Israel has deployed a cutting-edge rocket defence system to try to halt a recent surge in attacks from the neighbouring Gaza Strip.
Radiation from the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan is now showing up in rain in Massachusetts, health officials announced today.
The Obama administration is formally shifting its war in Libya to NATO command as the US-dominated alliance predicts the fighting will go on for at least another three months.
The agreement to place the US-led war under NATO cover emerged piecemeal amid acrimonious discussions between Washington and its NATO allies, each of which are pursuing their own strategic interests in waging an imperialist war against a former colonial country.
WSWS, March 26, 2011
The Obama administration is formally shifting its war in Libya to NATO command as the US-dominated alliance predicts the fighting will go on for at least another three months.
Welcome to the New World Disorder-same as the Old World Disorder!
Anaheim, California (CNN) -- In the shadows of Disneyland, often referred to as the "happiest place on Earth," many children are living a reality that's far from carefree.
They are living in cheap motels more commonly associated with drug dealers, prostitutes and illicit affairs. It's the only option for many families that are struggling financially and can't scrape together a deposit for an apartment. By living week to week in these cramped quarters, they stay one step ahead of homelessness.
"Some people are stuck, they have no money. They need to live in that room," said Bruno Serato, a local chef and restaurateur. "They've lost everything they have. They have no other chance. No choice."
Despite the Israeli government’s escalating threats of violence and attempts at diplomatic strong-arming, the organizers of a new international "Freedom Flotilla" – more than 15 ships that will set sail in late May to force an end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip – says it is proceeding as planned. To assure that its passengers are unharmed, the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG), one of the flotilla organizers, is calling on all governments representing participating citizens to take concrete steps to protect their safety.
The Mediterranean Sea is the main battle front in the world currently, superseding the Afghanistan-Pakistan war theater, and the empire of the new third millennium – that of the U.S., the world’s sole military superpower in the words of President Barack Obama in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, and its NATO partners – is completing the transformation of the Mediterranean into its mare nostrum.
If the current Libyan model is duplicated in Syria as increasingly seems to be the case, and with Lebanon already blockaded by warships from NATO nations since 2006 in what is the prototype for what NATO will soon replicate off the coast of Libya, the Mediterranean Sea will be entirely under the control of NATO and its leading member, the U.S.
It is said by the administrator of Tohoku Electric Power Co’s that the fire broke out during the earthquake and due to the failure of the cooling in the reactor. They said that “the process of cooling in the reactor is not going as planned” adding nuclear emergency situation in the state.
16 days into Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster and there are already reports of radiation hitting the U.S. mainland. The reactor workers are battling pure hell as deadly radiation levels skyrocket at the reactor facility in Fukushima.
The brave workers/heros facing this planetary disaster are doing everything possible to contain the situation at this time.
During the Chernobyl disaster reactor workers barley prevented a second nuclear explosion that has been covered up to the public for many years. This secondary explosion would have been powerful enough and toxic enough to wipeout the population of half of Europe back in 1986 according to Russian officials.
The first was the murder of a settler family and the other the bus bombing in Jerusalem. One has to wonder about the timing of these two supposedly unconnected events for which no Palestinian faction has taken responsibility and no suspects have been arrested. Although the Israeli government has accused Palestinian “terrorists” of being responsible, they have no proof or evidence to substantiate their claims. Can these be false flag operations committed by the Israeli government, or Mossad to deflect attention from Israel’s illegal settlements that are inviting mounting international condemnation? A globally isolated Israeli leadership is desperate to win some measure of sympathy from the world community.
Had the real concern of the UN Security Council been to "protect innocent lives", it would have, could have, should have sent a strong neutral observer mission to find out what was really happening in Libya. There was no proof of rebel claims that the Qaddafi regime was slaughtering civilians. Had there been visible proof of such atrocities, we can be sure that they would have been shown regularly on prime time television. We have seen no such proof. A UN fact-finding mission could have very rapidly set the record straight, and the Security Council could then have acted on the basis of factual information rather than of claims by rebels seeking international aid for their cause.
The U.S. is the only state to vote against six motions condemning Israel’s illegal settlement activity and human rights violations and land grabs in Palestinian and Syrian territories.
William Hague has said that we are in Libya " to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas".You don't have to look far for who and what are being 'protected'.
In that first 24 hours the 'Allies' 'expended' £100 million on DU-tipped ordnance. The European Union's arms control report said member states issued licences in 2009 for the sale of £293.2 million worth of weapons and weapons systems to Libya. Britain issued arms firms licences for the sale of £21.7 million worth of weaponry to Libya and were also paid by Colonel Gadaffi to send the SAS to train his 32nd Brigade.
For the next 4.5 billion years, I'll bet that William Hague will not be holidaying in North Africa.
Privacy advocates contend that the large number of assessments that turned up no sign of wrongdoing show that the rules adopted by the Bush administration have created too low a threshold for starting an inquiry. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has left those rules in place.
Michael German, a former F.B.I. agent who is now a policy counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, argued that the volume of fruitless assessments showed that the Obama administration should tighten the rules.
“These are investigations against completely innocent people that are now bound up within the F.B.I.’s intelligence system forever,” Mr. German said. “Is that the best way for the F.B.I. to use its resources?”
I just met with my chief defense attorney, Aaron Michel, who is very concerned with the government’s effort to mislead the public, just as they misled the jury. He pointed out that the gov is now trying to brand all local non-government currencies as illegal and anybody who expresses opposition to the current US monetary policy is a “unique terrorist” who represents “a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country.”
Her visit to the West Bank city of Bethlehem was stymied by a checkpoint, a daily fact of life for Palestinians
One of the most intense scandals the field of psychology has faced over the last decade is the involvement of several of its members in enabling Bush's worldwide torture regime. Numerous health professionals worked for the U.S. government to help understand how best to mentally degrade and break down detainees. At the center of that controversy was -- and is -- Dr. Larry James. James, a retired Army colonel, was the Chief Psychologist at Guantanamo in 2003, at the height of the abuses at that camp, and then served in the same position at Abu Ghraib during 2004.
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Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer Activist Post
Those who think Japan's Fukushima disaster is today's headlines and tomorrow's history need to take a good look at the Chernobyl disaster, which to this day is a continuing threat to the people of Ukraine. It will be hundreds of years before the area around the destroyed reactor is inhabitable again and there are disputes over whether or not Chernobyl's nuclear fuel still poses a threat of causing another explosion...
While some friends of the Jewish state are preoccupied with the possibility of a sushi shortage in Israel thanks to the disaster in Japan, Harvard’s law professor Alan M. Dershowitz has more important things on his mind.
A day after he said he was ready to yield power to “safe hands,” President Ali Abdullah Saleh asserted Saturday that his departure was not imminent, leaving unclear when and under what terms he would agree to step down.
Cut spending, raise taxes, sell off public assets – these are the unsatisfactory solutions being debated across the nation; but the budget crises now being suffered by nearly all the states did not arise from too much spending or too little taxation. They arose from a credit freeze on Wall Street. In the wake of the 2009 financial market collapse, banks curtailed their lending more sharply than in any year since 1942, driving massive unemployment and causing local tax revenues to plummet.
Meanwhile, a defect in the U.S. government's nuclear alert system has left West Coast America unable to immediately respond in the event of a radiation emergency.
Half the Environment Protection Agency's 12 California sensors are sending radiation test data too slowly, leaving Californians at risk during a nuclear alarm, according to an EPA official.
"All war is based on deception." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.
FDR blinded the commanders at Pearl Harbor and set them up by -
1. denying intelligence to Hawaii (HI)
2. on Nov 27, misleading the commanders into thinking negotiations with Japan were continuing to prevent them from realizing the war was on
3. having false information sent to HI about the location of the Japanese carrier fleet.
On the night of February 15, 1898, the USS Maine, lying in Havana harbor in a show of US resolve to protect her interests, exploded violently. Captain Sigsbee, the commander of the Maine, urged that no assumptions of enemy attack be made until there was a full investigation of the cause of the explosion. For this, Captain Sigsbee was excoriated in the press for "refusing to see the obvious". The Atlantic Monthly declared flat out that to suppose the explosion to be anything other than a deliberate act by Spain was "completely at defiance of the laws of probability".
Under the slogan "Remember the Maine", Americans went to war with Spain, eventually winning the Philippines (and annexing Hawaii along the way).
Bryan Fischer, the “Director of Issues Analysis” for the social conservative group the American Family Association, says that when it comes to Islam, the First Amendment is a privilege, not a right. “Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that it was not written to protect the religion of Islam.”
His show is a frequent stomping ground for conservative politicians, including potential 2012 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, and actual 2012 candidate Tim Pawlenty.
Israel will stop dealing with the Palestinian Authority if it brings Hamas into the government, a senior government official said Saturday night, a few hours after PA President Mahmoud Abbas met in Ramallah with a senior Hamas delegation for conciliation talks.
“Abbas has to choose whether he wants peace with Israel, or peace with Hamas,” the official said. “He can’t have both. If he chooses peace with Hamas it will bury the peace process.”
The “no-fly zone” with an associated massive campaign of air strikes is coming into fashion in Paris this spring.
Speaking today after an EU summit, French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned every single Arab ruler, which is to say, a decent chunk of the planet, that they face Libya-style intervention if they crack down on protesters.
Now we have situations develop where ‘revolutions’ are being fought on the Net. Political change will occur from activities on the streets, on campus, in Trade Unions ….. NOT from your comfortable armchair onto your laptop…. something seems to be missing if ‘revolutions’ are fought in that manner. It’s almost amusing to witness someone sitting in Italy or Vienna attempting to ‘lead’ the ‘revolution’ in Palestine. Some of these people actually believe they are doing just that. Now we see a situation where a group declaring itself spokespeople for ALL Muslims setting up a ‘Third Intifada’ ‘Fan Page’ on FaceBook ….. literally feeding the sick egos of the extreme zioright.
The ‘Nakba law’ is yet another piece of racist and discriminatory legislation which will directly target the Palestinian minority in Israel. In essence, the law stifles freedom of expression and will punish this sector of society for commemorating the most traumatic event in their recent collective history, the Nakba.
On March 22nd, the Knesset voted 37-25 in favour of the so-called ‘Nakba-Law’, or Amendment 39, a bill which has been in the works since 2009. Initiated by MK Alex Miller of the far-right political party, Yisrael Beiteinu, the law calls for—amongst other things—the reduction of state funding to groups that participate in activities that contradict the character of the state as ‘Jewish and democratic’ or that grieve Israel’s Independence day.
A sixth police officer has been unmasked as an undercover spy in the protest movement as it emerged that Mark Kennedy, who spent seven years posing as an environmental activist, is considering suing Scotland Yard.
In an interview with the Guardian Weekend magazine, Kennedy, who went "rogue" and offered to help environmental campaigners accused of planning to break into a power station, says he has suffered severe post-traumatic stress disorder and has been suicidal. His lawyers have been instructed to consider legal action against the police.
The latest officer was reported to have been embedded in an anti-capitalist group for four years under the fake name of Simon Wellings. Newsnight on BBC2 reported that his true identity was discovered through a police blunder.
Doctor explains how to protect against radiation. It is critical for those in the U.S., especially on the West Coast, to adjust to the continuing increased radiation, potential radiation and the resulting food contamination from Japan's tragic nuclear disasters.
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is placing bodies of people his regime has killed at the sites of some missile strikes by the U.S.-led coalition, according to intelligence reports cited by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Obama administration defended its intervention in Libya on Sunday by saying that refugees fleeing Moamer Kadhafi could have destabilized the revolutions in neighboring Egypt and Tunisia.
The new vein of justification came as President Barack Obama prepared to answer criticism from lawmakers that he should have consulted Congress before committing the United States to a conflict with no clear exit strategy or endgame.
"We are seeing something that has never happened... a multiple reactor catastrophe including one using plutonium fuel as well as spent fuel pool accidents, all happening within 200 kilometers of a metropolis of 30 million people. Because the area is far more densely populated than around Chernobyl, the human toll could eventually be far worse in Japan."
I had one bad experience. I’m not going to name names, even though this fellow is busy spreading mischief and lies concerning me. It’s interesting that he was the loudest voice on another forum, claiming that we must vigorously check for psychopaths in our midst and then he came to my house and behaved like one. He’s telling a different tale about it. Unfortunately for him, there were two other visitors in my home and Susanne was here as well. There’s also a reader named Yuka who saw this fellow up close at the local pub, across the space of some days and some hours. Yuka was already familiar with him from the blogs and wanted to meet him and then there was that business with the police.
The top tax bracket for U.S. corporations stands at 35 percent, one of the highest rates in the world. So how is it possible that a giant of American business, General Electric, paid nothing in federal taxes last year, even as it made billions in profit.
For those unaccustomed to the loopholes and shelters of the corporate tax code, GE's success at avoiding taxes is nothing short of extraordinary. The company, led by Immelt, earned $14.2 billion in profits in 2010, but it paid not a penny in taxes because the bulk of those profits, some $9 billion, were offshore. In fact, GE got a $3.2 billion tax benefit.
What these poor innocent protestors had reckoned without was the vile prejudice of the fascist news media. Instead of reporting on the really important things – smiling babies, families having family fun in a TUC-endorsed family atmosphere, the astonishing fact that they actually managed to rope in some Gurkhas – the slavering hounds of the bourgeois running-dog lackey press and Goebbels-esque broadcast media decided instead to focus on the mildly inappropriate behaviour of a tiny minority.
Shame on you, BBC! Shame on your Sky News! Shame on you, newspapers with your misleading pictures of masked figures accidentally pushing a table through the window of the Ritz hotel and policemen being carried off with (clearly faked) injuries!
However We the People weren’t officially made ‘enemies of the state’ until 1933 when Roosevelt, with the help of Congress, decided to steal the people’s gold on behalf of the Federal Reserve (international banksters). Roosevelt needed a ‘state of emergency’ to pull it off. How the Federal Reserve Banksters Stole our Gold Excerpt:
A local political reporter was confined to a storage closet during a Florida fundraiser featuring Vice President Biden, the reporter's newspaper says.
The Orlando Sentinel published a brief blog taking note of the lengths to which one staffer went to prevent pool reporter Scott Powers from talking to people during a fundraiser for Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., at the home of a wealthy developer.
The Sentinel reported that, while about 150 guests waited for Biden to arrive at the $500-a-head fundraiser, somebody from Biden's advance team ordered Powers to stay in a storage closet -- at least until Biden got there.
To enforce the order, the staffer then stood watch outside the door, according to the Sentinel, which posted a photo Powers took of his cluttered "temporary prison."
Syrian troops have entered the northern city of Latakia, where snipers killed four people, keeping tensions high in the country despite reform pledges by the embattled government including the lifting of an emergency law in place since 1963.
"The army entered Latakia to put an end to the destruction and the murders," the pro-government Al-Watan newspaper reported on Sunday.
Radiation in the water was a still worrying 100,000 times higher than normal, rather than 10 million times higher as originally stated, Muto said.
Traces of radioactive iodine were detected Saturday in China's Heilongjiang province, a Chinese government agency told state-run media.
The slight rise in radiation, which authorities determined had emanated from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, was a minuscule fraction -- one-hundred-thousandth, to be exact -- beyond normal background radiation levels, China's National Nuclear Emergency Coordination Committee said, according to Xinhua.
Until it's told otherwise, Wisconsin's Department of Administration says it will move forward as though an unsettled law that takes away certain collective bargaining rights has become official.
Department Secretary Mike Huebsch said Saturday that his legal counsel has advised him to begin implementing the law as required after a bill is lawfully published.
Two people have been killed and three others wounded in an Israeli air strike early on Sunday, hospital officials told Al Jazeera.
The raid hit targets east of Jabaliya, Adham Abu Senmya, a spokesman for Gaza emergency services, told the AFP news agency.
Nevada has joined several western states in reporting that minuscule amounts of radiation from Japan's damaged nuclear plant are showing up. But as with the other states, scientists say there is no health risk.
While the U.S. Department of Energy said in public statements that there are “no significant quantities of radiological material” deposited on West coast beaches, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said it was time to reassess the international atomic safety regime; meanwhile, there’s growing fears here in Newport and other West coast fishing communities that Japan’s radiation will spread from its coast to here.
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