Tuesday, March 29, 2011

IMPORTANT WRH News stories for Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Part 1

12 Warning Signs of U.S. Hyperinflation

National Inflation Association

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive at the National Inflation Association (NIA) is what warning signs will there be when hyperinflation is imminent. In our opinion, the majority of the warning signs that hyperinflation is imminent are already here today, but most Americans are failing to properly recognize them. NIA believes that there is a serious risk of hyperinflation breaking out as soon as the second half of this calendar year and that hyperinflation is almost guaranteed to occur by the end of this decade.

Things Get Worse at Fukushima

"Radiation levels are skyrocketing around Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant as reports indicate that a radioactive core has overheated and melted through its containment vessel and onto a concrete floor. Radiation levels inside reactor two were recently gauged at 1,000 millisieverts per hour — a level so high that workers could only remain in the area for 15 minutes under current exposure guideline."

'Worse Than Chernobyl': When the Fukushima Meltdown Hits Groundwater

The disaster is occurring the opposite way than Chernobyl, which exploded and stopped the reaction. At Fukushima, the reactions are getting worse. I suspect three nuclear piles are in meltdown and we will probably get some of it.

If reactor 3 is in meltdown, the concrete under the containment looks like lava. But Fukushima is not far off the water table. When that molten mass of self-sustaining nuclear material gets to the water table it won’t simply cool down. It will explode – not a nuclear explosion, but probably enough to involve the rest of the reactors and fuel rods at the facility.

Caesium fallout from Fukushima rivals Chernobyl

Radioactive caesium and iodine has been deposited in northern Japan far from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, at levels that were considered highly contaminated after Chernobyl.

The United States of Israel?

Housing market: 13% of all U.S. homes are vacant

High residential vacancies are killing many housing markets, as foreclosed homes sit on the market and depress sale prices and property values.

And it's only getting worse: The national vacancy rate crept up to just over 13% according to last week's decennial census report. That's up from 12.1% in 2007.

"More vacant homes equal more downward pressure on home prices," said Brad Hunter, chief economist for Metrostudy, a real estate information provider.

Nuclear Containment Breaches and The Plutonium That Is Good For Your Health

If you believe that this is over or a non-newsworthy item, keep in mind that these types of disasters are never over. Just read and view the videos at Activist Post to see how the Chernobyl disaster is hardly over, then compare the Japanese fiasco to that (as some Richard Noggins did early on and insisted that this was nothing like it).

And, NO, there is zero amount of radiation that is good for you like this harlot suggests. As a matter of fact, this is far worse than any MSM TV sycophantic mouthpiece is allowed to say on air. Stephen Lendman has done an excellent job finding unbiases sources and offers the following in his post entitled, “Japan’s Leaking Water Radiation 100,000 Times Above Normal”

???? ???? Nuclear ParaPara Dance - Kan can Glow!

EPA PAGs Story Now Viral, We MUST Stop These Changes!

Multiple alternative news outlets have now picked up the story on the EPA attempting to change the levels or radiation Americans are allowed to be exposed to.

It is now time to CONTACT the EPA and demand that these changes be immediately stopped.

Here is Lisa Jackson’s email address: jackson.lisap@epa.gov

Email or call Sara DeCair here: decair.sara@epa.gov (202) 343-9713

Hundreds of scientists have been screaming bloody murder for years about the toxicity of low level radiation. Levels the EPA say are safe now are NOT, imagine how it will be when they raise these levels.

For those that missed the video

After Almost Two Weeks Media Reveals Nuclear Radiation Detected In College Campus Ventilation System

The general public must currently feel like they are living in the days of the pony express. One story after the next reveals that Japan nuclear radiation hit over a week ago.

Now the Seattle weekly revels University of Washington Scientists have been detecting radiation from Japan since Match 18th in the campus air filtration system. There seems to be no concern for the public to make their own decisions about the whether or not they CHOOSE to be exposed, just the people behind the scenes saying we'll let them know when we feel fit.

Voices from the Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident 1979

A collection of voices from press conferences, radio shows and interviews after the accident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, on March 28, 1979.

EPA to Help Mainstream Media Obscure The Truth About Radiation Exposure to Americans

The agency now notorious for its infamous claim that the air was safe to breathe after 9/11 is now seeking to raise the PAGs (Protective Action Guides) to levels vastly higher than those at which they are currently set allowing for more radioactive contamination of the environment and the general public in the event of a radioactive disaster.

Obama Wants Illegal Aliens To Succeed?What About the Unemployed Americans?

Politicians doing things as legitimate we would go to jail for Aiding and Abetting Fugitives if caught

Fukushima fallout reaches Iceland.

Radiation from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, has been detected in the atmosphere in Iceland. Iceland is the first European country where traces of radiation have been found after the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan.

Webmaster's Commentary: No, Portgual announced they detected fallout yesterday.

Truth hurts, Lies kill. Real truth behind the phony wars by Dr. Dahlia wasfi.

The earth is leaking: Hydrothermal vents along the ocean floor pour out more energy than any thermonuclear plant can.

We could have this clean energy source running now had we not spent that $14 trillion on keeping the Wall Street bankers out of prison for the mortgage-backed security fraud

Uranium bombs in Libya? US, UK 'habit of deploying radioactive arms'

There’s Only Room For One Victim In Palestine, And It Isn’t The Palestinians

A bill was passed by the Israeli Knesset (parliament) last week which calls on the government to deny funding to any organization, institution or municipality that commemorates the founding of the Israeli state as a day of mourning.

The message is that there is no place for the Palestinian or the Palestinian identity to be a part of this state. But let's never forget, it was the Israelis who expelled the Palestinians and destroyed their towns and their villages and stole their land.

David Evans, Carbon Accounting Modeler, Says It’s a Scam

Scientist who was on the carbon gravy train was once an alarmist, but is now a skeptic. He now admits man-made global warming is ‘a scam’.

Dr David Evans’ address to the Anti-Carbon-Tax rally, Perth Australia, 23 March 2011.

Where Individual Investors Can Beat the Big Boys

Wouldn’t it be great if there were a sector where you have the edge over the Goldman Sachs of the world? A market where small players can outmaneuver the big guys – and where having knowledge of that market gives you a distinct advantage over day traders?

Such a market exists – biotechnology. Small and mid-cap biotech firms don’t get a lot of close coverage by analysts, so with the right expertise it’s possible to beat the masses to the early profits. Our colleague, Alex Daley, the chief technology strategist for Casey Research and senior editor for Casey’s Extraordinary Technology, recently sat down with The Daily Crux to reveal valuable insights on investing in this explosive sector:

Notice to Poor, Elderly and Young Americans from World Policeman

There is a severe budget crisis. You must accept drastic cutbacks to your quality of life and curtailment in services to public schools and hospitals, and in your Social Security and Medicare. U.S. Mail delivery must be reduced. High speed rail and new mass transit is unaffordable. However, there will always be billions of dollars available for the US Military to police the planet, from Libya to Afghanistan — but not for you or your health, welfare or education. We can’t afford you.

There's no business like war business

Lies, hypocrisy and hidden agendas. This is what United States President Barack Obama did not dwell on when explaining his Libya doctrine to America and the world. The mind boggles with so many black holes engulfing this splendid little war that is not a war (a "time-limited, scope-limited military action", as per the White House) - compounded with the inability of progressive thinking to condemn, at the same time, the ruthlessness of the Muammar Gaddafi regime and the Anglo-French-American "humanitarian" bombing.

Webmaster's Commentary:

One does wonder, however, ultimately, how the Russian and Chinese leadership responds to this situation of the military issues do not resolve themselves quickly.

Remember: China was doing a ton of development here before the insurgency began. They literally had to pull out 32,000 workers out of Libya when things went south.


The Wikileaks/Mossad Conspiracy: More fact than theory

The WikiLeaks cable release operation, from the outset, targeted the government of a number of countries, but not Israel.

New report suggests that Assange has been working for some time for Israel’s Mossad and the CIA in using selectively-leaked classified State Department cables, most of which contain information gleaned from diplomatic cocktail receptions and translations of local newspapers, to bring about rebellions against leaders of Muslim and Arab nations.

Will NATO protect unarmed humanitarian activists sailing to Gaza?

Stuart Littlewood asks whether Britain and its NATO allies will live by the principles they have applied to the Gaddafi regime in Libya and deploy warships to protect the flotilla scheduled to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza in the face of Israeli threats to use snipers and attack dogs against the flotilla’s unarmed aid workers.

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Owner May Avoid All Liability for Nuclear Accident

Despite extremely questionable design engineering that saved Tokyo Power and Electric many millions of dollars, but ignored the threat of a major tsunami, the company may not be liable for any damages resulting from its Fukuskima Daiichii nuclear power plant disaster.

According to Paul J. Scalise, a former financial analyst, who is writing a book on Japan’s electric power system, under Japanese law governing compensation for nuclear damage, companies are liable for the cost of all nuclear accidents resulting from reactor operations except when the accidents are provoked by a “grave natural disaster of an exceptional nature or by an insurrection.” The company might plausibly seek to avoid liability altogether within that definition, he said, according to NYT.

Webmaster's Commentary: Swell.

Feds Want Ventura's Suit Against TSA Thrown Out

The U.S government wants former Governor Jesse Ventura's lawsuit against the TSA thrown out.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were so many successful lawsuits against the TSA that it collapsed under the weight of its indebtedness?!?!? In the immortal words of Shakespeare, "Tis a Consummation Devoutly to be Wished!!"

I had my first "GropeNazi moment", coming back from Kauai earlier this month, because I decided to opt out from the full body scanner. If looks could have petrified, the TSA goon who did this to me would have been in a stone garden the next day. I have never felt so personally violated or humiliated this lifetime, so I have a sense of what Ventura was feeling when this happened to him at the hands of a government-employed TSA thug.

However, that being said, I live on an island. So if I want to travel anywhere, I have to most likely travel by air.
So, I have a plan. When I opt out, explaining that I understand the dangers of terraherz radiation, I will leave the following article with the TSA groper, to be attached to the little "book" in which they record your name for having had the temerity to opt out, and not knuckle under to a technology which may well hurt me.

The article, published on 30 October, 2009, included in Technology Review, and published by MIT, is located here:


"The evidence that terahertz radiation damages biological systems is mixed. "Some studies reported significant genetic damage while others, although similar, showed none," say "Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and a few buddies. Now these guys think they know why."

"Alexandrov and co have created a model to investigate how THz fields interact with double-stranded DNA and what they've found is remarkable. They say that although the forces generated are tiny, resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication. That's a jaw dropping conclusion."

I am going to very solicitously hand this to my TSA groper, and whisper, "If this potential for DNA damage was known back in 2009, why hasn't anyone told you?!?"

Rachel Corrie’s story is one America needs to know, too

GUEST VIEWPOINT: Rachel Corrie’s story is one America needs to know, too
By Jack Dresser
Published: Tuesday, Mar 29, 2011
Since 1967, over 25,000 Palestinian family homes and over a million fruit and olive trees — the mainstay of their economy — have been destroyed by Israel to establish illegal settlements, the segregation wall and a network of Jewish-only roads on Palestinian land, some 600 checkpoints on Palestinian roads that suffocate Palestinian commerce and social relationships, and other activities illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention (see www.icahd.org).

Japan nuclear crisis: workers 'losing race' to save reactor

Workers at Japan’s earthquake hit nuclear plant lost ground in the battle to save the plant from meltdown after the radioactive core of one reactor appeared to have melted through the bottom of its containment vessel.

General Electric Owns Our President

Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly attempted to do so at the top of his April 23 "The O'Reilly Factor" broadcast during his "Talking Points Memo" segment. O'Reilly outlined how Obama has gotten support from the NBC networks both pre-election and post-election.

"Will General Electric get paid for supporting President Obama - that is the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo," O'Reilly said. "As everybody knows, GE, which owns NBC has been very aggressive in helping Barack Obama - first supporting the president in the election and now attacking his critics."

VIDEO - Preacher Delivers AMAZING Sermon On The National Debt: "The American People Are Sheep, Never Questioning Anything"

This is very powerful stuff...and I'm a 2-decade atheist.

Supreme Court: Exonerated inmate won't get $14M

A New Orleans man who was sent to death row for a murder he did not commit cannot sue the local prosecutor's office over the misconduct that helped put him there, a divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday.

The man, John Thompson, was convicted of a 1984 murder and a separate carjacking. He was set free 18 years later after his lawyers discovered that the prosecutors in charge of his trial had deliberately concealed evidence — a blood sample taken from the scene of the carjacking — that could have proved his innocence. Prosecutors have a constitutional duty to disclose such evidence.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This basically says that you have to show a chain of constitutional violations by prosecutors before you can claim damages.

If the prosecutor screws you and you spend decades in the slammer, you're pretty much out of luck so far as suing him goes. Evidently, that would apply even if you had evidence of malice on his part as the cause of deliberate constitutional violations.

So long as the prosecutors only screw someone now and then, here and there, they are safe from entangling lawsuits.

Rand Paul "Obama's Going Directly Against The Constitution That Says Congress Shall Declare War"

In All Honesty: Obama's Libya Speech

On the evening of March 28, 2011, President Barack Obama preempted countless episodes of Jeopardy! all over the country to speak about the military action he recently authorized in Libya. The speech was as impassioned and eloquent as we should expect from the president of a major world power as he effectively seals the deal on World War III.

Of course, that also means that it was more persuasive than informative, in traditional political style. Obama is exceptionally good at this—some might even call him a “natural”—and the speech was indeed a work of verbal art, one that deserves to be analyzed.

It begins with a typical, boilerplate-type introduction, including the royal we and the obligatory half-hearted kowtowing to the military. Then it gets interesting.

Lejeune Marines prepare to deploy off Libyan coast

Twenty-two hundred Marines and sailors from Camp Lejeune are preparing to deploy off the coast of Libya in northern Africa. They said goodbye to their families Monday afternoon, and they'll be leaving in the days ahead.

Webmaster's Commentary:

OK, IF Obama is serious about not having any US troops on the ground in Libya, why is this deployment of 2,220 marines and sailors being deployed off the Libyan coast?!?

One has to wonder: just what will be the mission be for these Marines?!?

CDC starting to take radiation threat to the UDSA seriously.

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Radioactive Nuclear Reactor Core Melts Through Containment Vessel Floor

Just hours after the Prime Minister of Japan declares a "maximum alert" due to plutonium leaking from a reactor breach the Guardian is reports a nuclear reactor core has melted through the containment vessel floor.

The news comes alongside another NY Times article reporting a huge crack in another containment vessel that may prevent workers from ever containing the nuclear disaster.

‘Maximum Alert’ In Japan Over Fukushima Nuke Crisis As TEPCO Head Vanishes

Workers at the Fukushima nuclear power plant are working like sixty, attempting to stop the spread of radioactive materials into the ocean as well as avoid a full scale meltdown.

In a startling development, Crews found traces of plutonium in the soil outside of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex on Monday, but officials continued to insist there was no threat to public health. Plutonium is highly dangerous and has raised the level of fear tenfold.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has stated that Japan is on Maximum Alert and the situation remains unpredictable and ever changing.

Afghanistan: Number of children born with deformities increasing

The number of children born in Afghanistan with misshapen limbs and other deformities is increasing, doctors say, with several blaming intermarriage, drug use and chemicals contained in coalition weapons.

There are no exact statistics of the number of children born with disabilities, but anecdotal evidence from hospitals in Kabul and the provinces suggests it is increasing.

Webmaster's Commentary: These are the same kinds of deformities found in Falluja in Iraq, where the US detonated a huge amount of depleted uranium weapons.

Dozens killed in attack on Tikrit council

At least 45 people have been killed by gunmen wearing military uniforms and suicide bomb belts who stormed a local government headquarters in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit.

A government spokesman said that among those who died were 15 hostages who were executed before their captors blew themselves up.

The attackers set off car bombs, explosive belts and hand grenades as they stormed into the building and took hostages, according to local officials. Among the dead were three provincial council members and an Iraqi journalist.

A further 65 people were wounded during the siege, which was eventually brought to an end by security forces after several hours. Seven gunmen are also believed to have been killed.

Webmaster's Commentary: More "progress" in Iraq, I see!

And if you're thinking about a possible complete US military withdrawal from Iraq, in the incomparable phrase of the TV character Tony Soprano, "Fergeddaboutit"!

Plutonium traces point to core leak

Plutonium that may have come from a reactor core at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant was detected in soil on the premises, indicating fuel rods suffered heavy damage, Tokyo Electric Power Co. has revealed.

Are you willing to bet your life the Government is telling the truth about Fukushima being harmless?

Government Responds to Nuclear Accident by Trying to Raise Acceptable Radiation Levels and Pretending that Radiation is Good For Us

When the economy imploded in 2008, how did the government respond?

Did it crack down on fraud? Force bankrupt companies to admit that their speculative gambling with our money had failed? Rein in the funny business?

Of course not!

The government just helped cover up how bad things were, used claims of national security to keep everything in the dark, and changed basic rules and definitions to allow the game to continue. See this, this, this and this.

When BP - through criminal negligence - blew out the Deepwater Horizon oil well, the government helped cover it up (the cover up is ongoing).

The government also changed the testing standards for seafood to pretend that higher levels of toxic PAHs in our food was business-as-usual.

Webmaster's Commentary:

?Are you willing to bet your life, repeat your life that this one time out of so many lies the government is suddenly telling the truth when it says all is well and radiation is good for you?

Your life?

Fire in elevator at Seabrook Station declared 'unusual event' Lowest of 4 levels of emergency classification

An electrical fire in a service elevator at the Seabrook Station nuclear power plant Monday caused officials to declare an "unusual event."

Global Systemic Crisis: Get Ready for the Meltdown of the US Treasury Bond Market

Beyond its tragic human consequences (1), the terrible disaster that has just hit Japan weakens the shaky US Treasury Bond market a little more. In the GEAB No. 52, our team had already explained how the sequence of Arab revolutions, this fall of the “petro-dollar” wall (2), would translate during 2011 into the cessation of the massive purchases of US Treasury Bonds by the Gulf States. In this issue, we anticipate that the sudden shock experienced by the Japanese economy will lead not only to the halt in US T-Bond purchases by Japan, but it will force the authorities in Tokyo to make substantial sales of a significant portion of their US Treasury Bond reserves to finance the enormous cost of stabilization, reconstruction and revival of the Japanese economy (3).

Politics and Religion: Stoking the Fires of Islamophobia in the US Congress

It is not surprising, then, that many people in these countries are increasingly asking: Why can’t we elect our own governments? Why can’t we have independent political parties? Why can’t we breathe, so to speak? Why are our governments so corrupt? Why are our people, especially Palestinians, treated like this? Why are we ruled by regimes we don’t like and don’t want, but cannot change? And why can’t we change them? Well, the majority of these countries’ citizens would answer, “Because certain powerful interests in the West, especially in the United States, need them and want them in power.”

Webmaster's Commentary: The US government appears to be pathologically incapable of intelligent discovery or critical thinking in terms of what its actions have reaped in times past. Unfortunately, those who cannot learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

When those in the bowels of power in DC consistently refuse to recognise that if peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is almost inevitable, it's almost a certainty to see more anger and violence expressed against American interests and American-supported tyrants.

And the ham-fisted tin-pot tyrants the US government has supported all over the world are beginning to see just how this plays out.



Alternate title #1:
Who is 'What' about... What?

Alternate title #1:
Dude, Wait, ...'Who'?

Alternate title #3:
To Michael Rivero, With Love......

The War in Libya: Protecting Our Strategic Interests in Broccoli by Washington's Blog

While President Obama didn't touch on it in his speech tonight, the U.S. is really militarily involved in Libya to protect our strategic interests in broccoli.

Specifically, Gaddafi has been threatening to nationalize Libya's broccoli resources for years, as Reuters and the Financial Times have previously documented.

Highway Checkpoints and Licence Plate Reading Camera Legislation Moving Forward In The Texas Senate.(Your Papers Please)

Your Papers Please?

AFRICOM and the Libya War

Oil industry analysts predict that by the year 2015, the United States will be getting 25 percent of its imported oil from African sources. The biggest oil producers in Africa are Libya, with 47 billion barrels in proved reserves (and maybe lots more yet undiscovered), Nigeria (37.5 billion barrels), Angola (13.5 billion barrels), Algeria (13.4 billion barrels) and the Sudan (6.8 billion barrels).

Webmaster's Commentary: Whatever the purpose of this military action is, it is absolutely not humanitarian in its nature.

You do not shower regions of a country with depleted uranium weapons, which means a slow and certain death for many, and declare your action is "humanitarian": there is no logic whatsoever in such a characterization.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

GE Misdeeds

GE has a lengthy record of criminal, civil, political and ethical transgressions. Here are a few examples:

Webmaster's Commentary: Still line-dancing, GE?

Barry's Excellent Libyan Adventure

Hours before President Obama’s speech on America’s humanitarian war … err … “kinetic military action” … we heard from U.S. Rep. John Sullivan, R-Tulsa, who told Red Dirt Report that as a member of Congress, he was eager to understand what the mission in Libya was and hoped the president clarified the mission.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It just occurred to me that we are seeing Obama';s Katrina! A natural disaster threatens the United States, and Bush, totally focused on his holy crusade against the Muslims, abandons the people of New Orleans to the ravages of the flooding. Nuclear melt-downs threaten the United States and Obama, totally focused on his holy crusade against the Muslims, abandons the people of the United States to the ravages of fallout.

Jon Stewart: "I know the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people, but what they didn't realize is that those people are assholes."

Daily Show Video from last night on GE and other corporations who don't pay taxes.

Great clip...

Sayonara, Tokyo

And so begins the radioactive ruination of Japan, and much of the rest of the world, at the hands of the nuclear demons unleashed in Fukushima by General Electric and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The harsh reality, the cruel truth of the matter, is that this ghastly crisis is going to last months or maybe years, and maybe even a very, very long lot of years, given that the half-life of plutonium 239 is twenty-four thousand years.

Michigan Cuts Jobless Benefit by Six Weeks

Michigan, whose unemployment rate has topped 10 percent longer than that of any other state, is about to set another record: its new Republican governor, Rick Snyder, signed a law Monday that will lead the state to pay fewer weeks of unemployment benefits next year than any other state.

Taxing mileage a 'practical option' for revenue enhancement

The report discussed the proposal in great detail, including the development of technology that would allow total vehicle miles traveled (VMT) to be tracked, reported and taxed, as well as the pros and cons of mandating the installation of this technology in all vehicles.

Webmaster's Commentary:

There is already a mileage based tax for vehicles. Gas taxes. The more gas you buy, the more taxes you pay. In theory those revenues are for highway maintenance. Same with the taxes on tires. The more you drive the more you pay. If a mileage-based tax was really needed (and acceptable to the people, which it is not), the odometer is already there in the car. No new technology is needed.

This is just a thinly disguised scam to get tracking systems into every car so the government knows where you go and who you visit. And frankly, absent probable cause to suspect me of a crime, where I go is nobody's business but my own.

NATO Chief Opens The Door to Libya Ground Troops

The mantra, from President Obama on down, is that ground forces are totally ruled out for Libya. After all, the United Nations Security Council Resolution authorizing the war explicitly rules out any “occupation” forces. But leave it to the top military officer of NATO, which takes over the war on Wednesday, to add an asterisk to that ban.

Webmaster's Commentary: Unflipping believable. deja vu, all over again!

Gordon Duff: Dictator Coming Soon To Your State

A plot is currently in motion to overthrow the government of the United States. It has already begun and has moved forward in Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin but more states are waiting to act. Shooting incidents and bombings are planned and some may already have been carried out. A major false flag terror attack on the United States is expected, followed by states openly defying the federal government, suspending the constitution and declaring a joint “state of emergency.

Those involved are told 5 Supreme Court justices will back them up, paralyzing the United States.

Crooked Rabai Gets 4 Years for Hedge Fund Extortion (New York Post)

A crooked rabbi was sentenced to four years in the slammer today for trying to shake down a hedge fund for $4 million by promising to cover up concocted claims of insider trading.

In an unusual move, the judge also ordered Rabbi Milton Balkany locked up immediately, saying she was "seriously concerned" he might try to run away if he remained free on bail.

Balkany -- who made an impassioned plea for no jail time -- stood stock still as his punishment was imposed, then smiled and blew kisses to about a dozen family members as he was led off by deputy U.S. marshals.

"Have a good shabbos," Balkany said

Ukraine seeks answers on how Palestinian engineer disappeared, would up detained in Israel

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday it plans to summon Israel’s ambassador for an explanation of how a Palestinian engineer disappeared from Ukraine and ended up jailed in Israel.

Dirar Abu Sisi, 42, who is married to a Ukrainian and was applying for citizenship, was last seen in Ukraine while boarding a train on Feb. 19. Israel later confirmed he is in custody there, but has said little else about the case.

Monsanto, by any other Name, would be Murder Most Foul.

There are few entities more richly deserving of a placement in Profiles of Evil than Monsanto; The Rothschilds, the pharmaceutical industry, the international arms industry, Goldman Sachs, Monsanto is right up there with them.

Supreme Court Rules Fed Must Release All Bailout Data

The Federal Reserve must disclose details of emergency loans it made to banks in 2008, after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an industry appeal that aimed to shield the records from public view. The justices today left intact a court order that gives the Fed five days to release the records, sought by Bloomberg.

Webmaster's Commentary:
It is past 5 days. Anyone seen any records yet?

Israel’s Controversial Citizenship Act Passes

The far right Yisrael Beiteinu party accomplished one of their key post-election goals today, passing the controversial new Citizenship Act through the Israeli Knesset in a vote that sparked angry condemnation from Arab MPs, many of whom may lose their citizenship if the act is interpreted broadly.

Webmaster's Commentary: This is simply one more component in Israel's "final solution" for Israeli Arabs.

Libyan rebels retreating after Gadhafi onslaught

Libyan government tanks and rockets pounded rebel forces into a panicked full retreat Tuesday after an hourslong, back-and-forth battle that highlighted the superior might of Moammar Gadhafi's forces, even hobbled by international airstrikes.

World leaders in London, meanwhile, debated how far they should go to force an end to Gadhafi's 41-year autocratic rule. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the world must speak with a single voice to ensure that the North African country "belongs not to a dictator, but to its people."

Webmaster's Commentary: The one blatantly unanswered question, in Obama's speech yesterday, is this: what happens if the air strikes fail to remove Gaddafi from power?!?

Given the reality that Obama's promises can almost literally be timed with an egg timer, one has to wonder, at what point, Obama will have US troops on the ground in Libya, perhaps cast as "advisors" to the Libyan rebels.

Of course, that was how the Vietnam War escalated out of control.

Those who cannot learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them, and it aggravates me greatly that this is precisely what appears to be happening here.

Traces of Japan radioactivity in US rain

Traces of radioactivity from damaged nuclear power facilities in Japan have been detected in rainwater in the northeast United States, but pose no health risks, officials said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Radiation is your friend! Radiation is your friend! Radiation is your friend! Radiation is your friend! Radiation is your friend! Radiation is your friend! Radiation is your friend! Radiation is your friend! Radiation is your friend!" -- Official White Horse Souse

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's ... a New Seagull-Like Robot Spy Drone!

A new robotic flying drone, styled like a seagull, has arrived on the scene. It doesn't squawk, poop or steal french fries from your hand, but it's an example of incredible bio-mimicking design that could be the future of airborne robots.

Webmaster's Commentary: Very easy to shoot down but hard to clean and cook. I must have had that thing boiling in the pot for an hour and it was still too tough to chew!

China soon to overtake US as world's scientific superpower

China is set to overtake the US as the world's scientific 'superpower' as early as 2013, a major study from the UK's Royal Society has concluded.

China, Brazil and India, are now rivaling the traditional scientific leaders - the US, Western Europe and Japan. And some surprising outsiders are edging up the rankings, including Iran, Tunisia and Turkey.

Webmaster's Commentary: We've done this to ourselves, folks.

By allowing Federal and State education programs to be "dumbed down" to the lowest common denominator, we are fast losing our place in terms of competitive science, research, and applications.

Of course, to some degree, the Federal government thinks the dumbing down of American students is a great thing, because people without critical thinking skills are less likely to ask the embarrassing questions about the utter failures of certain Federal governmental policies.

If you can possibly home school your child, so much the better. If not, look at good private schools which offer some scholarships or tuition help with a strong emphasis on science and math. If that is not in the cards, find the best public school in your area, and be very proactive in your child's education.

The first thing a child needs to understand is that achievement must be based on merit; the last thing a child needs is indoctrination over education.

Rupert Murdock Busted: Millions of “Lost” Emails on Phone Hacking Cases to Be Released

The News of the World has revealed that its computers have retained an archive of potentially damning emails, which hitherto it had claimed had been lost.

The millions of emails, amounting to half a terabyte of data, could expose executives and reporters involved in hacking the voicemail of public figures, including former deputy prime minister John Prescott, actor Sienna Miller, and former culture secretary Tessa Jowell.

Rehash of the "Radiation is good for you" crap.

The new findings involve old animal experiments conducted on beagles in the 1970s and 1980s by the U.S. Department of Energy, to determine the dangers to nuclear workers of inhaling plutonium alpha particles. As expected, the study back then found that plutonium alpha particles when inhaled led to lung cancers, and the more that was inhaled, the greater the number of cancers.

Recently, the government decided to reassess the old data...

Webmaster's Commentary:

And at this point we can stop. The original study showed that inhaling plutonium leads to cancer. Now all of a sudden, just when GE and the nuclear power industry needs it, a "re-examination" of that data "discovered" that magically, low exposure to radiation can be good for you. And if you believe that I have a glowing Japanese watch to sell you.

I always wondered where those creative accountants went after the collapse of ENRON. I guess they are working for the US Government now.

This smacks of the "hide the decline" manipulations used to claim humans are causing global warming, and appears at the same time that EPA has decided to raise the maximum level of radiation considered safe just enough to get GE off the hook for class-action lawsuits from sick Americans.

Remember the Melamine scandal, where the US Government was screaming bloody murder about this plastic compound appearing in baby food imported from China? Then it was discovered the same material was in baby food made in the USA, and the FDA suddenly raised the maximum safe exposure level of Melamine in baby food to just above what the US companies were using.

So, after years of being told that a terrorist with a briefcase full of dynamite laced with radioisotopes could render an entire US city uninhabitable, we have six reactors designed by General Electric in various stages of melt-down and leaking all over the northern hemisphere, and suddenly the government and media are telling us not only is it safe, but will be healthy for us.

Are you willing to bet your life they are telling you the truth this one time?

BP Denies Oil Spill Claims by Alabama Cities, Mexico States

BP Plc denies it should compensate a group of Alabama cities and Mexican states that sued over lost tax revenue and natural resources damages stemming from the 2010 oil spill, saying they’re too far from where oil washed ashore.

Webmaster's Commentary: Apparently, the attorneys for BP are amazingly unfamiliar with the phrase "ocean currents."

Obama administration restricts findings on Gulf’s dead dolphins

Biloxi - The Obama administration has issued a gag order on data over the recent spike of dead dolphins, including many stillborn infants, washing up on Mississippi and Alabama shorelines, and scientists say the restriction undermines the scientific process.

Webmaster's Commentary: Imagine my (complete absence of) surprise at this. I guess the campaign contributions from BP for Obama's next election campaign trump the absolute ecological disaster BP created with this oil spill.

After all, what do dead dolphins or dead Americans mean to this President? The short answer is, they are simply expendable.

CNN claims atheists die first in survival situations

Webmaster's Commentary:

I am certain that the atheists who stayed away from that Coptic church that got bombed New Year's (igniting the Egyptian Revolution) would disagree.

Japan on 'maximum alert' in nuclear crisis: PM

Japan's prime minister is insisting his country is on "maximum alert" to bring its nuclear crisis under control as officials race to stabilize an earthquake-damaged reactor complex and contain the spread of radioactive water.

Naoto Kan told parliament on Tuesday, before a new earthquake was recorded off Japan's main island of Honshu, that Japan was grappling with its worst problems since the Second World War.
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan reacts during the Upper House budget committee in Tokyo on Tuesday. Kyodo News/Associated PressJapanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan reacts during the Upper House budget committee in Tokyo on Tuesday. Kyodo News/Associated Press

"This quake, tsunami and the nuclear accident are the biggest crises for Japan" in decades, said Kan.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Basically, TEPCO and the PM have fallen off of the top of a 100 story building. They are plummeting past the 50th floor and insist that so far, they seem to have the problem under control.

Israel West Bank Annexations Considered

Israel is considering annexing major West Bank settlement blocs if the Palestinians unilaterally seek world recognition of a state, an Israeli official said Tuesday – moves that would deal a grave blow to prospects for negotiating a peace deal between the two sides.

Israel has refrained from taking such a diplomatically explosive step for four decades. The fact that it is considering doing so reflects how seriously it is concerned by the Palestinian campaign to win international recognition of a state in the absence of peacemaking.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Apparently, with all the tumult going on in Libya, Syria, Bahrain, and the nuclear fallout from Fukujima,it is apparent that the Israeli government, at the moment they think no one is paying attention,is willing to risk a 3rd intifada and possible expulsion from any and every international body with which Israel is aligned to accomplish this annexation.

And I would like to remind Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel, itself, became a nation by unilateral declaration.

I would also like to remind Prime Minister Netanyahu that there is a real danger of unintended consequences to such an act; however, with hubris being the trademark of domestic and international Israeli politics, the danger of such a move to the very survival of the nation of Israel may well not have been factored into the equation which led to such a threat.

Federal Reserve silently grows balance sheet to approximately $2.75 trillion by a shadow bailout of residential real estate and commercial real estate. The continuing hidden CRE bailout imperils future economic growth.

The biggest silent financial bailout going on in the nation revolves around commercial real estate. Commercial real estate (CRE) values have plummeted $3 trillion from their peak in 2008. While residential real estate values peaked in 2006 CRE waited two more years before moving lower.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The Federal Reserve is once again saving the banks by printing up gobs of worthless paper notes and handing them to the Wall Street crooks. Of course this flood of worthless cash inflates the economy, drives the value of the dollars you already own and saved downward, which results in prices going up. So, in short, evil wizard and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Voldemort waves his magic printing press and real wealth magically vanishes from your pockets and appears in the pockets of the bankers who created this mess in the first place with their mortgage-backed securities fraud.


If a 15-year-old African-American minor was abducted by a 28 year white man – after chasing the youth down in an open field in an ATV; if the man had stripped the youth and beat him with the butt of a rifle; if all this happened after the same white man slapped the youth and killed the newborn puppy of the black youth in a separate incident; if such a heinous, racially motivated crime occurred in the United States – reminiscent of the darkest times of Jim Crow – the American people would react with complete disgust, anger and bewilderment that such racist cruelty could still exist. Presumably, the man would be thrown in jail for a long time.

Now flash to Israel, where a 28 year old settler named Zvi Struck was convicted of this exact crime.


“Munther Fahmy’s deportation is not only an infringement of the human right to settlement, but to freedom of speech. Israel presents itself in the international media as a democratic nation, using its cultural and intellectual cachet to drive tourism to the country. This deportation tarnishes and undermines that image.”


In an attempt to show the world how much Israelis suffer at the hands of Palestinian terrorism, zionists have launched a Pity Fest in New York to demonstrate their ‘plight’. Their pathetic display are a bomb shelters which were set up in Washington Square Park. (with the approval of New York’s City Fathers, see below*)

Needless to say, those that are REALLY suffering from terrorism never have their stories told.

Obama Raises American Hypocrisy to Higher Level

What does the world think? Obama has been using air strikes and drones against civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and probably Somalia. In his March 28 speech, Obama justified his air strikes against Libya on the grounds that the embattled ruler, Gadhafi, was using air strikes to put down a rebellion.

Gadhafi has been a black hat for as long as I can remember. If we believe the adage that “where there is smoke there is fire,” Gadhafi is probably not a nice fellow. However, there is no doubt whatsoever that the current US president and the predecessor Bush/Cheney regime have murdered many times more people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia than Gadhafi has murdered in Libya.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Yeah, but when they do it, it is terrorism and when we do it, it's fighting for democracy! You know, like the original Star Trek? Savage Curtain? Lincoln? Okay, you don't remember. But trust me; this is the way these things are supposed to be done. Honest. Really." -- Official White Horse Souse

Facebook drops uprising page after Israel protest

A Facebook page calling on Palestinians to take up arms against Israel has been removed from the social-networking site after a high-profile Israeli appeal.

Webmaster's Commentary:


Potential dispersion of the radioactive cloud over The Northern Hemisphere

The President of TEPCO - The owner of Japan's Fukushima Plant in Melt down has Vanished and so has the Prime Minister of Japan

Prime Minister Naoto Kan has also voiced frustration at Tepco’s bunker mentality. Japanese newspapers reported that Kan visited Shimizu before dawn at the start of the crisis and later, upon learning that the company might withdraw its last workers from the smoldering nuclear plant, shouted, “What the hell is going on?” Since then, however, the prime minister himself has mostly dropped from view and officials have stopped criticizing Tepco.

Tepco comes under fire for issuing erroneous info

While progress has been slow in efforts to contain the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, signs are emerging that Tokyo Electric Power Co., in the absence of its president, is failing to accurately inform the public about radiation risks.

CIA Psychologist's Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush's Torture Program

Jessen wrote that cooperation is the "end goal" of the detainer, who wants the detainee "to see that [the detainer] has 'total' control of you because you are completely dependent on him, and thus you must comply with his wishes. Therefore, it is absolutely inevitable that you must cooperate with him in some way (propaganda, special favors, confession, etc.)."

S&P Threatens To Downgrade Portugal's Sovereign Debt For Third Time In A Week

'Simpsons' producer OK with Austria yanking reruns over nuclear jokes

A foreign television network might be yanking reruns of "The Simpsons" because of references to nuclear mishaps in the wake of Japan's nuclear crisis, but the top producer for the animated series isn't having a meltdown about it.

RAW, Bahrain, incredible flow of people massacred entering Bahrain hospital 29.03.2011

Bernie Sanders "We Can't Go To War Every Time There's A Crisis In The Middle East!"

Nuclear power report: 14 'near misses' at US plants due to 'lax oversight'

The report, the first in what the UCS expects will become an annual study, details both successes and failures by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which it calls "the cop on the beat." Charged with overseeing America's fleet of 104 nuclear reactors, the NRC made some "outstanding catches," but was also inconsistent in its oversight, seeming at times to nod off when most needed.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is becoming an epidemic. SEC turns a blind eye to Bernie Madoff for 12 years, to Wall Street as a whole during the entire Mortgage-Backed Securities Fraud, MMS dropped the ball with safety oversight of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. The Bureau of Mine Safety was lax leading up to the mine disaster of early 2010. The FEC simply refuses to investigate vote fraud in the USA. On and on and on the machinery of government intended to protect the population has been shut down or hamstrung, and always in the name of higher profits. In every major disaster from Challenger to Chernobyl to Deepwater Horizon to Fukushima to the above near-misses, it always comes down to some business executive making the decision to not spend the money on the very safety system that would have averted the disaster, coupled with government that looks the other way while accepting the next campaign donation. It is the overarching quest for profit, not the underlying technology, that is the enemy of all humankind.

Japan's radiation reaches Tampa Bay

It took two weeks, traveling thousands of miles, but officials confirm radiation from Japan's nuclear disaster has now reached our area.

Similar findings have been reported at all three nuclear power plants in Florida. Each is equipped with super-sensitive monitoring equipment.

WTC7 was imploded: Take it from a controlled demo guy, eyewitnesses, and one other guy

This gentleman used to work at "Controlled Demolitions" - listen to his reasoning - he knew from "day one" that this was a controlled event - and that you would hear a series of explosions...


Far too often, what is not said, or cannot be said, publicly is more significant than the platitudes bandied about by assorted political leaders and pundits. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli matrix of death and disinformation.

President Obama in particular acts as if he were mesmerized by all this. He has all the power, but acts as if he were powerless. He can make things happen if he chooses to exert himself, yet has ended up positioning himself as a supplicant to Israel and pretending ignorance of Palestinian realities. He thinks and speaks, but does nothing of substance that Israel does not want him to do.

Govt May Ask Farmers To Delay Rice Planting Amid Radiation Scare

The agricultural ministry is considering asking farmers in Fukushima and some other prefectures to delay rice planting for a few weeks amid growing concerns about radiation leaks from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant crippled by the devastating earthquake and tsunami earlier this month, officials said.

The delay would give the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries time to examine whether rice paddies are too contaminated with radioactive substances to allow cultivation, the officials said.

Webmaster's Commentary: Think Tobacco and Polonium.

Rainwater banned at water plants

The health ministry has instructed water purification plants nationwide to temporarily stop taking in rainwater to prevent tap water being contaminated from radiation leaking from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, ministry officials said Sunday.

Radioactive water keeps workers out

Reactor turbine basements flooded with highly radioactive materials kept a desperate effort to stabilize the Fukushima No. 1 power plant at bay Monday, as fresh data showed that nearby seawater was being contaminated further by the leaking facility.

Could thorium make nuclear power safe?

The world can have cheap nuclear power without Japan-level risks by swapping thorium for uranium, some scientists claim. Is that too good to be true?

Webmaster's Commentary:

Safe nuclear power, reliable space shuttles, rupture proof dams, sturdy bridges, leak-proof oil wells, etc. are all possible. You just have to NOT let the money-junkies make the safety decisions. In every major disaster from Challenger to Chernobyl to Deepwater Horizon to Fukushima it always comes down to some business executive making the decision to not spend the money on the very safety system that would have averted the disaster. It is the overarching quest for profit, not the underlying technology, that is the enemy of all humankind.

US won't rule out arming Libyan rebels

Webmaster's Commentary: "We owe it to Israel to make the world safe for private central banking!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Korea may close old reactors

All nuclear power facilities to undergo safety inspection

Contaminated water leaks reported at Japanese nuclear plant

Highly contaminated water is escaping a damaged reactor at the crippled nuclear power plant in Japan and could soon leak into the ocean, the country's nuclear regulator warned Monday.

The discovery poses a setback to efforts to contain the nuclear crisis as workers find themselves in increasingly hazardous conditions.

Western Governments admit Carrying out “False Flag” Terror

In my February op-ed, I explained that: “False-flag terror is the oldest and arguably most powerful trick in the book of governments. By stirring up trouble and spreading fear, rulers trick the people into begging them – the rulers – for security at any price. Whether you are a state governor or the President of the United States or a tinpot dictator like Mubarak, the best way to augment your power is to hire special ops professionals to dress up as ‘terrorists’ and perpetrate violence. You can then blame the violence on your political enemies, destroy those enemies, consolidate power, and rule unopposed.”

As it turns out, this is exactly what Indiana prosecutor and Republican activist Carlos Lam urged Wisconsin governor Scott Walker to do!

Rebellion Hits America, Michigan Governor Goes “Gaddafi”

Massive tax increases passed on poor and elderly. Taxes on rich and corporations cut by almost 2 billion. Elections to be suspended, officials summarily dismissed by corporate overseers.

Simple foods provide protection against radiation exposure

In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster it is crucial to understand the protective nature of foods in order to protect yourself and your family against radiation exposure. Research on food based radiation exposure after the Chernobyl disaster can give us insight on what foods can reduce radiation exposure from our diet. We also have research from Hiroshima after the atomic bomb attacks that has highlighted the protective nature of fruits and vegetables in the diet against cancer. Research following previous nuclear disasters gives us insight into the measures we can take to protect against the damaging effects of radiation exposure.

GE 'zero' US tax furor reignites calls for reform

Revelations that General Electric paid no US taxes last year, despite bagging a $14 billion profit, have reignited debate in Washington about tightening up corporate levies.

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - Revelations that General Electric paid no US taxes last year, despite bagging a $14 billion profit, have reignited debate in Washington about tightening up corporate levies. No one, it seems, is very fond of the US corporate tax system...

Jon Stewart: NBC News Was Too Busy Explaining 'LOL' And 'Muffin Top' To Report On GE's Zero Tax Bill

As you know, the NYT reported Friday morning that GE paid no federal income taxes on $14 billion in profit in 2010. Friday night, NBC News, owned by GE, chose not to cover the story, opting instead to give precious air time to new dictionary entries LOL and 'muffin top.' Stewart questions whether Obama tapped GE head Jeff Immelt to be his Chairperson of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness as a corporate demonstration on how to layoff American workers and escape paying taxes.

"I know the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people. But what they didn't realize is that those people are a**holes."

The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear - Ads on nuclear (FR)

This spoof pro-nuclear commercial appears in the film "Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell Of Fear." Sadly, the only version I could locate on YouTube was overdubbed in French, but take a careful look at the dog.

"Maximum Alert" Japan Nuclear Reactor Core Breach Leaking Plutonium – "3 Raging Nuclear Meltdowns In Progress"

Japan’s Top Official puts Japan on a state of “high alert” after admitting nuclear meltdown is underway and confirming a breach in the nuclear reactor core is leaking plutonium outside the plant. Radiation levels outside the plant are now so high they are lethal within 4 hours and insiders say there is a huge crack in the nuclear reactor that will prevent the nuclear fallout from ever being contained.

Latest Helicopter Footage Of Fukushima, Zoom-In On Ruined Reactors: Pool Of Radioactive Water Found OUTSIDE Fukushima Plant

Workers trying to prevent a total meltdown at a Japanese nuclear power plant suffered another setback Monday when they found a pool of highly radioactive water leaking from the crippled facility.

"The trench is located outside the building and the water contains radioactive materials," Hiro Hasegawa, a spokesman for the Tokyo Electric Power Co., told The Daily Telegraph of London. "There is normally no water found in this area."

Tax Time? Not for Giant Corporations

Bernie Sanders: The Top Ten U.S. Corporate Tax Avoiders Wait until you see these numbers...

Three Mile Island: The Inside Story: On this day in history March 28, 1979

America’s worst accident at a civilian nuclear power plant occurred on March 28, 1979. Unbeknown to anyone, half the fuel melted in one of two nuclear reactors on Three Mile Island near Harrisburg, Pa. Large quantities of radioactivity leaked from the reactor, but most of it was contained.

The FDA Comes to the Rescue of Big Pharma

Brandon Turbeville Activist Post

It appears that Big Pharma has an unlimited number of tricks up its sleeve. From millions and millions of dollars poured into the pockets of regulators and politicians to the subsidization of medical schools and the doctors they churn out, Big Pharma is a force to be reckoned with. However, recently Big Pharma has engaged in a battle plan that few would have expected -- an attack on Little Pharma...

Libyan Rebel Leader Spent Much of Past 20 Years in Suburban Virginia

The new leader of Libya's opposition military spent the past two decades in suburban Virginia but felt compelled — even in his late-60s — to return to the battlefield in his homeland, according to people who know him.

Best US Govt. minds say Japanese Radiation is so different; it only affects Asians, so no danger

Absolutely Silly Headline, but expect to see one like it soon. Truly this article below is about the most asinine statements I have read outside of the "beneficial' use of fluoride!

Constitutional Problems with the Libyan War

Ron Paul Last week the Obama Administration took the United States to war against Libya without bothering to notify Congress, much less obtain a Constitutionally-mandated declaration of war. In the midst of our severe economic downturn, this misadventure has already cost us hundreds of millions of dollars and we can be sure the final price tag will be several times higher...

Syrian Cabinet resigns amid unrest

If Syria goes.war with Iran wont be far behind!

DAMASCUS, Syria – Syria's Cabinet resigned Tuesday to help quell a wave of popular fury that erupted more than a week ago and is now threatening President Bashar Assad's 11-year rule in one of the most authoritarian and closed-off nations in the Middle East.

Assad, whose family has controlled Syria for four decades, is trying to calm the growing dissent with a string of concessions. He is expected to address the nation in the next 24 hours to lift emergency laws in place since 1963 and moving to annul other harsh restrictions on civil liberties and political freedoms.

Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya

Economic Collapse Blog The rebels in Libya are in the middle of a life or death civil war and Moammar Gadhafi is still in power and yet somehow the Libyan rebels have had enough time to establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company...

Ron Paul "It's Time The American People Woke Up!"

NATO Reportedly Delaying Planned Takeover of Military Command in Libya

NATO is reportedly delaying its planned takeover of military command in Libya as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice says the Obama administration has not ruled out arming Libyan rebels in their fight against Muammar al-Qaddafi.

US apologizes for more Afghan 'kill team' photos

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US military apologized again Monday after Rolling Stone published more photos and videos of members of an alleged rogue army unit "kill team" accused of killing Afghan civilians for sport...

Your Guide to the Illegal Farm Photos Bill

Activist Post A couple of weeks ago, we published an article titled "Big Ag Lobbies to Make it Illegal to Secretly Film Animal Abuse." The following article gives additional details about a new version of the original bill that has been introduced, which is not as watered down as it first appears. This is in fact a piece of legislation that will allow for animal cruelty to be swept away from the light of scrutiny by compassionate people who wish to know how their food is produced and who demand humane farming practices. Please take action and contact the senator named below and get this bill put into the waste bin where it belongs...

Obama: 'we stopped massacre in Libya'

Editor's Note: Says a president who had to apologize for more Afghan 'kill team' photos on the very same day.

AFP WASHINGTON (AFP) - A defiant President Barack Obama told Americans he had stopped a "massacre" in Libya, but bluntly warned that trying to oust Moamer Kadhafi by force could repeat the carnage of Iraq...

GLOBALIST TARGET: Central Bank of Libya is 100% State Owned

Currently, the Libyan government creates its own money, the Libyan Dinar, through the facilities of its own central bank. Few can argue that Libya is a sovereign nation with its own great resources, able to sustain its own economic destiny. One major problem for globalist banking cartels is that in order to do business with Libya, they must go through the Libyan Central Bank and its national currency, a place where they have absolutely zero dominion or power-broking ability. Hence, taking down the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) may not appear in the speeches of Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy but this is certainly at the top of the globalist agenda for absorbing Libya into its hive of compliant nations.

The US Attacked Libya! Here's why...

One seldom mentioned fact by western politicians and media pundits: the Central Bank of Libya is 100% State Owned. The world’s globalist financiers and market manipulators do not like it and would continue to their on-going effort to dethrone Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi, bringing an end to Libya as independent nation.

Are Lehman's Auditors Above The Law?

Jeff McCord Activist Post

Many wonder why the Securities and Exchange Commission and U.S. Department of Justice are seemingly unable to prosecute Lehman Brothers and its auditor Ernst & Young for the massive over-valuations of the investment bank’s sub-prime mortgage-backed “assets” and other misleading (and, possibly, fraudulent) information published in ?nancial statements in the years and quarters leading to the systemic ?nancial meltdown that Lehman’s own bankruptcy helped fuel. Are Lehman’s auditors above the law? Regrettably, for a number of reasons, auditors are becoming increasingly immune from challenge by prosecutors, regulators and investors...

Elliot Abrams' Plan For Syria

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Degenerate globalist co-conspirator Elliot Abrams, has been consistently supporting the recent conflagration throughout the Arab world and is pushing for ever-expanding US meddling in the region. In his recent piece, featured in the Washington Post titled "Ridding Syria of a Despot," he fleshes out what is a fairly predictable plan of action already taking shape against the Bush-era "Axis of Evil" member...

Obama's Leadership - AJ English

Israel threatens unilateral steps if UN recognizes Palestinian state

Foreign Ministry instructs envoys in 30 countries to send 'diplomatic protest' to host nations over plan for September vote in General Assembly.

Israel informed the 15 members of the United Nations Security Council last week, as well as several other prominent European Union countries, that if the Palestinian Authority persists in its efforts to gain recognition in September as a state within the 1967 borders, Israel would respond with a series of unilateral steps of its own.

Gaddafi talking about Obama & Election Promises: Obama, "I was only lying to you to get your votes, and you thought I was serious?" VIDEO 7:43

A wacky site, but an EXCELLENT video clip where Gaddafi denounces Obama, Reagan and US Democracy as Dictatorship.

Is Fukushima About to Blow?

Conditions at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are deteriorating and the doomsday scenario is beginning to unfold. On Sunday, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) officials reported that the levels of radiation leaking into seawater at the Unit 2 reactor were 100,000 times above normal, and the airborne radiation measured 4-times higher than government limits. As a result, emergency workers were evacuated from the plant and rushed to safe location. The prospect of a full-core meltdown or an environmental catastrophe of incalculable magnitude now looms larger than ever. The crisis is getting worse.

Japan To Make Citizens Pay Bill For TEPCO's Nuclear Radioactive Fallout

Crooked Japanese politicians are undertaking steps to let TEPCO off the hook for the measly $1.2 billion in liabilities it faces for the Japan nuclear fallout disaster and will instead make the citizens of Japan pay the bill. If a similar disaster happened in your own country, you'd be paying the bill as well.

It seems to be a recurring theme in modern capitalist society. Greedy corporations bend tax payers over the barrel at every possible corner raking in massive record breaking profits. Then when the shit hits the fan and it's time for greedy corporations to take a loss crooked politicians step up and say "Don't worry about buddy. I am on your payroll, we'll make the taxpayer foot the bill".

Anti-Semitism: Where Does Hate Originate?

Editor's Note: The Spring festival of Purim is a pagan holiday in Jerusalem characterized by "bacchanalian scenes of drunken cavorting, Halloween style clothing and masks, Talmudic men cross-dressed as women and a general topsy-turvy, 'Lord of Misrule' ambiance." (Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered, p.824)

The festival commemorates Queen Esther's convincing the King of Persia, Ahaseurus, to slaughter anti-Semites who "planned to exterminate Jews." These anti-Semites led by the Prime Minister Haman were killed by the thousands. At Purim, Jews innocently bake and eat cookies called "Hamantaschem" (shaped like Haman's ear) as part of the celebration. This sense of imminent extermination is ingrained in the Jewish psyche and is used to manipulate them and justify any behavior.

Breast cancer drugs for healthy women

Millions of healthy women should be given drugs with potentially serious side-effects to prevent them developing breast cancer, a landmark study has recommended.

Carter to seek release of US Jewish contractor in Cuba : Would a US President work to free your kid?

This is disgusting, US Presidents, present & past, are "lap dogs" for the global Jewish community.

Former US president Jimmy Carter will meet with Cuban President Raul Castro, the leader of Cuba’s Catholic Church and the island’s Jewish community during a Havana visit starting on Monday amid speculation he will seek the release of a jailed American aid contractor.

Isreal fears UN Resolution 377 : How Palestinians will use the GA to advance statehood (Jerusalem Post)

UNGA Resolution 377 provides that, should the five permanent members of the Security Council find themselves at odds, rendering the council incapable of exercising its “primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security,” the General Assembly can step into the breach.

If the Security Council’s permanent members cannot reach unanimity, it elaborates, and “there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression,” the General Assembly can fill the vacuum by issuing its own “appropriate recommendations” for “collective measures” to be taken by individual states – right up to and including “the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

Jesse Ventura - Secret Underground 2012 Base at Denver Airport

Moshi! www.4jewsonly.com/ - Oh, this is too rich!

Scroll down to:

The Term "Schvartze's" Talisha Harrison vs. Fox News Analyst, Angela McGlowan

There's a Black girl saying how great it is for Jackie Mason to call Obama a "Schvartze!"

Classic mainstream non-sense. Bill O'Reilly, what a tool.

The name says it all: 4jewsonly

Another Israel-Hamas war is inevitable (Jerusalem Post)

Given this, there are only two ways to stop Hamas from waging war on Israel. The shorter-term solution is deterrence through strength. The defeat Hamas suffered in the 2008- 2009 war forced it to retrench and become cautious for a while.

The only longer-term solution is the overthrow of the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, with the maximum possible destruction of the organization.

Events in Egypt, and US policy, have destroyed the shorter-term option, and made the longer-term one impossible.

With better weapons, Hamas will go to war. It’s only a matter of time.

Globalists Target 100% State Owned Central Bank of Libya

Currently, the Libyan government creates its own money, the Libyan Dinar, through the facilities of its own central bank. Few can argue that Libya is a sovereign nation with its own great resources, able to sustain its own economic destiny. One major problem for globalist banking cartels is that in order to do business with Libya, they must go through the Libyan Central Bank and its national currency, a place where they have absolutely zero dominion or power-broking ability. Hence, taking down the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) may not appear in the speeches of Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy but this is certainly at the top of the globalist agenda for absorbing Libya into its hive of compliant nations.

The Obama Doctrine: War is an Executive Privilege

How Dangerous is the Plutonium from the Japanese Nuclear Plant?

So like radioactive cesium and iodide - which I discussed yesterday - plutonium doesn't exist in nature in any significant quantity, and so "background radiation" is a meaningless concept.
Plutonium stays radioactive for a long time. Pu-238 has an 88-year half-life, Pu-239 has a 24,000-year half-life, and Pu-240 has a 6,500-year half life.

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's whatreallyhappened.com.