Saturday, April 16, 2011

IMPORTANT WRH News stories for Saturday, April 16, 2011 Part 1

Donald Trump draws Barack Obama into 'birther' fray

Given that the birth certificate issue is rather benign, the only thing that makes sense is that Trump is actually going to help Obama by making the birth certificate the campaign issue for 2012, using it to distract the voters from the wars, the economy, torture of Gitmo POWs, broken campaign promises from 2008, oil in the gulf of Mexico, and radiation everywhere else.

The War on the US Economy

John Boering
PPJ Gazette

The federal government claims the debt is $14.3 trillion dollars, but other economists say the US debt is closer to $200 trillion (based on projected revenue and projected spending). Either way, a $38 billion budget reduction makes no difference. Especially when the federal government’s actual spending will decrease by a mere $352 million compared to last year- as reported by the National Journal:

“The astonishing result, according to CBO, is due to several factors: increases in spending included in the deal, especially at the Defense Department; decisions to draw over half of the savings from rescissions, which are funds previously authorized but not spent; cuts to reserve funds; and to mandatory-spending programs, such as certain farm subsidies.”

The UN “disappears” 50 million climate refugees, then botches the disappearing attempt

Cigar-shaped asteroid stronger than '15 atomic bombs' whizzes by earth

An asteroid as strong as 15 atomic bombs whizzed past earth last night at just ten times the distance of the moon.

Google 'Panda' update downgrades UK tech sites - and Microsoft's Ciao

A number of prominent UK technology news sites have seen their Google rankings drop substantially after the search engine rolled out its "Panda" update, intended to demote sites which scrape content from others, to the UK and other English-language Google users.

The update also demotes one of the complainants to the European Commission, Microsoft-owned Ciao, which will almost vanish from many searches as a result of the downgrading.

But some sites - including Google's own YouTube and the video site Vimeo, as well as other technology sites including Techcrunch and Mashable, and newspaper sites for the Mirror and The Independent - get a boost.

Flashback: UN denounces Israel cluster bombs

The UN's humanitarian chief has accused Israel of "completely immoral" use of cluster bombs in Lebanon.

UN clearance experts had so far found 100,000 unexploded cluster bomblets at 359 separate sites, Jan Egeland said.

Brand Ahmadinejad rights abuser: US senators

Editor's Note: And we know what comes next..."humanitarian aid"

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should formally brand Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and 25 other current and former Iranian officials as human rights abusers, senators urged Friday...

A Frightening Satellite Tour Of America's Foreclosure Wastelands

The "Six Million" Myth

"The First Holocaust" by Don Heddesheimer is a critical work documenting the continuous Jewish attempts at floating out Holocaust propaganda before, during and after World War One, often invoking the magical "6,000,000" figure and using the term "Holocaust". Of course, these clever propagandists have since accomplished their goal of establishing the outrageous myth of the Jewish Holocaust™ in the public consciousness following the end of WW2.

No, The Gulf Oil Spill Is NOT Old News

While the Japanese nuclear crisis might upstage the Gulf crisis, it hasn't gone away.

As the Wall Street Journal notes today:

Vladimir Uiba, head of Russia’s Federal Medical-Biological Agency… compared the contamination of seawater by the Fukushima complex with an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by BP PLC last year, and said, “The BP oil spill has caused far more serious impact on the environment than the Fukushima accident" ....

Webmaster's Commentary:

They are both major disasters to the health and safety of all humans, and the only people arguing over which one is worse are the paid PR drones of the oil and nuclear industries.

Church organs

Health bosses should be allowed to buy organs from dead patients' families by offering to pay for their funeral, a study on medical donors has recommended.

US Preparing for Large Scale Radiation Leak

An Ounce of Prevention

I don't like the TSA. I think what it does is an affront to liberty, to moral sensibilities, and certainly to the Constitution that supposedly defines U.S. federal power. That is not to say that I oppose transportation security; I just happen believe that the damage done by the TSA to the aforementioned list of things far outweighs whatever benefit it might be providing. As such, I would characterize it as useless. That much is probably obvious to anyone reading this, either because you've read my other writings or because you're aware of my run-in with the TSA. What is probably unknown to most is that my encounter with the TSA has turned me off to reading about it and, even more so, to writing about it.

US and Russia Fighting Destruction of Smallpox Virus Samples

Marti Oakley, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Why would anyone want to retain samples of a virus, long since eradicated from the earth, and use those samples to mutate and experiment with? For what purpose? What are they planning as the end use? And whom would they be thinking about using it on?

White House Authoring New Cybersecurity Bill Granting Expanded Powers to DHS

WFED is reporting that the Obama administration is preparing legislation that would codify the DHS' expanding authority to oversee cybersecurity. An mp3 of the report can be downloaded here.

The proposed legislation would incorporate the Administration's July 6, 2010 OMB memo, which "clarified" DHS' cybersecurity role, with recent cybersecurity proposals by Sens. Joseph Lieberman, Susan Collins and Tom Carper.

Now Israel Is Free to Declare Its Innocence before the International Court of Justice

The orders were to:
“Every house gets a shell, that was our job…”
“We were to shell the top and shell the bottom…”
“The moment the tank hit the second shell, we see processions of the family walk out with children, with babies, with white flag on a stick….”
“We entered the city in a big hullabaloo…”
“The squadron… with a lazer marked clearly the houses that had to be shelled….”

Webmaster's Commentary:

The lesson from the Goldstone reversal is that Israel spares no expense to re-write history to suit itself., Have they been doing it all along? Is what we were taught as the history of WW2 Germany as much a convenient fabrication as Goldstone's re-write?

WHO Leaders Agree to “Share Virus Samples

Virus samples will be shared globally in exchange for vaccines produced from them under a landmark deal to improve preparedness for a flu pandemic, diplomats at the World Health Organization said Saturday

Wastewater level at No.2 reactor tunnel rising

The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says the level of highly radioactive water in a tunnel of the No. 2 reactor has been rising.

Contaminated water in the plant's facilities is hampering efforts to restore reactor cooling systems. Leakages of such water into the ocean and the ground are also raising concern.

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

Webmaster's Commentary:

You need to watch this video right now if you have not already done so. Then you need to email the link to everyone you know.

Libya Rebels Execute, Behead, Mutilate Gaddafi Army who Surrender! Where is CNN now?

Warning: Extremely graphic.

Ishinomaki - Black Water

Fuel Rods have melted in 3 reactors at Fukushima - Reactors 1,2 & 3 (Mox Fuel) - Wind Shift Japan and Asia - Huge amounts of Radiation

Just released is the fact the fuel rods of reactors 1,2, and 3 have melted and are at the bottom of the reactors.

This article about the melting says the containment vessels are at risk of the fuel melting and compromising the vessels by melting through them. The TEPCO people are downplaying that saying it is a uniform melt and the vessels are not at risk.

But if the vessels are not at risk and have not melted through, then why is there so much radioactive water under and around the vessels? It seems to me that there has been a melting through. They are placing a steel barrier around reactor 2 which is the one that was disclosed to have a cracked vessel with melted rods underneath it a couple of weeks ago.

Louis D. Brandeis and American Zionism

It is difficult today to imagine a time when American Jewry was not strongly committed to Israel. Before 1914, however, many -- if not most – major American Jewish leaders and organizations were either lukewarm or openly opposed to a Jewish state in Palestine.

One man -- Louis D. Brandeis of Boston -- did more than anyone else to change that attitude. Following Brandeis's lead, the majority of American Jews came to see a future state of Israel as essential for saving oppressed Jews abroad. They also came to understand it as the key to American Jewish renewal.
When Louis Brandeis embraced Zionism, he legitimized the American call for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Was Israel's Shin Bet Behind Vittorio Arrigoni's Brutal Murder?

I had a terrible feeling Correspondent and Gaza Activist Ken O'Keefe was probably on target when be stated 'Israel' repeatedly in regard to Vittorio Arrigoni's kidnapping and murder.

It never made sense that a group of Palestinians would commit an act like this, that is unless they were among the handful of Gazans who out of pure desperation, work with Israel as informants. This generally occurs because they are either threatened or bribed.

Smoke rises from control panel at TEPCO nuclear plant in Niigata

Smoke rose briefly from a control panel at a nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture on the Sea of Japan coast Saturday, the operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.

Charges against former Iceland PM expected soon

Geir Haarde is being prosecuted for alleged incompetence and mismanagement before, during and in the aftermath of Iceland’s banking collapse. If found guilty, he could go to prison.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The Icelanders make the Americans look like pussies!

Ron Paul edges toward 2012 presidential bid

Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas moved on Friday towards a possible second run for the presidency in the 2012 elections by setting up a committee to help him sound out his prospects.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The PTB will never allow Ron to get close to the White House. We saw that in 2008. On the other hand, after the revolution, I think Ron ought to get one of those top jobs.

Max Keiser bravely fends off the financial trolls - Ten O'clock live

Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation

Built upon Thirteen Techniques for Truth Suppression by David Martin, the following may be useful to the initiate in the world of dealing with truth, lies, and suppression of truth when serious crimes are studied in public forums. Where the crime involves a conspiracy, or a conspiracy to cover up the crime, there will invariably be a disinformation campaign launched against those seeking to uncover and expose the conspiracy. There are specific tactics which disinfo artists tend to apply, as revealed here. Also included with this material are seven common traits of the disinfo artist which may also prove useful in identifying players and motives.

Currency Comptroller Takes Enforcement Action Against Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, MetLife Bank, PNC, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo.

"These comprehensive enforcement actions, coordinated among the federal banking regulators, require major reforms in mortgage servicing operations," said acting Comptroller of the Currency John Walsh.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Trabnslation: "This is an election-year wrist-slap to wave in the media, but it won't restore a single stolen house to its rightful owner."

Israel seeks 6th German sub to boost navy

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is pressing Germany to sell Israel a sixth Dolphin-class diesel-electric submarine at a hefty discount to boost the strategic reach -- think Iran -- of the Jewish state's expanding navy.

The Germans, increasingly burdened with budgetary constraints and less inclined to help the Israelis as they were in the years following the Holocaust, have been reluctant to underwrite the submarine proposal.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Give us what we want, or we will have Hollywood make a whole new bunch of movies about evil Nazi Germans!!!!" -- Tel Aviv

US, Israel 'behind Stuxnet' virus: Iran officer

The United States and Israel are behind the computer worm Stuxnet designed to hurt Iran's controversial nuclear programme, state news agency IRNA reported Saturday quoting a military officer.

"Investigations and studies show that the source of Stuxnet originates from America and the Zionist regime," the commander of the Iranian civil defence organisation, Gholam Reza Jalali, said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The real question is that since the reactors at Fukushima used the same Siemens' controllers Stuxnet attacks, and since Stuxnet was known to be loose in Japan near Fukushima last November, and given that three of the 6 reactors did not properly shut down as they were designed to do when the quake struck because their controllers did not operate properly, did Israel and the United States, in their blind hate against Iran, unleash a nuclear hell on Earth for us all?

Love in Disguise in a World of Lies.

The thing about lying is that it’s habitual. The problem with lying is that it alters your existence to fit the lies and eventually you are surrounded by them. This is what happens in insulated realities like Wall Street; the military, religion, entertainment. In both Wall Street and the military, the end justifies the means. This is how you get a certain kind of amoral psychopath, a flesh pressing gladhander; much like a politician. The stock market is a lie to begin with and relies upon a mysterious sort of trust. You see that when the trust is challenged or fails at its purpose that the system has a crash. Politicians are the indirect liars. They’re all about money too but they’re feathering the nests of their future; a nest they foul upon arrival.

10 big lies spread by Western media in order to justify the existence and actions of Israel

Michel Collon, a Belgian journalist and author, in his book "Israel, let's talk about it," has slammed European media over decades of "lying" to people in order to support Israel.

Collon, in his book, has recounted "10 big lies" spread by Western media in order to "justify the existence and actions of Israel", which are concisely presented.

Vale Vittorio Arrigoni, 'hero of Palestine'

Hearing of the murder of Vittorio Arrigoni, a committed peace activist who for the last 10 years campaigned for recognition of Palestinian human rights under Israeli occupation, has left me shaking and crying with rage at the sheer cruelty and stupidity of those who would carry out such an act. According to news reports, Arrigoni was murdered by the Tawheed and Jihad group, which operates in the Gaza Strip in opposition to the Hamas government.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If Tawheed and Jihad are opposed to HAMAS, then they are likely Israeli agents provocateurs, in which case the murder of Vittorio Arrigoni makes perfect sense.

Shadowy Group Employed to Predict Future

A shadowy group with ties to U.S. defense and intelligence agencies is seeking thousands of Americans to participate in a multiyear study at taxpayers’ expense that will be tasked with trying to predict the future.

GOOGLE goes the way of the Z

Google is removing vidoes form their google video site.
Watch and or DOWNLOAD videos you want before April 29th because they will be gone.
We know what this is. Like youtube google censors political topics that deal with the Z word or the H word in a rational way without polluting it with senseless racist garbage or simple kook-kook land gibberish. So just a warning if you wanna grab "Peace Propaganda and the Promised Land" " People and the Land" " Iraq 911 PNAC All Roads Lead to Israel" "Occupation 101" "War by Deception 2011" or any of the films I made on google video, you had best do that soon because they will be gone.

Worthless 'security': TSA wastes our time, money

Of course, terrorists could strike, at Newark or anywhere else -- as could a meteor or tsunami. And that possibility is what keeps the TSA groping 6-year-old girls as though they're serial murderers entering a maximum-security prison.
The TSA, you see, operates on a "zero-risk" philosophy: It doesn't evaluate threats based on their probabilities but treats all as equally likely. So, while only three people in aviation history have tried to bring down planes with explosives concealed in their shoes -- and none succeeded -- the TSA acts as if all footwear could blow. This is a colossal waste.

Fed fines Venezuelan state-owned bank

Editor's Note: The pot calling the kettle black. The Fed alleges BIV has "recklessly unsafe and unsound" management.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Federal Reserve announced sanctions against a Venezuelan state-owned bank on Friday, imposing fines and telling the bank to clean up its act...

White House unveils cyber ID proposal

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The White House unveiled a plan on Friday designed to boost confidence and business in cyberspace through the creation of a single, secure online credential...

Drug-Resistant Staph Bacteria Found in Half of US Meat

Study finds Staphylococcus aureus in 47% of beef, pork and poultry samples in U.S. supermarkets

CBS News

A new study finds that much of meat and poultry sold in supermarkets is contaminated with drug-resistant staph bacteria...

Game Over for Online Poker? FBI Seizes Top Poker Domains

Game over? FBI shuts down three of the largest poker sites in probe that could mean the end of online gambling - and the loss of thousands of well paid jobs . . . in Costa Rica.

IMF: Disease or Cure?

It's not only military intervention--economic foreign policies are coming under fire too. As the International Monetary Fund meets in Washington, critics blame their policies of the conditions that led to the unrest in the Middle East.

Despite Assurance From Japan That Exported Cars Scanned, Radioactive Cars Still Shipped

Japanese government officials and Japanese auto makers have gone out of there way to "stop rumors of radioactive cars being exported from japan", as NHK reports.

Despite those reassurances 49 radioactive cars have been detained in Russia due to Caesium and Uranium Radiation Contamination.

Can The Japan Government or Japanese companies be trusted after this kind of debacle?

Finkelstein says Goldstone restored Israel’s only faculty (aggression) based on a claimed drone image it has never produced

Finkelstein is a stunning textual analyst, and I urge you to read what he says, but a few of the high points: The Goldstone Report had been a godsend to the movement--for the first time Israel was going to have to pay a price for brutality; the report removed Israel's ability to start wars, and now Goldstone has bent with the remover to remove, thereby damaging his reputation and delegitimizing international law; Goldstone was under pressure, a proverbial gun to the head, to recant; there is no new evidence, as the jurist claimed, to support his reconsideration; Israel has produced hundreds of drone images and if it really had one of the single most shocking incident of the conflict, the al-Samouni attack of Jan.

35 Statistics That Show The Average American Family Has Been Broke Down, Tore Down, Beat Down, Busted And Disgusted By This Economy

The economic statistics that you are about to read are incredibly shocking, but they are also very, very real. Tonight there are going to be millions of men and women all across America that cannot sleep because they are consumed with anxiety about their financial problems. Even as you read this, there are a lot of parents out there that are trying to figure out how to explain to their children why their homes are being taken away. There are also hordes of very hard working Americans that are incredibly frustrated because they have sent out thousands of resumes and yet they can't seem to get a job interview. Have you ever been at a point where you couldn't pay the mortgage or put food on the table for your family? It can be an absolutely soul-crushing experience.

Libya: Italy rejects calls to join ground attack operations

Splits in the international coalition on Libya widened on Friday as Italy flatly rejected calls to contribute air power to the mission targeting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's forces.
Amid growing fears of a military stalemate in Libya, Britain and France have exhorted other Nato members including Italy, Spain and the Netherlands, to provide warplanes and other "strike assets".
Only Canada, Norway, Denmark and Belgium are supporting the Anglo-French ground attack operations, which Nato estimates is at least ten warplanes short of what is required.

Why Does FDA Tolerate More Radiation Than EPA?

Since the Environmental Protection Agency began detecting radiation in rainwater and milk at levels above its maximum contaminant level, government officials have been downplaying the importance of EPA’s maximum contaminant level.

They would much prefer us to speak in terms of the Food and Drug Administration’s “Derived Intervention Level.”

The two levels could hardly be more different:

* EPA does not allow drinking water to contain more than 3 picoCuries per liter of radioactive istotopes like iodine-131 and cesium-137.
* FDA allows up to 4,700 picoCuries of iodine-131 in a liter of milk and up to 33,000 picoCuries of cesium-137.

In Memory of Vittorio

Ironically, many peace activists have been visiting Palestine for ages and none of them got touched by Palestinians, yet this innocent got killed in a very dirty way a month, exactly, before the arrival of the 2nd Flotilla. Weird, huh? R.I.P Vik.

1932, GREAT BRITAIN: Royal Parasites!

GREAT BRITAIN: Royal Parasites!
Monday, Oct. 31, 1932
Times have changed since high-spirited British subjects used to fire an occasional shot (which always missed) at young Queen Victoria and her young Prince Consort, Albert.* In the humdrum present, British subjects could scarcely believe sworn testimony in a London court last week that when H. R. H. Prince George went to work in the slummy East End citizens shook their fists and shouted: "Give us food! We don't want royal parasites!"

Obama: 'American people will feel that I deserve a second term'

President Obama said Friday that he's convinced that voters will come to see him as the candidate best prepared to serve as president by next fall's elections.

The president said he thinks that he can make the case for a second term, though he acknowledged that the state of the economy could be his biggest hurdle to clear in winning reelection.

Webmaster's Commentary:


Congress may need to invoke the 25th Amendment to the Constitution on this one: the man is clearly delusional, and apparently, has absolutely zero idea of the hurt he has caused so many, at at so many levels.

1. He has expanded the war in Afghanistan, an absolute no-win situation for either the Americans, NATO, or the Afghanis, and the only people who are "winning" are the drug lords and the military contractors providing mercenaries and provisions. This is a publicly funded war for potential private profit, period, end of discussion.

2. The US economy is absolutely in the "Al-Qaeda", due to a continuation of offshoring of US jobs. Banks had to buy back the monetized securities due to fraud, because these "securities" were bundled high-risk mortgages, causing a complete destruction of the housing market. The US government can never pay back all the money owed in the Federal deficit. Additionally, the only thing Geithner can think to do is to print more money, with absolutely no value behind it (tagged "quantitative easing 2"), and this is causing inflation to spike, and whatever savings people had to lose their value precipitously. Tax money has been showered on large "too big to fail" financial institutions, while the infrastructure crumbles, and homeless Vets sleep in our streets.

3. At this point, we only have about 50% of the US population working a full-time job. Many of the rest are struggling, working several jobs part-time, with absolutely no benefits at all. Homeless camps (Obamavilles) are continuing to grow in all neighborhoods of the US, with no end in site.

4. The "Jewel in the Crown" of Obama's legislative "achievements" last year was...Obamacare! And one of the most amazing provisions of this is that Congress is completely exempt from having to comply with it, and have their own savings and medical system left in tact. And, oh yes, what wonderfully beloved US agency is supposed to enforce this "experiment in medical care terror"?!? Why, the ever-loved IRS, of course!!!

5. Huge corporations (like GE) pay absolutely no taxes, because their main centers of operation are offshore, while American citizens are taxed absolutely to death.

6. The middle class, the great engine which used to fuel prosperity for this country, is about to be thrown under a bus, and destroyed completely.

7. With two wars going spectacularly badly, Obama has opted for a third in Libya, which, nearly a month on, will ultimately take US ground troops (those same ground troops Obama swore he would not be sending) to upend Gaddafi's forces, and establish a "Pax Americana" on Libya.

It is apparent that Obama is deaf, dumb, and blind to these problems, if he really believes that Americans are actually going to give him a second term.

Japan Plant Fuel Melted Partway Through Reactors

Nuclear fuel has melted in three reactors at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and fallen to the lower sections of their container vessels, raising the specter of overheated material compromising a container and causing a massive radiation release, the Atomic Energy Society of Japan said in a report released on Friday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

In the translation from Japanese to English, it is uncertain whether "container vessels" means the core pressure unit or the outer containment. I tend to think the latter give that it has already been reported that reactor 2 had breached both the pressure vessel and containment.

Here is the problem. The reason there is a pressure vessel is that by keeping the coolant under high pressure, boiling is prevented and cooling efficiency remains high. But if the pressure vessels are compromised (as has already been reported for reactor 2) then cooling is compromised, because coolant steam cannot carry away as much heat as coolant liquid. If indeed all three reactor cores are no longer pressure tight, then TEPCO is stuck having to wait for the cores to cool on their own, which may explain the announced three month delay before they can stop the radiation leaks.

Emails expose BP's attempts to control research into impact of Gulf oil spill

BP officials tried to take control of a $500m fund pledged by the oil company for independent research into the consequences of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, it has emerged.

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show BP officials openly discussing how to influence the work of scientists supported by the fund, which was created by the oil company in May last year.

The documents are expected to reinforce fears voiced by scientists that BP has too much leverage over studies into the impact of last year's oil disaster.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"....too much leverage"?!?!?, my astrolabe! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!

BP and Government goons made it impossible for almost any clear-headed, independent research to happen after this disaster. Scientists were told, on pain of arrest, that they couldn't remove samples for examination, and were waived away from damaged sites with guns.

The nature of this disaster was so pervasive that neither BP executives, nor the Obama administration ( a very strong recipient of BP campaign money for his election) wanted people to really know how horrendous that damage was, and still is.

Setting The Stage For Inserting US Troops Into Libya

The US knows all too well that the shaky facade of allied unity will only carry the show for so long. That is why it is essential to make the siege of Misrata out to be a massacre. Once the US public is convinced "something has to be done," the US will be able to renege on the pledge of no troops and move into an invasion of Libya. That's the only way the US is going to keep this from turning into a long-range military debacle, showcasing EU impotence and infighting.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The only real consistency of Obama's presidency is in breaking promises to the American people: the original pledge he gave us about not sending US ground troops is about to become another casualty in this almost pathological pattern of deception from the White House.

BP faces angry protests at first annual shareholders’ meeting since spill

BP was facing angry protesters and disgruntled shareholders on Thursday at its first annual general meeting since a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The meeting in London is taking place almost a year since the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig killed 11 workers and caused millions of barrels of oil to spew into the sea.

Fishermen who claim their livelihoods have been damaged by the Gulf oil spill are set to protest at the AGM, alongside environmental campaigners.

Byron Encalade, president of the Louisiana Oystermen Association, said he would be at the AGM, to tell BP "the facts".

Webmaster's Commentary:

People are still dying and the entire Gulf ecosystem is still dying because of this disaster.

BP should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of US law, as an example for other oil exploration companies which are playing fast and loose with regulations and safety issues, just to save a lousy dime here and there.

Also, US regulatory officials which did not do inspections and reports as required should be fired, and subject to criminal charges.

We've only got one planet earth, and it is very fragile right now, between Fukushima, the Gulf disaster, etc..

Because corporations are, by definition, entities without a conscience, brought into existence to create a profit,
all countries dealing with energy production need to have meaningful regulations in place, and obeyed.

Drug-resistant bacteria found in 1/4 of US meat, poultry

A sampling of grocery store meat in five US cities has shown a type of drug-resistant bacteria is contained in about one quarter of beef, chicken, pork and turkey for sale, a study said Friday.

Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that can cause skin infections, pneumonia, sepsis or endocarditis in people with weak hearts, was found in 47 percent of samples, said the study in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

The study drew fire from the meat industry, which pointed to the "small sample" taken and said its findings were misleading.

More than half -- 52 percent -- of the infected samples contained a tough strain of S. aureus that was resistant to at least three types of antibiotics.

Webmaster's Commentary:

If the FDA can do no better than this, these people should be fired, en masse, to have allowed this situation to get so completely out of control.

If you are eating meat, try to find a local, reliable resource for those needs. Yes, the cost is going to be higher; but having the peace of mind coming from knowing that your meat is not harboring drug-resistant bacteria is absolutely worth it.

One would expect these kinds of numbers to show up in a 3rd world country....but oh yes, I've forgotten: the US has already devolved into a 3rd world country!!

Passengers Who Voice “Arrogant Complaining” Over TSA Are Possible Terrorists

Welcome To The Police STATE!

Jewish groups (sic) debate ways to thwart U.N. recognition of ‘Palestine’

Note: Editor does not believe all Jewish groups are Zionists and that it is misleading to attribute a racist agenda to all Jewish groups.

WASHINGTON (JTA) – The path to international recognition of Palestinian statehood by September -- when the Palestinians plan to bring the matter before the U.N. General Assembly -- seems clear.
The question before Israel and its supporters who oppose such recognition is how to create a detour.

Some say the way to go is through diplomatic suasion. Others say there needs to be a push forward with peace initiatives. Still others believe that threatening counteractions is the best way to derail the Palestinian plan.

How The NY Fed, Under Stephen Friedman & Tim Geithner Pressured AIG Officials To Withhold Details Of Payments To Goldman Sachs, Other Counterparties

Below is a sentence from an email exchange between NY Fed and AIG officials (originally written by AIG) that was crossed out by Treasury lawyers.

NATOs Libya Putsch likely Means Losing Afghanistan

NATO's war on Libya is to drive the Chinese out of North Africa according to Paul Craig Roberts (ex Reagan official). Pakistan is already desperate to leave US influence, after Raymond Davis and more drones. Pakistan can offer China a land route to Iran and the Gulf - to secure its energy needs. Once Pakistan gives up US influence - Afghanistan is truly lost.

Three largest online poker sites indicted and shut down by FBI

The founders of the three largest online poker sites were indicted by the FBI on Friday in what could serve as a death blow to the thriving industry.

Eleven executives at PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, Absolute Poker and a number of their affiliates were charged with bank fraud and money laundering in an indictment unsealed in a Manhattan court. Two of the defendants were arrested on Friday morning in Utah and Nevada. Federal agents are searching for the others...

Japan Nuclear Radiation In San Francisco Milk Exceeds Infant Dose In Less Than 3 Gallons

Forbes editor snaps at the EPA for using FDA radiation levels allowing for cancer deaths in 1 out of 2,200 instead of EPA guidelines which only allow cancer fatalities for 1 in 1 million.

UCB has posted a MAJOR correction to their milk results which increases previously reported levels of radiation by a factor of 2 to 6. This means the radiation levels in San Francisco Milk now exceed the infant dose in just 10 liters or about 2.6 gallons.

Dr. Mark Sircus: Running For Our Lives

Avoiding exposure and radiation-induced diseases might come down to, I am terribly sorry to say, running for our very lives. Anyone who cannot accept this is the reality millions of Japanese face is probably not worth saving so let them consume all the milk and unwashed leafy vegetables they can.

Dr. Michio Kaku, answering the question about the size of the evacuation zone, said:

Russia stops 50 radioactive cars from Japan

CUSTOMS officials in far eastern Russia said they had stopped almost 50 secondhand cars shipped for sale from Japan that showed excessive radiation levels.

America Is a "Failed State" with a "Dual Justice System ... One for Ordinary People and then One for People with Money and Enormous Wealth and Power"

It is now mainstream news that none of the big financial criminals have been prosecuted.

The New York Times is running an article today entitled "In financial crisis, no prosecutions of top figures", which has been picked up as the leading front-page story by MSNBC. The story even quotes Bill Black:

But their policies have created an exceptional criminogenic environment. There were no criminal referrals from the regulators. No fraud working groups. No national task force. There has been no effective punishment of the elites here.

And the chair of the Financial Crisis Commission, Phil Angelides, said today:

Burial of Japan reactors trickier than Chernobyl: pump firm - REUTERS

(Reuters) - Encasing reactors at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant in concrete would present much more of a challenge than Chernobyl, according to an executive of the firm whose pumps are helping cooling efforts there.

"In Chernobyl, where a single reactor was encased, 11 trucks were in action for a number of months. In Fukushima we're talking about four reactors," Gerald Karch, chief executive of the technical business of unlisted machinery maker Putzmeister, said in an interview with Reuters.

'US to plan attacking al-Qaeda in Yemen'

In an interview with Press TV, political analyst from Damascus Taleb Ibrahim says that al-Qaeda and the CIA are working together to make a kind of real argument for them to stay in Persian Gulf states and have a military presence in the region, not only to deploy forces but also to exploit oil resources.

Webmaster's Commentary:

OK, folks: the alleged "Al-Qaeda" (which means, in colloquial Arabic, "The Toilet") is absolutely an invention of the CIA, created as the 21st century's "Emanuel Goldstein"; a figure conjured to bring fear and terror to the hearts of the non-thinking.

How this translates is that the CIA is getting ready to create mischeif in Yemen to make sure that whoever replaces Saleh is "our thug". Most probably, the real needs and concerns of the Yemenite people will not be addressed if this happens.

But at this point, the US will do anything to keep a strong military presence in the region, including turning a completely blind eye to how the Sultan of Bahrain is treating protestors.

The point is, that the US government does not really value or care about those qualities it trumpets as standards for the world; It doesn't really want justice, human rights, and human dignity, when the implementation of those standards would cause a problem in terms of the riches it is looting from a particular country or region.

That's just the fact.

Store owner sues pantry for giving away free food

In one of the uglier sides of the country's financial crisis, a local store owner is suing a church-run food pantry claiming it's hurting his business.

Complaining About Airport Security Could Tag You As A Possible Threat

Almost anyone who has been stuck in the airport security screening line has at least mumbled to themselves about the process, but a new report from CNN says that such behavior could lead to travelers being singled out for further screening.

The news channel says that complaining is one of around 70 behavioral indicators used by TSA detection officers to identify "high risk" passengers.

Rand Paul "Church Never Asked For More Than 10% I Don't Know Why Government Should Get More!

NYT: Tim Geithner Convinced NY AG Andrew Cuomo To Back Off Wall Street Prosecutions

Source - New York Times

This is a must read.

It is a question asked repeatedly across America: why, in the aftermath of a financial mess that generated hundreds of billions in losses, have no high-profile participants in the disaster been prosecuted?

One More Time: War Is A Racket

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.


How to Tie a Hangman's Knot

The hangman's knot, or hangman's noose, is not only used for its obvious, grim purposes. A variation of it known as the "uni" knot is useful for fishing. Although many knots have been used in executions in the past, nothing else has quite the grim, iconic appearance of a hangman's noose. It can be used in Halloween decorations and in theater productions.

How to build a Gallows

Gallows are tools made out of wood to resemble a frame, typically used for hangings and executions. There are several types of gallows, from a simple inverted 'L' shape, to the more complex full-frame-and-stand-with-trapdoor designs.

Gallows making is actually a craftsman art, and ever since gallows became unpopularised, the number of people who know how to make quality gallows has been waning.

Fascism And The Great War - Gerald Celente on The Bruce Collins Show

Protester Murdered by South African Police 4/13/2011

The video shows the beating of Andries Tatane who later died of his wounds inflicted by South African Police at a service delivery protest in Ficksburg. This could have been any fed up South African. Chants of "We are all Andries Tatane!" is being heard all over the internet.

Killing the Unborn ... With Radiation

In recent years controversy has arisen over the particular vulnerability of infants in utero and small children to the ill-effects of radiation. Exposure of the fetus to radiation during all stages of pregnancy increases the chances of developing leukemia and childhood cancers. Because their cells are dividing so rapidly, and because there are relatively so few of them involved in the vital functions of the body in the early stages, embryos are most vulnerable to radiation in the first trimester--particularly in the first two weeks after conception. This period carries the highest risk of radiation-induced abortion and adverse changes in organ development.

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein Could Face Criminal Prosecution For Role In Financial Crisis: Sen. Carl Levin

This is a fairly detailed piece by Shahien Nasiripour. It is worth reading in full at its source. The only thing missing from Levin's report is a perjury recommendation for Henry Paulson who lied before Congress repeatedly during various testimony given in 2007 and 2008.

Nevada SB 412 to make felons out of natural health practitioners

Marti Oakley, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Here’s another piece of the steamroller being perpetrated by those God-fearing, bible quoting, God is moving on my heart, Republicans. Another state under siege by Republican legislators as they do their part in the nationwide assault on natural healthcare practices and implement a backdoor Codex Alimentarius...


DesertPeace and Associates joins in the mourning of a fellow activist and Blogger, Vittorio Arrigoni, killed this morning in Gaza. We condemn his senseless murder and those responsible for it. No form of extremism or terrorism will stop the struggle to free Palestine. We will remember all that fell victim to these and pledge to continue the fight Hasta la Victoria Siempre!

Shock Employment Data: Only 46% Of Americans Have Jobs

William Black On NPR: It's A Wall Street Government

Audio - Bill Black - NPR Planet Money - April 14, 2011

Excellent interview - Runs 2 Minutes - Transcript is included.

It's Official: "Arab Spring" Subversion is US Funded

Doubts laid to rest; counter revolutions to come.

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Bangkok, Thailand April 15, 2011 - As American bombs rain down upon Libya on the premise that Qaddafi was brutalizing indigenous pro-democratic demonstrators, the accusing fingers of Libya, Iran, China, Syria, Belarus, and a growing number of other nations are pointing at Washington for funding and plotting regime change against their respective governments. Either in an act of absolute hubris or to spin emerging evidence that the US indeed has been funding and preparing the ground for the "Arab Spring" for years, New York Times has recently published "U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings." ...

Most Bottled Water Brands Don’t Disclose Information About Source, Purity and Contaminants

An Environmental Working Group (EWG) investigation of almost 200 popular bottled water brands found less than 2 percent disclose the water’s source, how the water has been purified and what chemical pollutants each bottle of water may contain. Just 2 of the 188 individual brands EWG analyzed disclosed those three basic facts about their water.

Anti-nuclear scientist expects ‘about 400,000 people’ will get cancer from Fukushima crisis

Christopher Busby, a scientist and anti-nuclear activist, made a startling prediction this week: he claimed “about 400,000 people” within 200 kilometers of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactors will develop cancerous growths due to the radioactive fallout.

Challenged by the host as to the data he’s based these claims on, Busby said that he’d been in Berlin compiling research about the Chernobyl disaster and the human toll going out years later. He claims to have based his prediction upon historical data from that last major meltdown.

Japanese officials recently raised the severity level of the Fukushima crisis to 7, the same level of Russia’s Chernobyl disaster.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"No, no, no; radiation is GOOD for you!" -- Ann Coulter

Reports of elder abuse result in Restraining Orders . . . but not how you´d think

Janet Phelan

In an unparalleled action in an ex parte hearing on April 1, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Reva Goetz issued a Restraining Order against a local physician, Dr. Laura Moire, blocking her from taking further action or making more reports in regards to conservatee Jean Tanaka...

Detroit to send layoff notices to all its public teachers

The emergency manager appointed to put Detroit's troubled public school system on a firmer financial footing said on Thursday he was sending layoff notices to all of the district's 5,466 unionized employees.

In a statement posted on the website of Detroit Public Schools, Robert Bobb, the district's temporary head, said notices were being sent to every member of the Detroit Federation of Teachers "in anticipation of a workforce reduction to match the district's declining student enrollment."

Bobb said nearly 250 administrators were receiving the notices, too.

Webmaster's Commentary:

What we are seeing, in acts like these, is the absolute future death knell of public education in this country.

What we may well be seeing is the advent of a completely privatized educational system, where the children of people who have the money will be able to get a brilliantly competitive education, and those who are not very well off will have little to none.

The only option for less well to do parents will be bare-bones military-style academies for their kids, with compulsory military service to follow their graduation. These kids will be taught just enough to fulfill various requirements of their future military service.

This would swell the ranks of the military without ever reinstituting a draft.

KILLING OUR OWNThe Disaster of America's Experiencewith Atomic Radiation

One of the Dumbest Things I Have Ever Read About Gold

In Egypt, after years of corruption in the government, the people finally mobilized to overthrow their dictator President Mubarak, a person that plundered the wealth of Egypt’s citizenry to build an estimated personal net worth of $40 to $70 billion. When I hear stories like this, I often wonder why the people remain so passive against huge injustices committed against them and why they don’t revolt against the equally morally-vacant leaders of Wall Street’s Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and Bank of America, leaders that not only plunder and ravage the people’s wealth with equal relish but then have the gall to claim they are doing “God’s work” as they steal, lie and cheat their way to the top.

Plutonium Detected Again and Now Strontium Too

Japan and TEPCO’s History of Nuclear Accidents and Cover-ups

Japanese nuclear safety scandal uncovered

Japan's largest nuclear utility has announced that there has been a safety cover-up for decades at its nuclear power plants. This is a devastating blow to an already embattled nuclear industry with global implications.

America Is a "Failed State" with a "Dual Justice System ... One for Ordinary People and then One for People with Money and Enormous Wealth and Power"

It is now mainstream news that none of the big financial criminals have been prosecuted.

The New York Times is running an article today entitled "In financial crisis, no prosecutions of top figures", which has been picked up as the leading front-page story by MSNBC. The story even quotes Bill Black:

But their policies have created an exceptional criminogenic environment. There were no criminal referrals from the regulators. No fraud working groups. No national task force. There has been no effective punishment of the elites here.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Saying Goodbye to Nuclear: Merkel Takes First Steps toward a Future of Renewables

When Angela Merkel declared a moratorium on nuclear energy after the recent disaster in Japan, critics accused her of playing politics. Now she appears to be serious. A national summit in Berlin has laid out a six-point plan to move Germany away from nuclear power.

The pledge came quickly. Just days after the earthquake and tsunami decimated Japan's northeastern coast on March 11 -- and triggered the ongoing nuclear catastrophe at the Fukushima power plant -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised to bring an end to nuclear power in Germany and accelerate the switch to renewables. Now, Merkel is taking initial steps toward that goal.

A Third Dr. Paul In Congress?: Dr. Robert Paul Considers Senate Run To Join Brother, Father

After campaigning for his father, most notably giving speeches during the elder Paul's 2008 presidential bid, Dr. Robert Paul is considering whether to jump into the race to replace Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison when her term expires in January 2013.

We found a short video clip of Robert Paul for you.

Plutonium Detected Again and Now Strontium Too

The JAIF released their newest press released today. In the small print under the reactor status, note this new line:

“Small amount of plutonium was detected from the soil sampled at Fukushima Dai-ichi NPS site.(3/21-4/4).” This is a new admission of plutonium detected some time within the period 3/31 and 4/04 based upon an article by the Kyodo News Agency. By their accounting plutonium has been found three times.

In our detailed April 10 article on the disclosure of Plutonium, we detailed four events of Plutonium being disclosed by multiple officials sources on 3/21, 3/22, 3/25, and 3/28. This latest sampling and analysis took place between the dates of 3/31 and 4/04. By our reckoning, plutonium has been discovered at least five time and perhaps more.

Stabilizing nuclear fuel could take long

Japanese nuclear scientists say if a cooling system can be put in place at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, stabilizing its nuclear fuel could take another 3 months.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Absent a major after-shock, of course.

Japan ministry orders nuke plant compensation

Japan's Trade Ministry says it has ordered the operator of the tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant embroiled in the country's worst-ever atomic crisis to pay about $12,000 to each household forced to evacuate because of radiation leaks.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Oh yeah; that'll about cover the cost of a house in Japan!

Libya letter by Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy: Full text

President Barack Obama of the US, Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France have written a joint letter to The Times of London, the International Herald Tribune and Le Figaro, vowing to keep up the pressure on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and pledging to maintain Nato military pressure on his forces.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The pro-Democracy movement has been hijacked and turned into just another imperial grab for other peoples' oil, water, and gold.

Melted nuclear fuel likely settled at bottom of crippled reactors

Nuclear fuel inside the crippled reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant has partially melted and settled at the bottom of pressure vessels in the shape of grains, according to an analysis by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan made public by Friday.

The academic body's panel on nuclear energy safety has said the melted fuel at the No. 1 to 3 reactors has been kept at a relatively low temperature, discounting the possibility that a large amount of melted fuel has already built up at the bottom of their reactor vessels given the temperature readings there.

Zionist Oil Speculators Breaking the Back of America

For weeks now, oil gasoline demand has actually decreased. Nevertheless, the Wall Street criminals are driving the price of oil up through the roof on the oil futures market—which they own! That’s right, they own the commodities future exchanges!

U.N.: 34 killed in Iraqi raid on exile camp

BAGHDAD — Thirty-four Iranian exiles were killed when Iraqi soldiers stormed Camp Ashraf last week, a U.N. spokesman said Thursday in the first independent death toll of the raid that has drawn sharp rebukes from Baghdad’s Western allies.

U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville in Geneva said a team of U.N. observers saw 28 bodies still at the camp during a Wednesday visit to the exiles’ compound in eastern Diyala province. Most of the bodies appeared to have been shot, he said.

Three of the bodies appeared to have been crushed to death, a Western diplomat in Baghdad said — likely from being run over by a car.

“It’s clearly a very serious incident and we are trying to get more information,” Colville said. Women were among the dead, he said.

One of the Dumbest Things I Have Ever Read About Gold

Ultimately, any investor that has decided to purchase the GLD ETF and SLV ETF as a way of exposure to silver and gold has also been likely bamboozled by the investment industry experts. The reason that the US and much of Europe is in so much trouble now is because we have put all of our faith in the so-called “experts” that aren’t really experts at all but paid-off, bribed servants of the banking-government elite. It’s time we stopped trusting the anointed “experts” of the political-banking alliance and start trusting ourselves instead.

Gold hits record high on haven, inflation appeal

Gold hit record highs on Friday as euro zone sovereign debt concerns, worries over inflation and expectations U.S. monetary policy will stay accommodative all conspired to lift the precious metal.

Matt Taibbi "Justice Department Has No Appetite To Take ANY Cases Against Wall Street Executives"

Video - Anderson Cooper, Eliot Spitzer, Matt Taibbi - April 14, 2011

Discussion of Goldman and Wall Street crime.


The United States Is In Deep Doodoo!

The following article was first written in 1998. I am relinking it here not so much as to say "I told you so", but to point out that the long term economic future of the United States was obvious, or should have been obvious, to the people who are awarded lofty degrees and paid huge salaries to comprehend such things. Instead, the economists persisted in explaining away the visible signs of gathering troubles and earned their salaries by justifying why the policies that robbed the poor to give to the rich should continue unabated.

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Aborigines to block uranium mining after Japan disaster

Since Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant began leaking radiation after last month's earthquake and tsunami, those watching with consternation have included the Mirarr Aboriginal people of Australia's Northern Territory, who are determined to limit uranium mining on their land despite the promise of vast riches.

The Mirarr are the traditional owners of land where uranium has been mined for more than 30 years and exported all over the world. Tepco, which operates the Fukushima plant, is a long-standing customer of Ranger, the principal mine.

Awaiting the “Zero Hour” of Available Credit

I watch expectantly as the national debt again nears the debt limit, and Zero Hour is just a few weeks away, a term I cleverly used to indicate that available credit will be zero. Maxed out.

How Many Weapons to Israel?

Netanyahu at “home” at American Knessett

Netanyahu knows he is the Boss in the American Knesset and he wants Barack Obama to know that very well. When it comes to the American Knesset, it is Bibi, the Israeli Prime Minister and not the President of the United States that has a say so.

Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty Probably Dead

Those who had hoped that the pro-democracy revolution that toppled the regime of Hosni Mubarak would not affect relations between Egypt and Israel now need to realize that they were wrong..

In the post-Mubarak era, many Egyptians who helped bring down the regime are also strongly opposed to maintaining the peace treaty with Israel.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"We have just discovered that Egypt is full of Al Qaeda terrorists. We attack tomorrow." -- Official White Horse Souse

Future Middle East Conflicts

7 Countries in 5 years...

Councillor demands Pride promise to ban Queers Against Israeli Apartheid

The political debate over the participation of the activist group Queers Against Israeli Apartheid in the Pride festival will continue even though the group unexpectedly announced Friday morning that it will not march in this year's parade.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Nobody has a problem with anyone being gay. But you better not ever dare criticize Israel OR YOU WILL BE MADE TO PAY!

Bahrain occupied by Saudi forces - Press TV

Lost BP laptop had personal information of thousands of oil spill claimants

BP says one of its employees lost a laptop containing personal data belonging to thousands of residents who filed claims for compensation after the Gulf oil spill.

The oil giant disclosed the potential data security breach to The Associated Press on Tuesday. But BP spokesman Curtis Thomas says the company doesn't have any evidence that claimants' personal information has been misused.

The 6 Most Ridiculous Things Ever Taxed



After the war, Japan’s leadership concluded their nation had to have energy independence, even if it meant from potentially dangerous nuclear power. Japan must never again be left helpless. Oil was too precious to use for power generation. It had to be stockpiled for strategic use and transportation.

So Japan took a calculated risk.

Israeli HIT LIST includes Vittorio Arrigoni, Flotilla Crew, RT reporter, Humanitarians

G.E. manual for BWR/6 reactor design and operation PDF

Page 4-4 (57 in the PDF file): " Fuel is not stored in the upper containment pool during normal operation."

Webmaster's Commentary:

This would explain Japan's reluctance to allow outsiders to view the reactor remains. The cooling pools are intended to be used during fueling and defueling operations, but are otherwise supposed to be left empty during normal operations!

Libya: The Hard-Sell is Coming

New York Times op-ed piece by Obama, Sarkozy, and Cameron

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

Bangkok, Thailand April 15, 2011 - When presidents are writing editorials in newspapers a hard-sell is just around the corner. Judging by the recent tripartite op-ed in the New York Times by Obama, Sarkozy, and Cameron regarding Libya, the hard-sell is most likely a protracted air campaign above Libya with an ever increasing ground presence below possibly leading to an all out invasion. Clearly the operation in Libya will exceed the "days or weeks, but not months" we were told it would take...

Corn price up 74% in one year, World Bank Warns For The Coming Poverty

World food prices are 36% above levels of a year ago, driven by problems in the Middle East and North Africa, and remain volatile, the bank said.

That has pushed 44 million people into poverty since last June.

A further 10% rise would push 10m more below the extreme poverty line of $1.25 (76p) a day, the bank said.

And it warned that a 30% cost hike in the price of staples could lead to 34 million more poor.

U.S. military supplies for Africa ops surge

Analyst suggests hike indicate 'boots on ground' soon

Visible's Primer on Basic Economics and Prosperity.

There’s something that goes through my mind a lot and I don’t think I have to be Maynard Keynes, John Stuart Mill or Milton Freidman to understand it. Certain things have happened in the United States that caused serious problems for the general population and for most of the countries they interacted with and it was all about Wall Street being able to run roughshod over all legal and moral strictures, with the assistance of the veiled operations of the bloodsucking Federal Reserve. You look at the names of the players from both of these Crime Syndicates and you’re almost surprised when you find a gentile name. If this is not true, I want the dissenter to give me a list that proves otherwise.

Get Ready for Federal Budget Gridlock

Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog

This week, President Obama gave a speech outlining his plan for long term deficit reduction. He invited the Republican leadership for what many thought would be some sort of bi-partisan federal budget 2011 solution. In reality, it was kind of a St. Valentine’s Day massacre...

The CFR Elite Globalist Brag Show

Zen Gardner
Before It's News

"Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster." Sun Tsu

You may be surprised who you see in this Council on Foreign Relations PR clip from their own website. It seems they've jammed as many infamous faces as they could into it to entice as many other power mongers, sell outs and would be Illuminati pawns as they could.

It's disgusting, yet they burst with pride. The ultimate paradox of today's Orwellian world. This is literally a "who's who" in the true ongoing conspiracy against humanity...

Offshore Banking and Tax Havens Have Become Heart of Global Economy

As millions of Americans prepare to file their income taxes ahead of Monday’s deadline, we look at how corporations and the wealthy use offshore banks and tax havens to avoid paying taxes and other governmental regulations. "Tax havens have grown so fast in the era of globalization, since the 1970s, that they are now right at the heart of the global economy and are absolutely huge," says our guest, British journalist Nicholas Shaxson. "There are anywhere between $10 and $20 trillion sitting offshore at the moment. Half of world trade is processed in one way or another through tax havens.

Latest aftershock shake out some more 'Nuke poo' from Tokai?

The charts speak for themselves. Something is leaking either the plant with the cooling system scares, or more likely the processing plant or one of the pipes is singing in the yellow rain. Some nuclear shit is about to hit the fan. I am neck deep in work right now. But I got some others nerds working on this, and I'll know more or e able to say more on Saturday. Where there is stink there's poop and Ibaraki is full of the smelly signs of radiation.


Webmaster's Commentary:

This is the current version of the story we started following on March 22nd.

Tokai Nuclear Plant Update: High Levels of Radiation Detected

We broke this story this morning!

Webmaster's Commentary:

No they didn't! :)

All news and commentary taken from, Mike Rivero's

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