from June 2010.
So Ferguson, in a Feb. 4 ruling, ordered James Crocco, Sparks's lawyer, to hire another lawyer to summon Sparks to a meeting without telling her what the meeting was about.
All three countries have veto powers in the Security Council, so their approval is needed for a UN-mandated no-fly zone.
Iran has officially voiced its objection to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) over the logo of the 2012 London Olympics, condemning it as “racist.”
In an official letter to the IOC signed by Secretary General of the National Iranian Olympic Committee Bahram Afsharzadeh as well as its Director Mohammad Aliabadi, Iran complained that the logo is “racist” as it features the word "Zion."
Yemen's embattled U.S.-backed president accused Washington on Tuesday of instigating protests against his regime, as hundreds of thousands marched in cities across Yemen in the largest rallies yet seeking the longtime ruler's ouster.
President Ali Abdullah Saleh's allegations, unprecedented in their harshness, signaled a growing rift with the United States that could hurt a joint campaign against the al-Qaida terror network in Yemen.
Avraham Foxman has one again proven to the world that he is totally out of his mind. Is it now forbidden to rant against a Jew, or worse yet refer to him by his given name…. according to Foxman, yes it is. Jews are a special species that will be known from now on as ‘The Untouchables”. Charlie Sheen was recently added to Foxman’s ‘Most Wanted List’ for daring to treat a Jew like anyone else…. UNFORGIVEABLE!
Sheil Dawani is considered a foreigner, having been born in Nablus, while the Anglican cathedral and offices are in East Jerusalem. Without a visa, in theory he can be arrested and deported at any time. Appeal already submitted to an administrative tribunal could have the negative effect of giving reason to the government.
China's holdings of US bonds reached $1.16 trillion at the end of December, almost $270 billion more than previously estimated, new data showed Monday.
Before I started writing this column on why paychecks are likely to keep shrinking even if unemployment starts to inch down, I consulted Google to see if the term Marxism was trending upward. It was and has been ever since the end of December, the conclusion of a year in which workers' share of the U.S. economic pie shrank to the smallest piece ever: 54.4% of GDP, down from about 60% in the 1970s.
British, French and American Forces are already in Libya supporting rebel forces, according to PressTV, and many other media outlets are reporting the preparedness of the US et al to intervene.
Are we being fed another Saddam Hussein the Bogeyman story?
Video - Ferguson with scumbag Wall Street loving Charlie Rose
The woman who cried wolf...
Once the fourth-largest metropolis in America—some have called it the Death of the American Dream. Today, the young people of the Motor City are making it their own DIY paradise where rules are second to passion and creativity. They are creating the new Detroit on their own terms, against real adversity. We put our boots on and went exploring.
President Barack Obama’s commitment to the development of democracy in the Middle East should not be judged by his rhetoric about new governments in Egypt or Libya, but rather by his shameful veto of a UN Security Council resolution asking Israel to freeze settlement building on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem.
Israeli Ynet reports today that IDF Spokesperson assumed false name to avoid arrest for 'war crimes' in Britain. In an interview with the British magazine Defense News, IDF Spokesperson Avi Benayahu revealed he had recently flown to Britain using a pseudonym so as to avoid getting arrested and investigated for war crimes.
AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday warned "sustained rises" in oil prices could potentially threaten US growth and spark dangerous price rises, as he eyed the turmoil in the Middle East...
The column by the Times’s Public Editor, Arthur Brisbane, on the case of Raymond Davis—the man who reportedly had some connection to the C.I.A. and is now in Pakistani custody after killing two men who, he has said, he thought were thieves—is genuinely puzzling. The Times reported last week that it had kept silent about Davis’s C.I.A. connection. Brisbane attempted to explain why.
There must be no US or British intervention in Libya: the future of Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen must be determined by the people of those countries alone.
Editor's Note: My eyes are burning from this smoke screen.
source Bill Gertz --The Washington Times
Evidence outlined in a Pentagon contractor report suggests that financial subversion carried out by unknown parties, such as terrorists or hostile nations, contributed to the 2008 economic crash by covertly using vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system...

What a waste of video tape! You think we didn't already know it?
Jonathan Benson Natural News
When the upswing in commodity prices eventually makes its way throughout the food system in mid-to-late 2011, food prices are sure to spike with levels potentially reaching those of 2008, announced U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) economist Ephraim Leibtag at the agency's annual Outlook Forum. And if conditions escalate rapidly, there is also the potential for food riots and other civil unrest...
Embedded video will not play on WRH. Please click above link to see original video at Press TV.
Child trafficking and exploitation in the United States have become a booming industry for the wealthy at the cost of victimizing a huge number of many teenagers and even children.
Glenn Greenwald Salon
Last April, the DOJ served a subpoena on New York Times reporter James Risen, demanding to know his source for a story he published in his 2006 book regarding a "reckless" and horribly botched CIA effort to infiltrate Iran's nuclear program. That subpoena had originally been served but was then abandoned by the Bush DOJ, but its revitalization by the Obama administration was but one of many steps taken to dramatically expand the war on whistleblowers being waged by the current President, who ran on a platform of "protecting whistleblowers":
Bialik-Rogozin school, whose student body comprises refugees and immigrants to Israel, was the subject of Academy Award-winning documentary 'Strangers No More.'
The IRS announced yesterday (IR-2011-21) that it is holding more than $1.1 billion in tax refunds averaging $640 for 1.1 million people who did not file a federal income tax return for 2007. To collect the money, a 2007 return must be filed by April 18, 2011.
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – He didn't seek the spotlight, but when Frank Buckles outlived every other American who'd served in World War I, he became what his biographer called "the humble patriot" and final torchbearer for the memory of that fading conflict.
Buckles enlisted in World War I at 16 after lying about his age. He died Sunday on his farm in Charles Town, nearly a month after his 110th birthday. He had devoted the last years of his life to campaigning for greater recognition for his former comrades, prodding politicians to support a national memorial in Washington and working with friend and family spokesman David DeJonge on a biography.
This asshole thinks it's all a big joke that Libyan people are dying in the streets!
India is awaiting a reply from Pakistan on its request to send a team there to question some suspects in the Mumbai terror attack case before it decides on allowing a commission from Islamabad, Home Minister P Chidambaram said today.
US Special Forces have reportedly landed in Libya to train anti-Gaddafi rebels as a western-backed coup d’état in the oil-rich nation nears, with British and French “defense advisors” also arriving to set up training bases in the rebel-controlled eastern region of the country.
The U.S. and the E.U. now seek to capitalize on the revolt against Qaddafi and his dictatorship with the hopes of building a far stronger position in Libya than ever before. Weapons are also being brought into Libya from its southern borders to promote revolt. The destabilization of Libya would also have significant implications for North Africa, West Africa, and global energy reserves.
Millimeter-wave and BackScatter body scanners have failed miserably in detecting dangerous weapons; an undercover TSA agent successfully passed through security multiple times with a handgun. Adam Savage from Mythbusters came out and said the “TSA x-rayed my junk, but they missed 12-inch razor blades in my coat”.
The Millimeter-wave scanner can (supposedly) detect metal objects but is incapable of detecting plastics or liquid objects. The BackScatter can detect metal objects and some plastics but both are only capable of seeing through clothing and not folds of skin. This new scanner is a hospital-grade full-body scanner, the same method used for bone fractures and mammograms.
Webmaster's Commentary:
"Coffee, tea, or cancer!"

The US Government insists these scanners are safe, but then this is the same government that insisted shoe-store fluoroscopes (seen above) were safe in the 1940s and 1950s. The US Surgeon General actually created educational films promoting the use of these machines for proper foot health.
Produced under the supervision of the US Surgeon General, this short film shows how to check the fit of shoes using the in-store x-ray machines which were common at the time. Then in the 1960s, shoe store salesmen started dying of cancer. Yet it still took the government until 1981 to remove all the fluoroscopes from US shoe stores. (One such machine is shown in the 1967 Michael Caine film, "Billion Dollar Brain") So what will happen when operators and travelers start getting cancer from X-rays blasting all the way through their bodies? Will the government pay the medical costs? Or will the government declare by imperial fiat that X-rays are now safe, or at the very least necessary for National Security" and that nobody can sue the operators and manufacturers, the way they did with the Thimerasol in vaccines? Will members of the government, as is the case today, be allowed to walk around the scanners?
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
— Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
In Wisconsin, State Police cars are searching for missing legislators. The fist pounding on the door in the middle of the night, reminders of Germany, 1936. Continue reading...
Peshawar police arrested Aaron DeHaven, a contractor who recently worked for the US embassy in Islamabad, saying that his visa had expired. Little was known about DeHaven except that his firm, which also has offices in Afghanistan and Dubai, is staffed by retired US military and defence personnel who boast of direct experience in the “global war on terror”.
Infiltration of the American Labor Movement:
AIFLD was a creature of the early sixties, a merger of talent and funds from the CIA, the AFL- CIO, and some sixty U. S. corporations…(p. 93).
Fascism is a difficult word, because it comes with an iconography that touches the Nazi nerve and is abused as propaganda against America’s official enemies and to promote the West’s foreign adventures with a moral vocabulary written in the struggle against Hitler. And yet fascism and imperialism are twins.
Shortly after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, I interviewed Ray McGovern, one of an elite group of CIA officers who prepared the President’s daily intelligence brief... Continue reading.
FLASHBACK: In 1948 Frank Wisner was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects. Soon afterwards it was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). This became the espionage and counter-intelligence branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. Wisner was told to create an organization that concentrated on "propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world."
NEW ORLEANS – BP and other companies sued over the massive Gulf oil spill are asking a federal judge to dismiss many of the claims filed by businesses and people who say they have been harmed by the disaster...
Like everything else probably never, unless we wake up now and demand it.
How the CIA Has Infiltrated the Main Stream Media
The War Party’s Atrocity Porn
by William Norman Grigg
By way of an initiative called "Operation Mockingbird," the CIA built a large seraglio of paid media courtesans. This was carried out through the Office of Policy Coordination, which was created by Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner – the latter being the official who went on to organize coups (and the attendant propaganda campaigns) against governments in Iran and Guatemala. (Wisner's son and namesake, incidentally, was a vice chairman at AIG – the CIA's favorite global insurance conglomerate – until 2009; more recently he was tapped by the Obama administration to serve as a back-channel contact with Hosni Mubarak and Omar Suleiman.)
The Perfidy of Government: Evidence v. Denial By paul craig roberts
This essay is about three recent books that explain how we lost our economy, the Constitution and our civil liberties, and how peace lost out to war.
Eight and a half minute video
Mass evacuations of foreigners flooding out of the country.. Calls for war crimes against Gadaffi.. Experts suspect the ICC will go nowhere because all the dirty deals that the US and UK have done would come out into the open.
Libyan pro democracy protesters say they are determined to unseat strongman Muammar Gaddafi without any foreign military intervention, even at the cost of further bloodshed. With world powers weighing options to end Gaddafi's 41 year hardline rule, protesters who overran Benghazi, Libya's second city, hoisted a banner spelling out their message loudly and clearly, "No foreign intervention, Libyan people can do it alone."
The devastating sectarian violence that rocked Iraq in the aftermath of the 2003 US led military intervention, that brought down Saddam Hussein, haunts many Libyans. "The Iraqi example scares everyone in the Arab world," said Abeir Imneina, a professor of political sciences at the university of Benghazi.
How Canada's "fragmented" community water systems are "vulnerable"
"the idea being that a larger system can attract better-trained staff and produce safer water"
Interpretation: The Idea really being that a larger system can attract (a lot fewer needed) better-trained (lower paid, non-union) staff and produce safer water (gratuitous fear mongering statement)
... and don't forget the benefit of having thousands or tens of thousands of people reliant on a single corporate-run water system and at the mercy of its quality, supply and pricing.
...Instead of the logical, smaller, independent, community cared-for and operated systems currently found all over here.
Wikileaks and tard-pley are what are CIA disinformation. MILLIONS of Egyptians with legitimate beef took to the streets. This wasn't a random event there have been protests through out Europe for Months because of the financial fall out of the wallstreet world theft. The CIA and US and Israel DID NOT want the border to Gaza re-opened and they did NOT want Iran's ships going through the Suez something they have spent tens of billions of dollar to prevent since 1979. And if they did want that all they'd have to do is instruct Mubarak to do it.
February 28, 2011
On Saturday, 12 days of labor demonstrations in Madison reached a new peak with the largest protest in the city since the Vietnam era (see slideshow). The ongoing protest in Madison has spurred pro-union rallies across the country in cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Denver, Olympia, WA, Topeka, KS, Harrisburg, PA and Columbus, OH.
The Dollar is toast.All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's
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